ruby do lan confesses to shooting of joqnalp BUT PJO NOT INTEND TO Continued from Page I. be taken, into consideration hi dealing. wjlli Ihe offence, Neither hpuld rf-Uie fact tliat the dead nan .nr'Sany of the wilnesse were frequenter .of p jhojise .t' prostitution, be taken notice pi in return jnctr fiiviiiiiility. The women and their friends had been celebratirnr ahd liav Ins jjinil ;considrat!if llqunr.-went froni'lioiiae to house, finally , aloul 2;ao jn.Jhe jnoj-njn? Jah'd- In. at l liie O.I. Hale 1-1. 2 in? house. The crown would attempt In fix th-' lime of ili( crjnie at blwc.en .3 o'rjock Jaml WQ. Shortly Jic fore thai, Up, HerMia i.oye ami .iiinoau, ,iiad Jen um ftale lioiif ami pone to lertlia Love's. Xnl many minutes after Hlheau left the Love tou-e -aniLl at the door of Hie flale Jioimc, Oladjs Gale was -tandinp. SUi railed out: "Donald is .shot. Ketch the 111111." Hiheati followl ed filady Qale into the hou,.? and, at the kitchen door, saw Ruby Dolan standing- with a re volver in her hand. .Deceased. he saw, lying: oji his back in ,lhe kilcjien. Then Hibeau proceeded lo get I lie eon lalilc and a doc-, lor. . Doctor's Evidence The first witness was Dr. R' II. Carson 'of P.reniie.r jlipe. did , not know deceased but lfti-fied to having performed a post- rnorlem .on J lie body in J,he OahJ house at Slewarl. Having beeni called for the purxo.e, it wn about II o'clock in tlie evening, when lie reached the house. He found o,n"tiie . kitcJiei jfloor .IJie; body of a man about 12 or 15 years, or age, 5 foot Im or. eleven incite ia height and oi about 160 pounds weijht. Tho1 body being drcsvJ, turned back his undershirt which was already unbuttoned at th.rfj top and look off the clothes. He made an incision in the abdomen' where there jva a .wound .about one inch to the right of the nael. II was a penetrating wound wili a coaling of soot. presumably caused by a fovde? burn and red underneath. As a rosul of I lie incision, it wa; found tuaUlhe intestines and'a:i ttbdoii)uiai.-arlpry Had been -3 OH' bHOT UP "YOU'RE A.L-Wf3 gun" belonged, to Cladys (tale. II pierced. A bullet was found un- "' ienouicauy. . uuiioin der the skin in the hip at thej'"' .d ro"nd "ame ap-; left side. TJiere was a hole ip Pareniiy iroin uie uress oj the underwear rorrennm1inirUilad " iale. The women were in position wilh lliat in the body (barged with murder later. Itotb The cause of the death, the doc- were charged -with the murder tor stated, was from loss olP ame man. blood from the punctured artery. Sergeant. McNeill was put Id gun must have been fired fron which had apparently coiije off a uoini; close lo Ihe body, wit - lualeji jlres ness said lie jlid not know. The question of admitting The victim of the shootinai conversation between 1rs. In was a well developed roan, ap J11!!' and a'''l a 'evidence parently in good physical condi- wa ULeusse.u ano,iue iury re tion. J l.ired meanwhile, relprniirg when ii.sked If a shock Mich . as! it- wa decided Id admit the evi ihe shoolinc of. h nliiri ' iBL-nuldltflKeT '? have any effect on drunkenness, Mrj.. Inslip leslftied that slw the doctor said if would have a hail asked accused where, was MdVring effect. II be gun and had been told that 1 Herald Davie of StewarLHfJR&ttajl .no fru.n; surveyor, allowed a plan of the IWore takipg Mbe wbmen ti hou'e which he had ireared. police station they change t Constable'. E.ldenea ' "'r dollies and she was in Frank JAlip, provincial .conJrhar nf '!,'1m .' KlAwarl nl 11. Uut .:Mn" on- ,)olan ,ook 0,J cvcr'- an(1 "he did notice jr.e.signedJ1''1" not Ahe- aaair Jiul ince said he had een the man Donall anything unusual about her A diefnre anh.knewti. nPi-iis.!. al.'DT'w days later Mie found a dhnush under a dlffiu-enl namelV like .finger liarkj pn Da ' She lived In a house kent by l11"' arm- wa" ''V Gladys Oale. Uerlha Love lived 'rulee. ""an s glares were in the next house. TJiere yew fo,,nd af'"ward. in I lie; (Sale -five nllipp lioiisns.of nrotitiiticin bouse in the bedroom.. .on Ibal Ktreol l.v Adjournment then toyk placed Iwomen. On Ihe dav in ouestion Wnlil Mil"' iorrimg. ihe sol 'a mill lo the -house and .PHvtol .In it and found the body of James Neil instable Islip was recalled tfhe side of Ihe body which wa warm, although apparently H.M ;man .was dead, jle .looked aroumU .and saw an ejnply jcarl rjdge cawl near the body, .Later he received "a bullet taken from the body, both of which were4 put in as evidence. I After.'taking. tho two .women V 9 T BRINGING UP FATHER 100 Flavor! The. ,ONr mJJm 22 IJtie lockup, Inslip relurne1 an 1 said was well illuminated vi,h: searched the house and found a o electricity. j automatic revolver. A trunk diaries liibeau told of the atpi drawer were locked sd lie movements of deceased, accused, ; obtained a vareji .war rapt andliiinelf and others on the nilit,' llieit fouml a quantity of am-tin question. I hey had visited munition well concealed anions nlotliing. There were33 rouml and a clip containing eiglit roiinds AVheii they arrived the kitchen was dirty with cigarelte ends ly ing arqumi. ' Questions- elicited lre fact lliat the Dolan woman while, the fojislabje wa there, stepped over Ihe body of the deail man In onler to get herself a cigaret te. Mr. Inslip, wife of the constable, .came lo liis aid and the .were taken lo the lockup and charged with vagrancy. Later, after the inquest, they were c harped with murder. On going from the house lo the lockup Kolan fell several times in the snow and had lo be as-j sLsted. He thought bolh women: .. .n.l r.ll " rtini nidi wuiaii lull wilnes.s ing was aue io uie uau conuiuoii of the .trail. Cross-Examined ' .Cross-examined by Mr. Karrif witness said lie did not lliink the shells were in their regular storing place. He had never seel any stored in that way before He had no information that I lie var,ioii "disorderly houses" and finally witness said he "lost lusi $22 DAILY NEWS OS-. V anted For Sale ForJRenl UUU-M WHERE. TOO QeLOfd ;RAjCO0i5 J THE f we bOE OHC ACT THE FROHT OOOf4 ETOOTOF HERE- Willi O 1926 e I nt l FeTve Scuyitc. Itc bead when he got full." He re-1 nipmhered leavin? the (Sale lioiKulHie nighl in uuestion and. ay'cJ'oek in the morningjing that he w.i- gmn to casii r-.,.. ... and returnlug past it again soon atler fi;om Uerlha Lnye. Olady.s Ualc called to him from her porc,U; TChartie, go and get the mull.' He went in,sjde- the house and follqwed (Jlady.s tlo.wn tli hall;' He me Huby Dolan coming out Ihe kitVben with a pistol in her hand. Donald was lying: on his back in the kitchen and looked as if he was dead. The pi-dol produced in the court looked like Ihe one he had seer. Trouble with Girls Under cross-examination by Mr. J-'arris, itibeau testified that deceased whom tie had knowi for some 17 or IK years, was Inclined lo 1m wild, ugly aiid-"ome times rough when drunk and was ant lo make troulile witu women. There had leen pre viou trouble belween Donald and the two women and Ht!y Dolan had eome to him and said that Donald had another raving spell. He went to the house and found Donald raising troubtj was par,t of his duly to visit IhciwUh the girls. .Witness admitted . . !. i i. i u ut i.i i f9W?esreguiarjiywan.ii ip simJ up I lie names of Jhe.inmales,Jle! ly for 4he fir.s lime who . , had 'duck,,. no fifai.sitiale iyid haq done the shooting. It was Huby -jnl a good ojf money od Dolan but .after. Donald hart t,adiecn ififil t.- W .1".. an M' niauiier, mm i,.ave tnc llnusd tort tile. Blgjil li truck accused. Hie had stood e question i io get 'assistance to re- toi from mm and iinany. aiierimf,vp him r. r uhui i having been knocked down bend mhj ,),, ,, (jja3vs (iale. Then over Heels into lite liall, pliMuas a demonslralion in court of PIckm up uie gun ano, reiuru- ,0w the .hooting bad taken ing 4o the ktlftUen, said: iou Ddace. acm-ed holding the gu keep away or 1 will sliool you. Und Mr. Johnson taking the nn- He made another jump at her. jtion thai Donald was eaid lo and grabbed her by the arm. ,nVe been in. Het inlerilion had he gun their went off. You can jlW,n 00y tl) frighten Donald call it self defence or by acri- an,i n0 , iin i.i,.,' mit Jn iieni, wnateyer you liKe, con- f,r j,Pr ir.-at that she wotUd eluded .Mr. l arris. Ulioot liim buy u Told Her Story I ..p.niwr. i.i.i Ki.noin.u.i vImIiv ll,.1f..i fliArt J.'l,nV II, .I. i... i. i 1: . . ."-f inn- xase ami court a uourne' stand and in a qufel and clear ntil 1:13 when the addresse manner told Jier siory oi, in.- of counsel slaried irpoarjitnr- HDonald lying on the. kitchen floor Pn Horning io oescrme tue-irageiiy. neceaseo came io in - j,, Hie judge delivering hi ton its back. He was admlttedl'""""1? ' nou" '' "e aooui o or 7 uciocg - tiarge bet-ce the Jury retired to do Ihe hopse.hy Huby io)an. Onl entering he said "W'.hot's tth trouble?' Tlie reply was "No trouble'. He jiassed lo the' kitchen saw (iladys (Sale and asked what, .was the juaUiyr.l .01ancjnglri..he saw the Jiody ly- Jrig j?.n lUe Xloor., Jle ih.eji asked .where va .tJUejgim, JJolap aid !"W'e 4i.avf ifiin." lie Jiiiejt all NABOR m VACUUM RACKED P COTFEE .MNntMMNj9 0Ciclng - wherever ymm onsider its verdler. 10CAL STUDENTS JN SOUTH SUCCESSFUL Ml.sees J-eona Parker and Mar. jorle Lancaster Win Prizes aX Columbian College Newopapet-A from the nonth tell of the surrcjM of two local lj?rl. Mi.s i Leona Parker and Mix Mai jiii j La.ncanler at Columbian jCoIIcrc, New .Wenlmln-fer, of which Ir. A. 31. Hand- rord I principal with Rev. T. H. Nultall formerly of Prince Ru HOW OO XOO I JObT OB.OPPEO Jtt. TO .bor Cm Bmii tifku MTTn MMMM 4 IM fl VI TfM I I III . I x COOr - " TALKING' DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c some ejieeks m town, went on: and came bark about 10 or it. He had been dniuing and inor- drinking follow !, accused her- door and called upon Charti? liibeau lo gel Hie police. (Ilady ihat he had said "I would noil put thetgun Away ami it was not like to he in dale's pjace" whenlbuig after that Con-dahle Islip asked if he thought she was ih arriveii. danger with Donald. Accuseil was subjected to v Felix Hoss told of goin? abou lengthy and detailed ero-er- on (lie night in question wit L animation by 'Mr. Johnson but the accused, deceased an J the evidence of her examinulior. others. In Itertha I.oe's honselin chief was unshaken nllhouuii thew was a lot of talk between la few further point wr Huby Dolan and Donatd and l.elbrought out. -She did not know Deceased had been dead be be-i,,,e ,,ox lo demonstrate the mari-iwas "talking ,had about hermueh alwut the operalion of th- lieved, more lhan six hours whei- ner in 'Jvhich the automatic gm he arrived on the scene. -iworkeo Cross-Examlnatlon ConsUble't Wife Cross examined br Mr. FarrD. Janpt lnUp, wife of the con Dr. Carson said Ihe powder mark liable, told of being called to tnH made by the bullet was about al1,a" "ie in orrter to Help ner quarter of an inch around ihflW.lband. Me jaw accused and wound and so thick that it hadKi,a,,'s a,e a,,(' ,,0,1' an.J to be scraoed off with a knifef4,,r- W hillans also was 4bert' Asked if he did not think Ihfe -doctor picked im a button Liiier, ip aie n.ouse, iiupgsiKou ami uenim naming nau i. eetned to have quietened down tout of Hie inipboard before. 4?e saw Donald in (iale's housi I Donald bad Ihhhi on Ihe of- at 3 o clock. Donald, he judged, lien si ve In the nllercalron earlier was in a .drunken condition fron. lin Ihe evening. He had eure.l the w ay tie was talking. He heard J her but she had not curbed hiii. some one call "Charlie, jget the I back, instead trying lo quieten Jirnmie got shot." jbim and get him out as soon as Called Them Names possible. Under xrosj examipalion wil- Satnl Monev on Qlads nej..s lesliyed that he had heardj Donald on the night in ques- '.lescaed sVear ai noun aim Hion. said witness, had repail iMfi duu i4u icui "u-ifLiiiiauys iiaii- some money nc lamejt. owed her. It had been the first iliis compteicd ine ase io: iim, for a nionlh Ihat he hal the crown.' Iwen in Uie house. He hail he-:i In outlining the for IW bent out lie fori by herself at the defence, 01 c Jyirrif ,faJd that Um n'quejsl of Jlady Oale, It wji iuo would Je injormeu ueiinne iuw Jua, jiftat, hd jeeji .JKTVB light housework in family of: three. Write elating wage: expivted to Mrs. Dr. II. S Trefry. Anyox. 11.0. -elf and (5Iad- iale also drink-WOMAN Wants W ork mg. 'J'hey iiad Iroutde with Donald. 'He w;ii mad because' lie had leen denied entrance i Ihe tiotise nun- four wweks In-fore. "Hefor.' Hie shooting he curel and ninu-k me," ccueu continued. "1 fell from Ihe kit- then Joor acm Hie hall. in glasses falling n as I went. 1 got (iladys' gun from the closet. Decause Don a lit had hen su mean I lluxigJil I would scare him. I came back into the kit chen and he made a hit at me. I said 'If yu hit me again I will shoot.' He grabbed lurid of my arm and the gun went off. I did not intend to shoot him." Called for Police After the shooting, accused slated was she and noi! Oladys Oale w-lio bad cone lo the' Kind; Cooking Pone JUaek 271. of any preferml 1 I3H YOUNG Man want work, any kind; 33c an hour. I'hou lllaek SO?: 113! FOil QUICK SALI'. M fnel speel boat, Winlon six en. gine;; in No. I order. (ltia. Svedmark, agent. Cow Hay. FOR SALIL Five roomed mol-ern bungalow and two lot;;, in. ?2GOy.0 on terms. Apply T. MeClyinont. p FOIl SALK. Carpet, ehesl o drawers; Bi1ion phonograp'i with lo double reords. Phon- Illue 335. 13d FOIl SALK. Motor boar eloe; aio jump stwrs wizaru magneto. Phone 572. (HI SAI.K. Wicker baby car riage. Plione lied J 1 7. 137 TO RENT nit llr;.M. I.arsen oulldmg at 171 I bird Avenue rut si; sir room modern flat with bath room and workshop premise on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer, 139 Second Avenue. FOIl HKNT. Two first ela modern flats; Monarch ranges, water paid; one furnished. Westenhaver liron. FOIl HKNT. Two modem houses, one furnished; Apply 215 Fourth Avenue Kasl. I; SUIINISHKD IIousckeepfr Ilooms to rent by 'the day, week or month. Phone Red 607. If FOIl RENT. FurnDhed house v keeping -Uvi If, t MusjaHem, . . Vfc a m - a Apartmnnis. 1'honc 18. MISCELLANEOUS It FLVf'fpr HeoL FTVe roomi with liaip;!!"!: Avenue. W eil-Hhone, 5)3 or HUfk 3' tl KOIt RKNT. Four room sulle. hot water heated. Apply Smiti A MalleL I'lANOS for nent at IG.00 per month and up. W alker' Muab Store. MODKRN FLAT for Rent. Apply Max lleilhroner ) SUMMKIt aimp at Uke Kalhlyn open June 20. For parlicu- law apply Mrs. K- K. Iliruie Rmflhers. ll.C. BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. The Inlander, 833 Second Avenue Phone 137 HOARD, Rooms and Furnisher Suites. Palmer House. tf Mr. Nutlall. formerly MIm Kan-ou and her brother on (lie teaehing laff" Mi Parker won Ihreo ;irlzes, one for bent attendance, nnother flir jtenoraphy and a third for the benl kept room. MU Lancaler won on'e of the book prlzeM for plato. ;; The firnduallon. exerrDej, f,js place Thursday nisht and both Mr, lncanler ond II. ft. Parker rareiim respectively of (he Prince Rupert Mudeiiln. wi. I present. They all return here pert in charge of the boy and on Wednesday next. AUTOMOBILES By George McMc TOO OOtsrsA P"CHT i ... ANT MOKEWITH r I Articles Lost and Found, &c PATENT ATTORNEYS ii WANTKD.-4.iirl or woman to d J J KKTIirilSTONIIAroil A CO.. tfcf old established firm. PaUmt and trademark in nil countries. Free hokte(. Vancouver office tOi 8 lingers Ilulld-ing. Miotic Seymour 370n Manager, Kmc I B. Curvet registered attorney. Other of-fire. Oil awn. Washington an.' prinatoal eiUe. LOST. un,.,. ,,, ., ... . i LOST. rilertmg nihrer ffipitte sMAItl ALR.I-VD Wiinled.--, turned ,. peueil. . Mil Uo. Ie tall. llvC F4ir FOR SALE I l-.verharp Fftwl' er will le rewardeil on r-tnrning to Daily New office or telephoning iren OSS. Now, You Can Buy a CHEVROLET at a Lower Price than eer before. At nuts t nimulUneous with the anjwunientent by Chevrolet Motor jCittipany of Canada Limited of an Improved Chev relet a H i HKA I KIl 0I.KT than ever before -we ar ahle to an-Lnounce THF. I.OWFjT PHICKj in Chevrolet bialory. . These new prices, combined Iwith tlie many new improve- ments. establish mre firmti Hhan ever before hevrolet Ueadersbip in value asnoog w.v tpriel tar. Tlie Improved Chevrolel offers everything you oonU ltre mart appearaare, eomfor emohuc. power and the ul- PMmI dependability. The pfesc; prir- and tow lime payment bring one of Ihe nix CTmvrolei model within easy roach of your pocket book. KAIEnj QARAOE Plume 5'.'. Wreekinn Sitvh-.. Da and NIk'h Prices of both New and (iuar- nnteed I'sed loRD CARS are,! now at a new low level. The National Time Paysoea Plan enables anyone with reasonable Income io afford the eomfort and eomenieftft a ear afford. ' Ak , S. E, PARKER, LTD. Dealers 219 Second Avenue. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Oeorge, Paul or (lusl) fiix and Seven Pansenger Stude bakers at your disposal any time ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from F.mpress Hotel. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Store. We Jtuy. Sell and Kx rharipe New and Becondhand (loods. GEO. PAPADOPULOS f.1! Third Av rhone ni GOOD EATS -CAFE, Third Avenue Opponite Ilenson's Studio. OOOD MKAL8. OOOD CAKK8 - Coffee or Tea Served. RKAL HOME COOKED MHLH Mm. Unirer, Proprlelre. " Phone fir3. woot Dry Mixed Wood a load. Dry Fir Wood lO.riO a 1 o a d. finl to any lennth. Klndllno, $7.00 n load. Fir Furnace Wood , 17.00 a load. A. ISAACSON Phone Ulack 161. Seal Cove, KvioaLC watim nLS nil Hay. rl lit kH, 4 .1. of MI . tot u"'ii ii, m ii- 4i.i ei-.k . irri. t; i If ! t ' ilw iiftm... .inntiMi I in MMI U- ri U Awl Uk i 11 t "r if-l I- I.I. I . mt' ttmr vii . IW ir in !h i"'l Hi U IKl l.rf r. M'l 4MITUS' ' l'l'l l i lil t kl V .tutu ll". i I t.' wrtut U, It r'ii i XI 111! I- hiH. I iMt if 1. 1 . Ufa :l. .U9 t f - Im- i --l.l u.. ' '. Il-.j.'i.ii W Mar n T tW Wat.. i itkiwii m riini mi. riarM in . i u f ' I i . It .' .!! I J. a. I l Villi-' TJ, V.i. Ml 11 I :,.. Tfl IU. jr l: rri I ifm . DM '' i i nk u u 4li ii ill u IT, IK li I.4I-U (no firs' llMMiTlf'" M"i.l teJIA -f lntMll'OS In Otw" "..Ktiiii i IIUIIMl ' t.ilrtai i ilwi l: hi 1 Tt e . i . 'IHMj I (rfM r - . . ,. .lltll'l r 1 1 nl kirh "si " Id iw ii lis . i ' of I" i rll i-r MMI" I. bitad .'' ' In M ad I i "' TAI. ' UM of 1" trine "f ' ' ' VullUV. ly prfwn-I ho UI i' hmltrxrie ' (Ur truii' (Kim hwWiini , nuke imoii""1 OOVIRNMlNT Nolle APPI"1 RllTlif ' Hh '!' ' IlllfiUll I" Mi nnarn Tor ' H.C. IM "I . Hhr-k " 1 IjikI liii'' m or HriV i Uft lir ih' 1 1 ' hir mMi!H'""n nii "" itay ut Mi ' wm ort He:..i Dm. wart mt L0 CT. J,wr TO CSlBrTO Aerucjmoirft,; Hi .i t Ik Hi k l -I 4 IK tf i i.i. j z 'W I ,. Hill""1- " thirti da-- ' ' " .. i.. ' . 0.iivi.rlil(ifnl ' ,n'.., ., ii. ,.f i Hi" ' it r ii r WIL; . e . ,, , . K pitid May K ,"