sday April 22, 1926, SE KLEENEX 'lit Sail i In IV Colli (heum Itciiiiivcr. Whit.. , ii .mm 11 uunii, i wnii.- u iiiiim dl'iii uh an ordinary . ii tit"- vvinii no tuner uicilind eves known Inn ever remove nil dill ami urease frniii Hie imri.u I.. Ilfllv llH HUllimvilllHI IIU.MB 00C RADOX (iniiMlp.t KniH-licn" new llalli K.ilU. Nuper-ehnraes 1 . ... I at a u-il ll HVftfllll lliltltlnir .. ,.n .rii,iiil ...I.. I . I h Hit1 piiiperlie til woiiil-l onoii! tiicilirnl pa wafers. I cpl . tlciitlurisc tin -km, i'licvc It lu-i i tuiil iin, i ii. Lumbago, lioul. Horns utnl Mure or Tcudur Feet, l.i- i.'ir'k II IT I' ur i a ""CI- wv Ormes Limited The 1 1 e x a 1 1 Store . a Mm Pioneer DriiggisU Phones 82 and 200 a warn m respective DiMoersi COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES iiMBEii. runner-, ijiiiicumuu. m ii; ti. r n run-n. i- oor- uig V Joinl. Iliihlic ami Ik'v l Siding, Cedar and Fir llnnl Lumber. Fir uml UoUonwood enter. Moulding, Sh ngles, Kolnml Shingles, Lalh. Oak. Hardwood,, Hash ami Door. Wood Pipe. ii ruTO tri llj.fllf.iifl I'jininul 1,'m.,,, f',,,.,..i .. ,111 UII - - - - , - - . . - -..-....-., . , . i bclo4 OiueuL Miiruwiiii i'iaier. rubier or Pari. PluMer HonnJ, Lime, llyilrnled lAmv. Tin'rliiy. WrW ....... .... . - . " - " - a i v nrv 11 11 r. c . iilturiil Tile, Yilnlied l'ie. Flue Lining. It iIm r.M'l Minliiiff. Jiim. .Manville t AhIM'xIih IIimii-ng-! -,iliiill. Apliiill Hoiifinp papm, 8nd and (ir.ive NANAIMO-WELLINCTON COAL 'J' nl t . .1 1 fur vii. K t , in n 'la'itfi' m w-. v m e mm ri I r n n n t t v m LdLKI & lYIcLArrhKl, LID. Phones 116 and 117. DEMAND 'Rupert Brand" Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by nadian Fish & fold Storage Co.. I. id. i " J J w -m Prince Rupert, B.C. 70 JJ W e have (lie only complete slock of Gilchrist Jacks mi i.i n in i in firiii i 1 1.1 1 1 ii i l iiirkMHi vt . t .".iw'tt in ii trniifiris i..iiiii r.iiti i i i ii i II will ;iy you lo sec hi when out filling. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue tit SALVA i IU1N AKM 1 knows it has only to ask you Have you given to THE COLLECTORS? TONEWARE r-n w Dnro tcn diitn tiu i i uii wi""u oiii'wurc represents the last wttnl m sanitary containers. hompson Hardware to., Ltd. Local and Personal Mione 15. P.M. Coal Co. If Arthur's Taxi. Plione 078. If U.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. Sneddon's Taxi and McsAniiifir Service. Phone 131. It iiliffHntioiiH taken for lliliniinlon paper. 1'lione Wi. 5 450 tons Manalmo Welllnnton Lump Coal Just arrived. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 116 and 117, n llcui'l fnrjf. si. lit'orae'tt Dav whit drivp uml daiii'i! in Mel nipnlf Hall tomorrow uiKhl a! 8 o'rloek. i:.IMt. iteaiin'r PriiieeuM lloyal, Capl. TIioiiihm Cliir, fouthhouud from Alaska lo Vancouver, due in porl tomorrow. timinty courl cacen of ,Sufa v Milli.ii and llayner vx. Ilrown lutM' been adjourned to ilaii' to lie fixed, ni,,- of the wilneittfe in Ihe laM-r u-w wa examined hefore Judze Youiijr yesterday. J. C. Klair. C.X.H. Jitiiet rljrhl of way agreni at Vaneouver, and Mr. Starr are viitoii in tin clly. They ariied from Ihf miiiIIi on yeierday'n uleanier anr. will reliirn to Vancouver toinor row Minming. Motorli!i Ilellliigliain. Itiplai Anderson, arrived in ixirt -lerday afliMnoon at 4:0 fioir Ketchikan and, after dUeharKitnr a carload oi frU nulibut lot irannHhipmeut llal over the Canadian National Hallway. Il.'tuine. nortii. .Iolorliit Katrtianki arrivi in port at 'J: 15 this morning frorr Salt Chuck Mine, Alaska, witn thirty Ion of palladium roneen trale fir tran!!liipnient Ka! over thr Canadian National Hail way U rrVtuKkm iuejter. New Jeri-ey. (Aalwi(r Steaitihii A llart!! !.' Ytvfclilejt Mqul arrived at i oclix-li flrii4 4iKifiiiit? from tin-wtilli' wittf 200 ton of cohI fdr Peter HUek and .'50 toun for 'he Canadian l ili A Cold StoK nfre 0. rter dUeharpini:. Ihf veiiM'l will proceed to Stewart and Aiijrot. At t;30 yeerdav afternoon the fire department reiondiM to a rail from 015 Cnmux Avenue, owned by lllanchc Hart and or eupied by Marguerite Duran?, when rubhih on fire in the !iaetn'nl eaued eonMilerahh 'tnoke and quite a hit of excite-nienl. The flanieti were pul on. lief ore any eriou tlamagn vva done. Mif llerniee Palmer, who hat lii-en Menosrapher In Ihe Dumin ion Fifherles ofn for sevorfc yi :n. i-i severm? hr conneelioi ullli the department oil Mav ami will pnireed to .San Fran lco where llP expeflu lo .xpent .ix month before returning Vanrnuxer wliere in (Irloher h will he married to Finest II Taylor. ANNOUNCEMENTS Presbyterian Church Ladles Aid Spring Sale, April 21. Fair Hayseed Dance, Wednes day, April 21. nidify Home Uazaar May C. Her Nerves Were "All Broken Up" She Could Not Sleep Mrs. David Oallouhr, 37 lnd-komt Am., Hamilton, Ont., writeit "My nerves vrere all broken up and I could not altrp at night, and I would have to gt up out of bed and walk the floor for houn at a tine. After Using a Box of I Began To Feel Much Better. ! and after using a few more boxea I could enjoy mr rest as well aa ever I could." II. ft N. Pills lave beea on tb market for the past 32 years! tout nearest drucpst aells tacm; put up I only by The T. Milburn Co., Llialtod, Toronto, Ont. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE1 y .. mce I 3 Thl Utile Ni U brimful tf tielpful hlnti, Iteby'e food, clothet, Urp, weletit end common ailment are di cuifmJ hy authorltlri. Invaluable to mother. Sent free. Write The llordcn Co. Limited. Vncoutrt owners of Eaiile Drand Cnndrnted Milk einee 1IS7 the lceoing Infant food. Mix Mebel Mill iieen i-il:iiy in tin iial thr.'i' montli! of her liriil;tr and Mr. and Mr. C. C dnift Aiiartinenl-'. Knitfiii of 1'yl.hia- Masquerade' Hall, April Zi, in lio- on Hall l'ti '. who h i-:. for Ihe Mie tueit Mier-in-lau Millie, Wa! will sail h ;lie fileanier J'rince fieonre to- borrow morning on her return to her home in nokane, Wash ington. A SURPRISE People are surprise.! at the quirk action of unide buck thorn bark. maKneium ulph o.p. glycerine, etc., a mixed in Adlerika. This removes Momacii GAS in ten minutes and brings out a ."urpriMiiK amount of old Miiaonous mailer you never thnuzht was in your system. No mailer what yon have tried Tor titotuarh trouble or conslipa lion. Adlerika i f- wonderful in ll tJl'lf.K aelion that you wiit be aloiii!hel. I'll is excel-'(ill inleslinal o.iBuant stop that full, bloated feeling and make- you enjoy eating. Don wafle time with pills or tablet :ul fiet lll'AL Adlerika aelion today!- -Onnes Limited. Drue lists FOUR OF TUNNEL . VICTIMS TAKEN OUT OFIXCY, I'at.. April 22. Four ol I lie m victim of I ho envc-m at Hie (irizzley t'.reek lunne.l a' Huck'x .Mountain. J(l miles from iere have been recovered. Three were local ed ye.lcrday. Tlioimr McDermolt who wat taken on ,ilive Tuesday nijjlit is recover lux. VANCOUVER BANTAM KNOCKED OUT RIVAL Vlt'.TOItlA. April 22. Harvey llolliday. the Vancouver bantam. knocked out Freddie Hrellon oT San Francisco in the seventh of a scheduled len round bout. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. DltlllY ISLAND, -l'arl, light southeast wind; baromete 30.20: lemperalure, IS; s. smooth; H p.m. spoke Mcnnwr Mogul, Ladysmith for Prince Hu- perl, rt miles from Prince Ru pert; 8 p.m. ,-poko sleamer Cath erine i j'ori hitwafii rtir Nanai- mo, 181 miles from Nanaimo; 0:50 p.m. spoke niolorshin Olin- lo, Hutedale for Arrauilale, l0 miles from Arrandale. DI'.AD TUFF POLYP.- aro meter, 30.02: temperature, 40. JJl'Iil. HAIlliOH.- Cloudy, rresh southwest wind; haromeler, 30.-18; temperature. 17 light swell; 10.20 p.m. spoke steamer (iray at Hose Harbor southbound, Noon l ' DKillY ISLAND.-41'at I . cloudy, light east wind: haromeler, 30.-18; temperature, 3-J seaSmonth. DKAD THF.F. rol.VlT-lfaio-, meter, 30.10; lemperalure, 47 HILL H.XIlIUIH, -Cloudy, fresh south wind; barometer, 30.20s. temperature 52; llghl swell. 8.30 a.m. spoke sleamer Calnla abeamj Ivory Island noiinnounii. Subscribe to the Dally News. FEARS CONSTITUTIONAL CHANCE THIS COUNTRY (Fdmunlon .loiirnat. The old rule datinx back In Ihe reiKii or.(Jueen Anne, ;whifli required a member, on entering the cabinet, lo return to lii con-litueuls for reeleclion, ban been abandoned by the mother of parliament. That its example would bp followed elsewhere throughout the empire was inevitable. i'Le?ila(ioii lo that end i lo be Introduced at Ottawa -and oin of the amendment lo the Alberta legislative assembly act, which Mr. lirownlee has now Introduced, , calls for the removal of the jirovlsion here. I Uder ordinary circumstance, it has not served any useful purpose in recenl years and was a source of -needless fneouveiiienee alid expense. Itut conditions do arise, o'f which those at Ottawa at the present moment -are a striking example, when it is a valuable safeguard . The temptation Is great for a' government with an insecure hold on power, lo ofTer a member, who has not been elected as one of its up-porters, a cabinet po-iiion in or- ler to secure his adherence. It lo lie feared that this will lappen not infrequently, once he i relieved of the neeessily of facincc his constituents anew and seeking their approval of the course Ilia! lias been adopted. EXPORT CORPORATION FOR MARKETING SALMON SKATTLK. April The Sal. mon l-.xport corpora! mm lias riiivl articles of incorporation a Olynipia. Capiial slock is$2o.- 000, with assets anil resonre. s of several million dollars. II rcpjvsenls a merger ol thirty leading salmon packers of Alaska and I'Ua'el Sound.. On- of liie purpo-es of the corpora lion wilt be to popularize the pink or humpback uml the chum canned salmon, in foreign trad fields. Packers belonging tit the cor poral ion have agreed to set aside a portion of the pink and chum packs annually for the export trade. Trustees are: C. A. lturck, L. J. 1.. Hull. Victor Klf.-n- ilalil, Frank Wright, John M. Ill mel. .1. W. Parks, K. Sehoenweld, William C Freebiiru and C. A. Stuart. Education Campaign Fred W. S. .Strong, chairman of a eominillee of salmon packers announce a nation wide cam paign to educate the public on pia!ilit" of salmon. The meeting met with wiilespread re- poiise. n is the rirst time in .iistory that a campaign of Hi's 'at lire has been condlicli'd. ITALIANS DO NOT READ VERY WIDELY HOMK, April 22. Italians end less than the citizens or the other isreat nationsif Ihe world, it lias lieen found by a committee of distinguished scholars, at- lempliiiK lo create interest in Ihe work of young Italian authors. Home, with a population of nearly 1100.000. has hardly a lozeu important bookshop's and these are largely devoted to the classics, technical and political books. ONE JAPANESE KILLED AND TWO OTHERS HURT WHEN STRUCK BY TRAIN t:tiLDI"N. April 22. S. Kilo- mura was killed and two oilier Japanese members of a track igang were injured yesterday al iv'avernioinii when iiiey were .struck by a Canadian Pacific passenger train. TOO LAT7 TO CLASSIFY WANTF.D. Fxperieneed maid; family of two. Mrs D. C. Pat. ei'son. Dank of M nt -eal f0 COFFEE you know that thousands of IJards of Fabrics are destroyed QJearly by impure Soaps ? Made by Lever Brothers Limited Toronto Sold Everywhere A ND it s all so needless. There is one soap that is : dependable' that is Sun' (light, the all-pure soap backed by a $5,000 guarantee. Sunlight Soap prolongs the life of fabrics. at" 11 -iHimfinrllMiaHHHIinnirHTIMIIIIIMIIIMIXU.111 &rauigtiraoap The Largest Selling Laundnj Soap in the world Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, . OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde St. Steamship and Train Service 8.8. PRINCE CEORQC ami PRINCE CHARLES Mill b'lVF PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, I ml luleriiinllillc pulnla FRIDAYS Slid MONDAYS (t 8.00 a.m. For STEWART Slid ANYOX, WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS. 10 00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rorllllgljlly for VANCOUVER la QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY al 8 Ull. for PRINCE OEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all iut titr-rn Canada. Culled Stiles. AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltr Ticket Offlc, E2S Third As, Prince Rupsrt. (canadianT lliurT Far (ITOMAN. WtANCOL Jl'NEAU. SUCWAf Far TANCOt'YCR. Y1CT0UA ni SUTTU S. PRINCESS BEATRICE The standard of Purity for over 160 years Hills & Und Phone 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert .Hires 19. 29, April 9. 19. 30 Ibrcs 23. Apri 2. 13. 23 For BuUaals, Swsnson Bay, East Ball Bslla, Octan Falls, Namu, Alart Bar, Camposll Rltsr, and Vancouver etery Satvrdsy 11 a-m. Aieney for all Steamship Line. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Oeneral Aaent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnca Rupert, B.O. rrrm LB 11- M erw&an London Biy Gin "$3.25 ihe bottle This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government Qf t,- ' British Coluoibin. v fli