AT OCTOBCT J5. 39. Victor Proctss Victor Talking Machine Co. Records Where'd You Get Those Eyes ? and Hi-Diddle-Diddle FoiTrot George Oisen & 111 Music 20112 Baby Face Foi Trot Jan Garbcr and lilt Oiclmtra 20105 Barcelona and On the Riviera rfwo blft hits of the "Valencia" type on the same record) Fox Trots International Not city Orchestra 20113 Toi Trot Vocal Bye Bye Blackbird (H-orjH Olsen and lilt Mulc Gene Austin Tenor, Valencia Foi Trot Paul Vt hlteman and 111 Orchetu " Organ Solo Jesse Crawford Vocal The Krtrlrri For My Sweetheart Foi Trot Art. 1-anJr) and Hit Orchestra Vocal Gen Auttln At "His Master's Voice" Dealers 20(41 20007 2o;s 200 g J 20UJ Consider The Squirrel He u)a in 1ii wuih-r ujii"s while the i hoire i immI Jut is ail abundance. When winler arrives a it Ins prepari'dne ae him a lot of worry and iiitii- r e Man fctni! lo le Uir mutl irntir iilcnt creator. S ' ti never think of I lie wititer' fuel supply until the i II on ii. yH we expect prompt deiiierie with j rparetl dry I uv m vuiir winlrr" to-k f tMd now without iiicon-iug yunrelf. V- hae a gtHid slda'k of hard NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL 1 a ii deliver it ( ymi ul anytime to Miit you. Phone n jw at 116 or 117. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Steamship and Train Service aallllisa fnjwi PftlNCC RUPERT fi.r VANCOOVIR, VICTORIA, (CATTLE, THURSDAY and tUKDAV, II. 00 p.m. r ANVOX WtDNttOAY . 1000 I r STKWART (ATURDAV 1000 P'"1' .. PRINCt JOHN f..r VHNCOUVIR l QUKN CHARLOTTI ISLANDS tortnlehlli. RSSSCNQtR TRAINS TRiNCE R0RT dtHy eirepl at ijn, for prince OIOROE. sowONTON, wiNNirto., all i-otots ttitem tmrtt, lulled Hi in. An sll Octsn Slssmthlp Llntt. t'te CtnsdltB .Niltontl Eprel for Mney nrrti rt. loreiru Cheques, etc.. ' for yoor nest thipmrnt Oltr Tics st Of ties, S2I Thlre s-. erlnet Rupsfl. Pbsns 100. The Easy Electric Vacuum Washer The "Kii" differ- radii-ally from on oilier type of niii'liiiie hernune it wn!nv hy air presMire und Mil ium and mlirelyTlimiiiiile nihlilng and friHHiii vhi h shortens the I e or the rlollit's We rari-y Iwo iz, and jrive a guarantee with earh iiiiu'hine. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. r AVE, I'llONE 101. THIKll Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue. West P. O. Box 247 ANGER, The Tailor Kino Imported Serge and Si uli-h t r l A A Tweed Bliils made to order in ourTi vu shop In Prince Rupert as low ustptV ' 223 8,xth Strt Rupert, B. C. 23. Local and Personal Arthur' Taxi. Pbone 678. B.C. Undertaken. Pbone 41. Oyro Hoedown. Auditorium. October 15. 213 Try, Foothill Stove 'Coal. S13XX) per ton. k .No sooL PhilpottjS ' Evltt tt Co.. Ltd. ' ' ' M Ralph lUrnip tailed lint evening on the Prince George en route to Califor nia where he will spend the winter montbi. Account. lor the month of Bentember totalling 40365.44 were passed for par ment at the meeting or the achool board last night. Don't foregt Royal Purple Bale of Work, home cooking, candy and tea on Saturday afternoon, October 16, In the new Elks' Home, above St. Regis Cafe. Watch for the sign! 242 The Prince George. Capt. Nedden at. rived from the north last evening at 11:15 and tailed for the aouth at 1230 The vcttel had made a special call at Ketchikan for passengers. Close to 420 was realized at the tea and sale of borne cooking and musical afternoon that waa held yesterday by the Pythian Sisters at the home of Mrs. P. W. Hart, 616 SUth Avenue West. The achool board last night ratified the rrutmg of the basement of the United Church as a supplementary school room. The monthly rental It 130 and there It a lease until next June. Cnlon steamer Catala. Capt. A. John- stone, arlved In port from the south at midnight and sailed early this moraine for the Kaas River. The vessel mill be back here southbound at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. . Amuwment for AIL Alex Clapperton returned to town last night after an enjoyable week's, tsontion spent with Bob Wiggins at Odarvale. Mr. Clapperton. whose fceallh has not been of the best lately. aays he Is feeling much better now. Whether you danre or not The City Council has prepared a list Of lots reverted for non-payment of taxes . OScr for any of the property will be received for consideration dur txtg the month of October. Anyone interested can receive a copy of the list at the OoUector'a ooce. 11 G)ro lle loan luwt Odd eases of mum pa, ringworm anl scarlet fever among the achool children were reported to the board lsst night. While there Is nothing to be alarmed about the board decided to get In touch with the medical health officer to ascertain that the proper rule of quarantine are being maintained. Auditorium tonight. The regular monthly meeting ot th school board waa held last evening in the city roundl chamber last night. Those In' attendance Included Chairman H B. Rochester. Trustees Thomas Mc-Meekln. W. O. Fulton and S. D. John stone. Secretary J. L Christie and the principals of the various schools Tbos. Peddle. D. H Hartneas. Miss S. A. Mills and Mrs. Llnrey. 4'4 4' 4 f ANNOUNCEMENTS. Royal Purple Sale of plain anj fancy elng and home cooking, Oc tober 16. Hallowe'en Dance, auspices Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Friday, October 29 HiU 60 I O DE. Bazaar. October 30. Presbyterfan Lladlrs Aid Bazaar, November 10. St. Peters, Seal Cove, November 11. DENTIST Exchange Block Sale of Worn Moose Bazaar November 16 and 17. Anglican Church baraar, November Baptist Ladles' ber 25. Aid Nov em- Lutheran Women's Aid Sale of Work. Dccembrr 1. United Church Bazaar, December 2. Established 1923 Out-of-town Patients He have always made Me'lal efforts to M-nr uut or town pal lent with spreU ami driutrh. Thla afternoon' train will arrlvt on time at 330. Scandinavian Dance In Uetropole Hall Saturday night at B o'clock. 243 Frank Rice, B.CX.S. came In from Alice Arm on laat night'asteamer. Oiler Besner waa a passenger for the south laat evening on the Prince George. C.WXi. Country Store ahower tea at the home of Mrs. C. Balagno tomorrow October 16. Knlgbt of Pythias opening whist drive and dance, October 18, In Boa ton Hall. Arthur- orchestra. 243 Children's classes for fancy work and embroidery every Saturday from 2 to 4. Mrs. J. Pleld, Second Avenue. J. O. 8 teen, who hat been in Smith- era for the past few weeks on business, returned to the city on this afternoon's train. Heavy weather prevailing outside, 't U expected the Japanese freighter Aden Maru, coming here to load grain, will not be In before midnight Sunday, Miss Rose Breeze, who has been the guest of Judge and Mrs. F. McB. Young. Fourth Avenue East, sailed last night on ber return to ber borne In Vancou ver. John Flewln, returning officer In the recent election, arrived from Port Simpson this morning In connection with his duties and will return this after noon. The cases against the Grand Terminal Club Ltd, and the Canadian Legion were remanded this morning for another eight days In the local- police court. Lieut. Commander J. E. W. Oland, R-CJJ.. well known in this port as master of H.M C.S. Patrician, has been transferred from Esquimau to England and will leave Victoria for the Old Country tomorrow. Badao Sugu sail tomorrow morning on the Catala for Vancouver. He expects to return In ten dsyt with some contracts In his pockets to keep the Cow Bay shipbuilding establishment busy during the winter. Rev. E. G. and Mrs. Turner were farewelled last evening at the boat by a number of local friends. They expect to remain for a few day In Vancouver and will then proceed to Kelson where they expect to take up their residence about October 22. THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO SHIPS SIDE The Canadian National-Railways have made arrangements to operate tourist and standard sleeping cars through from the Pacific Coast to the ship side at Montreal and Halifax In con nection with Old Country sailings during November and December. For full information regarding rate, reservations, passports, etc. call at City Ticket Office. Canadian National Railways. 528 Third Avenue. Pbone 260. SCHEDULE FOR CRIB LEAGUE I OK I IKST HALF Ot t.V-ON ISMEIt IIV lltll) E. tVEKMIO. hECKETAKV FUo-lng la the ichedule tor the first halt of the Prince Rupert Crlbbage League as Issued by the secretary, Fred E. Wermlg: OCTOBER IB Grotto va. Dry Dock. Canadian Legion va. St. Andrea-. Orange Lodge vt. Knight of Col urn bus. Sons of Canada vs. C.N. Operating. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Moose. CX. Mechanics va. Cold Storage. 2J C.N. Mechanlca vs. Sons of Canada. Canadian Legion vs. Moose, mi go Lodge vt. Cold Storage. Dry Dock vs. St. Andrews, CJ4. Operstlng vs. O rot to. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Knights ot Columbus. MIlEMIIEK 1 Grotto vs. Bt. Andrews. Canadian Leglbu va. Cold Stcrage. Orange Lodge vs. Dry Dock. Son of Canada v. Prince Rupert Hotel.. CJi. Operating vs. Moose. CH. Mechanlca vs. Knight ot Columbus. 8 3 rot to vs. Sons of Canada. Canadian Legion vs. Knights ot Columbus. Orange Lodge vs. CJ. Mechanlca. Dry Dock vs. Moose. CJ4. Operating vs. St. Andrews. Prince Rupert H6tel vs. Cold Storage. 15 Grotto v. Canadian Legion. Orange Lodge vs. Sons of Canada. Dry Dock vs, CN Operating. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Cft. Me- chanlca. St. Andrew vs. Moose. -Knight of Columbus v. Cold 8tor- age. 22 Canadian Legion vs. Orange Lodge, Sons of Canada vs. Dry Dock. C.N. Operating vs. Prince Rupert Hotel, CH. Mechanic vs, 8t. Andrews, Moose vs. Knights ot Columbus. Cold Storage vs, Grotto. Henry Ford collect ancient Induatrlal i I equipment for comparison purpose 'lie hat an elaborate collection of an- Phone 109 tlue lmplemen,t. mALKINs! I JEST I HOTEL AKKIVALS Priiiee Rupert L. O. Lycett. Mrs. G. Dyson. W E Darner. C. Frederlckson, W. F. David-son, S. Walker. C. S. Williams. Roy Qlark, Vancouver: F. Pomeroy and P. Z. Caverhlll. Victoria, A. Greenbaum, SeatUe; O. Giro, Calvary. Satoy Hotel Hans Hansen and J. R, Morrison, city: Ernest Karlson, Oona River. Central Hotel W. Frost. Miss I. Watson and T; Rus-seL city; John Rosa, as. Catala. MACHINERY ATTRACTS Women engineer become regular aothert to tne machinery entrusted to vhem and bate to leave It to the care yt anyone else. "I bate to lav my pet boiler.' declared Miss K. OHorke. a alight auburn haired young- woman who attended the conference of the British Women's Engineering Society. "I have been In charge of It for seven years. Women alwajr become tremendausly attached to machinery given into their charge." Miss ORorke is a Warwickshire woman employed by an Industrial plant Advertise In the Dally New PRINCE RUPERT TIDES FRIDAY, OCTOHEK 13 High 8:12 am. IB J ft. 1;56 pjn. 175 " Low 12S axn. t " 13:46 pm. 10.6 " ATIKIAY. OCTOBER 18 High 9:24 am. 17.2 tt 21 J3 pm. 18-5 - Low 2:46 am. 6.5 " 15:15 pm. OCTOHER 17 High 10:24 am. 18.T ft 223 pm. 19.6 " Low 3:57 am. S.6 " . 16:36 pm. 7.8 - MONIIAY. OCTOBER 18 High 11:14 am. 20.2 ft. 2331 pm. 20.6 " Low 4:56 am. 43 " 17:24 pm. 5A " LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Least Land In l-rinre Iturert Unil llerurdlnr t'l ' trlrt. and situate al Jxdaiy Harbor. Oum-u :lurkOe IsliiwH. Tkt MiTlCE thai sninprvlllr Canncrr , lUini'muy, Ltd., Vanrouvrr, B.C.. urruptlhM , L' l-iriwi lntnH In anrilv Tir m l4,. . .r tlie lollowiur dewrllH-d laiidt:-- i limiiiiieiK-inr al a lM lisnipu si tot- witltlH-aM friier of Hie Torn Nluen! ; Claim, rollottlnir the i-iilerl boiin(tr Id j , nwrllH-rly dirt-rlloii I rbtin. tlxD. , uorthfalerl)' It rbiiln to hiKd sp mark; them-e soulliearlerly aloti the Mrl water mark 18 eliln. ilmu-fi Miuilinel . erly 1 , rlisin. iiwrt- or le. lo the (xiiil nt niuiinenrenu ul. slid nmltinnir li TiS liwire or le. Sll.MtHVIl.LE CAYNEHV COMPANY. I V It ft iLn.ll.( 1 I a.'., .-t'tli' sot. i i it r . aj. .ninrr. LAND ACT. nttntlen to Applf to Ltat Lana. lu .ti . Kerordinit ll:nct of I'rinre Uuie tnd situate on nurtb shore or an 1 lnnu.vd viy on suilb-Wet Coati oi l-'ii iMind, (bout one utile rasl'froin Bluff I vnl rAki sOTire that K. rioueu. of Lowi i ln.l. 1 vlnte or Hrmti Columbia, oo-ti or . M the rollowloir deteribrd land. Con.'-..'.'m it a !' plauted on irw shore o - d uniumeil bay on the southwest ttt r! rat Island, about niif mile! estt o i.nrr 1"oim; tneni-e norm iwewr Clislnt; 'leiioe el twenty chain; Wienre tomb tueniy rlialn. more or Ie, lo llib Water Mark: thence rollowin hlh water mark wetlerlv to point or corumeoreineo., and eonltlmns eirhly rret, more or let. 0TtU July SiMU. ttl. E, B0USEAt', LAND ACT. tpyncani Notice tnttntlon to Ao'v t Lsnd, in stikme irsion. uitit ijiiki ne-rordinr IMotrlrt of CaiOir, and tltuale at Onml liaplitt. on the Stiklni- River and lo the wel nr iureyed I -t !n. 410. TAkF. NOTICE I list i. Walter Scott Sunn- ton, or Te'-rrtph Creek, B. C. ocruiwtion, a lee ot rtatirhrr, natirlirr, inlendt inlendt to to pplv ppiv rm rr th rollowtnt roiiQwiiif described nescriDea limit nnn: CfininwrirlTir 11 a noM Dlinted on the NnrthweM enrner or Lot 410, Ibenre South 40 rhtint; thence Wet 10 rhtint; th-n nrlh ih rhiiiiK thrnr Ftl 10 eniint. land cwiUlnlne Forlv arrs. more nr let.? J WALTER SCOTT Sl.MPSOM. A REALLYdelicious coffee. Roasted and ground with scrupulous care, a3 an exceptional coffee deserves to be. Packed in the vacuum can, which preserves for you the rich flavor and aroma. Your grocer sells and, recommends MalkmVB&t tStM DEMAND PAQB THRB1 "Rupert Brand? - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Cnginasrs, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plaut is equipped to handle aii kinds ot MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Sailing- l rum prince Huert. r VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Bwsnse Bit. n Al.rt Bs, Tum4s, a PJI. er VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Ai.rt B, ui4 anion Bav, Saturday. IS A.B) For PORT SIMPSON M4 Nsas Rli.r Cann.rl.s. Ttiurtdti p.m. for PORT SfPSCN. ANYOX. ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sun,, S Jm-123 2nd AfMiu. R. M. SMITH, Agent Prlnc Rupvrt, B. C 'TRY A NIP TONIGHT" C2? w s 'WW BEST PROCURABLE eft 7v 7 rSOBUC.1 Or JC0TLAKO M"Hi u lll-lltt tvflmm lMI Tbe Original Label lo!i for it at I lie Ven-Jort and Intitt oa GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" This advertisement is not published or dUpluyed ly the Liquor Control Hourd or hy tlie Government oi British Columbia.