PAGE BIX AUDITORIUM Dances . EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING IJeginnlng at 9 o'clock Floor in the Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 25c Gentlemen 50c The Hall is now equipped to lake care of Dances, Concerts and Meetings of any kind. The building is 50x100 feet, maple floor, newly plastered. Clear title. to property. IT'S FOn SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM Pure J)rugs PROMPT SERVICE RIGHT PRICES t'ou will always find the highest quality at this store together with prompt, efficient and courteous service PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Carefully and Accurately Wc fill prescriptions just as your physician wants them filled. LET US SERVE YOU Rupert Pncy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. I Lead Others Follow The Home of Trunks and Suitcases. Pioneer's Friend Hudson's Hay. itlankets. Piere Paris Loggers' Hoots. Hig Iorn Itrand Clothing. Original Diamond Sweaters. Genuine Fur Seal Coats, guaranteed. Hice's Dyes. Tents, Hlankets, Hags. Pal Ptiillipson Second Avenue Genuine Indian Mado Curios PRESERVING SEASON Preserving Peaches, crate ........... Hothouse Tomatoes, fur Per basket ,. Field Tomatoes, 2 Per basket Cucumbers, 3 for . . Celery 1 5c Gravciistein Apples, for Plums, per basket . Watermelon, iter lb. drapes, per lb. per . S1.65 2 lbs. , ... 35c ... 90c lbs. 25c ... 65c 25o and 20o 3 lbs. . ... 25c .... 50c . 7c 30o Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 5th Avenue East George rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor HcCcIvcr, Liquidator, Trustee, &o. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West prince nupKRT turned from a campaign trip to the south, particularly at Delia Coola, Hasenborj? and Ocean CASH & CARRY GROCERY SIXTH STREET For three days only we will sell TEA and COFFEE One Pound Tudor Tea, value 75c One Pound Supreme Coffee 70c Total Value. $1.15 For $1.00 You can buy Fresh Milk and Whipping Oeam from us. It stands for reason wc can sell for less our business is Cash and Carry. Fresh Italian Prunes, lug toxes $1.25 Crab Apples, for jelly, per lb. 5c Highest quality Preserving Pea ches, 'ter crate $1.55 Cooking Apples, good slock, Hi. 5c GROCERY PRICES Peas, Corn, Tomaloes, per tin 15o 8 tins King Oscar Sardines $1.00 3 tins Delmonte Itipe Olives 50c Fmpress Strawberry Jam, 4 lb tin 75c Alymer Strawberry Jam, 4 Hi. tin 70c ltogers Syrup, 2 lb. tin 20c Ilogiws Syrup. 5 lb. tin ....i 45c (iranulaled Sugar, 5 lbs. for 35c Sunkisl Oranges, 210 size, re-. ular 50c value, 2 doz. for ... 75o Don't overlook our Pickle prices. Wonder ful value, 3 liot. for $1.25 Creamery Hulter, bricks .... 40o Fresh Eggs. 3 doz. for .... $1.00 (Seedless Kaisins, per lb. ... 15c Sterling Catsup, a few bottles left a 3 for 50o Fruit and Vegetables at Lowest Princes. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 639, Green 238, Black 735. Night. Phone 687,. 539, Qreen 238, Blaok 735. RUPERT. MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. i STORK PLEASED iMINIMUM WAGE (STORK WRITES WITH PROSPECTi BILL EFFECTIVE; TO J. C. BRADY Says He Believes People of Skeena Annual Report Just Presented Will Back Him Ud In His . Shows Work Done Behalf Efforts for District. of Girls I'tiVIMtlll I .11 v.. BI...I- .!. l. I,,.,! - ' ruiviii.i. .ius. - niiu just i i--, . , . ..r,. ,, or! -l. ai'Contnlilied on behalf of in nivalin. lutLuu ui uj-vhh n ui fe- male employees in the province is Riven in the annual report of ran.,, sajs lie nau u ursi rate ,,, ,;!,, .ut, ,11;1P., ...i.t,.!, reception everywhere and espe- ,,aii Ju9l bew prMen,pd ,'0 1Iop. cially in the Hella Coola Valley. He is particularly optimistic over the election both here and else where and says he feels sure that Skeena constituency will back him up in his efforts to keep the district on the map now that it is placed there. Mr. Stork is gom&' to the in- A. M. Mansiin, .Minister of Labor, by the board consisting of J. D. ilcNiven (chairman), .Mrs. II. (.. MacGill, and -T. Matthews. Through Hie operation of the Minimum Wage Act arrears of wages were collected on behalf of over 500 women and girls who had been underpaid, and tenor and is nol losing a nunu!e(successful prosecutions were in his efforts to place Hie gospeiitaken against twelve orienutnt.' of Liberalism before the people of the province. WATER NOTICE Diiaralon and Uaa TAKE .NOTICE Hut soinrrvllle Carmen Comiuny I.lmllrd, hoe addrrsS Is Oorv Avenue Wharf, Vancouver, B. C. will l- 3 y fur a Iccnse to lake and use Si Kai ons per minute tit water out of un-iiainetl llieam, wniro nowa mtrinenr ana arain-inlo reriruKin Bay. Maiset Inlet, about 4 chains wesl of N. v. comer Lot I J" I. Queen Charlotte Island DIMrlct. The vtilti mil be diverted from the Mreain at a point ft chains In a south westerly dlreeiloii rnitn X. W. corner or Lot 1671. 0- C Dist. and will he used rir Industrial and Horn ettlc purrxie upon the land rtesirttx-d a. Ii lock A, Lot 1171. Queen Charlotte Hist This notice was posted on tbe around on the 14th day or July.- a copy oi this notice and an application puouam thereto and to the "Water Art" will l-filed in the office of the Waler Iterordei at Prince Ilupert, B. C. Objections to the appliraiion may be tiled with the said Water necorder or with the Comptroller of Waler (llahts. Parliament Buildlnrs. Victoria. B. C... within thirty days after the rirsl appcaranre of this notire In a local newspaM-r. The date of the first publication of th ' notire Is July JO. !. S01ir.B1t.l.E cCvNtnv CO.MrA.XY. LTIi., ADPllrani v By F, n. WsTIIEB. Airent H WATER NOTICE Oltaralon and Ust TAkE .NOTICh mat Somervtlle Cannery (U.nipany LluUied. wlHise address Is Core Avenue Wharr. Vancouver, B. ... will apply for a license to tike and use so (.alluns pet minute of water out of on named stream, which flows northerly and drains into Fer-ruson Bav. Ma-et Inial, aUnit tu etiatn-west rrotu N. E. corner lt 1171. Q. C District. Tlw water will be diverted rnm the stream at a point about 6 chains from muuth of stream and will be used fir Industrial and domettlr purpose upon inland described as Block A. Lot H7I, Queen Charlotte Uistrlct. Lot notice was posted on the (-round on the I4lb day of July. ti. A copy or this notice ana an apnli-cation pursuant thereto and to the "Water Art" will be riled in the oThre or the Water Becorder It Prince Ilupert, B. C objections to the application may be filed wlUi the said Waler Berorder or with the Comptroller or Water lUrbtt, Parliament Bulldinrs, Vlrtorta. B. C, within thirty Days after the Tlrst appearance or this notire In a local newspaper. Tbe dale of tbe first publication of this notice It July 10. MO SOMEnVTU.E CASXtnf COMPANY. LTI., Applicant. By F D. MATHERS, Aaent. rmployers. number of female employees in llie province. Fruit and Vegetables Recently the Minimum Wage Hoard received a petition from a nunuier or employees m in! asking thai the existing order relating to that industry should be fevipwed. In accordance with this petition a public conference was calteil to be held in the Court House in Vancouver on Friday, at which the evidence submitted was laid before representatives of the employers, th; employees, and the general public, whose recommendations. Are beiig considered by tlie hoard. MANNERS IN PUBLIC RESULT CHEAP CARS Christian Science Monitor' If isn't beeause of American influence that scenes liave been enacted in the Hritish House of Commons that would have been unthinkable forty years ago. In he United States the enterprise of Mr. Henry Ford has not created a special school of bad manners. tnit it has certainly enabled innumerable persons wlio wive no thougiil to social amenities lo exhibit themselves in place and tinder conditions which before the advent of the inexpensive car were denied them. filthy Aunt: "riease re member, Hasil, while you at visiting us, that it is unnccessaiy for you to make your own snow man. What are the servants for?" CANCELLATION Of RESERVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES that tbe ra crve eiUllna- uvtr Lot 4607, Caiitsr lt trlct. la cancelled. Lanili Department, urpuij .ninincr nr udos. U. II. AAlir..!. victoria, u. I... lh June, im, 4 tt TIMBER 8ALE X8109. There will be offered for tale at' Public Auction, at iiuua on llie IJM day of Auk ust. tvtfe. iu tin- orrire of I lip District Kuieoter, rrliire liu-rt. n. C, tlie Licence XHIou. hi cut l.liiu.unO reel uf Snrucr. llcmkHk and Cedar, on ail area Wlualed on i.i. ran iniei, yuecn i.nariuiie uianiK. Two if j jeara will te allowed for removal of titulier. I'ruvtdHt that any one unalile to altenl llie auction In iernn mar auljiiill a aealed tender to be oM iied at the hour of auction aim ireaieu an on Din. runner particular of the Chief Fore tcr, Victoria, B. c, or District Forcter, rriiipe Miiperl, It. C. TIMBER SALE X8108. There will be offered for ale at 4Mibll Auction, at 5 p.m.. on the 13rd day or September, IVtft, In the office of Ihe MMrirt Korenter. I'rmce Ilupert, B, C, Ihe Licence X8IUS, o cut lt.MI.00U Tret or Spruce, Hemlock and Odar, on an area Mtuated on selwyn Inlet and adjolnlnv Lot 311 and 3. T. I.. 41 tip. Vuecn t:harlutte Inland. Three iS' Veara will be allowed for re TIMBER SALE X8148 Sealed tender will be terrlred by the illnlnler of l.aml at Victoria not later than noon on the Jf.lli day of AiiRuat, IViv. Tor the purchae or Urrnce X S I 8, tu cut 31.. lino Jackpine Ties on an area located on portion or l.nia 4SS and 1300 near Canadian .National Hallway, llaiiae J, Coaul District. Three (S) yean will be allowed for removal or Umber. further particular! of the r.hler Tot-eater. Victoria. R. C... or timrlrt Former. priuct Uuptit, U, C Puts Him Right on Fish Trap Matters In Connection With Misrepresentations In South The following letter in connection with fish traus has been written by 'Fred Stork, Liberal candidate to J. C. Hrady, Conservative, standurd bearer in this election: Dear Sir It has recently come to my notice, thai you have been quoting from the public platform a lo leg ram which I sent to ine Minister of Marine and Fisheries, which is conveyim; ati alto gether wrong impression to tin) people whom you are addressing. I believe that you desire to ba fair in this matter and I would therefore suggest that whenever you read this telegram whicn The number of female cm-'you have been ouotiug that yen ployees coming under tho Act is should alsu read the telegram given as 13,8'JD, in the seme of -',80 1 firms. The average weekly wage of adult and skilled female workers in the province was ? 1 7.38, and for employees who had not completed tliei- . raining the average was iu.j from the minister which called for my reply. In case llitt you have not re ceived a copy of tolh telegram and in order lo supply you with the complete statement I beg to enelose herewith .he minister- Although an employer may bellelegram to mc and my atiawe-. permitted lo have 35 per renitliereto which you will observe of hU employees classed as in-"are both dated June 1U25 and no'. experienced and p.ajd on a lower'June IDiC. scale, this .prqvision was taken advantnge of oruy to the extent of I2.3G tier rent of the total The two telegrams in aueg tion are as follows : "Ottawa. fi)nL. "June 23rd, 1125. "Fre.l Stork, M.P., I'rinco Ilu pert, H.C. In view of intimation ?iu'ii to applicanis for trap li-censi as far baek as Hecember last withholding of licenses now fruit and vegetable industry.'creates most awkwanl situation for Government. Suggest for your serious consideration thai such applicants us have been advised that Hcenes would issue recei.e licenses for this year with a proiiouhremeni on behalti of the (ioveinuietit that after Ihis year no. trap licenses wil Issut. STtgnediP. J. Cardin." -Prince IturWrVlfcC., June 21. IU;5. "Hon. P. J. d.trdin. Ottawa. under circunUunre described your telegrauj. Signed rrcl thai license? be issued with con ditions and provisions stated in youry telegram. Signed Fred Stork " n I am sincerely yours, FHKD STOHK BUSY MORNING POLICE COURT Eighteen Persons, Charged With Liquor Offences, Appear Before MagUtrate McClymont. Week-end celebrations resulted in no less than eighteen persons being haled into police court this morning to answer lo Ihjuur charges. White and Indian shared the time of the court and tte most of 'the charges were trunkenness. Convictions were registered iu all but one or two cases and fines imposed. John Carno. II. Hlsterntan, Oluf Amundsen, John (ieorge, J. D. M- i'avish, James Mclnt.yre and Or- mand Dalglrish. whiles, were each fined $25 for intoxication. Alfred Wesley and Arthur I.e wis, Indians, were each fined 5-0 and cusls for havtiitg liquor in their possession and imott Wright, Indian, was assessed $50 for supplying. Fanny Wright Clara Woods, i ieorge Cooper, Hill Oranl and Arthur Ajax, Indians, were all fined 10 and costs for drunkenness while u similar charge agaiti1 Abel lloss was dismissed. A "barge of drunkenness ngainst K. Hansen wa adjourned until tomorrow. HOT DOG PARTY AT moval or in limner. PmvMeil Ilia I in) rilia In I li,.1 "111 'l I UeU SOItlC SALT LAKE PARK Young People Were Entertained Saturday Evening by Mrs. A. T. Parkin. On Saturday night at the Salt Lake Park Mrs. A. T. Parkin en 30 or so young the auction In iM-rixm-may nubmll a aealed peuple enramiiell tllCl'U III a JlOl tender to be oieiied at tlie hour or auction ,', ' .. ,., ' , . , , and treated at one bid. dog slipper. Fllrt'U'aS kept tip prince impert. h. c. o'clock w hen (lie tkle came up mid extinguished the fire, the party tjli.iriutufnu Tin t-Lr In tt-ti nil quip. .ii 9, j uinst sisieu ny .Mrs. iiaviu inomsou and Mrs. 11. Orievc. L. LiltlefieliJ, inannger of tlie Haxler Pole Cos, operations- al Port Clemenls, Is a passenger Ihe Prince Charles today bourn from Vancouver to the Islands. RITES FOR LATE MRS. FRANKS TOOK PLACE YESTERDAY Many Floral Tributes Testify to Esteem In Which Deceased Was Held Impreslve Service Many mourners gathered yes lerday afternoon at s?l. Andrew Anglican Cathedral lo pay their last respects lo the memory of the late Mrs. A. O. Franks. Th-? service was an impressive one and was conducled by Archdeacon (I. A. Ilix, who spoke appreciatively oT the lire of deceased and voiced words of sympathy Tor those who had been left to mourn her loss. The hymn were "Nearer My Uod to Thee," "Thy Will be Done," and "What a Friend we Have In Jesus." After the service a large concourse followed the bier to Fair-view Cemetery where interment took place. The pallbearers were Mayor !?. M. .Newton, S. D. Mae donald, Aid. Jack McKcehnie, r W. Wesch, A. It. Phillips and Harry Hireli1. Those sending flowers were: - !lfushaud and Family, the Child ren. Mother, Percy and trank. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cimeron. Clifford Cameron. Mayor Xewton, Prince Ilupert Fcclesia, Median ieal tlaff Daily News, Officers and Menrtters Tsimpslan Lodge A.F. A A.M.. Prince Ilupert Daily News, Ijyal Order o Moose, Typographical Union So. 113, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Dickens, Mis-Hose Dickens, H. II. Horhester, Mr. and Mrs. Dave McCullough and Family, Mr. and Mrs. nev oid and Family, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sievert, Mr. and Mrs. O. Ilu- dema ami Family, Prince Ilupert Hukery. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Monlfznmery and Family, Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. I'liain, Mr. and Mrs (Jeo. II. White, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. It. Daire. Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. Hill, .:. W. Mairs and Daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Hubert son, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hreinner, Mr. and Mrs It! McKay, Mr. and Mrs. i. It Mace, Mr. and Mrs. J. orobe Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I.arkin, str and Mrs. It. K. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hallinger, Mr. and Mrs lloughan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Harhe. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. tleo. Rudderham, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Crearer, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. riilvwrstdes, Mr and Mrs. J. II. Hartley (Cedar- vale i. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oar- ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Camp bell, Alex, and Marjorie IUi'i, Mr. and Mrs. Oawlhoru, Mr. an i Mrs. S. Haudenschild, Miss II Smith, Alex. Pruilhoinnie, Mr .triI Mrs. II. I.. Pierre, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ilakrr, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sutherland, Ihe Oona Itivrr llesi- ileitis, Mr. and Mrs. It. F.. Hud son, Mr. and Mrs. Hill Murra). Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Macdonalii, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hale. Mr and Mrs. H. I.eaper, Mr. and Mrs. (ilennie, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kirkpatrirk, Mr. and Mrs. W. J llaymoiid, Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Yaeger, Mr. and Mrs. C, F. Johu- son, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hrady, Mr. and Mr. Hallbcrg, A. It. Phillips and Son, Mr. ami Mrs S. h. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Hailey, Mrs. It. McCarthy, Mr and Mrs. F. W. Wesch, Mr. and Mrs. C. Strachan and Family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mckechnic, Me at! Mrs. lU-rt Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibit, W. Ilolhwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Milchell and Family, Mr. and Mrs. K. Hemming, Mr and Mrs. W. H. Ooodsall, I.. J Marreu, Mr. and Mrs. Joo Howe and Family, D. MtrCorklndale Ceo. and W. Sutherland. LAND ACT. Notlct of Intantlon t Apply to Ltata Lana In Prtne Hubert Laud Itecordlna to. trlct or :oat itante t, and Uluata ok sou in narnari iiana. TAkE MITICK thai Alfred S anion, m I'linrc ,iuptti, tji-i;uiiiiiiiii ,-iiariner, lit lenai 10 appiy lor a iea or in rollow inr deacritel landi: Cotiimetirinir at a nol named at th. uorlh end of South narhael Inland; thence aniuni ion iiani ai nifn water mam anil coniaininr v acrea, innre or leal, AURKD SWA1SOM. r. . . .... .'. Applicant. LAND ACT. Nolle ef Intantlon lo Apply lo Laaa Land 1.1 Afllrl,!.. fllVl.ltf... .'.a. ..a . J .. i-iiriinin i'iv,iir in ..mar, ann Biiuaiaj a Grand napina, on the stlklne Itlver and to III.- -- in rfMr,iril tS'l ,.,1. t,H, TAfcK NOTIOK I hell I. Vtllir Rrolt ftimn on. if Telrirraph f:rfk, H, (;., (k-i iipitlon t k. r..1I..MIna rfuAell.. I.4h riH-iiiu ( m 1'Miitfn on m 40 rh.tln; t fin. re M 10 rhalni; h-n ...hi .inn.. rai ii, rnaina, and ronlaltilnr Fortv acrea. more nr leaa di."I 1?.11"-II.1( AptHcanl LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Lan In Prince liuiierl Land nrrnrdinr Ota inn hi iii mure , ami attuat " on .North llachael TAkF. INOTICK that Alfred Sanon. of , iiiyc nuii .. ... i u.hiii.i, mrinrri in tenda to apply for a lea or the follow Inr denrrlbed landa: Criimnenrlna' at a rmat nlanted i th oiith end or North flachael Inland: thence arounn ine. I'laou at nian water mark, ami roiiiaiiiiiir pu arrrp. innre or leaa. ALrnr.p 8VAtn. , . . .. .. , Applicant uaivu Apru a, ivao. Monday, Augmt 23, l!l2j Your Eyes Hold No Secrets from our methods of Examination for Defects Application of scientific principles with the aid of l struments perfected for their use by men who have mSd lifelong study of tho needs of Optometry Is what produ. such perfect results for your eyes when you visit our oil tlcal parlor. If In doubt concerning your glasses consult with c' Jf optician. We make no charges for advice and do not urge to accept It, but wo cordially Invite you to make m, wants known to us. ' Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. Fred Thomson and "Silver King" in "The Tough Guy" A weMi'rn ronii'ily-ilrunui iKirkiMl rlinrk f'M! (ft'linn iiml lannhtrr. A liarr, lie.irtle orili rripplt'tl hoy. a hard - fitfl mntrtiii, n driuiki' n Mirruw-latltMi, liltlc lit'nrl piniiip fur hi ttr wtiito lior-e. Hep Kretl kidiiitp Hie kitl m : from certain tleulli nmler t lie wheel, of nn Don't mi Kretl prm'tiriug liivV-niikuip nn ' s h , before lie dare pritiK on the girl of lin he i "Silver" fool Hie -rook-. .Slrong el. Fred Thomson, Lola Todd, Robert McKIm, William Courtwrlght, Billy Butts and others. Comedy: "BUSTER HELPS DAD" INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35c and 10c French : Ivory at Cost In order lo make room fur new goods we nre our entire loek of Krenrh Ivory at cot. Sec (lows fur bargain. Frames Mirror Clocks Jewel Boies Trays Puff Boies Powder Boies Hair Receivers Perfume Bottles Button Hooks Shoe Home Manicure Pieces Vases Calendars Cream Jars Napkin Rings Ormes Ltd. The HKXAI.I. STOHK 3rd Avenue and Glh Street PIONKKH Mil s Phones 82 and WO SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distinct icrvii,e for Family W a 80FT FINISH, THRIF-T-8ERVICE and WET WASH at mot reasonable prices, DRY CLEANING, PRE8SINQ AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118- und we will do llio rest. Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBrlde St.