PAOBT.WO 0 Christmas Sailings of this Famous Service 34- m w Low rates for choice accommodation To Plymouth, Cherbourg and London Dec 13. "ANTONIA," from Halifax To Belfast, Liverpool and Glasgow Dec. 1 1. "LETITIA," from Saint John, N.B. 12. " from Halifax'- , Rr as little as $85 Third Class one way ' to British Fbrts. Round Trip $155. m CANADIAN Mgm SERVICE LINES Thm ROBERT REFORD OX Limit tj. TORONTO IJPhont agin 3iTt) or my STEAMSHIP AGKNT The Cunard Steamship Co. limited, 622 Hastings au VW, Vancouver, or any STEAMSHIP AGENT. The Daily News PHINUK HUPKHT rjK.TlSH COLUMBIA Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince -: Rupert Daily News, Mmited. Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Citj Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month St. po By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year 16.0(1 To all other countries, in advance, per year 17.60 All advertising should be in The Dsily Njws Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received eubjen to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION SATURDAY. OCTOBCt 23. 1626. JL'ST AIlOl'T TIME TO THINK OF CIVIC ELECTIONS. There Is no Intention to stir up strife or make people uneasy or to be alwuvs trying to precipitate elections, but It Is nearlr time r-iile were bcrlnnlnr WHEAT With milk.or cream, or fruits Miriwuly 3imemn2 and satisfying Satisfy yourself with your work and i you will probably satisfy the boss. X knew a man that had a case ln I court but he never got a drink out of It. LUTHERAN CHURCH FOR KETCHIKAN VERY SOON Kt7rIIKAri;fdct,23!LA drW for! funds, W buUd a church will be started by. the Ladles' Aid Society of the Uith-1 eran church on 'November 4. ' On that date at 2.30 o'clock ln the afternoon In .the Seamen's Home they will place all kinds of fancy work on I sale. Heretofore the funds from these sales have been applied to the Seamen's Horns, This time, however, the funds will be devoted to a new church. With the object In mind, the women have been working hard to make an extra fine display of useful and fancy articles which will be offered to the public. BATJt'RUAT Vn max nkwh SAYS ROBBED ALASKA MINES . JN A FRACAS CLOSELY ALLIED CEOKC.K I) It A r It'll WAS RECENTLY1 FROM CAKSIAK ;tIJ FIELDS 'with ciotii iu'st j I WITH CANADIAN IIICST PLACLK The first placer gold mined in Alaska came from the Sliver Sow basin. Juneau, the oldest American settlement I 7. ; review or those in tekkitoky A series of wild veils Tor help and i ' , Ling .TKUIT.VO TO MINIM M cries declaring a man wa. rom Into the bay awakened Stedman hotel : X THIS MDE j guests and residents In the Tongasa ' - j ' Th' AlaJtt cltxl!l' ' and tiyu. buildings early thU morning and afc-d with those In Canada as mar.y f as an outcome, the fracas Oscar I0' thew arc l " ww tMi. Th.s , Berg and Harry Hanson are being held in the federal tail, while Oeonrei" Alaska Week and the Ketchikan Chronicle tells of the mines of the ter- Draplch. the man who made the out- cries, claims he was robbed oi 82 and r"ul "iow. a gold watch fob says the Ketchikan : nt h'6 PU history an i Chronicle of recent date. Another man l,nk w" one of her great Industrie., hive tnlt f nnlng. Wrarojell was the first said to been mixed up In the melee Is being sought by officers.. o1 the Alaska towns to feel the Impetus j 'hlcn n from the P"nce of j All four of the men were employee. at the SUt Chuck mine and wer. goto? mpeders In the search of gold. Dur- ; ln th ' &nd 80 ' ' w" to leave on the motorshlp Fairbanks for th for 30.000 miners Salt 4 outfitting point Chuck at o'clock this mornln5 who stlkme rlver nd to get their remaining effects. Draplch namPeled UP nto lhe district. HrlUsh Col-on claims that the three men attacked him Casslar 1897 xter the dto Umbl- the boat and tried to throw him ln hail vc7 01 "oW 00 th' Klond'ke rtver overboard ftfter they gone througn Uls pockeu and taken what 'money he'nT stampeders outfitted at Wrangetl. j b.rt nntd hi. o-...h fnK fmm i thinking that they could reach this to think about the civic elections which are In the offing. The time Is drawing ' considerable amount of gold dust with near and it Is well to get good men Interexted In civic work. Tim much is left to the lut moment. his gold nugget chain. VOrir EKOl S CKlES Oraptch's. cries attracted early morn El Dorado by way of the BUklne river. Telegraph creek and Trslln take, thus avoiding the Chilkoot pa and White- , ing pedestrians and when they arrived bont taplds. at the Dock Street noat, where the Fairbanks was tied up, Draplch was on the deck swinging a broken oar, stlU vociferous In his cries that his attack-era were trying to throw htm overboard. The police lights were flashed on and Patrolman Williams arrived on the scene ln a few minutes. Later he pick ed up Berg and Olson In a cafe on Mission street and took them to the In Alaska. In 1880. About the same i time the Tread well quart mine was de- ( v eloped in a smaU way and was later j enlarged until It was second to no gold mine in the world at the time of tlje big cave-tn and flooding of the The The men men were were turned turned i mJor Prt of pence station. over to the federal authorities thli morning and taken to the Jail on, the bill, while search Is being continued for the third man claimed to have participated In the asMult on Draplch. Draplch recently returned from the Casslar mining region and brought a him, which it is said he was prone to exhibit to his friends. He U said to have deposited the gold dust la one No Intimation has been given as to who are likely to be candidates thls; t within the last few days year. No one seems anxious for the positions that offer. The pay U quite In adequate for the work, which perliap Is as It should he. home people are of opinion that there should be no pay. At any rate every jear there Is a tendrncy for a lot of the best men to draw hark from undertaking t lie work. Possibly a little pressure brought to bear might change things. NEEIIS OF BOOSTEK8 IN ANY COMMl'NITY. There seems to be always a goodly supply of pessimist ln any community but boosters are. often at a discount. The Ketchikan paper hs this: fpr safe keeping. ILL. I tlXlMl OK IHIUli r III feeling la reported .to have existed between Draplch - arid other members of the crew at the mine, where Draplch has been working since his return from the Casslar. and there appears to be some conflicting opinion aa to whether the fsacas this morning was result of that 111 feeling or a holdup. After the excitement was over. Dra- J'aa needs boosters. And there I much to boost. . There Is the! pica did not discover that the money civic prldeof h'eullhy surroundings. Iicuutlful hoinrs, fine roads. and streets, play grounds and parks to be created by industry anil constructive co-operation. There is the pride of empire bulldingthe sating and use of pioneer capital for creating and developing new Industries and Converting raw material Intv productive enterprises'." Now what is true of Alaska Is just as true or British Columbia and particularly uf Prince Kuwrt. There are a lot of good men and true who are firm believers In the future of this place but on the other hand there are a lut of cynics who make light of every effort to force the speed. "We need men with faith and 'energy who are always ready to tpeuk a word for the place or push a pound or put up a dollar. Any such are alwuys welcome. POOL SEEMS TO BE PERMANENT ORGANIZATION. The wheat pool lias wound up another successful vear, and Is now maklug final payments which bring the price secured by Its patrons up to $1.42 V4 per bushel for No. 1 Northern at Vancouver, says the Edmonton Bulletin. The pool last year handled 4J.(hmi.ooO bushels of Alherta wheat, more than halt the total estimated yield, and about twice the amount marketed though the pool Mast )ear. How much the pool has affected prices, or how much it has sated the farmer in marketing costs. Is not official)- stated or estimated; Is perhaps not to be calculated with any degree of assured accuracy. But there Is every appruraucc of pennanrnce In the position of the pool. It Is handling each year the grain of a much larger number, of fnrmers than In the preceding year. Which means that It has established Itself In the confidence of the farming community as a selling organization. ASK .him); AXIi IJl lento Tom Dominion. It 1 understood that the King and queen are to be asked to tour Canada nest year on. the occasion of the diamond Jubilee of confederation. This Is a fitting thing In do. The Klng l King of Canada Just as much as King of England, There's one thing about teachlat; children eiiclid and algebra and a lot I of those aublects la that ' thev are rer un is irue mat all the nations of the Empire are equal. The step suggested wj.aldlJecUy harmless."' be In the nut lire of a recognition of this equality and would be appreciated by the jM-ople of Canada. 1 IilENDLINLSM TO Ol'K VIKITOKS, Prince Itupert has started well In showing frleudllitess to the visitors who are coming here to load with grain. This was commented on by the Japunes Captain whu Is here In charge of one of the grain vessels. H Is to be tuied that this will be kept up. It Is worth -a great deal In the way of business. The tendency Is to make a great fuss ut first unil then forget to entertain the visitors. . IS. I.. Ia . .1 . . niiiij n h on in ne a good plan to nave some suitable entertainment for the first llrltMi ship coming here to loud grain. It would be nulte a right unil proper thing to tlo. For the hurry-up lunch SHREDDED was gone until he returned to his hotel room to change his clothes, although he declares the three men and himself battled around the deck and they attempted to throw him overboard until he got hpld of the oar. broke off its biade and brandished it ln the air to protect lilmself. Draplch wore a valuable gold nugget chain attached to his watch but thea were not molested, the fob being the only part of the jewelry missing. THE MAN IN THE MOON aya: n :u The difficulty with, old men you are never sure whether its the wisdom of age or second, childhood that causes It. People who live la glass bouses In this country axe blankety, blankfty blank fools and then some, Jake says. Marriage la like a railway crossing. You see her and stop, then you look again and once the wedding Is oyer you listen all right slid if you do not It's worse than a train twwring down on you. A really good lawyer Is one who can protect you from the Qtber lawyers. A woman should be broadmlnded br.t not too broad elsewhere. Jack Sprat Was much too fat His wife was much too lean. They hoofed H together fa all' sorts of weather And the chahge Is easily seen. the workings in in spring of 1817 Oastlneau channel has been the centre of considerable mlnoint; tctlvltty from the time of the first discovery of gold In Sliver Bow basin to the pruent time The Alaska-Juneau mine. In 1922, produced one-sixth of all the gold mined ln Alaska. KLONDIKE IHMCOtEKY The discovery of gold in the Klondike region. Yukon Territory, tn 'l89S was reeponslble for a period of increased activity in Juneau during the succeeding years when the stampeders were en route. Skagwsy came into .being ovet night and tn 1887-98 was a city of some 1 4 XWO inhabitant. Although depleted tn population at the present time, this little town stands at the gateway to the Yukon Territory and is of com mercial Importance for this reason. OS KOKTY MILL The placer mines of the rorty MuV river district were discovered' In 180'': thoee of the Rampart district ln 1893 thoae of the Sunrise district Cook In- in 1894; and those of the upper Eoyukok river tn 1899. The first re stampede to Alaska Territory, however, occurred with the discovery of place gold on Anvil creek, near Nome, In 1898. The stampeders arrived by the thousands during 1899 and 1900. when gold ln paying quantities was discovered on the beach at Nome. Following the Nome stampede other placer deposits veer opened on the Seward peninsula, notably at Candle Creek. Council City Solomon and ln the Kougarok country to the northward. After the days of the rush Nome's population declined until ioo, when renewed activity occurred (or a few years aa the result of the dls covery of. gold In the old beach level on the tundra back of the prevent beach. TANANA IMsCOVIItV The discovery of gold near Fairbanks In 1902 created a new raeoca for the disappointed stampeders who had visited the Klondike, .Nome and other districts, and thousands flocked to Fairbanks which anon developed Into a thriving city, For several years following the first discovery of gold In this section, new ifjnas . were made on the creeks In the district.- and wlrbauks. thereafter had a rather ' 'prolonged period of prosperity. The district still holds much promise both aa a mining and agricultural section. The, .discovery pf place gold near Hot Springs on the Danana river In 1900 resulted In the establishment of a permanent settlement there. Idltarbd Is among the last of the large placer camps. The district was discovered In 1909 and Is .still producing approximately one-half million dollars In gold annually. Gold was discovered on the creek back of Ruby In 1912. resulting ln the establishment of a permanent settlement at that point. The Tolo-vana strike tn 1914' resulted In a great Influx of gold seekers to that section. The Kantlshna, Hyder -and Willow creek districts now loom large on the gold mining horizon. OTIIEIt MINEKALH In addition to the settlements men-tloned as being founded largely as a result of gold mining activities, other iou Jrfrtache U 9 tv DGDENS CUT PLUG Ripe for the pipe " Save the VALUABLE poker hands a n m l ri Montreal rnce STILL I V TT HMW wwi w f ..w . - - - r - - " ' f w ' ' W f nishlngt are arriving continually In our store. Although our big sale H over, tr still selling at Montreal prices, which can't be beat anywhere on this coast. I 110 Ijllb IVBIV 1 1 - I www. - " - - - ' - ' r ' w . m ... " ww see some wonderful values we have now en route. Montreal Importers Third Avenue. jilncraU have played a large part in the development of Alaska's history and commerce. Copper was responsible for Ae construction of the Copper River rjid Northwestern railroad, which connects the copper mines at Kennecott nd vicinity with the coast Cordova, the const terminal, sprang Into existence at the time that construction on this railroad was begun In 1907. The report (ot the Territorial mine Uwpector for the year 1922 places the total mineral production tn Alaska since 1880 at I49C.72S.000. which Is more than ulxty tlmea the purchase price of the Territory. Alaska's undeveloped mineral resources are still enormous. Known tin deposits, principally on Beward peninsula, have tto equal on the North American continent. The coat bearing lands of Alaska cover 12.000 spuarc miles and contatn billions of tons of coal. WATER NOTICE. Olvsrson snd Uss TAKE NOTICE that Soniervllle Cannery Oiiiiimiiy, Ltd.. wIiimm- sihlrnss Is (lore Avenue Wharf, Vancouver, H.':. will apply for a llrenre to take ami use Ml rstloli ht inlnuis of water out f small sin-siu. also known at Mole! stream, winch flow hrlln.'st siul drain mlo Jedwsv llsi'tior sIhiiiI 4l reel iHiriliaeit or oiiIIifshi rornrr of Tnsu Mmlnir 1:1.1111. The wsler will he diverted from the stream st s point shout Sun fret mmtliwest of suit I h east corner Of Tos .Mililnr 1 lalni slid will lie used for Industrial purposes iiihiii tlw Unit described as It seres norlhmt of Tiir Mimnr I.Uiin. This liotiee wst ported on .the vriiunil mi the win day of hritin her. loan. A eopy of this nothe and sn Nplleatlon iiursiisul therein sml lo the water M-r win i nieii in the urnes of the Wsler lleeorder St I'rlm-e lltipert. II. C. Iilijeiilons 19 the siilli'tlon may be filed with the said Water llemriler nr with the t'.oiuilrillflr or Wnler lilshls, farllaluenl llullillnys. Victoria, tt.r., with-In thirty .days sflei tlo- first spiiesratife of this notice In a I'h'sI tiewspaiN'r. The lisle Uf the first puhll'stloii ,,f uti . liis, Is Jmlcilior i. ivvd. biiMi:u H.I.I; i;a,xi:hv :o.., . Apjirsnt. Il.v Fred lieshrlssjr Mstlinrs , A sent. MINERAL ACT Csrllflests of Improvements. Hrowuie Mo. Mineral Claim, situste In the Atlin Minlnr division of th i:.i.r district, on Wsnn itlver. sdiolning and to the soiitli of llrnwnie No, 4 M.(. TAKE NOTICE Hint I, Junes U, Kershaw, free Miner's Certificate .No. f).r,A3, intend l.vty ilsyt from lhe- dsle hereof, in al,y to the Mlulnr necordnr for s Certificate of Improvements, for the pur of nb-laltil 11 sr s Crown Ursnt of the shove rlalm. And further take notice that srtion, ui. dor lection SH, must he eonunenced before the Issue of such Ccrtirirste uf Improve incuts. DATED this 1st dsy of geptember A.D. 01tC II, McN, HUStll, Aieat. we w set mivi ' DEMAND "Rupert Brand - Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canatjian Fish & Cold Storage Co-, Prince Rupert, B.C. I 1 1 in. s . n t 'i .sMieBjiiijieiisi ivsisisisiBiiasi . mw u ww as iiiiiii vhuuhiuii 11UIIUIIUI UlVUlllslUIUU VVi Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND rl w TWVV flr 4k WW I 1 W k.f M. 3 I 01 iir 1 t.iw Opemtlng CL T. P. 23,000 Ton Pleating Dry Docs Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, fu makers, pounders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRC AND ACETYLENE WELDINB. Our plant is equipped to handle alt kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 4J and SS