COMMUNITY- PLATE ComJ!ttS,oo htautiful ntw tfttfag t Tf jvru'ece i "COURT CABINET" TuaiAlMthatiurroundi Usmpttm Cnrt Uteit achievement ofCcmrnunity iJnigncri ht.bctngreitlr enhanced by the introduction of thi tplcndjj elicit lUnJ-ctrred tacffcct,iud iiggetting the gorrroui Chew of esrly Dielith days, ' Coun Cabinets are cure tohtveitrtmeadousvofue. Ai trrtingt for fine lilvrr wwe nothing could be more pproprute.vct the cot it surprisingly low. A (Jewellers v aATllr: STOKE WITH TMt CIDCn BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR It' P. f f .i p. in)l. ! mC ! English Made Cravenette Raincoats e ill ! ferctil 1iatlfi, :jf (II - Ji s fr m Mi J. BENT Third Ave. Phone 651. LUMBER We are marvnfj' '"ring r ugh and drff-ed lum-u -jxe gr mi lioal fi!a Halibut and sal-nvn !oxp. Ak Fop Prlcei Seal Cove Lumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 562 George Rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor llcrc.ver. Liquidator, Trustee. Ao. Phone 3S7 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West unci: niTKivr Fur Coats cS: Jacquettes An Kxqulslte Block of Fui TrlmmlnKs at low prioe B. C.RJR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend oar Table Cream at 16o for Half pint. Quality and Service Special lo Delivery 8ervlce Valentin Dairy Phone 657 f BAT"RDAT OCTOBCB 2S, 1936. ran 0SIE7 wawa PAGE FIVE .1 I, 9 t WA TERFRONT WHIFFS Permanent repair of waterfront roadis being requested local salmon packers are returninghalibut total under 1925 1 A petition drawing the attention of the elty. provincial and federal author-titles to the utuatiafactory condition of the road running from Third Avenue to the Cow Bay bridge and beyond toward the f dry dock In one direction and the , gsvernment wharf tn the other and asking that immediate atepa be taken to 'lepalr the road la being widely algned by couceros and people .doing butlnewi . ateng the waterfront, j The" petition la worded aa follow: i "We wlah to draw your attention to the present condition of the road I running from Third Avenue to the Cow" Bay bridge and on the other aide of wage, one section running to the pro-a i . . ... 1 Hnelal government wharf, the othei" to jtbe Imperial Oil Co property. I -We would point out that tbla road ! wa never buUt properly from the flrt IN PROBATE. I IN THE SUrnr.SU COURT OF BRITUM , COLUMBIA hi Id- Vall-r uf Itw iUainiirstHia Art; sntl I" II Oallrr nf I he I tl- of tnrrw Mr v...tti. ,41m-' i kn'.wo Aiwtrew ; I int.' iml U. tlrtue "t in urder dated in .in t r ri ix t ir. atd nude i ll,- li..i Judre V U.H i-unr. tM-l '.lr .r the -mpn n KHtrl. k-ae r"ii i, 4tea4ra It Hwkin. "fflrUl : iiiiumnrsiar f tiul (v.tii.n of the i . iim of fprir hiiirti Kenaed In .i.rdei in l .SWiril Xu. Ill H. to r 'l- UK- death 4 Arew Hruwt. nthre-known tsslrrw Juhnl. rnnnerli-( Utr Tuwn r imiitner.. in ih. rrnvttwe it BrilMl 4uaaH. -r Ibr tin dr J J utf ((. nr taomb sMrr ibr flrn pwti-, n uf till. Sillrr TIHHtroMi Tk N"TI that. uae I. rwrm-4M-d k. ine lii.iriri Hr(H k it the utMKr i H!ri at Ibe " Jly of ri1 Mur-rt. l"rov inre .if BrluMi mom li it Wm hot asain afier ikv fir! pab In-all. nl IM nvtlr. Iksl the MHl AO-Mrr UrXaurbi. wlberwiM' kouwa a Aa Orw lulMKMi. w ante MtweqaeM ! ' 1 1 iilili tlww I-' n i water u oi : l,w wet if wharf al 1MB Hat. llaol lituan a i n name I and drain ml ,frei aiaib mUm thr rati rdwi iwrfw vmrffT Lai 191 ". . a . a kiii Mt"i la , ..lailllir. -- ......I,, ,Mrllain rrilHi : mi i"''.. "'.". .V i 4SS. kv. !"': T V 7,.i ' '.. u. rd t tile' nioulh ?r va in lliver. mi Takn Arm of TrMh Jn Mirltirrlj direction IIS 1 lV .i ' "r..i.rlr il l loS feet, llienr" vvairr ..,, ,,r riunniMirnmrnt re r i"""; ... u ,nd nmitin m .V, ' V ni l 111 s l,l. n C. MIMRAL ACT. cniric.t f iwf";;;w II. I.. H. it rent, M.. s BW....ia.r ." -. - . Frar . "'SKWrV'S-'iS?-" ftVM Sf Take Arm, nrTir','OTT.'F' tlil nelnM Symes, . ?.i..r iiiil nullrltnr. of 40 Vet I'en- iiirfH w.?1;;;1 'm.h Cl)iu,i,u, tl.t. inr 1 "v Miner1 Certirirsie No. '.".'M. inlrnl. al dyafr..m the dte J" V n arVnlv In 1 the Mlnlnir Iteroriler ; tr"",''.,.! tn- " ln.l.r.iven.e.11. for tl f hl""n rr,,wn 0nxAl purlK. lKi' FrnTHMI TAKK NOTICE that ... .i-iiiin miiM le ronmii'iireil i&"The'W';;f wirh1 cf city muat use these roads." Powerboat Pschena made a trip this week to Murder Oove. Macaulav Island. stand up to the heavy traffic going !and jio t,,, in , cow containing 25W) over It each and every day. ittt ot Jumber which had been bought "It has been temporarily repaired from lut wek for Albert ti McCaXIery by ,time to Ume but the method and ma- Clpt 8wnon who went down In the ti iwru wm not nana tor any lengtn Uyfanwy. The Bchaeffer sawmlU at tn ume. "The condition of the road to those who ue it constantly csusea rapid depreciation of cars and truck, especially trucks carrying hesvy loads. "We would ask Immediate "action on the repair of thM road so thst excessive wear and tear on all trucks and ears will be eliminated, and will greatly help reduce the cost of upkeep which at present is very heavy and .unnecessary If thai road were properly buUt. "We are sending this petition to the city of Prince Rupert, provincial government and deputy minister of railway. Ottawa, a the last two have lease with some of the firms Interested and we consider the city of Prince Rupert should do tie share as every car in thla Murder Cove la now dosed for the winter. A Capt. Alex Saint aboard powerboat 28 took Capt. Larry Thomson out Wednesday night -to meet the Japanese grain steamer Telfuku Putting the pilot aboard the big freighter oil Triple Island about midnight, the 28, bung ground in the fog and got back to port about 8 o'clock Thursday morning. Bob Thomas sailed on the 28 aa cook and. while Captain Thomson can recommend his coffee, he ssys that Bob fries a very rubbery steak. At that It might have been Pat Burns who waa at fault. Jim Bacon i erecting a new and com modious amokehcuse at the rear of his new premises " on the government wharf. T Furniture and equipment la being moved into' the fblologlcal station on the government' 'w-harf. - Chris Elk Ins and Bill Brown-are finishing furnace Installation in the building while the finish ing touches are being put on the in terior decoration by Painter Blsaett. D. B. Finn, who will be director ot the sta tion, la well pleased with the layout and expects to carry out a good deal of valuable and Interesting research work H H.ktn wMJ prw-rwl i.. swear lajup hU week for the winter, left Thurs- t am deal or use sM Asoeew r iflir nieht on t trio to Vancouver autrt. nlhrrwtar ID WW s AlHtrew i il4l WU.IJtV A GONIAL. MHeilse. Iki nntl-r flrtl imbhsiied nw the I ita ! wtutwr, A l . Hit. WATCH NOTICL I Dl.eealen an V. therein. Oeorge PrtU returned to port with the Margaret II. this week from the Queen Charlotte Islands where he ha been packing this summer and has left for the westward on a halibut trip. Merrill Soltowa. captain of the hali but schooner Rlnglesder. which was tied t Ills msny ' friends along the waterfront will be interested to know that ' word has been recerved from Earl Haines i who la now at the Msyo Clinic. Roches-It er. Minn., and that he is malting sat-Jlsfactory recovery following treatment ! l,ul. vnin iiwi hiimti wmt- i , ii,. i.ii.ii. whi.e ddn- i Interne. rsnnery. decent injury. I ill afl tor a linrnre le lake and Capt. Clarence Campbell and hla bro- wMrn fkiw ! ther left thla week on the hailbut r'tlETrEln .Ut' schooner Joe Baker, which ha now dls- I M ttl u.l.. t.. .. M.kl... m i a-i. cvuimuru till IUUV AtmtHU IIM IUV v w- ! water will be diverted rrum Ike ;tream j it f m- 101 " weeks " hunting "'"""'B at Dundaa JUX"" alui ko feel mini it niuulb i anil will lie umh! tor uuine.iir ana rinwij lining. piirrie iiki the land itrrrlbrd M . "A . kllaWO I .It. IB1 IWWT i.n thr mM il inr i in uai 'n r--. lotllhel. Iff. A rip .u .laairaiinn nuruisal itiereio snd to .t . . . ' u In "V alar 1 -. mm IM- ntM ti sen 1 Cspt. jud Tsuroer used ine naiioui f ihi n. .tire and achoonrr Muirueag thla week to bring III- l-l in IW Ul load of aand and gravel for, use In ex- Ifiee nf the Water rteewiter al rrlnre temal decoration of the Fourth Avenu iMerlMMMi t Ihe aplllrllin mr , lluieri. mi,jfDce. rwioence. tlx- filed wilh Hie ' Water Reeurrter or(Ml . alaanla-ml . I IftfS. n nl niw ir mam'. im'. iwiik ihe CMiuitrujirr . 1 1 n. HlWfln.. tVimtmil n W T- r,t u.rrl. IT.rr Vlrfairta. Vlrtort. II. II. C C . . wttl)in WltlllO '!SS? ff"S V.rwffiThe nde a trip to Oeorgetowt, Thursday iiav .if lie rlrM puliliiaiK nr tni mxire aju) brought back a pair of scow with HliBF.RT 0fXiBE J.lllXSTfi. LAND ACT. Applimnt. ' lumber for the Big Bsy's local yard. i The boat pouue a., on wnicn Anoy ' Akerberg habeen trolling thl seaaon. Nolle of Intentlsn to Applj t i up for the winter on a Cow Bay In rnnee unpen i.iu nr..u,a . .r.' i and Jtuair al Jedwt) lUrtxM-, (,uern cradle. rriai-li.ilr !lnd. j 1 TUE thl Vnnerjllle Cnnerjr the Cow U I NOTICj: rf.f Brun0, Bay barber, , B.C.. oi-eupytlcMi ltd.. Vnrnnrr. r..h iiiii.jhx raeaeA. (niewN. lo lHly for a ! J not expressing any great measure of i .,r the rnlkiwtnr trrilied lnd , thank to the rgostlcally tmerou gen-,,Xo7-e?'nr u,nvVV,tleman who dismantled a cradle he ' . laim fullnwlnir the is'trrl.v tmumUry In nai made In order to build one for imrilierh dlrerium t rhainn; llvure himself. M . ornea.lerlA- it -haln lo hi Hi w.ter mark thelire outlM-lerly Hour the lilrn, . i water mark l rham; '"'Jile ' Attn n Henlve overhaul J6b at the ini'ini nr.iTimrVinro'i! and roiitiinlnit tl McLean way. Dr. W. T. Kergln'a yacht '... FuU Uoon u now thorough I ( rlt,m. riivPivv j soMKIlUlXr. Anp1,nYY' , painting both In aide and out before Per F. li. Miher. , leaving the shop where ah ha been naiwl arplemlier lh, lt ;for ibout , month NOTICC OF NTtNTtOJ TO APPLV The schooner R.W., Capt. A. Wick. aX- one would never have Imagined. It appeara that mariner have got used to the value ot signal on steamers whistles in a double way. the sound and also th appearance ot steam. Motor vessel are equipped with a eompresiirr air whiatle. and the offcer on watch on a nearby veaael la deprived ot the corroborative vlaual slg- Croup at Night CaaaachetktdlaU lsi kr rtlng IIwm a hst ltk Vlft.Ut4lm I hi Ireatnteni Maallf vsr a sight . VaoRub nal afforded by the (team wtilatle. Mow cornea the "Visible Bmoke Unit, which la a device giving a vlalble amoke puff concurrently and of same duration aa the audible elgnai. The device la putj on the market by the B perry oyroxcop Ca of London. At flrat they built motor ahlpa without a amoke a tack, but they aoon had to put on dummy funnel for appearance aake. Now cornea the need for dummy (team for the whistle. C. S. Williams, the genial IX aomewhat persistent representative of Canadian ; Fairbanks-Morse, wa Doing hla stuff on waterfront row thla week. Q. 8. it con- I centratlng hla effort at this tune on! the putting over of a new full delael two cycle engine which so lar is the only thtng of It kind on the market. Other companies are reported to be working on It developments. IX there are not some of the new motors In use her next season we will say the energetic C. F. M. agent 1 not to blame. Schooner W.T., Ctpt. Charlie Edwards, has returned to port sfter having spent the season packing for J.- P. Todd it Son and la fixing up for a halibut trip. Charlie Edwards, who left here some time ago following the loss at sea of his halibut boat Azores, has been packing salmon down the coast thla season with a new boat he had built at Van couver. He is now working around Van couver Island where chum seining is still In progress. At last a real proof has been found that prohibition In the great Republic to the south Is achieving auccess. It is this; A (or "the") Sea Berpept has been sighted on no less than eight occasions recently in B.C. water, whereas there bs been no reported similar occurence In the water of the Pacific Coast of the VS. The Inference Is obvious. Union Oil Co.'a motorshlp tanker Olinda waa In port Thursdsy evening unloading at the company local tank. Aboard Skipper Bryant's Harla. Geo. Bryant and the boy and -Harry Pullen left bright and early this morning for the Ogden Channel vicinity where they win give temflc pursuit to the wily deer. The party took enough provisions to lsst a month but Monday it Tuesday will probably ee them back with tangible results of their prowess In trophies of the chase. StW CANNEKV R. O. Johnston, mansger of Inverness tannery, baa obtained a site on the In dian reserve at Klemtu (China Hat) upon which he will erect a two line tannery which will be ready for operation In time for next years fall fish ing. This explains the recent trips made by the popular Bob to China Hat which is about 130 miles south of here and In the central fishing dlrtalon. Port wardens aurvey fees for grsln rrssrla using this port were set at MS at a meeting of the council of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade thla week. Thl 1 the ume rate aa' applies In Vancouver. The Japanese flh packer Shushona, which haa been In dry dock getting repair following her wreck In Hecate Strait In Auguit, 1 now about Eddie Hudson returned to port this week from Bella Bella where be haa been packing salmon this season for the cannery there with his boat Allda. a Ringleader. Capt. Merrill Solltfws; Joe Baker, Capt. Charlie Campbell; Iris, Capt Jack Candow; D.8.T.. Capt. Jim Parson; and MA.B, Capt. Jack McLean, have finished hallbuttlng for th reason. Atll. Unome. Marguerite. Mulr-seag and P. Dorreen hare already been reported tied up for the winter. It la ndw beginning to look aa If the 11)20 hallbnt landings at thl port will not 4 be a heavy aa list year's . With but thre Weeks, of fishing left and possibly tour- and a half or five before all the landing arei arounted.' f or, the total to dae is 34tQ2JJ00 pounds. It Is hardly' to "be etpected that, almost flva million -poundi will be' linded now to bring the total up to last year's 28.920.-TOO pounds. The 24.022,900 pounds so far this season 1 made up of 17.913,-BOO pound of American halibut and 0,-109.100 ot Canadian. American Columbia, 5S.0O0; Chelsea, 4S.0O0; Attu. 52.000; Panama, 38.QP0; Paragon, 02.000: Fortlock. 40.000; Yukon, 33,000: J. P. Todd, 3,400; Democrat. S3,- OO0; Anna J.. 17.000; Wave, 1.500: Re! public, 58.000; Sunset, 38.000; Rainier, In tlw land Perordlnir MMrlit of Atlln ! ter having spent the summer packing 1 40.000; Resolute. 38.000; Eagle. 50.000; Mlninr invi"' f .' "l.V-,l-ill'i!!.,:a.. nM'for Bella Bella cannery U now being 1 ralrway. 9.000; Cedrlc. 26.000; BrunboU, kin ltd 1 1. - rrIMeiMI'nimm '-n- I jji rpmt CV .IM m IMIIWUI .4i- UVaUIV wllUln the rrovltire- or Hri-1 ..iTrating Mai0 ior nam Alumina, a niinin ruin- Vi.h m-mrnllon, i i?v l"" rt- " ni ' f,,r ,"'"'""' Hf!!'! VLlSni too E Ilrna must have cackle and boats muat have whlatlea and It appears that. i on the latter, the noise must be seen a well a heard. In thl regard, the a.niheriv tto iiet more nr leaa to hi irh I Increasing use of motorshlpa haa crrat r.'ii.r mark. iiii. Ihrnre Wraterly 100 reel' rd a demand for a new dei'lce whlca 38.000; Ithona. 15,00; Onah, 8.000; Leviathan, S5.000; Thelma II.. e.000; North. 28.000; Valorous, 8,000; Eastern Point, 3.600; Akutan, 38.000; Yakutat. 52,000; Arctic, 41.000. Canadian E. Llpsett, 8.000; Rose Spit, 5.000; Torberg, 1.600; Tramp. 12.500; Mayflower. 3.000: Helen. 2.300; Pair of Jack, 5.500; Nautilus. 1,000; Trrnen, 5,-200; Katen, 5.000; Scrub, 8.000; Caygeon, 2.300: Cape Spencer. 2.000; Aiken. 7.000. The pact weeks landing totalled 867,-600 pound of which Canadian boat brought 6800 pound and American. 790,400 pound. Price fluctuated con alderably during the week going aa low a 14.2c for first das and aa high a 30.6c. Finishing touches are being put on the new forestry power boat. Alpine Fir, at the dry dock and the boat will soon be turned over to take up her service with headquarter at Swanson Bay. The Alpine Fir which l forty feet long and powered with a 18 hp. Vivian en glne, will be used by Ranger j. B. Scott for the time being pending a mooted switching around ot the diatrlct otfl crtof th dtpartmtnt. it , 'I The Well-Managed Home THE' manager of a household is the purchas- ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her "home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of , the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchrsing. And the right way to get the est amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more com-forlahle and more convenient. . They give you information about a thousand and one things that are useful and interesting. Every manager of a household every member of the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfare should make a habit of reading the ads. MUSSEL HAS Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely CURIOUS WAY BEING BORN SriEXTISTH TKV1MJ TO IMITATE NA-Tl HE AMI THINK THEY HAVE Sl'CTEEItEI. WASHINGTON, DC Oct. 23. A solution ot a battling but Industrially important biological problem waa measurably aproached this summer by research work at the bureau ot fisheries station, at Falrport. Iowa. Dr. M. M. Ellis ot the University ot Missouri successfully hatched out In a special culture, at the end ot a series of experiments, the embryonic spawn ot the fresh water mussel. Mltl.l.S AKE VALI AHLE A sedentary. Inedible and unattractive creature from most viewpoints, the mussel ordinarily Inhabit the mud bottoms ot th Mississippi and tributary rivers tn the middle west. In rare cases It se cretes a true but misshapen pearl within Its shell, and ha been long hunted out because of th trait. In recent yeara, however. Its entire shall has been found satisfactory raw material for the manufacture of pearl b'ittona. Bom time ago It became apparent that the drafts ot shell-using Industry upon the natural stock of mussels was rapidly exhausting the supply. Th government's scientists began to ctudy the possibilities of artificial propagation, and ran Into an almost Insurmountable obstacle. Nature had but one way of bringing up baby mussels, it wss discovered, ad that waa through the use' ot a most weird and undupll-cated floating Incubator. ntOIHTE PEAKLS While th parent mussel released uncounted myriads ot It embryonic (pawn annually, only uch Insignificant proportion of the progeny hve ever aurvlved aa could attach themselrea by accident to the gllla and Inner Jawa of certain flhe. on which they had to live tor tlx weeks as parasite. At the end of that period, If they ucOeded in detaching themselves and dropping upon a mud bottom, evading the eaaler chance of getting Into the adjacent stomach of th hungry lncubstor fish, they attained a normal lit and ptrhapa pro I duced a pearl or fabricated the fastening for a blouse. 1 Until (uccesa thl summer rewarded ' Dr. Hills work, no mussel ever came tnrough Its first summer without the I intervention of the chance-sent fish ; foster mother. There are still some detail ot the new artificial propagation process to work out, but the fishery ex-i pert dn the basis of success achieved now have considerable hope that, the mussel supply can again be built up. and placed upon the firm foundation tfcat ihas been given by" scientific research to ' the growing' of oysters and the hatching , of salmon. ORIGIN OF UNLUCKY THIRTEEN IS THEORY NEANDERTHAL BRAIN (Ketchikan Chronicle) Some Industrious statistician has recently attempted to revive the superstition that once attached to the old tllver quarter because ot the many thirteen to be found In Its decorations. Its thirteen stars, thirteen feathers In ihe eagles' wings, the thirteen letter In hhe Inscriptions, etc.. have long at- traded attention, but nobody hears pf quarters being refused in change because ot them. It Is very difficult, ssy a writer in the Manchester Quardlan, to get at the reason tor the dread Inspired thirteen, but we may sense Its origin In the paleolithic day when West, Europeans began to count on their fingers up o ten. A hairy genius next pointed out, no doubt, that by waggling one's two thumbs subsequently one could Indicate eleven and twelve. After that, however, the mathematics of the- thtng got too formidable for Neanderthal brain housed in hardly leaa cramped cranial quarter than that ot a modern gorilla, and It may well have been the case that public opinion tn Esse, foreseeing that arithmetic would give the world a lot of trouble, chased into th wilderness and slew the first "smart Aleca" who devised and (ought to popularize the 310, 4-10, 5-10 mode of complicating cave KL'IIIIINn IT IX The meanett, man we know of, 1 th warden ho put the tack In the electric chair. Arizona mttykat. TUGBOATS Day Phonea 423, 539, Green 238, Black 73S. Night. Phonei 687,. 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. i. BUSH BY, Man. Dir. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 576 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. Cartage, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and OravM W peclallie Jn Plan and Furniture. Bevlng. I 1 wT7 SAW- it with a t SAW l Sfterys harp longer Cut easier. Saw fatter MWGMM CAMUM MWCO.LVO. Mowraui MN0OUVCH. IT. JOHN. K, VOMOMTO