to Great Britain; HOCKEY GAME ENDS IN TIE : i One Goal Each for Montreal and Ottawa In Opening Tussle In 4 East MOXTllI I March SO.- Tin wiiiiii- in Hie playoff for the Dal Hockey l.engue Cliaui-ril ended lu a tie, fowtli M ir at ami Otlawn team gnl-r ,-;f goal earh. Tim riiuiiiinii itunt of the ;ie will have l meet lh- Yie-ii (muni's, champion of tin tern league, for wiirlU hon- LIQUOR STOLEN AT ESQUIMAU Min Burrowed Under Building and Entered Through Hole In Floor VI' TOItlA. Morrh .'(). l or -'Olid I lute -In thrvi- iiioiiIIik iiu entered tlie oprinnenl i 'V " store nl l.iiiimall nnd i away with mi aHmeiit of h p wine nnd !iitiui- valued ut r ly 700. He enlrn-d the wlore biiriovln In-low the Imililiiw ctunlonu up thiotiKli a hole i 'In floor. JOCKEY IS NOT GUILTY MURDER Wilfrid Tlbbs Died From Knife Wounds Said Inflicted In Bootleg Joint WCOl T,lt. .M iireli 20. William I'llkiiitflon. a jockey, was !ifiultlrd on llo ehare of nitir-ileilnK Wilfrid Tihh I'y ' 'lie conrl Jury last tiilit. Tlhh. nei on November N lnl froin knife wounds rerji'Hed oa tin? niiilil or September : in an nl- t'il JiootleKKlltg joint. PROVINCIAL FORESTS or NEW NAME GVEN TO THE FOREST RESERVES a VlirmitiA, Mar. 2fi. lion. T. ! l'allullo, inluHler or land, aiinoiineeil elerluy that Hie forest I n-nerve liereafler will lm Known us "provlne.ial roretx" In oINel I lie imiu eMsioii tluU llieso area am "Jiclnw .loeked up mil of rearli of piildie use." Mrs, ), McDonald, Miss (I. Mc-Koiialil, Miss Itoult) Mchouald, Silts finite McOonalil, II. Mc-luiial(l and 1). McDonald arrived from l.,k fun , (his 'inorning'i ain and nailed ror Vancouver u tlie btcainur l'rlacu Hupcrt. - SKIHT TOO SHORT GIRL IS ARRESTED ATHMXS. Mar. SC. -A ncal inn wut cause, here Inday hy I ariv.l of a young woman in (he street fur wearing a skirt which only reached within :im rrnlliiielrrH ririci-n inclK'- of (In ground. Sin- u lakfii lrfor tin (ml ice Irilninal wlicft she xa held for. trial. 44'44 MILDEST SEASON IN FORTNIGHT YEARS Records Indicate That Prairies Had Milder Time In Winter or 1877-78 lultnNTO, SI a rcu SC.--Slanl-l"ia. Sii-katrlu'aii and Alherla pns-eil Ihi-ouvh tin' niilii'it win-li-r llial part ol tin- Dominion has eiperieni-ed in 18 y rant, aeeonl-iiK lo thi ii-toitlt of (he inele-orolojrjetil offiec here. , The winter or 1877-7H slfll huliU the n-eoitl mid was much milder than last winter. WEATHER REPORT (ioiriimi-nl Ttdi'graph.) . K a.m. l'riio-f lliiperl : i-louily, calm; Irmperature, i. Termer: elear, ealm, temp. 31 Anynv: clear, calm. temp. 3k Stewart: part cloudy, li'inp.M llaetlou: cloudy, calm; temp. 1'eleKraph Creek: cloudy, calm, lemp. 28. Sniillii-i's: Pail cloinly, calm, temp. in. Hums Lake: clear, calm, lemp. :iu. Wliilehorse: clMidy, soulh wind: temp. 27. llu Salmon: cloudy, rnlm: lemp. ".Ti. Dawxui: elear, calm, lemp, IS. Yukon : average temp. SO. BROKE HER LEG. .Muriel, rive year old daughter .Mr. ami Mrs. I.. C. Kby, l-ourlli .Weiiuo Kasl, sustained a broken Iojj as a result nT a fall from swiiny when the rope broke Wednesday. The lillle ffirl wa (liven x-ray trealmenl it I the Prince Ituiicrl (ienerat llospilal this miiruiiig ami 1s at Iter boiiin under llie.tloclor's fare. Itoberl lloatlimay mid Dunuan Armstrong of Longbcacli, Cali- roinia, the latter n brolhor of .Mrs. J. H. Jack or Ibis city, re-lurned bv Ibis morning's Irafn from Dorreen where Ibey have been InspeeliiiK a mining pro perly in which they are interested and proceeded south on the Prince lieorpe cnroule In U.S. Is Large n (Mini IC MAT AM tAHAUA lj ilU 1 AH INTFRNATIftNAl nM! if-.'tis.oo.ow im MlUKnAIlUWAL 3LUM . llt(I,1ill.; ,,., a1() , 1 'dem-c alvcu ti..r... ih ii-iiwav Says Edmonton Nowspaper In Discussing Whiskey -Running to United States (Ivdiiioiiton llulletiii Ollawa, it is reported, has adopted new railway and customs regulation wliiclt will effectively hamper, if they do no; slop, (he wholesale smuKlin of whiskey into llu- t in ted Slates from this country, ijuile nvanl-Ics ut Iheir views on I lie iiues-tion of "wet" versus 'dry" law as a means of suppressing drunkenness, that is a move tint must have the iieariy approval ol every decent Canadian eilueti. It is the Ifusiness of the I'nil-rd Slates to adopt what law, rcnnllnp "liij'uor or any other ronuninlily or ijuilinn that il may please. It is also the business of Canadian lo see thai their country is not made Hit reii'lf.vou and uperatin head quarters for criminals who or- jiauixe lo systematically violate the laws of a friendly and nei(:li-borlhi run n try. Whlkey running has Ion), since jiasfted Hie limitations ol ordinary Mnugslin? as repre sented by a traveller with a stis- plrioiialy heavy urip. II has be come a business enterprise, with millions or rapital, carrying: on a trade which sei'm to fund ion with Hie regularity of the clock It is no credit to Canadian oublii si'iitiineiil and official viilanci that 'tills international outlawry has been allowed to develop anil thrive in Canada. If the United Slates should " fil lo pass a law forbidding Hit importation of potatoes, Canada could mil permit such an organization lo be built up here ror. the violation ol (hat law, ami still maintain its national sclr-respcct. Camilla is a eouu-tev. not an international slum. DISSATISFACTION WITH C00L1DGE MAY COST NOMINATION WASHINGTON. D.C.. Slar.Sl). Constant talk of strong llu- publieau iiossihililies for the presidency in I'.tSK is causing un easiness among the friends of President Coolidge. This talk, which is In the elTect thai a num ber of .strong aspirants are ac UveU- lavitur wires for the IUS8 nomiuallon, has been on here for some mouths bul it is growing more pronounced. Undoubtedly. Ihe Coolid leaders have been hoping to eo the , President renominated in I U28 without a right bpl tho prospect Tor such a thing are steadily diminishing. Political troubles ror the adiilinistration ate looming up in a number or dirrrlinu. The agricultural situation, tho Infill" situation, I lie ilisaiisfuc- lion of I he Tar west over (he ad ministration', reclamation policy the dlssalisraelloit over Hie aliunde of the tulminislratioii Iowa id Hie Shipping Hoard, and numerous olher factor arc at work. 1S.EL Railwayman Says; Twelve million Was Sunk East of Fort William OTTAWA, Marerli SO. -Oil the handling or grain west of Fort, William tho Canadian National Ciinim f.v I' .1 VVf.l.i... nf . Ihe hearing or - the Quebec Harbor lluar-i fur lower rain 25 TAXI Boston Grill Ambulance mam Service Large Upstair Dining Hall, it,, wilh newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. '", floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. "ni .,""" V, NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and '6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best or the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOI XVI NO, 1? I'HINUH IlL PKUT, H.U., Fill DAY, MAItCH 20, lUiTO. Yesttnlajr Clrralitlui, I lit Street Sulci. 413 PRICK FTVK CENTS. CANADIAN EXPORTS INCREASING RAPIDLY RIGHT HON. GEORGE P. GRAHAM APPOINTED HEAD OF NEW TARIFF BOARD Canadian Exports Much Higher Than Imports Especially Those OTTAWA, Man-h 20. Tilt United .Slate, jmn h.i-eil Unit- -II good- valued ut r,02.OO0,O0U in tin- twelve mouths period hug llu- last of l-cbrunry. an increase of 1 00,000,000 over tn previous year ami 20.ooO,O00 more (liun was iun'liueil hyj ' I n alii rniin I lie ( niU-d .Slates. I TIM' I ' im'tvj Kingdom uih Canada's bcsl customer, imr-iSo ' ilig ;. wurlli of good n again! imports from i. ruimli v to C hi. ula costing $i12.000,(00. rales on the Nallonal Trancon-!n,,"w lineula! lines. Wat. ton added: "We am hand -HiiK a lot of hili e!ast traffic at the same time, vvli.'-li eonipeii-sales us tor Hie I6ss." WHICH. IS COMING HERE TO BROADCAST The tiizi'h Temple Shrine Hand of Victoria, which will be in Prince Rupert for Iwo days during tho second week in Slay-when a Shrine ceremonial is to be- held hem win lie?fji theiirr on Monday evening next when it will broadcast a concert commencing at 5) o'clock. This should prove a IrpAt for local radio fans ami music lovers as the Oizeh band made a great showing at the big Shrine convention m i,os Angele last year. JACK HORNER RACEW1NNER Grand National Honors Taken by Outsider Wilh Favorite Second AINTREE , England, March 26. The Grand National Steeplechase was won this morning by an outsider, Jack Horner, the betting against which was 2S to 1. The second place was taken by a favorite, Old Tay Bridge, and third horse was Brlght's Boy. Thirty horses took part In the race. Adverli.B in the Dally News. Another Small Sawmill South of Porcher Island Operating Using Rock Crusher Engine A MiiaU sawmill, having n daily rapacity of something near feet, 1ms liceif established at Murder Coye, one mile from Heaver Pass light nml about 12 miles down the roast from' hero, between Porcher Island and Mncaulay Island, by Hie brother Hchaeffei' Hubert, Fred, Frank and Joseph who arriveil in tiii district last full from llundel, Saskatchewan. A small quantity of lumber has already been cut with Ihe use or u steam engine luitMhis is being replaced by a 2." hore power gasoline: engine, which ha been bought alter Having neen used in the. rock crusher hero and which i being laken lo the mill this week! end by the brother who aro in town. It wa found impossible,! lo operate Hie steam engine oni account oT wet wood. Tim1 Schacffer brother are doing their own lodging and have arranged to market their lumber prouueuou locaity. There arei rlvo men employed, the fifth being Leslie Hudson of., thin city. The power boat Alleen was bought from Walter Shaw of this city by Schacffer brothers re-cetilly ami Is used in service be-tweon hero and tlio mill. " An. George .ctts Tells How Department of Mines Came to Aid of Outfit Going In from Van-derhoof KDMO.NTON, Mar. 2ft. Sixty Ions of mining machinery he- i....t .. tit. .I,.. tt..i r'?'"'. , , , , . "gallon e now on 1 V' , , u' Vn" a .l'"u"" ry via an.le,hoof. The Amer- Cn" "Wmrr? managed In pel J" ,Hr "" Willi their their heavy lnCu conslsument, but w"h 1 V ',1"llJl,-'ira,,f: uf '' lul. ""Haie io pro gres. I ho matter was then taken uy with Hie It.C. provin cial government which rent in a! large gang of men and several tractors to ml a ISO-mile- roa I into Hie mineral country, whici work is now lieiiig done. B.C. Law Good "This government e-owra-ifon was commented upon by the members of Ihe Seattle Mining Club." say It. C. W. I.ell or Hid natural resource department, who ha just returnel rrom a lour of Ihe coastal slates. He says thai the American mining men consider the l-lUVjuinijig laws in be Ihe hesi in America, and he round them much interested in Canadian minerals, though'' little wa known of the northern Alberta oil field until the C.N. It. official brought the subject up before; the various croups he addressed. j HALIBUT SALES i Slightly Better Price Paid for Canadian Than American at Exchange Today About ll l.Out) pound of halibut was sold today at the local exchange, prices for American being 10c and 7c and for" Canadian 15c and 8.0OC- Following were the arrivals: American Atlantic. 23,noo, to Pacific Fisheries Republic, 30,0(10, to Cold Slor-age. Atutan, .JS.OOO, to Hooth Fish, cries. Ivanhoe, i I,a00, lo Hooth Fisheries. Canadian Ringleader, 8,000. lo Alliu Fisheries. Arrive. 530, to Royal Fish Co. from Hie city of Prince Huerl rAMMAXIC U71I! lUMlilUNo WILL Oil CIT DURING HOLY WEEK UNTIL WEDNESDAY OTTAWA, Mar. 20. tho amended motion to adjourn Hie House. on .March 31 instead of .March 20 as originally proposed nml to remain adjoutned until April (i for Ihe Katler rece carried yesterday afternoon. a result the .House will sit on Slntulay, Tuesday nnd Wcdnes day. Will Head Tariff Board Premier King States OTTAWA, .March 20 'Premier Mackenzie King aiitioiinceii In the House or Commons yctercluy afternoon that Kitfht Hon, (It-urge P. (iraham, until recently minister of railway anil canals, will head Canada s new tariff hoard to ttuiiire into tariff mailers ami adviie Hie government. In making Ihe announcement in reply lo a miestioii from Hun. Arthur Meiglien, Hie Premier said lie was glad lo say Mr. (Iraham had consented to return to public life ami accept Hie chairmanship of Hie hoard. . "Wlial s become or the pro- nmcvTriSlf Jirt IMlITri SSrsL "" SMUGGLED DRUG '"No doubt she will be among! the expert immediately lo be selected to -assist the board," replied .Mr. linx. The olher two members or the board are Joseph Da const or Montreal and Donald Mackenzie of Winnipeg. - FIRE AT MONCTON KILLED ONE. MAN BURNED THEATRES SIONirrOS", Mar. Sfl. r In a fire which destroy! two I heal res' Jhi morning A. II. Lindsay, u member of the salvage corps, was killed by falling walls. GREATER POWERS FOR TEACHERS IN ALBERTAl Recent Case In Which Principal and Teacher Were Fined Causes Channe In Law F.D.MONTON. Mar. SO. The re cent Castor school district case, where a. former principal and a teacher were fined 50 and costs for having exceeded their legal authority by .suspending Iwo pupils for habitual truancy, was Ihe- Hrst one in the province and it will be the last. lion. Perren Ilaker, minister oT education, is' asking Hie Al berta legislature lo amend th chool act at this session, so that truancy will be included in the list ol offences ror which a leachcr may exercise Hie righ ol suspension of the offending pupil. I ruancy, open opposition In authority, habitual neglect of duty, bad language, ami other acts inimical to school discipline arc to be included In the addi tional power conferred on the1 teacher. Under Ihe 'existing provisions ir the act, power to upeud a pupil for .Hiee various causes. lias been vested m Hie school board only, and, in the .Castor eae. where the principal and a teacher .suspended pupils for truancy, the cum" held that the had exceeded their legal author ity in so doing. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. Aiked Wheat 1.50 H.C. Silver l.t3 2.00 Dunwell :J 2.0" 2.15 Uladstotie 37 .40 lbuelioti ,01 ,01 'JC .Marmot i... .07 .08 H Premier 2.18 2.25 Porter Idaho v... .04 ' .1014 Silvercrest .. .tijft Surf lolel 08 .()U Subscribe lo the Dally News. P. Graham INTO THE JAIL Charles Smart of Vancouver Goes up for Six Months and Fined Mar. 2ti. Plead, ing guilty yesierday lo ii chargel of distributing drugs, Charle. Smart-, who was arrested following an attempt at flight on March 20 alter having been cauKfi Y1 nttie ac t f i m li gg I i if-f " narcotic concealed in a banana and a tin or tobacco to a prisoner in the city jail, was sentenced by .Magi-trate Shaw lo six iiiionlns imprisonment ami a f Sou--fine with $2.5o cost. or in ' derauH of payment three addi- , llOnal montlis intprisounient. TORNADO TOOK OIL DERRICKS Killed One Person and Injured Eight in Texas Oil Fields OllANOt; Texas. March 20. One person is dead ami eight are injured while property damage i estimated at u million dollars the result of a tornado in the oil Held wesl or iiere yesierday. One hundred ami tvvcilyrive oil derriek were wrecked by the storm. NORRlS GIVES-' UPPOLITICS Resigns as Leadeh of Liberal Party In Manitoba After 25 Years' Service WINNIPF.ti. March 20. Hon. T. C Norris has resigned the leatlership of the Liberal parly in Manitoba after being 25 year iu public life, seven of which was u premier. Failing health is fciven as the reason for the move. YOUTH IDENTIFIED WHO ENDED LIFE BY GAS AT VANCOUVER SF.ATTLF., March ?0. Tim body of a voulh who under Hie UHine of It. SnlUlv ended his 'life in a local hotel Wednesday by gas ha been ideMiricd a-lliat or Reginald Dumb. whose parents livp in Fdnkniton.. : ; DR. SHAW DIEfi. VICTOHIA, SfarJ ili.-Dr. J. SI. Shaw, aged ,07, fortiii; grand speretary or the11 SlasOnic1 grand bvlge of Baskalchewan dint here yeMerday. lje harbbeen a resident tar eight yeari, f