PAGE SIX FOR THAT STUBBORN Cough Try a Bottle of Edinburgh Hospital Cough Syrup 60c Rupert Pharmacy Phone 94. We deliver. We now have all the new Crepe de chine Stepins and Danceiet Sets in all colors and sizes. Come and see. "Deraers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 NOTICE! We have secured lhe Agency for Doctor Middle-tons Food Products and carry a full line consisting of: Ironized Whole Wheat Whole Grain Cereal Pancake Flour Ginger Cookies Whole Wheat Cookies Oatmeal Cookies Sugar Cookies Macaroons The repeal sales on thee products are a guarantee of their high quality. Retail price is the .same as in Vancouver which will euahle everyone to give them a trial. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. When your eyes ache, sting or feel tired, it is Nature's warning they are strained. IT you are wise, you will heed that warning and will have a complete examination of your eyes made and thus probably prevent serious eyesight trouble later on. Can you afford to waste the nerve energy necessary to carry along defective eyes? A. E. Ireland (IICAIlt ATI: OI'TOMKTItlST 27 Titan Practice .'ill! Third Avenue. Opp. U.W.V.A. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load , .SG.50 Per half load 3.50 Per sack .60 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. ULTRA-MODERN YOUNG WOMEN AND JAP MEN PLAYINU AT AKT IS CITY OI TOKYO AITCB MTYI.E OF OCCI-DLNTAL PEOPLE TOKYO, Oct. 15. Long-haired men and short-haired women are one of the latest phases of Japan's groplngs to-wrd modernism. ' The police, always on the hunt for those with "dangerous thoughts," are watching these young Imitation Greenwich Villagers with more or less suspicion, although the only thing they "have found on them" up to the pre sent Is that they eeem to be Jobless and to have a distinct leaning toward art. COSTl'MKS OF ALL HI ES Young men, with lengthy black hair obscuring the place where their collars should be, garbed In extremely nondescript costumes, promendate up and down the Olnza Tokyo's Broadway and loaf around the tiny hole-in-the-wall cafes. Most of them go bareheaded. They usually wear a disreput able looking blouse and a pair of extreme Oxford bags which flap gaily in the evening breeze as they patter blithely along the street by the elde of their bobbed-haired "little friend." ItOLL 1.M AMI IIOH 'EM These young women of Tokyo are en tirely "new" so far as the other natives are concerned. They wear their raven locks in every conceivable mode, ranging from the "shingle" to the "boyish bob." Sometimes they wear the garish klmona of the geisha, and then again they ap pear In knee-length skirts, rolled stock are stenographers or waitresses who play WATER NOTICE Oivtrslon and Uss TAKE TiOTICE that H. I), h'vl. wlmi Qjlflrtt Id W'ennimfl 1 I - . I- .... T-.. I .......... .. . . . . . i ii, , . t ii m , , a nil twimyu w i.rres. n. c. will snniv a niu n. "'"-" nke snd tik I.uoo miner's Indies fluw of ! water out of Ducks Uulrh. whirh rinu i ftastcrlv tntn rij oHk Th- vrn.. n-iii ' ue nncricn rnnn llw sirrsm st a nnlnl about two mi Irs up the it ream from Us month intu lH-ae Creek snd will lie. uwrt mr nyarauur niininir purpose tipin benrh placer rlalin known and described at :o. ISO and til. This nullre i me ost ous in w a a Vested! in ever she Is already paying Interest on these bonds. It Is entirely a matter of marketing them in New Y'ork and London and "transferring" the proceeds to France so as to enable her to restore O-OI'KltATION XECESAKY Here precisely Is the difficulty that of transfer. And this problem cannot be solved without American and British co-operation. Parker Gilbert, the American Commissioner for Reparations In Jui'm ,1" rroul,d on ,b ilra aaf '!Btrt,h. has already been sounded, and UA ropy of this notice snd sn application i u aaaiantlne- He Ilnta 11 already dlffl-,.'!!VJSIU 'herun and 10 tn "Water Art. ; cult enough to fulfil his Usk of trans- nnjertlon t-.i the sppllcatlon may bejto add more. Parker Gilbert Is still wiin xclZUTynttu'.y - considerable ability, and is Parliament Itutlxlma-s. Victoria. B t;.. wi (quite Justifiably ambitious. His lnflex- fci eurr iir iirss piM'srailCt of this notice In tht local newspaper. iikt uair ni n nri punnr'siion or this notice Is September 14tb. 19J6. II. D. KYLE, Applicant. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone W. ('triage, Warehousing, and 'Xfllribuliiig. Team or Motor 8ervJje. Coal Rand and Gravel W Specialize In Plane and Funlliji Clnp tblllty Is therefore only part of his seriousness. To him the transfer of an ad- NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LEASE In the Land I'ecordlnf DMtrlri or Atlln Alinnisr iHvirtimi of (.asuiar lMirirt. 1 TAKE MiTICE lliat the Ena-lneer Coh: I Vines. Lid.. Im .. a retrlnlered niininir rum-ilany ox-ral!nir wllbln Hie I'nivinre of Hri , tlslt iiluniliu, iKrtipatlun, s nilnlnr rum-: iwny, Intend In sppiy for s roreslre leaie nr Hie Jotlnttlnjr desrrlbed landi: ' Coninwnrlnr at sjmmi planted abotil too ! b-et diftant in sn Easterlr direction from the Mnrlh Vel corner nf Lot 43S9, fky Ihrk Mineral Claim, situated at the mouth !ir Wsnn lllver. on Taku Arm or Talh i Mke. tirf-nre in a Northerly direction tS ; feel, tiienre Easterly IU0 feet, tlieiir Southerl; 150 feet more or les In htarti water mark, Ihenre Weslerly 100 feet mure or leu to nulnl of rmnmenrenient and cnnlalnlnr 0.5 seres more or lest. ! Located thK 16th dav nf Aurust. 1016. (Signed) H. Mi-S. UlASEIl. B. C. L. 8. A tent THE ; QUALITY ; STORE SPECIAL Values on Sale Friday and Saturday Cream Flaiinck'ttc, English niuke. 5 yards $1.00 Nwiiisook, 3IJ iiif-h. J yurdh $1.00 WJiile Gtitloii. mii'Ii. ' yards $1.00 Flannelette Sheeting, 12 iin h, jier yurd 85c Sheeting, U0 imh, IK yards $1.00 Tulile Oilflolh, while or colored,' per yard 50c Prints, Navy und Graya, & yards $1.00 Hayon Silks, Chocks and Stripes, vulues lo 1.7u, per yard 05c All Wool Serges and Tweed, in a variety of liades, regular 1.50, per yard $1.00 Velour Kimona Cloths, IMnk or Hlue, per yard 50c Circular Tricolette Vesting, in several shades, vest length '75c Wool hack Satin Sheen in grey, Baud, navv, coeoat per rd $1.85 Cretonnes, rfjiiee range of patterns, II yardii, $1.00 Corsets and Girdles, some Milliliters we are discontinuing, wonderful values, lo clear al 85c Gossard CrseU and Girdles, ,u special clearance at each ., $2.45 Princess Slips in various color., each . . . . .-. . .'. . . , .? 85c lUtiomers tti match slips, each . . . , . . 75c Nainsouk Nighties, values lo 2.U(), 'each ." . $1.25 Children's Long luiitted Drawers, Winter weight, It clear 50o Children's Union Sullis, winter weight 95c Ladies' Winter Vests, any style 85c Ladies' winter weight IHoomers, While or Colors . . $1.00 Infants' Hlack Silk and Wool Hose, W lb oft, a pairs $1.00 Hoys' Hock Hih lIos all sizes,:;! pairs . . . .. ..... $1.00 Ladies' Pure AW.ol Cashmere Hose in Black aiiCotirs, per pair , ; $1.00 Art Silk Hose in various shades, per pair . 75c Crih Blankets, in Pink or Blue, each $1.00 Pencil. 0 for ' 25c Crepe Paper, all colors, roll 10c Writing Pads, ruled, .! for 25o Ink. Stephens' Blue Black, 3 hollies 25c H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD Phone 0 3P(j and Fulton. TOR DAILY NEWB rniDAY. oeroDtn xg, iMj .'!! l Jl BPWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED - MONTREAL at art when they are not working. dltlonal two milliard irain mark h th Hot far from the Olnza there is a marketing of raUway debentures or little so-called "artist's colony." where otherwise is simply out of the question, these ultra-modern Japanese boys and Add to this obstacle the fact that by girls lounge around eajels, smoke nuiner- : virtue of the debt arrangement nearly ous cigarettes, absorb great quantities every centime that France Is likely to of tea and otherwise "express their. .receive from Oermanv throush Mr. Par. souls." FKANCCMJEKM.W COXfEUVATIONS (continued from page one) France will be glad of the money. Just because of her financial needs France would welcome the' liquidation of a large mass of the railway bonds. say, two milliard gold marks worth, now Ings and saucy little hats perched over 'J10- lu tne desk of 4516 Reparation Com-oue ear. How they live I. a mystery. mlssloner .at Berlin. This would Involve although It la said that many of them no on Germany's part because ker Oilbert Is earmarked in advance for New York and London, or rather to New York only, for London la a mere trans mitting agent, and the full strangeness j of the position Is revealed. France la In need; Germany la ready and willing to jhelp her: politicians at Washington stand In the way. IMILITICAL. i:TETi: It Is to this difficulty thus bluntly outlined that M. Brland and Hert Btresemann have worked out a program of solution. It la simply that of continuing and enlarging the economic union already begun and complementing It with a political entente. A pot- Jesh combine already exists, a steel trust :raay be signed any hour, a coal crartel and a chemical combine are In the making, an Iron-ore arrangement la Inevitable. When the work Is completed Franco-Oerman credit, will be so high, their joint armor so formidable, that the existing barriers are likely to prove very frail. I'Mir.n f:t iioi-l' When that hour comes and It may not be far distant Parts and Berlin will be In a position to use plain rpetcb to London and New Tork. At least they will be able to advance strong and persuasive argument In favor of the annulment, partial or In whole, of Inter-Allied debts. Little difficulty may be anticipated with London. England should be as ' anxious as any other debtor to see 1 annulment of debts by , America. The state of her Industries; Is such that ber only chance of re i covery la In that restoration of Europe which the Franco-Oerman plan envls- i ages, all the more so as the door la : always open to her entry Into the i combination. Her pollUcal Interest. too, Is for peace In Europe. But ahe i will have to make her choice Inevitably one day or another, whether to enter Into the consolidation of Wester Europe the precursor of a future United States of Europe or to hold aloof, nourishing her Imperial dream. AX OltsTAlLE Inevitably. America Is regarded i the main obstacle. Dut what will America reply when the final appeal i addressed to her? For it will be more or less in these terms: "Tou alone stand In the way of world peace: you alone hinder the conciliation and recovery ol Europe on this side of the Atlantic. All Is prepared, and Is only awaiting you answer. That answer will show exactly where you stand. It will be the acid teat whether you are prepared to contribute to the welfare of mankind, or whether you deliberately and of set purpose mean to perpetuate and batten upon the divisions and un-happlnesses of the older Continent." IIKITIS1I (lOOimiLL Such, in summary, is the ideology and to some degree even the language that one has heard in Franco-Oerman quattrea this week-end. Merely by way of exactitude It ahould be added that In these same quarters there are certain sceptics who doubt British goodwill. Free Trade, they say. Is so dead In England that an economic union nf Western Europe has no longer any at traction, but rather rallies feara of competition. The Franco-Oerman economic bogey will be raised even by newspapers and parties that Used 'to be nominally ant 1 -Protectionist. And, above all. there la the Imperialist sentiment. The entry of British Industries In this European consolidation win come Into .conflict with the Imperial preferences already existing ft in contemplation. Both on narrow economic and on broad political grounds, resistance. It Is feared, may be anticipated from British Imperialism so strongly represented by the present Conservative Government. Nevertheless, unless the unforeseen happens, the Brland-Btresemann program, as: I have explained It. will be proceeded with' . until It Is an accomplished fact. 3 OF COlltHK. . The dear old lady loves to seo the kiddles enjoying themselves, and she wore a radiant expression as ahe mingled with the children at the annual' ' ' outing, "Are you' the little girl who was born In Africa?" she asked 10-year old Molly. "Yes, mum," "And which part?" Molly gave her a pitying look, "Why, all of me, of course," she answered. Tlt-Blta. SKIDEGATE A very enjoyable hard times dance was held last week end at the Duiferln Pattullo school, all the Prince Rupert trollers being present. Borne of the costumes would have been an eye opener for Charlie Chaplin. Miss Edna Stevens and Mrs. Francis Size looked after the refreshments and saw that everybody had a good time. A good many of the seiners have quit and gone home. Taken on the whole, the seining season has been a failure. One of the 'main reasons wsi the met summer. All the rivers and creeks were high and the salmon ent up as fast as they came in. Skldegate Inlet had four steamers In It one day last week the Danish freighter Dryjane which loaded a million and a half teet of high grade spruce at the Sitka Bpruce mill. Queen Charlotte City, the Prince Charles, Chllkoot and Salvor. The Canadian Fish it Cold Storage Co. packer Qrelr BUrrett with Capt Dahl and Chief Engineer BUI Cum- in charge came Into Bkldegal Inlet to relieve the Chief Legale. Both these boats are engaged In buytnj cohos. The trolling has been Improv Ing every day. M1MMI THEM She was a very accomplished plants, and entertained the guesu while they were waiting for dinner. After a particularly brilliant piece ahe rose from the music-stool amidst a burst of ap plause. Her husband turned to male guest who was seated near him "And now, would you like a sonata before dinner. Mr. Smith?" Smith's eyea brightened. "Well, I had asmethlng else on my way here." he said eagerly. "But I certainly don't mind mixing them." Liverpool Post. Pleasures are tike foods: the simplest are tbote of which one nevtr tires. Nodier. IN PROBATC i Tut sirnEMi: tmin ur mimsii ooi.ruKiv Id tlx- Matter ur tttr . Adiulatstraliun Art sad lo the Mat Ire of the tm- t,X Itotiert Park. nwawd. IntmUle. TUi: MiTICf; that by nror ur III H Mat. V. MrH. Voutts, dated tbr (Mb da) r All-ruM. A II. Ufa. I a sptuliiU-d Ail nunittrstiir nf il talr i.r H.ttwrt I'arkr drresml. and all parties having rkiiiut. stain i the said eMail- are Iwreb) required 'u rurnwlt 4iiie. rnrl vrririwl. In iix .l or tefiire the 7lli da) nf 'ritr, AJl lr and all partie lmhliid in tbr tatr are rvuuiwl l paji the anxiuiil or tlwir lliU-bti-dnt-a ti. iw fortius Hh. RimtlA. A WATT, tiffin) Alllilnli ll . ifiiw ntiri It. i luted :'i th d if " i.)lt ' ti i WEEK-END SPECIALS MEAT DEPT. Cambridge Sausage, per lb. 15c Pure Pork Sausage, per Hi. 35c Pure Pork Sausage with tomato flavor, per Ih 40c Top Quality Beer, Pork, Lamb. Veal, elc, al lowel market prices. See 'our week-end display in nth Street Window Friday evening- Mcintosh Rod Applet " lbs. for 25c Per box $1.78 INTRODUCTORY OFFER Penlck Salad Oil-Pint tins 35o Quart (ins 70c Vi Kill $1.35 (iullon $2.60 COMBINATION SPECIAL 1 jar Sour Chow Pickles. 1 jar Sour Mixed Piekles. 1 bottle S.B. Saute. 1 bottle Patterson's Worcester Sauce. I bottle KlerlitiK Catsup. Extra Special, 5 for $1.00 FRESH CRABS ARRIVING FRIDAY Ho not fail lo see our Meal Department. We sell the hesl. Prices right. Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210, 211, 212 MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH 11 ILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream al 15o for Half Pint. Quality nnd Service Special loe Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 667 When You Need A WATCH rr- Ask Us! Our watches are poxitlvcly gifuruilleed lo a. fJ t uYfi t 1 1 all Wat 1 1 11 lati II 111 I'tTH I'll it If SI ill la it sat j 8 cutiitti irn, 1 1 v inn v eieinjay itiusjV in i Kit - WALTHAMS, ELGIN, HAMILTON AND HIGH GRADE SWISS For Ladles or Gentlemen III while, Krceii tir yellow gold. Max Heilbroner 527-528 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "What Happened to Jones" An adaptation for the rrcen ui (itwRi' Br fiitnoii Uix? um-ew. Heul. regular, ruilun- I,, did happen lo June- Oh. nothing itliirh. A i drove him into u radirV Turkish hath, then int.. v, fhithes, Hieji into a church where In iet giri t inarrietl lo hi- wtnvt fneud. OuUide uf thai tl day for him. la Jn ditl hajipen In June T'ia uu artm of people, a potire force, h minifler. her wedding gueN mid hnl! of other w.ititf.i Come and find oil for ouri'lf and -pend our u '' euji iihlr e clung l Hie year. Strong l. Reginald Denny, Marion Nixon, Melbourne MacDonelt, Otis Harlan, John Elliott, Zasu Pitts, Emily FlUroy, Francis Raymond and many others. COMEDY "GEORGE THE WINNER." PATHE REVIEW 50c and 25c SEND IT TO THE LAUNDRY -:- -:- ALL CLA8SES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distinct service for ruindy Work 80FT FINI8H, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH at mol reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 and we will do the real. Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, H00K8, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prloes Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde 8L WANTED! 500 Men and Women To learn how to pitch hay and to raie grain fur P' Rupert Hlovalor. at the GRYO HOEDOWN DANCE On Friday, October 15th I'or TI(JKI"l'S Apply Oyro fJluli members. Fur OVKHAI.LS- Apply, Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 645. Cor, 3rd and 7th