BR LANDOR CP).-Remnar : Seek Rights ‘To Bargain VIC TOR! A Pr 1 ment € aie ress foz stabli mpartial board of arbit 107 a matt ¢ hemse t Cal Questi t e Wa i t e BC. G Em} A ri i | Ss E. P.O c uf ~ a la p rimec 4 t LS >» ey We irga e¢ DY A the The site Nationa MacNeish nave na on t ¢ nei orth 2 River was ‘Neish on of the archaeologist Ottawa, Museum anc MN. Year- Old Indian Relics Found 1 of Frank Stott the side of a bluft ep discovered by Dr. R. i with the his assist been excavating in a Sto week the nre¢ t Sst revealing ever excavated in MacNeis! ained which wer tne iginai ne i i rO} sO tt Ss i eight e Ir ground burl mound € we farm for and coii work this week nound is one of the burial Mani said burie)} located j idians be sul al Wa i, and we anive tools anc re found Wood Tanks Approved For New Housing We Have Just Received a shipment of THE FAMILY CAR in the LOW PRICE FIELD Test Drive” the ‘New in 52 CONSUL SEDAN @ Lots of room, @ Lots of economy, @ Lots of value. $775 down balance 24 months, and the up to For a courteous demonstration CALL me of frie Bob Parker ltd. Phone 93 as desired Dis Ci COLLEEE [cick CCT oC Sees . gs | Work a | = Civil Workers * ik - cee ese Ee 5 : aa) A j me : , ), > a ‘ C, 1 é oy ; - ‘ SY _f eS ) = | e <9 A on ae ' / we , S LAS «al | # At Watlaces = | is 1 & = } . A I i get Account @ » \ family and @ = ~ B pa ' Dad and Sen and @ & Ne m Da it & ca 7 7 e iF rs, 5 we = : meTalays a . . : ; Z. * * 5 " a’ ° a * e's [HR ORRRRSEBeReRR Ee Ear i Nh aT ‘ SATION i$ D STANDING j I Posts > ents > BUILDERS a Er , pee 4 +5 x ¢ Sri iden Ltd. PI \ P.O. Box 721 eves Veale oH x q . 2 \ i 4 te, 4 3 \ eae U j 3 2 :% rht WU itu if why % pi ed i i es $ s i ee J : ” J ei ‘ fs ae: a) e.. at: \ » /\ ; A bs ¢ +% r i oe & e ‘ Wh y | ..100% a WHOLE WHEAT wins Med ae Gredt ye eit } ; fe e EC EAL te . | on ae want Mother, honest food nourish- * ey est for your child at t ne My, I fast. That's why sO many C . , mothers serve children deli- %. 0 golden NABISCO 4 A AB 2 ED | SHREDDED WHEAT! Made th FR, oe fo be Pee n 100% whole wheat, this Wy Hh oy ih me Ghee Bt : satisfying watural food includes be: ! 2 a | ” Art ee . | bran and wheat germ. And 4 * a’ - ' iBISCO SHREDDED | i ' | GF it? bs ei WHEAT saves money on break- Fail his | a } . sti — it costs just a few cents + Ni 4 : pe lial - - ~ ,/ Hallowe’en is loads more fun when you have lots of juiey, wonderful-eating O\G 7 is granted Cer gage and Housing Co pe n to construct ! for three i f housing de- nt Ati Avenue nov wa approves at M 1en) tn KS orm pe Wi lam De qu e authority ast , meeting ork nm ig woode K : t} ( K p é t ir ‘ ncu < D ( € ask eu I iling wie ‘ | ot OKANAGAN Apples all ready for the eerie eve! Hand them out to the witehes and goblins haunting your door “Ff games—jolly them into all kinds of good apple Hallowe’e youngsters. and decorations for your own Don’t run short... mical FOR. FREE APPLE RECIPE BOOK prizes for “eats”’ pox py the Ble cimnd en at use them for fun-provoking Hallowe'en make for the party! get plenty of (range = APPLES WRITE DIPECT TO B.C. TREE FRUITS LID, KELOWNA 6.0 was ‘Police Find No Clue to 'Beer-by-Phone | VANCOUVER ©. -LoWer main ice are baffled over “he appearance Of an fisherman Who wa last tie o the mas f his i L ma Ind i Ba on I ppSarar \ n f muy : ee] he Jol De & N “A ty oO } 5 j y ‘ pe kw Scrap va Ouve ‘ eport : aT ric a OY po ‘ 0 ; . t ‘ I BI A boat in th Fra Tavern Booming | HUNTANTON, Norfolk eng-| \ Reuter Tavern-keeper Pt rurner reports booming bu “a the result of his beer-by-telephone service for ! yecked” U.S, Air Force hus a Tu promises to deliver beer by the glass or bottle within ve minutes of a telephone -call to hi hole-in-the-wall” public house. He said he inaugurated the system after U.S. Air Force me and their families moved i areca ASK FOR SCOTLAND'S FAVOURITE SON BORN 1820—- STILL GOING FINE OLD SCOTCH STRONG Towing Firms ‘Steal’ For Lazy Thi MELBOURNE, Australia (Reut: i » Ne car thief here “Weary Willie” because + = have to do his own stealing. He uses city 4 ing { ther * Nao for him ; , nme 0 to tae “Weary Willie” spots a likely ca: Phones » ¢ that he has clutch trouble, and asks i a irm to ty a quiet suburban street where he picks it um OW the Ip car WHISKY Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland Contents 26% on JOHN WALKER & SONS LTD, x Scotch Whisky Distillers ¢ LMARBNOCK, SCOTLAND 14.2 st published * 2 ¢ Cont meut 9) hours Enjoy al 17 days Or 2 the severa “Empresses’ an worrle ne i overnight everything worth while, inforeseen days islands of the group hotels and sightseeing can be completely a wonderful as “EMPRESSES OF THE AIR’ non-stop from Vancouver holiday ir make amazingly low cost you tne iter Haw iil, most of your ime- No booking Stay 10 days, among Transportation, arranged in advance Bee wist with any variation you wish, are giant, pressurized air-conditioned Super DC6's—air travel luxury you've never dreamed possible, Ask your travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office for our fascinating “Hawaiian Tours” brochure, additional information, or for reservations. AIRLINES Also providing the shortest, fastest service, weekly to Tokyo and Hong Kong. LA.T.A, Approved Airlines Agents bisa le) eee) ae BOX 1278 PHONE BLACK 637 1-WALLACE BLDG PRINCE RUPERT, B.C YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT Yeas TRAVEL AGENCIES THE INTERNATIONAL CINEMA GUILD oF CANADA ) So ih of Price, NT: A . 7 7; ’ 2 One scanateks show Wetes ‘a at 8:39, Doors open 8:00 pom On the same P This World of Ours ‘Norv Vienna Bh Blood STARTING THURSDAY — Evening Shows Test 290? M-G-M's SAUCY, SUMPTUOUS NEW 9 aan Fechnicolor mec o. r Fxtra MEALTIME MAGH PIT TO BF TIED TOTE \ PAMOUS PLAYERS TH Today 7 - 9:15 MARCIANO-WALCOTT FIGHT A SHELLY WIN I “) MONTALBAS in OMY MAN AND |" THURSDAY to SATURDAY 7 - 9:05 i VERYONE LAOVI \ PIRATE STORY “CARIBBEAN ene of th reen's greatest seq stories {ARDWig JOHN PAYN ARLENE DA ( Also aman CAPITG CARTOON—KIT KARSON 4 FAMOUS PLAYERS rHeAml AUCTION SA OF HIGH CLASS —o FURNITURE THURSDAY, oct ‘OBER 30 omrmentu At the Auction Room, Corner McBride 3 and Fourtn Eost nox CLARK Mele Instrueted h i nO ” } tot whe is teavin the counts ! 1 sell by Om following articles - vinninee Couch @ General Electric Ketrg . arr : erator @ Card Table . ine Rack @ Beautiful Wine Damask o sem bed com ' Chesterfield @ Walnut me mail | @ & x 10 Carpet and Pad Te prawers @ Mahogany Duncan ® : “ie Cabinet Phyfe Dining Room @ Aitcnen th full Table and 4 Chairs @ Wardrobe wi - . front @ Full length Mirror manhi$ Tables @ Nest of Tables in Burl @ feds Flectric § Walnut @ Apart *. hing Dry We @ Walnut Coffee Table ® “ti . |i @ Limed Oak Coffee Table delet saw and # @ Sewing Cabinet © ; vbw Carriage @ Singer Portable Electric « iehen Range Sewing Machine en -yelopedia i @ Two Occasional Chairs ° noo Too!s @ One Hassock 73 siece Wool ne @® Two Tri-iite Lamps ® Saal chested @ Westinghouse Combina Kitchenware crocke tion Radio and Record e neniiad Player oa and siassware @ Two Table Lamps ® ‘artioles {oo nu @ Walnut Cedar Chest mention @ Set of Lined Drapes Cheque Terms: Cash of Phone Red 127 — yer Black or B. George Dawes THE AUCTIONEER e a essen rt ‘ 5 Class! For quick results try 9 Daily New