.J 25 yoL XVI No. 2g8. TAXI and Boston Grill Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anyt' Standi KxchnnBC 1 , ' 4 VIDECK. ' """ ATT Ll "ht 11,,.!. i... U nsld. in the House Adi'ertue m the Dally Ne'wi. ""'II ' nerds y. was oeMi4 b) The Ubersls ahatalnmi Conwlidsted Eprtr during the past ft is thouch Liovd CMorac dr- four rr had txaa the aublect of duty roiuilr ne ared with and al tai. the amount sarrulng in U - itum revenue lo the country would have1 been t: in received a atnrmy - In the neigbborhcod of tour million 31 it Laborus w;tti rrt of d'jllars. Mr RoaeU mfsrmed the eom- Usldwln declared ii s mission in Jhc course of the sitting. J imldsud by hrau and 'risir four year old boy 10 DIlDWCn TA nCATU IN CALIFORNIA (ILMOUI.ll IX IM MTOKMi I.A"T Kilir Ulllt H Ki t Ki ll YAC HT! AT tl M'lJIItO " 33 ANGELES, Dx. 9 - The lurmer ' wn ftlnce yawl 'TolHelUa. r i woperty of WaUr Horn of ? i Btiih as wrecked at the fojt 1 cr ikwater In 8sn Pedrj harbir MINERS KILLED it IN EXPLOSION "Aht m;i;. mi:n ih:aii niow-i r at ri:!r.vAM mini: dcitendcd Into the mine. in r-RINHETON, Ind.. Dec. .At laal miners were killed Crly thU ""''f bv m i.in.ir.n m the Prsll- m:ne TOTEM POLE CAUSES TRAFFIC ACCIDENT ".," mill ('Hinrroii Trnfrr 'r t'ol- ,lnl I ,rniie Jtul hrcoml Mrret T"' totem pole at the intersection of ' Avenue and Second Street wai cue of a traffic accident today ni trucks of Cameron, ami Hydo "lnfer collided this ' nWnlng. Ap- Wffntlv nun l k. ...1.1.1. . hid- 'fom the driver ot the other by Pole The Cameron transfer truck . lumed over over and and sustained sustained soma ""maiis No one was hurt. lllle Irs nc iNtbhlu lUi TnijClr lale iit KfloD4 ttlillr Alone III lloue Dobbins, agrd 4, caught fire from a hot range and he was ao seriously burned that lie died the next day. 2 heu It and tmelve hfr j Mtl,, n,n,P fra.knl In etrral :ita were torn trom 'w p:a -ea by a wind of high -amt ta the climax cf a day alarms throughout Southern CALIFORNIA HAD REVERE TEMBLOR in llullillng ut ( jlflrt CALEXICO. Cal.. Dec. 9. The alxth andthest severe ot a series of earthquakes felt' here on Wednesdsy shook the city at 9.50 last night. WalU and chimneys in several buildings cracked but there was no serious damage The shocks were accompanied by heavy rainstorm SURVEY OF BAXTER REVEALS LITTLE DAMAGE rH Which Wenl Aground In .Mn-x-lt Inlrt lne-lril ot Victoria VICTORIA. Dec. 9.-8urvey of rreiahter-H. W. Baxter made at MHett Inlet last week. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat B.C. Silver .. Consolidated Dunwell Olsditone Howe Sound Independence Indian L. &. I rrrmler Bllver Crest . Surf Inlet . Richmond e!y easy matter to smuggle poods from the United States !i RESOLUTION OF CENSURE FAILS ruviia nilJiwix It cool ami II KM IS STOHMV M."IN the tho At noon two hadlea had : pMlflc salvage Oompany'a wharf, re- vird that Uie vessel sustained prac- Bid. Asketl. 1.73 1.75 357.00 1.03 109 ' JO J-' ' 38.50 40.00, .08 .08 14 .04 U .05 .07 1.98 . 1.V9 .05 !i .06 li . .03 w; .05 U .00 Shah of rcr.la, he As for the new ot need a mussoltnl. preferring i be own dictator. O. II. Worthlngton lu to Canada u tram Canada Into the All the United Stales elected, W the sund and. white there. Hon. N. W. Thirty years ko XUyor L. D. Taylor arrived in Vancouver with the light of a rislou in his eyes. Following the admonition of Horace Orrcley. he came west, a young man. with a young tznan'a determination to make his for tune here. His first venture was a year's prospecting , in the Harris Lake and OahIsV country it mas probably here that Kr. Taylor, or "L. D..7 as he !ls affectionately called, learned the lm- K.a.iAin.-A. ur . "-" , port, nce 0f , full dinner pall. aiune m in ... - A vear of follovin. the gleam In I rcaidrnce here in hU nightdress. Francis dreiaea hlm .e,ilt , mining career and he spent the next year In ftevelstoke as a freight checker for the C-PJl. With the working inin'i angle well fixed In his heart and an ever-wldenlr.g faith In the future ot i the west, wucre ne saw unnmiira po- ylbllltlea for industrial and commercial expansion, "L D." returned to Vancou ver wherr !ie Joined the business staff of the Vancouver Dally Province. Here hlk versatility stood him in good tutn for seven years, and an unerring "nose for ncwa," combined with a rare genius for executive administration led him to acquire, in 1908. "The Dally World.' The Tower Building was one ot his enterprises at this time. In 1900 Mr. Taylor served on the License Commission, and on the Liquor Board In 1901 and 1903. His first election as mayor ot Vancouver was 1J 1910. and M was followed by re. election In 1911. In 1912, Mayor Tay tor was defeated In the mayorallty ramnalsn. only to be re-elected in 1915. With a record majority. Mr. Taylor was again elected mayor of Vancouver In 1934, . ' "A full dtrmer pall" was "L. D.'s' slcean In 1910, Better wages, better ucally no damage when she grounaca , living apnuuious, wltz, merchant, the third candidate hardly figured In the contest. Thi will be Mayor Taylor's sixth term as he mas mayor In, 1910. 1911. 1915, 1925 J ibd 1026. I FINAL CO! NT , The final gaunt in the mayoralty contrat was as folio s: I 1 L. D. Taylcr 11.092 Dr. Vorthlngtn 4 ,540 Lout! Kublnowttz 201 Tajnora tnajemy. omt. plurality, o.- sitting aldermen WorUUngtan. were re- tm fmTv taw n.an tAlniv X 1 J. Levin, wcrrtarr of the Oonsolt- ,Piul who was lected In Ward SU to dale Kaporon' Oar pari tioo. occupied suocred Aid. Tfctre was the record total role for Rowu. K C. oMuasti tr the ownmls- mayor of 15,853 Man. produced a Urfl number of checks All the meaey bylaws amounting to payable to cah ana ffrtaUng a eon- over two million dollars were carried idersMe sun which the alters said with one exception. The bylaw to be was una to spteia. There was provide for the purchase of a triangle also a note aaaosMthK to 110 00 and it Kujltsh Bay for S55.000 faUed of piiwf w (wacvv fiwiwn m (ivuu passage. 4 De 9 The reaoHiUon t Uon of Levin tailed to efuOdae tot ., government MHey It! Just what purpue it used. An ,xe which vm , ,AM LO M ATIUN ENI-OKM-II ' 1 The lters raderml thC proposed by :tm ui spprosimaMy iWOOO vu on J ..uo,, tm South Vancopvet ..: the 1..'. labeUed campaign roads. p.nt Q ..... - , ,., If trnnu shlpwnu oX Ikjuof by the!pnaj ' Twoi new school trustees were elected r. L. Feftowt. former e4ty engineer, and A. V. Lofting. Trustee Prescott was defeated. greater opportune ties for the worklngman, Jectlvea today. TOLMIE MAY RUN are his ob- IN NORTH OKANAGAN VICTOniA, Dec. 9.WI11 S. Y. new leader of the Trovlnclal Con- Bcrvatlvca, run in North Oksnaganf A. O. Cochrane, who represented the riding tor two years, died last week The Tory leader was offered the seat of T.' O. Coventry, Saanlch, but if he eould stand for North Okanagan second by-election would not be re quired, Dr. Tolmle Is now at Ottawa to at' tend the session ot the House of Com mons. so no statement ot his Intention! can be secured for several days. ARE EATING HUMAN FLESH TIIIMiK HAVE COME TO TEKItl-1U.E PASS IS CIIIM:sE CITY PEKIN, lire. 9. The ul;it loll of sliinfii, rupllal of Mieiul prut lure. Is IiiijIiij and entlng hiinun floli to nurd off Man at Ion it a rc-u!t of being besieged for months In factional fighting, umirillng. to ori rrc-rlird here. The xtreet are Mrewn wllh drml and natltrv Hre robbed of all food otulft liv the solillcrv . ioc. hori-eo, millet and eten frrtlllirr I' bring ralm, ORISTONIS NOW ARRESTED w It MHO .UW IX Mi l'IIEItsOX -CASH 111 ISO IIKOl tlllT TO I.OS ANtlEM.K HARRISBURO, Penn., Dec. 9 Kenneth Ormlstou, who Is wanted In Los Angeles In connection with the Atmre McPherson case, was arrested in a rooming house here last night. He la to be taken to Chicago th)s morning and will later go to Los Angeles. The former Angelus Temple radioman has resided here two months and was l'OUT Alt Till It WINS PORTLAND. Dec. 9Port Arthur, world's amateur champions, defeated the Portland Rosebuds 7 to 2 last night. The shark 40 yards long, seen by Italian fishermen In the Adriatic may have belonged to the same family as Jonah's whnlc. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RPEKT, D.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 192C . JHVHaVBaNjCHw?9 ' .wnawaViBRMaiBwJBBVa&l 9ttBHKBSSKAS TMajiaaB lVflaBBVBBBaBaH iaas jBBBBWMjMaBBnnH BENJAMIN PIRNELL King David being arrested by Michigan state police He l head of the "House of David" aad is charged with seduction. Japanese Freighter Seine Mam in Trouble in Pacific Ocean; Storm Reported to be General TOKIO, December 9 The Japanese freighter Seine Maru. bound from Vancouver to Yokohama, sent out a distress call today saying she was caught in a storm off Nemuro Hokkaido Island and was in a dangerous condition with her rudder broken. The steamer Wieu Maru is hurrying to her assistance. The Seine Maru carries a crew of thirty. The storm is general over the Pacific. From the north to the south of Japan several ships have been badly buffetted by the gale. The Japanese gunboat Tone, en route to Shanghai, lost both masts and drifted all night with her wlrelea . . disabled. She regained her course the tint morning Sixty fishermen arc re ported misting along the Hokkaido coast. BOATS SAIL AND ARRIVE .MLKiEN MAKi; I.EIT Tills MOKNINO iok iMTi.ii KixdiioM And COXTINENT YOSEK1C AMI YPHES MAKI' in: in; One 'grain boat sailed and two ar rived today at the port of Prince Ru pert. The Suzuki line steamer Meigen Maru, Capt. Suglyama, having com pleted loading 260.385 bushels about midnight, cleared at 7.30 tor the United Kingdom or continent. The vessel waa taken out by Capt. Larry Thomscn as far as Triple Island where .ihe set her course for the Panama Canal. The vessel wUl probably coal at one ot the ports on the Atlantic seaboard before crossing. This morning at 4 o'clock the Bank Hue freighter Yoscrlc of Olasgow ar rived In port via Union Bay from Van couver here she had been unloading raw sugar at the B.C. Sugar Refinery The vessel went on berth at the ele vator at 8'clock to commence loading. Se will probably get away for the United Kingdom or continent- early next week. The Yoncrlc, which limped nto Victoria on November 23 with hei uel supply exhausted after having en-'ountered severe storms while coming rrom Australia, was , brought up the .past by Capt. McNeill of the Federal PUotl of. British. Columbia. The Buxukl ltpe. frelshter Yprcs Maru, Capt. Suiukl, arrived ln port early this afternoon from .the Orient after a stormy trip across tt Be Pacific Ocean, more particularly when Hearing this coast. The vessel was met at Triple Island by Capt. Thomson who had gone out on the Meigen Maru. She 1 going to the dry doc this afternoon lor fumigating and lining, after which she will move down to the elevator. The "K" line freighter Klfuku Maru ) due tomorrow afternoon from Japan to load wheat here. It wu aunounced ttiU morning at Circulation 1516 8aln 431 i s TO C1XAX Ot T 14- PI KATES NEST 4 HOXO KONG. Dec. 9. The Nationalist government at Can- ton has accepted an- pffer of J i. British" cp-operatlon to clean out pirates" nesu on ue coast. Cuiton pstelsls have outlined a 4 plan for accomplishing the task. Krported to Hate Been Taken by III; Company 4 An event of Importance to the Mar PREMIER HAS OPTION IN MARMOT SECTION Mfltln Croup Adjoining Porter Idaho mot section of the Stewart mining camp occurred this week when the remler Gold Mining Company took an option on the Melvln group ot five claims, adjoining the Porter Idaho Croup on the west, and owned by Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Stevens, ot Hyder. says the Portland Canal News. The terms of the deal are not made public, but :t Is known that a substantial cash payment was made to hold the ground subject to confirmation of the deal by the head office In New York City. Seven veins In aU have been dis closed, and assays show that the values carried are principally in gold, the ore differing In this respect from most of that found on the north fork of the Marmot, which runs to sliver and lead. MOTORSHIP NORCO IS NOW REPAIRED Job Finished and Vfwl Is Resuming llrr Itriular Nervier to Ketchikan . The American freighter MS. Norco, ex-TUlamook, damaged recently when she struck a rock near Ketchikan, has been repaired at Seattle and resumed her regular run from Vancouver to Ketchikan on Tuesday. The service given by the Norco has been made by MS. Beljlngham since the Norco was injured. The Belting- CONFESSES THAT HE KILLED MRS: MONKS, WIDOW IN SEATTLE ' SEATTLE, Dec. 9 nvme of James Ford, rd. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. .Prfc? Five Onts MELODRAMA AT HKTOMH UFA RING TAYLOR DOUBLES VOTE OF OPPONENTS IN VANCOUVER Consolidated Secretary Takes Stand but Fails to Make Explanations contributions to campaign funds disclosed to commission in Vancouver YW'tOt'VKR, l'eicmlxr '. - Material for a melodrama de ti Wednesday's sitting of the customs commission. There r 'enous code telegrams for which witncues absolutely fyrnish the key. There was talk of liquor running by auto-.. ; ta rass the border with offers of return cargoes of macHine w Iransjwrtetl to China. There were details of checks and ' ; with items of many thousands of dollars labelled for cam a .: Finally, there was evidence which indicated it was a TAYLOR GETS BIG MAJORITY! I HAH MARGIN III' OVER K.tKMi AIIOYE Kit. WOKTIIIXGTOX iv vision i:it ELECTION' if uoinirn . . . i , . 1 (Anuuibn, UW. . Ml UI UJUU ilatrf AriI f f C AfTlimC rfn m ippnll Mstfskf v. W n Tavlnr was .tM-tf1 at tV . .TjrJltHWUJ lliiilUHIJi LM UJMIOOU J V IllICO UIIU - - ' ' ' diction here yesttrday with a majority. i of more tbau tlx thousand over Aid. ' Louis Rubliioa- Furious Storm, Like of Which Unknown in Years, Sweeps Alaska CORDOVA, December 9. A tempest yesterday swept the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands and neither of the two watchmen of the Pacific American Fisheries Co.'s cannery at Squaw Harbor In ihe Aleutians have been seen since the storm started on Tuesday. St. Paul Island reported the highest wind iri years in the district known as the Seat of hurricanes as violent as those in any part of the world. Navy radio stations here are informed that the wind at Unga wrecked the cannery' and wharf. Spray flew all over the village as tlie mighty wavss smaihed up on the " ' bearh. , Abnormally high tide resulted In the flooding of the wharf at Dutch Harbor. BZLL1NGI1AX1. Dei. 9. -OfiiCC -t the : Pacific American Fisherlej Co. aiid y:s-terday (hit damage to the plant at j Bquaw Harbor was not l'.kely as the place 'was practically landlocked. INSURANCE OF FISHING BOATS MEETING Of VE.-SEL OWNEKS AMI I'MltKW KITLKS WAS HELD LIST NIGHT IX CITY COUNCIL CIIAMBEK To consider -the proposition of Injuring all boats belonging to members ii the Association and. If possible, oo-.aln lower rates for protection, there -as a well attended meeting last night n the city council chamber ot the dlan Halibut Fishing Vessel Owners' Association. The chair-'-was -taken by George W. Ntckerson arid a discussion lasting about half an hour ensued. Insurance representatives present were W. H. McCallua, Theo. Collart and E. C. G .boons. No definite plan was reached but another meeting will be'' held In January when the question will be fur- her explored and tenders tor Insurance received. PROSPECTS FOR NORTHSPLENDID HON. T. II. PATTILLO GIVES OPTIMISTIC impressions' OX KE-Tl'KX TO V1CTOHIA VICTORIA, Dec. 9. "Prospects for Northern British Columbia were never brighter than they are now, aa'.d Hon. T. D. Pattullo. minister ot land), on his return from Prince Rupert yesterday. "Prince Rupert Is cn the map now as a Canadian grain port. Thirty ships will have loaded there before spring. Not only will the grain business expand but It wUl develop other trans-Pacific business through that port to the Orient. "The people In the north are optimistic today over the future. They know they can count on stexdy, systematic development In the period Immediately ahead." OLD KLONDYKER ENDS HIS LIFE JOHN GRAY. AG Ml 73. FOUND IlVING IX STKEET Al'TEK TIIHOWIMI HIMSELF FROM HOTEL W IN HOW "-- -"vUu, Ul,u., PORTLAND, Dec. 9. A Klondyker of S3O.000 pounds ot frozen halibut and , the , go,d nuh John Qr ended salmon from Ketchikan tor the Cana-j, he yMterday ar,d WM found dlan Fishing Company warehouse there, j dT,n8 oa the ,tret, e,ow the hoM room window from which a rope tied to his bed dangled. In his room was a d'ary containing these words; This la my last night In Portland. Olid and silver money is all hoarded up and paper money has taken Its plase In the old dsys gone. My name Is John Gray. I -A man giving the ''T Bd rf Zn aged 31. walked V,U W mwV X M WLV.Z . Into, police headquarters today and dC' clared that he killed Mrs. Florence F. Monks, wealthy 'widow, whose body was found In her Seattle home November 23. railway offices that 193 cars were now under load from the prairies tor this port. Thirty-four carloads arrived overnight 'at the elevator leaving 65 still on the division, Advertise In the Dally News. KEYSHIP IN GREAT LAKES BLOCKADE IS SET FREE YESTERDAY SAULT 8TE. MARIE, Dec. 9-The steamer Oenersl Oarretsou, considered the "key-ship'1 In the blockade of 101 downbound grain vessels locked In by the Ice Jam. waa released yesterday,