l1nr. March J7. 1026 illl 1 TH3 DAIL7 ITEWfl paop. nvn HMILTON UNO DISTRICT. District of Coaat Rang 6. Ta.E KOTKE that, Ilttlf data il J I r 1. Hrallr, lmrn.1 lo aMily i'iy - " " KS fo ml am arrra 01 mum. - .. . ...... for nil f'.ll Dlatrlct of Coaat Rang 8. 'ill. MITICK that, alur (ca lit I, I 4. wan, inirnii priK'''l fur .'ml anil Dlatrlct of Coaat Rang 8. . .v "- - l"L i. r J. nrallv lfilrn.1 Ii I'l Ulnlir ..f I .n.i mr aftrr to lirrnr fnllnn. rti a iirriire It HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct f Coaat Raaga B 'or. n.iii.i. a. i i, t. i tn linl-ir KUrilM-HIII ' atni-ni' na at a Ihmi Mantcil at no. kc-.3rat .rrr or prrtiun 6. To. tA inii , ami imrkfj tj.ii.- xHitiH-ati in iiH-nr nnn to main, tiwiwr ta I'naina. imnrf wiuiii an num. If i ran hi nuiin. ii imini or n.in inrnt, 'Urn January tlb, IDfft. THOM HHM BF.TTT. ir: i inn. ha I. tin amy daya aflrr Hratiy. mirmi lu a.lly lo I'f l.an1 fnr a llrrnre I l: '!''' fr aiwl iM-trtilriiai hi ii' arrrt nr larwi. a fnitima ; ti-ww. ina at a iii lanint at fix-I. at nmut i.f K mm i. Tli. t. mt: :r ami iiiararii I J.n. . .niihrl y jt liVflif rcirth rtiatna. ihniri. ! I'naina. uu-no whiih as rtialnt. ii . iv iiiain. in aiui nr run r 'tlfM iliit Januart sih. ! HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Rant B. lt vain, iiiai, .iitv (tar aflrr ! I. T J ltratl InlrlKH In a4ilr I aiinmrr nr ijim. nr a in-tur prj for tuai ami itrnlmn 'i io arrr nr lamt. a rUn -vnrin at a r"l piantnl at ihr i ilwaM nrrr of trit,M 7. Td. Ik. iii.tr anq mantra tj.ii. a rtiriiwal Jt trunrf iiUi to -Mn. thrnrr a -liain, llvnrr w.iih rluina. v i to rhain. I'. vHnt uf naa- al-it January tin. ittt. TH'ty a. a JtMt nf.tTTV. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Rang S. All: M'TI' l. that. uir itiya aflrr ' I. T J Batl inlrivt i. a4h In umuirr r larvu tut a li-Mir f' rial and flrtilim 10 arn-i 'f land. fftlbiwa: -tht-m ini at a P'-' Maalnt at th .t omrr .if itri'tlfMt . tp. I. in and niartmt TJ.B. MHiihraW thti.. n'l-iti t rtiain. ibi-nr f -ruin- llii-n.-i. m.uiIj h i-luin. rat tu liainn. I Iillil t rmii-tnmt 'aiMl January tllh. It. TMQtHA MVM BtUTV. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of 0ot Ran S Ml MilKi: tlai. Mir day T J. nrant . iniriwi aflrr to I arriy l.,,nirr tl lainK fur a lirrnr t tM' fia ) and nriri.lim arrr ..f land. fi4t.i. -mt na at a r.l Hanlrd at ihr ' i( .irnrr nf rrlln . Tn. 4. ?i and martrd TJ.lt a onthrt -nr nuriB tu rhaln. Ihrnrr t .aln Ihrnr ilh rhalna ta .'bain, in iinl of ruai nr. 'i.-j jinaarr tllh. Ittt. Tlliil ta JtMf BrjTTT. HAXCLTON LAUD DISTRICT. , Omrkt of Coaat Rang S. tlx Tirr Ihat. iiy day aftr ' J Brail), tnlrnda to ari'lT M 1 1 nf IjivI f t llrmre t- w i fur r.il ami itrlriiin j ai-rr .if laml. a folkm: "'J In at t r"l pUnlrd at Ihr 'hr. ,mrf nf arrtl,.n ?, TP. I. and nurkml TJ.II.- fmrthratt Ihrnrr Mililh -ta rhaln. Ihrnrr t '-nam. Ihriire north to rbuln. at to rliam. lo toant nf nun na-nt ' add lanuary tllh. ttlt. TIIOMtt ItVr,. BF.tTTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. P' 'is-rl for roal and prlmlruin ir arrr of land, a fijlnw: lai'nrln at a iiNnt..-! t llu. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. DUltlrl Mt I a TU.K otck that, tltiy. ihya hii-nrrnirni ' . l'roprrt rpr roal gnd prirolrum ,n. "rr''" '. ta follow! .in.iiirnrlnt at t piwt planlrd at Ih ;---'Hwri rnrnrr nr lt ttt. Rant a, th.?.. n,"r"l TJ.n.' tmrthwtat rornrr. ri..,r "!,l,h n "halii. tlirnrr rat tn ..."- Ihriir north to rhaln. thrnr , ' "? rhaina, to point nf rointnrnrrinrnt. lnratrd January tth. t, - . THOMAS JtMFS BRtTTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. ....-.DI,,rlrA of Coaat Rant B. K 'MOTirP that, aliiv dava aflrr thr MiJf..!-. nr"V.- '".""' I" Mv to In prn.,.( rr Mr fnr .-.ini rnal and ami t llrrnrn i.ri prirolrum roiriint WATERFRONT WHIFFS rllirlHI iMIirr ... 1, III. f, - - VVUUVII UICIIII ('lll'I Fin V P I fl I fl If ,,. ami inartru tj.ii. - nurthrati . . o fj .. fi ;,i i. ham. llH-nrr h.rin tu iliaint,- UUUUl ..(ir rl ii.nn.-, ... ,-.ni ui rum- tliHl" . ... .... . it t January iu. ivi. TIIO.MASM MMHKATTV. MAICLT0N LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Rang t. TltE VITICK thai, Uly riaya artrr ie j. T J. Uratly, Inlrml to .i.y to yinutrr r pt .ri rnr r.ni ma iwiroiruni n to arrra vi lanu. ri.iiirftt .mmrn In it I"'! planlril at itic iihae'l iiiimT f SwOon If, Ti. f, ,ni inu i'irni i.j.n. noruiwrat .ft Ihrhr xilllh Nil rhaln. thrnr .i in .lialn. thrnr mirth on rh.ir,. fc- j u rhiliii, lu point of nan. -nwiii. licit January tin, ittt. T HoMtS J U!ii" f- TTV. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. after Hi ai'lilr i. oocr louWi run is sfi onSDrinz scmon not wry plentiful yet .r..T,'r .i"U..,.r il,'liviV I now extended 1ft Hi pre- inies or Ihe Prince ll.iprri now,,lg yn,.M am.. ,.,,.,.;,. very . Ieaiiri hoal Y,... i now undergoing some -" ki.ul nf work in mi iJiiu. mr a llirlir , ,, IMI.UHI scnsOII WHICH . A more peneral heri infr run i reported week ami duriiin the pal few da)a the fUh havo ieen ftcen in rniixiilerahle iiuiii-herx riahl in the liarhor. After Ihrce nr four week of intcnlv feinintr al llufler t'ive, where the to friirls-ri fin- niai and orr tin arm of laml a innnirnriiir at a ihmi ulamrd io nulr ftoulh uf Hi IVirthKrtl nvhrr uf lil 6, Itanar . and markrd TJ B.'a mnh- ran rurnrr. Ihrmr ixtrlli ta rhalni thrnr r o rham. ltiDm UMilh itiain. thrnra ram to rhaln. In anl nf nxunirnrrinrnt. MM-alnl January rib. tttc. TU"' iMt Jtvr.a Br.tTTV. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Ccaat Ran 8. T.tLl: T.r. .viimi. MITHI. that, tnal. ini) mij day itaya HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Diairlct of Coat I Ring S. TAIL AOTirr. that, Hiy day aflrr dair I. T. Biatty. tnirrul tn aprly In Ihr In In vini'irr nr uim mr a iirrnrr prTt fur roal and prirolrum nvrr tin arrr rm nrfmml. nr lann. a iiiimw: CuuHornrint al a ihmi idantrd at Iho IH.rihrt mrnrr l.i.l t. Itanrr a. aad markrd TJ.B ' oinhral rurnrr. Ihrnrr north t rhalna, thrnrr rt tfl rhaln. Ihrnrr i nlh tn rhaln. thrnrr rat to rliam. In point nf innrnci nM'nt. l.oraim January am. ivyn. TIIQMt JtMKS BF.tTTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Lnratrd January IHh. Ittt. TM'iMtS JtMF.s UttTTT. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct Of Coaat Ranga B. TAkK ..MiTlfl: that. aUly day aflrr lil.il I. T. J. Bralli. Inlrnd to apply M r.- iim vtLiiimr ..r lA-nil for a llrrnra f. I T J Br'ailv lnlrn.1 lo apply Ml lo proirr fnr r.mi and prlmlriim hi Mlnlatrr nr I f.,r iimnr( I mrr fllu arrr nf land, a follow: ! iprrt fur rnal ami frtrolrnm i ' oiiunrnrlnt al a p"l planlnl at the "Ill arrr of land, at nimrnrln at t pot llantiit al th lthral N.MiM a! a.I .in I Tn 1 lUiiirr i. and markrd T.J.n.1 antnhratl "!rr .""irr north to main, tlwnr I'll tn rh.lna th ., ..tint, an li.ln lli.iirn ran to 'rhalna, to po'in nf mm-' hi 'nrrmrnt, 'orair.1 January lllh, I0. . . TIKIMtS JtMKS BFATTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. ... Dlatrlct of Coaat Ranto S. .TtkE xotick that, aim day arirr Y,.:' I...T Bratty. lnlrn.1 tn apply in I"'' Mlnlirr of Land for a lirrnr pmprrt for nial and orlrolrmn J"r tin arrr nf land, a follow: J unnwnrlna i a pol planlrd at IIh orin rnrnrr nf Sort Ion t, Tp. tt fnllnwa fiillnwn oninrai rornrr ni nrrinni in, u. a , lunar a, ann niararn i j.u nmniriM rnrnrr, ihrnrr inirtli 80 rhaln, thrnrr writ tl rhaln. Ihrnrr muilh to rhaln. Ihrnrr at to rhalna, tn point (if rum-nirnrrinrnt. I.nratnl January lh. tt. TlloMtS JtMI.S BFATTY.,. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Rang 6. TAKE OTICK that, tiny day aflrr ilair I, T. J. Ilratty. Intrnda to apply tn ihr VlnlMrr nr l.tnda rnr a llrrnre lu prnprrt fnr roal and prtrolrum nvrr tin arrra nf land, a follow : r.imiinriiriiir al a tl plantrd two tnilra oulh nf Ihe nnrthwnt rornrr nf Lot tot. Haurr 1. ami niaikrd T.J.H. 'a north-rt rornrr. thrnrr milh HO rh.iln. thrnrt llanm . ii,i marknl Ti n.' nnrihwrat wrat to rhaln. thrnrr north to rhaln 'mrr. thrnr amiih to rhaln. Ihrnr t thrftrn rant to rhaln. to hiIM nf mm. rt to rhain. thrnrr nnnh to rhalna, nirnrrinrnt. i an rhalna, lo iioint nr nan-. i.nrairu jnnrT mi, i". lnratrd January Olh, lit. . TlloUS JtMFS PEATTV. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. T...Pl,tr,rt f'coaat Rang S. rt, T f. x i Tl r K that. liiv day aflrr ?."" I. T. J. Brallv. Inlmd In annly In .Mlnlair nf land fnr t lirrnr TIIOMtS JMKS IIKATTY., HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Ooaat Rang B. TAKK iiOTir.K that, lty daya trior dalr I. T. J. Bratly, Inlrmta to apply to Ihr Mlnlalrr nr Land rnr t llrrnrn to proniirrl ror rnal and Jirlrnlriiin nvrr mo arrr nr land, a follow: C.oinntenrln at I tsut phnlril at Iho iinrthwrM rnrnrr of Srrtdm IS, Tp. It, Haute . and markrd T.J.B.'a norihwr! rnrnrr, thrnr aniith tn rhalna. thrnrr rati to rhalna. ihrnrr nor 111 to rhaln, thriirn wrat tn rhaina, tn point of coin-inrnrruirnt. t.oratrd January tlh. 1. TIKIMtS J AMI'S BK1.TTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlttrlrt or Coaat Rang B. TAKE MITICK that, ality ilaya trirr dalr I, T. J. Uratly, Inlniida tn apply tn thr Mlalatrr nr Ijinila ror I lirrnr to proprrt fnr rntl and prtrolrum ...... A. n I.nrf fiiltAitvai i.i.-r ,1111 p..r- ,ni,, ftv-i,i;, . c;.V. "ln w r land, at rollnw: I CMnnirm-lnt al t,ml pliintrd at th oimiirnrinir at t lol plnr,l at thn tiorlhra! rnrnrr nr Sari ion tl. TP. t. in.i """; rornrr of Lot ttt. Ranrr , nantr 1. ami markrd T.J.n.'t nnrinrat lhn " i J.n. p lMirinra"l rornrr, ' rornrr, inriirp auuiii " . i.nu.-i mr... r rr,.?r ""'n 0 rhaln. thrnr wrt art wrt to rhaln, thrnr north to rhaln, rat , 'i'eB't horth to rhalna. Ihrnra, thrnrr rM tn chain, to point nr rnnv i "J1"1"- to point of rommrnrrnirnt., an nrrinrnt. L0cito; January tth. Ittt, , I Located January lllh. I0. TII0MA3 JAMES BEATTT. ' THOMAS JAMES BEATTY. now ojiid' .'!(!'" a I linnil filial, ill the ni.t itf Mime. nli'P.nU- !!. cily ff liviTif!. lia .'lipcn inlae Ki ' iron rtl IJmmiIiiIi hii liccii cclncc(l with n ,0 fool five-iiit'1 '' w l-f'lnnfacbin of kH'I wltieh wh ImilLduriiiK the winter lay John Mnrry. The irn . i , apjircnnif.i Hy riieniler of III.- rlnh haviiifr hull work lo do. It i hoj.c.l I.y the nienilieriij. of the Huh Ihat, he. np anolher eiiMii opens the wnlerfronl qiie.lion may have jM't-ii M'lleiJ permitliiiR Ihe ilul. lo proiee.l with iU cluhhoiiM project lone, hul the outfit are re-nuiniiw there a li.ny a (lie .rh'n hohU (nit kii a not to hrea'c lijlo llie puiiiiii fur preent re-piirementN until there nr if. flh lo lw. cuinlit ouUide. run wb cenlred hi year, lh .,,,,, lUl,ri. rc a n,nilt,r. local l.errlns re,,iilremet nmM, nuil,.,. f ,,11 )i(((.ra,. nmv have ,cen al.oul filled. ,. . rnn f M,rj l ie Millerd tannery ha l.roiiKlil ,., , ,lltiP ,.J1V .1,.,., .., ill 2.',0 Inn. for, dry ..lhn pur-L,.,.,,, V).ry Mronr y(l, po.ea ami the Canadian l ilt A ' v..rw.iiii. i ...,,.iin., rui. 1,. 1.1.1 Slorage Cm. ha put up .100 regularly on the Narl.clhonff for mi lor -an. j.ie nra.11.ury .VM..i ,.,1,. .,,, -1,nie r ,maN elf and (iammoii A Watif,,,.,. .....ti,,, ..nnn..- - in poiui.U at lluller t:..ve have both Ilfl,wvc,. ,rtr, ,,.,vc .,,0.nj heen filled, each lioldintr ahout' far tery -atlfactnry for lhoe ally deiiznoil to gie service lf Ihe timers of lil fuel, the demand for whicli ha iurrensed manyfohl duriii; the past few CANCCLLATI0N Of RCSCRVC MlTIl K IS II Kill HY fllVM that tls-Itrtrrtc rtillii( orr iplrrd Tlmlirr l.irrnr ,u litis, aliualrd oil fill Inland, liana 4, i.oat IMMrlrl, I ram-rllnl. II. n. MAIlCM, IWTUty Mlmttrr l Ltndi. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. aflrr Ihr Mliiimrr nf l.amU for a llrrnrn; nnrthrl rornrr nf Ud tat, Bantr , apply In a nrrnrr Ii' Ihrt rnrnrr uf Srrllnn t. Tp. 4..i rornrr. thrnr milh to rhaln. Ihrnrr I ii ii ami inarkiwi Tin' iwinnwHi i f i to rha n. thrnr iKirin tn main. thrnr oiiih to rhaln. Ihrnr thrnr m to rhaln. lo point or rmn r.t tA rhaln. lh.nA. n-i K n rliain I" n iil an I'lialo. .. rirtlnl ..r mm. m .irtinoni, vairl January lllh. Itf.., Tlliiyta JtMrs BTtTTT. , Dlatrlct of 'Coaot Rang kV TUt notick that, tdtty day aflrr ilair I, T. J. Bratty, Inlrnd in apply in ihr MlnOlrr nf l.aniK fnr a lirrnr Dlatrlct of Coaat Rang 8. to pmtrrt for roal and i-rlrolmm TAkt: MniH. that. ii daya aftrriotrr u arrr of land, a folio: rial I. T. J. Braliy. Inlrnd to apply In fiomnwrwlnt at t pn Idimrd al Ihr lo rwiiprri tor roi ami iwiniiruiii ; ana niararn i.j.n.n Miinri mrnrr, ovrr i-.! arrr uf land, a follow.-1 thrnr. north to rhaln. Ihrnrr rat tu riuiuiwiirlnt at a mt planlrd at Ilia rhaln. Ihrnra Mililh tn rhaln. thrnre northrl mrnrr nf arriinn 3. Tp. ),M to rhaln. to point nf nmunrnre- llanro i. ami marara t.j.h. norinwri. nn-ni, Lnraird January tth. Ittt. TIIOMtS MVKS BF.NTTY. HAXCLTON LAN0 DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Rang B. TAkK MITICK that. Illly day aflrr dalr I. T. J. Braliy, InlrmM to apply tn thr Minlatrr of (.anil ror a (Trrnr tn proatirri for roal and t'Olrolcnra ovrr tin arrra -of land. a. fnlloVi: Cnnimrniinr at a fnat t.iii.t. tvo-nillrt fou III of thr nnrthurn rnrnrr r 11 tftA. lunar 1. and markrd TJ.H.'a anuih-wrat nirnrr, thrnrn norih to rhalna, Ihrnrr rat to rhaln. Ihrnrr tnuth tn rhaln, llM-nrr wrt 10 rhalna, In point nr nuninrnrrnirnl. I.nralrd January tth. Ittt. llloMtS JtMps BF.ATTY HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Rang B. TAkE miiic.k that, aliiy day aflrr datr I, T. J. Ilratty, Inlrml lo apply tn Ihr HlnlMrr or (.and ror t llrrnre In prnspri'i for coal and prirolrum ovrr 0l arrr of land, a follow.- Ovuinrnrlnt al a pol planlrd al th iMiihrt rnrni'r, .Srrllon J, Tp. tt, llaoitr 5. and markrd TJ.n.' soiithwr rnrnrr. thrnrn north to rhaln. Ibrm raat tO rhaln, Ihrnrr m.nih to rhaln, tlwnrn r to rhaln. In polnl r rum-liirm'rnii'iil. Ijiratnl January Oth, Ittt. TIIOMtS JtMKS PKtTTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Rango B. TAKE Mitice that, liy Hal- I T I thr Mlnlorr nr Land ror lo prnaiirrt for rnal ami y day nays artor Inlrml In apply tn t lirrnr prtrolrum nvrr W arrr of land, a fo followai Cmnmrivrlnt al a pol planlrtl two nillra oulh or th irorlhwrM rornrr of Lot ttt, flanta t, and markrd T.J.n.' north-, mnirr, thrnrn noulh to rhaln. ttirnre at to rliain, thrnr north tn rhaln, thrnr wrat to rhaln. to point nf com-nirnrrinrnt. I.nralrd January tth. Kit. TIIOMtS JtMKS BRATTY. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct' of Ooaat Rang B. TAkK MITICK that, aiity day aflrr dalr I. T, J, Bratly, Inlrnd to apply to Hi Mlnl-irr of l.ainls rnr a llrriwr lo proKlirrt ror roal ami lirtrnlnitm nvrr tit irrra nf linl, a follow: . CnniniriM'fnr it a pn.H planlrd tt 40 rhaln south nf to outlirl rnrnrr of Sn-Koii tl, Tp. It, Panr 6. ami niaikrd TJ.II,' northriat . rornrr rit, ihrnr aoutli to rhaln. thrnr wrat to rhaln. tlirtirn mirth tn rhaln. turnm ral tC rhaln. to point nf rnnimnnrrrornt, Koratrd on mlnul aflrr twrlvr nn'il-nlalit. Iwiwrrn th 7ih and tlh or Janu ary, Ittt. THOMAS JAMES BEATTY, Wlinr to ttakinri Qui Bert. Br dt Nlller, Ukt Kitblyo, B.C. ypar. To Increase Uie xloraKfl pupnpily for this fuel, one ojr the hi? l.-mk.H on the hill in which coal nil wan formerly Mnrrd ha Mvn Hirrn-il over To it use, two smaller lank hejnp; put in for l lie coal oil. The old fnol nhe.J i ;iIo xlill in lic ami the wharf lin hen filled out with clec-Irie for night failing. A new float ami tniri. i to he put. in on the inside if the wharf for the neeomrnodalion of pleasure hoal eiilomeri. The eompanv'i old Inlenialional truek, used for i.iikIi-Ii rn.'tko nti'l a (Jam up ia to maxclton land district. ,,!IV,! ,H'" c""'Bh lo Irlnjr the pal week, the oittrkt of tali: aaia I. T. IIm UlnKIrr Coaat Rang S. uniif: niiK thai thai, altty daya aflrr J J. Brallv. InlriHl to ajilily td rr uf laml tlr a llrrtiie iwinilriim 1 1.1 low Improvements that have juji heen made at Ihe wharf of the Imperial Oil Oi. hrinps Ihalplani no lo Hie sl:inil:itil of one of Hi arirri dr I. T. J. Ita-alh. Ilitrlxl o ii.i.It llt ll llll-ll-ihr alld COfU I'll il'll i lo lire in ureal lylrt lhee day, the lliHhhy towhoat Jfleet was on Ihe hop ilnrin? the.-pal week. -V. M. .McLean hak finished one of dm cannery floalM for th( Wallace FNIicriei .and it wa lowed hy the M.T.3.,- Capl. Hex. Ureen, In Claxlou on Thursday. Xexl week the second will he taken to the old 'Ommcrvill Cannery which is lo he operated a a raniji Ihit seaon in con nection with the Miir Kay cannery. The M.'iVt also figured prominently in connection with (he hiiildiiiK of Ihe floats and did some handy work in. yanking Ihe sixty foot logs for the floats out of Ihe woods. c.'lipli tlie nii, red prin? briiijr-J 1 ,M, a noom irom uver iiu over ;'(ic jmr jiontul. At lhi reek-lo iSeoi-selown and made a rale, it dud not require very """." or Irip.t to he mill fo.-many or the hi? Iieaulie lo tnaku I'linher. On Thurday tin a stood day' f t-falnir. The move- hroitttlil- In lhre -cows Jwhind meiii or (roller lo Iraruxant and Hippo MamN will darl nex we'k. he ice lei I at the plant. Bushby Fleet Busy Hit the. waterfront coming her, one holding four carload of lumher for Kaslerti shipment. nnolhcr Jiavin.: fish boxes for1 Ihe 1 tooth Fisheries and th Hi ini carrying lituilli'r for the htpal yards. Handsome Jim .Morrison is as buy as a humlde 'lee divi.linp his lime to-tween the Tide Hip Ihr VlnKIrr nf Lna f.s a llrrorai . ... an.f Ihe llanaoai. rrntii. nninl ihd tlnlriim I r " 1 miiuii' inr iiitriiii- ini , UMtrd""a,r'ih7 ni,r on the roal. The fea-;'"?. tarring, carpenlcrins. sailor- (tn IT. Tn. i.Mnrait tit Him tiri- u'iipI: Iijs laan liinz and eiuinecrlnt: hul not Itanrr J. and tnarkrd TJ.B Mitliral ., .. ... .' ,. . l.., I,, wi u i. li.. ti.n rmnwr. itwsirr n-lh ta rMin. Ihrnrr ' rriTiioii ill a lirw loaning -- ral to rhaln. iltrnrr oiih rhaln. j..i ..i .,.i r n. rldraws I lit line. He llkns ncillipr thonrr r. an rhaln. Itirtirrfiirnt. . Inraird January tllh. !. TII'iMt JtMRS PTITTT. HAXCLTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrlct of Coaat Ranoo S. Till. uair l. I. J Hit Vlnitlrr from which li fuel. jraMdin-, kins nor working loo hard disllllale and luhricnlini oiUi1'"1 ha to work, lie and may !e ilislrilnilcd aulomalically lo varum, parts of the wharf t- . a OTrr TIT. that that. aim nty day day aflrr wnerr as many as seven iMiais i Bf' :.W,VllVrl "y handled al one lime. The hi pruirri for ral and llmlrum i .. r,. mi i j I.,..a ....r'm .r.-. ,.t lnH .. ..n.... "" ' '"I"-" ronimrnrlni at a law! ttlaulrl at Ihr iihrt rornrr n( frrlfnn tl. Tp. tA, lunar t. and markrd TJ.B.' Mithrt rurnrr. ihrnrr North ta rhaln. Ihrnrr rati to rhalo. Ihrnrr hiuIIi . to rhaln. IhrtH-o r tt rliain. to point if. nan- inrnrriwni. ljraird January um, layn. TIIQVtS iMr.H PKtTTT. . Johnny Larson are certainly transforming Ihe llaifaco. , The P.ll.T. Xor I handled the (...V.H. ear hargc durinp ihnweek lielween the Tucks Inlel plant and the ferry slip with a tank car of fish oil. I lit fifst (hat has heen shipped since Ihe plant resumed its season's operation recently. Thn .M.T.3 and IMl.T. started on Friday lo shift al Ihe lops front Ihe I'rince llupert Spruce Mill ;to (eorgelown, ahoul a million feet all lold. These loss are included in lite deal wherehy Ihe Hig Hay Lumber (lo. comes Into possession of Ihcjoeal properly of the I'rince Huperl Spruce Mill. The Prinei! llupert Hoal House tu Pachena, Captain Caul Armour, hade a trip lo the nioullt of the Skeena Hivcr yesterday inorniiiK lo load and hnntj in two scowloads of jsaiiil for Al: herl & .McCatTery. The cannery lender Plover, recently brought here from He!- tituhain ,lo;he operated in con neeilon! Willi . the I'orl. Kdward eannerj-,' ha-! ' heijn renamed Iho Port iifirK ft'uj l.i i'ljie) NokoV mis, niremiy here, ami the hen-more, routing shortly from Ihe Alaskan peninsula, will he simi larly renamed. All nre being changed lo Canadian from Amer ican registry. The Xnkomis is at present at Ihe dry dock awaiting engine installation. Looking for Business The Northern Transportation Her Face Was Covered With Large, Red Pimples Miss flret. Carlislr, 23 Leouarrl St, Druntford, Ont., writiti A- thort wliile tgo, riiy face' wta rooij.lrtely eoyrcod with large red piniplra, aud it trrniej that it wat almoat impoasibla for me to get rid of them, at nothing I took teemed to do tuu any prod. One day I noticed an advertiaemeot of sad I win neyer repret tht day I boujrht it, at, now, my face it entirely cleated up of blotches and phnplea of yery k'nd." Tot the put ii years 13.B.B. hu been put up only by The T. JaliUiuis Do, liiaiUO, Xexeavto, Oal ice I lacked in each package and IT PLUG Sacidag Tobacco. andt" and for the return of w : I St aiHnben) we wiH naail a pack I I cards. I et, nitmbers 1 to 52 mduuve, ' I rtitement printed on the I ailycncWHiaIJ'ta-- BPj.BP3B Co. of Ketchikan, which operites Ihe two motorships Hellinghan, and A'orco, is making a hid for local business. Besides tiring-ing cargo from Alaska to this port for shipment east over the Canadian National Itailway, llic company is prepared lo deliver freight here froju the L'nited Stales and, conversely, from here to the Slates. The first t such business was handled dur-intr Ihe week, by the llellingham when tl brought in" fifh' Ions of sail for Ihe Canadian Fish A Cold Sloragre Co. The salt originated ii) Seallle, was deliverc 1 to Ketchikan by (he Xnrco and transferred there lo the llellingham and brought on here. Ous Stmmdahl, acting chief engineer of Ihe lighthouse len der Vwing'lon, was receiving! congratulations this week of Jus! many friends on Ihe birth of a son In the Prince llupert llenerafj Hospital on, March 23. ft w.a! very timely for Gus thai, thi' Vewlngton should bo spendins?! Ihe week iii port lo have fieri hollers blown dowii and a gen- tal ' ,eloannj Jiefore rViK'TMoniUyiVu . re: re.sjjminp tin- nuina) ruiiiuany is scart- rying and resurfacimg lliu roadi between the . dry dock and Iho provincial government road al Cow Hay. The thorough fir Mid been geltin? very lumpy ,nd Iho work now in progress is appreciated hy drivers of trucks, elc. Hubert Ward's pleasure craft Honanza was on Iho Suga Vayi litis week for replanKitig and. Drl II. L. Alexander's. "Mig" was alsp canadian7 PACinc taiuray r'.-i Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Upsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde SL Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Far intHnA.I. WIAIKOL, KNUD. SUCK1T far IANCOUYEI. YiaORU ui SEATTLE . - SS. KMCESS IEATKKE. there having n 30 .h.p. Hed Wiitg Ihvrs of Osland, have been in high speed engine, installed. Carl Wohlin's gill neler Mag. dalena, which blew across the harbor recently from il moor ing near Ihe elevator and wal ralher badly smaslunl up when ii hit the rocks on the other side, has been repaireil and refilled at Cow Hay and is ready fp operation again. .Considerable machine and ln.il I work and coin-plelo electric installation wuV necessary. port this week having the final touches .put on before, proceeding lb the" Queen Charlollo Islands where Ihey will ply Iheir trade. It is Iheir expectation lo set out across llecato Straits on Monday, John and Harney on l!n Icnlatiil. and Albert and Chris on he .Viola. Billy Boy Back Hardly recognized by the many friends rif its doughty owner and master, Hip fish packer Hilly Hov Capl. O.. I. Smilh, returned K' Dave Ititchlo sailed last Tues-j.Prince llupert on Weilnesday. day on his first voyage to tho.To say ilie leasl of It, the Hilly halibut banks "with his newjlloy has undergone n veritable schooner, Unome. He look Alcxi transformation. With new vnr-Wylle, from whom he purchascdnishf( nilol house and horsi;. Ihe crafl, along with him i6 thai shoe cabin, d sly rnni nvionair... Ihe mechanical mysteries of thohn hec inbldle and new decks ami vessel misw u unroiued at first' (continued on page six) .Hart 19. 29. AiU 9.19.30 tar ButUI, Swoa Bay, Catt Bolla Ball, Ocn fall. Namu, AUrt. Bar. Campbell Rlfor, and Vanooav ovory Saturday 11 a. in. ' Agancy for all Stoamahlp Lint: Pull Infarniatloa from W. C, ORCHARD Bonoral AgaaU Corner of 4th Strott and Sr Avoauo, Print Raptrt, B.C. hand. Conrad Llmlselh has left for .1- ....... .. .! ihiwii iii! roast wnit me power hoal V.F., which he chartered from J. lvnrson. He will tite t tt-vessel in pickinf up drift logs. . The trnllers Iceland and Viola operated by the F.yolfson hro- Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar full loud Half Load Large sacks $6.50 S3X0 60o HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone B80 Night or Day VMC BUY BOTTLES. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An'Kxqulslte Stock of Fur TrimtnlnKs at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Neit Q.W.V.A. Third Ays