riday, June 11, 1026. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 ; Summary of Assets 'and Liabilities 30.h April, 1926 ASSETS Cold. Dominion Notea, arM Silver coin .... J 74,520,638.28 Dtpoiit with Central Cold Reterve 15,000,000.00 D.poiha rjiaeU with and BaUnc.Adu. from thar Banks in Canada 148,397.03 Balance Jua by Banks and Banking Corrcf pondents 'elsewhere than in Canada 17,221,879.98 Call and Short;, loant on Bonds, Debentures and Stotks 142,496,056.33 Dominion and Provincial Government Securities , 03,456,444.71 Railway and othar Bonds, Debentures and ' Stocks . . .. J.566,104.06 Canadian Municipal Securities and Britiih, Foreign and .Colonial Public Securities othar than Canadian , 33,599.867.70 Notai and ckVquei of other Bantu 23,507,822.63 United States and other foreign cu.-renciee. . 1,259,374.63 Loant and Discounts and other Assets .... 317,820,255.83 Bank Premises 11,950,030.00 Liaattitfes o( c'uttomere under tellers of credit (at per contra) 12,531,897.90 $749,13237.12 l1abilitiesto public Notea in circulation $ 41,674,442.00 Deposits 632,412,155.75 Letter of credit outstanding 12,581,897.90 Other tiabititUi 793,561.31 $687,459,056.96 Excett of Assets over Liabilities to Public a. $61,673,300.10 DEMAND DRYDOCK AND "Rupert Brand" Kippers - a "THE DAINTIEST BFlEArtFAST FOOD' Smoked Dally by Lilian Fish & fold .Storage To.. I.td. t Prince Rupert, B.C. i k HPI IT0 aO A no - . . . . aaia.a j lurjrf (i-trtii)t'iil of Mw rl lef in nodi I'lam ami run try, 25c to $2.00 SHARI er I'lie Newest Crenlimi uml l.a!el Sensation in Toilul W Arli-lr I-are PmviUr $2.50 KfTrtliMim $1.00 ... ... .., ... Jk IltHtulv Urdntif $1.50 (ib'MiMiig Creaiii . ' $1.00 (.iMiiii.n l s 51. DO and $2.50 ii .. ci nn n i. p .siiek i.uu Olil Stylo PEPPERMINT PATTIES fresh .Shipment. SpiM ial Pnrc. per Hi. . . 40c Ormes Ltd. lie Pioneer UniKRisK I he Hexall blore. id Ave. and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 fanadian National Railways Prince Rupert SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock iters, Machinist, Boilermaker. Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, woodworkers, tic. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant Is equipped to handle nil kinds of rv t r MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 and S8P Local and Personal Valhalla meeting tonight. Phone. IS. P.n. Coat Co. accnrdlan (ientlcnien and 5(c; tf Arlljurtf Taili -Phone 678. tf v i B.C. Undertakers, Phone 41. Crystal Firelighters, 8 for" 11.00, Uyde Transfer. Phonfl 50. tf Arvlnlfucon (i. A. Hix sailed laxljiljjlit on thf I'rince (ieorgf wr ucean rnun. . .Mh'5CT.. Mr'H. V. I). Casio- failed for Victoria on the Princ Oeorpe 1al nin!it. Mr. Olen McMillan and gar nuileC fal nlhl on the 1'rirc (corgi! fur Vancouver on a holi day visit. Ileource ' .June issue Junl oil the pre 9. (let your coplc nl Ormt's WrathaU', Little nbd Canadian Hallway News. 137 ean'liiiayhm dance MeiropnliH Hnll&iftiriJay, June 12, at 8.30 Piano. UltlMif. free. violin; ladlPS Walter Owen, assistant superintendent of provincial police afler1 Waving npenf several day. in the city, relumed to Vancou er lat night. H. V. (!. LH'in jailed lat nielli on the Prince !eorxe for Victoria to attend the (li-aud Lodpe convention of Hoyal Arrh Mason as delegate for the local cliapler. I lonias K. Slnplcton rff Any-ox, who won oer fK,U0U in tli Siilmon Swet-p j?lake on the re-cimiI Derhy, was a passenpter ?o-itiS south aboard the Prince (Iforfie last night. C. M. Harheau of Ottawa, wh.i spent tlu summer of l!)Jl u th lluzeltmi 'district on research work for the Department of In than Affairs is apain. her liav mar arnvcii ironi l lie imi on Provincial Conslahle .1. II Smilli, ;is aelins sheriff, is nt- 'iidlisi the oiii'sent session o! I he Supreme Courl Assizes i I hat caiuicily. A )u(Mpssor to lo the late Sheriff John Shirlo? has not yet b'en appointed. Charles Hiheau of ijtewar,;, who has been a vixltor In the city Hits week as a witness in a rase al the Asslics. had Hie pleasure while here of meutin an ld friend, l.ouls Lqro.UT whom lie had not seen ia 30 yeafs w. Weal her permitlin?, the Merry-io-Hound will run mm Saturday and each fnllowins Saturday. Tickets 5c, six for rc. Col ton-eyed Joe. the eeln - J'raliMl negro Mancer will be there. Free ride to all on the ground at 2 o'clock. u court order, following were yesterday summoned to complete the petit Jury panel at Hie Su preme Court Assizes: William P. McCallum, Malcolm Mcl.eod. Heinle Johnstone, John O. Williamson, Herl Morgan and Krnes: I nwin. They take the places of v.. T. Kenney,- Mrs. May Del-phme Mann, Olio Miller, 0. W. Niekerson. Oeorge Scott. William 11. Cook, Walter Dalzell and lieorue Wnddell who, for various reasons, wero unable I serve. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intanllon to Apply to Le Land In IjiihI Hi'cordln Ouirirl of eruiro tuirri. anil miuatx at lirad or Skam In-Iru Murrrlir kVamt. Otirrn cnrlutm Orniin. TAKE .'NOTICE that Tlu Canaitiin rih. Un eompan.r. I.lnilird. (if Vancouver, or. ii pa nun !aiiiinii t.aiiniTs, intfnrts to apply for 1 Wtft or the tuilnwing di'sriilied ltnI! Cuntmenrlna' at .a tmut nlanrH ai h.,ad of Skant Inlrt, IS chains north r urn chains, inoiv or to how Iln: Ihwirf niirlhrily rullowln stiorc line to r.O.C,, and rrmtaininr in arrrs, more r le. IIIL Ui.-.M."I.V.- MSIIIMl r.llMrAJY, Pop LIMITED. ADMlrini. William Airrwt rtuwer. na.K'rt Hih ApHI. I Ufa LAND ACT. Notlca of lntnllon to Apply to Laaaa Land In I'rlncp riuriprl Land lircurdlnir lin trlrl or roam iianw t, and illuile 03 South narhnrl Mlnnd; TAKE notice thai Alfred Swansou, of Prince rtupori, orrupatln Mirlnrr. In-trndi to annlv fur a li-atit nr ih fnilnw. Inn (I'Rrrilicd land: THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREI Vulli.ilia mci'tuiir lonighl. Hall Pi i. c Ilomr.an! Sale and Saturday. Wallace'. 13' Stove length wood $3.50 per load delivered. Phone N. Our-vich. Creen 518. 151 I. Mackenzie sailed last night nn.lhe Prlnc (Jeorge fo Vunexiuver enroute lo Scotland Mrs. J. W. Smith ami Mrs. A IAI1mi were passengers for Van couver on Hie Prince tJeorpe lal night. cif It. F. Mc.Vnughton. C.N.It. dis- trict passenger agent, left ye- lenlay for l'rtnco iieorge ano Smithers nn eomUauy business. Mrs. Perkins f tlu Prince llupert Hotel stall will sail li) morrow bv the Pilneess Ijouise for Victoria on a vacation trip H. (lithrn of Auyox arrived iu the oily Inst nfcrhl and lef on this mornui? s ' train for a I Hp lo Toronto. He will rc lurn by way of Chicago aur. Vancouver. Mrs. W. P, ltohertson of Any- ox and tier family ailved iu Hie eiiy tasi nigui iinn'eu ny tiiii morning s train am .Montreal They will embark from there for (5asgov, Scotland, oh a lioliday visit. I havo moved tp new stand next to M. ileitis jtml Commo dore Cafes uml am continuini (he sale lo clear nut lines. You an et a harjiuui m shoes and ruhhers now. tieo. Ii ill ,Th-' Shoeinah. 137 BOYS' BAND TO . BE UNIFORMED Committee Holds Meeting and Decides to .Ask for $750 merlin; of I he Hoys' Hand I coinmillee- was held "bit Wednes- lay night, June it. at vhi"Ji it was decided to eomnienee a drive to' obtain 750. to iirovide the hoys of the lAmd wilh uniforms, parlleularly . considering the number of erugngements which Iho btV have this comiiiK sum- mor. The elinirmau leppjXjsl vhat the llotary Club had agreed lo head the lisl with i50V. If was agreed that the drive should open on Saturday. Juno 12 and that the hoys would pjay named Cm-k: thrnrn iln rh-ihn-' i i. j l.rnr. a,mh ,, n,int: turn, rail Sii I " K' I""" i"l ay I1IKIU 111 I ho down town section. i tie loral newspapers agreed freed to to publish publish a a'llst list o of of I subscriber and toj Xgiyn si criplinps.- Suhscrijjitoir? v also be received . bj'i- hnve Iho ub will Joe Ojeer of Hryiinl fireer, 01 h Street. Walter Vrince of W.' D. Vnnco Company, 2nd AveniK J. W. Nicholls. ItlftVvenue W. 1 ne uaiv.i win niso play on mrth end or south narhaM iind: thance Sunday aflernoou at Toleni Polo annum inn laiann ai iiiftn waier mam. 11111 and contsitimir so artv, moro or Im, ",,,. . ALFRED SWANSO.V. 5 Daia April 7, t9. ppi'fn. Advertise In the Dally News. TERMINALS WIN BASEBALL GAME Seventh Inning Blow-up Loses Match For Native 8ons An uuforlunale- seventh and iat inuliii blow-up. turned a,i to 1 lead which they had built, up to a 5 to i defeat for the Native S'oim of lianada in last niglil's ci y league baseball ame at the hands of the Orand Terminals. In Kpite of lliis it was one of the season's best ames with it'le spectacular play but tight fielding and ood pitching. Harry Astori, the tson' hurler, . virtually lost the game in the last frame when lie made an overthrow to third allowing two run-ne's to cross the plate. There were also two runs made in that , imnns. It was (he first game of 'lie season between the Tcr- jininul and the Pons. The Terminals' battery consist" d of tickney and McKeown wh Asiori and Ualfour for the Sons. Walter Hudson" umpired effectively and fairly wipi 11. D. Skinner adjudicalinj,' on the bae lines . The standing to dale is as W (rami Terminals 3 Xaiive Sons .... I Oyro Club . . . . I L. 0 2 3 Pet. jOOO 333 250 TELLS HOW JIM HILL COLONIZED IN STATES Brought In People and Stock and Helped Them Make Good on Farms In an editorial article commending the introduction of breeding sheep tree of duty, the Vancouver Province tells about how the states were colonized. It says: ( Consider the instance of. Ihq ' northwestern states of the neighboring republic. The late. president of the Great Northern Jtailway known to. two genera Hons of westerners as Jim Hill was more than a railway builder. He was a true empire builder, lie drove his linn of steel Ihrougli a wilderness. He planted human beings in that wilderness. And lis did more. He cultivated the crop. He help ed to colonize the territory of the fireat -Northern by making ft possible for the settlers to Ijvc. lie earried their seed frrain duty free for them, lie brought In breeding stock free of transportation fiianses. He was not afraid to spend a penny now to make a pound with later on. lie ' was hanl-hitteu and strong-willed) hut he had a vision and followed it he dreamed dreams and made them come true. Old "Jim" lived to realize his vision.' From the Great Lakes lo Hie Western sea, he wrote targe the epic of the wheal lands on the face of the wilderness. Then is another wilderness to day. It lies north of the Oreal Northern, and under another Hag. II lies aloing the Western line, of the Canadian National, it lie even along the line of our own Pacific Great 1'aslern. It was made for colonization. It awaits (he conquest of resolute will and patient toil. And it iwaits most of All tlhe quickening of that imaginative quality in man without wliieh no railways an 1'iiilt and there is no increase of the corn in the. ear. H. K. Iiickie of the C.N.It. tic ket office, Winnipeg, was a pas senger from train lo boat last ntffhl, accompanied by his bride. They arc on their honeymoon rfp. Subscribe 'o Iho Daiiv New. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY a4444.sSs WANTKl) Experienced saleswoman W Ladies' Ileady-lo-wear, Write givintr particulars of experience to llox 308, Daily News office. Ml - 1 Don j-our baby auffcr the burning Itch, the ' rrrible nain o cctrma and othrr akin troubWaf Hrrc la Initant nM. Just a Itw dropa of tba ltent liquM nmrdy, and all Itching ia tone all itching, all pain, all Irritation wuhed awi " Tit frit SIM rttitrn ym ar ia aiiafjl a. Trf D. P, D. , W. J. McCutcheon Drug Store and Ormes Limited HELP YOURSELF TO HEALTH m " , r . A You can tell it . blindfolded THE wonderful flavor of Kellogg' Corn Flakes! With cold milk or cream. Fresh or preserved fruit. What a dish of health! Keeps you cool and cheery these hot days! Fine for kiddies. Kellogg's are the original corn flakes. Crisp and digestible. Never thick or tough. More than 10,000,-000 people daily demand them. . Sold by all grocers. Served at all hotels and CORN FLAKES IntttalUa cannot brine yu such Mftr-flvor ucb crisp, crunchy flake. Tb feowina cora flakM bava tba alsnatura af tba orif-laater on tba packac Ov1rK ALWAYS in KUogg' pftrf inntrmld mint It 9 wrmppT Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, , FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride Si. Steamship and Train . . jaw , . , - . , -,.., S.8. PRINCE QCORQC ami PRINCE RUPERT will leave PRINCE RUPERT ror VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami Intmiinliale Mills. .THURS OAY8 and tUNOAVS al 11 p.m. Alio 8.8. PRINCE CHARLES, WEDNESDAY. ' JUNE 8 at 4 p.m. Tor AN VOX WEDNESDAYS, 10 p.m. Tor STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. 8.8. PRINCE CHARLES fortnightly for VANCOUVER VU QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSSNSER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT ..tally rrH PMIl.lay HI ii.so a.m. for PRINCE oiorqe, " Edmonton, winnipeo, an point! Eastern Canada, I'lilled SUiev Agancy all Ocaan Staamahlp Llnaa. CanaiSlan National Eipress ror Money Orders, Foreijrn Cheques. tr ilso rur your ne it shipment. ' City Tltkat Offlea, 828. Third Aa., Prlnca Rup.rl. Ph.na 260. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED S Sallinn rroro Prince Rupert, ar VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, S.ana.n Bat. and Al.rl Tyaada,, 8 PJ8. ar VANeoUVER. VICTORIA. Alart Ra. . t.an.on my. SaturaMy. 10 A.S) For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlter Cannarlaa, Thuraday p,m. KB Xad Aiaava. j. Straalli, Afaat. Prmaa Rupart. ava