THE DAILY NEWS AUMDcccmbwii SIX PAGE ,,,, For Xmas Giving Perfumes in single bottles 25c to $13.30 Perfume Sets $1.70 to $20.00 Manicure Sets $2.00 to $22.00 French Ivory Sets $2.00 to $23.00 French Ivory by the single piece. Clocks Brushes Trays Mirrors Combs Perfume Hoi ties Manicure Articles etc. Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists We Deliver. Phone 91 TEN DAYS TILL XMAS. 1JUY EARLY AM) AVOID THE HUSH A Few Gift Suggestions Gent's All Wool Sox, per pair 90c to $1.23 Gent's Silk and Wool, per pair $1.23 Gent's Cashmere Sox, per pair 50c Ladies' Silk Hose $1.00 to $1.75 Ladies' Gift Boxes $1.00 to $1.75 Gent's Gift Boxes 85c to $2.25 Gent's Scarfs' $1.75 Ladies Scarls $1.25 to $1.25 AH Mechanical Toys reduced to half price. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. New Supplies of Men's Clothing arriving regularly. For Prices and .Quality Don't Forget Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. Miller - Proprietor If your head aclics, or reading or work strains' your eyes or if you are III c least bit doubtful about the efficiency of your eyes then consult Us! Glasso are inlended to make up for the deficiency in your eyesight. Our large patronage shows dial we know how to produce such glasses. Have your eyes examined! A. E. Ireland UUAIIl ATK Ol'TOMKTIMST 27 Years Practice St! Tlilrcl Atcnue. Opp. O.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load . . . , 56.60 Per half load 3.60 Per sack 60 Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 680 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. RUM SMUGGLING j VESSELS SEIZED ur.M immv tri-TiviXY itissir- ri:i- is kki'okt or i.. t'ONOKKSS WASHINGTON. Dec. 13... Two hundred and twenty-three vessels and bout attempting to smuggle liquor ashore were seized by the coastguard during the year, according to the annual report of Rear Admiral F. C. Blllard, commandant of the coastguard. He reported to congress that rum row. has been "effectively dissipated," although foreign rum ships still appear oil the coast at frequent Intervals. "Nothing short of everlasting vigilance and constant picketing" prevents successful operations by these ships, he reported. Prohibition enforcement partially paid Its way last year through the collection of $5,208,203 m fines ana forfeitures "by the Internal revenue bureau, Commissioner Blair reported In his annual report. ACTS AS NURSEMAID TO GET VOTE, OPENS DOOR TO HIS RIVAL CHATHAM, Dec. 14.--When Rev. A. C. Calder. successful Conservative candidate in the recent Ontario election, visited a Chatham woman to urge her TIM15EK SALE X3793. . Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester nt later than no I. cn the 3rd day of January. 1S27, for tht purchase of Licence X5TO3. covering two ureas in uoat HarDcr, ck. . to cut S2.000 feei board measure of Spruce, Hemlock. Cedar and Balsam sawloga. One (li year win be allowed lor re- n'oval ot timber. Further particulars of the Chief Fori eter. Victoria, or the District Forester, Prlnce Rupert, B.C. PULP TIMBER SALE X8440. Sealed Tenders marked. "Tender on X8440." will be received by the Honour able, the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. DC . up to twelve o'clock coon on the 4th day cf January, 1927. for the purchase of Pulp Licence X8440, to cut timoer situated on oranam island Queen Charlotte Islands District. Thirty years will be allowed for the removal of the timber. All tenders must comply with Section 19 of the "Forest Act." The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further particulars may be had from the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C. TIMBER SALE X1302 Sealed Tenders will be received ty the Minister of Lands at Victoria, B.C., not I later than noon on the 23rd day of De- comber. 1926, for the purchase of Ll-. eence X4302. to cut 6.841.500 F.BJJ. or j Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar, on an area situated on Maude Island adjoining Lots j 460 and 461. Skldegate Inlet, Queen . Charlotte Islands. i Two (2) years will be allowed for removal ' ot timber. Further particulars of the Chief For ester, Victoria. B.C., or District Fores- i ter. Prince Rupert. B.C. MILK Cash price of tickets is advanced lo 6 Quarts for $1.00 11 Pints, for $1.00 Commencing November 1. Valentin Dairy Phone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Slock Phona 675 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phon tl. '-artasje, Warehousing, and iMlributiiiK Team or Motor Bervl;e. 'Inn Band and Orivi W 8poolallz In Plana an Purtltur Kovlnn. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kxqulslte Stock of Fui Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Naxt O.W.V.A. Third Ave. Worried about HER Christmas present? Let nearly two million women give you a tip! Give her a New Hoover. Now 131 better than before. $6.25 down; easy terms. Demonstration Q7A Booth OO Floor A on HOOVER HATS tltt Imii ttfCTMSf Sold only by KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3 he was acting at, nursemaid, he an .1 -., ftr1 k. rimr In ntnnnui In m Is the lady of the house In?" asked Dr. Oliver seriously. "No. the Is not." replied the minister. "I gather she has gone to voter" tlcal conttst. As Dr. Oliver left, he t- , a. .,(11 ttAtl... mKw i xotici: LAND ACT. or lNTLNTIO TO TO I.KAK LMI. MEDICAL WORK AND MISSIONS nit, ;i:ut(it: i:. uauuv ami m: J. 4!. M'KNt't'.lt OK IIU.LA IIMI.A sroKi: iti; r.YiiA at oilwn IAI.I.S STORY OF EARLY DAYS now imhanx ami riovn.ic tvjim: m:iu: uvi: ,in noiii i-iivm- TALLY AMI Itl LKllUl M.Y OCEAN FALLS. Dec. 14 At the Invitation ot Ocean Falls United Church official board, Dr. George E. Darby ot Bella Bella Hospital, and Ftev. J. C. Bpcnccr of the Indian mission field, addressed the congregation recently on the work of the church. v The service was In the Interest ot the maintenance and extension fund and there was a lib-jeral resioiue. Rev. Wm. Deans, the : pastor, was in charge of the service. i I Rev. Dr. Spencer told of the great I changes wrought by the power of the gospel Ui the life of the Indian people. telling the story of "Slaughter Illle" at the opening of his addrcw. This Is ... ) Fr'tly fcpot at Rivers Inlet, near the ' entrncc of Slower Paas. Not o to vote, the lady had no one to care 1 OTW" w for her two children, so Mr. C.lder 'ft were made and both agreed to .mind the baby If she would Jure peace " to take the elder child with her. While. i place, j ue Hirers irun mama tunni tin good faith and camped for the night " . ' , . . ... at Schooner Pas. Their enemies, lying " knock with, the baby In his arms. He , .. . . , . i in ambush, sprang out and killed most found his opponent. ri 4 Dr. C. B. Oliver. , ... . ... 0j tne warriors and the name Standing on the porch. i-:.,htr 111!- Inl.r, of aIauMen was git en to the spot. I i-ioM.m: noicK ' This disaster broke the back ot the I Rivers Inlet people. Dr. Spencer Ue- l anti ,Hw ...... HW,r.nu1 (mm r :.::r 'k effect. The gospel came and the new generations now dwell together In - - , 7 friendship, in memory ' of living men. nts and together they ' walked into r. " Dr. Spencer continued, a group of brate fierceness of their character, quartered " ""U" . u living slave, and then rushed through the baby which the doctor himself had . bMag qu,terln8 into the world. brought 'Today Port Simpson ha a modem itx. Calder elected. was church, with pipe organ, and Urge eou- i gregatloru every Sunday. The power of ! the gospel Is felt through every tribe AI'II.YjOf Indians In the province. i Dr. Oeorge E. Darby gat an account lh' hUlorJ' of mfdlc' miMHm " In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls-!" trlct ot Prince Rupert, and situate at the coast. In 1 888 Dr. William Doltoo Nesto Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. ; mfn, to Port SUnpson at the urgent re- 1Uft,t of RT Thomas Crosby. The mU- Prince Rupert. DC. occupation manager. , intends to apply lor a lease 01 tne ioi- sionaxy society naa no lunas vt prona lowing described' land: ' tot medical work and Dr. Boltoa went commencing at a post ptamea on me ' . , . . south side of Nestolnlet. about one pen. nd eted the mile from Its head: thence south 0 first hospital. As the people moved to chains, trence west m cnains: mencs the 8keena for tKe fishing sewson. a branch hospital was established at Port chains, more or less, following the shore line to point of commencement, and Esslngton. containing 7 acres, more or Showing a fine enthusiasm and coui- 5 tins Heinz Pork & liea'nx, medium 95c 3 bottles Hejnz Catsup, larKe 95c Heinz Chili Sauce Heinz Pork & tteans, small Heinz Tomato Soup, small H.iinz Spaghetti, small Hiiinz Vinegar, 1G oz. All 3 for 95c Heinz Salad Cream Heinz India Relish Heinz Tomato Soup, small Heinz Pork & Deans, small All I for 95c 1 Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles I Apricot Jam, 1 lb. tins . . (luat-kberry Jam, 4 lb. tins . Loganberry Jam, -1 lb, tins (ooieberry Jam, 4 lb. tins . Greengage Jam, 4 lb. tins George Rorie CHAHTi:KE!) ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 213 Second Atenue West, I'rlnre Kupert Applicant. e- I887 Dr, Boltoa started the work Dated November 23, 1926. at Rivers Inlet. aid his successors. In tl 95c DAY With Heinz .7 Varieties Heinz Pork & Deans, medium Heinz Tomato Soup, medium Heinz Spaghetti, medium All I for 95c JA.M SPECIALS STILL ON Plum or Prune. 1 lb. tins . . J tic , days of speed and sttsnuhlp wvkt marvel at the wort accomplished In pioneer tunes. norioiis i'iioviin:ii The late Dr. R. W. Urge took ovtr Ithe work at Rivers Inlet and Btiu j Bella In 1896, and under his leadership I the village of new Bella Bella, where ithe R. W. Large memorial hospital u 'now situated, was built. 1 8 tins Heinz Tomato Soup, small, ln ,900 Dr. n. c. wnneh started "C medical work at Klshplox. bit soon :5 tins Heinz Tomato Soup, medi- moved to Hazelton. where there was I uni : . . . . 95c opportunity to serve a larger field. The 8 tins Heinz Pork & Deans, small pioneer work done by the Hazeltou ' 95c boepltal, prior to the coming of the railway and during the dsys of Isolation for the settlers and Indiana, is remembered with gratitude by large numbers. Dr. Wrlnch won the esteem of the people and Is now their representative In the Provincial legislature. For many years. Dr. Darby declared the only settled medical men north ofi Queen Charlotte Sound were the mis-' slonary doctors. Had It not been for the church many of the pioneers ot ! the province would have been deprived of medical advice and assistance. WOKK .TODAY Even today. Dr. Darby stated, among the Indians a certain amount of super-) stltlon Is found. The old medicine nun does not like to find his power gonj. I and jin Illustration ot the deception piaciuea uj mcse men was given, a few years ago a youth was shot accidentally. The medicine man was called and after treating the patient displayed a 22-callbre bullet, which he claimed to have extracted from tht 'Peach Jam, 1 lb. tins 65c un. collected, his fee. but the gjjgboy grew worse. (j-c ! As a last resort the patient was Y,'-,,. taken to the Bella Bella hospital. Tht ' '. case seemed hopeless, and did not rts- G5c ' pond to proper was found that care and nursing. It the bullet had lodged . Doctors of plastlo surgery declare! that thlr art can replace missing j parts of the body. Does this apply to loss ot memory, or temper, or absence of gall? Or docs that need a nerve specialist? , ,! ' The American .Federation of Labor Is working to establish a five-day week, i It l under the Impression ' that the scriptural Injunction to six day ot toll was a typographical error on the. part bf Mwo XMAS SHOPPING A PLEASURE at Heilbroner's Gift Shop Two floors Mocked with ns fine an assortment of Rifts lis you will find in any 0ri. in the larj;e centres. OUR BASEMENT STORE will surprise you. No mnller how small n purchase you wish to. make, ue hate somtlhin to satisfy your demand. Our Prices are equal to nny In Canada ue liuy nil our jjihmN for spot cash. You Get The Benefit Roth upstairs and down, polite and cottrteous employees will jjlw )ou m-ry aHiMarut in making your selection. Shop in the morning and we will be able to give you eten better sen tee. The Diamond Specialist. I'ltlNCK UUI'KKT TIDKS tiimi iv. niti.MitiK it High 9 22 am. 201 ft Max Heilbroner 0:64 pm 17 A Low 2 47 am 7 1 - 3:48 pm. 6JS " HI HM.MIW. MK UMIIIK 11 High 10-11 in 21 1 (t. 11:01 pjn. 18.7 - low 3 AO km. 7.3 " 4:4S pm. . 3 " THI KMIW. I'l.CI.MIH 11 l Hlfh tlM s,m. list ft 11 AT tun. 1J Low 4:47 snv 1 - i M p m. 4 0 " l uiitw, in;c i:iitt it u inch I Mi sun. 22.4 ft. Low S.4 am 7.8 - S40 pa. 3.2 " MTUIIUV. IIM Ollii: IK Illffb 0:44 am 18 8 ft 1241 pm. 22 6 Low 0.-29 am. 7i ft 7:15 pm 2JI - SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACTAHENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacunt ufirervJ. survy4 Crimii binUs may be rre-smptxl by llrliislt auUJecU over It ytart of ai. nil li nllens on declitrlnc latentloa lo become British oibjeets conditional niacin residence, occupation. jiJ iinprovtment for acrlcultural iurtokC Full Information conrernloc rm-itluns regardlnic pr-mptlon Is Klven In Kullelln No. 1, Land Kr1, "lluw to l"r-mpl Ijnd," copies ot sihlcli can b obtalne.1 frse of charge ly addressing the Department of Lands. Victoria. K.C.. or to any Oov. rnment Knt aj Hvcords will be -ranttt covering only land sultabU for agricultural purposes, and which la not timber land. I.e. carrying over 1.000 board feet ter acre west ofth Coast Ilangt and test per acre east of tbal llunc. Applications tor pre-emptions are to be uddressad lo the Itnd Com m!sloner of the Land Iltcordlna Division. In which the land aupllaJ for Is situated, and are mads en printed forms, copies of which can b obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements made to value of 110 per acre, Including clearing and cultivating; at least five acrea, before a Crown Orsnt cn be received. For more detailed Information see the llulletln "How to Pre-empt Ijind." U PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmoerland. fur agricultural purposes: minimum price for flrst-ctaae (arable) land la ii per acre, and second-class (Erasing) land itXV per acre. Further lo formation regarding; purchase or lease of Crown lamia Is Klvn In llulletln No. 10, Iand Herlea, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Inds." Mill, Mill, factory, mciory, or or Industrial inuuirii sites o os black I!,.,.1. r....-..t Currant Jam, i 4. . lb, I.. tins. .c: -i ust under , the shoulder blade, aili timber land, not exceeding 40 acres. rtt- r . .ii ai . i . .t v. uerry 4um, -t iu. tins (.: Strawberry and Ilasjibcrry Jam, 4 lb. tins 75c Raspberry Jam, 4 lb. tin .... 75c We deliver to all parts of the city and guarantee our service. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 57 i when this wa removed the boy recov ered. The medicine man had provided a substitute' for the bullet ln order to secure the fee from the father of the boy. Dr! Darby paid high tribute to the field nurses, who are ministering ln large areas, where tio doctor Is avail- may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment ot stumpage. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not eiceedlhg it acrw. may be leased as homesltea, conditional upon a dwsllln belna ereoted In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Im provement condition are fulfill! able, such as Kltamaat and Skldegate j and land has been surveyed. These nurses are supported partly by the Women's Missionary Society. LEASES Tor grating and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding liO acres may be leased by one person or a company. QRAZINQ Under the Orating Act the Province la divided into grating dlttrtoU and the rapes administered under a Orating Commissioner. Annual grating permits are Issued based oa numbers ranged, priority being gtvea to established owners. Htock-ownere may form ss Delations for range management. Krss, er partly tree, permits are available ter settlers, eppera and traveller, ua t tea 527. 52'J Third Atenue WESTHGLME THEATRE TOM(.IIT ONLY, 7 anil 9 p.m. BUCK JONES in "THE COWBOY and THE COUNTESS" Th adventure oi a Westerner la Kuri IIKI.KNA D'AIXIY and a slrunj: support iK "THE ADVK.VTUItllS OF MA 7. IB," N. II. - AI-HKflT.l VAIK.'IIN IN -A SNITCH IN TI.MI-I NT K H N AT I ON A 1 . NKWS Admission 35c uni! 10c Ran ad ian National Qie Largcft Railway Syflcm in America Steamship and Train Service .. I'ltlNC t: HI II.ItT will leair I'HINCl: IIIPIKT Ip VAMIH tlK. limit, M;Tll.i: and Intermediate plnl eaili IKIPtV ritlMi; Itrn.ItT ..r hTIAVAItT and ANMIV. I.HMltV l r .. 1'itixt: niAituiH tur VAM(ii:it u ui nv uikioiii i' i.amis. r.fiiiuiiti). PAsMNflllt TlttlM I.LAti: PHIXU III TI.KT ImU MIIMUV. MlliNriV an.l-tTI MUtV at IIJ aw U r)' OMIKCC. I.IIMIIMCIN, UINMI'MI. alt imlnt. Ij.lrfn I siijU4, es M4lev Atll.M-V AM. on:.N MllMMtlllP LINK". Iw (aiiaUUn Nttluiul l.tprr for Money Order., Ifrlf tlteM rte.. bIm u your next liliiient. t irv tifKiiT on in:, ats tiiiiiu r... hcimi: iu i i ht r Headquarters for Christmas Give Silk Hose No (Sift more npprt'cinlvd We have them in many color and priri- OUK MACAKA MAID I'uro Thread Silk in all leading nhaik. Inclui)n Ctunmetal, per pair ;..... OUK WINSOMK .MAID A Pure Thread Silk Chiffon Homvnt per P"lr .Sl"5 SI. T.I OUH lll-TEX WINOMK-MAID- Thl is a winter horo7 Pure Silk. With thla hose no underhoe ia necesary. Two stocklnns ,n 0,10 at per pair , All can he hoxed K-paralely for jjift purposes at ahou- pricl!t H. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. Phone !. 3rd Ave. and Foil-