TAXI Boston Grill 25 Ambulance 'if,,. mm Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laij dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best (or the WATT VIDECk, Prop. leant. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XVI., 10. 73. PHINCK III I'KItT. H.d, SATl IiDAY, MAIIC1I 27, 1020. VeM-rdayt Circulation, 1441 Street Sales, 1(0 PRIOR FIVE GKNTS. ATHABASCA ELECTION FRAUD CONVICTIONS SCHEME TO PLACE NORWEGIAN SETTLERS IN VALLEYS OF INTERIOR B.C. Two Years Hard Labor Fraudulent Practices Athabasca Election Deputy returning officers initialing ballots and putting wrong papers in boxes i:t.!ONTO. March 27. Found guilty of fraudulent ,.!iirli. e 4ii connection Willi I he federal election in Athabasca bug last October, M-iilemx of two year hard labor in I'rinre 1hert penitential) w.t passed by .Mr. JuMirc hes jeslerduy on J O. Minn-, deputy ret (ruing officer fur Venire kiI1 uud II. M. Jeuncr. deputy (ir Frog Lake poll. Ilillo w.i i liio-gi'd Willi putting ballot papers oilier tlinu h -v iiuUmi iX'mI hi Hi.- Ii.tllol boxes (iiiii with initialing llio back rrrr -'. of ballot mi per. ITAir m firpnir " Ndiieday Jciiner was NlllM.llr I I V rK Y found Kuilly of initialling the llVll iLiLil I till 1 haek of ballot hut not guilty n i mm rnn i nff iuffig baiioi box,. Uf A lfcLtuKMl CAUSES SEARCH: Illinois Man Found In Vancouver,. Aft, Search, of Continent Had Ceen Made v ANUH. M il. March 27 -Non-i y or li llrctulti whtirll M fJin kliunll, u member of I no I'llllllMI'l CO lltltlllOs- .Ci.m in of former ! William Ttmmiiwiii of, iMii hi Family at I'aini from Spm xfirUL Illinois. f Ik i. --.lilted ill a coiillllf III ar h winch ended hi ! vry ..f lltirkliartll yesterday r 'iiral eonwdrscciit honm. M Liirkhaidl explained Hint i'i futf" bail nud him to ic to come northwest instead g unit lo I'loriila. HUNDRED CARS A DAY GRAIN DELIVERIES TO PORT OF VANCOUVER At Present There Is Seventeen Million Bushels In Country Elevators WINM'i:u. .March 27. Car f ui am ure belnir delivered at Vancouver during the week at the a' or too or more n day. ae-mliiis to C.N.H. officials.' Of lie HoH cars loaileil during the Wi'ck. 005 hau been shipped by 'In' western route. . ' ' Marketing at pruifio ioinl aiiiounlcil lo 031,11(111 iuhcl!. Icio ittjf in "tlore in coituUy elevators I7.3U5.00U bu.ohelsr . Iaini gruiii In cats 'nltfriir the line or Hie Ciinailiuii iNalional Willi Hie cxcejitiun or a Tew at the lakehcad lin all been'd or ami It U iuiliriiated Dial no dainafie or los will occur. SEMI-FINAL RESULTS ENGLISH FOOTBALL CUP LONDON, March 27.- Hie ro-"uIIh I in (ho semi-finals for tho l.till'li AHi.fliillim Fdulhall Cup leMilted ns follows: Holtou 'uinlf-pr. 3, Kwancca 0 Muiirliesler City 3, Manchester t nltced 0. 9 CASES DIPHTHERIA AT PRESENT IN NOME NO. MH, Mulcli 27. Two mbl.i 'lonal eaeii of diphtheria reported here yoslerdny broimht lie total ti it ruber of cases in this town to uiue.. severely punished for OLD AGE PENSIONS DISCUSSED OTTAWA ott,w., Mar. .;. itWWiMtut' old, axo pension scheme was ill- t-ij ul length oi the HllUP Of CoillUIOII )!- lerduy bill lit Die lime of adjournment Hie resolution iiiilliniiiK Hie scheme n iiiaiui'il iiiind-si'il. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENQLISH LEAGUE Division I. Illacklnirn 1. l Hum 0. Ilnr 2, Arsenal 2. dinlllf 0. Lecd I nited 0. Met ton 3, Nolls County 0. Iliitlilenfiilil 5. .Anion Villa 1. j hniKlcilttii.l 3. Leic.ler Cily 0. cl llroniwich 0, Liverpool 3. Other games mil played; Division II. lliiinley O, Midilleboro t. '' lilaekpunl 0. Stoke Cily 0. llradfoid I. iotilli .Shields I. '.Im'Im-h 3, Wolverhampton 3. Clapton I, Portsmouth t. Darlington 5, Wednesday t. Derby Cou lit y 3, I illliain t. Nolls Forest 2. .Stockport 0. Porl Vale 3, Preston 3. Southampton 3. Ohlhani ,1. (Oilier till me not played. SCOTTISH LEAQUE Division I. Air.liiconiaiis 5. IJiberniau I. Dundee l. nileil 5, Clydebank 0. Heart 2, Dundee 2. Mollieiwrll 2, Celtic I. Purtirk Thistles 3, Morton 3. (jiiecii s Park 2. Kilmarnock 2. Ilailh Hovcrst I, Falkirk I. Ilaiwer 0, Aberdeen i'. St. Johnstone I, Hamilton I. SI. Mlrren 2. Cowdenbeath I. yancouverIxcIunge Hid. Asked Wheal 1.53 l.C. SiUer ... 1.05 J.50 Consolidated IOti.00 C. I. It 150.00 Daly Alaska .03 Duiiwell 2.08 2.15 (lladslone ,37 . .30 L. I .15 .18 Marmot .07 .08 Premier UJ5 '2.25 ,00 .11 .30 .10 .inr a I'orler Idaho Hufus Silver Crest Union fteamer Calala, Capl. A .lohnslotie. southbound from Anyox and Naas lllver points, .was iu pott at uouu today. CANADIAN BOATS SELL CATCHES t Only Two Americans and Fifteen of Local Registry Among "" Arrivals 4 Fifteen Canadian boats und two American -sold their catches V here today the American getting 10c and 17.10 for first clasi and r He mid Vc for ecoiids. Canadian pricen varied from n.GOc lo 4 15.10c for flrt class and 7.50c In ile for seconds. Tho arrivals were: American Ilaglc, 15.000, lo Pacific Fish eries. hasten Pol ill, 7,ooo, to llooth Fisheries. Canadian lligrvd II., 10,000, lo lioyal F'ish Co. Point Mny, G,0oot to Pacific Fisheries. Pro,perHy A., 1 1,000, to Odd Slorn?o. I.lvlngslone, 10.000, to Alliu Fslieriesi Aiken. 8.000. lo CnM Storage. 11 Liiell, M.500. to Atlin llsh- er(es. Martlce, 7,001). to lloothhof Fitliories. W.T. ttmvAlLUvJiisJterjr'- jlen. 5,nno, tii r.olil iSlonittc, Sernb. K,trtf;Jo lOfase. Marguerlle, . 3,0(;o. 6 'Hoojh isherles. i SWjiig, 3,500, lo lloolji Fisher ies. Narhelhing, 1,200, ho (k)bi Storage. Salmon NarlM'ihoiiv. 3.100 lb, red ami 1.000 while at 0r and 37. n ' CAMBRIDGE RACE WINNER I. Spectacular Event Today on Thames Goes to Light Blues by Five Lengths PUTNEY, "March 27. Cambridge defeated Oxford this afternoon In the annual boat race on the river Thames by five lengths. The event was one of the most spectacular in the history of the annual contests. Thousands thronged the banks of the river and other thousands were out In boats to witness the event. Tho time was 19 mlns.29 sees. BANK ROBBERY APPEAL TO BE'ARCUED SOON VANCOl Villi, March 27. The appeal of William llagley, seu- tei'ieed lo ten years and Iwonly lashe for participation in the Itoyal Hank $12,000 robbery at Nauainio on December 12, 1021, was chirred Friday and will come on at the orcseut siltiiiK of tho appeal court. CALGARY CANADIANS JUNIOR CHAMPIONS CANADAAT HOCKEY WINNIPF.O, March 27. Calgary Canadians won the Junior amateur hockey championship of Camilla liere last night, defeating Klnfslon three goals to two. Calvary won two out of three games in Hie final series. SulTering from li severe attack of Influenza, Dr. J. P. Cade was admitled a a patient lo Hie Prince Itupert Oeneral Ilos - ipilal yesterday utlernoon. : FROM DISHWASHER TO CAPITALIST IS VICTORIA ROMANCE , VICTOIIIA. Mar 27. Whde working as a dish- washer at toe Kmprv. Hotel a few day ao 1. lieatly was summoned to a local bant where he was informed tliL 25.00O, a portion of a"-? 1 00,000 es- tale bll by :in aunt who , di"d recently lin Dublin, awaited lii ilistio.tal. lieatly ep:rs to Ikuvm shorliy for bis old home in Ireland. SIX MONTHS FOR ROBBERY Burnaby School Teacher Stole Fifty Cents From Young Woman Using Violence, March 27. Thomas Moss McLean, Iturnaby school teacher, was found Kuilly robbiiiK with vinleiye frohi a yoiii'tf woman on Feb. 28 and he -rurinp fifty. ciili.-flle was eii-iri I to six mould iinprcon- finent. CONVICTION AGAINST CAPT. PETER RORYIK QUASHED IN VANCOUVER Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald, I lie Supreme Court at Vancou ver 1 1' is week, nuasijed a convict ion and fine of I50 that was inpoei on Capl. Peter llorvik for fihiiii!; last. year ittiritiK the weekly close season. I lie rea- ioii for the reversal of the fiitd-nts wa I lie failure of Maui strut I.. Ilarse. before whom the ae was beard at Oueen Char-ollc C.ity, lo swear a crown vvil-es and reduce the evidence to wriliiiK. The prosecution asauisl apl. llorvik wa tiroiiKl!' 'Iirjnigli Ilie Itoyal Canadian Air Force. Stringent Precautions Taken at Ketchikan to Prevent Spread of Smallpox to Alaska from Seattle UKI ullllvAA, .March U7. yesterday ordered thai mi passenirers not vaerinaled within the past leu years he allowed to embark at Seattle for Alaska owing lo the prevalence of smallpox al The danger of the spread of the dread disease in a new especially among natives is so great that it was decided lo lake no risks. Accordingly Queen were detained until they officer and nine out of the 2(5 were forbidden to laud unless of the through passenger were Scheme to Place Settlers in Northern Interior from Norway to be Discussed by Government VA.NCOUVKH, March 27. W. I). Hobb, vice-president ot llie Canadian National Railways iu charge of colonization and Dr. Hluck, director uf colonization, will discuss with memliers of Hie provincial government t Victoria on Monday plans for set IliiTg laud along (he railway line in centra lAl from Prime George westward, Arrangement are now under way for placing iu this district small groups uf Norwegians who are ru miliar Willi fanning iu a wooded country and who have the iiecessary capital to make a start. There U a great stretch of fine agricultural laud bordering jon tho Canadian National line through central British. C'olumbiu CARGOES LOADED AT VANCOUVER ;hcat Shipments For Week to Foreign Ports Mostly to Europe VANCOL'VFJt, Manli 27 The following vessels cleared from l.e port or Vancouver during the Aeek with cargoes of aniiii or iarl raroe fur foreign ports, noslly lo Kurop, as follow: llathiira Maru for Shanghai 225.000 bushels. Pacific Commerce for Manchester 05. S7 bushels. Cardiganshire for Loudon 71,- i GO? bushels; for Liverpool iii,ti07 I bushel for Antwerp with the limn uf Itotlenlam 2',',G00 usliels. Saelisen for Antwerp 21,000 umbels; for London II 0,200 Siushel. Trcearrel to Hampton Hoads r ord'T SC' bushels. !eorie for Antwerp with, the utioii of Itoilenlam 7i,C07 .'iiisbel; for Antwerp 5,8G(J ushels t'oobyalla for (Central America 75 bushels. Wel Nivaria for uckland 810 buslieU: for Wcllinlon 8lti h.iIh'I. r - . . - BANK ROBBER BEHIND BARS Caught and Confessed Within Three Hours of Taking $10,000 SAN DIEGO, March 27. Less than three hours after a stranger escaped with nearly $10,000 from the branch of the Southern Trust and Commerce Bank here, Jean Thomas was arrested and admitted the burglary. On him the police found S9.060. The robbery was a daring one. Five employees of the bank and one customer were forced to He on the floor In the teller's cage while the robber scooped up the loot. Health commissioner Devixue the Piigel hound porl. the passengers on the steamer had been examined by the health passengers bound for this port vaccinated before night and none allowed to come ashore. Ihal. ha already attracted many . store, causing lo estimated at'lo attend the wrtrld emigre?" on successful farmers and which, three quartern of u million. Much! foretrv ul m.m in .in,iv ! holds out prospect of great do vclypinont in the near future. U rrangements Made for Visit of Shriners from Victoria Temple Arrange men l have been completed for the holding imlliis ity on May KI and l i of a ceremonial of Gizeh Temple, Vio-.oria, Nobles of the .Myslif iShrine, when 42 candidates from Prince Itupert and district will travel over the burning sands for admission iulo the mysteries of ceremonial will bring 10 Prince Itupert a party front the south consisting of some 150 nobles with their wives and candidates , and, for their aci oinmodatioii, the CN.H. sleamer Prince Itupert of which Noble D. Donald is the master, will make u special Irip north arriving here early on Hie morning of May 13 and returning south at midnight on May II. Band 35 Strong The Victoria divan, of which James W. Hudson is the illus trious potentate, will be accom-' paiiied by the Oizeh Temple band Jlid palnd. The band, which! will broadcast from Victoria on! .... ' Monday evening next, will come here 35 strong uud, during its visit, will sive a public concert and will also play at t,he hospifai for the beaeflV Of the patients there. he visit of the. iiarty. ll.eft Mm a SlflffiTfita ITin'Tirc F.xhihilnoii Hall on the uiht o; May It. Jlesides Hie local Candidates for the ceremonial, it is expected there will also be candidate? from other part of Hritish tiol- umbia as well as Alaska. Local Committees Local Jomnutlees consisting of nobles of Oizeh Temple -ar making arrangements for the ceremonial here: Kxecutive llalph V. O. Le-ine, chairman, Olof Hanson. riiomas McClymont and A. h. Razetl-Jones. Finance Olof llansoti, chair man, T. H. Johnson. O. II. Mun-ro and M. M. Stephens. Decorations (Seorge D. Tile, Chairman, (. J. Frizzell, 1). J Jabour, J. S. Nelson and W. A Bell. Ladies' entertainment Kx- culive committee and Mr. T. McClymont, Mr. Olof Hanson, Mrs. A. 1'.. Hazett-Jones. Mrs. J McLennan, Mrs. II. Creech unci Mrs. II. V. G. LePine. Dance committee A. K. 11a zelt-Jone. chairman, and tlu sxecutive committee. FAMOUS GOAL KEEPER DIES AT CHICOUTIMI QILWX'. March 27. Georges Vcziiia. the famous goal keeper of the I'.anadiens hockey team died Saturday morning at Chic- out imi. the town in which he was born. He had been ill for more than a month. WOMAN ACQUITTED OF - CHARGE OF MURDER 1 1 I'LL, Quebec. March 27. -Mrs. Dora Pacpiette wu ncuuit led by u jury in the assize court yesterday afternoon of the charge of murdering by poison William Muriel, her common law husband DEPARTMENT STORE AT HAMILTON DESTROYED HAMILTON. Oat., March 27. lire this morning practically : wiped out ilohinson's denartment or the slock was ruined by water. the Shrine. The holding of the IMMIGRANTS ARRIVING Many Scandinavians In the Thousand Reaching Winnipeg Today WiINNiPhT., Mard.- 27. Yesterday saw the arrival oT 272 immigrants, the first of the 1,000 which will reach WTunipeg this week end over Canadian 'National lines. In .the first special- lramwcil t U -tcaudinaj ralfs,., who an, without a 7 doubt, the finest lot of immigrant which have ever, come lo Western Can- ula. Danes predominated in this group, but a similar parly of 103 (imposed chiefly of Norwegians ire du" here this evening on tho ontinental Limited. The Cana-lian National special , today brought nearly 000 settler. Hungarians make tip the lar gest party among the 17 nation- ' alilie represented on the train, which include sixty Hritish. The majority of these will be boofced from this point to farm jobs throughout the West. CANADIAN COASTER LEAVES DRY DOCK; OBSERVER COMING After haying spent the past two weeks in the local dry dock undergoing animal overhaul and being converted to an oil carrier. C.G.M.M. freighter Canadian Coaster, Capt.. Gilbert,, sailed at 5.15 this morning for Ocean Falls to load paper for Oalifor- n,a- The Canadian Observer, Capt. McKuy. is due here tomorrow ;uVh ul 8 to spend a couple of weeks in dry dock having similar work performed. BURNS MANAGER AT PRINCiGEORGE DIES George C. Peters Succumbed to Cancer at Rochester Where He Went for Cure NP.I.SON. March 57. George C. Peter, manager for P. Hums &, Co. of Prince George branch died Thtu'duy at llochesler. - Mtnu?. of cancer, according to word received here by his brother. Peter? came to the Kootenays for Pat Hums 30 year ago, lie left Prince Geonge a month ago for treatment. WORLD CONGRESS ON FORESTRY AT ROME VICTOHIA, March 27. P jCaverhill, chief forester of nrnvincinl itnvnmimnl r L Hie nervation measurec In various Kurojfieau counlrte's.; " "i i