E5 1 r b. TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime " qjndt Kxchungc Building MATT VI DECK, Prop. vol xvi Kq. -m. ' tiiht x arloadt of grain arrived urr.ur sine jeaierday and la aded at the rleva ' NO TAMPERING WITH EXHIBITS '- ""MllATj, KI.OAltlllMi (IIHAIlO "V AM filtAIV MIOtV ATTICI-UTIll TO HAKTtili;UAN Mix ,m: iii;mi.i itv iiim 'llirAOO. Dec 7.- Stalemenw pub- Canada laat week to the ef-It Mitchell of D-inmdv fc 'S!i. had declared hi exhibits ' i I volitional Hay and Oram , was tampered with were re- srday by Mitchell himaelf " H' de manager of the show. di-7tJ 'ns Instead of returning honi"1 : "rd Mitchell on Saturday had told . a U dei that he had no complaint. TT:r war only a mere auiplclon In hta ;at his exhibit "had been tatn- ffta with, BRAKEMAN INSTANTLY DIES AT WELLINGTON Wllllx lleniirll, Ainl 21. U-rt I.Hf ,,,,r Hit lj i:. mill X. LuroiuolUr Victoria, Dec 7. NVhlle tiff duty, s hort cut tlirounh ths Kaqui- ' S.IQ Killilmi rull.w vr,l ml Wrl-l' .v.. k ex-warehouaed. l,ld. nnti.f. - - " fort Indian A"erii, isviisv vv as v ss mn hsined William 8hakeper fined In a midland court for gams r,,,PM It was for a like oltenne th Wllli,m 8hakepere was forced " from his Midland home. A'tio la ths Dally New. lW,1(!0 ui i,3 cmU wue t '':!! ustoms commission yesterday. Witness stated that his In-r was that "the guns are taken to Vancouver Island and . ! (.f.rard vessels for China when coaling." T".c collector at New Westminster and Abbotsford declared a little commercial smuggliog in that district, mostly to-- 'bacco.and cigarettes. r tc 2 :-.suks L4ne fre.fhlee Yprto here from the Orient to i been delated m heatr tsantr outaWe. and this A ted an would probably ar-' 2' rtly alter neon tomorrow. V Thomson 01 go out to i to pilot the reeatl In. the "iierted thee at 1040 am L .t nt freight YaaJflr cow- jtt u Union Bar for five, it u eipscted. about i yesterday peeaUd sding the Mehjen Maru train at the etvur h-r. C ihu mnrnln Tllf UUOI Another liquor carrying sailed Into bc llnUrtol before Ibt probe yr-'.erda) iluroooa ho Chit! PmenU-live oncer Barton of the port of Vancouver (are the eommlsstonere some detail of his wtaurr of the TruoUlf which loaded up with newt 1W0 cae of Uquor here and took iheai to tpo at Barf Bar not far from the harbo wbvrt u u transferred from case U bage. the rates bring burned on tin abort The Uquor shipped bjr thi National BsawrUf of British Col urn Ma and wu torn sfned lo a man named Vatwao at a Uesiean port. The purpoae of the transfer. Barton said be aa informed, was to conceal ths MenUtr of the Uquor and reload .It Into another Canadian vessel named the CbalLaaaa and smuggle It back No dutjr was paid on the . ,. Tf wik the panned of all aelmre exprruet -r - .noth, io u,n. .. -rirr.ri s .Tr that It be re-entered for 8:e ; Ktntdom ,dom or coo I ItllK ll IH.rtltT.MIAT Counael for the owuntulon that lb action of the cuitoms tie- lhe partweat at OlUi In wnnectlon rth the TrucilM open to eruiciain The department bad ruled that the be rateaaed from aetsure upon Z lor cnditK- PoT!?une. u the ..rehote U, bond from which It The Chakswanna mentioned above is aell known here bue since lrsvlng mnc Rupert haa eoroe nVa evil daya. The veaael was at one lime In the acr-vtc of the local detachment of the Royal Canadian MsunU-d Police. nroi:s rremler rorter Idsho Silver Creat nicbmotul ni: ti,. oll-clectrlo 4 I'llOIIIIIITION WASIUNOTOK. Dec. 7. Re-preaentatlve Oalllvau. Democrat of UU.urt. Introduced a rwol-utlon In the Hsumj ycaterday propMing s national referendum on the queatlon of COLD TAKES LIVES IN EASTERN STATES ilrrii I JIM iK'Ulh IUr HeiiUril frmu TrmprruliirrH anil Hiiunl HrraWIng MiuwfdU NEW YORK. Di-c 7.--Slxteen deaths resulted from low temperatul.es snd re-cord breaking snowfall In New York and Nw England. VAXWUVKK "UXCHANCK Wheat Conciliated : William Bennett, aged 24. mr" '" i 0nbj on the line, was struck by Sound on Baturtl m ht tnd m.-llowt ,nt, rallw.v official, her. Independence Bid. Asked. 1.35 ? . 2J3.00 1.03 - 3300 30.50 t 39.00 ' 4100 .C8i .10 .04 1, .0 1.90 3.03 .09 14 -9!4 .0714 .051, .06 H locomotive, raiiwwlj sre teatlng. In which a 733- had an oil and fuel cost ,, test run T&UJs , 0J13534 18.493.903 About one million butts el of grain haa been exported through Prince Rupert, with It one elevator, ao far this aeaaon. TEN BOATS LIBERATED tiiiT Tiiuonin i iti:k m:ck or M, MAKY'S Hit Kit LATK LAST MtillT XAU.T STt. .MAKIK. Urc. 7Ten iMHilit liiirloiirl al I he Itriiil of Hie MMrr 'lamtrl In rt. .M.trj'n Hlvrr. where the flrrt ol like rarrleri l frorril In, were lllieraled lale l4t nlclit hv the mntrment of Ire i-aiiMI when the goterninent rullrr MiU I ii nnil u niiinlirr of tiiji (nillnl Hie frrlxhler llrrlirrl W. Mnllh uml Itaiiit IhriMixh Ihr nrrk of the than-url v Hit Mrum up, Hie rlhrr eisht Limit Iralitol ut Ihrlr l-e liuiklr. mil II. one Ii) one. Ihej were able li ilium llielr uuy IhrmiRh the mvisr. unti l r..ss ni pout M u.in. M.HIIIT1.Y MOUi; THIN IIAIJ" AH .Midi HA M!IITi:i ItV MME I IIATi: I.AT VKVK VANCOUVER. Dec. 7-Vanoouver haaj thlpped ao far 8J13JM4 btubeli of! raln tut the preeeol crop ear. or ip-, f0xlmatel7 50 per cent of the volume j tatt year at preaent da;e. according to! nure laaued by the Vancouver Mtr-j banti' Eichane. LjiteeeM of thrrnhlng. due to unaea-wnable weathr on the pralrte, high xean rate, due to the Brltieh atrlke uid drep in the price of atlver. aflert-Df vhf purchulng por of China and fapan. are faetora attributed with loaerlni the port's busiaeas thla aea-n . Other faetora. aueh aa lack of mixing faculties hee afid P' ahlpmenta througlf Princ Rupert, are Talao to be taken lata aofount. roilowina; are comparative ahlpmenta tor the prcwi and the pl aeavon: rreaent Season Crop Year 1925-26 IK. and Oootlnnt 3 519.134 7.789.510 Went 232X868 S.e20.H7 South America ... 54,079 74.66 AUatralaifa 122.453 9.700 DIOQY 13tND. Cloudy, calm, baro meter 30.38; temperature. 48; scs smooth. 8 p-nt. tug Lome towing Drumrock. left Ciawdzeet southbound, 9 dju. Mosul left Anyox for Stewsrt 8 p.m. Alsmeda Ketchikan for Wrsn Cell tour miles from Ketchikan; 6 pm, Laklna, Petersburg for Juneau, fifty mllea from Juneau: 8 p.m. OrliTco, tow lnir Riveradale. in 8eymour Narrows, southbound. DEAD TRKE POINT.- Barometer 30.' 08; temrprature 38. BULL HARBOR. Overcast, fresh S.E, wind; barometer 30.38; temperature 40 heavy swe 1. 8 a.m. tug St. Faith lu Tolinle Channel southbound. ? xoox DIOBY 1SIAND. Overcast, calm: barometer 30.43; temperature 45; sea smooth. 10;40 a.m. Cardena In Prluca Rupert. ' DEAD TRKE POINT. Barometer 30. 14; temperature, 44. BULL HARBOR Fart, cloudyi fresh 8.E,.,.' wind; barometer 30J0; temperature 4S.; ia, heavy swell; 12 a in NewihHton st Egg Island.' AdvcrtUe in tut Dally News. qaaaaaawuajaaaa PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUKSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1926 PKINCE OF WALES laying a wrtath at the Cenotaph in London, as part of the exercises on Armistice Day when the eighth anniversary' of the cessation of hoitilities in the great war wai marked with solemn grandeur in London. People Are Killed and Injured and Millions in Damage Storm Toll HALIFAX, December 7. One man is dead, four are injured and probably half a million dollars loss has been sustained by ship- ling involving the loss or damage to a dozen sailing craft and small steamers as a result of a blizzard and storm of unprecedented fury which has swept the Atlantic seaboard for the past twenty-four hours. Bridges, fish sheds and wharves were washed away with the record breaking high tide and the storm tied up land traffic and interrupted wire communication throughout the Martitimes. Clogged Ships, Now Being Set Loose, Made Strange Scene on SAULT STE Lake Superior Last Evening A SPECIAL MEETING of the CANADIAN HALIBUT FISIUNC VESSEL OWNERS' ASSOCIATION Will be held in the City Hall on WEDNESDAY AT S P..M. Business To consider proposition to insure all boats belonging to the Association. All members please- attend. Also boat owners desiring to become members. D. LARSEN, President. Circulation 1516 8alea 431 Ins ot which are silver and zTnc. From eight to twelve men hsve been employed during the past year alnklng Into the ere on the Bear property. There la a until cull at the mine and tome experimental shipments hsve been made which proved satisfactory. Work will be continued next year on the Bear property which waa obtained from Matt Ailard. pioneer Kltsumka- lur prospector. The property la con-1 nected with Kltsumkalum Lake by means of a fairly good trail. On the results of work to be carried out this winter will depend the nature I of further operations at the Cedarvale property jUtedOoTeinorJisls-JOss heped next year to develop the pro perty In a substantial way. Governor Davis has had with him this year a well known Idaha geologist. Roland Fannin, who Is graduate of Stanford University. California, and of the University of Idaho. Mr. Fannin Is at preient In Sewart but will be going south Friday moznlng. Accompanying Governor Davis south this sfterroon will be J. M. Hoar, who Is now In charge of the D. W. Mines' operations in the Interior and who is going to Seattle on a brief business, trip. He will return to Cedarvale In a short time. EX-ALD. SILYERSIDES IS LEAVING CITY Ural III of Pioneer llUHlne ,111.1 n" Wife CoinprW Mini to Mote South Citizens generally will learn with regret ot the Intention ot Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Silver sides to leave the city and take up residence in the south. This decision Is due to the continued ill health ot Mrs. Sllversides who Is obliged to seek a change ot climate. Sometime ago Mrs. Sllversides went south and since then has continued to MARIE. December 7. Aided bv a rise of thirty-improve but. upon the advice ot her fivo rlj-trreoK In the temiiersiturc earlv this morninir. the remaIninlrlPnyslcln snc is compelled to remain ' .. - . 1 A..K ,nw .ft 1 ., a,,n,.it, rvt on uMiio nf h nnliniinri flont rnmmcnrpi liv nnin tn mnvi. ana 11 is cxpccieu mat tne tieei ui si.ij-seen gruiu turners uuh ii bound will be freed from ice before nightfall. Every available icebreaker and car ferry is being rushed to the scene to aid in the task. The temperature jumped overnight from ten below 'zero to twenty-five above. The line of clogged ships extending for miles presented a atrange scene last night. With smoke floating from the funnels, the sight wai pitnrnikTTrkmrilT nr samewhat akin to that what would ap- 'oUrtKIN I tlNlJhll 1 UF pear in a thickly built industrial dis- , trlct seen st a distance. In Hay Lake. ; forty-five downbound steamers were 1 huddled close together with the crews MENTAL HOSPITAL AT ESSONDALE IS DEAD swapping beans for corned beef, gum' . ... for cigarettes or in other ways equalizing VICTORIA, Dec. 7 Dr J. H. Steeves. rations remaining aboard. More, than .UDerlntendent of Essondale mental two thousand seamen watched the ef- hospital, died, suddenly here last night forts of the Ice breskers to release their me vl8UIng ,t the home of frtenda. ships. One enterprising dealer In to- ,Ie hwc, MperlnCed he.rt attacks dur-baccoa and confections hauled a loaded ,ng the pa,t ffW wefk. toboggan over the ice and did a record business among the crews. j Advertise In the Dally News, the cltr and a returned soldier. After returning from the front, he was honored by being elected to the city council which position he occupied un til press ot bustness compelled him to relinquish his duties. Mrs. Sllversides continued to reside In Prince Rupert since the early days. Her mother and two sisters are still residents ot ths city. Mr. Sllversides has sold his house at 6ll-5th Ave. West to P. H. Llnzey of ths firm ot Llnzey ti Davles. WEATHER REPORT Prince Rupert Cloudy, calm. HOCKEY SCORES WESTERN CANAUA I.K.MIl'E Reglna. 5; Calgary, 4. Ed.-n3n.tan, 8; Saskatoon, 5. temp. 46. Terrace Cloudy, calm, temp. 35. Roskwood Cloudy, calm, temp. 38, Alysnsh Cloudy, calm, temp. 37. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, tempi 38. Anyox Cloudy, calm, temp. 36. Stewart Rain, calm, .temp. 33. Hazelton Part cloudy, calm, temp. 32. Telegraph Creek--Cloudy, calm, temp. 24. 4 Smlthen Cloudy, calm, temp.- 29. Burna Lake-Part cloudy, calm, temp, 28. Whit horse Clear, calm, temp. 27, Dawson. Foggy, calm,' temp. 13. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Halt, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Prlci Five Cents MOTHER BOOZE BOA T IN UMEUGHT BLIZZARD OF UNPRECEDENTED FURY HITS MARHLMES liquor Goes from Canada into United States and Guns Come Back According to Collector Chief Preventive Officer at Vancouver 'e"s GRAIN EXPORTS commission now ooat I rucuia transterrea ; . m,,.,,,,,, Us load of liquor to Chakawanna Al VArilUUYfcK ' V i Ol'VEK, December 7 Liquor i run airu.v the. ' jundary line and machine gun are brought back into Can- td v'm n cargo hamuel l ampu-ii, sub-collector at Aldcrgrove. BAD WEATHER DELAYS YPRES rM uil iu: tomokhow lltlUMMIN AMI VOM lilt Till Until MOKMMi MMOLN MlKI I IINMIINO l.OtlH.MI ARE AWAY DOWN Ex-Governor Davis Expects His Properties in Interior to Become Permanent Mines Development work already done on mining properties at Kit-iaumkalum Lake and Cedarvale have led to the belief that they will i ultimately bec6me permanent producers and therefore the D. W. , Mines Ltd. has been incorporated with a capitalization of $1,000,000 and head office in Prince Rupert states Ex-Governor D. W. Davis, I head of the concern, who arrived in the city at the first of the week and will sail this faternoon on the Cardena for Vancouver en route to his home in Washington, D.C., where he will spend the winter. ! During the past two years up to the middle of this summer, , . . . Oovrrnor Da via chief Interest was In as the Bear lead-alleer-gold property about six miles east of Katmmfcaltim Lake but thla year the Seven Sisters Irroeertr on Seven Slaters Mountain near Cedar, ale aa acquired and jcrev of six men la being lett this I winter to continue development vi'crfc j on the property, the principal show WAS HYPNOTIZED -AND SHANGHAIED IMV.ICIMTIOX AlTIIOKiriE HAVE MVMKUIOIS IJIESTIOV lOlt TIIEIK KOLITIOX VICTORIA, Dec. 7. Can a man be shanghaied 07 hypnotic suggestion? Canadian immigration authorities here are puzrllng over this question follaw-tng receipt of a wlreleax pr:teit from a Hindu believed to have been Dilel Slnjh when he aalled from Victoria on November 11 tor the Orient on the Empress of Asia that he was not that man and lift Canada against his own wllL Dalel was admitted to Canada under bsnd last May on the condition tlat he should depart at the end of six months. The SUthoTtnesaay " thsv the bondsmen were anxiously waiting on the docks' the day the Empress sailed last manth. It Is evident that a Hindu believed to have oeen Dalel arrived on the scene and was rowed out into the harbor and boarded the steacner which had been held up tor a short time. Pending bis arrest at Hong Kong, the authorities have communicated with headquarters at Ot tawa. INTERNATIONAL QUESTIONS UP IIKIJT AdKLXMEXT WILL UK ONE OF MA1X I-SSIES IX f.S. JSKSSlOX WASHINGTON. Dec. 7. A formidable budget ot International problems awaits the attention of the short session ot Congress. S3 far as ths Senate Is concerned, the World Court, for the time being, la out of the picture. But the French Debt agreement remains China presses Intc the horizon of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, whose chxlrman Senator Borah, believes a serious problem Is tsktng shape in the 5ar East. Mexico and Centrsl America present a situation which msy demand Senate action at any time. The Lausanne Treaty with Turkey is the Special Order ot business on the Senste calendar tor anuary 5. T.ie Borah resolution urging modification of the United States' Russlsn poUty tomes over from the last session. Events in Cuba since the cession of the Isle ot Pines are to be subjected to American scrutiny under authority of a' resolution by Senator King, Democrat, Utah, di recting an Inquiry by the Foreign Relations Committee of the upper chamber. Disposal of alien property seized during the world war Is the aim ot a bill already in the hands ot the House Waya . and Means Commute, , .Muchlnery. for, settlement ot remaining claims against, . 1 Germany for war damages probably will be provided by the same measure. FIVE KILLED AND NINE INJURED IN POWDER EXPLOSION CARNEY'S. POINT, New -Jersey. Dec. 7. Five workmen were killed and nine In jured yesterday in an explosion of 2,800 pounds of powder at ths DuPont powder works plsnt here. IIALIIAKIilt: OTTAWA, Dec. MAYOK .KiAIV If Msy or, Bslharrls was returned to offlce with majority over two Opponents. a' Urge It wss attempted to Inject scandal tn tb campaign against Balnarrlt but It apparently did not Nvork.