' page Fcfoi: THE DAILY HSWO ANNUAL HARD BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus TIMES DANCE LLUN0TO WHY 4000 -,rSQ ( CVSDO-Y THCttJr. J I I " " Tl tveni ai Exhibition Hall Last night Proved Very Enjoyable Tlio annual hard limes dance look placo last, night at the exhibition haI apd provp,) a very viijuyanie event. The floorof llio Hail hail hitpn specially prepared for the occasion ami was jn good shape. It. F..'ltcnson,was master ii ceremonies ami kept things moving well. l he .scene was a- spectacular one, many of those present hav ing dlsguispd ljomsolvcs iji ii)l ami (hM ciisluii)(.s ami clianffl their general' appearance by means nf faep paint. When I ho time for Judginig came, the marcli was Ie. by the pipers hand cniw sisling of J .Stewart. A. Ilruce, N Leslie, A. McDonald, J. Slur neon, S. Currie and J. McLclJan. The prizes went, for the lies! comic lady In. Mrs. Froi. Sraddeu and best comic manMn "Archie" f 1 I.. iiiMiliisiiii. .Mayor .ewpn pru- sepieij llio prizes. Apolhep interesting event during ilie evening was Ihe Chnries-ton dance cniilnsl, llio fir! prize goinig to Pain Joy ami Mjsi, Marie Ma Lend. Only three couples entered Injt Ihey gave good exhibitions of t lie latest art. Another fftaljirn was the Scottish (anpps which were entered into with zest even if llio dancers did not in pvery case slov familiarity with the steps and precision of movement. For these, music was prqyidcd by a special oiTlpsra consisting fif J. Drem-ner, leader, J. Watt, J. McKay, Vaughan Davie and Dayp Ross. TMp . iljrocjpr nf the Fpottisli dance was J. Simpson. S. K. Campbell, Mrs. T. Andrew and Mrs. Cullin. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert Word has been received In th. eily or the death or William Moodv Port Simpson Indian. He died on his ga shoal while takinR his family from Cporgetown lo Port Simpson, A new high record price, lOp jer pound, was set up locally to day when Ihe Canadian Fish k CohJ Slorage Co. bought the fob lowfng halibut catches: Annie St Leon, 8,000 pounds; Moringcn, 30,000 pounds, and Venu, 25, 000 pounds. The pupils pf the, High School, under the direction of Principal 7'MO ALU WEEK wpav ) 01926 av Ut l Ft-nmi Sessvici. n. AVaat Britain rtbtt nmnti. and Mrs. iJrady and Miss M. V. McLen.aglan, put on a successful Shakes perian recital In the West-holine Theatin bofiire a packed audience. Assisling in the program were Charles Halagno, ll 1). limps, Mr. and Mrs. (V. A. Woodbind, anil V. Vaughan SUCCESSFUL SALE AT PRESBYTERIAN: CHURCH Good Attendance and Ready Sale of Articles at Ladles' Aid Affair Yesterday ' V i . Under the auspices of the allies' Aid of I lie I'n'shytcrian t aldes win well tilled wit It hiiipe made candjes, tempting cakes apd sewP'l- work Ufpfi( 3ml ornamental, which were well dis- T)!a.huJXVJiitld p...q.parM-!iMwC( pr. by f. jnt lHrlW. ( through the ity prior to the event and also played in the hall on arrival. Arthur's hand provided the general dance music. Durinjr the evening hot dogs and cider were sold hy the flyrns, and lea was served hy the Ladies of Ihe Moosehearl Legion. The Klks and the G.N.Il. also' had booths. , y A cake raffled by "the Jndies of the Legion "was raffled and won by Hill Heesley. The lolal proceeds of Hip evening amounted to $27 L there being .'153 who paid admissions In the hall. Krnie I nwin was cashier and John Williamson mi the door. canISianclub ladies elect . Officers all Appointed by Acclamation as Nominations Just Sufficient Without Opposition The Women's Canadian Club n l'rince Hupert elected all their officers by acclamation at the .meeting called for that purpose yesterday in the council chamber of the city hall, Mrs. J. C. Mc Lennan presiding. Just sufficient nominations were made lo fijl, the positions and the annual meeting next week will confirm the nominal ions. The complete list, '.of new jiffieem, follow:-1 i jtoji. l?rj'slile'nt Mis. Fftgert, Hon. Vice-p'resiilenl Mrs". J C. McLennan. iMeMidenl-Mrs. McMordie. Vice-president Mrs. C.. II Orme. Secretary Mrs. Adam Mackte. Assistant Secretary Mrs firieve. Treasurer Mrs. Normnn Walt. Ussistanl Treasurer Mm. fl Woodland. Kxeculive Mrs. Kggerl, Mrs afternoon the ladjes Wf;re kept busy attending the dainty tea I aides. The ladies in charge were deliighted with the paronage-ac-corded them. ' Mrs. J. Simpson, n'rpsi'lent nf Ihe Ladies Aid. was present and Ihe following ladies attended to the various stalls. Tpa Mrs. !. O. Stewart (convener ;, Jfrs.. L. V. Kergin. MVs. McMeekin, Mrs. McClynmnt. Mrs. It. It. lllce, Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. W. h. Laudison, with Mrs. It'orje, cashier. Home cooking Mrs. Wilson Murray -convener ,- Mrs. J. O Slppn. iraudie.4 Mrs. AloXaughtnn rconvener . Mrs,' Starr. Plain worlv tMrs. .labour (con vener , Mrs. (.hrislic. Fancy work -Mrs. Vance (con vener . .Mrs. Massey. FELL FROM CAKE OF ICE INTO RIVER AT ! EDMONTON AND DROWNS KDMONTOX, Ap il 22. Th. first cily drowning accident oi the season on Ihe Saskatchewan river occurred at the east em' of Ihe city just beyond the High lands when a nine-year-old bo named Phillip Fnrchynuk, Itevei. ly, losi his life. Tbe lad ho'l been playing with a half doze: olhers of the same age on Hi' north shore of Ihe river abou' KM) yards east nf Ihe efly limit' in Heverly' ami' it was I re, re tb.-jt Ibe'-'Talallty nccnrreVl. '' ' According to the story lold I Hie police by his companions Hi unfortunate lad bad gone out on (he cake of ice which was touching the shore. The others, fearing danger, pulled him off but he persisted and look .another ven ture. Just then the ice movp'l off will! Ihe current whioli wa runolng rapidly and before be could do anything lo escape ln was far from the shore. The others, fascinated by the hunger watched for a minute am Ilien were horrified 1o see For- ehyuuk slip oh the ice and iiiti !the water. All ran panic stricken for aid but whpn help arrived ni trace was lo be seen of Hie lad. The proceeds of the eonrert a the Anglican Church Tuesday evening amounted lo $I08.!5. - . . BOVRIL is a Great Body Builder Give the Kiddies Some INCREASE IN addition to 3,00il passengers due to arnvp at.Queiiec on Saturday and the majority of whom wi'l proceed wesl to take up farm-of their own or engawe in agricultural work for other. An even more striking comparison is that or the Canadian National's farm employment service. From Ihp beginning of Hie year up to date Hie company has placed in farm wurk more new comers than during Ihe entire season of either IU25 or 1 026 mil 1,00(1 nun c 'limn . had been placed up to Ihe end or April last year. BURIED WTH MASONIC RITES THIS AFTERNOON Services for Late John Thlrkle Held in Lodge Temple and at B.C. Undertakers The funeral or the late John Thirkle, pioneer of Ihe city, whose death occurred in Die Prince Hupert licneral Hospital lasl Sunday morning, took place his afternoon under the auspic's ir Tsimpsean Lodge A.F. A. A.M. there were services at Ihe Masonic Temple and at the par- or of the H.C. Undertakers with .ljl. W. M. Ilrown, the wor-shiprur master, ip change. Interment was in Fairview Cemetery. : Pallbearers, all pioneers and membpr of Ihe Masonic craM, were A. 'W. I'dge, Abl. M. AI. Stevens, Abl. Joe (Ireer, Dr. II. Ii Tremayne, Oenrge W. Kerr and J,. II. Thompson.- rrQd 4Co AFU com- i i rw IMMIGRATION Canadian National Announces 145 Per Cent More This Year so Far WIN.NlKi. April 21. An ii -crease of more limn 115 per cen: in immigration over (lie finn.-i-dian National lines into weste'-u ('..vnlla' np lo Mte end of April over I lie same period nf l;is! year i- anuninirpil hy eolonii:rtio'i officials of the Canadian Xa- tfmial railways. This is taking into consideration '- V '" those who w,,n nr tJluirph particularly succ-ssful . ,0 roa 1 "''y regular ,J(le was-H.1 yesterday anCr-,',U' )V noon in their church l.ajl. hajl. Th' Tliea,:lS!u'r'al 'V'" ,,n m 'Ilie lalp Mr. Thirkle, who yas about CO years of age and a na- r'Vfft-of Weston. Ontario, came .In Prlnlce . Itimert berftre v.illinv eoiisiritrllonvdays and lafer spent several years al Anyox. About a year ago iti this cily be was Iricken with au attack of par-lysis from which lie failed In re pover, bavin? been a patienl" in he hu.-piliil far Ihe pal twelve inpntlis. He $ survived by a 'irolher in slou, Ontario, and an uncle resides al Ladners landing, 11.(5. Among those sending' flowers o the funeral, were Tsimpscun Lodge No. 58, A.F. &. A.M. and JMr. and Mrs. J. A. Mcltae. WEATHER REPORT (fiovcrnmenl Telpgraphs) 8 a.m. Prince Hupert: Pari cloudy, light southeast wind: lempera- lure 18. Anyox: Heavy rain, tern'p. 50 (0. Terrace: cloudy, calm, Ipmp Hnzellnn; Part cloudy, wliub.', temp. r0. ' Sniillicrs;.J'foiily, carfw Jcpip Hiirns L?Hp! Part cjimdy, calm temp. 19, Telefiiapli Creek: Clear, calm l emper.il ii re tO. WhileJmr.se: Clejjr, soiillrwind . nn ' V . ii'llip. .IV. 32. HIk Salmon: Clear, calm; le;np Dawpnn: Cloudy, calm: temp AvcragcTYukon tcmpcralure 40. U ante J For Sale For Rer.t WHM? orgnni.il ions able In promote .Uitl field the leaul. The I'ool-ball AssocialioVi accordingly sot' -gests that say two of our Various' city orvanizntlons each undertake to nul' on a learn. The upper IHgh School boys reoorl iial they are already nrjinujcd Two further team would give intermediate football a pond start. This is a good move, and I Irusl will be supported. P. M. WIXSI.OW. SPORT CHAT An nfficial lacrosse guide cor.- lainlnc playing rulen for ,ll2fi and containiiia ti Lri..il ili-al ur Valuable jinloiajulul wlHi, regard f, lli.i l.ii.l....m. ..111... i.J....t..' .. various fljfonls: jpfianjp!lo(is1iiis, ele. Iias'fik'n receiver ililnT Ihe Rnnadiau Atnuteur Lacrosse Association. As a means or eslab-lishing lacrosse, Ihe Canadiai .National game.-nn a firm fooling Ibioi-clioni n,o Dominion, Ihe Association has. inaiururaled a campaign of e.liinillon among Ihe school children and letlers re ceived by die A.4soeialion nml published in the booklet from various govprnineiit ofricials, including c.hiici minislers in each of Ihe proyiripps, and lead ing men of the cnunlry indicate dial' the carnpaigiuls being looked Diion wltli favfir from Ihe Mri, places, .ri. t . , , . me naomimon season was rinsed at Anyox. last Sunday with a tournament In which twenty rour players look pari and which was In progress from 0.30 j Ihe morning ujUH 0.30' in the evening. Forty-eight mixed double games were played and the balcony of ilie hall win ermvdcil with Interested specla-Inrs. Out of a possible 120,. Mrs. Mrby made Ih'p highest number of points amnng lie ladles with 117 while Mrs, Fvp wa sepnnd with 1 15. AniQnjg; Ihe. men, Fred Ilrown and Mr. Moffatl wpre high with I20 the former being declared (he wipnep In a play-off, lladnilnlnn wasonly establlshci In Anyox this winter bul the firs! f DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. i 2c wtile in regard to this; per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu tha,n 50c" INTERMEDIATE SOCCER LEAGUE Proposal to Have Series for the Younaer Players of the City ! ORGANIZATION NEEDED Ihe need of an intermediate occer league for the present seaon is mentioned by a good many of Jhose interested in gUirnes in ihs city. The presi Editor Daily News. . Oliilp a ii ii f n Imm- of young fe lows m Prince lluperl wnnl In play soepcr, and there should be! an intermedjale league this sea son for1 I hem. AI present, our boys are shut) eon or rooliiall from IJieir Junior c.i,; ilnve until lliav imitfinn i.'. r'Hl SALK up somehow enoiisli skjll and experience In; -make Ihe senior teams. This K not a good thing for the boys, ar the game, or lb" city. nljf f . . We have Ihe hoys, and Hip ground, ami then1 are good men willing to manage and train the team. The difficulty is that JWtNTC MAID Wiintnl fur general housework. Mrs. Olof Hanson. Phone Itluo 325. tf MAID wanted for general housework. I'hone (Ireon 700. t FOR SALE Foil SAI.I'. Well built house in Wentview, four lots. ttM30.no. lloue on Fifth Avenue, Se-lion 7: two lots. M ,800.00. We hnve abn two of the very hesl riiiidences initio oily for sale at attractive price-. Mcfiaffery A fiihUms, Ltd., In-uranee and Ileal F.lalc. dent or the fool ball association! FOll SALIk Oak chiffonier, bevelled glass; kilrhen table, new; spring eol: nak dining 'oxlenslnn table, sagless spring. 2 oak library bible. 3 trunks, several pjrlliro f rimes at spep-lally low prires this week. Northern Hxcliauge, 21.1 Second Avenue. Phone 23. Five roomed house, on Iwo lol, furnished; nil In ranlpn anil berry bushe. ,?-750.00 on term. Apply T. Me-Clymont. if FOIl SALK. -T- Prima HuperFn Hesl Hargaln three lots on Taylor Slreel, all for 375.00 cash. WoslPnhaver llros. Ihese hoy are not in touch with PALP.. Daby carriage in excellent 712. cniiditioii. TO RENT HOAIID WD HOOM. Hold. Phone Phono I'WO rooms In rent in private home, waterfront view, up-lo-dale furnisbinigM. .'130 I'ourth Avpnile Hasl. Phone Hlue 500. FOH IIF..NT. Pinnos. nlaver pfanos, phonographs and sew-machines. Walker's M it I e Store. FOH ni:.NT. -Modern four ronm- ed-flal, with Mnnareh range, in Clapp block. Westenhaver Urns. rUn.MSHKD Ilousekecpln Ilooms lo rent by the day, week or month. Phono fled C07. tf FOH HKN'T. Furnished honse keeping suite, Ma!lern Apartments. Phone 18. if ion Jli;.VTFour; room nlie, hot wale'r healed. VpPlySmIti. A Mallet. FOH IlKNT Seven roomed house. Phone Ort'en 735. 91 MODF.HN FLAT ror llnnl. Apply Max Hellbroner. if BOARD AND ROOM. HOAIID. The Inlnnder, 8.10 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOAIID, Ilooms and Furnished Sulles. Palmer House. f Real Cnvrt PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 Thursday, April 22 "IkI- 0:53 a.m. 10.3 " 22:52 p.m. 17.0 " '-Pw i:08 a.m. lo.t " 10:10 p.m. 7.1 " Friday, April 23 "W- 1 0 :H I a.m. 17.1 ft. 2-1:27 p.m. 18.5 " 'o 1:50 n.iu. 8,8 " 17:03 p.m. p.5 " Saturday, April 24 High :32 .,. i7ifl 23:58 p.m. 10.2 " '"w 5:30 a.m. 7,5. " 17:12 P.m. o. " "eirsnn has been n verj' successful one. Coupe, price F.O.II perl Conch, price pert Sedan, price F.O.H. perl Liindan 8slan, . A Article Lost and ound,&c AUTOMOBILES See the New Improved CHEVROLETS Touring, price F.O.H, rtupert Ilnadster, price, F. O. II Ilnperl j Prince t878.00 Prlnro 1878.00 Prince llu- l,l0.00 F.O.II. Prlnro llu-.. $1,122.00 Prlnro Hu- 1.2S0.0C prlc F. O. H. Prince Hupert 1,287.00 Comiuereial Chassis, price F.O.II. Prince lluperl 7j08.OOj 1-14 Ion Chassis, price F.O.II., P.-ince lluperl 080.001 inii In mill ry n I inipltiilMrM nf 11. u.m.A.u. tasy payment Plan. A few bargains in Second Hand1 Cars. KAIEN GARAGE Denier in all lienernl Molorc . PrtHlucts. Cadillac. Mclaughlin, Oaklaml. MliNmotilte. pontine and Chevrolet. WIHT.KINO SFHVICF DAY AND NKillT W ah li Tor tie REDUCTIONS IN FORD PRICES in line with Hie recent Innlf reductions. Watch this ad. for price. S. E. PARKER LTD. 219 Second Ave. TAXI Phone 87 Taxi (Call Oeorge, Paul or iiol Six nnd Seen Pacnwer Slude bakers at ynur disposal anv lime. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from F.niires Hotel. FURNITURE AND RANGES MAXUF-S and Furniture at most reasonable prices. When ym. require any article for tin home, Jusl come in or phone. Hsed furniture lioimhi oot-rtghl or exclinnged for new furniture. A. MneKcnzte, Fur-nlHire, Phone 775. GOOD EATS CAFE, Third Avenue Opposite Henson's Studio. GOOD MF.ALS. (i()() CAKliS Coffee nr Tea Served. nn.L ho.mk cookfd mf.als Mrs. Unger, Proprietress. ' BOOKKEEPING, WA.VTFD. Hooks In posl: government return made; public nudils. Hates rensnnnble. J. O. Williamson. Phone Illncl; R9. if PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. Back to the old stand. 3t5 Third Avenue. All (he latest In RHF.F.T MUS0. Columbia New Process RECORDS AND PHONOQRAPHS. ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving llaggngp nnd Kxpreas Rcnd:Lltc's 4News Stand, Phone 352. lies. Phone Oreen 020 , FURNITURE. New and Recnmlhiind Furnl-lure Slqre, We ly. Sell api) P.x-ciange New and Secondhand Onnds, GEO. PAPADOPULOS 839 Third Ave. phone 6IC MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-OIQ. for tht ltd rl . MK14 . Mmt (U train ' TurfUjrt ; WnliirMbr (IU liln TrliUjl Sitn!ii . . . lnUi (r Iran, IMML. AMU t. II .. . 1 T , Arm, lln frw til "until t Wrffru.liit . . , . T , rort tlmpton t4 Sm, Tt AU.k PIM Aenl t. ll. i T Qta CMrldli ltlan r.li Apftl I. IT. IN-COMINO. rrm Ui fait Mafklsjr, Writrr4rt ! r. Mn.i 'u Trs Vaaxvmtfw Sii.ta)i tt Wrdnrxllja JMu rrM . saianto lc n. Ami . ii from at, Hca Arm, luaanM latamtm M lrM rram Ai, rHrl tiMa ta Hia ratal- Salrrl f ram Altai elat AM1I f. II. tl Trm Qvaaa Cirlll lala4 W I. It. ft. 101 COllCCTIOSI Otham a, AUM Aa AM. ""I lal Ktr A flU Si. t f ia A rallaMi SI ' lb tta A Ttew.4i II A harMmvia iw a II Vrr a rMnrt SI " Mi a. A Hats Ota a u nt ll A. A t h i tin . A v-nm SI lt. Aatl. ri.. rm. no i. vitarf a n.T.p. VMr( .... I arr. uiM :. tlfcl Kr I tM It 1 9 im sir. a mn-u i i 1 1M At A lf SI . " ' STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS far Vaatyiar Vulwti) I'rlin f i '.3. iHrMla) Aril. M rrMav Prlnra n r Saiunlar . lAlal . PrthtM Itaalrtr " April la. ITIiKra " Attl tt-. a, l-rin. ' trm Vancavtir Suralsy . Ctnlrru 1 WaJnawlay- .a. Prim a rrldav at laltlt Saiurrla; . rnrr.-a R lwrl4 . I'rtnra i hai April It at. prluraa I! April .. Prima" n tf Port tlanp ti4 Hmi i" rrldar -. emu rram Part timcao aa4 Naaa S'ik- titHntar a. rnl Fr Alaaka Arll I a. Ptlvaaa II April 10. .a. Pri,-r P frem Alaaaa April IS a. Prlnrat ' April tx -a. Prlrwr- p Fcf tUsrt, Anti n Allea Arav Siirwlty a. Carilrns Watnaa.- pnnre Salunliya- . prinre ' h' trm ttawarl, Unjti ini Alkt Arav Mi.rnlajr -a. prinre Mid Tilaaitay -a, Canlan PHiU a. prlnra iif. for Any! Prii1t. aa. ratal from Afi . sinr1j a. ratal For Qun Chsrlell lalanta April IT ai. prinra John from Qus Charlotta Itlanda April Id at, prlnra Jnlm April tO aa, Prlnra John CANCILLATION OP Mil' i tt i t n NOTICK IS MfJltriY fllVF.N l",.,2 i1!'!,rr tlallnT iivar J , iainv ailliairu .11 Parma 4, iUhi IrtMHrl. I '' 'r O II. "r. l ' Will V " m TIMBER SALE, X7C49. slii Trndar u ill m rnrdinl W? Mliilalar of Lamia at VlrtArl Vi.i ,w. ..." tViC . iiir ilia purrliaaa nr l.lr'li' - I (; nil Mil,o.!il tm t f Sprnrr H'fl Pr l ll l,..'. " vir n. ii. .i n.-.lni.r Oi. . wl '"f" . niiirirl, Jl'! s .1!,.v" r ,T"jri will will I ill""1 1 ri-rnnul nf ri,,ar, . , JJiwl?.r Pr"""Ur nf tha '5 rrintsi Ilitrutvt m r I - """vvt "t Vt