p. V. K fa ft- ft, f I ;;; page ,tv;l r . ; . .. .J . Notiuotil you have'tasted hob Tea willyourcalire fully just what a delightful beverage tea is. Its flavour is beyond comparison. zm The Daily News . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P; PUI.LEN, Managing Editor. DAILY KDITIOB TRY A NIP Trvw 1 ru- Friday, July 16, ,1926. Boost your town and the town will boost you. Give Good Welcome To Our Visitors. Ther IVjoiie thing Prince Rupert can always do and that V !i we,come to visitors.- In that way we make them t feci, that lhK is a good place to visit and they cam- with them Next Week II. M. S. Curlew will he htjre. .The officers ... Cii uyiiuuoA i-enieiuoer tne time gooti they had when they were, nero iiemro ami ihpv .im rin,i i.. .i ti m . - i . fur some., ay.s and Prince Hupert people will ' not forget to show lnpni. what I . 1 n. i ., c u.mr uii.tiij. mreauy a goou many events ninr ucen arranged in their honor. Don't Believe Everything .You Hear. Our advice to the people of this, district now that the election is approaching -is- not to believe evervlhinir m,i Ihe. difficult is that mot of us believe the Uiings we want to j , """"'i w'io was born a Conservative and lias i alway voted Conervative, is ready to believe anvthiiijr .. ... . 0 that vimmipL 1.;. -....-I.. .1: i.. it-"-- -" 13 mil uiM-reuus as lies everything' thai favors ;. o'"..i'. wuii nit; enterals anu tne baltontes and me progressives.. The principle is the same. Uappilv there are a lot of pe6ple who are not tied and bohnd'by any party and on them rests the salvation of the country. They are the citizens .. tietuoiis, uie controlling elements to which all parlies pander. Win them and the election is won. Tp them we suggest that they weigh weir everything they hear and sift well U Prvlhlllir Hlav rami I I.. ....! ! j if' .vou. nut, -irne 11 oecause it is 111 ttii' paper or that. People who send out despatches are hum jus ..v, ....... u.c ic.-i ui inc peopie. mis is a time for serious "wp iiioiigrii anu careiut research. Problem in India Largely Religious. 1 1 I : 1 . . iiri.gioii nas always been a fruitful cause of strife. After ...., i... iu,cu in mousanus or yean of paganism, there aro-e a prophet in Israel who preached peace on earth and good will to men, and since his time his followers have been quarreling bhioiip themselves as In hi-h p h . 111 India today the chief strife is between Hind UK ami Mfihnm medans. hach has his own method -of worshipping the higher power and each objects to the method of the other. Millions of iimuii uisree wnn ouier millions of Mohammedans and iome- i.irjr uisngree wUn siicn erecl that bloodshed euue. uiLiaiiLC 13 1. lie 11 h in 111 17 wm aiL- iiJa.. t - . . - 1 1 -o "v 4 uuut p arts ait ion 1 r"!lf,r r. fr-1 'e eV'.1 OUr not our contemporaries 1 " """u m eartning out the good oints and fiiidinv ntit ulioru , 11 il" . c .."j "c utirr ruuifr wian wnere we differ. .1" e-."S 8,1 ,difftre,lt- Members of the same r,:u-i ru -aS fan .ly differ ... disposition and in appearance and we hnv m, v ?.! tfiSr r g'0US n,aUerS What ,h "Wr- is to agree It Is An Issue . For. Canadians. Noy that it has been raUed the constitutional ine will have to be fought, out in the coming general elect oL h Z Manitoba Free Press. Those who imagine that th" Gmenmr General' action should not be reviewed by " the neonle r,f ITI are. lryig lo UIlld ieni,ehes ,() fe s ft? J has been announced that the action of Han n Uyng win be a niatier for consideration at the next Imperial CouferencT Arttllir llppriuilnlu l.-nlll. ..r ....,... . .. "'Uilicilll. Prof 1101. niilhorir. V. " urg"v,n?. constitutional uunor.ry, writes , . the .ManchesW ". Guardian thm .. SM ty.lrmisce.iding Canadian oolitic l,. .. Ir? ' ?V,CI . .... tiic .1111 r i-fp info "- 1 (!uveri1i'd,1.i,i,1,1. : L. '.V."1 Wt of the , .. " "i"cr 1'iniiiiiioiis and to the JtritUh i)?Mf.tit (!ar,li. Wied ,SlTh "JS that lf,2 ir.,7l5,l ho U i annthpr ,,Vi Th" " :." "7. ",H ",M "01 " "Should i Hi ffi. 1ST. .S"Wtt BEST PROCURABLE G?.-: 'YV. - SJ S0TTL10 4 6UANniBjy $ UMMMW fHOOUCI Of ICOtLASO 7 This advertisement is not published or displayed br Liquor Control Bo.rd or by ths Oovernmeat of iriUsk CHMmbJa. the Sid Johnston Told of Big Dslngs at Denver, Col., When 10,000 .1 At the reaular wreklv lutiHiBoii of the Prince Hiipert Itotary ofufi Sid Johnson, delegate to Hie an nual Inteniatinal ronventfon,' which took place this year at lp,ner. Colorado, irportfil to the local club. He told of the wiini terful ratlierin of ten thousand eopl and the manner in which iney were entertained by the peo ple of the Colorado city. Thou sands of automobile wtr tout at the disposal of the vixHorsi nil I he tune and th're were Vtuhds of entertainmrnl in ndditloji to the business session and public IF only the hot air eeneraled , T 1 riuuiith don'l He any inore.l Thfv diii once when irirls na.Mivl lliplr litrll 1 M1 m,m ,.m..t It T , anu -if-nrn til fill !!s'e,Jves with Iting dresses. IK you employ a nlaht watch man lo vruard vour e'n:iriir your reputation is likely lo sufi le HKALTIi Is a tbinsr you do noi pei out or-bottles. Ten Years Ago in rrincf atupfirt Jul It. 1M. ft. CunnlnKham, chief Insrinctor 1 . VANDERHOOF Jeorire V. Wilson.- has Fori Fraser for Yancniivpr 1 'VAi. dawt nbws DELEGATE REPORTED H E L P" YOU R SELF TO HE AT ROTARY LUNCHEON addresses. Throughout the time ithrav was. not a dull moment. -lies' of th dehvales were, lonk (v after hy Uie lalic- of the city and everyHiinp pissihle done lo make the visitors have an en joy aide and. instructive time. . One of the entertainments was a Jtotary pageant j which l.oop people, took oart and -at which .lu.in.ii spt-riHiii(-s were present, 3! eera visitors were present all he luncheon and W. T. t:iiui Wlto is here for a couple ofi nKinths. satur most accetahly. THE NAN IN THE MOON ay a: Ilr.v a woman tells anothr(! roman not to tell because tiej ron.ised another person nol tij 'ii, mai a secret. A KCHCT is something Hint told with much mon rplUh han ordinary gossip. HKHK is a story Uul don't you tell. My friend told me And I Allow full well She would he mad If t It-t you know; So don't tell anyone I told you so. WHEN" a man boas, Is lecency you may be iiir recent achievement. of hit tt.ii II- you are not feellns wHl onoupu for work, how in the name of Diogenes do you expectl o enjoy a holiday? 'INK of the most famous urini- tinner speeches reconlcd in his- 01? is mai 01 uie man ten venr A THING of beautv U a lorever. - 1 - 1 married who remarks! "Xn- sweetheart, let us do the dishes ojrether. Hilt! VWIH youne married neontel ne Ihfntr to worrr ahnnt U n.il inelr fulure but their present. n.N".I.IAXS most tu. - ",r ow iwsl. .Mr. CunninsrhaniWf ill-health. In. ireoori 1 lie sockpye riin imiirovra I HOPE we 1.1.11 tn.i . .i f,.rl James ...ravan wa- 1 ... lull? fin f 1 1 W . 1. a . Ul.lia n- i I . ,. ... ... .... r.rnw imii-i, jjj .'imi-r i'cnran' ni uie uniico year . r- - iiM'nct u dandtmnly ill in the vora nas oeen received nere.Kl'rtnce tieorye. Upspital. as the Prince Hunert merehar- "l,,uu "-"" .v. a. jintoiunson has re aid last vear when he l.l..,i ' V well known irtJJuinrrf from iitl,.exteii.led visit f.u i,...: local; hiilibuLflsliinflcItrles liavHost. Her helfi:i ;niprovet. MUs HUlHtlnson came .......a t rX.lIlH.a AflilAt- killff 11,1 ri--., it'lll, I...- .. 1 . J J, . .. int ejes nave.it. pprt. .. ; : , ju-i.... mr, mm ,n 11 vi?nor hi me ........ ... .- . ."-"-iiaai. i- 1 i itUimi ' v nir snori sKirieo risnr,iF'ui.,. .. . - i-i-' prcsiaea ai me men meeting i A ..- The. warehouse iJunl.JIpacklng'' liurfny the ni(futh of June, the 1!""' preniUfv. olJth; HfMitlfnsheriflsj Neehako Creamery made I2,fli5 011 the V tJ.T.P. wharf w,,Hrr, has ,ias been heen£s founds of or hulleiv taitlffc which whleh all all went went and wasted at the forthcominiil . Cleclior. could be nlored and util! r.0,n',1(,r J'1 and slaHed work ip-T Vancouver wQh the exception Ith lied, there ii...- .i i. . -') 1 ne Bunuinir wa crecteiirfir i.ijHj iKiunri.'riii. nr,.,ii..u.. would be no fuel hWin uv'i" hem winter !V' u- 11 Morrison. C. W. McKelvev. of Callfornlu and famiTy are al Kluart Lake wliera they are oceunvlnir 'i summer home recently huilt for tli em. Hbv. H. T. McFarlane has our chased a lourinv car. which will aid him in covering his territory. .1. m. join u on is awav on n two weeks' business (rip to Van couver nr rlsherles. iml Mr. I'ntir.ln I ui.. r V.j . . , - . . 1 " jiiuiirn 11 uhs rr nam arrived rrnm vnnerinvne sin-n.H n.. t-... , , . . , , . . v. j 1 if in nir 1 aiiueriioor ,ceieru,, imvimr come norm m-school teachiiug stall on account Miirreased innrpitliari lllrt per eni over tliat nj- June aU vnp 0Wien the niake:os S.Jffll pound ljki"vro nrn now m 27 shippers She creamery. 1! lefSH 4- were inrowii qui of n huciry KW3 . W Builds Builds Up Up Your "1 can .r I'M Dr w.l. ms'i T I S I t inah.il ac.ll.at S, lab . Tail, ufita .ii4 u (.1 aamaiblni thai runia li.k ataal II It good la to tkla la naka op I ha -au4 ola arlak ala. 7r;C p.r pack I' (.. mak l" 5 calloaa S.I4 br all Slaraa. M. A I lea A cool, crisp lunch for a hot-weather day TRY Kellogg'a Corn Flakes for lunch. With cold, rich milk or cream. Or a bit of fruit. See how fresh and At you feel all day! You can't imagine a more delightful treat than Kellogg's. Crunchy-cVisp heart of corn I Toasted to golden-brown deliciousnessl Kellogg's are corn flakes as they ought to be. Never tough-thick or leathery. Easily digested. Marvelous flavor! Serve Kellogg for the kiddies' evening meat Have them betweeji meals. Sold by grocers everywhere. Served at all hotels and restaurants. CORN FLAKES Imitation cannot bring you such wonder-flavor uch crup, crunchr flakes. Tfte genuin com lakes tvave tbo signature of the originator on the package. fTon Yourttxdlh Asulbf-r TrUnclal Uiu M.ritt ill r. llon RM, Taraala 5 antiSfS'". Haynes aud Mrs. Johnson Mrs. Wilson and family Will fol-;' 'he Chilco district were laij low Ialer. here at the n,H hnhJnere. THKIIK'S One thinff ahont besi haired BirU. s-.m i..t ,n J" ""n. ' "'"' swam S1411 nler than oilier. 4'ft.CM'l.fc used to snHk sar pastlcally of three sexes. ml females and curates. "Now thtfv have to add flaimcri. Mi Marv Melllsh of Arm slront'. who has been leachinir al Williams Lake, has been ensrair- :. - . . . . i-'i uy uie vanuernpor school board and will take up her duties commencement nf up for several days rereniltf as result of injuries sustained when their horses holled and they 0rA ALWAYS Mf.f mt,pwtf 4. Mmr mod m lh lw ttr-ttup. t tU tt mm tmU4n tMitt limm. CORN FUKES rr m tr m SOFT FINISH All flal'piece? washed, ironed and neatly folded. Wearing apparel practical!)- ready tu wear, only r '1'iire a litlle retouching with hrfml iron. Try This Service Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. plus lo ptr plies. Your bundle returned within Hirer days. PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited IcamdianT Phone 118 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Srvice Sailings from Prince Rupert ... ....... ifiaall. JUHUU jUBMy Mm ' TO altl Ik an, Wrang.ll, M- S 1f la 11 tl Kl, carneball Rltar, an4 v rr uiait, (M( at ff l StMmthla Laa ,,( 1y n, 14, tS, lit ..-w .... ssii .gar Jaf WIV S p, 4 Sa.lll ,...,,, Jul, y( ,( 10 ,0, raisjciss ets40k. IIS SalU, Otawt folia, ran. tl m Namu, Alart tWsTBTW S5f r S)srt, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED!! sssa bSS -V for roar simpson t. .. 'J.'L soum.,. ttta ror port ststrsoN. snvok Tl,"r "WM aWi.