9 I PAGB'TWC' rooms and all the conditions suitable to swimming and el there are those who fail to take advantage of the opportunity. ,This seems foolish on their part. " ' - Value Of Health ' Must Not Be Forgotten.' j One of the greatest things in the world is good health. Most of us are born with fairly strong bodies but we do no al ways treat them right. e forget that they are important and we do things which we know nre'likely to' injure Ihem. '"' Some of us eat loo much, others drink .'loo mucjii Others do not take proper exercise, while breathing' and Ihe supply of fresh air are both neglected. Without a strong body it is difficult to do one's work well and physical discomfort is apt to react in mental discomfort. A condition of happiness helps keep the body in good condition, so the cultivation or a happy disposition is something worth while both "because of its effect on ourselves and also because it is more pleasant for others. .;,.' Greatness Consists In Actions, Not Words. ' Greatness consists in actions; not words. Sometimes also it consists in refraining from action. Often it is harder to hold back than to do something. 'Once a teacher tried to illustrate this by telling his pupils that if slruck on the cheek, the noble thing lo do was not to np;with the fist and hit bark but lo turn Ihe olher cheek and .suggest perhaps he would like lo hit that, too. Possibly Ihe illustration is a Utile far fetched but A food to stuoVonto play on SHREDDED WHEAT Children like its crispness The Daily News PIUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert DaUy News, Limited Third Avenue. H. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. DAILY CU1TIOH j5r Thursday. April 2-.', 1020. Hope For Success Selling P.Q.E. It is to be hoped Premier Oliver will succeed in selling the l'.fi.K. With Ihe help o'lnnd granls from the governments concerned. These lauds are nl present unused and I ho railways will senile Ihem much more rapidly than will the province or tin? Dominion government. While Ihe best (hing that could happett. it Jinuld seem, would he for one of the big railwuy systems to! operate Ihe road, the next best plan would- be for some private company lo lake it over and pay themselves for their trouble out of the land to bo opened up. However, we rather, doubt the ability of Premier Oliver lo pursiiade anyone that it would be.; a good investment. We hope- he ran and that the purchasers' will make a good thing oi it. Learning To Swim Important To All. Several lives have been lost this year because of inahilily to swim. Roys and girls grow up in a place highly favored like this and go out into Ijfe without being able lo keep themselves from sinking if they fall into the water. It's a pitiful condition. II is difficult to understand Ihe mentality of a boy or girl who noes not. yearn lo get mlo Ihe water and of a parent who refuses to aid in the satisfying of that urge. Many lad from inland points learned lo swim in a dirty creek or a stagnant slough. Water they craved Snd nothing could slop them. Here things are loo easy. We have a fine swimming pool with fair dressing the lesson is that self-control Is' necessary, is indeed the find thing for a young man to learn. -'; Games As A Factor In Controlling Self. V Game's are very important In teaching a bov op inrl sietf- control. When games cease to do Hint they, cease o be of value. Football, lacrosse, and other sports in which there is teatp work and in which self-restraint has to be practiced to iusilre success are the ii)ost valuably. As long as the plavers Keep meir tempers ana piay me game like men they are learn ing lessons in self-ronlrol which will last throughout life. Bilious Headache pains, the aches, the THE tired feelings, the depression, the bodily discomforts are the result of the accumulation of poisons in the body. Only the liver and kidneys can purify the blood. Mr. John Ireland, Nobleton, Ont. writes "I du a great sufferer from severe headaches and bilious pells. I tried number of remedies without obtaining any benefit until I was advised to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. These completely relieved me, and made me feel like a new person. I am very grateful." When they fail they must be aroused to action by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. They are1 so direct in action on the liver, kidneys and bowels that relief comes quickly and serious ills are avoided. Dr.Chase'sKidney-LiverPills 35c a box, all dealers, or The Dr. A. W. Chaw Medietas Co., Limited, Toronto 2, Canada STEWART MINES MAKEPROGRESS Spokane Paper Tells of Work Being Done There In Letter From Field Correspondent A special field correspondent of Northwest Mining Service oi Spokane writing in the most recent issue from Stewart says: ' The main cross-cut tunnel oa tho 15.0. Silver Company's, properly, adjoining the. Premier jJline on the north, is expected shortly to ojien up two mure 'parallel veins which have he1 U strongly indicated by diamond drilling. Consurrently with this work the development of the high-grade ore shoot by up-rai- ing is being prosccuteil vigor ously. A month ugo ft was conservatively estimated that in this re body alouc there was now in sight more than one million H.C. Silver Is consequently looking heller than ever, aU though sunn; time, must elapse before it can be put on a regular dividend paying basis. It is the most extensively and deeply de veloped properly,- as well as tho best equipped, in the hofe Portland Canal District; with the single exception of the : Premie? MiilP. Premier's New Ore-Shoot Drifting and cross-cutting on the No. 2 level of the Premie. has demonstrated Coneiusivelv that Ihe new high grade ore hod." does not exiM on that level. It it now proven thai' the shoot of high grade being opened up on Ihe No. I level is an off- lion I or fault displacement from th parent ore body. One hundred feel of drifting will bring th new workings pa the No. I leve inlo old worked out slopes. No. 1 level will begin shortly. As the situation now stands there i a good body of'. ore available aloe and probably for some distance below the 'no. I level in the new shoot. Although it i not a separate ore body a ad drfes not persist lo arreat depth, it is an important asset. Jlarly in the present month production of the mine will he somewhere between too or 600 los a day, utilizing to the utmost Ihe enlarged capacity of nill, power plant and tramway. Earning for some time in Hi! future are consequently likely toj show a material increase over those of the last half year 'or so. Big Missouri Promising Although I have not yet had an opportunity of examining the Hig Missouri, I am informed on all hands that it has every earmark of a real mine, undr pro gressive management. Although Ihe lug Missouri was turned down by the Premier people, it is Ihe general impression hero that they made a mistake. To Acquire Indian Mines lt;rincer in Ihe employ of the Premier Company are constantly examining properties and ar now reported to have gotten good results from their recent samp ling' of the Indian Mines Com patty s property. A deal for thai properly Is now 1-eing negotiated and it seenls certain that-one will eventually be closed by which the Premier will take over Ihe development and operation of thi Indian group. It Is located a shdri "distance north of the Pre mier jujd on the opposite side of 1 lie i valley. Dunwcll is doing well and look like a safe speculation at its pre sent price. Many unusually good topeculalii omiorlunilies Conllnued from Pago 1. single and more uniform enforcement. It would be more easy lo trace fugitives and there would bit relief always at hand when required. "The question, howeveiV' Col. McMullin concluded "is entirely up lo the -council lo decide. I have nol corne here In ask you lo make llie change hut merely tc give you such information as you may desire." Aid. Jos. Oreer inquired, if it were decided to make the change, could the provincial police absorb members of Ihe present city T7TS . Thuid., Ain II : nAn;fKB73 52. : - Absorb Local Force Cot. Mis.MuHln.? replied that while he could make no definite promise at this jilne. It was pos sihle that thor ffeenf men infeh? be absorbed in the provincial force and stationed somewhere else, lie fell that il would be (teller to nttiiie all entire chance here. : Aid. PcnyJiMiuJred specifically regarding the hlef iipd foUyMfc Mullin repift'dat' lie ilioushl he cinild saft?Iv pylial Ihe cjiief would be tnkVrff in. Aid. Ilrowtttffisked if Ihe cilyH police stnutUL-would he used by the priiytrieV t1. e. Col. Mo-Mullin rrptlerth the trfirmalive slating that the. cily would, of course, b required lo pay for water, light, find 'and phone as it did at present. Mayor .Vewlnnbrmighl up the question ns to' whether six inea would he-sufficient to police the city. II had often been complained that thjv present city force was not-large enough. Col. McMullin, in aswer to Ibis, said that Ihe- sJatr ifftiirMtstrifit of fice here would TVnyji be available if necessary. Aldermen's Views After asking some questions as lo what other eilies in the province had already made Urn change, Aid. Casey expressed lh opinion that no oilier thriving and growing city m the provtwj suen as rntire unpen nai ycij transferred its police authority, j Aid. Stephen fell thai it was at step in tho right direction toj make the change. There we'ei loo many polic fon-e in the eilyj and there would he a aii by combination. Slating that' he city sIimmI lo save money, rij ff lime when It was desirahlc Of ae eery ihrtlac possihle anil expres-ing the belief that the oily would be hebr policed by nHukinji lire change. Aid. Drown nuifeil thai an agreement he entered miu with tin provincial gnvwumenf to polftw' the city atony Ihe hues set out by (Sot. McMnUfrr. The motion w.im seconded by AW. Perry. City Solieiter Jones enquired n to the lertn of such an agree-ment. Col. McMullin replying Ilia-it was customary to make, it for vested in the peujde to a foreiar authority without first con-ultmu the people. I'lie city was pre-sumiug to frie away a privilege that the people llad long fough' for and for some time enjoyed.. question, he could see no 'guar ant pc that a saviug would be ef- Ily mnkin the i-hange proposed, (lie city would he going back i one year subject in three months'! notice tliereafler. j Flying In. Public Face j In moving an amendment that! fh. miest imi. I'm mil I., nlilia .... ... ... ........ - wards and resnlving 11 self intol seconded he felt would he well II.. .ii.i selves.; ;Mrtfead of flying in (he face'of publii opinion bni selling Ihe liberty or Ihe peopbij without eonstoltipiar tliein, tie nnne.1 thai a ptf'WscitenmjIwkq'iillou b) laketi HI llie earlfesi poshibb' ' T dale. Aid. barsen seconiled amendment. Mayor Opposes wished lo ie-'i(i every statement of, Aid. Casey as his own "honrsl-lo-tioit convictions." lie are now to he rinind in this djs., failed to see where there was to ' .Irict and il is confidently ex- ' Mis K. BriH, 579 Redwood Ar Vinnipr-, Man. writes! "I was trouMtd with such nems headaches that oine times I was nearly era with them. One dsy a friend told me about, and advised me to use m o I tried it, and it has done nit a world of good. I Juit took two and a half bottles, and I hsren't had a headache for a long time, now." Put no onlr by The T. Ullbura Co., Iisiiud, Toronto, Out. A substitute " VARIETJESt K-Ib. and Mb. cartons arui 5-lb. txnrs. Canadian, Pimento, Swiss, Camembcrt, LImburcrr, Gruycrc, CratrJ. ite of the people. Aid. Caseyi laled thai he was in no wnl.e any material saving and, -ven ready td siihruit a right that waif then was a sain. In- 'uuns' i !hai the ancl course wuutd he for the cily to rontoiue (lie .qu i -ittinn of it own affair, lie real-; wed that there had ln-en criticism of the local .-idminislraiioo' but", spe-aking for himself and Ids As to the financial side of Ihelffllow police commissioners, hr fell that (hey had done their best to keep the c'ly in a safe rnndi reeled. II was all upposition.Hion. From what lie had heard clude that the outside districts. where the provincial police were1 an autocracy, lie did not believpfhi charge, had met with Ihe same Ihe cban.e would lie. in accord ance with popular sentiment. He-fore making a Mrp'so reactionary and drastic, Ihe mover and and read, he could not but con difficulties a ltd had achieved with no heller success in meet-fug them than had (he municipal toliAi administration in Ihe city advisqd. (o . give Ibi; people lheruncil would be doing rluhl In! oppdHttnittf of cxprfssln.ibem-Jumniiu.' al a ronclitsum wllhoii'l peeled- that olhers will he dis- WaS Nearh CMTV closed as a result of this sea son's work. CITY 'HANDS OVER POLICING. OF CITY TO PROVINCIAL FORCE AT SPECIAL MEETINQ OF THE COUNCIL. From Headaches zhing the ofj Urn (he opportunity of eprCsJng their own Choice. If ihe citfeiis voted for lie change Ifien bf would hav" nothing further Id" say. The Division The vole was ihen taken, lh theljimcndmenl being voted for by Aid. Casey, Aid. Larsen and Ihe mayor, Ihe rest of the council. Mayor Newton slated thai tmlWitli the exception' of Aid. W. .1 jijreer. who was not present, op posing it. The resolution was Ihen carried on a slpill.lr diision and was declared passed by III Worship. The merlinig, which was.alsj atletiiled by Police Commissioners V. II. Montgomery and Meorgo t'rizzell, then adjourned. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert II. S. Mcf.ei.d, f. 0. ftosworlh. C. McKinnell, W. Mann, (. Harris. W. Sinclair, Mr. and Mr. J. C. Starr, V. A. Wallace, .lolm W. Allen. M. Kurber, J. A. Mrtlher- iwell, Jl. A. Cornwall and Thomas 'Louden, Vancouver; J. II. Mr-iMiillfn and (I. A. SI.eVens, Vo lloria; P. H. Hoc, Sunilnerland, James I.nmb, Cassiar Cannery Central W. .1. Hartley. Vancouver. H. A. Stevens of tho provincial public works arrived yesterday from Vlrjorfa and wilt spend Ilia next two or Hirer: weeks In the city supervising work lo be ilon) here. can piay football -so can a Red Grange. But oh, what a difference. Substitutes are made and sold for Kraft Cheese. But they can't take the place of Kraft Cheese. Not when the taste has once known Kraft flavor. When you ask for Kraft Cheese youVe a right to get it. The label will tell you whether you do or not. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworker, etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELOINO. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3ft UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sillint frtiCD I'noc Huri, or VAKICOUVCM. VIOTOMIA, Sen.n a.,, ana Al.rl TM4i. 1 C .f VSNCOUVtR. VICTOMIA. Alert , MS l.llm a.,. SMwrf , 10 oe ANVOX. rOUT IIMCION Nm Rli.r Cinn.rlM, Thur f..' J0"! 'eSOM, ANVOX. ALICE ARM, STCWAITT, SuMir. B p.BW f IM Iimii. I. a.rntleT, AfsnL rrtitM NvM'l a a "TRY A NIP TONIGIir1 BEST PROCURABLE Mil BOTTUO A GUARANTdD VZ 'fit -rcj-f AT) rnObuce or cotuo me urifinal L.b.l laok for It at tl. Vendor's and Insltt on C.RANT'3 -BEST PROCURABLE" This ndverlifiemenl is not published or displayed by Un Liquor Control Hoard or by the Oovornmeiit of lirltish Columbia