PAQB FOOT SHIPPING nsertipn o(v the. clause: "Provided further, that the secretary of commerce is hereby authorized tp permit the taking Of fish or shellfish for bait put- poses only, at any or all seasor.. n any or all AIakan lerritorii;! waters." I'bis modification enables thv promulgation of regulations lib- ralizing conditions under when halibut fishermen may secure herring forfait at limes when commercial 'fishing for hprripx for other purptjtcsjs prohibited. Davis announhienl also in- luded an amendmenf to Hcpu- lations Xo. 3 .for, the Soulheasf ern Alaskan area stipulating tha! he closed. season for commercial fishing shall not apply to le aking of herring for bait pur poses in waters otherwise open o fishing. AL' 11i opening of the nresejil lialibiit season fishina,wa.H reg arded" sompwhal because of tlie laclc.or herring bail. The new provision will permit the catching and storing of herring for bail, in preiaration for Ihe open - ng- or the season. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wermig re turned to, Ihe city on yesterday's rain from a holiday trip which loo klheiu as far East as Jjinne apoiis where they yisiled Mrs. Wermig s parents, . . V5 ,To3 CAK.V . ' ' F-.dij. ,!.,: I " '-..-. " ' """ ' -,.,..!fT i,,, t - .-ftr" ." V .... . . . ' v- v y u. ;;' -- ..d v j GRAIN BRINGING UP FATHER 1 1 By Georgfe McManus ( 5 1 In 1 1 ' ' 1 7 i-w.-.'i'T- THROUGH U. S. I NO VOrADltGl tjHE I " T, J IFTHtieetf VKC HN YOU ft' Halifax Man Urges That Canadian JlOON-TKMOW, Ou5:t4pSu- LCW HEAP. HER V Porta B Used In Preference , . -I z rT' to American. 7 EDUCATE THE PEOPLE Financial Gain of the Country at Large Would Follow If U. S. orts Not Used. Ft A. Life- Br jit 3 p., Jiy 10. strong ploa Mint as a -patriotic duty Canil'ianRrnln and Canadian products generally should ho shin pod through the ports of the maritime prnVinpes ,was made before the eonyenlion of the Canadian Credit Men's Association here by K. J. Murphy, of Halifax, t. 8. .Mr. Murphy referred to Lhe Iransptjrjatjon problems that.have . iacew njrrerent sections of tie DominiJm ,;nnd. to the. enormous expenditure. made with a view to .solving- sqpie of these problems through utilization of the mari-time ports. Rates the Same , "Yet.'Mie added, 'notwithstanding tluv fact that, t-xport grates through Canadian Atlantic ports j;. are exactly the sam as through 'A American Atlantic ports, what to , we find? This year out of an f estimated export of 330,000,000 bushels of ,grain, not less than 180,000,000 bushels will probably go through 'American ports, 80,-000,000 through the port of Vancouver, 00,000,000 through the port of? Montreal and probably less'lhari 12,000,000 'through the inarilimeijorts' of Halifax and St. John, though both of them, arc well equipped wjth grain handling facilities. v ' . Mr.JMMrphy referrfd to tlp fact "' worbeil ifT the Canadian National, J bad for years made Portland, Maine, its winter port for Cana- ' dian business. It was Iruo that the distance was shorter and it .''cost the railway less to haul their freight, but another fact must not :i be Jpst sight of the fact that all , employees of a Canadian rail-; 'ay spent their earnings in an American poet and the boat9 load- ed anadian freight paid baibrairk'tftA'niericaporficial Ti. Complete' Cargo .:. ''It' i even' a fact," lie contin-ued, "Ithat witbin tlik; last lew 4 weeks steamers, loaded mainly , with iPajiadian grain bay?, called I at Halifaxon the roul acrpss the J Atlantic to complete a small por-vtion of Uieir cargo.- Are you surprised that we sometimes lose ,5patiqnce qthl express indignation .V in rather forcible language? , : "Il seems peculiar-that the raii- ways content mat mere is w Jf money for-Jlim in handling grain. , l When ,thc annual statements are vl issued, JLIi profit - producing ,! months afc? as arule,-the months ' t in which the bulk of the grain I . . ... a. ; is iniiveii ny uiicm. i Mr. Murphy concluded by slat ... , ing Jliat he had been told that :vy. the railways bad no control over the routing -of the .grain and that .?,lhey were obliged to carry it as : rouied.t V" Vancouver Enterprise "If -such Is the case," tie said, "a campaign is in order to educate Canadians to be patriotic and to assist one: another bv 20-ainer a ting: as farias possible In using . i.- t uiiiiuua lur wte nn- anclal gain, not merely of these ports, but of the country at large." Hie speaker complimented the people of Vancouver on the enter prise shown in the advancement of their port and 'said that the people of the inarhimes were not envious but merely desirous of ob taining fair treatment. ( annual! of BAPTIST CHURCH S. S, V fcnjoyanie Events Took Place Yesterday Afternoon on Digby Island. I he annual Iiaptist Churcl Sunday School picnic took place yesiproay nnernoon at Digby Is iamt. I here were abpul J00 youngsiers and parents in attend anco and the event was mie'of much enjoyment. Tbo. launch J ..nn,l private boats were use lo cjmvey the crowd to the islantj where there was a full prngram of races and games with refresh ments. In abundance. The first Of the picnickers left at 1. o'clock in the aflernorjn and by 8 o'clock .In the evening all were safely liomc. 1 The committee In change of the event consisted of Clifford Oilker (chairman), Woi Harvey, P. H, Linzey, Hey. H. fi. Turner and J. H. Smith, while, catering Was di rected by members of the Ladies' Aid binder the iliredton of Mrs. C. Larkin. FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT RIGHT TOfjSHBAJT Alaskans Now May Get Orde. Allowing Herring to be Taken and Stored for Halibut KETCHIKAN, July 10.- Modi ficatiou of the Alaska fisheries law to permit the taking, of. bail luring closed seasons, approval recently by congress, was ofll ially announced in Ketchikan lirough a bulletin froln Sleph-: pavis, acting secretary of The only change in the exist ing provisions' of the law is lb. WHEREVER you buy it and whenever you buy it. Magic Baking Powder is always entirely dependable, because it contains no alum or adult-erants of any kind. UADC IN CANADA E.W.CILLETTC0.LTD TORONTO WINNIPEO MONTREAL TERMNALS WIN ' OVER STORAGE Football Game Last Night Ended In Score of 3 to 1 All Goals on Downgrade in a game thai was featured by plenty of energy and hard play Willi biffh and heavy licking, Jlj (rand Terminals efea(ed tlj.i Cold Storage 3 to I In the Mob ley Cup (cijy championship) soc- eer fixture last evening. All tli Scoring; occurred witfr the -teariialbell. V anted For Sale! IDAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. J For Rentr4iL ul to witness it. 2c per woid infadvance. No Advertiiement taken fr lest than 50c" VA . K. Williscnifl wa referre niil A. Clapperlun and DiihciitJ ..-nneiiy ai-ti-d a linesmen.' I'tie standing ,in the Mftfjjev ip series to dale is as follow W. I..Pt Vrminals nUi Storage '. .1 0 TENNIS GAMES IN TOURNAMENT Finals to Take Place Neit Week, Following Week-End Seml-Flnals. Finals in tin- rity championship ennis tournaim iit will be piuyetl lext week, the tournament now ring- in its si-mi-final stages, Itewtill of games pln el last .ight were ns follows: Men's Singles Carmiehael beat llowanlC-1. Marentetfr heal llrady, C-.i;j5-2. Wftiih UK Maclf nzie, Men's Doublea Marenleifp and Hrdierlson beat reve ind Itrady, 0-3, C-l. llowi'd amj E. J- Hmilli beat XieholSund hopzales, 6-1, Cl. 'anurcliael ftrtd Campbell J'at Ai noii and Iinrasler, 0-0, 3. Ladles' Singles M is Iliol beatMiss Treniayne. -l. ...... The semi-final fn The mpn's singles nre setaK fol!6ws: 7 o'clock loniffhl Marciifclte vsvWliite. r, Sunday morning Carmlchaol vs. Joslin. j 4 Men's Doubles . 7 p.m. tonight Howard and Smith vs. Garmichael and Camp played on the down grade. The! Uobertson and Mare,nlelle have Odd Storage scored lheir oh';alreatly entered the finals. .Ind only cannier in (1(0 first bdlf Ladles' Singles lliroiish if. .h)linnti Avhlle fienriip1 7 n.m. toniirht Mrs. Stenn vs F. I). Malhers of the, Somef rllow W. Mifcliell , 'and Dickehs Miss Mitrbell. ville .Cannery Co. arrived in lfie were the scorers foplfie Termiti- Miss Itiel Is the other finalist fitj? Irfsl night, coming norlli als in the eeortd li'Wlf. II wnn Mixed Doubles ' irom Alert Hay on the cannery a,n interrsHii? iinaljW: allhougi Faturdf)y aflerriocin, I o'clock Under . J.ulu Island. Ihere -watt phly. a. siiioll crowd on Col. aihl. Mrs. MeMoHie vs.T'obey Neighbor:, b 'Anybody would think you ' were buy 1 tolooliatYour Mr. H:-- "Im not cliimintf lobe sodirn buy! but when I et throuoh pitching with this t'rr?itll b along tirfTc before thu gutter evcrleaiu again? ByrtltHa5txc Elattim PakhInj;Cefrent. Puts leaks - - - - out of business! pan can say "G)od-byr. tp leaks" inno time when you use Barrett Plastic gum. Tliis "waterproof cement1 of a hundred uses" will fix gutters, stop roof leaks, repair flashings, cisterns, etc. In fact, you'll find new uses for it all the time, as it will stick tenaciously to any surface. Our experience with this product dates back a good many years., It never fails to satisfy. Comes ready for use, is low in cost, and will save many a repair bill. We endorse S. E. PARKER LTD., Distributor Prince Rupert, B.C., Canada Air Plastic Basiigum WANTED. Illt It . Sm . He.-. . . . . FOR SALE. ,'ArtKlci Loit and found.Ac iir.u, iireuMasi. Mipper wniii'-o i. I yon It wnnt your by middle aged Mian of "gooilj own home. A'HY NOT piaVo ft uii. i-i'rnnmti;rj, .ippiy lio.x 310. Daily .News olllce.- Ford car. mile. TO RENT 1 Ci KITCHKX Girl wanted for out or town. Good home and salary. Phone S8i. 160 YOr.NG Man Wants Work, any kind, .lac an hour. I'hon- Jtlank ?fi9. Ifi5 WAXTKI1. Showcases and mir rors, secondhand or new. H.C, 'Fur Co. WAXTK1). Maid for srene-al housework. Apply Mrs. W. T. Kergin. tf on I1KXT I.arscn building ai 171 Third Avenue Kast; six room modern flat with bath-roorp and workshop preinife on street Ifoor. Apply Hydp Transfer. 139 Second Avenue. OH HKXT. Two first- class modern flats; Monarch ranges, water paid: one furnlshctl. Weslenhavpr Hros. UnXISHKn Housekeeping Iloom to rent by the day, week' or month. Phone Hed C07. If HOirSF-S for lien!. Some are furnished. 120 and up. Appy SIR Fotirlh Avenue liast. KOli HKNT. Four hot water heated. & Mallet. room suite. Apply 8mil IWO roomed furnished shack for rent. Phone' Illack 700. KOttXD. FOUND Hub screw rap for Apply Daily Xews SUMMER RESORTS. f.AKF.LSB I.OIHIK. near Terrace Visit Lakelse llthia Hoi Springs. I.ithla is one of lb ; finest mineral walers known for rheumatism, flood fly fishing for rainbow trout in I.akelse lake and river. Motor meet all trains giving through connection with Lodge. Tele phone connected jo Terrace J. Ilnice Johnstone, manager md Mrs. Smith. Sunday .rinrhing llownnl and Miss Tremayne vs. Marenlolle and Miss Mitchell. On.MolMay night Ihe finals in Ihe ladles' singles will take place :il Ihe Itcftimcnlal courts. On I'uesday night the men' and la dies' doubles will be played at the C. X. It. courts. Miss Mitchell and Miss Tremayne will.meel Miss Hil and Mrs. McMordle In the' ladies' doubles. r. On Wednesday nighj Jhe finals in the mixed and menV doubles will take place. , . SPORT CHAT One of the best baseball game of the season Is expected tonight when Ihe Gyros and Xallve Sons meet. The Sons hao been going strong lately and are well al tho lop of the league through two receni successive vlelrtnies ocr' Ihe Grand Terminal. The Gym team has ' been considerably slreiigthened of lale and Its nianagepienl' is confident of (is ijhlllly to trim lh Sous. Tun Gyros il is true am rather far In the cellar but If the Irani eon get ffoing it still has n very good chance In figure In the championship class. There should l.e a good crowd on band lo-nght lo witness tho mutch. beginning X()V. $17 don and fl 7.00 per month buys a well loaatejt double corner on Sixth Avenue West. I'ric Geo. C Walker. FOjt SAI.H. Canaries, trained roller singers, fft. tin oael with eagj. Salfsfaollon or money hark. 023 ith Av. West. p.ti. i.x ir-131. loo F0II S.M.U. HoIaI Mmisetl. A gpod bargain. Ill hnaljti eaue for selling. Apply Wlllian. lludon, Massetl. Jt.G. FOIt SA1.K. - twenty-two f.iM launeb. 1 1 h p. enmnr. iee. II knot. SjM-nfie Phono Itel 7?0. if LOST. I.OST.-llelirin me.lal "Croix fli Guerw." Finder ptne relur i to Daily News office. LOST. lllaek and lan terrle-. answer to "Crirkef " Finder please phone Green 300. BOARD AND ROOM. IJOAni). The Inlander. 811 Second Avenun Phone 137. HOAIID AND notiM. t5 Third venue. Phonp fled 3.10 CHEVROLET. X and after July I, overtime rates will be eharned on Sunday ami public holidays and after 7 p.m. nn week-day. Tbi is iMHMfusary (o eompl with (lie "Hours of Overtime" Act. Overtime will he charged at the rale of -time and one haf over the regular efejit hour day. Wrecking service day ana" night. ' KAIMX GAltAOH. PAHKHIl'S OAIIAOE. JAS. IIUXTF.Il. The followins jirti1!' are now effenlive. l-.O.JI Prince lliipnr'. Government mxe imluded: Ituiiaboul i?r,ttl.0u Sort ttuallster 080.00 Touring ooi.tin Coupe 7ni.n0 Tudor Sedan 700.00 Fortlgr Sedan 831.00 l ight Delivery :9t.i(i l.t. Delivery Van 010.00 Commercial Chassis l8H.0ti Truck Chassis. Sir 581.00 Self starter Included pn all model. Term paytnenl arranged If If desired. 3. C. PARKER, LTD. Dealers. 210 Second Avenue. FRANCQI3 LAKE LODQE lleaulifully slltiatetl near Ferry I.anillnif Alliliuje 3115 feci. Camping and Fishing Tr.'pi nrrnnjred nilST CLASS TADI.K . with tiroiiiten riiKsn khom tiik kaum, T(ike A Trip W the I.akn fiiiunl till- rear. For reservations, write Mrs. Hcnke.l. Frnnenis l.uko. ll.C TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul gr Gust) Six and Seven Passenger SI into bakers at your disposal any limn. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meekor Block. Acrosi from limprcn Hotel. lano aiaitrnr act. Hill fur llu, . j. ......... . U 'lli'tl aaii i no. mini llirnl W )lUiu I., fun in.. I1IU lci-lulrr, . ,,, . aid juimiio. iu . .lull. UC1KM-II UlllUl.l I tint fun. ihJ ooiiuiiN I Uir MN-uJ '. r,,,,r,,.. l.U tctrn ill. .1.1,1 fn, 1 ihi .Inrn . : i itiirtrrn mi. riuinr... M UAHHtur 11. try T nwitu r, VhIi l Ll'XI Hi. I" nu 'ourwim . Ill'li .. . df (Malrirt l.ol nuiidwr twti ..iw itl . Illlltr iMHtri, Mip ta. Hiiurirtuty rr,.,f f t,,,.,., jiiU dhl rr-iux,iiMl ffi. ..., li) II irttttur ur iii,. 1 Mbcct 111 th ttMUr Allr.HH 4 nsHi.if. nj)inr lm ) Mir. wtii.i: inn 11, l0 uadr Ut ranrrl r.. i tartni, tint birb 1. .. lurl-lw it ( turrr 4i,l,B.f 1 ( g. Jll, au-l thit m -ii) Milimlmi ut, tmn t.r..i . ih or oiumii: timvA n "rMirt, lfl. (tut , 1. 5TIXI1.V 'iTrn to 1 ... tetfe NurttilHH. itti. (" .. 'if -uMnt (Ml tr t , "t ali if.,rr. i 1 TfcTTMt. irier Ih nt;t,. 10. tay. fnrfi ihr tfimn l "irrl ItM- rriKlrtlum : pariMr iir Arrrcfomt up- i rltrlmpm ttar vtnr MY I ibr (4 ml tlrvnlvi twi-H or Optmn l. 1 rrV ihj drtriuiiiw. unl' Mli lad prwrtn ttw im(--In rlMth rxar rutin, i- aw land ur to trMit IMTIO (I II I'Htwr hktrrt. ft imt. A.P. lift. IjoJ itrr- int 1 Mnda: Cunuitrnrinr al a mat Man LA MO ACT. Motltt of InUntion ta Apply U U UK nra um Jnf Jin., ti , ". 1 " 'tl 11. r Hi ti tr. t tut 7 1 .1 m I "'41 ret! ... k to 1 aid Htnlr.- ' t rwiwtxm. r'i MAVIOSIIE WATIRS fSOTICPM CT R.S.C. CHAPTER 11k. nmltl oorr 0ui.ti lrtlr h V liul 141 11 11 f of Ibr Mid t- driKi'llr nsltol at t"rtK ntiiarri. a iti. Mr"nvii 1 r. r?ve..xv . LAND ACT. 'I" ( IH lOr iitflr 'f Ihr Itl'IMrl tin .1! f ihr .lie mt ibr !Un iiUm .r a v j lilrr lW'Hr'1 b Mllll ill rrrfu - Ktl.tftl Inlrl. UiUH-a IttMHi'llr tJU; f ImiMh w frioi .f in- 1171. yiiiwn IJurWrtlc lUIKl. til Uio Niir thai tltrr tkr ' new ncnili frn tltr dalr ..r rubHratti of tw tmu mr" mrjf &fn I.lfUllnl. unit. T itr l mm srl. aftf V Ihr I'ubtir Wtk at M olflr in r ltal. for nttrtil ut xttr ihmh awn rnr ia r4lr'i ; T I ti 4 Metlca r litlintlon la Aaalr ta ItwM I I'rtrvr AntH Uod v..'ii triri of Vnnr nuMTt, and n MHMtt Af Aaa tMI ll. I. . . uamai outmitr lutirlit. an mi nmii r iiui I V) ran I'arkUtf Ctunpatiy. Utnilrd. B.C tM-rapltlnn rahrwra, tntn.. ft fur t ! of iIh ffillimmi )-"r I! i nurh-al romtr of 1.1 Mn a. ' if 10 kih itrr niarm Ihmrr raalrrtv dlrrrllnn l milri ti 1 , ait raalrrlr ton rbtina; thrnr- .i iii-r imn nilira m mint of Miiiimrii .MH'.t rftitaUMnr It arr-. mvr- nr ii-. l.Axouu rrsmxo a e't ti. til' r c 11. smu rtalnt liinr 4. 'lets. NOTICI .i nr nun in iiw rrnrtDnai ourihouw. frlrvrp ltrt. n TnHHtlay. July Ifa.l.. tVff. 1' in Um- aiif-riHiMi. trf frM. tut M. 4. f. tl, V. lib. II. fikHI I, Cltr ut 1 ri. II. C. Tarmti fnh partiirnt it r mv qmrtrr ralt and tlx 1 Ihrrr anttl annual InMaiinrn -lerwi nn ttw (Wrrrrd lnii" ral ir rr annvnit Ilia fr in t allll4tal I'lana hwinr Ih- 141 i.rr. may l nti at Ih-.nrrira i.r mrtii iami. fnntr liin, it lutnl ai I'rtnrr linpfri. ft 1 . S. R. Ta -rirMltJ liii-i 11 at r .1.1 ! A lt , ,ia I i ' a a tn I'riw Ttiirwtt land nr "imir Irti-i of Oiiaat nanrr 1. ami -'tuW vnrih nrln latjnd. , .. WT.oir.r thai tirirrt m-r i-nna lo'aMi t rnr a Ira.. 1 i' l tn itrtrrilwl land'- - . , Cnnimriirintr at ima tilai '4 t' WMIfll m 9 t. J.l..ft l .. ..I- If' ..... mi .iiiiiii iiai iir I-....-. - . snuiiid tha Kitnd ai hull i nil mntalnina In arrra nu n rtat-t nwt t a Notlca af Almr.n w LAND ACT. I Intanllen 16 rorarhera Aaptl W n ' 0rn.r;iar.ii- lnnl' HJ ... ......T-i. a fi "i n,,r iinir. wrpi nl mi nt ";rJn' .iiiil rj. li''li'lnlfiiaridfrtinllr nl-kaia'lnlniiliwa.rnniir Ml w l 1 I i inr. .aniii.r. Ttiat inp ti.1 --"c-t rrittni- Cnmpuny. I.W.. f w.'S. B.C.. o'Tiitwtinn salmon rn' "- 'vJI I" ippty Mr a Iraae: r lhi MM' srrllifd Knrohon.:- ,1 Ommrllftflfr al ruAt hllli'1 luiltfhi'.l if..A. . I . ii. ihnlirt' Ihrrly and rmi-rlv fnllnln 'f I'VI ."f'i inaia. 41 riiailia. i"-11' I la. Ih. ... ........ . . f ,11 . I ... .im- ii'iiuinpai rnnirr ' iw'l jnd r piriy fi,ovMn a lint WnZA Ihr linn nf Mh water mart f"J J ninrr- rr lfi thonrit ral rh'WJ Ixilnl of roniiiirnn.nnnl. and ntWI IT arr. tnnr or l. ... ill nitiTMii rnt.iiMttM ushh" Trr II. Shr rio1'! I Dittd join April, Hie.