I BOVRIL puts EEF INTO YOU A. SOLD IN BOTTLES ONLY THE Daily News PHINCB RUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. . H. F. PULLfcN. Managing Kditor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION dev.' .aaaaaaav .ejv Eim ..Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj ijiw Etaaaar Em. x aaHllHllSSSSSSSSSI I ' A Friday, January 15, I92. Are Canadian Courts Americanized? The question vhelher Canadian courts are heing Americanized h often asked by the man. on Hie ' Ireel. He sees in- terminable delays and foolish technicalities causing expense,' 1 injustice and long drawn out trials and it makes liiin wonder jxVhither we are drifting. The Sowash and Baker murder cases were extended until in the Vpi'lar mind sympathy was awakened for the brutal criminals wh6 did to death so horribly the, skipper of the liquor vessel. In the past, British justice has .been well known thimigh-out Ihe' world and it will be sad if Hie 'Canadian section of IheJ British Empire , fulls ilown'on Hie job and sends the impression abroad that a person Willi money can hold-up Ihe work of the courts.- Peace River And P.G.E. Railway. The impression is being made in the miiiIIi that the Pacific. . flrwnl Easlern Railway is tied up with Ihe building of a railway . inlo Ihe Peace River country. Naturally thi1 mauagemeiil of the P. O.K. is anxious In make that line pay its way, but why at Ihe sacrifice of the best route noliody can say. jr the best route for (In? railway lo Ihe Peace is to jojn the Canadian .National at Prince George, there is no more to be said. If, on 'Ihe other hand, 11 is found by engineers Itiat the best route is farther west a id if. it is found that inure and belter country can be opened up by linking up at Fort Fraser, Vanderhoof or even at llazeltoii, it is for the experts-1 determine and not for the sponsors of Ihe P.C.E. No hi ore railway fiascos should be allowed in British Columbia. 'e have had enough alreadv. As a. mailer of Trie I the railway development of the Peace t te n mailer for the Dominion government and not for the pro- - voice. The province has trouble enough oir ilf hands already. Work Of Caucus In All Governments. In all governments where there are parlies there must be parly conferences rfs opposed lo open discussion. If a parly is lo acl asa unil. it must talk over matter of policy and agree what stand Ihey will take on mailers vital lo Ihe country. Such .conferences are called caucuses. The mailer was explained by Hon. T. I). Parlullo yesterday at Ihe luncheon or Ihe Rotary Chili. These caucuses are held in private. Members talk lo eaHi.ollier very frankly without fear thai their words will be distorted by opposing politicians or Rial Ihe press representatives will feature them up in a sensational manner. The result is that members gel to know the attitude of the others much belter 1 tin ii ever could be the case on Ihe floor of the Rouse. Value Of Debate On Address Mentioned. 1 In his address yesterday Mr. Paltullo also mentioned thai Ihe debate on the address was valuable as U occupied Hie lime during which oher valuable work was being carried on simultaneously wilh it and also it gave members an opporlunilv of voicing their opinions on questions other than" (hose rnver-il by actual 'legislation. Exception has often been taken, lo what i mentioned a n wasle of time in connection wilh Ihese debales each year. Usually they occupy nearly two weeks. S! .... ,v;';'- ' -t t" NOTE : If you take YEAST for your HEALTH, use Royal Yeast Cakes. Write for FREE BOOKLET, "IIOYAL YEAST FOR BETTER HEALTH". E. A. Will be Biggest Assembly Place In Village - PORT SIMPSON, Jan. W hat will be Ihe langest bly place in Ibis village fine new ball that the 15. reop.es i.mira.iunai .ssncinnon vlll.rtit .,.,., ;ll llU w.j,,., ii,. is now building here. II will bet iMif wH r vvi,it nl(, used for game and ini-sUngs and WttU.,,l ,,,, 011 . msi,b- will he a decided add n lo tin . am, jh , inltii(U ..j..p.- budding of the place. pilN. ..,,ptWtCl lf, j. . Ihe Port smqwon A I l.lelic j,, ,(V u(f ,,,.,. (dub is pultins in a new Dclco, lf ,.. ,,,., ii,vi,ck ' lizhlinir system for ils hall, n ';iLm. THE MAN IN THE MOON ay: NOW thai most ..f the new year rivsolulions are hmki'ii. life will go mi in a perfectly itormul manner. YVil.MKN would soon learn to swear if Hicy -would only listen and let their husbands talk. - YOU may have already heard Hie story of Hie man who when asked wliere he bought his typewriter ribbons safil he Jil not buy her ribbons he bought her flowers. That vs not in l'rinco Rupert. A WOMAN'S real reason is the one .-he dors not give. TUB nio-l weary person in the world is success, fie- U hanKinir around all the lime wail in? for people who do nol waul him atid knocking and pettins no response. NO knocker can make any pro-press in Prlnre Rupert. The people here know where all Hie knockers are pning. WK are always hearing almtil the hreakinpr of record. I know dozens of ihem 1 should like (o see broken. TUB other day I was told nr. streel of'a man "who returned n bum'tWed umbrella. I did nol be. liee il. BABY cliiekens raise feather on the instalment plan, a li'Me. down and a'liHIe oery week. The latest thins ladywear l Starters with pockets. Douh!-less lite prelly little kerehief will be kept there instead of in the wristband. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert January 15, 1916. Burin? the last five months of J25 Hie employees of the (iranhy Jo. at Anyox contributed the hundome sum of o the Canadian Patriotic Fund. Tilt'. lATi7 ti'ti NEW HALL FOR I J. H. PILLSBURY ! ; ' P0RTSIPS0N AGAIN HONORED Structure Being Erected by Y. P.' Presented With Handsome Gold Watch Last Night by Employees of Orydock A lwnuuei was atlum lal nighl '1)1-', . l.....l i,f., I... II, a I ' 11,0 ; dork employees lo .li. II. I'dls-!!"Cilnry 1'ornn-r suiieiiiiUndenl. lo panyinjr I In- uill was an ad.ln'ss which ws I'finl by. Miss F.velyn i Macilotiabl us follows: "Dear Mr. l'illsliiuy; "Please accept lh enelose.l jxitt from tin- stiifr and einploee, of the Princ Ilupert Dr.vdock as a sllirlil ok"n of Hie rsperl and: yi'iiuine Hili't-ni in which you j have always been liebl hy I host'; assoeiatcil with yon tit iln- operation of Ihe yard. "It is wiMi deep and sincere repret thai ,w leam of your leaving our midst after so many years (oki-Mut, and we wish you every nossildo success , in you! new field of action. J. D. Alb-n. i'.. ;. Anderson. It. Anderson. ,. V.. lbuell-Jones, T. Boulter, (i. '. Brownlee. N. (!hlt-leruleti. . rooinlM-s, A. C Oronip. C. E. t'.iillin. W. Dies. II. p. Kastman. I.. Forkrn'd. Miirvari! Ornliain. Myr:i Harvey. L. 1 1 1 -crow, J. II. Ilirkey, V. Ilorroliin, V. Hum. K. It. Ilunler. A. Ivar-son. .1. Jark-on. A. Johnson. M. Johnson. R. Jones. T. Jmn-s. M. M. LainP, I'. I.apnrle, A. Lv-eijue, J. Maiinii. W. II. Morgan, J. McAule. ii. MiicOtuley. F.velyn Macdonal.l. J. s. MeDonabl. A. Mrlfityre. I. Mcltnie, C. Me-Keown, A. II. Mel.e,'hl. (5. A. Mar-Millan. I. it BriiMi, K. O. Os- fliorne. A. I'iiliio!. V. P. yiiinn, W I'. Snii'lerson. ,1. Simpson, It. V Smilh. . Smith. A. Smith. A J. Stjniti's. A. B, siorrie. C lay lor. rtionipson. T. A. Tonnes-sen, K. . Vnleniine, It. Walker. II. While. It. Wil-on. :. Wilson, I'.. Ii. Yapr.M llowHiit While presided and he was siipporled on one side by Ihe ptiesl of Ute evening nm on Hie oilier hy several ladies who are members of Ihe.-drydoek shiff. Toast to Quest In propnsiitK 'he loas( to Ho puesl of ftt AeiiinK Mr. Batell-Jones said it- was a hitler occasion for Ihem all when they were Iosiuk a good friend. Mr. Pills-bury was a man who had never been known to Ue his temper and was a gentleman from the word go. Personally he bad never worked for a man vho was so much a FcntleitKin. He had romp to think of him as a friend. He was a srreat sportsman and he experts! ol hear he had develop ed into a leading p"!f player. Be asked nil join and drink long life and happiness i their euesl. This was done with musi-cal honors. Tip' pfivc.ita'M'ti wn then It is predicted -that, at no far! sent ealb'ti on y distiiid dale, a lino of Japanese vessels will be. catting regubrly at Prince Hupert, that roup-: . being well awitre that Prince Hupert i the cioesl North Aineris can port to the Orient. 'Mterinany Is alleiiipling to induce I'nited Stale to piotesi I (real Britain against the nava, hlockade in the North Sea. HOSPITAL CONCERT AT PORT SIMPSON; Large Crowd Attended Splendid! Affair Held In Athletic Hall Last Week POUT SIMPSON, Jan. 15 The' Port Simpson Athletic Hall was crowded for the concert thai was put on last week for the benefit of the hospital. A fine program as follows was discoursed: Chorus. Solo Dr. William Sager. fiiiltar duct V. .Nelson and (onion Wells. Solo Mrs. 1". Magar. Sketch "The Trial of Casey." .Sketch" Two Chinamen." Chorus. .kelch "The Hospital Staff," by the Dudoward children. Song Felix Wells. Sketch "Wanted, a Wife." Heading -Dr. W. finger. Violin solo -K. Dudoward, Sketch "Mr. and Mrs Iloan. Advertise in the Daily News he FNON'T leave it to Irle nd to rerrind you ol thtt bad cold I Don't to bout tpreadlnc infection among your busintat Irienda and maybe in your own iamlly circle. To banlth cold and chiiia in the dirrct and moat eile c-tive way, you mutt taVe PEPS. A they diaiofve In the mouth Per give oil poweriul healing and germicidal lumes. These you brtalke Into Inatant direct contact with the inner mot receaiea ol the cheit and lungi. Pep aoothe, strengthen and invigorate the entire breathing systwn. They clear the throat and alr-paisages el mtschievou germs, remove sorenet and inllammaiion, and end the danger to cheat and luoga. Make no mlttaVe ( You mutt have Peps, the breatheatle medicine in tablet form. peps Sov hlnhU t til irutfitlt Kni ttortl in ti. . fnUlHHH IS nlt jmthtfi UUU. Mnm tMIa Hm4 m rtrn UU4I r'SJio, .? ,,, i BRITISH COLUMBI The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1924. Has produced Minerals as follows: Plucer Gold, $7?,aM2,t)&:i, .tdc f . . t7.t,M'0; Silver, gu8.8St.37U; -. 170,648878; Copper, i87,U.;t?8 Z i I . n 1 -tl-ill Coal and Hoke. V'nilxtiini.u .. ' I H f .UIM.UHIIIHMI!' .UIHMU'.'t f - I ---- - - - f ' p ( ,1 , ,L Panwnii nil K . H I 4 finikiiiif iU IifiirHt Pniitiifl ,t I n I OBMir, III Ii R( im, t ,vij-"i"' 'i --"I? ------ - r f . lrt snow an Aggregate Value of $859,427,383 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,61 I he Mining haws of this Province are more liberul and Ihe fees lower Utnti r any other Province in the Dominion, or at)) colony in Ihe jlrilisli Km pi re Mineral locations are Kraiiled to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing orh properties, the securdv tr v giiarauleed by Grown Grants. Full information tocelher wilh Mininsr Beicrls and Mnp. may be ohlauied addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF mJ victoria, oniisn Columbia. N.B. Practically all British GolunibU Mineral I'ropPrljen upon wlic li work has tieen done ore described in some one of Ihe Annual Ilepurl- :,f ; . .. r., . .'I I.. .. I . ... oi .Mines. i nose considering niiinug iuveiiin"uis -iiooiu reier hi sin ri -e ::t fi are available wiilioni rnarge on appncanon 10 ine iieparitneni or .Mines. Beporls of Ihe Geological Survey of Caundn. Pacific Building, Vancouve mended as vnlnuble source of Information. spoke eulogistical!)- of llieir lor-, tiler employer. Auioiig tlioe who eptike re Dune. .MrKenile, Bob-' die Jones, litis Anderson. A.lolpll Ivnrson, Pete .Md'ormack, A. II. Mclxl. . Hurrobin. In replying Mr. I'illshury said Ihey were all friends of his and tie' conl.1 not find word lo suit-' nhty express the ftralituile he fell Tor the callierinu. for the iftny tlttnus Ihey had said Mint for the tieittitifnl present Ihey had Riven . him. II wo.ild always lirlng hark' lo menmry Hie Prince Htipert Hrydork Hint Ihe friends be had there. The difficult pari about this niovhK was loing friend. The transfer of the dock. Mr.! I'illshury said, was one of the biggest HiiiNts that had happened to the town and he was itlad to know he had had some part in securing Hie change, even if it bad meant his goimt. The main llttlir Wa Hie good of the yard ml the prosperity of the town. Ho won Id still be with Hie railway company ami b hoped to be abb ! return occasionally. The he Ihinv Ihey could do for him was In carry on under Hie new management and show everybody Hint they were all right ond were a credit to Hie former management. After siiKtinsf "Antd I.aiiK Syne" Ho. tialhertnK Hien broke up. FAREWELL SAID TO ! H. H. LITTLE AT THE ROTARY CLUB LUNCHEON At the Holary dub luui licon yesterday aftermtou President Mcl'.lyinont formally hade farewell on behalf of the club to B. II. Little, who is leavitiK for the south soon. In replying Mr I.iltle said he had been a member for about a year ami he much appreciated the Rood fellowship uliieli hnil ntilnliuxl :il Hi iiiool. made and a r of i.e pr-j, to' ,, le .regretted having im riu.in,av, ,)(, nor(l (cmporarUy, uc-i had come north eighteen years, ago. Iiad married here and bis ehlhlren were all born in lite north He hoped to return at some nnure tune. ANOTHER YOTE ON ; FISHERMEN'S AGENT ; Will be Taken on January 2G, on account of Irregularity In Connection With First Vote Owing lo some irreguhirily in enniiection Willi Hie fonvardin:.' of votes in the first election f coin Ketchikan to Seattle, another vole will be taken on January 26 by Dm Deep Pitt I'islieriiii'n's Pnion on Hie elec-j lion of a local agent fur the I I'liion. The candidate are J. II. j Meagher, the present aenl, nn.l: Capt. .1. Morrison of Ihe schooner i D. S. T. IN PROBATE. In tha Suprem Court of Brltlati Columbia I" die Matnr nt Ihe T.ttiil ol at ra lion Art. In lh Matter i,f th t:tal nt llanrtnti . ''""1. InlMiai... T.OI. -.""i INOl l(K ih,t by onlr of llli loiioiir r. Mill. Yming, Hie 9h day of lieH.jii.er A.lt, iOJl,!'! usr'iViiilnt".! 1 Admliilsrrator of tin. cm,, i,r lliiuinh lnit, ileeeawl. 'iim mi parllm hat Ins ''" JWlitsJ Ihe ll flair are Iwrfby F"iillrei lo turnl'h llie. nniiwrlv r'"V "H 'r l-r..re the , rtav '.,f.,l!l".rv--A-M' ,9, ""I ll partlr. niuri.ii.i in 1111. rant ii- reiinlreil to l tin amiinni ..f their ImtH.li-iln'aa to ine fortlinllli, NOnMAI A. WATT, Offleui AtmlnHtrlor, bated tb day of January, A.b. il6. Apartment J DINING-ROOM Suites Thee suite- ire made on .1 miiiCc Mnd with Ihe rooms oi an ofo-lno-iti o Both are hi Old Kugli-li flak and ! Uiv Diniiig IliHiin Furiiilore. Ileiisonably priced at $94.50 and $113.65 BARRIE S Home Furnishi 3rd Avenue. PhoH Steamship and Tral Service ., rnincK RUPERT lll ht PdlUCg KUPIHT t ! VICTORIA, t (ATTIC aiHl IntenimtUU Mania Mrb rRIOAV at t aJ. . PRINCE RUetRT b.f ITIWART and ANYOX, WCONCSOaf, I.S. FRINCK .'OHfl fiirllUtbUr for VANCOUVCR tia QUglN CS tfhc standard ot writyforovtr' IbOyears, ffMl ISLANDS. rasstNOtR trains leavi prince rupirt IVERT VONOAV, WCONEtDAr SIMl EATURDAV il S f U for PRINCI MJ tQMONTON. vVINNirta, all IHUMI. oem .ana.ta, I oill aM AOENCV AIL OCEAN ETEAMIHIP LINK. City Tlclat Offkt, 12 Thlrt Aiv Print Ruatrt. TUGBOAT Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO; O. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. wf Gin Gr. Black : askfhrap UnM the bolt 'J'his ndverlisemniit is nol published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia