V December 7, 192C Put KewLife "T . M M CHILDnEN'S pUZZLS ehiidren wilt love Tte A-OXO" Picture Putrtt- "J pi I Miijlft In one. Bent PJddfcrSO-OXO- Cub WTSPP Tin of 4 cubes, 15c H n. Te ( Now ready for tin of 10, 30c. nick SMmMsk, mtmtf tlw tt.c rub into tiot watrr. meats " OXO " Cubes work wonders with the " left-overs " of previous dinners. They restore the taste, save the waste, and add the rich nourishment of prime beef from which they are made. You can we "0X0" Cube in scores of novel and enticing way to add savour to soups and sauces; stews, hash, croquettes and meat pies; salads and salad-diestine. Send for the " OXO " FREE Cook book tot day; it's a wonderful help. 0X0 LIMITED, 1U St Antoiat St.. Meatrcsl CUBES The Great Beef Economy Inhrard of bargain through our entire Xman line. Toys. It?. t (.immK Xm.iH DravMiinxH. Hswlu. DoiU, Fancy Stationery, I attain Ten. H-rharp PendU, Wama. .Slcliha and Gramophones, Yeung or old a lone pure or a hert one we hate Xftu (.ifU that atlfy Helps for Your Christmas Decoration and Gift Wrapping Colored Candle for the tree, jkt box -rf ("t Out , nnd Tret- Decorations, per package .. and :rp TiriM-l Kibbomi per roll "'ft and Mica Snow. r box JJanu lilppwl Colored Candles. lr iwir !Wf to !?1.." TtUf Paper, plain white, down sheet J 'wue In,,cr, Holly, doien ahwU iKsue Paper, Colored, dosen sheet Jt'nnicon.H Colored Crepe Paper, per roll - tn'pty Boxes for (lifts. Holly, from t0 " JR" or Seals, per package x. "f a,,a ,lfC gummed Holly Ribbons, 2 roll" lor "..--J! InriwtmaM Card, from each to ,.iiw N2" Calendar Mounts thex have a place for your wn photo- wapiti, print, each Cracker or Ron-Bnns rontaintng Hat and Toys. Ormes Ltd. Tn-' riooeer DruRfcifts The Re3taU Storo 31 82 nnd 200 Au-nue and Gth Street Vhon ulJucriptions taken for any Mupiine at lowest rates. Thompson Hardware CoJ, Ltd. Prince Rupert. H.( '- ,AZ0H BLADES "AIK CLIPPERS RAFCTY KAZOKS "AHHUits' SHEARS SAVIN(J BRUSHES tlHUOIll,.! TABLE KNIVES CAKVINH SETS POCKET KNIVES KITCHEN CUTLERY v. -- KASY VACUUM ELECTKH VASllIN(i MACHINES 1 local and Personal Artbur'a Taxi. Phone 678. DO. Undertakers. Pfione 41. Ool. B. P. McMordle sails this even- tag on the Cardena for Vancouver on j brief business trip. Account totalling itumnn ,,n tn -TWamka. n . -","' o were passca ior payment "j im ciijr council. Auctioneer, a. p. jirlne. Cash or ttsde for articles of ViUue. 209 Second Street. Pbone 774. tf Tbe Canadian FUh & Cold Btorac Oo.s paeker Orler SUrrett was taken on the dry dock today for overhaul. Passengers booked to leave on the Osruena thta afternoon Include D. W. Davis, J. M. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. W. Warner and M. Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Dlott and family bare taken up residence In the PMnre Home on Atlln Avenue while Mr. and Mrs. Prince and family are on a buljday trip south. Matt Allard. pioneer prospector of Uie Ktturakalum Lake region, satis tM afternoon on the steamer Cardeoa for Seattle wbere be will spend the winter and visit with a sister. Mr. Rose of the Kerr-dlfford Co. Vanmuver. Is due from Vancouver by tomorrow morning's boat, his rltU here being in aomaeetton with the load- jlng of the grain boat, Yoserle. lot mall his company are the agents. Puel oil cocuumpttoh at the City Hall to the month of November amounted to 1226 gallons according to the report of the Janitor which was read at the council meeting last night Tbe dally average was 41 galloos at a cost of 13.28. Look In Bent's window and take a guess how many beans are In the Jar First prize. genUeman's diamond ring, value 176 00; second prize ladles' wrist waich value 125.00; third prize, gentlemen's nugget pin. value 115.00. Bents Closing Out Sale. U Walter Warner, in charge of the Oorernment Telegraph station at Rosa- wood on KUaumkalum Lake, and Mrs. Warner, arrived In the city at Uie first ot the week and wtu sail tonight on Uie Cardena to spend a vacation visiting in Vancouver.' Victoria and SeatUe I In the report of the Depsrtment of fiu just come to hand appears a picture of the Prince O recce district ex- Coal "the best." Coal. Pbone IB. P.R. 293 Buy Rupert manufactured shingle from Seal Cove Lumber Co.. Ltd. tf Buy Telkwa Coal. It's a local pro- duet: costs less and r lasts longer. tf Indian agent W. E. Colllson returned to the city today on the Cardena from Klncollth. T q. A, .Fraser waaaf rotipd trip sender to the north on the Cardena re turning to the city today . The condition of Peter Black, who was admitted to the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital on Saturday sbows an improvement. ' There has 'been no 'meeting of the Shakes peare Society' , s'lnce the recent death of, Its organizer, and president, the late Dr. Charles J. Cameron. E. Smith, representing Rose. Cowan and Latta, was a round trip passenger to Any ox and Stewart on tbe Cardena ahlch returned to port this morning, Union steamer Cardena. Capt. A. E. Dickson, reached port this morning at tuau i rem Anyox ana wm sau mis afternoon at S for Vancouver and way points. The body of tbe late Bert Hunter. steward aboard the Union steamer Catala, who died here at the end of the week, will be forwarded aboard tbe steamer Cardena ' this afternoon to Vancouver where Interment will take place. j Market Prices LAKD Pure 2Sc Compound '. 25c EUGS B.C. fresh, pullets 80c B.C. fresh, firsts 55c B.C. fresh, extras 60c local new laid 65c and 70c Alberta fresh, second 49c IIS II Halibut, lb 25. Salmon, red spring, lb. 25 Salmon, white spring - 12fet Smoked kippers, lb. lfc Kippered salmon, lb. 25. Smoked black cod. lb 22yc Finnan haddlcs. lb 2tk Salt mackerel, lb. 29t Eastern salt herring. 2 for 2Sr Salt codfish fillet, lb. M 20t Boneless salt cod bricks, lb 23 MEATS Fowl. No. I lb 35c to 49c Roasting chicken, lb 45c to 59c Agriculture for the year 1825 which ( "am. sliced, first grade 60c Ham. whole, first grade 50r Ham. picnic, lb 3c WWt at the Prince BuDertEUMnn'l0oUe nm- ,D - 40r last year. It U Indeed a good Utus-,"00- Dftct- Klcea tratlon of . a feature that is now regarded IndUpenslble In any fair. ' ' t A petition from Messrs. Louts Astoria. Sid Hamblln. and John Manson asking for an opportunity to meet the city council In regard to sewer connections on Fourt Avenue East in tbe 400 block was read at the elty council last night. The mayor informed the .council thatthe petitioners were pro-pared to meet the Board of Works on Thursday night so the matter was left in the hands of that committee. The purpose of bedding the council meeting last night in place of the ! regular Tuesday night meeting was to I give effect to the provision repulrlng etttttTlvt f 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Native Bona ot Canada first Annual Ball, Moose Hall, December 10. Prince Rupert Boys' Band Concert. Presbyterian Church, December 14; Booth School Annual Christmas Concert December 15 Aud 18. Established 11)23. OUK FEES AKE MODERATE DENTIST Exchange JJIock. uacon. aiae wc to b Pork, dry salt 35r Ayrshire bacon. Ib 44r Veal, shoulder X- ..... 25c Val. loin ..r 4Je Veal, leg n 40c Pork, shoulder .....'. .n.. J.... 30c Pork, loin 45c Pork, leg 43c Beef, pot roost 12V4e to ISc Beef, boiling 10c to 12r Beef, steak 25c to 45r Beef Jonst. prime rib 3iX- Lamb, chops 59c Lamb, shoulder . . . . .; 35f Mutton, leg 4- Lamb, leg , 48r Mutton, chops 40' Mutton shoulder , . . . . 3 HUTTTK ' the appointment of a court of. revision ... , . . . ., ., . ! .... ... . Brookfield. Shamrock aud Woodland. 2 si m crrmin uur. Mayur nrwma inquired If It were the wish of the coun-jcll to name such a court, and several aldermen expressed the view that, the mayor assume the task whereupon the mayor named Alderman Joe Orccr. W. J. Oreer, Perry. Brawn and himself. The court will meet according to statute on December 10 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of revising Uie city voters' list. ' NOTICE. To whom it may concern: The Andrew O. McDonald who advertised two days ago hts not being responsible for his wife's debts. Is not A. O. McDonald, employed at the Cold Storage, and residing at 1153 Eleventh Avenue East. A. a. McDonald i lbs 85o IE.OD.. 2 lbs 85r Capital, 2nd grade, lb 4V Fraser Valley, lb 4Sc ClltKSE Ontario solids 30c Stilton. Ib. 35c Kraft 45a Norwegian Oaat 65c Napoleon Llmberger "Oc Roquefort .i 75c Swifts Buttercup, lb. 45c Clorgonzola, 'lb 75c MtLareu's Cream. Jars ..v. 45c and 85c Qruyrre 80c Golden Leaf, lb 45c SIOAU White, per 100 $7.10 Yellow, per 100 8.60 ll.Ol'K Flour. 49's, No. 1 hard wheat S2.78 Pastry flour, 10's C5c Pastry flour. 49s ta.00 VKOET.IU.i:S New beets, bunch Cc Beets, 0 lbs 25c 100 lbs $2.75 New carrots, bunch So B.C. Carrots, lb 3c 100 lbs $225 Rutebagas, 0 lbs . 25c 100 lbs J-7t rv" Radishes, bunch 5c New potatoes, 10 lbs. 25o Potatoes. 100 lbs $300 Fancy BO. tomatoes, per lb, ...... 100 Tomatoes, per basket .-. 40c Watercress, btmcb 10c Green peppers, 2 lbs. 25o The fact that this dental office cumbers, each l?c and 15c 18 run-on a atrictly cah basis . r.rrir? w Citron, lb 7c I Pumpkin, lb 7c Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 25c Egg plant. 2 lbs 35c Pickling cucumbers, lb 15c Pickling onions, 3 lbs 25c I'KL'IT j Oranges, Valencias, dozen . . 25c to 75c Lemons. 6unklst. doz. 25c and 35c California grape fruit, 2 for 25c Bananas, 2 lbs. for 35c Candled honey 25c Extracted honey, lb 25c and 35c Apples. Mclotoeb Reds $225 Apples. Wealth leg $2.85 Apples. OraTenstetns , $2.50 Cockling apples '. $1.1)5 Cantcloupes. each 15c Peaches, case $1.45 Italian prunes, crate 85c Oocoanuta. each 20c and 25c Honey Dew melons, each 45c 3osiba melons, lb 10c Pears. Bartlett. case $325 UKIEI) llltlTS Dates, bulk, 3 lbs 35; Dates, Dromedary 25c Raisins, bulk. lb. 20c Raisins, package, lb 25c Jluster raisins, lb. 7 25c uemon and orange peel 30c Citron peel 50c Black cooking figs 20c and 2c White figs. lb. 15o Table figs, lb 25c Currants 22V4 Prunes 15c-25c Apples : 25c Peaches, -peeled .'i . 35c Apricots, lb 40c NUTS Almonds, shelled Valencias 75c Brazils and filberts 35c Walnuts, broken shelled 50r Walnuts. shelled halves 65c Almonds - 35c Peanuts 30c Uanchurlan walnuts 25c California walnuts 45c No. 1 mixed nuts 35c ixi;i 100 lbs Wheat. No. 5 : $3.10 Oats M $2.60 Bran $2.00 Shorts $2.10 j Middlings $2.60 ' Earley $235 Poultry mash $3.00 1 Special eggmash $3.40 ! .Oyster shell $2.50 1 ' Scratch food $3.50 ' : Eeef scrap $52j Ground oil cake $4.75 Baby chick feed $425 I Pine cat chops $2.70 j Crushed oats $2.70 Pine barley chop $2.45 I Cracked corn $3.10 . .UW VW. , , I , , V ...a.......,...... V Tom Are you getlng any closer to: your girl's father! i Jim Just a little since fall began. : We've moved In from tbe front piazza j and he's moved 'in from the back steps. : Boston Transcript. The real dlflcrence between the English and the French is that we are a nation of pessimists and they are a nation of incurable optimists. Andre ICsurlos. TIMBER SALE X4302 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, BC not I later than noon on the 23rd day of December. 1026. for the uurchase of Li cence X4302. to cut 6.84 1.5 JO FJ3.M. of Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar, on an area I situated on Maude Island adjoining Lots 460 and 461. Skldegate Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. Two (2) years will be allowed for re I moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For- ; ester, victoria, a.v.. or u.sinci rore j ter. Prince Rupert. B.C. enables us to chaw uniformly Tbti' V.3.V.V. . i6c I'ULP TIMIJER SALE X84I0. moaeraio lees lor all classes ot j cauliflower. B.C.. head ...-...: 35c-35o dental service. Deirtistry on credit Com on the cob, dozen .J 40c means higher fees. At tho mime! careen onions, dozen 25c time we make no charge for con- j Terrace cabbage, lb , ec imitation. jllc neRtl lettuce 10c 0.rllc, imported, per lb. .......... 40a B.C. Cooking onions, 6 lbs'. ....... 25c Rhubarb, outdoor, 3 lbs. ........ 25o Wax and green beans, 3 lbs. 25c Vegetable marrow, lb. ....'. 6c Celery, 2 bunches 25c Phone 109 Hubbard squash, lb ,. 7c Sealed Tenders marked, "Tender on X8440, ' will be received Dy me Honourable, the Minister of Lauds, at Victoria, B.C.. up to twelve o'clock noon on the 4th day of January, 1027, for the purchase ol Pulp Licence X8440. to cut timber situated on uuhmu Queen Charlotte Islands District. .Thirty years will be allowed for the I removal of the timber. . All tenders must comply with Section 1$ of the "Forest Act." I The highest or any tender not neces- I .... 1 1 ..Mnlul I Further particulars may be had from the Chief forester, Victoria, B.C. PAGE THREE inchester A Mild, Blended Cigarette r S L.k mxr ' ill 20 25 Every package of Winchester Cigarettes contains a poker hand insert card. Save these Inserts they are valuable in exchange for packs of high grade playing cards, etc. Montreal : Importers We have a wonderful selection of hnliiay goods for men, women and children suitable for Christmas Gift at Montreal Prices A special shipment of Biltmore Shirts for men in all sizes and patterns has just arrived. This wonderful value brand has never before been offered in Prince Rupert. See our stock and you be the judge of our values. i Montreal : Importers Third Avenue. IIcanadianT VAcinc iSIUV Nm-mT. 11 J. II. -Miller, Proprietor. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. Wranjrll, Juneau and skagwa Nov. 15. 29; Dec. 13. 29. To Vamouier, Victoria and Seattle-O'ov. 2, 19, Dec. 3. 17. PUlCESS HEAT K ICE. Fur HuteUule. Eat Itrlla Itflla. Orean la IK Nuinii. Alert IUy.' Caniplifll Klver, anil Vancouver eery aturiUy, 11 a.m. Agency for all SteaniNhlp Lines. Full Information from W. C. OICCIIAKIt. Ceneral Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Aenue. Prince ltuert. U.C. GRANT'S Best Procurable" MIMiXlVSa 31 rjeV (THE 0RIC1NAL) Pure Scotcli Whisky tKlCHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Ciaul 61 Su LimitaJ GWnMkIi 4 Blta-Clnil.wM riHiillttm. Utll- This advertisement is not published or displayed by (ho Liquor Control Board or by Hie Government of British Columbia.