r 'Ani ii ? tu"f. lues fls i it ip trillion II mi cany . We' npproprtaie. gift .......I. :t . 1 in lio Hiiini till fjg III C-i gift thai iui io. Tup factories wejdiy from Tniki ab! ril.ll.lia.1 tiinl nod are prtTveu a' to' (i a i maliiy. I any womli'r our jicn-ii' f otin Bulger Ltd. Jewellers K I R IS I 1UVU j b Cleaning and Pressing Iti r Buirs .leaned ami brwd 2-,,n jn s i n suongcd ami ir n.-., 0 ki' i Pa . 1 leaned ami Ire m m I UM1 h" i Vn ' sponged md re ie.il ... ,,' K iv aii. cleaned Rid t: i from. . 42M y . iv .I sponged n (ir -snl il.00 L Ladles' List lie . s s il.irk color 2.nn s liahl eolnr 2.0 lark color f 1.00 - !nhl colon 1.25 i l.'niM nmt Is Best .. $1.-5 j .. f 1.011 valril a 1.00 Pman Vacuum Pressed DRY CLEANERS Phone 8 Underwear 5 repe : I i-lnre Mill, in r and : -. -Irilte t! - kiiv A well i;.a "al for lyjama ni wear. Very r o yard 35c EST of ENGLAND STORE ird Avenuo Phone 753 ood! Wood Now Is your chance Dry Cedar ltl Inn. I '"I I.Ottd . n un an i if a 139 Second Avenue $0.50 $3.50 50o hone 580 Nlaht or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. r. E. S. Tait DENTIST Diunrann m nn aw pinna Rupert, B.O. Offlco Hours 9 to fl. X-Ray Ssrvlos ?hone 888. hvaningn New York Paper Sees Ketchikan as Little Inferno of Gamblers, , liquor Dealers and Red Lights Speaks of It at the Wickedest City Under the Stars and Stripes': Government is Landlord to Recognized Lawbreakers Tli Hearst newspaper do nut always keop I heir offensive riMii.uk. ru- (..in.i.ln nr Ureal Britain. A recent number (ir Ihe New York Hunilay American ha nu article on Ketchikan in wliuli that cily i branded a the wi.-kede. cilv under the ring, where vice mill crime cmidilinus .annul he matched eNcwhere Milint'iit. The uHirlc, which i ,a,.,) on levelalioii said to have bceii innijc recently in the llnii-e of llepre.enlHtive- n't x. .-iimigmii, ioiiovh: A startling revelation I SOVtHNMttlT LIQUOR ACT. was made in Hie limine of ltcprcsen-!'',"men ha invaded and occu- talive In vNashluglnn recently, Dial the Hulled Slate govcrn-iiii'iil U neling a landlord alnl periniltiiw Hie lc of liquor ami dope mill tfi'- trade of iliolu(c women an. I crime of all vnriclic on it property nl Ketchikan iii iftOTICC Or APPtlCATION fOft BCCR i Licence. i hti r I- lllltl.Hi olVI' Dial n IIk ! i ilii ilii V imi Ok- umlrMldml In-ii. inl" I.. !! I- Ihr I niiH.r i "BirrJ .ui. !r i I it"f in tHrrt ti( lh i.rmii. lirt i-jii ! ili IxiiMint kimn iiiimii' ll .' I.' iniai nn Vain Mrwi, ua.o. B . aixl iil IIm lnl ilr- -. nhnl a ll . aVnri ll. Map I riirm hHprrl I ami Rrtlinio ooinri. in In rriinr- ..i nruin i iinm,( i ilv Mir Wr t ilw la r ljr Ihr ,-n nl. fur .i.miii.Min ! rr- '"'Ttlli at Ihr nijr Prlnre nnprrt. I'mtutrr f lOill'h rn4mi.Ua. thl I'lli Xfplwinl. NOTICI. M THE VVTTin of an appllratlon for llw lur ..f a fr.lhial Crrliflrala of . .... i ... t. - m" nr Inl arvrn GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Nolle of Application for Baar Lleenc. MITH E I IIIISHIY r,lVF.. that nn Ihr .Ih da "f May nrii Ihr nn1rrlnr1 In-itinl in aiplv p. Ihr l.lqnnr :,,nlril Hnanl v. n..... in rrnrrt to nrrint knnn i' n.W'.V.A. Ilolrl. Jltiialr In the i.iun-ur 'if 1'iiri :lmirm. hr, upon lh umf rtr'.-'lliril a aniii h half nf l"l ami l)li' t't'inrl ll Jl. Ouwn . i ti. t.i.ncl. liiorlri. amirillnir in a J u.nn nr nlin rirtwollnl al Ih'' nn.irJ offlir in tlir CUy nf I.;..'. ii,Mri ni ami nuiiilMTMl ft7U hr llw Mh f lrrf hV the arlns nr hy riinnnlli.n nil lh Ihr ..irn Imlllr fur prVal"l' II Prtnre nnprrl. B.C.. ihl lh nay r April "". pf Appltrini. 'PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT." Print RMr altal)ratl Olalrlct. Mackantl EUcloral Dlatrict. NOTICK l herrhy riven lhat I ;hall, on I Mnndav Ihr 1 7111 lT "Ti " ....., ii....... Pr nrr I iiprn. nniu a pied Uidian Town, establishing there a red liuht district with two hundred nr none li.nl '. women, awLmaking it a colony of bootleggers, tlitjjtcllrj. gunmen ami low-clan , Japanese. Chinese. MpxicaiH, ami Filipino, who lire taku. It vu eharicil that eiwilin oul lit- senile ami in I'nclf Sain, hili Mt.iii)t u a offensive 'Imli.in. iimralit. in em-oiirtiKinx ami inl Indian Town I'TIeet niaiiilaiiiin? Ih Keteliikan1 Indian Town, title 'to which .1 ... .... .... ....!..:.. - . . T lion nri-ioi nay. .iuka, comli- 't in me hnht.ii grivern liotifc of viee alnl, erime micli a ",,'n, lolay I lie boolle'srcr' . annul tic niaii'lieil eUewliere on "r"' landing plare when hrini- riiiH etinlinenl. Inpior and narcotic from Prosperous City !aero I lie C.aiiailian jorder, Ketchikan ii a eily of five which i only eighty mile IU thousand intiahitanU. a .rnpnrl 'lanl. It u the titadi)iiarlert ami in extreme ronl luatern Aaka, ""ir properly risliU are .Hill, a nianenii reaion of iiland ar- 'nrraed hy n flood of vtee.' rliipelasoeo ami onnd, with a '' merely defiant In ilelishlfiil ehiiiale. It i a (treat Ketchikan: it i nrroernnt. At a Moliina eenlr.-, made exlraonlin- P"llie meetins Jlic mayor of the aril ii-o4perou by the wealth. '") i reported aw .ayiii,T Hint ho wliieli the iM-eait yield. i had alwayx drunk I iiuor -'and Part if it. railed Indian Town, mean I to ao no drlnkinir It; that feeling; in fee to Ip I'niteil a hi privilejje to viit any Slate aioemment, wliieh Iih el lhouA he elioe, repeclnh1n or it apart for the twrupahey of and that lid hinnelf nalixc Indian, who are rhillzed'eonld not lell tlio difference -Hint decent folk. It wren vtrluuii women and di- A direptilHhle nnd eriminal! tiil women. Inasmuch a "they filk ( AptlktlWn (or CwUOwl ol liDrOf fftU tifkl" Mlnwtl CUim IHnl id tor 1-rlfKr hv-rl Minim liiti.i.Hi "I llie Slmi liitinrt. Wlx-rv MM nr in Ivi r kMniklutH lk IJrul tKiMrr n Italia. .um Uv lM,hlrr' 1'rw MifT. onlfwtt. T.kE XiTirr lhat I. tn palm. Fr-ViiHt rrlirirair V, MKH:, liurltd il itw nut ( ulr ilj tHM it Otit bt-ranr in !! l th Vimnf liartt lreei alike ami nalnlcil allKu. wonrn t. -i-i.i- ....... i... I....... ...... ik. eleeteil mayor of Kelelifkau, am Mill hold thai office. Why Mow i it that the rewpectatde ieope of the eity, who are la rite majority, do nii uppri the mi-ctiief itecriled, and drle out the boollecirer. the inM--eer. and the rest of the .tliji.iiliihl,i utimlflal f .nt u-li'il r..r i i rriirinir rriirirtir .r t Irunrnirtiivtil Imrrotrtnvat for rnr th Ih -: ........... . ,.irp. .. .K.uiwntr a runs onini oireaoil loe Kelolilkail rmttlllU ilw iln. rmi. fnrlhi-r Uke rcillr. ... . i .t . imt iKii unrtrr vtim . .f ibHlo lie prliai the vorl .et hole Miwnl VI. mil! ! rtliieiipI I- l.. ,m,.riof l.-ir lb iH4n-e r itrl. Jrtin4Je rf tftfnvrtmtt. lnM ihn llnl ly of ffhnnry. Iff. 1W1 nIJM. oiir. Three Reasons There are three reaon. One i the failun of feilerat official 'o enforre the law. Aimlher i the indifference of the department of jutir at Vahincton. which ha heeii tun huy to interfere. Tlu tliint i the willing-ne of commercial interets in Keteliikan to allow thin; to run alnna n they are. Plenty of ire lliniilale linine. The had women buy expetiie clothe and jewellery; ami o with oilier thinu. The real reponiliilily, how ever, He. with. the department oT jutiec. which, while refusing to interest it.elf eriouly, ha ap proved the appointment of offi- nu-k fntiy i i. uhiiitnn f said to ho notoriously un I nt rTrn nnmirm ami uni m ui. . ...,n . h-.,iir liKlrlrl I Man I07S) ! saito'an.av pnmf of Iw f ihr orlifirair nf Title rntrrin Ihr aUivr la ml haimr lirni prndurrd o mr, It t mv inirnimn m ine. af irt tlir ripiraimn l.,r ..nr nMnlh fmni Ihr flrt puhlirallnn ihrrrnf. a HrnllHial rrriiriraw' nf Tlllr I m ihr ahme laml in thn namr of Taul 'onrfor Maarl. Ttir nrlflnal Crrllflral.1 .if Tlllr 14 Oalrit tlir lain ni aiiiuh, ll ami l nnnitirn1 IIIIMII. I ait Hriir ofnrr, rnn foipi'rt. H " f Ilk Marrh. ii. r, MAr.i.r.nn. ftrflOrar nf Tlllr. ril. It should he tinderloiid thai. m regards enforcement of law, Alaska' situation is uniipie. Hawaii and I'o'rlo lllco have their own enforcement systems, hul the people of our Arctic province posse. no more than police power. If in any Of il towns liitine intere.ls choose to combine with a disreputable element to protect VM!0 and crime, nobody except iho department ol justice can interfere. Qrand Jury's Pronouncement An Alaskan arand jury'. recmi pronouncement was: 'Wo find that the city council; of Keteliikan is responsible fori the appointment of Iho polieel fnice. We find that the police force is rosly inefficient ti not corrupt." The bootleggers nnd other disorderlies laiiKhed nt that. What difference did it make tr llie annul Jury said what every one already, knew? Nobody could he punished. A while no an assistant ilis- Miunr ', .L""'.. inr'Toio'rfl iUT (rict attorney named Miller im- in aain rirn r.. '' -'' . -.. h,.nn. ail nnjrrumi 7i ..ininr anv ami in Ihr rrlenllnn nf .v name ,.,r JJ In Ihr rm-vlnnal tntW lh nlhrr pnr"iM K.lri llnns Aft, , r .h,. lh IHIril al rrinrr nii"i W'fa": ..vn a . ' akM.I fall tUiFttt lTin 'imi.n ;'ro,w ,l.r Id r.tlr hereby H'r; ire ni nr lirfmr III U.l '"v.. V' ,'VJ i n nan anil alt ear ra inurnirn i nir eaiai ir rrVired l Pv IJ ,"'' irf'riySnilrMirM In T"'"""-OfrirlrA.lminltralor Prlnr lioperl, n r. Cited m 90th dy of April, A.D. tJ. derlook to clean out Indian Town, and wa making a pri'lty fair success of the Job. He had the vice-purveyors on the run. Hul Minic-pdwerful Influence blocked day nf April. '9SNOnMAN A. vvatt, his efforls, and today red lights, nerlIMr vnlrr rnr ' L' Hie iiuo.e-sciii-r unii iut- nuir n,.Trt ami Ma"' riwr' nilrlria, ((,a,Jrs oslahlisluMl there in pRoeATt. more securely and more arro- ln tha Surm Cor of Srltlari Columbia, jfillllly Mllltt ever. nn ui'iSurr .-r u.r a,i, irsnon Art: T)0 Women Council of Kel- ln thr Mnitor f ih Khrtt cliikan recently issued a formal :7'vit T ihSt i.y nrih-r of lb prolest selting forth "the stale TAKK IP U. H U ill ,MIK' Will-'" i' oi , official have permilted Iho city lo sink hy their system nf compromising with (lie criminal ele- ineikt," and addiug, "Wo, who are the mother of the Ketchikan nf tomorrow, prolest against eon ditions which nro giving Kctchl THE DAILY nEWS PA,QE FIVE kan the reputation of bein? the" nujsL wicked city in llie West." .Indian Protest This was supplemented hy an address of the native Indiaui mother lovlhe mayor and cityj cuiiiieit, which said; I ' l)isrepilable dives, bootlejf- uinar, ami amlilin have been allowed to centre in the section where our home ''are located. Our hoy and uirls are constant ly exHised to these evil surroundings, and our 'Children have no place to play IdiLin the midst of vice and iliseasajr We plead' wilb'yoii to ehaiio ifonililiiins fori us, o thai our yp(tK' people; may! haye ii ehanee gfOw up to be useful citieiii.,;,y, If would be a nil I like to liken Kejclilraii toffonfer lnwns of nriy year or more aao in respect to its .wide-open disreputable- i'ics. In those town llie saloon was an institution ly itself. Ihooxh commonly .eiiiilemeuted by a dance hall. Hut prohibition ha closed the siilooii, and henre ii come about that in Ketchikan the dis orderly houses do the liipior-selliiiK. Had wouorn an- Hie liar-teinlors. The brothel is a ginmill, with dopt-rlliiii? a a side line. t.iiUiur, iiai-cotics, .'ipil wild women toxetoer fortn bi in- fuslry. City Is Rich A iilrenilv Maid. Ketchikan is a xreat fishiiiK cVutre; il i- alo an impurtnul oall ttir a traffic! vii Hinu frtuiijf poriR nr suiuu stop there. The town i rich, wjlh iiuahtllie of money flowrusrf Ihroiish the hands- of business! men, many if whom, for the I sake of the ill reef ami imliieei revenue Uiey derive from vice, are satisfied with wslstina condition, livery ve that slops at Keteliikan finds on the wharves bngUcpacrj and other solicitors of trade in illicit wares. llie pleiilifiilness of money is Uir?ely aceouutabtC fur the ml- eJilef. Fishermen make bis pay. fr i iitrf unusual for a vessel to come tn from a (en 'lays trip oadcil with halibut or other fish that sell for enough to allow 3uo or ono for niffh of the ten or a doien men eomposin her flpew. The men pet the cash w'tien the fih are iintnude,!; then. their pocket Iniljrititf with dollars,, they pn ashore for a spree Much Gambling The money dos not last them ioit. They' piiil it ipiickly in I he lirothel and pnnildmj: places There is, needle to say, much Kamblina. in which, as a rule, ne chance in favor of the "houe"" are increased to certainty hy card harpin and crooked apparatus, lttst there are oilier way. An organized robbery, wilh knockout drops to help on suitable occasions, cleans out the victim who connot lie persuaded by easier means to part Willi hi oah. II mishl he said that such con dition have eiled In seaport town all over the world since lime immemorial. True enough; hut. vroncrally spenkinjr, tliyse town have iieen cleaned up. At all event vice ami crime no hinder flourish in them openly and unashamed. San Francisco had the notorious llarb.try Coast, hul it infamies have been suppressed hy enforcement of law. The conditions hero described exist at Ketchikan and in .some r Perfection m ourWhisty is Due to 94Years Experience (jDODERHAMRTS ) CANADIAN pfRYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD I This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Ilritlsti Columbia. R mild. Blended Cigarette oilier parts of Aaska, notably the tiristol ltay district, because the federal government ha not taken Hie trouble to end theni. He-.enlly Hie department 0f justice approveit tin! reappointment of officials who are declared by the Alaskan delegate to '.ongrcss, Dan Sutherland, to be notoriously unfit. The accused official deny this. Formal Protest Mr. Sutherland has loitged with the Senate judicial co'mniit- :ce a formal protest against heir re-appointment. The de partmenl of justice will le called on In explain wiry thee official should b coni intied in office. The Uristol Hay district is in southwestern Alaska, and is a real cannery centre. Te waters thereabout. Hie many rivers and the wide seas, are a vast fishery. Die packing plants are of huge sine, employing many thousands; of workers, most of whom are The narcotic drug evil is particularly bad. Hope addicts are numerous in the canneries, for ahieh labor is usually furnished by Chinese bosses who contract to supply il at a staled price per worker. As a side line, I he bosses supply opium to Chinamen who act a selliikg agents for llie staff. In many instances foremen in the packing plant act a agent., distributing the dope, not only opium, but morphine, cocaine and a Mexican narcotic .ailed "marihuana." This bad situation, which affect In no small decree the whites, Including those engaged lir the' ffsherte,' give rise to homicide ami all varieties of crime. There is also a vast ileal oT immorality and bootjetiging of liquor, wilh a widespread pre valence of disease. .ol a few of the worker in the canneries. actually employed in putting up of food, are diseased in a horrible degree. Kvery now and liven a dope-seller i arrested, but the influ cure of the all-powerful packing interests is exerted in behalf of he offender. It i not that they approve of dope, hul I hey do not want any interference with their business. A packing plant has been reported lo have bought a dollar worth of .opium daily for an exceptionally efficient China-who refused lo work without il. A dope-seller, on being arrested, is taken before a United Slates commissioner, who often fixes a very low bond. Of course. under such circumstances, the aecuseit person nearly always disappear. Law Is Joke In case where they are ac tually brought lo trial they al ways plead guilty. That is an easy way out. They are usually let off wilh a small fine" or a brief jail term. Mr. Sutherland nsserts. The Influence of the packing Interests 'makes the antl-narco Uo law almost a joke in tho fish yyinchester CIGARETTES ug and canning district of i Alaska, the Alaskan delegate: -ays. and as a result, there pre-vail. a spirit of compromise. Outside of Ketchikan and! Itristol Hay where large cannery operations are carried on the laws in Alaska are very well ob served. The problem has al last been put fairly and squarely up to the ileparfnient of justice, which is undeniably responsible for the situation. Are bootleggers, dope-sellers, red liehl women,' pro fessional criminals, and other disreputables to be allowed to maintain the colony which they have established on that land, which i government property? THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: ADAM tried to hide behind hi .ninamen. in mat. region ai me, . , , , ih f. . f as present time conditions a . re- . . .,,, .,... rodiiy men of nf. aards vice and crime are describ- . . ... d a appalling. ten try tn hide behind a woman skirl but he Is usually discover ed. How oojild il le otherwise"? I IIAVK discovered I am much like a number of other great men. 1 smoke the same Jirand of cigarettes. 'I'll KRK was a pessimist in to see me Hie oilier day. I reminded him that he should be happy because summer wa coining. He growled something about mosquitoes, lawn mowers, weeding the garden, wedding presents, ice cream sickness, perpetual thirst. Ho nuii'e poker games, and nothing" put picnic paflle. HHKV1TY is the soul of wit. murmered Make a he looked ni the credit entries in hi bank hook. I KNOW a man, a Tory, Who likes to criticize, Declares what all the Liberals say Is just a pack of lie. And I also know a Liberal, See no good in anything l!ulc.s it has the authority Of Ttill Mackenzie King. And then there.' my old fripivf the Duke Who shrufrs his shoulders, , winks, And says he'll-vole for any guy Who'. veady to stand the "drinks. ROMK of the .most, noted pest are; radios, cals on the back fence, people practicing musical insiruineiilsloud talkers, and people 'who Sstop' you on Hid streets lo tell you pointless IT is reported that all tha Scotchmen in town are holding back their letters to lake advant,-agejof llie lower postage rates. Oli.Y-.lo bed and oily to rise And' thevCatgary broker catches a prize. Fresh Killed BEEF rrom the Bulklcy Valley 3 Times Weekly Potatoes per Sack $3.50 Sealy 5 Doodson .Sixth Street Phone 455. We Deliver. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend onr Table Cream at 15c for Half Pint. All Cows Tested for T.B. Valentin Dairy Phone 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (8. Carriage. Warehoustor. and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Ktevlno. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Night. Phones 687,. 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. G. BUSH BY, Man. Dir. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. G. FUR Co. Nest Q.W.V.A, Third Avo.