m 4. j x. PAUE KOD The fund: for. Ill" uniforrninir- fjf lhe IIoh jianii. i; reewvtng gen. erous pjibjic. support. Thr fad.-lowing ;lii.of donajlona brings ue total jto ;,7,.52: 2, Previpij.dj; ackno,vJrdK?d, $631.9; Mm. V. 1L tloodsell. . . too it. li .unnn, Ketchikan . ., 20.00 Stewart & Mnbley, Ltd. .. 10.00 Hupurl .lkkerjs; ....... . ., . 5.00 H. E. Moor.; ....... .. .... , 5.0d WilljatblMJUjoa Jt Gou-. xaies 3.00 J. C. (3a.;tea.n .............. 5.00 Klrkpatrirk & McLeod 5.00 Stork's Hardware ...yl 5.00 Howe 4 Ak'NuHy 5.00 HrackmarirKci; 5.00 Dr. L. ", Kersin 5.00 Dr. J. A. West 5.oa Dr. E. S. Tait 5.00 fl. W. 'iokrsoii 5.00 Friend i, 5.00 Jas. Thompson & Sons, Ltd,, Vancouver . . , ... 5.00 J, 0. ViereK, . . ..... . . . . 5.00 V.. Skinner'??. ...... . . . . 1.00 A. Uarbe-fri 1,00 M.. J. OKelly 1.00 a Kels'ej? '"$...... 1.00 IK II. Ilice-.. ....A 1.00 C. L. UeiiidelL 5:oh i u. j.eroux ....... i.op 1). Kennedy 200 11, G. McAuIay ...... 2.00 F. H. Wajfers 1.00 A. McEweu ........ 2.00 E, Hannah w'i- . 5.00 u. Vassehor'. 5.00 T. H. Joluisbn 5,00 J. W. Nfcholl, i . . . ... . 5.00 S. K. Campbell 5.00 Si ThQinWiin -4 5.00 Ketchikan: Holarians ... 8.00 1L AL Mn.jilo.: 2.00 w. o. vfeer r;.;'.V.,.,.vi 2.00 S. Darton.;..'..'; 2.00 ft f i, e ish'way 1.00 l. L.Sfepp .... 1.00 II. Parr ............... 1.00 C. JI "N'orrintoh . .7. . 1.00 Miss Parker ;,. 1.00 U, M Dt Lambe ...... . . 1.00 W. Hobinson MO 00 L. (iampa'jfndloi. 1 00 KniRlits of Pythias ..... Tony Ilussanich ....... 1 H. Lofthu ......... I D. Sicuro .....wii.itt I A. Macdonald . .J'. . ; A. Harvey A. Haij? 11. Wood .... Win. Haillie ' M. Doctor ,. A: Hureau i L. liv:Way;iJ..., R. liatchell ,. f P. Doherly 25.05 2.00 1.00 1.001 1.00 1.00 1.00 lk00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .S. Hielunlson 1.00 ,P. Cijrif.t 1.00 ' A. fleary ....... 1.0 a Oeorjre Law? on ; 1.00 LiiMaHtet.rj'.'.i l.fift ; Ai Lamb?;. ........ 1.00 .5.0 , H. A. Ponder .... . .50 W. Lonp ......... 0 O. Di,sino ........ .50 Anton .50 t Total 877.52 ATENDANCE REPORTS RECEIVED BY BOARD Not Including High School, Total Enrolment In June Waa 75S Not-including the High School, there was a total enrolment In the city schools of 758 during the month of June according to rciwrls presented by the pxin cipals at laRt nbht's school board meeting; The enrolment in lhe three public schoulu was as follo: Hoys O.lrls Total Hooth 222 197 417 Itorden St .17 113 200 Seal Cove . .. 20 29 IP Principal I. H. Hartnefta,. In bis report on Hoolh SchooL re ferred to the possibllily of congestion on the opening af jthe fall term and recommended (he receiving classes be opened only once a year. BOARD STANDS BY SALARY SCHEDULE 1 1 ., ,, Application of H. Q, Bell of High school Staff for (nereaae Is Rejected A leller from Harold fl. Hell ot lUe lying Edward' High FchoOl slulT asking that he be allowed an Increase, of salary as tinder the old schedule was received bv the school board last nieht. M Bell 'seated that, under the By George McMaT" dailv Kurra BOYS' BAM) BRINGING UP FATHER ' TO GROWS,1 Many More Contributions BringJ Touti i Rata, to, 9877.99s 1 " n mm izmKJtmbr-mmmm muss m&.. . .i- "::m frrm&y n v s: f m.,. i Rhedul. ah incrav of :?ll(l would bo- due ljinj in Septenilier, As lie was. the olily member of the High School stall who would be. affected by a recent decision pf the board to rt.anpe the sal ary schedule- and as he felt thai hj service had, beea as sa.ti-j factory a-that ,qf ftnjt other mepiljer of the High School Malt. .Mr. wen noped tliat the boanl; would allow him his fUMncr.aa as under the old schedule. unairnian Jtocnester was noli in favor of vjolatfn$r the recent decision of .the joard by granlinK 'ui iTiis r-juri. nit jfii iniU' ur-salaries in the High School were already sufucienlly hiRh. It! Ibis request were granted be feared it wodld lead to other re-' quests of a similar nature andi,,n'.t,f" the board would find itself in trouble. to a question, staled that Hell was already receiving $2, 380. Twislee Hrvanr U.m.rrl.l itml if old - V (-." - 11.1 .nik!- .unl,l .I...,""VUS11I1. I'IB.. HfUXIHCI-X US lOl-i 1 5S9-00" ' would probably be made. Trusle- l1,1u;;l,; ; Johnstone '.'f11 anJ 4,C'000 bu,,els ' felt that the saUrie. already, being paid hce compar-. . to "'""iMlNISTER WAS GIVEN The board deckled to nolifyi UClDTVlim rnur nil Mr. Hell hal kis ieauest couldi not be mel. SPECIAL TRAIN IS DUE HERE TODAY Fourth Annual C.N.R. Personally Conducted Tour Party Ar- rives this Afternoon 'The Canadian National Hail,- ways rourUi annual personally rbnductHl tour party will arrive. in the cily this afternoon from the Eeast by train and sail for Vancouver on the steamer Princ (Jeorge.- The parly consists of 151 Jversons who will come in :i a sjeiat train, due at-.i o'clock aud CO who are coming, in or the regular train at 3:30. Mp.l f them are ladies and a numlnv are cbool teachers. The patty U being accompanied by E. G. Wlckerson, tra vellum passenger agent, Hegina, and H. F. Mc- aughton. dislric pasi.enge4 agent, l. fcomlng In wUjr It from a,s;w;r. PROMOTION TO HIGH SCHOOL IS DISCUSSED ' ' ' ' i " Members of Board In Psvor ot Written Examinations Rather - Than Reormmendatlon Plan Havinp reched a belated com mimical ion irom S: J. Willis, u perintendenf of education, seek n? In learn Its Wishes on the matter, the school board lasl night discussel the question prnmalion by recommendation or by written examination for en- ranee lo High School. Chairman Rochester expressed himself a beinff strongly in favor of writ ten examinations and Trustee Uxiarvl and Johnstone were also inclined to, the name view. As it at the same dale last year. Uruin in slore at ,. . . P V 11 i if l4"Vm ' Ul-MriOUlCI HlBAIIHl.ntil II.' "LHIXII HtLLUmfi UN ISLANDS THIS WEEK SKIOEGATE, July 10. Hon. T. jl. PatluIIo, minister of land. eallejt at Ski.legate this week land motored as far north a Tl- ell, returning in the evening. He ithen went on to Queen Charlull Cit' an ca,IpJ l lodging camps around the Inlet and at South Hay Cannery and Aliford Hay and Sand.spit. Never in the history of the Queen Charlotte has Mr. Pal- tullo been given such a pearly welcome everywhere as 00 this occasion. The people living here expect to ee him often after this. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert ' 0. C. Austad, Endejlin, North Dakota; C. F. Hawson and Hon. T. 11. Pallullo, Victoria; P. McA. Carriek, A. Eraser Re id., Mr. and Mrs. C. Frederickson, J. U. Fpr sylh, H. M. MrLed and II. O ider, Vancouver; Mr. and Mr. Uavid Storey, Miss Heatrivc Silorey and Mr. and Mrs. .11. Uousla.s,, Seatlle; Mr. and Mrs. O. '. Eiaiuli4s, Portland, Ore.: corse. ' MdAfee. . XleiJretbwn: .1. McOillivrw Miss E. E. prjser and Miss M. Dicks, Winnipeg; Mrs. J. Porleou and O. L. Halt fjmilher; John, Coon, Port Ed ward; X. M. Xllsen, Eureka; T I". Foley and C.vJetler, Captain' Cove; A. M. Kipir, Mill Hay Can nery. '-. . Oentral D. Ha she, E, C. Fie win, P Pitre, W. J. Pilre, P. IllacU.imi and rt. lilackburn, Vancouver; II. (1. McKenzie. Oucen Charlotte; I. Oarfi, W. F. Taylor and J 11. Thorn, CX.lt.; W. H. Parker, city A. V. Heckiujfham, port Essins ton: COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. Stephen Cawlhorn. charged - slore of Mcltae Hros. Ltd., was afternoon by Maeislrale McCly- was too lale for any action thisiwilh breaking and enterln? the year, the communication was fiS fi.1 ,for the attention of ncxt'connuitled for trial yesterday year's board. mat muni rnim at mil MDtn unauvAi mifWTPV CICUATA9C AltMrta. Still has 416,000 Bushels But this. Will b CUaned Up Soon WINNIPEG, July to. There now. only 1.3IU.O0O bushel, of " . '. . .r " , 1 """" ami IIia cr Am AriiAnla r shorty, tq-jiave hi,s quantitylf A M A H A WINNER iiioveTL rLoadrngs coiUinue al!VuinlA iFllmLlll 11.. iici- i-- ii i. 1 " : e; H' '"r 4I.HI1 one i.,o v and i-ari a ween anu ounnR ine; jpeiod ending last nipht,' 1.131,. 000 bushels were taktn from th r To dale, the Canadian National railways have loaded 158,005 cars, with 2I6.71S.OOO bushels a " 'V W,,: l;3,777,000 bushels WtJST J7ih AVSHAUOHSSY HEIQMTS. VANCOUVER i.Q Jin Jlngllam, Tfaiicntlal and Day School fo C'fc Provide) a thorough, cducslkm with Careful moral aJ phyiical inalnaiorv Fvat grada lo iuiiior and aeruor Matriculalioa An, Mkaic, Phyiical EducaMoq with Vdouc vd outdoor iporu. Alt tlx Markci tw4 dcra tVom khe Le EugUah aad Conajjisa Uwvcwiu. For protoectua apply to The Mother Superior m V. Mated For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in i',n, M,r ,?Ur "T itnesse were h. C. Mtllae. M. JIannalt and 'Constable Fred Markland. Mjnji n1ATf 1 lTTi iiu mk XI 1 1 1 I IIMII vtjlui uvuiumiu Good Crowd Witnessed Football Game Last Night for Boys' Band Fund. A good crowd was present al the Acropolis ground last night to witness the special soccer pa me. for UiiHoys' Hand fund in winch Canada heal Scotland by a score or rour,to nil. Tnere were patches of jrood football put. on the whole, iljvas a ragged game, the contest apparently not being taken very seriously by the players. All the -sen tin;: was made in the s cond half by Canada playing dnwnliill. The scorers were IHek-en, Wilson and Lamhe. 8. O. S. Itussell actel as referee and the linemen wero A. Clap- j.erton aud K. Ilcmmoas, the teanx tasing4tie fieJd as fallow: Scotland 1. Murray; A. Ilaig and James Harris; V. Manlonald. P. O'lionnell nnI Sam Currle; J. Johnson. Macindewar, Sam Er-skine, V. Mitchell and J. Farqu-har. Canala 11. Howe; Harry Men-lies and ft. B. Skinner; fl. Mitchell. V. Meiuieg and Oenrge Hill: Walters. Wilson. Itiekens, Lamhe ami Norrmgton. SPORT CHAT One new event is to be oddrd lo the regular card of events f.ir be Forty-fourth regatta of the Canadian Association of Amateur Oarsmen which will be held on July 2, 3o and 31 al St. Cath erines. It is lo be a four-oare.i eonlesl with cockswain for tSn pound narsnen. and will furthf levelop a urozrani that has beet (roiiliiiinnjHlv expanding -since the Pist,-war. rvesujtlibmeiit. The Vjisociattyn was ui-Kinlv: prkVsed 16 hold lUSilivmii inhjhil. udelphia in connection with tb Uuaker City's Scsqui-Centenntid elehralion, but deaidtd tbat lb- Canadian championships would ie held in Canada as 'usual. Thf Winners at (lie Canadian Henley will be sent tn the, .National Ite vat la at Philadelphia during the following; week, . Since last year's rcrnlta r. greater percentage of the Cana dian ch,atnpiotishlp trophies hav rested in the United Stales than ever previously, and Canadian elub are making special train ifiu efforts lo recaplure soiun (I I lhe honors carried away by the invauers. Special enurls are beintf made In have entries In lhe senior four and senior sin gles e.vents from Vancouver and an eighl rrew from Winnipeg will probably compete. It is 21 years .since (the first C.A.A.D eliamriionships'weie rnwil. off at rr- ht over courses Hi various purls o f the rotuiir,v,willi lhe first met! held .III Toronto In J 880.. Th course prevfiitisly to- 11)03 was over a distaiicw ot tme and one-bair miles. When Hie 81. Calh-erinps was ad'cmtVd the- d(stanc was made wj.ua j. : thai aif Ilia EiiKlish llenlejj "course one mllo. ' 550 years. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken AGENTS WANTED. 500 XA1I. Punrlures in tire treal- ed with Paleoseel. e leaks no! . . . . i fklft.. i.. 1... 1 1 u.i. iMiiiuu iesi. inexpen. "ive, harmless, guaranteed. Agents write, for particulars P. A. Lefehrve & tUt.. Iept. PC Alexandria. Onl. WANTKI), Experienced irone Apply Canadian Laundry. FOR SALE. EVENTUALLY you'll want your own home. Why not make a beginning turn-, f 17.00 and 17.00 -per month buy a well located double: corner on Sixth Avenue Went. Price 7ft.0i. !eo. C. Walkpr. (n SALE. Canariei. trained roller singer, 125.0". . eael . Satisrapthm or money brkv 1 1 .3 ft VeveaMi Avenue Kal. P.O. Itox 109. if FOH SALE. Holel MassetL A kki oaraui. 111 neaiUl eailc for sellitwr. Apply William Hudson. Man spit. U C. FOR SALE. lt1, eotl spHnff and itmltress, UpliolMcred settle. Apply .ta SKentb Avenue W. 6(MI pleasure boa I tor sale for 7S. Easy turins. Phono Ited 720 for partirulars. FOH SALE. Lady's liiflyclc. OofHi rondilton. casji. Phone HJack 5 J 5. u,i TO RENT FOH IlllVT. Iirsen buildUis at 171 Third Avenue East; ix room modern flat wilh bath room and workshop premiesj on street Ifoor. Apply Hydo Transfer, 139 Second Avenue. FOH nEXT. Two first class modern flats; Monarch ranpes. water paid; one furnished. Westenbaver Ilros. 7(jnXLSHED Housekcpiii(s Ilooms to tent "by the day, week or month. Phone Ited 607. if HOUSES for nnl.--jonu Jtra furntuhed. ISO nod up. Apply 2la Fourth Avenue East FOH RF.X.T.Eurni'iheir hoiise keeping suite, Mussftllem Apariments. Phone 18. if FOH It EXT Four room suite. hot water heated. Apply Smitt & Mallet. ' HOt'SE to Hen I. Allln Avenue. Section Two. Phone lied 713. LOST. HllOOCII lost on Fulton Street. amethyst set in pearls Finder please return to !il Fulton Street. Ileward. FOUND FOl'XD. Huh m rew can for Ford car. Apply Daily Svw olllee. SUMMER RE80RT8. LAKELSE LODOK, near Terrace. Visit LaHelso llthla II01 Springs. Lilhla is ofjc of lb ; finest mineral water's . known for rheumatism. Good fly flshinjr tor ralnlosv (rpiit In Lakclse. Ukiv'and. .river MotprM jnee. ali '.rains' advinlt throuBb conneicllofl with Lodste. Telephone connccled to Terrace J. Hruce Johnstone, manner. BOARD AND ROOM. HOAHD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOAHD AND 1IOOM, 425 Third Avenue. Phone Ited 33d. Articles Loit and Found, Ac for less than 50c AUCTION SALE. I'NHKSEIlVHIl Aurtion Sale. Having rweivel inMnietioin fmm Harry Jackson, I will .il the rontnt . of h borne an Tuesday, July 1 3, al Z p.m. prompt: consisting of bras bed. coil pring and mat -tri. Milid walnut drenser lik. f, "ven draper Stager uv iiuicinim, mvuiieiie, Uitinul10 U ! ni nniiiswi UI swd Arri Arrrna lahlf. hi.lTni K.i..,. pbonoapb wild aii,ime.,t and 1 1 ? riMortU. two solid ojik ! lable., 3 parlor ruined K,k ...hairs. roswo.l ,.pe., houkshelf. furty m.Iiiiiii. of the lb.ok of Kn.-wle.. , beauliftrt assorted p,,,ur. s. kitchen chairs and Ul.b.. two Jienler not blast, small lalile. n n ... 4.1, 1 .., nau-i ...nurr- Hon. t benches Miii.lr (or any niinoe, enamelli'd Iedii4ad inattrcM and ,M-inir. el r dawr. plate pl mirror. (iuitar lika nw, china jardtn- ir, tw eleoJrie liarlor lamis tools of all decriplioo and other artiels 00 numerous U mniU. Ii... I.... .... ...uk.a.. nmiiiriirr ill 0S6 Sennl Avenue We,." .-A for the rnl flap. O. V. IIIUNK fni.imr.MM- 7 'X and after July I, overtim- sf-ni ' oe nrr. n,ima at ti $SS! &?tt 7 ' j fe i u .uim. tUrtin"iuX wssl trfrt lh la.uau.-e t a 1 a . . . . raias win nr riianretl on Sun- day. and publia h.diday. awl after 7 p.m. on wr-ek-day. I ins is tieressiar' lo comply, with lhe 'nour, of Act. Overtime will be ehareeil - at the rate of time and on hair over lhe regular eltflif hour day. Wri'i-kina service day and night. KA1E.N ft AHA (IE. PMIKEH S (iAIlAOE. JAS III NTI'.n. ON and after J y . nvriiuv rales w . Ii w . unrtsed on Sundays and puult- tiulidays ami after 7 p.m. on weok days. . This is accessary to comply with the "Hours of Work" Ac. Y)rrstin wlU. be chanted a I Uie rnle of (lm and one half t oyejs he .regular olirht hour day.' ' Wrecking service day and night. PAIIKEIt OAHAdli ' KAIEX OA II AUK. JAR. IIEXTKIt. TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Oeorge, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Slud bakers at your disposal any lime. ROSS BROS.' POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Empress Holel, GOOD EATS Opposite Henson's Studio, Third Avenuo. HEAL HOME OOOKEI) MBAU? Mrs. l'ner, proprietress. Phone H'ack 700 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 tt Sunday, J)ily 11 ' ; Uih 1:S3 a.m. 20.C fl. 11:50 p.m. 18.7 " Low ...... K:38 a.m. 2.v " 20:10 p.m. 8.1 " Monday, July 12 Illftli 2:30 a.m. 20.3 " ll.:3l p.m. I8.7 " Low :I3 a.m. 3. 1 " 2lil p.m. 8.0 H Advertise In the -Dally Newi. LAND RCOItTKV ACT, Scltiia tU fl 221. IK! for lb rAOcvtUtlmi .jf a.11 int. NtiTtn nwui ?t uplkHi In l-uflMM lilt Itrrriiilwr. Iti lf, and i lb JmifV. mi ,n Ik rij it rd Jtnu.r. :iU. U'lHiva OtoHUL T I run it 0..1UHX 1 K ui Uw sad en, n,t,t ,u U ewi Ml, rlihl t (II,. Mi slklM-n -Ii. k. IHt lo Hh- k , kll ,. tad r.Mirii.n 1 ii,, bi.h .. . ui i.i. irni 1,. i iuuHljrr rri uu i . iurc : t.l.lhrl. Vtp StUlrU.t "nr uf br-i Ml MmJ IT .IUH nJ pr Ut Hie fiiii.r 1 i.mih . I.. Uw 4lH.fr Ki'f.tiu t K. fun !. lwtuf Imwii ' TVir '-rri t itui an M bMb IM 1., ,tHrri ttm ttt . . ' T ii 'h.?"ti5M,,-'-i' f o- Mi,r TH"iwt: 5Twu'wi,tf ZPJtZStr'iJf" t 'JLJ.':",' r-t i. h TSf". T KVZXXXgm'r SLt9ufja .,hT. J'1 r tnini iimuo in r " f-wr UM OfWnOUtt. linlrM Ian ami mmm-mi Hm 4ir ''J , .'.", ",, rt,m " "" " w P "h'?' AFT " t Ml( , . iirinau-ar MINtHSL ACT. " Antk ir oetirku 1 .. . .mnrefame.il. Vsjeeal lllll armp rwrti.i.ni pf H " wimerei inu f. v stimtrtii tti a 1 a Minin. ! w a Ttaa ftumn tm ie Mitl(.eari -afM at trtm w.ouin Sintai al': WPi KSfX. WM' rrr mi wr tf. ai t.lkrJilll" r "H. ' t b.-t "resn p ' Tt SI I - a , rMHnral .Hwau .a al IIMiaklMnMll lmrMtMnrnt. fiaid ttaa ntt, iar t yrll, IMS LAND ACT. ftelice ( lataaHetTu Alf U Leaee LaX Hi Milage hi,t-rt LataJ IK ,ai it ' IHrt of I'riivr nuirt, and s tuale i a idMU Hner rattan. - (bartuit n.iinn. -mr, v.iTnr thai Uorara I ji fterltar aiMiiy. I imuil . B.C, imtiiaall. MMkrn, inlcn.1t fr 1 kar f tar Mkm mr ft rMMikmrini at a pott rlnll r ' MrUaMtl mrtirr ut IM 5i. t- lint lrf aurk. ihetvw in a r aMtrir ditMttan iviu aatea iiywr S-H-rt tm eSals: llmna uU i nmr H l.lnt r rnmmrinm., u c. .-MalMflf It arm, tnnre r LnH risiuvo a r 1 10 1 rr C. H. SltniM - - nml lew 4. Itt. NOTICt lb" Mil lr arfrml f..f aaW at aOMI H liv , I'rvtlUI'lll I.' USMlfctHiaj., rrlnfe mu-rrt B rmrsd)-. Juir tt4 ttt' , 1 hi liar aftenHMio, live rulliiwinf i. l4 fl. fl. fl. If.. 1? yi a: BttMrk 17. Srll4 t. III .(r it-.. iv1, a. r.. Tri iah faxiarRt It llmr or one qrter . ami ih ba.. Uitw rsiual annual tnnlnci' 11 (resl nn lh defMTml imimih-aI fir ..r tr ammin; Ihr rs to !. S.M eridlttMUL Man slwminr Uh- M ttrt4 ' may L arrn at (he nfflr ut llir tl.MII tHtl. t'HIw ItUprrl R . luted al rrlnre llii-M. h ' 1st s. i. n. Ttiv v netMly r.m.riiiirt- r LAND ACT. . CaUr litxt OMrlrl. utid fl 'I OWIHrt tr l-hnre liuirt. and Atlm laar aU.ul 11 n.ilra .ulti 1AH; Mnlrt. thai r..lln Jul r w Atlio. in the Crut-liiro .if Untin'i MX. tuv iiill.Mi eriiliii tmiiiut -lMeit.1 to apply Utr iwrtiiiMian rtww tint fi.lkiwlnr iVm-M!!. Inn iiiiiiriKlnr at a fml l.lir.lril l M.uilu.a.1 rvriu-r of OUrlrf ta ' lir. litjlrrt a alsiire, tlwnr f. t :( the alMrr line weal 10 rhalin wmiiIi to rhanis; tlienre rill u thriire narm to rhaln. lo i .. " fVinuwurnienl. ii'wiji jcLfs room- SliJ Ml DsIM Ma tn. let. LANO ACT, Notice el JntanlloR ( Applf te Im" Foreahera In Vun Cbarlnlle Maud, Un sf. 'iiilin Mairkt of frin.- Mmiw; " situated H muea .. of Allifot M' kkMetale Inlet, and frnnllu m Vii. on :harliit mxrlri TAKB OTHX that lii. B.C. I'."''" 'arkJt. r.nni.any. lid., i.f Van fi.fi.. ..rriinaiinii Salmon Canurr to ap.y (nr a Iraw o( m fullo:is: rrlll f'nrrkhoif fiftinmrnrlnr at a poki Munied H ,M fput iwrn rhnier ut jt HI, tt.eii . Ilfrlv and ra-lprlr rnllnwlnir Ih. lilah aiT mark. 1 riimn.. iwire 11 in Hie imrtlivr.l rnrnrr nf I.'' Ilinnrr. 'rl t rliain.; tb"nr " ' ami eifrlj' rulliinlnr a line imai Mie line nr iilih water mark, M M1".'. more ur lex; thenre eat I rliaiu J twlnl nf riiiiiinenrrment, and rmitalnlM It acrea. more nr leaa. . HHI1IXII tlll.I'MNM NSHINO !D I'ACkna oimcamy i,ti. . . Cited ioib AprU, lift.