v !;t '.fit i.'h -t PAGKI'WC? ' f is Plymouth, Cherbourg, London, Liverpool A if , "Yes, a delightful route to TA-. England or the Continent Be sure and book your return via Cunard." Cabin CJdss '$l4l aricl up Hino in&. Tennis. Gynnastum. Nursery. 5 New Cunard Ships. Smooth-sailing oil-hmien. rd Parbculat from ANCHOR-OONALDSCN LINE toGlasgou) r ROBERT REFORD CO, U4.. TORONTO lPh J47lt or any STEAMSHIP AGENT The Cunard Steamship Co. Limited, 622 Hastings St. W., Vancouver, or any STEAMSHIP AGENT. The Daily News ' PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Suiiday, the Prinre Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PUI.LEN. Managing Editor. rf '". f.UBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery; by mail or carrier, per month . . . .. !. By; mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, id aavance, per year To all other countries, in advance, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone, . i Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILT EDITIOH Loan Society Was Sadly Needed. 98 86 t .(. S7.r( Tuesday, May 25, 1 1126. On Saturday a business announcement in this paper told of the oieiiiuff of a loan ami saviiiKS society here. A loan society"! iwai.badly needed in the city for the purine of fjuaiicing 4iev binlfjiugs for those who are unable to pay the whole eut at the time of erection. i,;."Some years ago1 a mall loan society wis formed in the city ijaiiu u va kept buy The only difficulty was the restricted amount of money it had lo loan. There was a clamor for U services. Dozen- of applications had to he lurneddown because of the inability of the company to meet the demand. Something ovec a year ago it wfts decided to dissolve this tcompauy and most of the capital ha been returned lo the in- " hestors. as well as a good rate of interest from tbe time the com ,,pny, was formed. Thoe who controlled it wanted their money , ' back so it was wound up. DuriuR the last year or two with the developing of the city , jinlo' a. greater degree of permauence. mortgage loans have been jcasier to gel and today there is little difficulty in securing .-money for building on a small scale. With the elevator to com mnee operations in a bier wav this com i lie fall, however. jrreat deal of mouey is lively to be needed and the new organ rtialioii will meet this demand, it is hoped. It is another stej jit the development of Ihecity indicating permanence. Beware Of All , 'Bubble Growth. It is 'well to, beware of bubble growth. When a oily grows' .too fast it; is sure to get a setback When a person seems lo bei gettjug'-rich quickly, look out for a downfall. The wires on Saturday--brought word of a young man who quickly became jftch in the real estate business. He was looked on as a millionaire but suddenly the bubble burst and il was found that while he had assets amounting to a million and a quarter dollars hi debts wwe four and a quarter .millions. Things are uoj always what they seenu '" Rain And Snow 0n Prairies Welcorjfe. At this time of year rain andnpw on the prairies in moderate quantities are alwtiys welcoihe. At the week end there was b'olli rain and snow. In some parts of Manitoba the country was jepvered. by seven inches of the while' mantle. Tliis would be farlieiilarly welcome to the farmer. As It thawed the moisture v(;0u!d' WAk into the ground instead Of running off as in a heavy faiirand' the crops would benefit. It is early yet to prophesy, wliat the crops, will be. The fall fit. rainaud i-now almost everywliem un the prairies at the week v-iiii. luiihcu .-urvr umi-iiierj! wiu wviifoisuy-ts siiyicjeni io grow koou straw.- ine rest is m ,ine lawoi me kous. u mat we I'luw now is that the prospects are good. But they usually arfe at-tliis lime qf year. ' ' Attractions Here Of Great Outdoors . - ,' A'isitors lb Prince Rupert almost, all comment on the won rternil opportunities there are here for outdoor life awav from Vi.city. '(Those who have boats can find so many and varied points oft interest to which they may betake themselves. Alsoi Inefe are splendid fishing grounds for trout that would make aiiy 'soiilherner envious. For those who have no power launch, there are. row. boats available with which they can reach enough benches to keep up an almost constant variation throughout the cummer- season. Salt Lake Park, too, is always, there and it i one of the beauty spols of the neighborhood and the ferry runt every fine day. The harbor and the surrounding beach accommodations are among tli'e jajrent attractions of Prince Rupert. Today- Every Day SHREDDED WHEAT Nine's whole wheat tonic food Thursday llciiial Jhiiny WEEK AT. THEATRE Tuesday and Wednesday Wallop Hale and ctyn nany in concert irb strain. jSll'OW You llio 'Jowl7 RiMnedy. " 'i Inloiiiatior.al Xew;. -i .. Friday and Saturday Hn'dolnh Yalentinoi i n "The Ea(rl.' Aesop's l-'ilm -'atlev' I'athe H.m. w. ! hi CONCERT TROUP : ' k IS HEARD HERE Notable Entertainment Is Being Offered at Westholme Theatre This Week 50nietliins new in the way of vn'erianiment i heini? offereu patron of the Westholme The4 Ire for I he. first of this w?ek. A liifrii class concert tiuope.lheail- d hf Walter ISaU, well known ,iianu'lian tenor, opened a tjiree tiifrlit-staiul last ni?ht hejore a ttTre auilienee which was J- liKhled with the nerforneince.' Mi trouM will reoeat tonight and tomorrow. Besides' Mr. Bates, the party consists of .Miss Edith l'ickell, l'.nli.-li soprano: Miss Jane Mug- leu , American contralto, ami Basil lloherls, well known bas4 Uieir repenolce consists of f:lces, ballads and operatio fa vorites with old favorite numbers and popular modern ones pleasingly conihineil. It is an entertainment that lovers of vocal music will fully enjoy. PICTURE WARNING TO APARTMENT DWELLERS Reginald Denny Play Role of Woman Hater In "I'll Show You the Town" as .a warning to all persons who dwell in flats or apartment houses, "1 11 Show Voa the 'lYmn." the L'niversal-Jpwel feature comes to the Weelholiue Theatre fur Thursday only. l'rofeor Dupree, as played by Jti'fe'hiald !enny; is au avowed hater of women and of the wild life so called. Ift his flat, in the heart of a great metropolis, lie has locked himself up to concentrate on his dissertation on "Apartment House life In Ancient Rome." The book mifc'hl have been written and published and Pro fessor Uupree might have be come a famous author or a polit ical economist or something Of Hie kind but alasl the sym pathetic professor, when he had moved ha and ba??a;:e into his comfy flat, had not taken into consideration his neighbors. Most of the laughs in 'Til Show You the Town" are furnished by the extremely funny relationship he tween Benny and his neighbors, who, with great ingenuity, pre vent him from'carryiiur out the completion of his great worj;. Billie Bonner, played ' by JV'eely IVIwards; a high-powered automobile salesman, is Iu pree's neighbor' on the one side, and "The Greens'" on f lie other. Between the two Dupree becomes involved in a series of precarious situations. Denny is supported by a notable cat. VALENTINO AGAIN APPEARS ON SCREEN Romantlo Star Seen In Three Guises In "The Eagle," New Film Play ' . Rudolph Valentino will make his first screen appearance In some time in "The Eagle." i plamorou picture of Russia be fore the revolution, which will be shown at the Westholme JThealre at the end of the week This is the star's first produc- liorffsince he allpned himself wit United Artists Corporation. .. - t . - vaieiitino annears m mrre distinct guises in this fast mnv insr action story, which is also fMedwith comedy. He is cen first as a Cossack lieutenant, garbed in dashing uniform, then as the mysterious bandit, known as the T.agle because of his swift and maruadirr movements. I S hivn hpr Kin a Make and know-why the Slumber King spring has no equal Lift the irtAttress off any Slumber Kins sprinc and lie down on it. You will be surprised at its easy adjustment to ever)' body curve. You will be amazed at the comfort of its steel fabric. ' No one, of course, would sleep directly on a S bed spring. But the test will show you how and why Situnbcr Ktitg is the finest steel fabric - spring made, yielding a lifetime of sleep luxury pear or nussia. At either end, stout yet sensitive spiral springs suspend its Z'j ribbon strips of steel. Four rows of smaller coils cross-tie them. Double-width border strips and cables prevent sagging edges. No matter where you lie on a Slumber King, you feel secure, sy, supremely comfortable. Nerves and muscle3 relax. Sleep comes and stays. See the Slumber Ktng at your favorite store. Study it, compare it, and you will buy it. S Ten Years Ago . In Prince Rupert M May 25. 1916. .1. Lorne Macl.aren received wire today annouiicirip the com plete destruflion by fire e.irl There was glorious eatherJ She Could Hardly Do Her Housework Nerves Were So Bad Mr. L II. Farti, Codxob, Ont, writws "I hid ifrt nd ner trouble, in'd bwm o hort of breath I could htrdh Jo my dally hounowork, and waa o nervtfu I evuld act think of tttjicg aloac, ai every little ound I heard felt like ahuck to me. I Saw recommended, m I tried a box, aad after- taking th cond one I au bow ieeliat; like a different woman." Thlt preparation hat been on the market for tha Mtlt 32 teari and hai ahiarcd a While a bandit he masquerades J wooderfoi repaiatloa or ihe relief as a French tutor and enters the j f H kcart and nerve troutlea. home of his mortal enemy. ) Pot up onlr by The T. ItUbura In "The Eagle" the star is Co., Lladud, Tojonto, Oat. ---vy-T Subscribe tcT4ihe Daily NVwji. LA 0 ACT. Nolle of Intention -to Applf to Lt fefhr la Viiwn v'turUHiltUnd Land lie-wllnr liirlil'M Telnre nuiri, and itltualrd tW nilW VMVt ut Alkfard bit. ..aiOfitaif InlH. afiA.tmutliui mi lrt til. T SkK MiTlt.f ir Ult-T1H tfX. rithlnr A ' of VaiMMiivi'r Hf'iiUi4( Saliuvu (UniKwu. InlPinli. . I'. ''t a yrt I lit- rlluwliit 0 rrtlHKj t'lireani-: - " t'MiiiiHrwina at a pM pUnt.il al Ih xHiUiet '-writer qf l.ul III: MlrlUr tun tlv-iiy atxl ea,trlr njKmliir lit line ut tiiah ilrr unit. 31 Hulm. mure ir lea. t tlti' mirth hI ciirmr of ..,t m stieiwe trl 1 fhitn; tlmtre iiillp-li ind weMr-rly. f'.l"inr a linr panUki ti till- line tf hip ti ier mark, -H ' lulii.-tnnre ur lltPNri- eal i rlialn l 1'iitnt uf riiinnienrenH-nt. and iimtainini 1 7 cr. innif i BIUTISII CtlU MU nSMIMJ AH rtCMV) CtlJII'ANV ITO. I'er II. SuermHt, Aptnt Piled lth April, tn. , "NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT," R.S.O. CHAPTER IIS. 0OSSEMII.ir.IUi MMITHfJ, rrrutered nfllre at Hi llue lret, in Ihe t.itr of Vancouver, I'mvtiwe or UrttUli CnlimiMa. llfcltr.BY OlVr.S .NOTICE that It hi under Serllm ? r Hie laid Act tteiiolid lth Ihe Minltter tit rubllevVurki at Ottawa and In the office or the liUtrlrl tlrrlatrar or llw Land licll.try In.tricl of I'rlnre Ruiieri. at rniM-i. Iiuirt, h.c, a dencrm tln of the alte and plaiiv of a wharf and treotle for rarrvhia a mater 1.11 due iriied lo lie imlit at Ihaiiwm hir. Oueeti (:har1itle I Latida, in ttn I'mrinre or Britim (Xiiumbla, im fnrrntHire Icaae ... .... vr.m, v1"!! ,.imrnnir i(anai. in the Provlme of Drltlh Coltimbla, and aa hciu by plan, cixtumlnr in all an area of eithl (, arrea mk r leaa, AMI TAKE NOTICE that after Ihe ea plraliun 4 one (ti month rn.m the date r the flrat piihllrillon of thl nntu-c Ooane-Mlllerrt Limited II1 ' under aerllon 7 i.r On- ald Act apply to the Mlulmer of Public Worka al hf offlm in uie aty or Ottawa for approval of th.aald alte and plan and for leave to construct the aaid wharf and tremle. lilted at I'rlnre ltnrirt It r tl,i. n.i. Wily Of April. ATI. lfA. unssF-Mii.i.rnn UMiTEn. , By IU Solicltora, Wllllauu, N anion a Ooualci. ...M : Complete your comfort : 'with an : OSTERMOOR A fitting companion to the j Slumber King. Unequalled : by any other white cott'n : felt mattress in Can ail a for i more than 30 years. One : quality, the best; one : maker, Simmons Limited ; : j one price, the lowest at j vhich'sofineamatf- j : tress can be sold . . . JJ j Hewajeoftmitations. Ik : for the Oiterttioor label, j GRACELINE BEDS - OSTERMOOR MATTRESSES -'Built for Sleep by MMONS supported by Yilma Hanky, the u: ihe i luldreit sporis yesier beautiful Hungarian aclrei . wlm li were in charge Mhom Samuel fioblwyu dicov-i(Unef Virfcee. Iterae Vriiv1'. ered in lludapesl and brought to -J. J. Kennedy. Hen Self and H America, and tiy Ijuise lireseri! riminaN. J irl prire winner Xor many years a slag a star. whMamina the younvlers were I.o.i-has'j-ecenfly sepred a great suc-,4e areth, .Inn - MiNuliy, .May' ces on the screeii, ''following hefixiartiii. Niebota Miiallenv Jiiinear;iTire 'in 'Tl'lin fifi(ie l ... I I.....,....;.. .i u...n. : ,Vuman.M Vsm Uif minor roleinxin-iA I.un.Jiui(lvl.UM ri Hurtiry, i .. . .-.r ,i t , i TT . .... .! nn Mm tti ..ii. ' "The Iaple" is based on "Duij brovsky, a llussian r!aic hyf lileoree IlolH'rtK. si A ha.eball erle wa nlaveil Alexander l'iibkin. 'the Shakes th 1ji.W.."'wl.ek -.-i IJtween Prinie HnPert and Anyo, t,:ne local iuars) .of Ihe lhret-Boiu' -.1 this ninrnuiit of Ihe. hotel acrosij tlie liav from Anvnr owned btt: Mr. McKinnon. There was ahrtpwlt'"1, I O.nao insurance on the slruc lure. 8 nis apluriiiK two. Steamship and Train aaaaaaBrV Service a t. rRificc oiomoc and rniMCt vrir m fnr VAMCOUVKN. VICTORIA. ttATTIC ami lUK'Hr Mil an4 IUnmii at It p-m. AIM .. rl CMAHUa, W" KAr , aim iVht f ai 4 p.m. -t ANTOX WCDMDAT, 1m. I -i TIWAHT ATUDA.r, 1t p.m. . rRINCt CMAftLtS (-Iilti0) f'ir vancouvia LOTTC IlLANCt. PAaatMocn tnains leave pkikce nueinT tl.no a 411 f'.r PRINCE OtOROC, EDMONTON WINNieta. ' iii1a. I niled Side. imi all fete SUmM Unta. I'Se iMillta SlOMUl r.prrl f.r Mimri 'T r I Alw tor uur iwit 4ii-mni. Clt T.kiat Ofllta, il Thlf Ata rrl rr a ro..vcr QVtM row i,.j. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED SeilWM Irum frtor Hapefl. f VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Ilnl ,, Alaft ! VANOOUVER. VICTORIA, Alart III. a mi ! for fORT EllnPEOnl aaa Naa'a Rle Canaarlea, Thorl -m far PORT EtStPIOHI, Aft VOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART, US M llHik I. Baeaalai, AmiL GRANT'S A mi racuramc lltHMAtMaU 1 (Tilt 0JUC1NAU Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BMtrl Ml4 iHitlMi Vf ViIUM Cmi A Sm tiauMa U.MJkW m4 Balw.CImbMt Omdimm. (Ml a Ai-CUf. SwiUad. This advertisement Is Liquor Control il M not published or Hoard or by the Goveruu'"1 Urlllsb Golumhl A