J. . PAQE TAVC I No Other Tea as Good "SALADA" TEA TB4 We asK you to test this yourself. The Daily News PRINCE RUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA- Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PUI.LKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES i City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month SI. Of' By. mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year ta.On To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 p'er inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page ,,$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion v ....... . 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion ....... ,2a per word Legal Nolires. each insertion... 15c per agate lint Contract Rates on ApDliration. All advertising shoufd be in The Dailj .jws Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation!. 'daily edition B.C. SYSTEM' A MOIiF.L TO OTHIJK PnOVIXCES. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1928. ...- imhimi toiumou financial ivurm is looked upon a a model to be wH at a ttandrd by others. Alberta l Investigating It nd win ux a good many uf Its' feature. It In announced. Yet It Is not perfect and never ll be clthough doubtlctt it will be lmproiedv from time to time a eiperlcnre prove one or another plan better. Jut now the tyttem of tavatlon In B.C. Is under review, lor year we have asked for the abolition of the pcrMmal prorty tax. It In prop to tub. fctltute a turnover tai and thU alto eem to have !t objection. Tlie proposal woa act out In full In a letter to the Board of trade recently and alM In another received by the local tav. collector. Anyone Interested shonld ttudy those docu ments. .', . T "rrt'r ". Mtould be at equitable at poMlble. If there It objection to the plan proposed and another plan ran be devMed mhlcb it bet ter, thU It the time to act., I'KOSI'EKITY OF STATE. AM I'liOltllllTlOS. It I claimed by the prohibition leaden tliat the prosperity of the Inlted State l doe to prohibit Ion and the high taie In thlt country' are due to the present government control MKfriii. There U no doubt that prohibition of the liquor traffic hat many advantage and tliat other butlnc benefit therefrom. There Is also no doubt ihat the preoent tyttem here it not by any meant perfect. There are too many opportanltlct for Illicit faint through the tale by on-authorized perton. something that we were assured could not take place under government control, still there Is danger In continual change. The present tystem It not bud If the law it strictly enforced and effortt arc being made to do that now. ' There It also Uoubt If the tnlted Mate It any more protiMTvo than Canada. At long as I8. hat a larger popnlatlott than Canada young mru will go there because they consider they hate greuter opiwrtuilltle for advancement. It Is Inevitable. Xo matter what the system here, the exodus will continue. Taken.mari for man. It It probable that the jople here are better off thanllher are In the l ulled Mates. T -. hCOTTihii yit:w or CANADA'S I'OMTION. The Glasgow llullelln dealing with election results and Canada' future says: Many ople are so afraid of a Jiincllon between Canada and the Cnited Mates tluit they are always scanning Canadian politic for tlgnt of the jen-dency. ho It Is natural that the general election. Just over, should be probed for Ihh. punmse. Of course It wa not a general election Issue tliat bore on this dread of -losing- Canada. The Libera!, who have won. profited by the fart That theliniM-rWI tloteriMir-Oenerttl had refused a dissolution to them and granted u trfjhe.sertaMte. Well, U hiving off any' nearer because It lis. just leen prmed to'lie jfruntable. to innuendo tliut Canada w6uld be better off wlthfcut anilmperliij tioverntir-Oenerol? And If IUW Is td, 'should we motq? Klrstas to, lirlilsh u'ttltuuei surely we Miould not wony-at M Nolhiiig we can say or do will prevent the Canadians from merging themtelte In jh t nltej States, if that Is their wish, 'or If It , tl.elr Inevitable destiny. Me shall all be very sorry In either event, but Canada It a free state, itowtwltnln the.Kni. J'lre, but at complete liberty to separate at her own time andrp1esre. Sl,eVs ulieady very largely Americanised. But this it a subject for calm sieculatfor, It will not be good for ut either to be too anxious about It that It to sires tl.lt Utile hit of ctldeitre of the tendency or that or to work against desire f (anadlantor the fate of Canada. Xext as io the bearing which the general election result nmy be said to ll.1L ittl flh a...... . . . . ... u-trh tl.a farmer In the matter of the tariff. And tl.lt factor may Im- regarded a. Celling " ""ur m u" 'llul connection I ban agulutt It. One i.berver aays definitely. Indeed, that n,r UUrrU and ProKre.let. Mow In pr carry further their policy of artlng Cunadlun lndeM-ndenrc Perlmi. That w..uld i,l be .urprltlng. Tl.lt It, , fat, a general modern Canadian tendency. It ha. been exhibited of lute ycurt In pott-war politic, In the working of the League of Nation., and In the nppulntment i.f a tort of Dominion Ambattador at Watb. Inrtim. Milt It It ttlll iMWKlhle Inneed. the iu.h.1 hentlble eourte to regard I hi. drift, whether Mlimilulcd by the 11. nr Art or not, with Interett and w II boat ulurm. lite tame phenomenon It ob.ervol.le In houth Afrka. where the t men Jack It -Invthtncer.' HlHtory and the new orientation of the world lnce the war forbid ut Io tucrumb to the tonclutlon llwt thete tlgnit Inevitably p.Miend the dlttolutlon of the Lmpire. A rea.tlau Is quite at pott-hle at acceleration of tlte drift. The Dominion, which think of hiving off find may cause to go Into re-verte genr before, they put on N.eed. There 1 defence agalntt enemle. for In. ttanee. t,here It the matter of tariff, and tnott-favored-natlon treatment. There it alto teutlnient which may at any time urove more jwwerful than the detlre for Indepeiidenee and the dignity of sovereign (tatehood. Olir duty It not id encouniie Itnmlnlont to hive off by any hectoring en our part of by the affectation of tnperlorlty to "Colonle" wlilcb I on of eur national weaknet-et. .Our liahtt of talking of the outlying artt of (he rmplre a "our" 1 had, In the pretent Inttame we should In the maid let the Canadian! Interpret their general election remit In their owu way. Anyhow. It will lie a long, long time before we home lirlfun are called upon to decide whether we shall have to fight for au Empire one and nudltlded. , . ,. , .t ma. v:.," .., . 5 i - 'lk- ' " nAH,Y WKWtj- , . ") JTUtJAY, OCTOBER v m HOSPITAL BOARD HOLDS MEETING YAKIOi; .H sfF.SS rT UATHKKIMl Of lilKEf TOKfi jlST NIOHT JOE McPHEE DONATES The regular meeting of the Hospital Board wa held, last evening In the Hoapltal with J. H Thompson, presi dent. In the chair r Others present! were Mrs. R. C. Parsons, a. P. Tinker, j Aid; Vt. M. Brown, s, D. Johnston. C. H. Elklns. L. W. Waugh. member of the board, and Miss Jean Harrison,' RJ matron, and it' W Ttlrrh mini,. ' Ing secretary. Mrs. Parsons asked on behalf of the Ladles Auxiliary that locker room be furnished the Auxiliary In the Hospital for the storage of supplies of the Auxiliary. Vllss Harrison Intimated that this could be provided. J. H. Thompson reported that the electrical Installation wu preceding satisfactorily and that the city was working- on the road to the Nurses Home. Tenders for the laying of quarter cut while oak In the Nurse Home were received from Mitchell and Currie and J. U Blaln, the former tendering 1373, and the latter f 254. The tender of J. L. Blaln wa accepted. J. N. McPhee of Butedale. wrote to the Board expressing appreciation of services rendered by the Hospital and enclosed a cheque for $123 at a donation to be used In the work of the Hoepltal. H. r. Pullen. editor of the Dally News, had a letter before the Board expressing regret at the manner in which Information was given out In regards to births and death at the hospital. The letter waa filed. The Secretary reported 1448 Hospital day for the month with a cot of 12.78 per day. AGREEMENT IS REACHED coiacil nr.cmrH to take o-ek DKY IMICK FLINT ON B.Ir or BEIXU P.ll r KIM) WATT IIOl'K hour between five and lx o'clock with Mayor Newton, Aid. W. M. Brown. Aid. Jo. Greer. Aid. B. P. Perry and Aid, Oscar Larsen present. Adjournment was taken until this evening when it if expected the agreement with the dry dock will have- been finally confirmed by the COMM. making It possible for 4 he council to decide to meet with the application of the Canadian Fish As Cold Storage Co. for power supply. The principal discussion lsst night waa on the point of whether the dry dock plant should be turned to oil burning or remain coal burning a at present If taken over by the city. a: THE MAN IN THE MOON aaya: It I Jutt possible that we shall have a winter this year. '.It ia nice to have a ctrance occasionally. There are two aide to every question in Prince Rupert. There la the aide the .husband take and the winning aide. what hamper progress here 1 a narrow provincialism. It the kind my neighbor ha. t The boy who deliver the papers aayt it make him tired but not half a tlr Jake say if anyone tell him to do his Christmas shopping early thl yea hell have a personal Interview and It likely one of the twoll get hurt. Time to plan our Zma hopping. When we spend without once stopping. Time to think up what well do; Time to say "1 wish I knew." Art In a good thing to talk about when there's no gossip going. A Scotsman bet another that he could stay under water the longest, the loner to buy the other a meal. Both were drowned. Ten Years Ago In Prtnco Rupert t.-tf OC'TODKH IS, 1910 Prince Rupert Is becoming one of the leading fur centre on the American continent. It I no unusual thing for I asdr II aVW ll Wm lB1aw- WyW w wa n yi . in. KT W'Lt ; im ff rBraa Oriental' body. 1 X : IWIaTlfll LT'tUJ W M " SLH decided to locate here. Is playing no email part In the development of Ui buslnesa. A ' Japanese restaurant man it Smlther threw himself in front of the engint. of the passenger train this week end wa killed. There wa no chance for JEnglneer Leu Bell to stop the lo- oomotlve before it passed over the The staff of Dominion cannery al most to a man 1 going to enlist for oversea service. Among tbera arr Paddy Blr.n. Prank Ooodendugh. H. S. Kendall, Henry Mclvor and Mr. Russell Alt were In the city on their way south yesterday. CHURCH WORKER AT TERRACE LEAYING t nlted Chnrrh (lulld fihet Hurprisc Tarty for .Mrs. J. A. Olll TERRACE. Oct. IS. The home jf Mrs. J. A. Oil on the bench north of town, wa the scene of a very pleasant social gathering on Tuesday afternoon, when upward of twenty ladle of Knox United Church Guild gathered at the home of Mr. Brook, and then Journey-ed to Mr. OtU'i where they curptlacc) their hottest, who nevertheless made them very welcome. A very Jolly time was spent on the verandah, the weather telng Ideal, although so late in the alL Afternoon tea wa served accompanied by the abundance of refreab-nent which bad been taken along by the visitor. Mr. Oil ha been u 7ery active' worker In the Oulld and her departure from their' midst i much regretted Iff (tot member. Mr. ana at. Oil! are leaving on Sunday next for San Francisco, where their daughter resides. VANDERHOOF The contract has been awarded to George Franklin for the bulWtng of a United Church at Fort Prater. The building win be 38 feet by 36 feet with verandah and belfry. William X. Foley ha been elected secretary of the Yandernouf Athletic Association succeeding L. E., Wells. Cel. Andros and Mlaa Fox of Victoria have been guest of Mr. and Mr. H. V. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. A. V. 0"Mear. Mr, ft. C. McCorketl and Mr. Oeorg Ogston have been (pending a few day at Takla Lauding at the gueat Mr. and Mr. A. C. McCorkell. i..n... """-" kIt. ipr imi information alHut what ha. actually, a. the person who reads the paper, her home in Prince Rupert, - happened goes t show that lrd Byng's act weighed much, much lr than! - uvorr lariors. like the adanlage that the M'ntlt got through siding The city council at a special meeting yesterday afternoon decided to accept a tentative arrangement made between X. P. Jone. city solicitor, and B. C. Eeeley, Pacific Coast manager, Canadian Government Merchant Marine whereby the dry dock will pay the city 1 He per kilowatt hour for power supply If the city takes over the operation of the dry dock plant. The council' decision wa wired to- Vancouver to that the arrangement may be finally ratified at C.Q.M-li. headquarter In Montreal. The agreement would be for one, year with the option of renewal each year for five year. The council waa In session for an 'i a v lumi v-lix a, ,a ,avco The Ant eaol touch IncUnUy stops the fieiy pain and bitinj ItcU. It waulm out ia a sumlaatlr thnit tlra tbe word tormt of tkia diartM. Mud owi ani tcalrt, wttpuif toret. pniaonnut rashrt. ugly irniption. pimples aad tkia blroiithra ieM to a tingle but Ue. Ttw fm $1.00 UttU rdiMt yam or ya Trj O. O. D. nwMo. W. J. RflcCutcheon Drug Store and Ormes Limited of Samuel Christian, a pioneer of thl place and now located at, Port Edward waa on a vltlt here lat week. Z, Ludwlg. a brother of Henry C Ludwlg, and family are visiting with Ueaara, Ludwlg and Belt in the Brae-side cuttrlct..,' The brother had not met for jtbout twenty- years until thl viait. . : -; , The. Trail Ranger here have been reorganized for the winter with the fol-lowing:. efflcert: 'chief 'ranger. James Embley; sub-chief, Kenneth Campbell: tally, Oeorge Clark; treaaurer. Malcolii, Hunt. TERRACE The regular monthly meeting of the Ladle' Auxiliary to tbe Terrace Hospi ill Cut to Pieces Ctetlflcat of lmeevffiit flwerpatske "". 4. iweepttsae .Io. I rraetloml nd weepttske .to. frwv tlimal .Mineral Claims, tllnate In the Allin Vliniitr Division uf iiitr Dltlrl-t. Where kM-sted:- M tide of Take. Arm; niar Ktw-ep Creek. Mia Margaret Halberg returned oa t TAkK Tlc. that Berinaid ymet. Monday to the home of Mr. William j,r gLi vnruuver, brltlth Coluinbl. in Little after abort holiday pent at liur fr tlweejitUkf Minim 0ir A. Clore of Copper City was In town ou Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Melllsh and children of Dlgby Island are spending a holiday at Hill Farm. Mr. Melllsh It wireless operator on the Island. Iltlli. Intend, titty diy rnun the date hemof. to apply to tlm Mlnlne Heeorder for Crlincale of Inipmvementt, fur the porpiHie of fibttinine Crown Oranll of the above rla im. AND FL'flTIIMl TAKE SOTICE that action under tertlnu at miit be eotiiinrtii-ril before the Ittue of turb rertlfii'iie ot improvements, p B. ATF.D till Ut dy of September. A.fj. min(ial rr Ctrllflcttt of lmpeovmntt. Warm rrnrllonal .to, . Anvm mil in.. niti Miix-nl ritnin, tituste in tlie Atlin tal wa held on Tueadir afternoon in Mining Division of tlie Cattlar DIMrirt, the Badminton Hall. After routine j 'UnVlver' "P "rftm tm" ,h" h""lh bunlnem wa conducted plan were 1 TAKK NOTICE that The Engineer Gold . . Ltd.. Inc., free Miner"! . .,, ..ii-,i-'.Mine c.ertlflrtle completed for the novelty Halloween No ftinn Intend. Mvty dy from the dance arranged for Friday evening, Oct. ;dt tinronf ,to apply to ttw Miinnr lie 29 in the flWVA Hall A number ot l'"r(trr. ,r Crrilf Ij-at" of Improvement. novelty feature are being planned Grant of which should aid ln making It one of tbe beat dance ever held In Terrace. cannerytoork' at canning clams for next month Fred Mather of the Bomervllle for or nir suuTr ritiin, And further take notice thai trtlnn m. der Hertlnn S, mint be commenced before the ittue or men Certificate of lit prort. tiienlt. DATED till 1st fliy of September, A.n. tt. H. McN. rjlAHER. Agent watch notice: Dlftraofl and Ut TAKK .tOTICK llltt McinerHllt Cannern ( Coinnnnv. Ltd.. whim? sdili-et it nn- Avenue Wlmrf, Vanenuver, H.C. will apply at Montreal Importers' Sale i act rukurv i- c it. ta Lf.M' uittiiuL io oave juc uu me uoiiar Sale ends Tomorrow Night iaKe advantage or mis opportunity to get reai Bargains at cut Montreal prices. Everything in the store is offered for the Uo days at these wonderfully low prices. So make a point of making your selection now and save money Here are just a few items. See the goods' and judge for yourself 10-4 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Only S Hit let; .itrli riivtHrv St. price-. mt Mir .' . . . Sl7f TURKISH TOWELS Hnglili make. ItPpfilr l.:n. nl 2 I'.n ! . . Uiii-r. SMTiiil .Hali prire, t!r pair t . . . 75c MEN'S CAPS r in. f. Ilrpnlar fl.78. HpwMil Salt prtr . 7Se MEN'S FLANNELETTE TOP SHIRTS ItfpHLnr H.Mt. SH-m! Sal,- pn - 75c MEN'S COTTON 80CKS Ci.hmI vwlne. negtrJar Sir. Spe-Hai Sal pn. . . fV 25c MEN'S ALL WOOL SOCKS lit friilnr iV. Sfwittt Sa pHr. ? Pir- f.r 40c PENMAN'S HEAVY WOOL UNDERWEAR f kHI.ltirtw4l. Ih-in.i ,r " Stiffinl Sale- iiru'f. jnr K;irm'iit . . . 51,35 PENMAN'8 ALL-WOOL COMBINATIONS WItile Um U-l. Si.tvjt.1 s.. . PENMAN'S 71 UNDERWEARlteitubtr l..'iO. SpMil ijnj pckh :.. BOYS' "OUR PRINCE" HEAVY MERINO 8HIRT8 AND DRAWERS' i.(0. Spfi-.,.!! Satr p;ii't. per p;irnnnl ', MEN'S SUSPENDERS -Itffrular 1.00. Sjwijul Sale price . MEN'S HEAVY COTTON GLOVES Spec n SBe pnre. -r mr Third Avenue. week The work will be continued fo ; mc-nth or o. Mr. Mather went south last nlgbt ind poealbly may bring Mm, Mattier j ind John back with him. cSHEF THOMSON HAD ACCIDENT AT SPOT " OF DAWSON WRECK Bhef Thornton, caretaker of the' Vacht Club, aays that several year ag3, he broke hit leg on the trail dote to where the steamer Dawaon woa wrecked j thl week. He tllpped on the trail and a compound rraexure rciraitea. ui. Cade, health office here, who wa It the north at that time, met him and act the boue. v , MINERAL ACT. n 2SA 95c 55c 40c 20c Montreal Importers J. B. Miller, Proprietor- BEHIND THE SCENES The iiiotl mipir1.iiil work we tin gtm-t uu in svem" in our irecripliiii itHim. When mir pi i rtmiiiih,',I ,y ut j,,,, ,j. rrtl, tirel ill rtrlliiig exudlj wlial Hit' pli-.rlti ifrifif. prt'rriplititi i rlierkcil In iiiMire iiIimiIhIc an-ur-ii NVjit'H nicktinpt ohikn, w wmil yon li. ree ran roiiflilcnllj- ilrprrnl upon u in fill the prr rijflil. lcwUDIAr? VAcinc Ormes Ltd. Tlio I'imirrr )rnggislt. 3rd Ave. and Cth Street. The HfxnII S Phonet 82 and 20 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Te kttchlktn, Wrtngtll, Jvnu tnd kwir ttpu , 17, 27 Oct. , " T Vneur, WUterl n itttllt atpt. 4, it, i, Oct 1, It. rrtlNCIU BCATRI0K. Otmebtll Rlvr, Vanceuttr tttrv aturtt 11 s.m. tee lttU, Cast tils Bella. Octtn rIU, Ntmu, Altrt Btf. c fee all tttamtM Lin. rwU'infeenoOMt V. 0. OMCHMIO Bnrl Aftnt. 0rne f th Blrttt see Bed A tout, rln Hwaert, U.O. will be dltrited fiim the itreani it a iHdnt alMiul eon reel front It nniulh In touthwetierly dlrerttfm, d will be uted fur llullltlrlal pUI'i" tilHin Ihe land detrrllied a It.f arret nortlii'tt of Tomi .viiiina claim. Tliit notn-v, wt piu mi Hie rroniid on'lhn Sill dsy of Hrpti-m Iiit. lOrfi, A nipy of thl notice and an I'l'Hrtiii.n nurtiitiit tlieretn mid in the "Water Aef' will be filed In the Ofriit1 of Hie W'tier lleenrder it I'rlnre lliiert, It.f'. Ulijerlliitit to the appllettloti may be niid Willi the still Wler Heeorder or with the r.Kinplroller or Water lUrliln, I'arllament linllitlnat. Vlrturla. lie with. In tinny day trier the flrtl apetrnre a licence to take and ue n ai..nt:i.r tlilt notice in a local newspaper. The connlgnmenu of fur to the value of Cannery Co. announced yeaterday that '"l"'"'..' .'. i. r a, r..V. H -",ir""': J?.1' ,Vr. ."!'. I'i'biiralinn vt llni no.: , . ... ... . . . "...7 j.LV. V. 1. ' I "r 'ru.ier 0 w ,uw tiu.uw w uv uiartebva i lie wuuia De canning ciaint av vue can ii'iruii-H.i too ortui. iiiki .euwty ntriior here. William Ooldbloom. who ha. nery at Beat Cove commencing nt IVtZTsi? 'a;!,, ti.."?:: mis. IM1.IIVII.1.K CANMCtir CO.. LTD., Applicant. by rrcd DciUrluy Mithert, Ani,' Dr. Alexander 'M",Taa-aiaM Smith Blooli PhonB S7S DENTIST