T0N UNO DISTRICT. ... ,f Coaat Rant in T0M LAND DISTRICT. TON TOM f unit, follow Coatt Rant B. il ii day ai and ilri i a fiHo ITAa, 1 a. . . Ht - of Coaat Rant B. after '.. ... imiitla to amilv tn " anil fP ln-fllfl) . al and Jwirolrinn - land, fiill"i;-. n-ti pianioii ai i nil niarkul T.J. Ii. wiriofsan Kll rhaln, lhnre :. i.-f in ir ill rhaina, Jl:.. u hiii( of nun- in, tew. HKATTV. af CMIt t i: al wily il) efler i ami' for . wt anil a Iltlir0 ptn ileum i ..-i planii'il ai .h i "hciijiii .it. Tp. 4, 4i , it T.J.H. liorlliuf.i ih no rhulii. Ihrnr iu,-n liiirlh Hi) rliain, nlii-. lo I'olnl of nan- IH. IIA. u - J Ht IT.ATTV. LAND DIITRICT. ,: hal Mil "ar tflrr liirmi to apply lo in llri.nr ijnii- Mr . ! an.l t "Irolflllll Mini I follow ;. 1 plahU-d it Hi ; -r.'tlnll . Ti. A, marli'il I J.H ' wxiihraal ii lu rliain. lliriir - if. .mini mi rliain. . in iollll of Plilll- -lh, I Mr.. jiui IIKVTTV. LAND DISTRICT. r Coaat Rand B, I! 41 -Hlv day aflf tmnd lo apply lo Mr llrnr i ami" Im a al ami land, a- M-iriilfum fiUto planltf at M r pM-iinn :.. Tp. tA. i i j.h.' uuih rlialn. Ihrnr . n. -Will KM rhaln. nail'- I.. til of riau-- HKVTTV, TOM I HI r. DISTRICT. nlrtiil In Tt K still ll l land for fcf Caaal Raaaa B. IM-MW a Im-i afirr ami iMiintMHn a rollmaa iiumm al ito M'llo 7. T 1. I I I K a iMMllM-aal iliam. !rn . tKiflli K rltaina. j In 440l of KKn II III'' t ir.TTY TOM UHD DIET R1CT. .1 .mi iiav rtr MilmU lo M4f la ..ami" for Mrrt al aiMl ivimlmiB ii-J a follom IiUiiIinI al itw .'Ii. . Ti. 4, I i. (I . uwllMil "i rliaill. Ihrt - ulli au rhaMa. - pol or rm , !!. - mvm m:TTV. -il data aflf IHanlnl al IM -I S. TP 4 I iilrnda lo mtfr W i Ml 'lilMr rtiain-. ihMtrr ...IH rlMllH .,nil of nan Ml HrTTY. TAli I a a h ,ia..i I mi Cttatal aa at K. "' ' tat, ttv itava artrr Brat 1 InlrmU apnlv In ,if Land fnr a Tfrnr fr mai anil iMtrnliitn "f land, a follow: l a ixiat plnnit-il at III ' rhaln, Ihrnr raat SO llorlli an .1..1... .1..... j l'"oii or ninii iiirinni. J'n. ry nih. ion. T"0MAS lAMTn nr. ATT Y. -TON LAND DISTRICT. iiti,." ..VB"" "nt o., I'HK that, altlv dava afler "ally. Inlrn.lt tn attW In "f l.aiula for a llnrn ...i roi ami rwlroiiim fir l-ailil aiai .11 ..... . .r,.." l"'.' ''ni'M at, Ih THOMAS ana, liana ft. JAMES BEATTY. I 'I'Iicip wore ..1H9,W7 fnol. of Imkh crali'il in IriiiP' (Ipoikc illlrict iliii hiK Kin munlli nf .Inn. uury, Hiviihlintr to lli r-mrt m I In illiliicl ft Hitler. In HpilB of uiifaviriill' nggiit onilitinis. the lotnl wiia lif(tlnr tliai4tint nf lolalllnsr .1'j,5rtii It worr nwav In-low llif tolal fop Urn sarno aionlli IiikI yinr. Work iilnnniM for this ililrii-t ilurina I In- rotniriif xeaxon liy Ih" (irovtiN-lnl ili'p'irl iiumiI, of iulili. work inrliiilcH llm irnir4llin of tlm lirilioo hiulnvay lielwecn riiH-i (icorffp anil AVooilpwkf-r fin- a ilUlanci' of almiit lvinly-HIIIck; I he i-iiilli-lii)o of I lie lil- i-oio-l'rinco (liMiruc ronil ainl vnrlotiH iiiiinrliiHl liiiroviii,nl on olln-r likshwayx. lainoK A. Monro, wlio Jia fpn In l lie uwiiinsr ami aiinvun lmi. liirr xini'e llm arly ilayn. Iff I lal week wllli hi- famib lur VniM-iiiiviT wliMrr il hi Intention to liH-alc. Mr. .1. C. (SavrViin nf I'rinrn lliipfil ia )iiciiiliii5 u few ilay tiff u I It ft jriHt of Mm. J. B I.iiiiiImti. VANDERHOOF Chmtilla rahliil rniiTi(c U ImII aililltion In fur fnrmfmr fn tin- .lilrirl. lNal fur iMalcr- liavtns l3.ro mrh for kln. J. Ilui kf-r Whltp -nr llHinlt im rr- Hiriiil In liavf olil ii of ilicc mliliil for uliir-h a real-Ul IMI. Thor a "FhIImt and Son' lmniHl In Hi UhI OliurCtri li KrMay MiMiinjf. r. II. T. MrKarlaiie r"ilinK. 11o- iki irofil nf lli carnival nHl qu'ii tfonlful iliili hfhl lKr rwnlly av 2t5.75. Mr.. I. I. Myt-r- of Tori Fra-ir rflurirfl in li-r liomo lal wxk Mflcr tiavinK l'-i a nliriit for Iim- wiek in tin1 llmrllon HlKJIllill. K. ll. Smith loani on Tlmrs-ilay li ullf-nil m ronvi-nlinn nf Hip rnwMlalii' f III litiiiHila ii ii rrti MrFlonr Mill I.W. wliirh will .mf f-irHSSSihfld In Halinirj. i 1 a folkf: lUnl..l al i -.Hon ?. Tr- I. ' i j.n -a norilml ? rliain. llwf mirth rhauv, - .im of nan- IM. MMM Hi;TTT. f Cool Raaaa R. '1 I'll .itli itat.. ami- for afirr apt'lr I" a tfrrnr land. a folio : , -1 (iliiiirl al Ih 'iwm . T. I.. uar. n tj.b. rmrinl n an rluln". llnri hot Hi ail rlialli. iij.j' - in point of cm lilt. !. Rant B. Itll.' rfni', aflP 1 ir liilnnila t.i aonlv lo I atl.1t fill, a llni ' land, a fnllrttna: ti a ii ,.i 4anll al llw if iitlon U. Tp. 4, niarki-d TJ.Ii.'a amiiliraat ' III tn rliain, thrnrc ' Itmmi anuili a rhaln. rliain. tn point nf roin- II Hi. IM. jMr MKTTV. ' - i.nnii IS I I n 1 1. I lei of Ooat Ran B. ' III! Blai., .l... mttmm . ...... t.i.1. iiq - ..i. 1 ,J. ti liiif-n.U in arnl In ' l.inl for a Urrrir fill rtml .an.t iMlrikli.iilik ' - 'tt lanil a, r..ll..u. l a ni4 plaiilnt at Ih :r ,.r arllon . Tp. A. " IHarkr-d TJ.B.'a luirlhwMl ' k i"ith an rhaln. llinr ''' tlifiir norm an rhaln, 1 rliain. in ilnt nf rom- It; an. 10 IHMS JAMi:s" IIFATTY. I.ewia ItawMtn. who lia hern on lire hn-al .erinni erew for five year, lia M'eii appoinletl foreman at llewev. . MAIILTON LANO DI8TRI0T. Olairlcl f Ceaal Raa . TILL MnHK inal. ll 1jra afljr ilalr I. T. J. Hraliv. ItHMW t apr4j l III.' MaiMlfr of Mml for IMIK lo irnri for al and i-lrl"iim ivrr a arrr, or land. a foUowa: Cjminwnrw ! P" l-lano ln nlli- tM.iilh of ll mirth e-l itwwr or li and. nan- . and martod T.I.B mill-ZJ., ii-o. tHirih an rlialnn llirfim !' ' rhain. IIwiki- MII thaln. tht-nrf ral an rnain. to pm m niminmwiii. . . 1 1 Jmirv Bill. IBfa. HAZILTON LAND DISTRICT. A, .iir r . caaal Rana B. ,111 ..mi r in.i iitiv dv aft'r lair I T. i. Riall. lnlnl t apply In th Mlnilr f M'l ttf a Hrrm ..ZZim-rt for- mal and i-trtlruin ' ,.r I.10.I a. fi.llown: . at a r.-i Manli-I at thr nrr of Hrrlfott ti. Til. IA nlriS-r iIhii- nrtll rhaln. Ihrnrr m" l"i rliain.. llinr ilh mi rliam.. inrm-r. r. .Iwlii. I" I"1-"! "f liHMirrliirnl. HAXILTON LAND DISTRICT. Dlatrkt f Cot RS J- K..-11-L' ih.t altlv tlitva HAXILTON LAND DISTRICT. , Ranaa B. 1II1 an V . "rinal mrilr,l liinn limit' r norm norm p- p" o rha n. ihii n.t an. i hain,. ihnr aoiitli fllfa ....!. .'. "' ."'.' " " l" . i.. .1. . it-. .. 1 a ."'0111 pn -- in. 1111111. in,, ihrnr inrniTi. ht an riniim, 01 1 1 an null ami afirr iinr. i.irii.i. ...... .- . . , dalr I. T. 1. Kt-ntl.v mi"" '7,,,;. ih Minlatrr or Laml tor a ll;rnre 15 pn"rl rr-'rol and Wjr' arn. f laml. a. folUiwa: mr Kill rmiriU.-; at a P? T't "a l,rwr. ihrnr "onlli rhaln. 1 i-nro norlh l rhaln., rhain.. llimr mi hnr" "( 1 u rhain. t-' l''nt or mm-tiirnifiiiriil. . 'IV"?. :....o.L .o.,rh an rhain. tlH-r umi n rhaln. tlx-nrr noil" rhaln, nKire U ill rliilii. I" I1""" ,lf r,,,n' liiriiri'inriil. . '-'''JVVMr'anRATTY. MAIILTON 'LAND DISTRICT. ai.i.kl t aal RarlAI Ba TKt VoriCK llval. alt')' l ," dale V f ir'l.r.tiy '-'J'"' 'ffi,,;, 1.. mii.i.i.i i,r laml fur a lirrnr lo intM'i-l for nrlmlriiin followa: ...........i at a INI4I nlinli'it at in . IL -'.i' rtialn. .;.... 1 nr raat -...,. II r an Hilnt Lofil'd lnV'r?.ll,-,1V?r,S of roiiunrnr PEATTY. Tlin fiitifral of I ho lain .1. Mft- l-ati wn. h"lil unil.iy .afternoon, llio ftrvicin lo-inn nmijiicl.fi! dry llir loeal Alaoiiic lirotlirrlinoiU llf i-aine. lo Canada from 'firof. land ami i Hiirvivrd ly n widow, our riauKliIrr -arid ilirfr miiii Two on realdp hrro and 1 1i r daiiBhliT i Mr. N. Mclonald1if Mvi-Iyn. rxinilint Hi rnmplienlioni which PL. in. Mr. a nl Mr.. I). W. Mener enterlained a numher of jriend al eanl on Thursday eveniiur. There were five Irtble playiii? al five humlriHl with the priint b'o- IntT to Mr. H. FJiy nint n. tl. VlniltN T'lte rani wre follow ed hy dalnly nnd hountemi re- frhmeBt. Ilnlee dtirin? the week en-lertnlnimr In honor of Mr. I! l)ntialdoii were. Mr. AV. J tr.Nfill. Mr. V. F. Hover. Mr. ti. II. Wall an.l Mr. .. MUtat- rick. TELKWA Annlhrr Jolly dance, under lit direction nf lite Uiliien' Aoc- ialion wa held in the town hall on Friday lat.. tlwlnp to the poor i-ondition of . the roads there wen- not many front outside polrtls. Hut for tho.e 'trt .ent, the dance va. n diueje mie cess. Hruce Kerr, nl one lime a rancher near 't'elkwa. nnd Vtow locnled nl Hu"ni.tlWiijniw5v rr? lowu on Friday last. The Hound lnke girls and Woodmere Hoy' leams are pre- liarinu Iheniselve for a same with their friends from -Smilher on Friday. A tlti Is' the first public, j:nnie dayed nl the C.oni-munHy Hall, 11 I en-atinfr a lot of interest. Special arrnnue ments are beinpr made for the dance which l lo follow. People are wtrkinar nl Ihelr Karden. .Also, we noticed wainm load nf ice mmc, Into town today. The Annual meeting of the r.ommtinHy Club was held at Hound Lake, and (he last year's nllicers were reeleclcd. U was decided lo keep the fnflnighlly socials up for some lime, ns Ihey have proved so popular. Preparations are, under way, lo make the .Nursing Home Dance on March T7, one of Hie best on record. Hev. Mr. Tllbson liclil service in the Church of F.iiiglniid on Sunday. Owing to the condition of Die roads, I he meellng of St Stephens' W.A. which was to THE DAIL7 I7EWB ! DISTRICT NOTES AND NEWS 1 ANYOX. STEWART. OUEF.S CNAffi nnv ici jvnc x, wrrotnu pnWT: l " - 4WS A aW aVlkSaWi llJ M. III 1 aWJ II VII V J I If j PRINCE nFflRHR ! 5Mitui.dc I have been held Mr, tireen at potiioned. in Ituperl. al Uh home ol Tyco Lake, wai TERRACE NOTES V.. C. ManniiiK of llin. provin ulal formlry iJi-partnifiitj -anil J, imiiiii-y. ijihi net ioryii'r, ire town in i-oniieclirmi.willi Uuj holdincf of- .nislanL ni.nffrr iiililiiatiniis today. Mg . io . I raor of t. Prinrr ItuprrUu a I .i.. a!OA ...1..1.1 , IT UHlUlini it 1 1 t 11 II.IJ lirrilli Infill iniv.) I' -.ruiiiii llinll--lll f IIMl-f llir rhooU in IhU dUlrirl in 111-olllrial rnpaflly last work. II. l(i. I'rnvlncl.il Aojoe' Irft fur Victoria on 'llniixlay lo alli'iid a roiivrnlloii of llrillsli Cnliiiiiliia rolli'clor-4 iiml nnvi. Kors. A il-amit i-M-iiiii? wii fiprnt al tin' hiiini' of Mrn.-N. I. Mnrait mi I'riday wlirn hn rnlrrlaliii-d 1 tiiitiilii-r of ladif 11I lirjilvf. in honor of Mr.'lr. Irmiald-'iin. Mr. Jr. Iionaldaon, areorupanv led liyloT two cliildrrii in -mhihI-111? a fow day in luwn. llio in't if lir I t Mr. Norman Tlir yoiillff folk had a jolly tinir al danoins and riuor.4 at 1 In home of Mr. and Mr. H.ifr l.iflou on Friday nlplil, wlirn llirir niwo, HtluM 'Miller, rnlrr tuiiifd .1 imiuht-r of tirr slrl an I tiy rliiim. A mm 'flu iiorn lo Mr. ami Mm. Ilrzinalil I.. Hair at th Juldlrr llmnltal. Victoria, on Sal unlay, March fi. I'rrry larldfn, hail llir. mi fnrlunr lo lu on a nail wliieu pi'tirlrali'd lh tolr of hi foot niid n a. r illt lia -htui lo rnlrt tliw hnpilal .for treatment lo on ll.i- perl where ho ha Hpenl xornc weiik ifceiviriir nit-xlioal treal- menl. Vrrnon illann of Prince lliierl KiM'iit Hot vNk rod in Terraeu at llir'liornit of hi paront. Mm Floyd Halt of rnilhers i HpendiHR a few day-, in town iiaU. llie isnoul of .Mrs. .1. .Morj Howard M. Wilson rotumed on Sal unlay uijrht after having Kpent federal weki In . I'riuce "Andv" Andemon of 1'ritito Ituperl penl Siinilay wilh friends in Terrace. J. V. Oraham made n hort liiiiinx Iriji to J'rincfl flupcrl la! week. , fieorse Utile reinrne im Sal- unlay nighl after havitiir aneom-IKiiiietl ht mother lo the Prince Hiipert lio.pita for treritmenl. Mm. tleortte Little who alo ae- eonipanied them i remaining in the rily for a lmrt tlirte ami "finindma" Little will lie a patient in the hniital for some week. Mrs. CR-ell and ilaik'lilee Opal penl several ilafu inrhriueo lluperi al the weet eiwt. ; Mr. V. II. Mclroitahi bus t rhiNl .home nfler h-aviiiR ppetil a few day in Prine liuptsii. Mrs. P. M. Moocl.lt. n left oii i ri.lay niorniiM on a Imliday trii In Seattle where nlie will liwet Mr. Miiiiektoii, who has been in the iMitttli fur mime week. Uur- iiiaK her viil her three children ere staying al the home of Mr. .ipe Sherwood. Fred I lit I lord was in no way connected with met liquor case tried here recently which was diniifd for lark of evideucr i X. Woodwnnl. who ha beeii uetin? uutimVer of the Hank of Moulreal hen for the pjit Jwo month duriiiR the abence nf A. II. I larger, left Satunlay niplil for hi home in Prince lieoiue. Mi Annie Cousin, accom panied by .Maler (tordim Little left Ihi iniiniiiiK for Prince llupert where he will remain for mne lime lo be near Mr. Llllle 4Sr.. . Tim 'annual meetinp of the A'erntr 'l"a!l iFnir Aocintinn I to newti-m iiti i-cniit, .Mttrcii i: in (S.NV.V.A. Hall. Ho.ide the regular bulues of the ancia- lion there i a movement on font for the purchase of an nere of land iidloininK the ball grounds. Mrs. T. J. Marsh returned on Satunlay evening after having pent several days visiting with her daughter F.landa and T'rince llupert friends. Dunn,: her visit Don't Neglect The Children's Coughs and Colds Mrs, Ym. W. Cant, Bancroft, Ont, write! "Laul winter my thre fhil-tlrn had rrr bad colda, and they 'would tough all night long, which was very annoying to the rest of the family. I could ft nothing to help them nntU one night, a friend who was laying with me, adviavd me to give thtm Bra Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I immediately got tome, and after I' had used four bottle of It my children became quite well again, thanks to Dr. AVood'a.'; Thiaw preparation has been on the market for the paat 37 years; you don't .experiment when you buy it; lut up only by The T. MUburu uo., the Well-Managed Home THE manager of a Jiousehold is the purchasing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she imust iknow what, when and where to buy. She must study .goods -and the concerns -which make igoods and have them 'to sell. She must. put her home on a business basis and run fit on business principles in order 4o make the mostof the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchr sing. And the right way to get'the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to mafe your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you in-jormation about a thousand and one things that are usef ul and interesting. Every manager of a household every member of the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfareshould make a -habit 6j reading the ads. 'Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely ne aw the play "Wuddin,' 1 Wilson. iells-' in which Mi Mar.h wa tine of the leading performers T. J. Stephens, travelling re- lireentalie fur Leckie, an- liutiver, was a business iuor ai Hie week end. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Skinner of :opper tMly were in town for Hie dance on Friday, night. II. IL . Knlnn vo the, Lakelse. iliitclictv staff v1as,; InVlowu on Sunday. ' . ? . . Mr. and Mrs. fihasj-llaven have r,cUirnet Iti ihelr honin til Lakelse Luke' afle'r having"" pen I Hie past three week holidaying in Terrace and at Knlum Lake. C. A. linger of Vancouver was a nusine. . visitor in m end. During a friendly scuffle among a number of the .young men on Sunday afternoon one trf them came in contact with the large window opening inlo the maniuger's office in the hank of Montreal with disastrous results to the window. Wm. Little ren deivd first aid with some piece of lumber nnd a few nails. The, illuslraled lecture and dance held in fi.W.V.A. Hall on Friday eveniivg. under the aus nices nf the Parent-Teacher As social Ion, the resulting funds to bo used for the purchasing of nth!elle-iuipment. for the school was well attended and was quite successful financially, the pro cecils ne ting Jdighlly over Iwenly dollars. The lecture given by Itev. J. II. Young on "A Thou sand Miles up the Congo River' mid "Hip Vnn " Winkle" proved very inleresling anil instructive and ithe dance which followed was enjoyrd hy nil. MtMo was furnished by Mrs. Allwood's or cheslra and the refreshments were in charge of Mrs. H. M The -AV. will meet on Thurs day- of this week at the home of Mr. CSreig. r.corge Little and V. AV'alt inaile a -trip lo their mining properly at Vanarsdol on Sunday. Mrs. A. V. Wilson of wa in town on Friday. BURNS LAKE llemoi Turk milta l.'no IkA.in sal fl lh.1i ........ no.-,.--,. ... .... villuge tax rale for 15)20. II liaf been decided by Hie council thai all residenUmust pay for sani tary service where Ihey ue it or not; a rtirfew law pnividing thai all children nuisl be olT the treet at 9 o'clock in winter and 10 o'clock in Mininter will be passed, and amendment lo the Pound Hy-law are pending, a publLo meeting is to lie held on llri subject, before it i finally settled. Mr. and Mr. S. K. Parkinson and -family of Francois Lake, who have '.resided for several year in Hhe -district, lett last, week for the south of the .pro- Vinee where il is their intention lo locale. The marriage was solemnixM nl SV'islaria last week by Hev. W It. Ashford of Hums Uike of .Mss !Hela F.iikin nnd James Nel son. They will 'reside in Wistaria where the :grooiu is a pros i perom rancher. Dr. -Sleele is giving first aid lectures weekly in the schoo! house on dniesuay evening: TI ere were fifty present ul tho firt lef lure dat week. i ' That man who Is paying ,tit-teniioti to Madge is certainly a loud ilresser." "Docn't Tttittter, he tums deaf ear to his suit." Call and sec our models in PAGE TTVS II 4 "S advance 0 N Y X Ladies' Shoes and other makes. Just arrived. Prices right. Family Sfaoe Store Phone 3S7. Third Avenue. Dr. Alexander 8mlth Block Phone 575 . DENTIST Fur Coats & Ta aeaantllaCkM'e uuvuuwiiwe i An Kxquislte Slock, of 'Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C lUR C