PAGE 1WC s THE DAILY NW3 Friday, March :c, uo Insist on Full Value! SURVEY LANDS NEAR THE CITY n ii SALADA1 TP.E.Aki Off for school, full of pep SHREDDED WHEAT the perfect food for children. Instructions Given to Proceed With Preliminary Work With View to Marketing Til Cheap tea is poor satisfaction. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily A'ews, Limited, Third Aenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Deliver-, by mail or carrier, per month JIA0rt By mail tq all parts of the British Empire and the United " States, in advance, per year fl.nn To all other countries, in advance, per year . . $7.5ti Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday, March 26. IJ. League Of Nations In Public Eye. The League of Nations has heea very much in the public eye of laie owing largely to the application of (iennnHj lor admission to the league being rouidered and the demand made by Brazil. :pain and Poland that they lie given pt'rmaaeiit jhjm-tions. i The present riuaueut members of the League an (ireat! Britain, ft iter. Jtaly and Japan. The temporary members m-ciude, Uraxil. Spain, Betgiuni. CxeeJKwjIliivakia. Sweden and Uruguay, Smiti was hacked by rVatice in an effort to -wore ai permanent seal and the iiiiliieiife of the Vatican is also with her. (ireat Britain lias reven votes iu the nWmhly ami one tul the counnl. The chler countries outside now are Unite! States! Russia. and tierniauj, . Value Or Hemlock Is Demonstrated. Ttie value of hemlock wood has often lieen mentioned in! these columns and tti interesting to note tbat its ue t beaming more general HtM-nssing it the Vancouver Prmiare of recent date ay: "The mo-t beautiful evergreeu tree native to British Columbia is the hemlock. It grow iu the nrimeval fure-t in amilv with it lordlier cousin, the incomparable IkmgUi fir: and its graceful i foliage mlf a pleasant foil to the sombre dignity affected by the monarch of the "wood. It i found al-nui't everywhere in romiviny with the fir. and often wath the cedar; and doc not occur in isolated stand';. We are niot of it osed to thinkinr it. ternK of Tir and cedar and -pnioe when w& think at all of our native trees, that it nrprise us to learn thore is almost as much hemlock as fir in Briti-h Columbia. Ye1, that is the fact The estimated stand of fir is, roughly, seenty-five billion feet, loard measure; of hemlock, silv-fodr billion feet. "These facts- are illuminated by the statements of Lores Rnuvn. former lumber commissioner of the province, m an interview, lie ay that new chemical pneese. in the slaiiiHttr or mM woods' have been particularly tirtsfi. in the ca-c of British Columbia hemlock; and that the result- obtained have been so jvjeasing to Old Country lnm!r merchants that a new and prosjK'ctively couklerable market for hemlock is opening in Ureal Itrilain. ' . ! Cinderella or Native Woods. "Hemlock has been ''the 'Cinderella of our native woods, say Mr. Brown. leratise the, firi generation or logger here associated it;witb the inferior hemlock of the eastern provinces. A great deal of it was fortatfrly wasted; and while tbat i no longer true, it is still sometime an emlarrasmewt to the logger ami tnmoerman. wno nnu it everywhere they eut fir. "Mr. Brown is to W congratulated upon the success of his work at Wembley Exhibition in making (Ireat Britain better ae-quaiuted with our native woods. If the new treatment of hemlock make. it the vatiiaMe Inmtier for interior finih that it i !. it is good news on several accounts. It will develop tne imc inuusiry of tirtlish CVtliimhia. atal it will help to conserve the forests, the most practical immediate mean of con servation Wing the elimination of waste and destruction in the cutuiig and hauling of kc in the woodC Cost Of Government In British Columbia. The ciwt tif cmernment in British Columbia is being men tioned m some of the other province and attention to it i of ten drawu here at election time and the parly in power, which ever ii napieu 10 tie. is twilled with lenig resptuisibto for it. In the rirst place the cost of education and hospital is carried very largely by the provincial government ami the se.ond rea-oii for the high eot is thai this is a huge country with population more stuttered than any other. Road and bridge are very eoUy ami other puldic work are aIo expeusive. Posildy there is third nuon and that is that the tables of the people of British Cohimbia are cultivated to si-h u extent that they demand things other promt-e xmld do without. We want fine building- and Uie best of everything in pohli.' work. Ami these things money. A. K. V right, the local land surveyor, ha received insunMJ- tion from the Provinaial ! partmen! of land at Victoria ta pnweed with a reOolnaisaaet survey of land at li?bv Island tvMwTen the quarantine station and the lixlinn reserve at r.nn-pen's Point or the land farins Mhawatlan s Paape hete- , hawatlnn lic and Huto itapld n the bH)sit sble from Kaien Island t" lth. with a view to having these eut mt plots of from half an are two acres each for the use of chicken ranchers and thoevho would raise pigs, or unter;ak" market gardening. Also Hi.', would he available for summer cottages or any other purpo people miBl wih. The aelMin has been taken ir rcsjmasp lo a request from the Boartt of Trade, through a com-! uiiltee apiHiinte.1 for the por-ine. Mr. Wright will look er both tracts of land and make 1 rough sketch of what he tbink-tni?ht he done with it and wiU then conuM witii the local com mittee heforc submitting hi re- coaiiHemiations lo Vwtorw. Nearest Available The ite mentioned rv Mk- nearest owned by the fn iwia poxrrnioent which wmutd hetuit-able foe the p.irposs re.iuire.1 and which are accessible. The land 00 Kaien Island is almost at) owned by the Railway (Uni-aay. which will be asked to luv a iKirtioD r their lands surveyed and p la red on the market . osae delay has been cca loaed hy the slowness of the de partments conterncd in 'ni- pletin; the transfer of UnN ender a recent asrremeni U- Iwiren the Provincial liovernntei,; and (he llaiiway Caaio;iy. Hitherto tlirre have been tx !hds axailable purehae ot- ode Mie lriiii-i- Huert liwnii'e tiear-r "ban Smith lnd or Porelier lla:it. THE MAN IN THE MOON says: PIlEMIFJl Fenrusnn . OhUrio ay hi wife made him what lit is. If he had been a labor nwra- her, now, I kiMild believe that story. .NEXT week the days will he logger than the ni?bl. Tfcer- will he such a short time for the night hank to enjoy tbeioelve. YOl" ran always tell an em ployee. He takes Uwe as tonkas the hus for his lunch. SOME of those wretched Emt- lishmew say that the 'Scoliu'i were afraid Hums would he for- Foilen mi they place his name on a eirar. The difficdllv there i that he smells as well burns. jnMJl.Tt fnim their grapefruit, I think I prefer, JftoHd t. llifoeHia, A If ItIK town i one where; aver.vl10.l3r knows jroo got a rer itered letter. A CIUARLTTK is much better than a cigar. It goes uieker and does, "not make ytm feel so had. VK know sprins 1 near he cause lae prt page are he-?ianing lo fill up with baeba!l news. SAM Hill stalett the other dav that he asked a college ciri if Etnlein' theory of ndativity was practical and he anwered your old man." llipbar education is surelr a hlesln. IT is suggested the proper quc1in to ask a college girl is whether parking is ptKd. THE eternal que t ion i roe inr pertieoat show" IT? Jl alKiut time We herd the chug chug And the soft swearing voir Of the molorboat hug. lit Just about lime , Tii at we don ied u A uesr .Aiid meai"ed hem w grease 1 Why nobody knoat. MiM MewVroduct NKW h.WKX. ku&n, 5Jf. 5 -i lie earta. (lie un anftd its q-:ire solar i-m arc in the veary centre vt tlie Milky Way; acurl-tng Walter lHie. noted 'ernniM' a!tr'iinver.' hho has jut arrived the t utted States lo make a special ImJ of uieurenien! in the Milky Way and to arcufciulale "suera tmci itmnt the jtreat nw4 f tar in the wehul.t ( w-hieh we are a part." "We are on'v a liny fHek in the centre id i tin. ?reat eonstel-lation. with a dianvMer of 55.006 aaaaaam w a BBsWWTvTal CATARRH I BLADDER A PRODUCT which retains all the sweetness and richness of whole full-cream milk as Nature made it a product which makes fresh milk instantly and always available a product, which in every stage of its creationfrom selected dairy herd to special container-is the symbol of cleanliness and purity a product which is imperishable and which brings to every Canadian household an ever-present supply of full-cream milk ; in short, the New KLIM. The New KLIM is made possible by a new and exclusive process of packing; one which permits the preservation, rndefmitely, of whole-milk powder. It is nothing more nor less than fresh inDk with the water removed ; the mere addition of water gives you the milk as Nature created it The New KLIM is a perfect food for men, women and children. It defies change of climate and the flux of time. It is appetising, wholesome, nutritious, unadulterated and 'clean.4 It a veritable boon to mothers, housewives, campers and hunters. Buy a tin to-day from your grocer or druggist. Canadian Milk Products Limited 347 ADELAIDE ST. WEST MaZClTON taao DISTHICT. or 36.0. iMiht yenrV Dr. Itaade ; grjeaw a.. ani. ana na tne mwnw! llesonie. in the United State we can ee I liroMh cmr own milky way mto lhoaand of other milky way. jl a larsre a oor own. Tbe nearest lar id our netrtiia i ami? three lhl Tar away, while Ihe nearest s-efHurale rvntr list Ion, known a Andromeda. moVe than a million llchl yeam away." Tr llaade letred that only tlie firt psipf or the volume which are tit he written about the disinnrei of the tar in th- JIMkv Way had been completed. J5uh?rihe i he Ia;lr ew Dtrlct r cmm iut . tui onci: ttwi. mib af tfr IMr I. T. J. Urattt. MMrada I fS'y V br X iMlr at UMi tar a limn pmtft for n tttl MMnK tr arm Utrt. Mn 'imnanar il a 4aM tun mw 4MtUk nt U aorthwe! WW 1 w ! rkaia. Hwe oatk InrjVM JiMarr K Itt THiKH UVPt rTTT MAI tl. TOU LAND OlSTinCT. 'trt r chk Rufi a. C vrrirt: tiui. uim dr twt-i for mml tml e th r Land ''' Hr a pnn iv. nm Matk f liar twttrar! ninwr nt L m natxe . awl anrknt TJ.B rrikri , rarnre. thrive atk S MMB IHrw rt HU. Ibrnr wink rtumt. I Ikrvrv f rtaim. I taufeM of nm 1 I Twnvt )lP ttTTT ! MAZCLTOM LAKD DISTWKTT. Dte at Caaat Haaa S. TAIE nrr ikn um si... ;di I. T. J. IVattr. latrwl t nt a In nrrt far rmal J ttir4ria' " rrt al land, aa riNni -. I "'nrrt(ir at a pt ruau4 at ia '" tk mt t aanki ramrr X irri" ' 7 Km 't4 T J ft tnnleaM rrmr Mt tkxwv Haaia-t. lawarv rl a tuta "thrw ami a rkaMM tkrw .-an aa t tm m rM4 nt t aaaiiai a ul i jra Mar aMMir aflrr lrii aB4 " tk aart lik f laa Ttinvm jive nrtTTr I TORONTO EARTH IN THE CENTRE OF THE MILKY WAY IS , A SCIENTISTS IDEA CAftCCLLATIO Or RtttftVC V'TXI IS HIKEaV OIVIK Omi Ow '.news- tl. MllUW-d I'ltl l.utJ. . . . . 011 . Or. Baade Says We Ara Only Tiny iu,., . o.i oi-iri ,. ,.a Suck In Centra' of Crut a xif. Constellation MUCLTOa LAftO 01 STRICT. Owtrict mt Cert S. TAIC T lint, sliti dirt trir, Mtr 1. T. t. iw-lty. burnt t rtr m vmir r ua tor arvw fmfrt tar rl iM MnlMl r l vtm f Uad fnOnvt ii nimt it ri rtM ib -rtHrl -rr J .a Usr 1 Ml aurk4 T J.B-i wvikven -grsw . rr rauthn. ur t U". ilware wnia cfeitm. tbrr eM rttn. to Mtnt at ramwin Lfiraied Jtwunr fta. tttt JSSi MWtS ?t.TTT. Steamship and Train Service .s, pmimcc etonac aw emact CMxts i eaiet ft - VCOVtR, VICTORIA, SIATTLL, twt ln4ul -t- fa S3" MONDAYS at I N STCWAT l ANTOX. MI OHISDAf S. SATUIOATS. ISM i t eamcc on f tam a VAacouvta u Qutsa cataTT ItLAMOS. passcaota tpuins lcavk eaiacc auecar tviar nomoat. evtonttOAr i4 sAruaoAT i S p.m. n eai"cf aioaat toaoaroa, wiNfiieca. i t4t. t.irra tuuAi. 1 AGtaCT ALL OCCAM STtAMSHie UK IS. car Tkkrt ofik. an tv a?, stwk nen. tU UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stilar fruaa rnaco art. vAMcovvca. vCToaA. iim ait t. T r" ANCOUta. viCTOaU. Alrt Sji. wM SaM Bf. SMr. 1 fte ANTOX. eOMT SiaesON mi Km ! Ctr, Tnf I f eoar svvesoa. amtos. a lick ahm, sTtwaar, (tr. , The standard of Purity for over 160 years Hills Ibid ITTTI London Dry Gin $3.25 thtboUk This advertisement Is not published or dispUiea hj tM Uquor Control Uoard of by the QoTerniaol of , Uili.V. VvltirnKlaL avaaasa .in y.a