TEA 4Xh i' " r11 e ,iave Hear on this matter. T Vd iieil jor further ilivesligqtiiMi. But they ufe oiily fisl TJ,e;jffidals.i;r!the CohservjUfve adtninVlratinn knew tl TOO I We guarantee the qualityof every pound. The Daily News PRINCE RUPErtT i BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince . Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN. Manarine Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City. Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 81.0(1 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United fitates, in advance, per year $0.00 To ill other countries, in advance, per year' ,. $7.50 vAovertlsIng and Circulation Telephone1 - 98 'WAitnm mrtA D..n.l... I . U m . All advertising should be in The Daily News OTfice before 4 p.ni on day preceding publication. All advertising received subjen ' to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. blJLI EDITION Monday, Aug. 23, I92G. Prairie Crops And This Port. ; With the establishment of this port as a grain export centre, we all become particularly interested in the condition of the crops on the prairies mid in the interior of British Columbia, and this paper has tried its best to keep reader in (ouch with eoirdilitms .o" an iruin ume to nme, jusi as.lias been done in connection with the fish business. TLtt llllll IIMvc .'fimiun. Ih.il. .... II. . I I ...... that Ihetyrairie cmp-wiis likely to be as large, or very nearly as juigc, asiia.-i jear.. hum noes not mean that the yield per store svill be ns large, but that the tolal crop will be almost as large, the difference being made up by increased acreage, particularly in the western part of the prairie country. TJiis. of coursed .mean -much In this rwirl Th - j - v n m s IIIUH VI I M 1 1 1 ore that in the terrilorv from which the gross amount of grain offering for export is just as large, ii nui larger, man lasi year.' ; t . ' i j Balanced Budget. and - , -rvt.- vfAv Tax Reductions. The Government of Maekehiie King had two financial acts lo its credit durimr its term" nf ofrirp. II i-l. Till rrrl n ri nutninl J - - - O Mlllllllll deficit to a balanced biwlget and also reduced taxes. One of iiirp reniiciions came on (tie income lax and another a o reduction mf duty on nior ears. or course (here were others, bill these fiave been mentioned as mi t standing- examples. The reduction of the aulo lax does not mean any change in production and the manufacturers seem about as prosperous as-ever. Yet they wuuhf like Ihe Mt'igheti Government to go back .so that they might make .ome extra profits. Late Repentance In Fish Trap Licenses. . Lasf year the Liberal member for this district promised the fihermeu that he would see that no fish trap licences were, issued in this territory and he stuck to his word. Directly the Aleighen (loyernment came into power, the licence were granted and; the wishes of Ihe fishermen in that respect flouted. TJieli Mr. Meiglieu found it impossible to expect any sujijiort here if he stuck to his position, so he struck bis colors, pulled ilowlt his flag temporarily and ordered the licenses cnticelled. ' One or his lieutenants, speaking nt the Westtiolme Theatre; deelarVd that fishing would stop lat Monday. It did not. Fish-; j'.'S kfr,t "P a!t long as,,ihere were any fih to calch and theilllie (jprijer vas given Jo stop. So next year, if Brady is ? rr!$ Um' be fxiecfe'd that trap will lie allowed again, furltfVltivestigatinn that4is promiced .having demonstrated bv uigMt"icii,ii iraps snouiti xe useu. niere is shermeii. i 1 1 1 llilirill. ditioh. uvMntll- mlrl it 11 i$ ic mi. ..'. n.. ....... Tor f.. Hi VI.;. .U ... ... e.x;dtTjlJy,.nud excuse :.Ir. Meigheu lo av k did nl Vhrnv Tin. ninirHni.u- r....l ir..:. r:-..1 i. 1 .1 the i-euse& '' Get on Lift' br Voters Thl Week. It, (saniioniiced that during Ibis week- people eligible to vote al Ihp forthcoming election' but who areirbt yet regislcred J? ?pt tlif ir names on tlie;fi.t by applying in person to the revisiiigjjifficer, Gorman xail ' fAlo auy menibers of the family may biirput on Jhe list by nny other mcmhpr of the family. Bylliis tihle it shoiibl be known to miosl people whether they are registered or not Te political committee have both been-working faithfully and if nliy are left orf now it Is their own fault. We strongly urge .that every person eligible ascertain definitely if hi or her name is on the list. Get vim for the hot days SHREDDED WHEAT All the food and bran you need Delicious fop any meal ft PAUB TWC " T3H DAILY NKW8 Monday, Auui Sterling' Value "SALADA" CUSTOMS GRAFT 1 AND LIBERALS The record of the King gov- ernnieirt's interest in having smuggling suppressed goes back, therefore, to 192 1. The record of Mr. Stevens' interest in sniucsrlimr. the record nf Hit. Conservative party's interest itj smuaglimr, uesms officially on January 20, l2fl, January oS this year. Unofricially it bgtni a rew weeks earlier, aliont December 5, 1925. On January 20, 1926, Mr. Stevens placed a motion on the or. der paper ol the Bouse ot Com. limn calling for an investigation jiKo the prcvenTion of smuggling. On December 5, 1925, tltltllA ki sll IAA l .1 l.nnil A m II,...... t .u r . When Mr. Stevens save notice of his motion on Jauuarv 20. 1926. he asked for the tirolniw lion of the rinorl m ..(. fit- tecLive Duncan lo iMr. IlotvfpJi and request was so framed that ll, betrayed (lie fact that Mr, Stevens already knew I lie con tents of that report. i bus it was nartlv nnon ivi- dence secured by the Kin: gov-rmmenl's errorls and eniployeeit Ihat Mr. Stevens based his at-, ta'ck uiion the Kinsr Kovernnieiit and on (ironic ltoivin The trentleman who asked the Mn government to investigate sniilzsrliiur in 1924 was a Mr Spark. In cn-operaJion with fhrJ government- jir. Fparks became nossessed of ouantitb-s of. , ovtr dence regarding ,smii(rliiig; and mis evmimce Jir. Steven admits was parsed on (o him by Mr. Sparks. When Mr. Snarks rose In the House on February 2. 26. an1 denounced the Kinff iroveMinenh and dennune(d C.ptiree ltnii-ln nt ,tlie Krosesl misconduct in the custom administration, lip rllii o on the strenpth ot cvndcnce which the King government It- seir, in its exertions agnlnftl smuggling had been the principal parly in obtaining.'; and in obtaining ror the express purpose or renovatlnir the condi tions existing at the Port ot Montreal. That is where Mr. Harry Steven tomes mil when Ihe record i examined. He is shown a a receiver or evidence (fathered by the Kirwr menl: he Is shown making use or Ihat evidence In a tremendous attack on the King government for Hie exnrcss tmrnnse nf brir.ginjr that government down ami destroying the political career or Oeorge II. Boivin. He I shown making nn attack whicft ne could not have made had Ihe Km irovernmeht not been en- zaned ror more than In " a " year vu' in THE MAN IN THE MOON ny: .,! nnvllillKr hill tit . ' doe ma aiwuys agree will tliem.' Action Was Taken by Mackenxle v.,.. .. ,,, ..,al ,y SOme of, Knq Declares Manitoba Newspaper Consenative oDioitio" diMlv ed no Interest in the condition of corruption alleged to exisl in tlie administration or the cits., loins department. From the rail or 1U2( until the lOtti or December, 1925, the King government, took step against snuiw.'ling which pro . luced the following couse- uuences: ' ( 1 1 Ileform of the law against smuggling. (2) Messages or appreciation of the government's efrort?! iiKahist smuggling sent lo the government by commercial as ' snciations in .eastern Canada. (3; The dismlssat or J. F.. Bis. aillon, or the Port or Montreal (1) The obtaining by the Kin Kovernment or vidence which would enable them to make a thorough clean-out or the cor ', ruption existing in the adminN. I ration or the custom laws. ttie imii'ir.irti men you see around town.' ... - Slie' riMilier husband food galore I HIT will' wmvu mi ll, ," 11 ii .. 1 jriven fiom the custom debate,' , V V . .... taken from Hansard, show two ', ?" 'TT"" ttiings. says the MaiiHoba Five l!iess. First, lh.it rrom the fall .if 1 114 I II1.1 I.ir,r - rn ..minim I in1 41 JMnui a "i'ihh i, .lake wants lo know why balh- ... ... r-" , , , .....! . . upon the n-nuest or .Mtizens wlie " 'r,B ' eonsi.lered lliemsctves aBrteved,j,",5,",,p "e sa"s ,,e na n'n took a series or iroKiesstve!n!','cp' stifs lowml the suppression ot smugglimi through Hie Port nfhe:was a bathin?: beauty, Moiileeal. Ami seeom . t in I uu " wurv a.... .-m..m.. til the end or tue year IMS, the Yes, she was a bathing bauty. And she did not care a wrap. People are wondering whether II .is true thai Brady refused to! remain In the field a a eand -datu unless the Premier ean-1 celled tlie fish trap lieen's. j They are also wondering whether there will be another; political fiasco net year, should' Meiglien be returned. ( There once was a f Sherman bold; Who tried a politician to hold: So lie spread out his net j To see what hn could get. But the Tory left ,un out la ; ibe eld. j Baseball fan talk ot takxig up a collection lo buy a new; slocking for Howard Frizzell, to get Schenkler' Jersey washed. and to file down the. voice of H Jack Watts when he roots at the games. It take a very enlhuiat'C baseball fan (o appreciate a double-header, especially when punctuatetl by argument. LIMERICK CONTEST CLOSED ON SATURDAY Number of Verses Submitted 'M "'Id this fall. With Final Rush at End or Week There was rather a rush u get the final limericks in for ttie contest which closed oil Sat urday n it'll t. Much yruy niallai the newspapers thai this motior.i'"sl bae beeu ud up in com-i was coming forwanl. iposiiw the verses, ouie of wliicb: (to .November 27, li'i'S. Mr.1w,,rt' -'ooii ami some noi o good As usual in competitions quite realize what and write verses ol is wanted eligible for a prize. The follow ing are some of the cnlries In Ibis port on the Queen the oceans was mil Hie rerorm or the customs which excited Ihe Oonser- I A i IS I . I I .n .tiling I Tllfll I VL-lint IIia iw.n.,1 I Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert August 23, 1917 F. C Wade is writing eathm artieles in t It Vanenuer fiutu of which hi" is Kdilnr, against the Bowser gfixerniiU'nt and ne pre,diels Ural it wfll be wlptsl on; in Ihe nrovinrial eleiMlon to Hie Tniilcs X Labor (CouneH' id a ns tor' Its Lalmr Dar oeleliruJ . 1 uoif are proewoinar ami it wai assured at Ihe meeting of the mum il l night Hihi it would be a successful day. Fuiiiln are heme liberally suh-.-ribed by merchants, hotel men and others. t tMiiurnciors who wit poyaseo noi. lllllllirr 111 LU(UIIIS, Si-Ill ivnuniiiraiu u. ! T l llnllunt- .uu ( 1 ' aJr ' i ,..!. tf.i.i-. n.iinii Detective imnenn to get evfd.yice t'N . real many do noli J" ; J"" against liisaillon, the preventive of rice at Montreal; the evidence it j: . On which liisaillon was dismfs- on.e ..nil irregular and ndt TSnn nni8 sed. of Folk are torn with conflicting;!) emotions, Hain and grain from afar, IliKb tariffs and lar, F.ach in I urn have caused men tal commotions. So Ilrady h In the big run For fame, forttine and fun. tin ii .... 1 1. I.la .l.l. . .,. ... ..." i .a.i. ; . fl And he sm-e would get in If his family were all tweniy-ottftj r - There Jw'as an mamcd .Stone boos s.ml tojt)tiiAVrt Jo work. . wiiljfff. iirtVai ilfr-pjh He worked Jfork Prince Ituperi's weirare, ' And haolf agiili we will', send him Vo llie'efectofate'fchalr, Fred Stork Is not much of oiisimriion Raines, K. T. Keenleyside. L Jtutherfoul, Mrs. A. McCiill. Mi-It. Ilunres and C. .1. Quant tc A'aneouvcr: Mrs. F. I. itovninii .JUtieau: C. U. Swanson and Mrs Ii. Miannon, uk: Mrs. M. White Slewarl: Hmll M. IV1I. V n Pooitrnough and ileore V, llrorch. Inverness: .I V Allni iDlliliWis Utniul- I ' t gaul hadonaira, Loan Inlel; II II. .lames, lloston; II. M. .V flicd iDuncnn: W. H. Timin. nitun jHl. Murray and.T. H. Field, Iv. " ' " speaker Hut Hrady appears to be weakerCPnon,on: A- .. .fi.XH lies siung so much mud And shed, so much blood, He'll oon be a lost ofNce-seeker With schools he has severed connection To Join in the present election, He bellows and thunders And says he'JI do wonder D voters will give him Not To Be Thwarted Doctor- Your master is de cidedly liPifor. Thomson, bu! very Irritable. He musl not be thwarted. Duller Jfe, cxpreed a desire to wring mv neck, sir. 'Well- er-rhum'or hni." HOTEL ARRIVAL8 Central for , J .tJhiiia whre thpy h swirwl XlllO,!..i. az Prince Ruprt .1. W. lludon. Victoria: Mr Atld Mrs. Otto Von llees. Mm fpvelyn Halt, Fred Nash and I'homas I.eildie, Terrace; Charles -A. .ingrieli. II. A. Iwus, .. n. Knlvlll MU 1'rn.la l i - . AV. Allan, Thomas A. Kelley. flor.loii Clark, P. V.. Jnrvis, M. W. lingers. K. II. Hall, t' T P 1lrin r.i.l.i rtL!. r. 1 .i .. . , .Ninituii. UIIIIIIITV: ?. ?hefsky, C. A. Smith, J. O. Meeves. O. K. MarR-K I. U'ii fl t..S tl ..' . - ' II. I1III-, II. .Mid iJnd M. II R'li jorrlffan. C.X.IL: A. Hurrock. Vorlh Paciric: 'Mrs. M and daughter. Prince Oeornc. IMO' ACT.' Nolle of InUntlen lo pplr to Looio Un4 In rrlnr UtiruiM I . ...i it... .. . inn ; prinsr nac .r,",o' ; Matorit, H.C. ' Till' MITITP ih. r... .. - .r-Tri. i i una i it ill nnni -ilj s Coimncnrluir t a pnit Minimi tt .i,, ivmiiMM rornpr of kBl.Hk To .7j,.Vn llM-m-f ifiuihrrlr ,ooo ffi: itirnm ir up reM: Ihfnr northerly l.ooo f'f " P,,inl w "iuiiiriireniMH. n1 con" fcUutAK II. SIMPSOJI. APPlinnl. n.l1 Inn. t 1f NOTICS It TUP MlTT.:ir"ftf . mi iMir" or . iwiAiSi' R.'r.'SKST. r2 RlliiR. but (he destruction or thuj Ji'it. M ""in innit nn i u. i ll, a niiMiiii nrrl. Man oi about snmii,, by which 'hey! eJWrlltA ,t.,.f i . . i ii.. ... . I lint Inr lii..n nr.iiln.l T"1""" 'ivuit-iini ami roniuspii me '-i,ii; . .rV.Vii.. "T '" ,, , . collectlnff evidence that would or parliament, and with which M enable them to' put sinuttlimr thev are i,nu. ...-Hn In deareti Y.WWXl ''"L?.''"' I'.l" t iilw down. ...i "". .: " ... " t..i i. .7 ,.t7i 'r.r "r?;:.:" ..v'-ir:?. A tus: - merely "'J the Ill' device 1 ILIT by IIJ which I fheyj.JiW ",","r 1M, tnA " m, .11 . .. . J...1 l.n having r. hope, inrii;, all uu other OtllCr devicos UPVItuO liaf.iie, Matron, ; '" i'""ii ruiMvi ami the plain Inference that railed thetn. lo climb Into the -ini ni-niry offir, U left with the reader Is that It' seats or power. I ''n? t'S imi rRMrir of tiiIm. Made in Canada Practical Yet Beautiful and waterproof, the smooth surface of Congoleum SEAMLESS Qold Seal Art - Rugs defies accidents. Dust, oshes, tracked-b mud and spilled things vanish like mngic with only light mopping. And no amount of sun, rain or hard service can dim the rich beautiful colorings. Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rugs are n quality product sold with See thern nt dealer's. a real money-back guarantee. your Look for Thit Gold Seal When You Buy &0LEUM W COLD SKA. CUAPANTTC i UTOMtnoN ctiAiomts I.) MYWIHONtTMOl r.ni n cwai COJLMADA RT-RUGS MONTREAL, QUEDEC PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP B.C. FOREST SERVICE 5 WMLiricj yaaiurir Steamship -and Train Saiiint rrom raiNcs noerrtT for viNCOuvtft. wictom. wttJ r.... -vu-. aim munioai 4 00 ISTURDIT. S OW T' Tor ANrOX and ST t WART MONO V, rRIDAT, .00 " Tor ALAIKA WtDNCSDAV, 4 DO p.m. Tor MAIICTT INLKT MONDAY, 4.00 p.m. FOr SKIOIOATI INICT U1 SOUTH QUICN CHASLOTTI fortnightly, PAIICNaiN TRAINS LIAVC PRINCt RUPtRT dll 1 1 JO a m. for PRINCt OtOROK, tOMONTON, WINNIPCO, III txr lot ill Stoamahlp Llnaa. W. O. ORCHARD Sasartl Aianl. Pull InformailM Oorair of 4th Stroal ok! Sri Aaanuo. Prlneo Rupart, llU b.ii.u., viinr.i siaiea, Aiantf oil Ocaas lUamaMi LIsm. Vt Canadian !alU4ial rtpmi for Motwy or..ra. larfiin '" '-' Iso for yoor tint ahipinciiu Cltr Tltaat Oftlet, B2S Thirl Aia Prlno Roptrt. ri Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Ruper To Ktttnl.an, Wrangall, Jusaau on! Itagwar Augutt 2, S. 8, 16, W. To Vancog.ar, victoria and Stattla Augaal 4, 7, 11, 1. , .. PRINCCSS SI ATniCC Umrball RUar, an4 Vancouaar otf SMurdav 11 l.m. for Bvtalali, laat Balla Ralla, Otaan Filla, Namu, Alarl k UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Silllnti from Prior Rupart. ... or VAftCOUVCR. VIOTORIA, Soma Sat, an! Alarl Say. Tuaaiaf. r , lor VANOOtlvtR. , VICTORIA. wwnapp piitri Alaft alar, mmwt is! Swonaoa. iwtnsvn Rar. si Salurl. ----- ' for PORT SIMPSON and Naao Rlrar Cannarlti, Thurada pm. Por PORT liarina am,.. .. ... ......... a a.m. ill i.L.:;""' ""- " """'.'.7. Hal 4. Bornaloi, AimU rripii lirt I