eultlng mora comment A -II It - fi ji ii rai i iiiii i in i in idiur in ho an musical In. rumfnt hsforn. ill) Ipilii -II n , had faNoi - .! u ,e i.T ai-- s.lhi ins' i inients Are they white? She knows that tlic clothc3 arc clean, but arc they white? It is this perfect whiteness which is so ' desirable. To ensure that linen is a Rooa colour ana amongst me whitest of things, use Reckif t s Bad Blue In the handy bag with the Blue and White stripes too c the only omplei Mock of Gilchrist Jacks 3 he new Urthophonic Victrola GRENADA MODEL - l,a (. - - , Mahogany and Walnut r OTHER MODELS ,,u $115 $275 $385 - Termj Arranged i n c rmc 7v UjUUI Ul VO. crw j i ml. hi h. Xnriii v iimiiiiM ijt&ama ii:iiiin aim c'ane Saws, and general Camp hquipmenL I' wdi pay you to see us when out fitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have Hip niot complete stock of timbers, 'i i ieiiioi)H, shiplop. fir finish, flooring, V joint, veneers, etc. in Northern H.C. , We can supply everything in a building from the foun dation to the last piece of finish. H fore buying insect our slock. It will pay you.. Our K : are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 110 and 117 Dus and Taxi Meets all Trains and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. D. pnono 34 P.O. Box 100 Niiniiion's Steel Heils, Springs, and Ostcnnoor Mat-t V every room. . 63 Hoonis. Hot and Cold Water, Hnths mid L11 Showers, almim llPalrri. Electric Light. Cornar of Third Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. Phone 078. A. CARD OF THANKS tf U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Crystal Firelighters, 48 fo.- $1,00, Hyde Transfer. Phone 580A . tf Try Foothills Stovo Coal. $13.00 per Ion. No soot-Phil poll, Evill & Co. Ltd, tf Football tonight, Acropolis Hill, C.30. Moose vs. Cold Btor -Mrs. Evelyn Hatt of T'crrae sailed on the Prince George Saturday night for Vancouver. J. Field Strang returned on the Prince Charles thi morning afler a flying business trip to Vancouver. Capt. Hue of the Salvation Army was a passenger on the Prince George Saturday night for Vancouver. (!. A. Clothier, resident min ing engineer, and Mr. Clothier nailed last evening on the Car dena for Alice Arm. A. H. Hazell-Jonc. at r recen wembly of Ihe .Sovcrein Great, Priory of Canada, Kutghls Tern plars, was appointed Provincial Prior for the 1'acific ccast dis trlct. t"n ion Kjinmrr Ganlenn, dipt A. K. IMekson, arrived in porl at 8.15 last night from Vancouver and wayporls and mailed at 10.30 fr Anyox, Alice Arm and Stewart. J. V. Iludon of Victoria ' ' iitor in the city for a few days, having arrived on Saturday from Japper Park. Mr. llud-on i p(denole of (liteh Temple of Hie Mystic Shrine. Miss Alice DuVernel, who has '.in on an extensive lour ot Canada and the United Slates, was (he guet of Mrs. J. It. Sey mour, zou iivip Avenue, r-cenlly en route ta her hdme In Prine lliiHjrt. Vancouver Province. E. C. (iihhons sailed for Vmi i-nuver on Ihe Prince eors Satunlay night accompanying ins sisler and daughter who nr n-l uniing lo their Imme in Main after Ii.ivIik.' visiled here for veral weeks. J. Uuantte, C.X II. superin-lendent of motive power with headquarters In Vancouver, arrived in Ihe city tat nittlit ir Hie course of a priodkal in-peeiion I rip. He was accompanied bjr A. Watt, divisional master mechanic. Miss Fred Morrow, daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. W. Morrow, arrived from Vancouver on the Princess Ilcnlrfrc Saturday evening and will return south IhU evening wflh her sister, Miss Adda Morrow, who lias been visiting In the city for several days. v lien fishing in the Skeen.n Itiver Ihe other day, Henry Pro vost of Metlakatla was muca surprised when another naliv lonk a sprinw salmon from his net witli a spinner in his mouth which .Mr. Prevost had lost off l even Island a short while be fore. steamer Prince Charle :npt. Xeil McLean, arrived from ihe south on time al tn.30 this morning ami will sail at I o'clock this afternoon for Anyox. Stew art and Masselt Inlet points. The Charles will bring a larp. crowd out of Massett Inlet this trip from tin? Waluh Hiver aim Shannon Hay canneries whico nave now iilosed down. NOTICE St. llegls Cafe for sale as a going concern. Offers will he considered up to August 28, af- er Unit dale assets will ho sold. A good opportunity for experi enced reslutiranteur. Apply L. Murray Fuller, Custodian. 108 "" THE DAILY NEWS Dr. Field of Edmonton came in yesterday and is going soutii today. (iconic Horle, Hie auditor, is home after holidaying Vancou-ver for several weeks. Mis Nada Johnston, the well known vocalist, Is 'back from a holiday epcut in Vancouver. 1, Cronibie, chief bf transpor tation of the C.M.Il, at Montreal, arrived in the city this afternoon and goes south on the beat. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Somers and daughter, W'eslview, re turned home this morning after having spent several months in Vancouver. CX.H. steamer Prince Ilupcrl. ('apt. It. Donald, returned al 0.30 this morning from Alaska ports and will sail al i o'clock this afternoon for Vancouver. The halibut schooners Edward Lipfell and Cape Spear and Hie Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s packer W. H. Lord arc be ing taken on dry dock today for cleaning and painting and over haul work. 'J he Hoys Hand, under tnc baton of Ilaslmasler Wilson gave another open air concert oji Totem Pole Hill yesterday after noon. The performance wa listened to with a great deal of pleasure by quite a crowd of people. A. Haines, who lias been tf Peterborough attending Ihe Sovereign Great Priory of Canada Knichts Templars, is home afle visiting Toronto, Harne and places in Ihe. East. Mrs. Ilaine is remaining in Toronto until af ter Hie fair. While in Peterboro Mr. Haines met Miss Maude Lu-on, formerly of this rily. NO HITS AND NO RUNS !N A LEAGUE GAME NF.W YORK. Aug. 2 Ted Lyons, the Clnrasfo White Sox twirler, pitched a no iiit no run vame Saturday, and permittee only two Hoston player. to reach iirsi Oi'im' on a fiss and a sacn fiee. Cincinnati and Hostpn staged a thirteen inning tie game Satur day and on Sunday the Iteds do nated Hoston two , the first game going ten and the. second, twelve innings. F'rankie F'risch. the star second 4aseman for the Giants was in definitely suspended Saturday by MeGraw because be left the club without permission. Frisch arrived in Xew York Sunday ami lee I a re. I he was in poor health and unable to play. American League Cleveland 10-rt, Washington 2-0. Chicago 2. Philadelphia 3. National League Hrooklyn 0. Chicago 3. Huston 3-0, Cincinnati 1-7. Xew York 4, St. "Louis I. COTTON PRICES SOARED TODAY XEW YOHK. Aug. 23. XJolton prices soared :t.5n a hale today after publication or the government crop report which iiidicated the crop was half a million bales below expectation and also that it is late. Huyintf mders piled in from all direct inns. funeMjoday The funeral of t lie Jute Mrs. Emily Margaret Garner, whose death occurred at Hie end of the week in the Prince Ilupcrl Gen eral Hospital, took place at 2.30 Hits afternoon from the chapel of the H. C. Undertakers to Fairview Cemetery, llev. Geonge O. Hacker official iiur. Ainong those who sent flowers were the widower and son. IMrs. P. tScott, Philip Auckland, E. Lewis and I). BIRTHS A daughter was born August 12 in Vancouver to Mr. 'and Mrs. O. Franks and family w. Paiilet Powles. formerly wish to extend to their LTimi-n U4 Mt nnd Mi4 'lllrliiiil many friends their nppre- Garrett. eialion ut the help and kind A son was born al the Prince words expressed, and for llmmrl Cnnxml llii.tillnl the many floral tributos re- August 2'l lo Mr. and Mr. lining ceived during their recent Xorth. Prince Hunert. - . sad bereavement. . , q .ugust 22, a daughter was ilium 'n Me. ntid Mrs C.!.el7l InM. j .... - .... - - - - -- WI uiii- , quist, Sixth Avenue West. VICTIMS TELL OF EXPLOSION Men Who Were Burned When Captain Fotland Lost Life Give Evidence Their faces completely mask ed with 'bandage covering the bunts they sustained in the ex plosion aboard the American halibut schooner Lincoln, Louis Twee-ten and Hens Berg, mem bers of Hie crew of the itl- fatcd vessel, gave their evidence this morniug al the inquest in session liefore Coroner Dr. W. Sager of Port Simpson Into the death of Capt. Martin Fotland, master of the boat. Other wit nesses were Dr. J. P. Cade, SgL Hannah. John F'enness of th Imperial Oil Co. staff and A, M. Prince, forestry engineer. More witnesses are to be heard and shortly before 1 o'clock the Inquest was adjourned untL 2.30 In attendance at the inquest ari O. A. Woodland, manager of the Imperial Oil Co. at whoso doci the accident occurred, and L. W Patmore. counsel for Hie com pany. Dr. ''-de staled that death wa due lo monoxide noioning or suffocation and it had been a! most instantaneous. The doc lor described a number of burn on the body but stated they had not been the direct cause of dsalh. Louis Tweeten told -of loading oil on the day in question about noon. One. of the tanks had overflown. Witness told of Capl Fotland being overcome in Hie engine room and being removed thcrcfrum and brought tu. Abou' half an hour later, the captaii. went down again to start (he engine. nness saw him prim in? the engine but could no. ce him throw in the switch. The flywheel had just been turn ed over slightly when the ex plosion occurred. The explo sion, vyilness said, seemed lo b-.' in the fo'csle. He (witness wa ai.out rirteen feet away from th" eigine room on tha deck but h" co'dd see into the engine room. He was thrown on to t lie fisit in the hatch - from which he crawled, going up the ladder on to the wharf. Overflow of Gas Under examination by Mr. Pat- more, Tweeten stated the boai was rasl to the dock. It was not Customary to loosen lb lines unni me enc'ine was started. The engine room was located forward on the boat with the tanks around. The overflow of gasoline had been in th engine room and not on deck. It was quite a common occurrence, witness said, for the tanks to overflow When gas was beinj taken on. The valves feeding the oil into the. tanks were controlled by the men on the boat, and they were responsible if thera was an overflow. There wcr ventilators on tho boat, one of these going out through a mas!. The ventilators usually workeJ effectively. There was no fire in the cook stove which was aft on the boat nor was there a fire anywhere else. Witness said he had spoken lo the captain afler he had been overcome th? first time. Fotland had mentioned "a funny taste in his mouth.' but had not t said anything about gasoline fumes nor had lie said that he was afraid to igo down into the engine room again. The boat sunk almost al once after the explosion. I lie evidence of Hans Berg was langely similar to that of Tweeten. REV. E. a TURNER ASKED TO REMAIN At the regular Sunday evcniivg service held in the Baptist Church yesterday, J. Harvey, as chairman of the board of deacons, presented a petition to the pastor, llev. E. G. Turner, extensively signed by members of the church and congregation. The petition expressed .high appreciation of the work and leadership of the pastor, nnd the confidence and esteem in which he is held hy all, and sincerely regretted his resignation as pastor of Ihe church, and urged him to reconsider his action and if at all possible to continue his work ami ministry in Prince Hupert. Mr. Harvey in a few well chosen words voiced Hie feeling of the people toward the pastor which gave birth to the petition. In receiving the petition Mr. 'Turner accepted it in the kindly feeling in which It was presented and promised it would receive his earnest consideration. The church will await his division with hopeful anticipation. i PAGE THREl It leekf creamy It tastes creamy H Pure Economical Convenient HEBE'S what is in every familiar red and white labelled can of Carnation Milk: 1. Perfect Purity Clean, fresh milk, scrupulously fuarded until the hermetically-sealed cans are sterilized. 2. High Food Value All the food value of full-cream milk concentrated to double richness. 3. Creamy Smoothness Carnation's creamy double-richness improves the texture of foods cooked with this milk. 4. Economy Undiluted and double-rich. In place of cream, it reduces cream bills approximately two-thirds. Prove these virtues yourself. Get Carnation next time. Send for free copy of Mary Blake's Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Co., Limited, Aylmer, Ontario. Carnation Milk "From Contented Cows" DEMAND Produced in Canada "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - wthf naiNTiPST RRriuriirr rnnn" Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3ML ii irimrrrip IflmMmH w GRANT'S "Best Procurable mi VmmrnH 1 . MB nniA mm m. (TllE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST lHt FINEST i niuntAnu mui Cm Smu Uww4 GI.lJhcli u4 Bli.-GI.lit DMfetiM, Ml- Mm-6 GiMfvw, Smm4. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Coluobla .