1 AGE TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ' Dailv News, Limited, TWrd Avenue, 'f 11. P. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION HjVTEJ: , ,a .... Mya, City Deiiverjrby inHtl orihrrieVrper mouin $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United .States, in. advance, per year . ... .v.t f.y$M..V. $8.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year... A...:. ?7.S0 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch '.'?2-SQ Local Readers, per insertion per line 25c Classified Advertising, per insertion per .word .., 2c Legal Notices, each insertion per aga?e line 15c Contract Rates on Application. t Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 93 A Editor and Reporters Telephone - S6 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. ?!gP Tuesday, Dec 7, 192G COMMISSION INTERESTED IN LIQUOR TRAFFIC. The customs commission in its investigations on this coast is cc-nterinp its attention on the movement of liquor, primarily, the seemingly auomolous smuggling within the province to escape the importation tax, to a lesser degree, the smuggling of liquor from British Columbia to the United State which is contrary to the anti-rum running treaty and, as such, beinj something that the commission or its. counsel states it is interested in. The most of the Jaw breaking along the liquor line may be said to be centered in the southern districts of the province in which the bsik of the population lies and which are close to the United States border. Prince Rupert district, as the local customs collector stated in evidence, is fairly free from any commercial smuggling. If the population of Alaska and Northern British Columbia were greater it might Be different, of course. LAKE TIE-UP WILL MEAN GLUT ON PACIFIC COAST. The sudden freezing up of the Great Lakes and St Lawrence imposes ji sudden and disastrous inconvenience on the grain movement over the eastern route. Most of the twenty million dollars of commodities tied up in Lake Snperior may be assumed to be grain. Some of it will undoubtedly have to be taken off the ships and sent some other way but there is a great deal more still in storage both at the lake terminals and in ihe country elevators. The shipping of this grain will tax all the facilities on the Pacific Coast and a serious glut in the branches of the spout leading to Prince Rupert, Vancouver, and Portland seems inevitable. KEEP UP THE LOCAL ROAD FIGHT. Statements made by the minister-of lands last week will hare disabused any hopes that might have been held as to the Prince Rupert-Terrace highway being built within the pacs of and suggested that he and this district would be lucky if they could obtain $300,000 a year. It is not weakening in the fight for the road to say it would be satisfactory if we got that It will be the duty of any committee that may hare the road question in hand to press for $209,000 a year or as near to it as can be got When the road is finished through to tbe canneries, half the battle will have been won and Prince Rupert will have received something that will be of real benefit Until the road is finished that far, it will be of little use other than a scenic highway. UNITED STATES SESSION PROMISES TO BE LIVELY. brought rf6r enactment of several of the dozen modification bills which they have introduced. Hie Lausanne Treaty will call for extended debate, with Senator King, Democrat, Utah, leading those pppowtd to ratification. ROADWAY ON EIGHTH Alderman Perry replied that the mat- AVF FAIT TORN IIP being ukrn c ftlL.Lli3I lUlm UI , Mayor Newton asked the city en- glneer If he had had time to interview Aid. tae Inquire What la Being the resident in this sectiun to aacer-lm U tulieve Im-entcnlenee Jtain their wishes. I The mayor was assured that a rrnort Alderman Inquired of the;Cwrlng tttr woultf aTaUable 01 woras ai xne councu meeung for the ot WorU on ThunZMj laat night as to what was being done night. mj give reuei u m peopi living in the vicinity of Eighth Ave. East, who : "Black Bottom' is meeting a more VANCOUVER AND had fctsa Inconvenienced by the tear- ( auspicious welcome in Paris than did ' jjeQUeen lag up of a portion of that street. At the Charleston. The dance, however. ! present they hud not even as much as has submitted to several modifications. No bran is added to SHREDDED a WHEAT Contains all the bran you need For any meal with hot or cold milk VICTORIA VOTE CIVIC MECTION TAKE 1'L.tCT. THIS MILK IX TWO SOtTIIERN CITIKS VICTORIA. Dec tlous will take Road, barber: proposed by Ernest A. two or even ten years. He explained fairly that Prince Rupert was HsJli conned by John A. Danes. . . a aTiI 1 a. ivviki w j m 1 not. enuueo. 10 any a,wu,wu roaa grant in a snon. penoa 01 lime weilbum. Matthew B 1311 Oram Street, merchant: proposed by O. A. Porter, seconded by A. H. Peacey. Woodward. Eugene Sidney. 1325 CarUa Street, business agent: proposed by David Miller, seconded by Arthur Lee. Wortbington. John Arthur. 347 Gov ernment Street, realtor: proposed by Richard Bray, seconded by John A. Scott. Signifies retiring member. CIIOOL TUt !TCKS (Three to be elected) Oeorge. Perclval Edward. 3171 Mars Filibusters promise o be in order at the coming short sesnkraf31111- phonograph manufacturer, pro of Congress with the possibility that an extra session of the new Congress will be made necessary. Foot subjects Muscle Shoals, River and Harbor legislation. Prohibition and the Lausanne Treaty furnish the vehicles for practically unlimited debate and if efforts are made to force them through, several of the more important appropriation bills are likely to be lost in the shuffle. The Rivers and Harbors Bill and the Lausanne Treaty alreadv are down as special orders in the Senate for the coming session and proponents of the Muscle Shoals leasing legislation will undertake posed by Cecil H. Gray. , seconded by Victor McN. Rolfe. Jsy. George. 104S. Belmont Avenue, barrlster-at-law; proposed by James Fletcher, seconded by John Cochrane. McMillan. James S to get through the administration bill as they feel thev have 'a bet-l,; wu,on- ter chance now than they would have in the Seventieth Congress. WUUam TnomM- " The Wets already have served notice on administration leaders tlT71i JZZTr 7 l,4 .. '...- ... v r t:u ....l .Benjamin C Mcholas. seconded by J. .not on j niuiw iu pass nc vvii uui ucnigjicu 10 jjui jnorc irctn Iq MacFarlane in the Volstead Act will lie resisted to the last ditch with pressor; simifie Signifies n retiring member. iUUCC tOMMlHMOV JOae) UaU. William Walter. 823 Linden Avenue, druggist, proposed by ML P. Blair, seconded by Lewis HalL McOavln, Andrew. 509 Cornwall 6t.. tire dealer: proposed by James Formaa. seconded by W. A. Jamlesoa. BUneland, Walter Ernest. 1707 Richmond Road, paint manufacturer: proposed by J. W. Spencer, seconded by W. H. Bone. Signifies retiring Commissioner. IX VANCOUVER Two aldermen and two parks com mlasloner were elected by acclamation when nominations for the civic elec tions closed at Vancouver. William returning ofllcer. declared Aid. H. E. Almond re-elected In Ward a member of the board, and Capt. W. jj D. Jones were re-elected park com mis-) slooers. When nominations for mayor dosed tbe papers of Mayor Louis D. Tsylor.f ,Ald. O. H. Worthington and Louis i RublaowiU. as expected, were la the ; hands of Mr. McQueen. William Coate Taylor, who some time ago announced hi candidature for alderman in Ward Six. did: not file hi paper, having decided not to enter the contest.' oe iiMji'.ujrir.o P. L. Fellow ei. former cltr engineer. THE DAIL1 NfcW Tutd. Dr Fin for catarrh whe melted in a poon or snuffed ip the not and taper inhaled. Head and Chest Colds prt Reeved In a New Way . Vancouver and Victoria. la thl city. Mayor Carl Pendray was re-elected by acclamation but there are nineteen candidate lu the field for election to A Salve, which Relet Medicated Vapor when Applied Over Throat and Cheat. averts oa the city council, three cm I Iaialcd as a ?or and. at the same tbe school board and one oa the police time absorbed throvrh the dda like a commisaiou. Eleven men U1 coateat lixiiment. Nicks VapcKub reaches imme-the flvs ets oa the Council, five- the ' diaty inflamed, congested air passages, three et oa the School Board, and j P1 modern direct treatment for the the on. position oa the PoUce , SfcSS'SK commission. 17 million jcrs are now used yearly. In adiifisx. to vettns upon the vart- ; Spkndkf for sore throat, tonsflitis, ous candidate, taxpayer on the city : bronchitis, croup, bead and chest colds, voters' list will be called upon to de- catarrh, asthma or hay fever, cide whether there shall be a cits . Just nib Vicks over throat and chert ., . 1 and inhale the medicated vapors. It manager or not . cukkly loosens UX) a cukL will be considerably Improved this year 1 ntccmmeixUUans brought la by the I committee of the City Council appelated to investigate and report 00 arrangements for voting win simplify the casting of ballots, reduce expense and relieve congestion at the polling jooths. The nominations are as follows: FOE MtlUK Peadry. John Carl. 241 Belleville Street, paint manufacturer, proposed by David S. 6peacer. econded by n. H. B. Ker. I OK Al.ltKME Kive to be elected &dam, James, 1160 Richardson Street. merchant; proposed by Gecrge Jay. conded by Jdin Cochrane. Ahdros. Edwin Brenton. 644 Linden Aieaue. retired; proposed by James ?vrman. seconded by W. J. Mable. Brown. Perclval Booert. J 408 Avenue, broker, proposed by John Cochrane. seconded by Walter S. Chambers. Clearlhue. Joaepb Badeooch, 11BS Hampshire Road. barrtser-at-law. proposed by James W. Maynsrd. seconded by It. 3. Little. CUIUS. WUilam XL. 144 Wellington Street, retired: proposed by Duncan E. Campbell, seconded by VT. J. Mable. Day. John. 880 Madison Street, merchant; proposed by Begin Id Hayward; seconded by Oeo Cop. Litchfield. Henry Oswald. 1147 Hilda Street, merchant, proposed by J. W. Specrer. seconded by James Fletcher. Shanks. James Arthur. 1281 Paimeld VapoRub Oyu 2! Million Jars Uszd Yearly from five nominated J W Presoott. asd Mrs. r E Hopkins, who axe present member. R H Oretgor. A. V. Lofting and r L. rellowes. THKLX IX 1V.IKU MX . All present aloermen are seeking reelection with the exception of Aid. O. Worthington. who has represented Ward Six for the last three year. This sard will be contested by K. P. PrtU- I'OK ALUtttMO" Ward One Aid. K? W. Dean. C. 2. TVdall. J. E. W. Mscfarlan. . Ward TwoAid. H. E. Ahcond (eitcV-ed.l . Ward Three Aid. P. C. Otbbeta, 1 piece. R. J. Paul and S. J. Birch I OK MAYOR I Mayor Louis D. Taylor. i Aid. O. H. Worthington. Loal Rublnowtta. I Walter Deptford. David Klrkwaod 1 Ward four Aid. John Bennett (elected. Ward rive Aid. J. A. Oarbutt. Rob-! ert Bkinner. Ward Six R. P. PttUplece. R. J. Paul and S. J. Birch. Ward Seven- -Aid. F. E. Woodside. W. J. ScrlbMas. Andrew Blygb. Ward Eight Aid. Angus McInaU. W. J Prout. Oll KCHOOL TKl TEi: (Three to be elected J. W. Preecott. Mrs. P. K. Hopkins (present members I. R H. Oreggor. A V Loftt&c nd P. L. retewea. DIMMING LIGHTS IS DANGEROUS TAMl Or At'TOMOBlLK CLU Ol HV. CMKIR'Cli IX Oi.l tOlXTKY VANCOUVER. Dec 7. When the Automobile Club of BrttHb Columbia advised motorists not to "dim tbelr lights" acme time ago. it aroused aom 2320 Lee Street, j controversy among the driver of this commercial artist: proposed by James ! province. Porman. seconded by T. S. Oore. I Recently, however, word has been r- Moresby. Will lam Charles. tit Trutch Street, barrlster-at-law: pro posed by James Formaa. seconded by cetred from the Royal Scottish Automo bile Club supporting the provincial organisation's stand on this matter. A committee of the Scotch Club was ' appointed to study headlights and It reported unanimously that tbe practice j of dimming headlights on approaching ; traffic was- fraught with danger and motorists were urged to discontinue it. The report recognized that tbe risk of accident through the sudden switching off of headlights is greater than that f"d- John B",Dtt ""Ifrom 2 to 220 feet during a period In I t h b . . . which Be driver is practically blind. Ten Years Ago In Princ Rupert mx-E.MRr.it 1, isic The meeung last evening under the aunplces of the Municipal League was well attended. Addresses were given by Mayor McCaEery. Aldermen Casey, Mc-Clymont and Montgomery and several local citizens, Matters relating to tbe agreement between the city and tbe a.TT. formed tbe chief Item of dls- wss the only unexpected candldste. He j evasion. Alderman McClymont ex-filed his papers for the School Board, jpiesmd the opinion at the meeting Papers were tiled for the School j Board by H. W. Oreea. but be was I declared not qualified as a. candldste 'when Mr. McQueen found that the property on which Orsn was hoping to qualify was held la trust. I Three school trustees will be elected thst an improvement la pollrlng would be the result of electing police commissions by popsiar vote. An interesting address ws given last evening la the Presbyterian 1141, under the auspice ot the fortnightly Astoria Shoes For Work or Play ... 1. ... .. Because of their authoritative, style and unmistakeable quality, and the long-wearing goodness of the selected leathers from which they are made. To wear Astoria Shoes is to look well, feel well, and to invest well in Canada's finest footwear. SCOTT & McHALE, Limited LONDON ONTARIO ub. by Oeorge Hanson. Catted States aonsttl to Prince Rupert. The speaker AOk a his subject - "The Us bit and CtMtom of tha pepte of Borneo " , Rosa Bell, ao old Hitter on the eoast A bark is Pn&ce Rupert after Us vise , tsen active service at tbe front. j ENSUING SIX MONTHS Steena Lodge No 45 KnighU of. J-yihlai. last night elected officers as i tallow for the ensuing six month i , CnanctUet Commander M. L Btrpp ' j Vlch-ChanceUor. H M DafteU. ' . Prelate. W. K Hoa. Master of Works. Pred Oarten. Keeper of Records and Seals. P. W Oesch. Master of Finance. Bid HambUo. Master of Exchequer. O. W Jobs- 'Sjoat. Master at Anna. W. Burken. laser Ouard. R. M. Blake. Outer Ouard. P. W. Hart. Advertise in tbe Dally Newa. LAND ACT r.'OTit'C or imiTntiov to .wh.y to LE.tr. lonr.wiiciKr. ; In Orahsm Island. Queen Charlotte Island Lad Reuordlng District ol Pruice Rupert, aud situate at Ferguson Bay. I Harnett Inlet. Or nam Island. j TAKE NOTICE that Powell River I Company Limited of Vancouver. BCi occupation Manufacturers, intend to ap occasioned by tbe dazzle aaaoclated with j py lor a lease of tbe following dt-' them. It also expressed d.pprob.tion .j emg ,t . pj.nttd ,t of the practice adopted hy tome drivers ; northesrt corrr of OL 1S71: thence , of flashing headlight on and off oa crtj. following northern boundary of ... , fv, ....... . , said Lot to tbe northwest corner of aaktl the approach of another vehicle hose,Ii0t. thence tMtiy northerIy and driver had not dimmed hi light. This easterly, following the high tide mark of ( practice was both objectionable and of -' Ferguson Bsy to the eitretne easterly . i ot Echinus Point, thence south- point ,..,,- tK. 1. . ... ' fensive. the report said, and might Hve,ler,T to tne pomt commeneeinent. rise to the greatest risk ot accident. j and containing IM acres, more or !ea. 1 About a month aeo the research da- POWELL RIVER COIIPANT partment of the Automobile Club re-1 ported that from a physiological stand, j point it was a dangerous practice. It i found that it took the eye from three, to free seconds to become accustomed to the diminished Illumination. While this . re-adjustment 1 taking place a car go-' tag thirty mUea an hour wffl travel LTD. Aeent. J. Douglas Wilson. Dated 4th November, int. The Celebrated Viyella : Shirts English Warm, but not heavy. CLYDELLA by wine firm, light weight For wear and appearance, unbeatable. .Ok Third Avenue. DEMAND X McARTHUR S SHOE STOR rT'rrj' Iknichts of pythias W : ELECT mm m SOLE AfiENT IN PRINCE Kt'PEKT I'Jiime Itlack UhThird Avenue, llring yoor repair. We guarantee (juaUty and Sen ice. "Rupert Brand" Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Odd Storage Co., Prince Ruport, B.C. These Chilly Nights Ilequirt' hfal in the huif. Wt' have jul Fall liipnifnt of Gurney Oxford Heaters For economy oinl erfmeu' y Ihey -anno If ( Call and mpe I our n k. V :ii '-arr u - ""'i Condor Electric Lamp in all sizes Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avnu Snappy Styles in Tweed : Suits for Men V are overstocked In Tweeds Tili'M and w rr material come in firt,cla atyie, and are? perfectly taflored. Steve King I'hone firren &