IBICOTT NEW ODERATOR OF UNITED CHURCH ; &. . . JjXTni Ah, June 1. Ilev ML me KndlcoP. secretary of Ihf fftreUn mliu hoard, was lastfnlyht elected iiiolerutor of the t'rflted Church of Canada ut tthe Opening session of the second general coumil. The election i unanimous, there being no wf nominations. Dr. F.ndieoit wa horti in Dev-bire. Inglaiid. in 1805, and Muted at Hie F.nglish schools Veiey College, Winnipeg, pileri'il Hie missionary ser- 6f 4lic Methodist Church 1 ul hoiim and then in Weal lie served under the old ph conference in 1HH7 and in Lethhriilge and Muniloha lis. M IS VOTED I FOR VFW.I.S i Simons commiteo passes 1600,000 to Cover Deficit ft. and Capital Expenditure IS on C.Q.M.M. BTTAWA. Juno II. Tlic Eye committee, of Hie Cuna i National Itailvvay pueil a for iOUC.000 for loans for Hianadum (fovernmeiil Mer iiit Murine. The ileni i iles- lied in the esiimates as re- Palile on ih'iiiand with iuleresl rate 10 he fixed hy Hie Uov- or in Council lo ho applied payment of: In) Deficit in operation of the fpany and vessel under Hi ipauy s , conli-ol uuriiifc' ui r eiiiiniK .naieii ji. I) Capital expenditure in lieeiloii with Hie vessels. INS LAKE MISCHIEF K r4 CHARGE IS DISMISSED Irew Walker, Francois Lake irmer, Acquitted by Judge Voung ( , llidiew Wulker, KriinenU nuiiflieiv waneiullled by VduiiK ul Ku ru s Lake on fnesday on a charge of mis- if in shnoliiiir nelglihors' Ees, I,, S. McHill or Sinilhers feculed in the case and H. W. lor of Princu Itupert defend- 1 Ktku Young, and Mr. Taylor filed to Hie city yeslerdny 'f. find the bet route from llerwin lo Vancouver It i proposed to chooe from the following western rubles: Obrd roule. Monknmn Pass and OA.lt. oute. .Moiikiuan Pus. Pacific Great tern and Canadian Pacific roule. Pence Pas nnd 4LX.ll. Peace Pa-., VAi.lt and t:.l.ll. The report finds llial (he Obed oifle offer lcs mile and leasl I ruin in lie of uny of Iho alternative roule lo Vancouver. "When Hie traffic develop lo aiuoiinl lo i or eight lime llie assumed nltial traffic, over thirty time the present average, nil going lo Vancouver or Prince Itupert. construction of Hie Obed line would he justified,-' the report tales. PRICE OF SALMON DROPPED TODAY AT EXCHANGE FISH SALE The price of salmon dropped to t-c and 3c a pound (hi morn-iihg al the exchange when the Hippo sold M, (HID red and IllO whiles to All in Fisheries. American halibut sold a'l 15.-.'lu' and 17c with He for seconds. Canadians fetched II.Hdc and l.l.tSOe and the same a Americans for seconds. Halibut arrivals were: American 1'i.irllock, 10,00(1, Id Uooth SHIPPER CAN SAY WHAT ELEVATOR HIS GRAIN WILL GO TO OTTAWA. June II, The Campbell hill, giving (he right lo grain shippers to specify tin terminal elevators lo which llieir grain should he siiipped, paed'il final slaves in Hie House of Common lal night. SHARP NOTE SENT SOVIET Protest Made Against Sending Money to Britain During Recent Strike LONDON, June 11. The British government sent a sharp note to Moscow protesting against endeavors of the Soviet to send money to Britain during the recent general strike, setting forth the belief that this money was Intended to bring about a change of government In Great Britain. fRUE BILL RETURNED IN HAZELTON MURDER PROCEEDINGS STAYED Bird, Bird, and Pierreway not to Stand Trial For Killing of Matthew McLean In September, 1924 A true bill was relumed by llie firaiul Jury ul H10 Supreme Court Assizes yesterday afternoon in the ease of Hex vs. llird, Dird and Pierreway, charged witli the murder of Matthew McLean ul Mazelloti in' September, I021 Hearing of Hie ease will .not gi on al Ibis Assizes as A. M. John son, K.V.J., auiiouiiced that stay of proceedings had been ordered by the Attorney (ieneral. Th llirco uoensed were released from i:ulody llil morning. FLOODS IN CHINA. LONDON, June II. Hon? Kong reports slula llial morr than I00 persons were drowned and $1,000,000 property datnagr resulted from floods ul Canton The railways in tha( region are it a standstill. son roll aroundjust as I hey came twelve years ago when they came from the bottom in July to win the world's championship. Yesterday Ihey look their eighth traight game, defeating Chi cago. Cincinnati returned lo Hie top by defeating Drooklyu while Pittsburg was loiiw lo Phila- leipiiia 111 a luglct. Hie Phillies roring seven run In the fifth 1. o-.g. National League Chicago i. ltolort 8. SI. Louis 3, New York 2. Drooklyn 3, Cineimiali t. Pi:tbitrg 0, Philadrlpliiit 13. American League Philadelphia 0, Chicago 0. Washington 5, Cleveland 3. New York. K' Detroit !.-. . Hosli."iT H, t,liuiZ'' EDGAR PHINNEY GIVEN FREEDOM The Oraud Jury at life Supreme Court Assizes yesterday afternoon returned no bill nitlul Kdgar Phinney who wa charged with wmin.ling Albert Saudlroiu . a I Lockeporl on January 23. Pli limey, who has been in custody ever since the at lived offence, whs thereupon given his freedom. ARRESTS MADE JUNEAU, ALAKSA Brothers Thought to be Train Robbers From Oregon Taken In Custody JINFAt. June 11. Hoy and Hugh Deautreinonty, two of three irolhers sought as attempted obbers of Hie Southern Pacific mail train near Siskiyou, Oregon, 11 October, 1023, were arrested asl night. The third man be uevcu 10 ue me oilier orollier. escaped; The robbery with which Ihey are charged, was one of llie inosl dastardly ever known in the west aiid resulted in Hie death of three members of the train crew, when Ihey .resisted, and nno mail clerk, lost his life when his ear was dynamited in 11 vain earch for lool. The bandits led empty handed. THREE DEATHS FROM FIRE AT WESTMINSTER XKW WFSTMINSTF.il, Jan. II -hid ueaiii itsi increused "o three this morning as a resul if Hie fire yesterday wlilcli des royed the Chinese bunk house it the llrunnette inills, when t.ooev Teng and Woiig Chang nccumlied lo burn, ami injur ie. Two others are In ,uie ho nnai ami are expected to re eover. - The f.liinese lost all their be 'ongings and considenible cash :.vin? been paid last Fruluv. if . , Boston Grill 25 TAXI maim Ambulance Large LTp3ta!r Dining Hall, Service 7i with newly laid dancing . Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and flth St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the aSATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone, 467. I.ont.t Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ,a"v III VOL, XVI., XO, 130. l'HINCH HUPKUT, IML, HI I DAY, JLNK II, 1020. Yeaterdajr'a Circulation, Ii7 Street Sales SOS PRICE FFVK CKNTS. -- r ESTERN OUTLET PEACE RIVER COUNTRY UBY DOLAN CONFESSES SHOOTING MAN; CLAIMS TRIED TO FRIGHTEN HIM engineers Report on Peace River Route to Pacific Coast Received Ottawa Discusses Prince Rupert iys will not be economic possibility for sone'J time; outlet through Berwin is favored OTTAWA, June II. A railway outlet from Peace Ilivcr h ,coa' wilt not Le un economic possibility for sonic time lo lie according lo u report of five railwuy engineer., who liae L-sligati'd the Mliiution on Iteiiulf of the Canadian Xalionul (-inndian Pacific railways. Di cussing the relative merit of (he propocd routes, that lireet lo Vaurotivcr or Prince llttpcrl, llie rcporl stales: "Cer- r interest intonate thai a study of the problem i incomplete una proper weigh! being given lo lhav vut Hilenlial lerri- lory triliutary lo the northern part of Hie Peace lliver and Cleat Mine hake. We fully nrce wild this. The natural western oullel for their potential pro-duel imit a through a common point ut or near ilcrwln, which i IS mile went uf Peaee Uier ".roii)g." Il'o mcertaiii the lel operating mule to tlx coal for these product ami to Fisheries. Wabajli, 3,5it0, lo od Sstor age. Canadian . ' I.ivliigloiie, 22,00(1, 'Id Allin Fisheries. v Sea llird, 1,200, ami Thelina, G.OOo. lo lloyal Fisli (.0, VANCOUVER EXCHANGE mm. C. P. II 101.50 II.C. Silver 2.10 Consolidated 212.00 lliuellmi Independence .. Indian I.. A I ? Premier Porter Idaho .... Silver Crest ...... Terminus 02 Asked 2.15 .01 .08 'i .01) .05 V, .00 Vi .10 .11 .IK 2.20 07 H M .15 .50 Sulioeribe In the Dally News. LOCAL BOYS ARE INDICTED True Dill Presented by Grand " Jury In Case of Rei vs. Mac kenzie, Casey and Cap-stick A true bill was brought in by lie (IratKl Jury ul the Supreme Court assize at noon today in the case of Hex vs. Murdoch Mackenzie, liarrow Caey and Lawrence Cupslick charged firt with unlawful ussault mi Florence Morrison with intent to have carnal knowledge without her e(Sn.eiif and, second, with indecent ussault upon said Florence Morrison. Mr. Justice W. A. Muclkiuuhl Inslrucleil'lbe (Sraud Jury 011 Hie cae this morning defiuiiitf Hie nature of Hie charge and re newing the evidence that would ie submitted . Details of the al- aed occurrence in MeClyinonl ark were nieiiHuned, Hie judge loing his remark with (he ud iionltlnn that the (irand Jury liould decide the mutter before hem slriplly on 'Hie merits of the cao without regard lo standing of accused m the community or ny other Influence. The (Irutiil Jury has uol yet given ils finding-in the cae of Ilex vs. (Hadys Dale, having been iinlrueled lo leave the mailer in ibeyunee until the Irial of lluby Dolaii, now proceeding, hud been completed. 56,000 FANS AT BIG FIGHT Berlenbach Successfully Defends H'.s Title Against Young Strlbllng XKW YOHK, .lime II. Pain Herlenbach, Hie world's liglit heavywolglit champion, success fully defended his title last nlgh in a flfle'eii ro'uiiil mulch wilh ounsr Slribljng or;Heo;'ji,a, The fluhl was uniuleresling oxcepl in pol iivving lo Sliibllng's in ability to stand up and fiight in lit' open agaiiisl the ehampioii Herlenbach easily won the tlecls ion. Tli P allemlaiice al the fight numbered 50,001). BIRTH. A daughter was born at lb Princh lliiperl (leneral Hospital oil .jun.e v, ,lo Aid. nnd Mrs loseph Hreer, 221 Fiflh Aveniu Kast, SCALE OF LOGS IS WELI, AHEAD OF LAST YEAR Ten Million Feot More Measured to End of May than for Five Monihs 1925. The cat or lias for tins i well ahead of lal year, no les than leu million feet 11 log iimii'p than for Hie firsi five month of 1025 having been measured up lothe last day n: May. The total cale this .yea. for five months wa. ao.i53t,yi for Hie Prince lluper! foreslrj district 'as a?ainl lO.'JJO.GO feet for Hie same time in 1025. The total .cale for llie montb of May litis year was. 1 1.310,13 boar, I feel as against G,KH3,III board feel in May IW15. 'I'll is ir in addition lo .pide, piles an I lie 011 which iiieru is a drdp Ibis year. Dea(ls or the scale for May followt..' iiougias Fir 320,717 :ted (Udar '. 2,37U,9i7 .Uiat Soriicc ....w i, 188,001 Interior Sprpre - 33l.lt. Hemlock .... ...... 3,237,08 V Dalsani 873.511 Uypre L0 I White Jackpine 12,02V Cottonwood 3,80t oles, lineal feel 0,505 Spruce Pile .3 Hemlock Piles 10.032 Cedar Piles 80,115 Cordwootl, ronls 589 Shingle Dolls Ir Hemlock lies 01,537 Pulnwtiod. cords 323 BOSTON UPSET Ruby Man Confesses BASEBALL DOPE ol,- r nu Predicted They May Get Into: Race For League Leader- j ship as 12 Years Ago 10 onuuung ui uunuiu But Did Not Intend To XFAV YOHK, June 11. The! Uoslou Nationals continue lo up-j Confessing lo having killed, the man with a revolver but set the dope In the Major League) wilhonl intent to do so, Ituby Dolan, neallj ilmed and 01 and it i predicted they may; slender build, hardly bearing Hie appearance of such a woman ugain uppear a poihle league leaders when the end of the sea us sue is iiescnbeu, is ijqvv on inai at the hiipreme coiirl Assize charged wilh the murder of Jumes Neil Donulif on iic eariy niorninj of January 1 in. Hie house at Slewurt of which she wa an occupant. A rue bill having been returned by llie Grand Jury against the won 1 a 11 yesterday afternoon, hearing uf llie rase commenced before the pelit jury. The afternoon was spent in the lakinsf of evidence which i continued this morning. With Hie addresses of counsel A. 31. Johnson, K.C. for Hie crown anJ Hon. J. W. de D. Farris, K.C. for Hie defence and the charge of Mr. Justice W. A. MacDonabl completed, the jury at an early hour this afternoon retired lo .'onsider it verdict. Delay was encountered 111 Marling Hie trial yesterday afternoon when the (irand Jury, through error in typewriting llu bill, relumed the Gladys Gal's ndictiiienl enWrsed with- a tru 111 against lluby Dolan. Thi jv;r' rectineJ: hy having Hie tirand Jury return to Hie court room lo receive and come back xilli the proper document. Nervous Condition On Hie bill heing presented, accused was brought into Hu ourtroom accompanied by Mrs. sam North, police matron. Slen ler ami of somewhat over aver- e height, of rather dark com- dexioti and wearing eye iglasses iccused was apparently eonlrol- iug nervousne. as her trial irocccded. She wn. dresed eatly in a gray blanket cloth oat over a simple blue silk ress with gray hat. In a low rembliiig voice, sue pleaded 'not guilty" after the charge had wn read to her. Hon. J. W. de H. Farris an nounced that he was appearing or accued and would )e ag isted by Milton Gonzales. The empanelling bf the jury lieu commeuced and. after many challenge' by the defence nnd a number of stand asides by the crown,. Hie. following were selected; Frank Morris, foreman, Frank A. Stevens, II. G. Cun ningham, John J. Judge. Peter J. Solem, Howard 'Sleen, J. J, Muldooa, Deri Morgan, Malcolm Mcl.eod, Finest A. Morgan. Wit Ham H. McCallum and Joseph Sluggard. D. McD. Hunter, John It Deane. Mrs. Margaret Grieve, T, W. Silvcrsides. Mrs. Kate E. Mastin, John Hreinner, William Gilchrist, D. C. Stuart, J. C Gavigan, W. G. Oakley, William sibbald, W. II. Shortridire, Mrs Agnes Glcnuic, John Gawlliorn, eorge Setlars. Jolin Mcllae and Mrs. Sarah,(J. I.ninbie wero ehal FALSE PAPERS RUMRUNNERS Official at Victoria Says Doubt ful Cases Are Referred to Ottawa by Him VlCTOItlA, June 1U Commenting on a stalement attri- 4'iiUd lo Prohibition Administra- 4or iireon ,pf iSan Francisco tp ibe effect "tfiat Canadian aulhor-tie must b,aw;ar HiaL Ihc rum running vessels file false clearance papers wilh the U.O. authorities. Collecior Of Customs Davey said: "If there is any doubt as to Hie genuineness of the document regarding vessels purporting to clear tnr Mexico and suspected of landing Hie cargoes at any olhe rplace, the matter is referred at once to the federal authorities at Ottawa." He said the whole question was now under review; WASHINGTON June 1 . Officials pointed out here that information sought by Green from the Canadian authorities was readily obtainable tinder the lernis of the convention jbelween Canada and the UtUted States signeit m 102. CHILD DROWNS AT HOUSEBOAT When Taking Body to Alert Bay Child's Oog Washed Away by Heavy Seas AL11HT DAY. Jun0 II. While playing with a younger brother at the parent's house boat on Seymour Injet Gorden' Meland, three year of ao, fell from the float and was drowned. John Melaud, , (he child's father, after an unsuccessful radio appeal for assistance from llie Church of F.nglruid coast missionary craU Columbia, left in a launch to take the body to Alert Day for burial. Whilo crossing the lower tHid of Queen Charlotte Souml;heavv e enged by the defence and John were encountered and the dead O. Williamson, hddie Clapp.lchild's don wa Peter Dlack, Albert I reebourg. John Flewin, K. A. Hood and Krnejt fnwin were stood aside by llie crown. ;Caset Reviewed ' ; In reviewing llie Va'se1-for Iho crown, Mr. Johnson staled lh?t evidence would be adduced to show that Janies Neil Donald, alleged lo have been killed XI Stewart oie the morning of Jan uary I, had come lo his death in a house of prostitution us a result of a bullet wound. Ac cused and Hie other woman. Oludys Gule, in whose house the killing wus alleged to have laker. place, ... were . commonly., called roiilulrs but th!s, Mr. John- on warned llie jury, should not (continued on page four) washed over board. F.ventually Hie little crat arrived here, where the funeral was held, HOOVER IS CHARGED FOSTERING A POLICY DESTRUCTIVE TO SEALS WASHINGTON, June II. Secretary Hoover was cliargnl with fostering U policy destructive to the Alaskanfur seal in duslry by Henry Kltloll. 11 m. turulist, ujieparing- before the Senate Committee. He supported the . hill whfch JVeipilres the recording bf llm leiijflh or ski-i lakeh from the I'ribytof Islands and imposes a limit of 07 Inches.