1-Alifc TVVO The Daily News 'PRINCE RUrERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert i Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN - - Managiug Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . ,.. $1.00 Ey mail to all parts of the British ftrnpife and the United rStates, .in advance, per year $8.00 TS alf olter "countries, in advance, per year . $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per iuvh per insertion $1,40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per Inch , ?2.0 Ijecal Readers, per insertion per line , :.. -i&c Classified Advertising, per insertion jr word t-V " 2c Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line ... .' 15c Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - SC All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 2 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. Thursday, Dec. ?, 192G FEARS OF .MIL GUTHRIE. Hon. Hugh Guthrie is afraid that the ties of Empire may be weakened by the definition given at London of the position in which the.'sejf-governing Dominions stand in relation to the conduct of foreign policy. He adds: "I doubt very much. if,, in practice, this affords anything more than the Dominions have .actually enjoyed for many years. Then why the alarm? If the Dominions have actually "enjoyed for many years," the status which they are now officially declared to possess, where is the danger that they will proceed to "drift toward seperation? It was not noticeiXde ten years ago that the Dominion had been doing any drifting in that direction. Berlin had, and still has, very positive convictions to the contrary. YOUTH XOT AT PREMIUM IN TRAIL. In at least one place in the world youth and good looks are not at a premium any longer, it appears, for, the school board of Trail has announced that henceforth these will constitute a bar to engagement in the filling of vacancies on the teaching staff. It came about in this way: No less that eight attractive young ladies have Ontario has spoken. I. diAften ten years' trial of the-law-knowTi'as- "thevO.TiA:. the citizens of-Ontario, by an overwhelming verdict, have declared In! favor of a measure of government control in dealing with the liquor question, inat weight of public opinion speaks for itself, Canada, from Quebec on the Atlantic, to British Columbia on the pacific, is now working under various systems of government control of liquor. How long will it be before this system is extended east to the Maritimes? Will k ever extend south over the international line? Edmonton Bulletin. . LESS "SCOLDING AXD 3IORE ACTIQX. You scold your children too much. You make too many assertions that you never carry out You scpld so much that the children pay no attention to 'your requests then you wonder why. Time and again you threaten severe and prompt punishment for a certain action you have" forbidden, but you never earn out . .1 . 11 . . . . ... uur wireais, so tney are noi aiarmea at your sputtering talk. Ins Arid the worst of it is that they are getting more and more disobedient and ill-behaved and you are more and more ashamed of them. If you would talk less and make thrm feel the punishment in such a way that it would sink into their thoughts, you might get results. Some children loiter and stay at the home of a neighbor instead of going directly home, because they expect a scolding. : Parents should realize that all children do annoying things. Expecting; that things will happen that shpuld not, Is half the battle toward overcoming them, -i ' And don't scpld, ACT. Selected. ' ' ' ' i'. PRINCE'S MORGANATIC WIFF IfiSFQ APTWN the case two weeks ago ruled today that It was Incompetent to pass on the dls-between thea two Rumanians and i(ssai livuuu nvuuu assessed tile AGAINST HUSBAND !Um,,r,no posts against, Madame ! There is a story ln the news about a PARI3. Dec, 8. Zlzl Lambrino has college athlete who dedicated a book of lost her court fight against Former ' poems to a lady friend, who promptly Crown Prince Carol of Rumania, seeking I married him. You might .hastily Judge to establish the status of the six year- I that the poet did not. deserve such old son Mlrcea, born of their morgsnatic ) treatment, but then you have not seen msrriage'. The French court which heard 1 those poems. "I Had Bilious Attacks and Stomach Weakness" Mrs. ?m. Robinson, Yon Iter, SaslL, writes: "I suffered from stomach anf liver trouble, and usd to have bilious attacks so lad that I could do nothing for weeks at a time. . My stomach would be so weak that not even a drink of water" would stay on it. On my sister's advice, I began to use Dr. Chase's Kldney-Liver Pill, and must aay that they have made m feel like a new woman," DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS On FUI a Dose. 15 cti. a boi, all rVaUrs, or Tbs Dr. A. W. Chase Medietas Co., Ltd., Toronto,. Cansds I YOUNGEST M.P. WILL REPLY TO THRONE SPEECH tons- Alum, or riJEscoTT. to mm nnsT mix run tlllUlALN was despaired of but he is back to fighting form, and will pitch the first ball for the liberals in the new house. The seconder of the address this year will oc Swan i&xpherson. member for Peruse La Prairie, whose particular claim to fame In Liberal circles Is that he defeated Right Hon. Arthur Melghea in the September election, and was undoubtedly one of the contributing causes to the retirement of the former Conservative chieftain from public 111. The biSslr-cvj of opening the house is well under way. and it Is now said to be practically assured that Hon. Rodolphe - Lemieux will be re-elected speaker. For deputy speaker the choice is said to nave faUen on J. Fred Johnston, the member for Long Lake, Sask. ill Johnston is a natlre of ' Boesrt. York County. He entered the house In 1911 as a supporter of the union- government from Lost Mountain, la 1931 he was elected as a Progressive. In 192J and 19 he waa elected ja a liberal. He was former whip of the Progressive pan. been married in a short time after coming to Trail, having beenir AHJCC' MfJCfP PI IIR claimed by as many eliirible bachelors emnloved in the trreat smelt- L-flUiEu illUJlL LLUD ing industry of the Consolidated Mining Company in that region.! Hence the board has decided that from now, on it will rule in favor of teachers who will be less likely to marry. Members of fhe board, however, have been forced to acknowledge that they have no complaint against the pretty appointees on the ground of competency, as the pupils under their tuition made good progress. But just the same they can't have the jobs as teachers in Trail! IS PROHIBITION GOING OUT? MET YESTERDAY AT MRS. HEILBRONER'S The Ladies' Music Club met yesterday afternoon at the home of Urs. Max MeUbroner The subject of study was ""Modern American Composers" and the program was in the hands cf Mrs. BcObroner and Mrs. O. A. Bryant. It was as toiiows: Orchestra seiesUoa "On "Canada." Paper 'American Composers." Miss M. A. Way. Crefeestra Serenade Rococo: Darkles' Cradle Song." Piano solo "Ooodaher" (Etheibert Kevlnl. Mia M. A. Wsy. ' Vtelln solo "Who Knows" (Ernest Bali). Mrs. Millar Vocal soi -"The Tears at the Spring" airs.'H. H. A. Beach). Mrs. D. Raas. , Hano solo "Pirouette" 'H- Pinch). Mrs. B. J. MelUsh. Vonal teso "Morning" (Oly Speaks). Mrs. J. P. McMUlan. Violin solo "To a Wild Rcse" (Edward A. McDowell). Mist M. Lancaster. Piano solo "Indian Lodge" (Edward A. MeDowel). Mrs. P. P. Kenny. Vocal solo- "I Hir a Thrush at Eve (Chaa. Wakefield). Miss K. Jones. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert DrC'r JIISEK 9, 1316. , .A by-election will be necessary In this constituency owing to the fact that T. D. Pattullo U to be taken Into the Provincial cabinet. Nomination day will be on December 33 and election on December 30. ,' The opening meeting for the season of the High School literary society was held last evening. A varied and Interesting piogram' waa presented. James xiicbeii. president of the society, was In the chair. Miss Barbara Tulloch. and Miss Mildred Brenton reached the city this morning from California en route home to Winnipeg. As winners of a beauty conteat ln their home town they were given the round trip to the movies metropolis. Lleut.-Colonel Percy A. Outhrte, officer commanding the 230th Battalion dress under, the auspices of Bt Andrew's Society on the war.. CLARA BUTT CLAIMS JAZZ ON DOWNGRADE LONDON, Dec. 9, Jaza has psssed tbe zeiiUh of public favor, says Dame Clara THE DAIIA NfcWd TO ENCOURAGE IMMIGRATION TMO-miNll IMKK MILIl. KESM.T IN l.MXI'N or IlKtriMICK TO CAN. AIM MVS OtTICI.IL MONTREAL. Dec 9. TJie Institution of the rto pound nu, following upon the report of tte Imperial Coo OTTAWA n-v- a i-.h A.r lerence. is bouna to result in wm member of the house of commons for llwtw tn British emigration ua C Prescott county. Ontario, will mote thr!J- SmUh. vice-president of the Cans-addrpj In reply to the speech from thejalan Atonal Hys.. mho arrived In Mon-tfcrone la the house of common, to-trni tTota London yesterdsy. "But," he morrow when the prc-ChrUtmss -, dtcl4rl- " Canada wul go fur the-stea rets under war. Mr. Aiwer U nd dclJ w "e n'w lo Unt the Tounwst' member of the new w proportion of Inexperience house. Just twenty-four year of age.;mea able-bodied and suitable ' f6r Wttlement she hate an can he fought a doughty fight In a riding the Brtuh that ahe csu emurranu where as many priu usually run as do Tories la a Toronto riding. Dutae ! hn11'- EvantureL former member, appears tot "Tt)e e matter- aald Mr. hate lost the party lupport on the!51"1- u lh 10 light of thU honor for the man who kU Brltt.h emlgranU from vanquished him last September. Mr.!0?1 Wtlj engaged on the land in Great Britain for they repreaent a the campaign and for a time his life smaU fraction of the population and tbey are also perhaps, the only dsw it workers who are indispensable an among whom there is no unemployment and smaU desire to migrate. But In the towns and in the cities there are thousands of able-bodied men who could come to Canada under the two und rate. Not "down and outs" and unemployable' but eitUrns of the test tjpe. honest, industrious, mtel-jent. adaptable, who. ln the ctrtum-tances which oppress Great Britain today, through no fault of her own. tre unable to face the prospect oi having to pay approximately 1125 each far the fares. Extension of the iwj pound rate to cover these men. betid permitting the migration of thousand, of desirable settlers. would encourat, the migration of people with amai. capital, whose means would otherwise be dissipated in paying the fares o. themselves and their families. M ITtll TOR SiKTTtXMrAT "I am not sure that I quite like Ok term inexperienced men " aaid Ml Smith, for. among those who are classed, are men used to hard wort. ble to drive and care for horses ana in every "way suited for land settle ment." "Yet half of our Canadian farmers wet- bom and bred lu towns. Migrant, in experienced Engliahmen. who landed 11 this country, comparatively speakuv. without a cent, have won the htghes awards for." wheat and scores of farm ers in Canada openly prefer "luexpee ienced' townsmen of the right tyu who. they say. have nothing to unlean are more adaptable, and posses mor initisuve and ambition to succeed. "An important sidelight on th qnesuoe of inexperienced men.'' con Unued Mr. Smith, 'is arTortfed by lb, correspondence course in Canadlax farming which our department 3 solonizatlon started two years agt Some people win smile at the idea o teaching farming by mall but the fae remains that, of the hundreds of men who have taken this course beiart g- Ing to Canada and whoa we have set tled on the land, not one has eom-plalred or been thr subject of com plaint. The course does not preteuo to turn them Into practical agrteuriur 1st which would be impossible ant absurd, but It gives these men an un demanding of fundamental principle making allowances for different part' (of the country. More important etll- jlt gives them the right mental atutud. 1 towsrds farm work. The course ala acts in a seiecuve way tor omy inc first type of migrant win go to tht trouble of preparing himself for a life in a new country by undertaking a four months' course of spsre time study. "Canada wants men; like , these and It la our intention to 'make a bigger drive than ever la bringing this course to their notice," Mr. Smith said. "A good deal has bsVn done In Europe in encouraging tourists, freight and express butinea 'and emigration, new ofhcea have been opened .in Paris and Oeothenburg. Sweden, an enterprise which has been much appreciated, especially in France, where the needs of Canadians in' Psrl and of tourists from both sides of the Atlantic, have been given apodal attention. Among those who have complimented the company In respect to the Paris office have been HRJi. the Prince of Wales, MTHrtCTUKY IKAH.HK "Another satisfactory feature." Mr Smith declared, "la the way ln which the type of service which now characterizes tbe Canadian National Railways, is becoming known in Oreat Britain where Sir Henry Thornton's (The Kilties Regiment!, will be In . the ' railway administration t regarded with city next week and will deliver an id Butt, and U now on the down grade. The famoi opera singer, however, doe not condemn Jan altogether. "Of Its tipe some of It Is really clever," she declared, "and I do not altogether condemn Jazz because It has at least had the effect ot making English dancing popular. I do contend, though, that Jan now is most assuredly on the wane." "Who's to blame for measlesf says a headline Aa if everybody didn't know It Is always tbe neighbor's kids. the highest admiration." COULD NOT SLEEP ON LEFT SIDE "I had pains through my stomach (due to gait) and could not sleep well, especully on left side. Thanks to Ad'ertka I am well again." (81gned) Samuel 8. Payne. Adlerlka remotes' OAS m ten minutes and brings out old brings out old waste matter you never thought was In your system. It Is wonderful for constipation and allied stomach trouble. No matter what yo-i have tried, the HEAL Adlerlka action will surprise you. Ormes Limited, druggists. Municipal surpluses, we learn from experience are things that remain firm I in mid-summer, but melt away upon the approach of winter. Windiest I 'J-Ujk J Mild. Blended Gigantic r m , 1 saisj a r am i . r v I-UM TIMHKU SALE XSIIO. Sealed Tenders marked. "Tender on 28 to," will be received by the Honourable, the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. DC up to twelve o'clock now on the 1th day of January. 1337. for the pur chase of Pulp Licence X8410. to cut lmber situated on Oraham Islsnd. Queen Charlotte Islands Dutrtet. Thirty years will be allowed for tbe removal of tbe timber All tenders muat comply with See Hon 19 of the "Potest Act." The highest or any tender not neces- Eery package of Winchester Cig arcttrs contains a poker hand insert card. Save these inserts they are valuable in exchange for packs of high graJc playing cards, etc. Astoria Shoes For Work or Play Because of their authoritative style and unmistakeablc quality, and the long-wearing goodness of the selected leathers from which they are made. To wear Astoria Shoes is to look well, feel well, and to invest well in Canada's finest footwear. SCOTT & McHALE, Limited LONDON' THE Hi or Z5 r OXTABIO n- -.-STV- SOLE AGENT IX riUNCK Kl'I'KItT McARTHUR'S SHOE STOR T rr Phone Mack USThlrd Avenue. Urine your repaint. We guarantee Quality and Service. srtly accepted. runner panicuiara the Chief Pores The Celebrated Viyella : Shirts English Warm, but not heavy. CLVDELLA by same firm, light weight. For wear and appearance, unbeatable. Third Avenue. may be had from . ter. Victoria. BC. TI.MHEU SALE XJ302 Sealed Tenders will be received by the ' Minuter of Lands at Victoria. D C . not 1 later than noon on the 23rd dsy of De 1 cembcr, IB 20. for the purchase of Li-' cence X4302. to cut 8 841 JO0 r.Bkl. of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar, on an area sttusted on Maude Island adjoining Lots 400 and 441. Skldegate Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. Two (3) years will be allowed for removal of ttmbrr , Further particular of the Chief Forester. Victoria. OC, or Disthct Fores-1 ter. Prince Rupert. DC. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone . artane. WarebouilDl. lUtrlbutlfi Team' Motor Peril"-I,,. 1 B.nii and flrltd .... . I. II.. In Plini Funlturs El"l Snappy Styles in Tweed : Suits for Men We are overstock in Tweed-" The nd m?V come in flrft-clasn njntri1 tyle, nml are perfectly tailored. Steve King phone (irefn 85