; isniiiesiipitndicenimanaiich ie ee . ‘! - LEADERS: ut PARADE \.2 VALUES ! "ay Strike up the band . . . Get in step with the crowd of satisfied customers lh & . . Lead the way downtown to the stores of the eleven LOCAL merchants ! listed below. See the many unlisted items that they have to offer You'll agree that all are leaders in the value parade. \TRONIZE THE LOCAL FIRMS WHICH ARE HERE TO SERVE YoU Prince Rupert Daiiy News THE NEW | MONITOR “| PRESTOMAT . —* WASHER An Entirely NEW end DIFFERENT WAY Washing, Rinsing and Domip-Drying Clothes, Watches Watches Watches Bracelets Just Received... A large shipment of English Toys. Rings —-SEE— “THE SPORTS SHOP” for the biggest and best selection in town. I ain in gg ONLY 48 MORE SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS “CHOOSE YOUR GIFTS NOW” THE SPORTS SHOP 622 Third Ave. W. Phone Blue 69 @ Washes in @ Kin @ Damp-dries in @ Uses FIVE MINUTES ses Soap-Free in ONE MINUTE ONE MINUTE ONE-THIRD the hot water PRESTOMAT WASHES CLEANER ASTER THAN ANY OTHER WASHER " NOBLES 201 Third Avenue West Phone Green 324 Og | PENGUIN WOOL FOR BABIES itl thrill to bring a lift to a lilt to your il nd new graceful j ur figure Silvertwist, | -oz 44¢ Plain, 3-ply, |-oz Ale ee how fabrics, tyling have all Soaker Wool, | -0z 79¢ a ned to makea 4 i LOVELY LAYETTE WOOL ED FROM Washes without matting . . . Color Fast $8.95 up See it at— WNETTE MANSELL’s*%2s:}| The Stork Shoppe ep —; eases diiten vonay 263 Third Avenue West Phone Blue 810 718 West 2nd Ave. From Your Door To The Store In Minutes — RADIO CABS — PHONE 70 First With Radio HIGHWAY TRIPS OUR SPECIALTY DIRECT LINE TO PORT EDWARD we FREE... CHECKING SERVICE FOR YOUR PARCELS OR LUGGAGE wee ompt, Efficient, Courteous, 24-Hour Service Daily Delivery Service special MONTH END sreciats 16 Gents’ 15 and 17 Jewel 12 Gents’ 15 and 17 Jewel 28 Ladies’ 15 and 17 Jewel’ 2 Dozen Gents’ Expansion 30 Assorted Ladies’ Birthstone | Also See Our 2 Price Gift Section Including Electric Clocks, Silver Tea Services, Silver Trays, Lamps, etc. EXTRA SPECIAL 4 Flatware Sets in Mahogany Chests 10% OFF ONLY 48 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL “XMAS. USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN MAANSON'S JEWELLERS THE HOUSE OF BETTER JEWELLERY” Do You Need A Boat For Duck Hunting? CHRIS-CRAFT BOATS & KITS *~ Phone Blue 992 today for complete information Chris-Craft Boats & Kits, from $77.50 to $170,000.00 CHRIS-CRAFT INBOARD ENGINES Also—EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS Pacific Electric Prince Rupert’s Pioneer Druggists ORMES OPEN DAILY FROM 9 A.M. 10.9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12.Noon Till 2P.M.—7P.M. Til 9 P.M, At Exciting Low Prices IN OUR... FUR SALE MUSKRAT BACK $979 MUSKRAT FLANK $229 DEPOSIT HOLDS YOUR SELECTION ‘Credit Terms Arranged BILL SCUBY FURS Box 1362 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 974 Just Arrived 250 PAIRS DENIM WORK ra _ All Sizes $3.95 to $4.95 —ALSO— Complete New Line of HALF PRICE 259, OFF 25%, and 1/3 OFF HALF . PRICE HALF PRICE *% CARIBOU and PIONEER WORK SHIRTS % WHIPCORD (Iron Cloth) JACKETS and PANTS % OUTDOOR JACKETS % EVERYTHING IN RAINWEAR Acme Clothing Store Serving the Public for ng ver 37 Yea 633 Third Avenue West Phone 259 DOUBLE QUALITY | ®: FOR WINTER If your work. requires extra sturdy shoes, _ we've got just what you Want. - Come in today / and choose your wel! constructed work shoe built for comfort and hard wear. George Hil & Sons Ltd. Third Avenue (Next to Commodore Cafe) 522 Third Ave. W. Order your boat today, or. if you prefer, order a kit and assemble your own. All the parts are cut to fit and ready to put together. Phone Blue 992 PHONE 81