IFIED ADS 2 PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER (Courtesy & D. Jobnstem Ca, Liu.) | Today’s Stocks VANCOUVER Prince Rupert Daily News | riceh on INDUSTRY Wednesday, October 22, 1962 The first known penny sn PAL a at - s bulll in Quebex . abou 6 ] ‘ i HISTORIC FORT BLACKWOOD on | Lower Fort Garry was built ridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD (@ n the Red River in Manitoba by Ecottish Stone Masons in 183), | ee 7 DP | Dusiness ér f rofess IT PAYS John F Se ici: ie F. L.. Hughes, D.C. |} HAND Dale’s ‘Guess’ Is Right, but He Reasons First CHIROPRACTOR He NDY Mrs. Keen had enough to respond to her part-}| Hrs. 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 ME SERV Eves.: by appointment only —~ er’s opening bid of one heart. But she couldn't bid 21 - 23 Besner Block GENERAL coy ; : : i *hone * MUding ena ubs. The reason is that her hand was not strong hone Hine 443 An Rep 1 j nds ough. To respond at the two level, you need at least . : es : . FOR YOUR ROCK } ROOFS * ‘ rave 147) hiv ‘aris ’ ‘ . > Citys erage hand in high cards. Add one king to Mi AND CONCRETE WORK |; Ot. wn Keen's hand and she would have been barely justified | EVERY JOB GUARANTEED || : respar ding with two clubs. We Pour Cement For Less |} PO. B PHONES: ve four-héart con-¢ Phone Blue 939 OX 1679 Mr. Muzzy led the queet South dealer | id The ace Killed Both sides vulnerable | ERED king and Mr. Mu Now Uh ! RED CF naw se i trick with th ae Korn) | PRECISION SAW FILING) OPTOMET as pades, The suit was con W104 Lawn Mowers Sharpened | . “TRIBE d Mr. Dale ruffed with D—9 32 | 91 " | ‘OOM 10 Stone g Mr. Dn D932 | 215—Ist Ave. W. | ‘oom f hear West bast PE ‘i 909 | elk Gal ‘a point the old mast (Mr. Mugey) (Mr. Champion) } wNne | Jpen Friday ; : j \ i seelde whether 5-9 J oA P.O. Box 721 | or thar monds for hi DA ft D—@ ‘ sin ks, If Mr. Muzzy had ex ‘ ) Cc Q 0 ; + — sent hi a > ‘ three ntute to tie queen (a ale) HELEN'S | HG Helge nt uid «be rut after 64 rr CL ; - ps were extracted and H-AK QJ BEAU FY SHOP LIMITED diamonds from the closed D-K J Permanent Waving REAL ESTATE ay nd irded. But the odds ' aa ° Beauty Culture in all Mhotie Gk teakc The tbidicis : ; i Phone 96, By ings re mu against that distri th N N ; ita branches i J tion of the cards iH Pp NT P 204--4th Street Phone 655 |) , ie an A it i Mr. Dale properly decided to ' fler diamonds. He led the s | LING THE f hearts to dummy'’s 10. end, with no more en to th QUALITY REPAIRS t TA ‘ turned the deuce of dia- board, he would hav it for Downtrodden Heeis Tailoring « Aj j not he’ nine and f lose a trick at the ra & 4 and Wurn Soles and d the jack, Mr. Muzzy won Champion's queen Box 774 Second Ave Clothes Made-to. the ace and led back | MAC 220 Sixth st p f a Af” Ctl Mr. Dale then pulled ail the | SHOE HOSPITAL tstanding trumps and had the i of clubs left in dummy for PORTRAITS entry. He led a club to the | Shipping and General ind now pulled the nine '| Moving, Packing, Crating TAKEN AT L { diamonds, dropping the eight Cartage and Storage Chandier’s his t when Mr. Cl ag b ‘ , . Ch ef Complete, Reliable and Effi- it Q 4 r 4 ‘ 8 bea client Servier. Also agents for mot < fix ‘ t} Canadian Liquid Alr Co. Lid is re ‘Ha os a : for Oxygen, Acetylene and all acetate cr 7 PLEASURE ji” SCOTT Wel f fi € CHARTERED Acct et . LINDSAY'S CARTAGE " ° : i Jan Slack 608 ted In that case the m= wit & STORAGE LIMITED | | {mes Block Otte vt ead would have} SPARKLING NEW Prince Rupert 4 ae cripec minice Cor d and Park Avenues Phone M47 pod — eo SURROUNDINGS | Ket, 1910, Phones 60 and 68 ae : ' ees i Commodore Cafe — acne TO ADVERTISE ITS FOR THAT NEW ELECTRIC CLOCK ALL COLORS From $6.9 5 Up Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Hesner Block — Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C Stewart, B.C GET READY FOR WINTER We've got the Oil, the Anti-Freeze, the Batteries, Tires, 5 American Startdard 06 a Bralorne 70) DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ) Aare ERTISING 4:30 PM. DAY PREV sous BR X ae ~ 2 si ee Cariboo Quartz 1.30 Classified F Rates | AGENTS WANTED fe%e8n ata Me ne eMee eee teeta eee te eS Congress 05 LADIES » time agree 1240 Kilocycles pie pry renreg 1 Closure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- 1 employed G Masco 40 vious to publication for Lingeri e RADIO DIAL lr n Mines 06 Classified, 3 cents per word per ul Ladies, Me 5s : P Oreille 5.00 insertion; minimum charge 50) Cl ulso be d. (Subject to Change) P r 1.85 cents ai Pr WIth OUT) mt ata” | en Border 12 Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards on WEDNESDAY Privateer . 04 of Thanks, Death Notices, wns PM Reeves MacDonald 3.30 Funeral Notices, Marriage and sian Ce ‘ Reno 02 . ; MOS : ease. “ Sheep Creek 1.25 Engagement Announcement is a value 45—-The Ques . ; 2 $2.00 aned to you O—Supper Sere Cee ’ a t ANNOUNCEMENTS CBC New : c i V aiit - adi n e Silver Standard 1.4 Oct. 29 coe ts West Uraniul 4.7 - 3 H te Oils ( 1X1 i ve A 7 : AP ( 32 Tea {M o 4 { ’ 7 M as Calm 1.05 Oct . : ' .. Phe DAY Me 20 de Ba unnomillitie . oo Okalta _ 2.90 agai n O ACCOUNTANTS | Diisetie! ga *hone Negus 16 Nov. 7. we 5:30 and 7 Norar 74.65 - (256 en ose Lou 16 Orange Ladies B; Nouv. 19 a Cr 142 ~ . - FOR SALI 50 C pick s s peat oon St. Pete I Ba D i condi ! rn ‘ Pet Oil & G 70 rember 4 P B 13 mas arce S Sk Rouyr 11 ~ Sherrit Gordo 440 United Church W A Steep Rock 6.10 Bazaar, Dec. 4 FOR SALI 3 Vi i Mi 18 ‘ ak vertible. May be seen at 1865 | LIVEPS@as ‘OW Sweet Grass Oi 1 FUNERAL NOTICE ike A enod buy at Gh G Manit 3.50 482. A y n OTTAWA CP) It 1e to CHRISTIANS! In € : Sunday, October 26, 1952, Hans HELP WANTED—FEMALE is Martin, age 69 ye i4 i Idi Aven 1e Ea Rev L. The CLE ired for Chri ima Par conduc services Gre lt ri I T. Eaton Co Ap- Court Chapel at 2 pm. Thurs- ply in j n 254 day, October 30. Interment ve follow in Fairview Cemerte MALE, FEMALE HELP WANTED BC: Un in f ‘ : arrangen STENOGRAPHER or typist, with r withor cperience. Apply — ee Ni I Power Co. Ltd CARD OF THANKS Room 15, Besner Block. (254) a1 We wish to express our sinc FOR SALE I mt thanks and appre oO ¢ i a 25. O ary le : mal friends I th FOR iroo 1 1 Mont by N 27 pathy d en kit ui a ) é i 1 Dec. 14 bereavemen fatner é hester ¢ Thomas McMe Special suite 16 602 a ie thanks to Dr Kergin - a S G WA s of the Rupert FOR SALE if Muskrat Far B p 0 pour IS THE GATEV Hospital, Rev. Dr. Wright and to flank coat new. Reason- by parcel 3 i four poun TO NEW Sule ll those who ¢ way able. 320 Sth Street. Call after pune Alrmal Size ant isted—The McMeekin Fam 2 p.m. 255P) val gulatio hould bk € il 234 BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR SALE Smal ” al post offices a ~— ~ neater all at I S A nal n oe ear ‘ " NEARLY everybody uses 99 c) (256p) addressed ar y I at W : , os ; PLUMBING, aut i] heat- FOR SALE—One 3-piece wine “2 postage rate for seas every hee ie N Phone hesterfie uite; chrome “ A customs decl ior 630 6th West imneau table and chair set in good ) be mpleted and tf) tior 211 Elizabeth pt yarcel post Dibb p = ti Co . Ha aft 957 MAGAZINES, no Eddie's) **T 6. neete i rin ing ’ News Stand ) FOR SALE — Two upholstered WANTED " lo. cnalr *hone ted 448 ‘ASI for serar yas bE MR. MERCHANT — Plan yo Boar SUE pe gam Nae a We Me Be obo: s, copper, Christmas promotions. early. : es See x" eae. Call ie én A aa — GEORGE DAWES : ; a4 all th ‘nue Wes ae i advert sing éarly ROSES our selection, 37. 25 doz. City : _— (tf) AUCTIONEER edo rertihte ie et Ree: Bread intstsey, 80s ae — —— ~ Phone Black 846 and Red 127 on the adv departmer Mail orders, please add 3 REAL ESTATE of the Daily News. Ph tax. Write for Free Catalogue Frui reés, Berry Plants, Nut FOR SALE—Ten-room house GALLEY CAFE. { Tree Shrub Roses, Ever- venue $200 per month. Four siapir oprse dial gt Trees, Vines, peren-| rooms for own living quarters REMEMBER ! nat 4 too ee r , Bult Sardi Nurseries, New foundation. $5,000 terms €a 200 00a ean é 1 1 Bi 256) or $4500 cash. Red 816. (2577p) NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim- nnn One FREE Day at ‘tad. TAstributors ¢ Minis WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE — Four-room house it i, As ributors for Mining, furnished, on two lots. $5500 ' \ Sawmill. Logging and Con- WANTED TO RENT—3- or 4- 667 Hays Cove Circle. Red tractors’ Equipment. Enquir- “room house or apartment 924 (258) jes invited. Granville Island Preferably centrally located.' — ‘ : Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) References if necessary. Phone FOR SALE—Seven-room house during October. ee ee nea 64 business hours (259) 6 rooms fully furnished; also Elec trolux (Can.) Ltd. Green 960 nhs 2-room furnished cabin. Apply Save all Sales Slips Parts — Sales Service WwW AN’ TE D TO RENT—Two- or 221 8th Ave. West (lt) ; y (c) iree-bedroom house *hone — till Nov. Ist. THE VARIETY STORE for Hal- Blue ise is ),| LAND BROISTRY ACT lowe'en mask firework FOR RENT a CC eenae Set a: ” candy. See the mass display serra e* Certificate “Witte Wa a8 now. (266c) |STORE FOR RENT — Corner|™*' Certifente of, witle Mo. s50qa-s, Sixth Street and Third Ave- lage of Stewart, Map 816A. or | nue. Good location for drug) w » a cea PE RSON AL | store. Available Nov. 1. Prince |} bo oes pooner AR pee ae WILL CARE for sick or working| "upert Realty Co., Box 556, |jssued in the name of Allan Carolan mothe: os hildren iy nin ? (H) gt been filed . te oie notice - ren, my nome —_— - s hereb iven that shall, at the} Day, week or month. Ste. 2,| FOR RENT—New 4-room “furn- expiratic # one month from the Levin Apts (258) | ished house, one hour from/|@4te of "thie first publication hereof Sans ae | Vancouver. Phone 466 or, Red = 7 a - maid lost Certificnt of amet "7 ’ . rey 9O8 uo aid ios ertificate, unles LOST AND FOUND 298 (256p) in the meantime valid objection be/ LOST—Tan leather wallet con- taining Class A Drivers license and hunting license. Owner leaving town. Urgent that finder return to Daily News (256) | LOST- Budgie, “Cutie,” Reward. | 215 3rd St. FOUND—Pair of glasses may have same by Bayview Hotel ing. (255p) . Owner | applying to and identify- (254p) AGENTS WANTED Rawleigh Products A highly respected line of well known Household and Farm ne- cessities. A few choice Rural Localities available also large | City Districts. Women consid- ered for part or full time City) selling. Write Rawleigh’s Depv. WG-J-166-216, Winnipeg, Man, FOR RENT—3-room with bathroom West. FOR RENT for lady. 533 8th Ave. (itp) — Furnished 115 7th Ave. 0 room, East. (256p) ROOM FOR ‘RENT— Phone Blue 734 (254p) FOR "RENT - hy Light housekeep- | ing room, Non-drinkers. 221 5th East (254) ” ‘REPAIRS | EXPERT WATCH ‘AND J JEWEL- LERY REPAIRS, Dave MecNab,| Besner Biock, phone 367, (268) apartment . Blac ke} nade to me in writing DATED at the Land Registry Of- fice, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 10th day of October, 1952 AD Andrew Thompson Deputy Registrar of Titles. (265¢) LAND REGISTRY ACT | Re: Certificate of Title No. 19237-I to Lot Thirty-Nine (39), Re- subdivision of Lot Thirty-Eight (38), Block Two (2), Townsite of Silver City, Map 1140 ‘ WHEREAS satisfactory proof of! loss of the above Certificate of Witle unless in the meantime valid SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent} issued in the name of Jerome Wal- | portable machines. Phonejdis has been filed in this office, : 864. (cy| notice ts hereby given that I shall | ifs ‘ is at the expiration of one month from | |FOR RENT—Board and room|thé date of the first publication | for working man, or room) erect issue a Provisional Certificate | only. Black 660 (954) ts Title in lieu of said lost Certifi-| we ate | objection be made to me in writing. | | DATED at the Land Registry Of- | |fice, Prince Rupert, BO. this 27th | | day of September, 1962, AD. Andrew Thompson Deputy Registrar of Titles. | (2660) This oe Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service TUL NATIONAL WRATHALL'S | Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 136 pAILS FOR \ Vancouver | icin and Intermediate Ports via Waypette Each Thursday : euNDat at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN rRiDit ALICE ARM and 5 FoR NORTH CHARLOTTE I For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT a a OFFICE 88 Chi PRINCE RUPERT ror SOUTH ARLOTTE IS pe cH - ‘ Ss % " ( 2 NOT, ae PRANK J, § Prince Rupet rhird Avenue —_— Chinete Chop Suey -© ny Open 6 pam“ e HOLLYWOOD Box 478 | | Por Outside “a AND DON’T FORGET "® TO TEST YOUR BRAKES Chains and anything else that your car needs for SAFE WINTER DRIVING. pepenor Auto Service re Avenue W. LIMITED Phone Green 217 | BLONDIE THESE E LEAVE ° S ARE r ALITTLE WET BUT IM GOING TO BURN THEM wy ANYWAY --1 CONT (want THEM BLOVANG ge ALL OVER THE PLACE { OH BOY'C CHIC uICKEN (ea (AND 0 CREAMED oe ADVERTISING IN THE ——$—<—— For the MEAL that RE BES] OF FOOD > 2 FOR TARE OUT ORDERS PHONE BROADWAY CAF DAILY NEWS BRINGS : By CHIC x +