VOI XVI., XO. 7E. TAXI 4J Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave ' and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. JJ OTTAWA. Muic.li. 30. An alt . debatr m lhe'4"frrtlf ol rr.wW ..on yesterday on llii resolution u oral lug a "jubtlaiiiial rHluc-oi (he custom tault on au-inhs nml motor trucks" llded shortly liefiire mid; in a in"' imi aiij'iurn-Ttie i i'-iiiiti'ii which did .K It ii vote wn introduced oe. I'rigivsie iiicm-MVl d BIG INCREASE IN INDUSTRIES Report or Workmen's Compensation Board Tells of Additions to Payroll Vli IOIUA. M.ir. 30. Sine '!''.' Itnlish Columbia's irldus-' ni payroll lias increased frm f 130.000.000 to 100.000.000 in ll5, ap-cordinJrVifr tin" annual cpori nf ihe workmen's compensation hoard issued today Hie industrial pitbull- eugageii S)U employees in '1 05 lliaii in lie previous year1, tin report allows. CHARRED BODIES FOUND IN FIRE Man and Wlfo and Five Children Lost Lives When Homo Was Dostroyed WILLIAMS. Minn.. March HO. -II. Newman, his wife and five children, were burned to death Sunday when their home was dost roy ed by fire. The charred bodies or the father and four children were found in Ihe ruins. The body of the mother and nno other child were funnd outside the home where lltey succumbed to burns. FORTUNE LEFT TO ANCIENT RECLUSE COHDOVA, March 30 Thomas MalhewM, n sixly-twd year old recluse who lias been an object of charily for tho past ten years, died Monday- It became, known hero t Ii ut ho lias been left a fortune of uiuuy thousand dollars. ''II, the total elimination of oilier would enable them to finance with a levy of 13 mills. Alderman Stephens CHine out vrry strenuously avruin-l a polir) of shilling the load on to future councils, declaring that such B policy IB the Jiasl had place.) them in their present poUiou. 'iTie situation should, Ir lVH flow" and either the money shouln not he spent or a rate sufficient to cover it should he levied. The Recommendation The discussion was opened by Alderman dsey, chairman of Ih finauce committee, who stated that a total sum of approximately 3.M.noo hail to lie met. Slightly over $100,000 was available to meet lhi hut the differ ence, amount in to anoui zi,- 000 had to he raised. In order thai the mill rate might not he too high' they had found it necessary to make some rcviion. It was proposed to relieve the eity finances of tho garbage collection and make n direct charge to I hone w ho benefited from II. Most or the requests for money would he cil otr aut'h n those from the Sal vation Army ami Hoard of Trade and oilier voles such as thai t I lie library would be rut down. It was further proposed tt divert a sum of S2H.00O from veneral revenue and float five VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Itaellon 01 Howe Sound ... Indian I.. A 1 13 Marmot mm year bonds for that amount that the mill rate could be placed at 13. The estimates had been gone over wirefully nd most of the Hems had been reduced. The Library Increase would be refused, the atfricnllural association would he cut down and Hit hospital would be granted 0-a day on patients treated. It was also conlemplaled eliminating the laying of waler on rourlh Avenue to Ihe hospital as had been proposed hut instead or thai, serving the hospital bv a shorter route by (ireen Street. Objections to Scheme Alderman Stephens said tin finance committee evidently was not unanimous in their recont (continued on Pg five) Hid. Asked Wheat I I t Wi H.C. Silver 2-' Consodldated ID3.00 Dunwell .07 Premier ! Porjer Idaho 0t V .. Sllveterest 13 Ml Sqrf lnfet Oi .10 2.1 H .02 33.50 !30.00 .11 .18 .08 2.30 .11 .15 .10 only seven. This is considered! to he a wonderful record iu view! of the strenuous opposition put' up by Hon. Arthur Meigheu and! his lieutenants on behalf of 1'. A. Hltiotl. Ute defeated candidate. The opinion here is that now 11 made clear the people are behind Ihe present admlnistra-tjou ltusi,nes will he allowed to ivrogeed nuye espiyljtiouijyv As a maUor of fact lteF U'vople iu this part oftb Miutiy did not favor the policy of Vib-truction carried out by the Conservative opposition and the leaders are brsiutiinit to find that out. The1 result has been belter irogrei with public business of late. ORGANIZED LABOR AND IMMIGRATION tTO BE DISCUSSID OTTAWA, Mar. 30. Tom Moore, president or the jftauadiau Trades and Labor Congress, announced yesterday that a conference of labor organisations would lie held on .May 18, to decide the attitude of organized labor toward migration between countries. It is not decided yet whether a Ca uadian re p rese n I a t i v v will attend. KING'S SISTER 4 HAS PNEUMONIA Third Momber or Royal Family to Suffer From Attack of Influenza LONImjN. March 30. Princess Victoria, sister of King Ooorge, is suffering from "influenza pneumonia," says a bulletin issued from Marlborough 1 1 on so. She is lho third member of the Itoyal Family to suffer an attack of influenza recently and her condition causes. some anxiety although her slrcngth-'wus 'main tained up to noon today. LONGSHOREMAN WAS KILLED FROM FALL VA.NCOL VF.lt, Mar. 30 .Harry Winning, a longshoreman, was killed (his morning whet) he fel down the hold of ihe sleamel Piave. ' Kd.. l.nwler, skipper" of Ihe wrecked fishing boatkuna J arrived In town yesterday from Ktcl:iknn. There was a large quantity ol halibut otTered for sale today and Hie price was considerably lower than yesterday. 'The lota offerings amounted to ?33,()0C pounds of which 206,000 was American. The U.S. boats go' from It. 00 to la.'Xi for their first class fish and the Canadian 13.20 to 13.00 bul for seconds the Canadians were paid 8.51 whereas (lie American? got only 7 cents. The arrivals were: American: Seattle; 11,000 to Cold Strtrage. Albalross 22,000 to Cold Stor- asc. paragon 35,000, to Pacific Fisheries. Helgeiiiiul Fisheries. Company. 18,000 to Allin Atlas 31,000 lo Hooth Fisher ies. ' ' . (iranl 18,000 to Itoyal Fish Hravo 5,000 lo Hoolh ' Canadian Selma U.oot) to Pacific v-.: Co. Westerner 3,000 to ltoyul Fisl Unonie 1,000 to Cohl Storages Tooilie U.500 to AHin Fisher ies. Mulviu 1.500 to Itoyal Fish Co Subscribe lo tho Dally Sews. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMUXCK Ill'PEHT, H.G., TljKSUAY, MA MCI ( 110. I02fl. Yesterday Circulation, t (98 III IIHANKS UAKB HAS 77 t: ANDLIiS Luther Hurbauk, Ihe plant srienlisl. was given Uii huge birthday cake on his 77th birthday a) a picnic given in his honor by the Aniericuu Legion of Ha'nla Hosa, where he lives, llurbank says he expects to live five more years during which he expects In dn Ihe most important work of his life. Minister of Labor Elected by Large Majority Over His Opponent in West Middlesex Hon. J. C. Elliott (Liberal) 6520 ' T. A. Elliott (Conservative) 3839 STUATIIHOY. Out.. March :J0. Hon. J. C Kllioll. minister of labor iu the Mackenzie King cabinet, was elected yesterday by a large majority in West Middle-ex, de-roaiing T. A. Klliolt, Conservative, by a majority of 2081. The vole was a large one and keen iuleresl was taken' it! the result, it being understood Hint Uie outcome of this polr would indicate political opinion in regard to the action tit the present government iu retaining office in face of Ihe fuel thai Liberals were-a minority parly iu the House and were kepi in jiowcr only by Ihe support of the Progressives and oilier independent groups. MUCH HALIBUT PRICES LOWER ? Arrivals for the Day Amount to 233,000 Pounds, Mostly American Boats WILKINS AIRPLANE LEAVCS FOR POINT BARROW TOMORROW FAHIHANKS. Alaska, Mar. 30. Following a successful test flight yesterday, Hie Alaskan airplane to be used by Wll-kins, the explorer, in his Arctic tlight will leave' here for the base at Point Harrow with supplies tomorrow. The machine, which was damaged twelve days ago lias now been repaired,; J KILLED BY A PULVCi: UFOIIOFh March 30. t GRIZZLY BEAR Trapper Noar Prince George Found, Axe In Hand, Head and Face Gone Accordlmg lo a report of tho provincial police, Tom Oeany a trapper on the norlh fork of the McCregor Itiver. was killed iasi vvieunesuay uy a nuge griztiy bear, which he surprised In the net of devouring the carcass Of a goose killed by Oeany prcvl ously. Jack Yaneaii, Ihe deud trap tier's partner, discovered Iho body with face and top ,.of. Ihe head torn off and an uxe, the ohly weapon Ihe man had, still gripped firmly in his hand. Street Salet, 40S penes incurreii in (lie mauiten-nnci' of Ihe city have been capitalized, thereby oauiny a serious menace lo the city's financial standing and iu the opinion of this assembly is ojie of the chier reasons ror the deplorable condition or Ihe city financial condition al the present time: ' And whereas the utilities and public works departments have heretofore been operating under separate heads and it appears thai the preesnt city engineer is also an electrical engineer: And whereas in the opinion of this assembly fhe duties of the punlic works and utilities depart ments should be eombiiioif and under the Control and manage ment of the city engineer, there- increasing the efriciency ol the departments and Horn co ordination a suitable saving could lie made thereby. Therefore be it resolved that Sic council be urged to: I. Carry on with the greatest economy consistent with the ab- olute needs of the city. Knter into negotiations with the provincial government for Ihe policing of the city by their police force. 3. To curtail capitalization of expenses formerly chargcahli? to maintenance to a minimum I. Combine the department o'' public works and utilities de partment under the supervision md control of the city engineer, Tonight member of the Rate payers Association will meet lli. council and state their views on how the problem may be solved. NEW POTATOES ARE SOLD 40c POUND NEW WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER, Mar. 30. Showing how early the spring Is this year, new potatoes, grown In the open ground, were marketed here today. They were sold at forty cents a pound. TRAIN COLLISION HOCOi;A, Columbia, March 30. At least ten persons are known to be dead and twenty Injured ni Ihe result1 of a collision between a passenger and freight train near here last night. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dtncihg floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 487. PRIOR FIVR CP.NT8. LARGE MAJORITY FOR MINISTER OF LABOR FINANCIAL CONDITION OF CITY DISCUSSED PRIOR TO SETTLING TAX RATE Civic Finances Engage Attention of Council Tax rate will be 43 mills or more, the amount depending on system of payment for surfacing streets adopted by Whether tin tax rale lln- year is lo lie i;i mills or some uglier amomil will depend largely on the altitude of (lie council ' night when it assemble once more (o wrestle with the fiunn-,ai problem of the city. At I lie special meeting rallwil for the ur'0e last night. Alderman Casey announced that Hie oli- male hail been irunnl to (he hone, that garbage collection va! he made a hurgc .ig.init thoe getting the service and that recommended tliut the surfacing of the down town streets asphalt at a mt of y 10,000 and Ihe surfacing of rcsiden- - t tal streets with tarvia at a cost AUTO TARIFF IS DISCUSSED Substantial Reduction Advocated and Debate In Commons Lasts Until About Midnight I of 9IH.000 Im financed ty a fie ;y.ar loan. 'I'll I with Ihe cultine down of "(line expenditure and LIBERALS ARE i ELATED OVER THE VICTORY Minister of Labor Lost Out In Only Seven Out of 82 Sub-" divisions NOW DOWN TO BUSINESS OTTAWA, March 30 Liberals here in the West Middlesex riding and throughout the Last are highly elated over the fact that the minister of labor wan elected by kuch a large majority. He carried radically ev.ery ,sub-divition in the constituency. een In those where it was expected the Conservative1 candi-, dale would get good leads. In 82: HulNlivisinn. the new mini lcr i wait at the bolluin of the poll in' Native Sons Urge Policing City by Provincial Authorities and Uniting Utilities and Works 'Memorial Presented to City Council Last Night In Regard to Present Financial Crisis in Civic Affairs The Nalive Hons organization last night tendered some advice to the city iu Ihe form of a memorial suggesting methods for helping to overcome Ihe financial difficulties with wljich Ihe city father are at present wrestling. One suggestion was that to avoid Hie unnecessary police duplication, the policing of the city should be taken over by the provincial department and another was that to avoid the employment of two high salaried of- I finals the utilities uud public works department should be com- ! bined under one head. The memorial follows: I Whereas the Nalive Sons of! j Canada. Prince Rupert Assembly view willi alarm the announce jmcnl of the chairman or ihe fi-i nance committee at last weeks council meeting whereat he stated that the probable mill rale iu the city of Prince Hupcrl would be firty-seven mills or more: And whereas at Ihe present time there is in our, city a real overlapping or 'police bodies by Ihe Provincial, Dominion ami Indian and city forces, and in the opinion of this as-einbly amalxa imation of tiiet forces or policing liiHleT'llie provincial lorfe wouiu remit in a great saving;t INQUIRIES FROM GRAIN SHIPPERS Japanese Line of Steamships Asking For Full Particulars Regarding Port That shipping companies and others are beginning to interest themselves in l'rince Hupert is ' indicated by inquiries coming in to t lie board of trade. The Matsul Shipping Company of Japan ask nl.inin: In Ilia ,.!.! 11T. il list, nf ittltt It I f Oil 4 ill f- gam io me aaruor unu-pon which the secretary of Hie board is answering. J. P. Coles of Vancouver, grain exporter, is also looking for further information irr regard to this port ami the eluvulor NO MONEY FOR NEW HIGHWAY Provincial Minister Turns Down Proposal of Alberta, Govern- ment ror Yellowhead Outlet YICTOItlA, Mar, 30 "Wo haven't got the money, to go Into scheme of thai sort,1' said tho minister of public works, Hon. W. II. Sutherland, infaimouuc-itw that Ihe proposal of Ihe Al berta Government to build a highway through the Yellowhead Pass would not be supported by Hritiso Columbia. TEAMS TIED CUP SERIES Fourth Hockey Game to be Played for Allan Cup at Toronto TOIIOXTO, -March 30. Port Arthur and Toronto Varsity played two period overtime and ende'd with a lie, Ihe score being three to three in what was expected lo be the deciding game in the Canadian utnateur hockey championship seric for Ihe Allen Cup. 'The fourth gaine witl be played tomorrow uighl. 4 NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. A new telephone directory is about to bo; Usued. Application!, tox moves, changes or' new, Idlings for thrL ,l.suc mult be made lif Vritliijjttele-Ph'otie Departnicnli. Oily HalU not later than April io. ii t, 4