if March 8, 1920 me umiii nrYYo PAGE THREE ir-a J"" ' ... A n and watt. &zz w (a A Lesson for Your Pocket-Book CARNATION Milk cuts milk bills. It goes farther than ordinary milk, with less spoilage and wastage. When used undiluted and double-rich, in place of cream, it reduces cream bills approximately two-thirds! Carnation improves the texture of foods and adds rich flavor. When used in place of expensive cream, it enhances the flavor of fruits and cereals adds a finer savor and a delightful color to coffee. Use Carnation Milk. Send for free copy of Mary Blake's Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Co., Limited, Aylmer, Ontario. It look, creamy It tastes creamy It is creamy arnation Milk Prom Contented Coxes" Produced in Canada To the Ladies! il !ll:i 'l ! I" -.. -I .it .1 -U'! lf LESSONS IN HANDICRAFT AND DECORATIVE ART I 11. Iff llli' iT-li.il llti'l.tlllll of . MISS S. GUDMUNDSON Artist, from Dennltons, New York, N.Y. h'MI- pm-ll III 111" (linking uf t -ItllllflP Imi ,1 ltiH' ;iin:. PaiM-r Kliwr. ilo-luifU's - W in Art. MiMihlnijt. Pain' w. . (.. Al (In v . I'i'lli r I ifi iir,iliiii. - Itrjr Tli. .!... M.'t.li S sill. t ".III. lu 0 'M.l - ' W.i' K Hi ,,-.j.t II! .I'T llllV. McRAE BROS., LTD. HREE FLOWERS Preparations For Exquisite Care of thhe Skin O.ni-ing tln-mii. .Skin t l ..Mi. it.. .i.i..- ...,t ;iiiiliiiiff Ovum . . 50c each for the Face Fart- I'ow.la in wli.i'. i ilural and brunette ... 7oc una i.uu I isp. in iliuk. medium, iiml i'il "linden 50c I . :" k ;utd Kvehmw Pi ui il-. t.n h 35c H . inline. Ttilrnni I'uwder. Simp .mil Perfume. With each $1.00 box of Three Flowers Face Powder re puiiip a in knK' m t j i iti iifr i U"UI ie Three Flowers Preparations Free. ..No a booklet on In. --mi T;i!le Arts you may liave for tin" inking;. Ormes Limited The Hcxall St.ne Avenue and Cth Street. p., Hirer Ili-iiiri-K Phones 82 and 200 Steamship and Train Service S PRINrr ni..roT .p.Nrc RUPtRT f..r VANCOUWCR, "'CT0RU, SEATTLE am mKrimnlltl wlt '!' "I0A l -m- S. PRINCIUPCRT for STEWART n-t ANVOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m 1 miNCE JOHN turllH.lnty for VANCOUVER 0""-N CHARLOTTE ' ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPti Fvl MONDAY, WEDNESDAY llt SATURDAY l H p.m. "'mCE "RttE """uniTON, WINNIPEG, (II )uit KMn i mum. rnoru a..... .nrb.u . i n r- a u .rr , u(UI. tINES. r Tlcti Offlc, S2S Third At Prlntt Ruptrt. phonf 260 Local and Personal I'hone ID. I'.U. Coal Co. Arthur s Taxi. I'hone 078. H.G. Undertakers. Phone 41 Cameron's Plionc 177 Dance tf tf Orchestra. tf tflMUXfi COATS Just arrived. I'Wee reiiKfttiable. Mrs. Oratil-niaii. 50 i rnnjMp. iioldlilnoiil iiayh' imp nigm-M inices tor furs. See lilni firt. Wtwd received liy the tram from Prince tii'uvn stales tha the northern lights 1 here al th week end were wonderful. The C.N.H. ilanee eoliitnillee ntepiiiift Saturday night voleij lt.'.(o to lln- Jlo' Ituml to puirlia-e four instrument. -. Klf irolysi for the reinova' o' iierruou hair, warts, nndes. ele. Seieiilifie fe masat'-. haireultiui:. Mis. Stephen. IMnmi-Itlrtck CO. tf HeHrt Taylor, fur pever:n year a n'sidpnt of thi iiitrici at t:tlfi)iid Prince It u pert, leave- on tlil evening' Irani for .V. I.ouis Mo. where ho expects t liHtate. Provinrial OmcUble and Mrs. Charles Kenoh of Mapett aflt havint; spent a fortnitit visitin? in the eity. returned to the I"-laiid mi the Prinee John Saturday ni?bl. (ieorse Liltte returned U Ter-r.ee on- Saturday night's train i nd Mrs. Little is retnainiw here ilh Me. I.ittle, Sr. who is in I lie hopital sulfenn? from a ttroken iiiit. CP. It, uleanipr Prinreys Ileal fee. aflrr havitiL' neiit the da unJuiidioV heavy earsro at Port Kdnrd 'eanner)'. armed here at T hTloek Saturday eienin? ami aile.1 a V o'clock mi her return to Yanejpuer and way ports. Jokaniplell, formerly of th local PQt olfire taff and a well iMiowH wall I'lavrp, l ui town iTrom .Vii y os on iKilaJav trio. llivfM-a'-bed I he eity n Satiirdax lfneftiHMi und will return to tli Fini'fllerl !.nn on WmJuemfaii I u ' MiiaM. , i.porite I'liii''tad. maiiaiter if the Port tjlward Cannery, wtm Hrnvt'd at the plant from I lei I inyliani on tlf PriiiPf-'. Itealriif on Miiuruay, rnmc into town oi Uiii' iiioniniK's train anl will (trmreed ahoard I lie Prineess Mary litis aflernotin to Kelclii kun. .1. I.. Milne, H!ilaiit distrtet i-njiiiifi-r. for the provinial de liMtlmenl of publir workn. will -ail tomorrow afternoon on the Ciiin.i-un for Ylctorki. Hfttirnins t work, he will he acconi- I'.uiit'd Ity Mr. Milne and family who wilt ake up their residence in the city. t .M.irlKiimld, who was In liaryc of fini-liiua touches on Ho- liM-al prain elevator after tliv departure of 1. M. Shearer, superintendent of rontriietitm fo.- :Hi-l-r-liRllf-Aldin?er Co., Ltd. ailed on Saturday afternoon by I he t.Hfdena for Vancouver en ro u t e t o V i tin I'tieK . l iiion Vlemner Camosun, Cip1.. A. K. Dif'kson, arrived nl 7 o'-rloek Ia4 niplit from Vaiieouvei-and wayports and suileil at ".30 for Anyu, Alice Arm and Stewart. Atnoujr her passenpers, tin-i lit i n ii ti had the following: for l'ntn-e ltupert Mis Fetlierlop. i'.. i. Ovrhill, Charles Holts. Mr, linker and Mr. and Mrs. K 1. Orashv; for Alice Arm Mr. olwirtoh; for Stewart H , Workman and fJ. V. Roland Il.s will he the last voyage of I lh- Cuinosun on the l'rinee Ru-' pert -niininjf camp run. J'he Uar- ilemi will lie back in this service jnoxt week and the tlatula -will be on tiie raiineiy run at the end nl lliis wees. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ililt Sixty l.o.U.F.. Scottish Dance, .March 12. FirM t'tUted Sale Manih 27'. Church Kasler t'.vro Ilnedown Friday, April U. in Auditorium. . ! - LI a a T a -mt Agents warned! Experience Nof Necessary II You are making less than SI.'JOO 00 u month and expenses. Sell this New Pencil Machine In your own selected territory and become Independent Each Demonstration Means a 'Sale Schools. Olllce Building. Stores. Cales. Kail Road Stations and all Public Buildings. Aet Quickly to secure Sales Klgbts loYour Territory Write at Once! Automatic Pencil Vending Machine Corp. Ce CH, Birralhm, Ala. (U.S.A.) Slicddon's Taxi and Messeneer Servire. Phone I'M. Ii R. Howe sailed on Saturday nivht ahoard the Prince John for ' Vancouver via the Uueen Charlotte Islands. Hail of for Charle Ed-'ai, who failed to appear in (he cilv police court this morning to an? wer to a charge of drunkenness, was estreated. Mr. and Mri. J. A. Mrown ant family arrived from Port l'.s.uip. Ion yesterday mominz. Mra Jirowu liax been ailmillel u a patient to the l'rinee lluiert (ieneral Hospital. John M. Morrison sailed las' matit on the Camoua for Alice Ann after liavinz simmiI scwral day in the eity 'i',lHiuesj ir PMiiapPlion with the "Alice Arm-I a UoM' Mines Ltd. The Frank Vaterhoue freitrhl. t Kaxlliolm arrived in ort front the outh at 7:311 lat niht and it liHlay ;il the dry dock unload; m a car,ro or Vancouver IIaun oal for "Hie power liotiAe. lo-orpe 1 try t lit relumed to tlo- city on thin limniiiix' train after leiiiliiiK a month on a holid.it trip in the course of which Ik vioitiHt Cellar Rapid., Iowa, when his parents re ids, and ollie cities in the Middle Slates. Mi Winnie Iibb of Uie hos pital nursing staff, wfio is now cnuvaleM'ius frojn a itcent i II ne. waileil on Saturday aboard the Prinee John for SaudspH, Queen Charlotte Islam!, where pe will visit for a couple of weeks. Jo Itoivalt' (oiirmjr imu- wen' ntT the street on Allin Avenm near the Ward residence lafl n it; hi and landed n it side .n the muskeg. The driver was un- injuicd and the ear. which v;i picked up tin inorniny by tin Kaien garage "uti'it. wa not liadlj- damaged. BOATING AND TENNIS ENJOYED YESTEDAY Warm Sunshine Enticed Many on the Water and Others to Take Part In Summer Games Yesterday" a number of tenuis enthusiasts were on the courts taking advantage of the sun shine. This is not by any means Hie first tennis of the season but there were more players present than on most former occasions. Many pleasure boats were out on the harbor yesterday" and a good many parlies enjoyed Him arterunon at one or other,; of the beaches. The . sun .Viis' v Very warm until betwceiihree and four o'clock, whefi it clouded up a little and became cooler; One of the favorite occupations for the warm days is crabbing. V good many crabs were, taken yesterday at Me.Nkholl mik and oilier favorite crabbing grounds arounj the harbor. REPLIES FROM OTTAWA PEOPLE R. E. Benson Thanked Fop Photographs Received of Prince Rupert Elevator 11. K. Hciison who recently forwarded ahout twenty photographs of the local elevator to cabinet ministers and others al Ottawa has received a number of letters thanking him fur the picture and fome of tiie letters are I quite interesting. Fred Stork, i the local nieiiiber, wrote as fol lows : 'I wi.-di to thank you for your splendid picture of the Prince lluperl elevator received today and I a I r-o with to say how niurh I appreciate your public spirit in maillii? the picture to many member of the Hoiife of Com mon and for your letter pivinp much detailed information in re aard to the port. Team Work "Nearly every member who has received this picture from you has mentioned the matter to me and it is very gratifying to me to observe this evidence of (am work for the building up ot l'rinee nuperi. Letters were also received from iluu. hrnest Lapoiiile, Hon. J. 11. King. Hon. Rudolph Lemicux-Hon. (. P. Graham, through the de.puty minister, from C. W i.ros of Fdmuuton, and from Robert Forke and 1). M. Kennedy. The teller iroin Mr. Forke fol lows: "I am in receipt of your letter and photograph of the govern nieiil raiir elevator at Prince lluperl ami note thai you say it will be banded over to the ttov ernuieiil during the coming week. T sincerely hope that in the near future iMinre Rupert will receive its due share of Hie wheat erop traffic of the Canadian We I. I quite understand the advantage which your iiarbor pose.e in being open all the year round." Peace River Reply l. M. Keunedy, member for Peace River in parliament, writes: "I beg to thank you for your letter of the 2tlh instant and alo for the photo you sent of Hie government grain elevator at Prince Rupert. I have been making ?ome inquiries here re-sardiiiK Hie elevator and it i contended by oine that it is not uile complete. I am also making fonie inquiries from the pro- ince of .U'berta nigardiiic; ih elevator and its usefulness in .'ounertion willi Hie movemenl of western wheat crop. I have always been impressed Willi the fact that the jiorl of the Pacific were twelve months porls and in this way have a tremendous advantage over the eastern ports of Fort William and of course lltidnn Hay. I will be very glad if you will civc me particulars regarding the reduction of insur- ar .'e rales on sliinuins to Prince Rupert. In the meantime I will collect such information as I can regarding the matter front other source. I will le very much tiappoinled if the elevator can not be used as I was one of those who spoke in favor of the elevator, believing at Hie time that I wa advocating something of a benefit to the country as a whole as well a Prince Ru;ert.' " SITKA MERCHANT DIED IN HIS HOME .11 XF.At . Mar. 8. Charles M. -rath, a leading Silka mereban'. I'd a prominent cilixen of Alaska for the last quarter of a ren- ury. dropped dead at his honvi Saturday. p TOO LAT TO CLASSIFY PAI.MKR HOI Si: Furnished suites for rent. f FOUND FOFNh. Hunch of keys onving. Apply haily News office. FORM F. Nolle of Application for Cmiflcttt Improxmonti -SlOhf Mlntr.l Cltlm of Sliuair in ui Itiiht ltiiHrt Mlnlnr MvOii.n of Um Skerm Distrwt. Whero haratcj er the lint r kliminkulum Like. I. hit Iml.liT: svtau Halln. uin-1 tier i4 iMitilrr'n trrt .MUiff Crrltrirate. SSVIIJI". f TkC MOTH: tlial I. Swan pallik. fw; MiiH-r'n lrlirii-aif v.y Ss07r. immd al! II rtij ir U da) fnmi I lie dale lu-rpiif, li apply In tin- Miniur limirder; fr a i:frtlflralp of linpmvriiiriiM Tor tlwi piiiHi of (.l.talulnir a i:nin firanl uf' Ihe b.n f rlaiiii. Aud runh.-p Ukf no'.tra lhal anion, un.lrr srrtlon 4 of the "Mliifral Ai-I." mut lie roiniiipiirrd b-t fir ihe limine of anch crrtlflcale of liiiproiemmpi. ! SwXm dai.in. owner. I . . By t. 1. keuny, AyvuL or Everijthinq tht touches Babe's Skin- "MTEXT time you open a package of Lux, let a handful run through your fingers. Feel it. Note the delicate silk-like softness of1 this wonderful soan. Think of baby's tender skin and ask yourself whether these silken Lux flakes are not the only cleansing agent that should be used to wash baby's garments garments that touch and rub the delicate tender skin. Silk, woollens, laces, cottons anything that soft water itself will not harm may be cleansed thoroughly, quickly and above all safely with Lux. LcvT Brothers limited Toronto ICANADIAK PACinCjf DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish !& Cold Storage Co., Ui' Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert f lETOnUX. WUXCOt. MUD. SUCWAT FWr Sik. Z2aa Harca 8th F TJUiCOl'VEt. VICTORIA aaa SEATTLE felnan IZtk. ZSlk. Marca 12lk 55. niNCESS EEATUCE Fop Bultdalt, Iwanaon Bay, Eatt Balla Btlla, Ocaa Falla, Namu, Alart Ba. Campball Rlr, and Vancoutar aitry Saturtfai 11 a.m. anc for all laamahla Llnaa. Full Informatloa from W. C ORCHARD Oanaral AganU Cernar of 4th (traat and Srtf Aianua, Prlnea Ruparv, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailtnra truo prtore ftupm. r VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, (wanaen Ba. and Atari Bay, Tuaadat. S .. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaan Bay. Saturday. 10 A. For ANVOX. PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlirar Cannarlaa. Thuraday pjn. For PORT S:PSON. ANVOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART. Sunday. S p.m. End Aiaau-a. i. Bamalay, AtaaU Prlnea Nuaart, B.0 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 530 238 Black1 735 r