ay Reflects and Remini 7 > Prince Rupert DailyNews | Ast See lt |} Victoria REPORT y SCQs } Wednesda : White people in Kenya (Bast) Prince Rupert sidewalk crowds,eq 1, h é : 2 ct citadel ga by J. K. Nesbitt arrica) are beimg provided with | most any old day. Tots play on. into tee Kissed an independent daily newspaper dev i to the upbullding ‘of Prince Rupen revolvers from England. They these same sidewalks. Crackers WAs rer he pital Th and Norther: ee See ee aa sate VICTORIA. — How Ernie Carson would have must have protection from na-| explode about the same distanc: when eens © tee nace ‘Coot ijoved tl i - politicians at his t've terrorists. Another source | from the ground as a child’s| screwdriver ” tate - Published Prince R Daily News Limitea enjoyed the gathering of enemy poOnuicians ¢ “|of supply could be Second or head. And-that means the eyes.! thon prey: atid J. FP. MAGOR, Pres : G, PERRY, Vice-President — com funeral! They were al] there, drawn together a8 Third Avenue in Prince Rupert Soe When ’ ~ hed 4 oid : “ : Ske eee ais pre i man who was There, 80 many pisivls are in SHUN THE CIRCUITS he has no 2? Sen By carrier—P : ie th § ver year, 810.00 gan yr Ber comrades in their liking I this good man W a use, a few score should be rated| Italian newlyweds are report et ne ne wii : . ‘ ; g oo : Z mur of » ans ‘4 long aut ri a ai es cl os ai Post Office Department Otinet lead, this man who Was > vent le, who gave 80 much urpius ! " ' — = ‘ of himself to British Columbia and its people. ALWAYS THE CHANCE! ! H, We Sh // D : k B.C. Pink or Russ Red? Yes, Ernie Carson would havce Sixteen British Columbians CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ' Ow e a rin oan W oa liked to see all those men and party's best Matexests. But pow? won a horse im this week's Irish { | ‘ MOST people eSlern women together, all- friend 4s Mr. Amscomb has said im sweepstake. If no one capture ‘ HE QUBSTION is not whether we shall drink. Canada must have rub- 824 wishing each other well, 1 ecent days: “I'm terribly @is-| anything big, waiting to dis NOTICE RE y i \ : . : a Ernie Carson was @asemtially uayed by the course Of evemls. cover what happens is worth \ ' It is how we Shall drink. bed their eyes With WOl- man of peace. He hated friction. 4's ao wonder. The Tories don't | something : i. 4 ae ee oats — ae ee in politics; it pained h k here to turn pow for , This is the point th: should be borne in mind y» when thev read th know wher P ; a 4 der her ~y a ribly to have to say anythir cadership. It’s rather sad ©’ Truman is not a candidate Registration ot Householders and License ose proposing to present Db? iefs to the B.( the ate Keep Out (that he thought mean or ee & Onee-great party im auch but one gathers he has a hunch for the Municipal Voters’ Liss of iquor inquia ommission when it sits at the court | sign has been hung on the kind about anyone, even hic dive strats he thinks he ought to be Closes: ot 5 Fl me SPOS AE VIERA OOS ee we a : Z : a Sig tt Bee ei i : political enemies Young Davie Fulton is a good OCTOBER 31st, 1952. 1ouse next Monday to hold a public nearing for gates or the upcoming w There were more than 1,000 am though Uhene ane Ghose An Oklahoma judge files ac ’rince Rupert and district automobile show in Ta-} Peeps at Erne Carson's funer: who say he's stuffy an@ so will ion agaimst a paper for de Voters Who have previously ere Ce ee eee me They filled the vast Cathed ever make @ popwlar Meader, clining to print a letter. We re capacities and who have paid Poll To. Pi \ ! es yur of the prov ince, the com- ronto, Church of Christ and they ov: weause he talks down t@ peo~ member a Prince Rupert news fees for Une current year do a ' De led vdent il f Only wn an d ( wed into the streets. . Th: ple and mot to them. Me has an paper that refused to publish an Cee ion 18 DelNgE rowd Dy arden xp ants ; € “re - Raines a > é i Hous?) OLN | eing ¢ eX bY irae oss onents 0 % pe ed weren't epee to rubber-neck. interesting uitical beokground atteged and libelou poe n New licenseholders or payers of Pos as oe es » wha } : nit wal } ¢ s most of them; they were the But is political background The “poet using abusive lan . ‘ aX heaig ( ‘ ilist ili i Lie WHO Have appareChuy dssulieg i : be oes they wanted to ai : ; gh © make him & leoda x g pp a a bed at the City Halt between 9 am and 5 pm M : : : : enu becay they we shov rou wage, rapped on th in tonds, at the board is empowe red to decide whet r Bat ue , a respect to Ernie Carson, becau Stil. he’s youne yet: im this The editor rapped right back Wridays. } aaa i. B Em-|they felt sorry for themseive erver’s experience, it’s aston - an con eae : j — , ; that he had gone. They knew ishing the stuff that often| ABOUT OF A HEIGHT PP gai eee Mes ne Bri ib f [he assumption spells waste of time for all oO he was a fine man whom they es out in @ man when re-| Firecrackers are flung among|—§ % #1 Year®, atid in the case of Pol) 4 j a : ; . . miss; a man who didn't ponsibility is heaped upon him _ resided in Prince Rupert conti: 1g parties concerned as it has already deen decided ’ - ‘ very much, but who smil Let look at that political ; # oa “in ‘ ‘ ‘ 6 ne wine he n or - ae : j . * or lhe added convenience of new Res lebiscite that it shall be permissible serve spirit- : : It yo) When h et you; @ man y ackground of Fulton's that his isirants @ pepyseite tnal | nae be per missible to ae e spir it Ma a i a ie always ieft feeling just @ litt Ae find so fascinating REACH-EASY of the Gity Clerk will be kept open between 7 gn _ I Iquol y the glass in licenced premises, 7 . i th be better, feeling that, perhaps, li! andson of Hon. A. E. B. Davie on Tuesday, October 28th, Wednesday 6 “ of 4 1 +4] t. 4} _ . fen rg a Hit wasn't such a futile plage, afte emier (1887-80) and Attor- iT Thursday Octaber 26th 7 What remains to be settled is the method of : 2 7 ey-General; grand-nephew of av dispensing liquor under the sanction so provided, . There was a guard of hor s08 ae moi rene ith this NEW G-E! ? UW) i ‘ : , ey Ay : “A a t the portals to the Cathedral. | 1892-95 tlorney-Ssenera) ar mL os | ’ a nda that is the purpose tor which ,tne commission e ee In that guard were Premier W. Chief Justice of British Colum- s . a 7 was formed. Conditions and 0} jnion var ving g as th ey " A. C. Bennett, former Premik ia; son of F. J. Fulton, Attor CITY CLERK, . . , John Hart and Byron Johnsor ey-General in the McBride will in almost eve ry city, it is unlikely that the com- 2 former Ministe: of Finance government; nephew of Frank iit 0 . ele : a akin 4 in} nv samen Neatiemnen t Herbert Anscomb; former Labor Davie, Speaker of the Legisla- on will be able to make many generalizations in to the ii ; : : pied hide : chee a zy © Many Generanseuo uM _ a Briti Minister John Cate Leader of ire in the Tolmie government its recommendations to the government. More prob- (mak : Ne o saa the Opposition Harold Winch; All good ancestors, these; per- 1] fA as wen North Americas Gey George Pearkes, MP for haps their shades will come to a) — a ie iderable ” liance on 0 aly ra Nanaimo, and former Attorney- the assistance of young Davie > HOME option, with a variety of regulations under which {ON t wh unK very BIZOY Geperal Harry Pooley. Yes, in- Fulten R Mode. thy; ee : present Liberal gover deed, a galaxy it was, of men Fulton has been MP for Kam- LEAN : this m iy be exercised. oO wa, Especially whose names are etched deep jogps since 1945, and Kamloops C E avec es In any case, it is hoped that Prince Rupert will | of — the Men el a Ce coms entelie’ Wee tem a As little as $1.50 per week ‘ forward to vr i es hi . Be ' , ’ ee How these men have scrapped House of Commons Alls up anc ae Ss step lorward to present its Case so that its wishes é lige nat We ong fought each other in public takes notice when he talks. He er down paymes will receive the same attention as the rest, have ever had in . . 1é m demon ale y Of Mimsell i he ‘ : demonstrated, or call 6 for “ome to light before the public with an investigation : view of dis be wit Ge mbia is 13 miles long with a ‘demonstrates alg , a , ary Un i un ; ich m va w Oo ight he hurt someone's fee! cneieve, wills tt ole niles demonstration in your hon yy civie officials and eonsequent court pl rocedure. B.C.'S expo — “— E C ried ‘ f rue arson was cared A couple has been charged W ith child neglect , LO WwW: ed to gain th able cut of the Cathedral, we Were R rt ’ ; 3ritish market for h ber sorry, but felt so helpless,»and which both have pleaded guilty. British market for fish, lumber sorry, bul felt so helplessand | ape YOU PREPARED upe ’ i apple I present gover yet, somehow, it was triumph Evidence in court disclosed that children— = ment t done nothin — a m gees Moy on ag FOR AMY KONO Radio & EI tric 4] — . > . ua able B« re- Sad, though we'll miss him. It ef three of them under six years of age—were left to alae the narekts. On the Seemed that Ernie Cargons OF WINTER? ¢ ‘or themselves in the s ‘ . Ps Py Vv iiens a awhew tu spirit and all the goodness) the peng: mt epg pee qualor "a filthy, ghey sy = : ae gentleness that was in hin, will Authorized Dealer ; unkept small fishing boat tied . Cow Bay floats. athens ai we live on to inspire us, who knew GENERAL GD ELECTRIC = eee TT ans «mae The fact that these little childen are a shade | Bs i fa sates ui Tenens "anes on VACUUM CLEANERS rhe Meer oard of by the Goverument of Br darker in color than the ei of residents in ari ” e tem, a politieal record of hon Petia > ated a a laces een S a : esty and integrity; but I think Prince Rupert makes no difference. They are hu- | yy owrsclves 2Y thas the Mmaek remenmrdnes mans; they are just babies. What makes matters | co=fu ul we'll have of him is that h . 7 : . ‘4 Qur I h expo mgures was a man who was gentile, not worse, they are theoretically orphans, without | io p esult from war and only in his manner. but in } i 1 ve eee ; ou . a only in bis manner, but in his Meve Your furnece pal ents to take care of them: only guardians Ww ho ar pe a ts ae = hough of his fellow men eclect them — ee oS Overhauled slepiecty LNeiN, ce Salmi pple and humbe One wonders whither the mm ae ‘ ven hie ra if we Ww to ragain our Bri- Conservative party, now that it NOW Then what is to become of these waifs; these ! E = ; “gH . tish marke for BAC Pink sal- has pitched out George Pearke Phone Black 884 ittle children who are left to shift for themselves mon we have to make it as pos- as president, and put in F. Davie : a 4 oe - naxanic> the infant 2xposed le for the British to pay for Fulton: now that it is prepar For Free Estimate out the care of parents; these infants expose as is for them to pay for the ing to hoist Herbert Anscomb to such conditions which can only be overcome by |Red Russian salmon which is @8 leader and put in Yes, ted aiinite? : "| tak er time mar that s just it. Who now? Ernie Thom Sheet ela educated aduits ke Carson would have taken the rm. : = wins cui ss Seca ht j ¢$¢¢ job if Anscomb had advised him LIMITED This is not a singular instance of child neglect CAN any reader help me on Jt would have been in the ; in that section of the city. Not many weeks ago three ome political research? Wa: ; mall children—the eldest five years old—were left ny total abstainer Premier oth ; . ge . . aoe han Mr. Abert ever re one on a small fishing boat. The boat became ected in the federal or provit terlogged and sank. Two of the childre ‘ ‘ cial field in Canada? My notes Sar 1 0 of the children had a aeoeay imeat i %. Gemeiee alia rrow escape; a Dady drow ned. only one term. So did Premier TI » are conditior ve cannot ig “O * @I¢ Byron Johnson of BC € al on HtIONS we Cannot ignore, nor sus- Mackenzie iKng, who hardly To Interested Members tain. These conditions and their results are our re- | ever took more than a sip of vit A SECs whether federal oil at, i . alcoho! broke al! reeord for ’ * ern W BLU ederal, Peover or Tuni- long lasting-—»b was not so far : cipal, more than they ave the responsibility of the | ahead of the great Sit John A ; i . Macdonald, who drank often f people direct nvolv ed, a d too deeply. The te THURSDAY, ocT. 30 o 8 P.M, i They are our moral responsibility because we ; img Premier Bennett of BC. need i 9 3 ’ 1 . eos not be too down-hearted about own and have absorbed the teaching of “love thy | this omen. however. Aberhart TEEN DANCE MEETING neighbor . These people—their children—are our | "4 his job for life. neighbors. We have not the excuse, either, to say THURSDAY, OCT. 30 - 8 P.M. 4s ’ ; that they are the wards of the federal government, Lady, you ll save plenty for once off their reserves they are plain John Doe, ‘ *,* ‘ B.C. citizen. | with a modern We call for action on two counts: first, for a Al E oR!” a concentrated effort to find out the cause of these | | P ELECTRIC REFRIGERA 8 cases of indifference to the welfare of children, and t one second, which is of more immediate necessity, a Amazing how far a food dollar goes when you've £° - place or a home for these unfortunates who have Men’s & Bo s. Oxfords of today’s electric refrigerators on the job. All your ¢ not the benefit of care from their elders, y stay fresh and sweet, good for days and days. ried m : i . ta no more There are many, many natives and their families Bio sqlite 35. En Nie wf tor has a let who stand out as model examples of the citizenship ° ee ee a saving { * ace | ne to which they have always had an inherent right, of extra time saving, step saving, money We appeal also ( 4 j pI » to them to aid in this cause of grave / Convenient... easy to install .,, long lasting. concern to all of us. en S x or S wl id Sahiniein ernment tgrmettinmmnipes snidiareherapenapiataibabaniial fai se | } ? i} | wh ‘ % CsetyiiitOnssngs' he Seiki: $6.95 I CF , ri me ; : Cc sobyl assage {7) 4 ° E i Bs “I have chosen you out of the world.”—St, John 15:19. K r Y Pe Sera sli eM th ices hiiaittte i ee es ee ct 4 A Re MOST RAILWAYS | OLD DIGGERS TT VC TU tT : ‘ Hee POWE ae [. r About 29 per cent of the world’s| Ancient well-diggers in Burma, Pa wend | as ton 00 weaf ut S tota] railway mileage is in the | seeking oil for lamps, dug plank- i i ino reales dc iahs LIMITED if. ‘% : United States. | lined wells as deep as 400 feet, |