25 TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Service i Anvwhere at Anytime. Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. M (Stand and Sth 81. MATT VIDCCK, Prop. Ji " VOL, XVI., NO, ICO. NAM MAri7CM7IC in i mm mm m TinV;llJlljlLi . m mm a - m. mt n mTLtT' mTEmf 1 MM W Mm fo Cause Election VANGOl'VKH. July id. A SONS URGE CAUSE OF CANADIANISM Dm; :i hi to siihoruinute parly sentiment to the "greater cause , r t ;i iilMiiumii'' in t lie upproachiug elections was delivered h i r ;r ;u pcaker nt the banquet Inst night to delegates attending j th h! y v Sous nt (Lunula convention. : No hvuig person ran tell Mi ' mmomvraiiii. Kill wiiutever happens Canada must go r. Jnmieon. of TWO KILLED BYJMTNING Father and Son Loser Their Lives, While Those Between Were Uninjured. BH,1 1VILLI". Onl.. July to. V ; 1 -vkorf. hi on liar ' !! more, OhI., were i b in' 'MIuts seriously i ii.iit(iiu struck (lie . ii a bllt - iia a iivji iiarei 1 1 ie. hip """..tatLntebi. - imi, ytiuntr Hower n Inlliaipd when i w"re tn lite room at m o.-n a terrtfie craoli i hy a IiMrwt of flame. ami on ere standing R;art wdipci Ihev were i 01 tiers tiotwrrii e- RUTH SCORES 27TH HOMER Yinksss Keep Pace With Philadelphia n Athletic By Wining Yesterday. YOIIK. July H. The Y ..'es kept up wilh the fast I'hilailelphia Atlilelles 1' 'ay hy defeatinx .Cloeland, lie Athlelles were lieatitM aa in ten itintnus. Ilale n poled out his 27 Hi homer, f Ins leani male, pasehal, also f Mir bases. Louis hulled five Wnshinst- ' i hers haiil heforc winning ny a seore of four to three. v vv York (llaiils.crept u liltl ' o the too of the National I' dkiic hy taking n double header ' ;i 'he leading Cincinnati Ited. American League l"nii y, llostou 0. 1 iiirtiito i, i'liilailclpliiu I. ' leveland 2. New York 8. l.oius , Washington 3. j National Lecjjue New York 7-t. t'.ii.'.- :-l-I'liiladelplim 0, 1'IIImiihk U. Ki iioklyii 3, tlhicago 7. I lo s Ion I. tut. Louts a. WHOLE FAMILY SHOT AND KILLED J0R0NT0 Patrlok Fogerly Thought to have Murdered Wlfo and Family Before Shooting Self TOUO.NTO, July 10. t'alrlck l ogerty, nurseryman, Is believed lo have shot and killed his wife nnd four children ranging from even to thirteen years during the ukuhl ami then committed suicide Helalives eiiloml the honi'J S'eslerday arieinoon and. foinnl tlie enljro ritipllyniead. Th mo. tv- for (hu deWMs unknown. Hi V, HI n it,,,,; -.s '"ST; VWP I II EI V TA Dr n mn lllllll lillilifil 111 lili m mm mm - m m. m mTm W 1 of Canadianism in Say the challenge to (he people of the what is to lc the future of the Lethbridge, in appealing for a terile genuine national spirit. "We must buihl Canada into a eotnpoMie whole," he Miid, ami aihocHtrd comiiilvry naturaliza-Mon pf all newcomers to this ountry. Oct a Slci'4-o3ii, of Vau- "Uiver. icoreil I he colonial Im- pnaliols derlarin;; that if they oould only realize the aspirations J Hie Natie Sins of (Canada they tvouhl haek the movement heuirt ind ool to .P-vclop a Uiiiadian Mtioil.il follrloiifiMnK. '"If it i lOl di'irlniH'd ilanaila frn dis-uteralion." In- said. "I'.aiiada on id he it un and still lielonp o the llritinh ('uunonwealtli, added i ITTEMPT TO CLIMB ALASKAN MOUNTAIN McCarthy Eipedltlon Fall to Reach Top of ML Falrwea-ther, Near Cordova. llilllHiVA. July 10. An attempt to climb U.i'Ji fept to Ho-top of Mount Faiiweatlier, an unhealed peak east of here failed. Andrew Taylor, guide of the Mr-art hy parly, upon reaching: here; announced. He and Oapmln Mc- t'.irlliy. ol Summit, .N. J., Allan rj. of .Nw York, and Dr. LaiM.j Canadian, were blocked in their effort Hi scale the mountain when they encountered a oanyon J.ooo feet up the mountain. CONFIDENCE VOTE FRENCIIGOYERNMENT Calllaus Insisted That Plan For Stabilizing Currency Must Be Upheld. PAWS. July 111. The chamber voted confidence in I he (iovem-ment early this murnluK after Finance Minisler Caillauv had in-ulsled that the (iinerument's plan for stabiliziu the currency must bo upheld. The olc was '.'t2 for the (!oernmenl and i7 against. WEATHER REPORT Terrace: Clear, calm, temp. CO Anyox: Partly cloudy, temp 70a. Alice Arm: Clear, calm, temp llaiellon: Clear, cairn, temp. CSa. , Telegraph Creek: Cloudy, calm, leniii. (lUa. Smllhers: Clear, calm, lomp. tfl'a. IluTn. Lake: Clear, calm, temp. 00a VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Did. Asked IHinwcll 1.58 1.79 Indian .05 .00 L, A: L, .12 Premier 2.11 2.1 B Porter Idaho .00 ,-.on Silver Crest .1, .13 Siir Inlet . , .oo',4 innnot .08 .10 Northern and mm m m m mr-m. n m m mmm. Native Sons RECORD TENNIS GAME YESTERDAY MEN'S SINGLES In what was prolialdy the bet exhiliition of tenuis ever seen in l'rince Humeri, It. Howard and A. II. Cariniehael played for two hour and a quarter in tin; final for the regimental mi'ii'e single chaiu-pionfliii taxt niht and then wei- tied, it bemr l ncesur' po"tpinc tne cuiiipirl ion of the nia: li lo another oe;ension. In the first set. llmvird was w'lnnir l-l and, in the second, Uarmichael won fl-t. The 4inipiri's weie S. K. tlamobeti, -J. -U Si- eiiolls MHtl K.W:jMreii- MANY CANADIAN HALIBUT BOATS Price Belter Than for American on Exchango at This Morning's Sale. There was but one American Dual sold halibut at the F.xrhangc IMs mrfrniitg. she gellins 11.1)0 iinl H cent'. This was one cent lower for second class than Canadian boats obtained and about the sam Tor Iot quality. FJevon of the tatter sold their catches, prices varying from It to 15.80 pound. Mfles were: American Kanaga, 18.000 to Cold borage. Canadian Margaret J, 22,000, to Atlin Fisheries. Inured II., 7,500, to llooth Fish eries. P. liurreen, 13,500 lo Cold Slor-ige. I'nume, 7.50t, to Iloyal Fish Co. Prosperity A, 13,000, to llooth Flsherlc?. .Nautilus, 13,000, to racuic Fiheries. Impereusc, 0,000 to Cold Stor- II. A II., 3,000 to cold Morale. Kobe, 3,500, to Cold Storago. Tramp, 12.000, to Atlin Fish eries. swiim, 7.500, lo Atlin Fisheries. McGEER'S DEFEAT COST HIM $23,000 VANCOFVKIl, July 10. 0. (i Mctteer filed returns yesterday bowing liis expenses in the un successful coolest wllli Hon. U II. Slevens in Vancouver Centre in the last election cot him 2:1,000. GENERAL ATTACK ON FORCES NEAR PEKIN PF.KIN, J luy 10. A (ft1 ne ra I at lack of Ihe allied forces on Kou-nencblu, or the People's Army, has been launched in Ihe west. Severe fighting is in progress anil Ihe sound of gunfire Js audible In Pekin. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper PIIINCH HUPKHT, II. C, .SA'ITHDAY. JULY IMUITCn TA rAMTECT mm u mt mm m 111 f I I IIf 111 1,11 II I lull EX-ALDERMAN HAMILTON DOUOLAS liaiiHk ' mmmmmw ' Jmwmwmwmwmwmwmm eHVHeBnBaBaBHBHvjK B ' LimmmWmmm " fLWW BBBBBBBS I X.BBBBV'.'.BBBBBBBk. N! '''K BBBBBBDaBVJBav'BBHBBBBBBBBBBV' bbHBbIbbbbV ' bhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbTbhbbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhb BBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBLf bhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhbhb bbbbbbW 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBHr In spile of the knockers and people who may be downhearted, Prince Rupert is bound to go ahead, says5-Mr. Douglas, who is just as confident of thi city's future as he ever was Publicity and still more of it is needed to put any -place on Hie map and Mr. Douglu thinks a radio broadcasting station should be established here. Mr. Douglas, who i accompanied by Mrs. Douglas, Is here for several weeks recuperating from serious injuries sustained when he was knocked down by an automobile in .Seattle a year ago last February. He is slill compelled to walk with the assistance of ntues, bill lie is making a rapid recovery. From the reception he is gelling in town, Mr. Douglas is .i-.'ired he has many more friends than the thirteen who vded for hint when he conlesled the mayoralty many years ago. Native Sons Urge Final Court of Appeal Place of Taking Cases to Privy Council i VANCOl YKIt. July 1U. Opposition lo the principle of tak ing legal appeals to the privy council in London and the suggestion that Ihe cnsioni should be abolished is included in a reso lution passed at yesterday's session of lhe .Native Sons of Canada. which are in convention here. Another resolution passed that 'all t'ulurO appointments in civil services should Jie confined schools and colleges r. it Ii special consideration for the veterans of thV great war. : The first .resolution slated Is essential lo tlie full recount-. ion of (he eipial national status: if Canada Hint this nation should possess aim manuam a iinaii court of appeal of its own," add - ! in: "'Hiis will really strength - ) en anil not weaken me connai! relation between t.anada and tne rest of the Itritisli Empire." DURKIN GETS 35 YEARS ON ' MURDER COUNT CHICAGO, July 10. Martin Diirkiu, the young gunman and ai'loinobile thief, was this morn ing Tnind gullly of Hie murder of Federal Aigent Edwin shanahan lasl( October and whs... senlpnced to; 3 yuan iniprUonpieht,' , , 10, 11120. Yecrdr Circulation. I6JI m m m m ' ; I i Maintenance at Ihe .anie meeting suggested 'he Dominion and provincial to those educated in Canadian MUCH LIQUOR IS TAKEN OFF BOAT i Arranmoro, of Vancouver, Was Rollevod of Whisky and. Beer rv police Yesterday. Tlie "Vancouver gasoline boat, Arranniore, which was seized by the provincial police al lluledale this week, was yesterday after noon cleared of too cases ' of whisky nnd HQ sacks of .beer. 'l'lie liquor Is being held for thlr ly y' days awailjug Uie.eJuim of its, owner twner and thuArnn!iioii,Viis re- leased this morning. Hanks Is land was given as the "boats des I inatlon in her Vancouver clear mice papers. ALASKA SALMON RUN SEWAItD. July 10., II. E. El la wn th of the. territorial flsli yum mission predicts a large tun heiv y piuk and silver salmon Stmt Sik A U AMrAITUED or A T m n m mn tm m 1 f MlltilftJ f lill illirt I Mackenzie King May Contest Vancouver Centre Constituency Against Stevens in Election VANCOUVEIL July 10. -The Vancouver Sun of last even ing stales that prominent Liberals are striving tu have a unanimous nomination tendered to former Premier King to contest Vancouver Centre against Hon. H. H. Stevens and that if these two men have their way Mr. .Mackenzie King will be given the 'opportunity of accepting or refusing after the meeting of the Liberal executive on Tuesday nexL II is pointed out by local Liberals that Vancouver is the logical seat for Mackenzie Klir to return to Parliament from and, that Mr. Stevens, who was responsible for the Liberal elrie'- tain's resignation, will hae to nul for the sea' should U.e e- nrnrnlpr . . ..... . ;iri,nf - , l!if nnmumtinti. - - ! ,ANCOUVERMANIS NE SUPERINTENDENT PRINCEGEORGE POWER PIUNCK GEORGE. July 10. From out of a list of sixty-one applications from all pari of the province, David G. Sutherland of Vancouver has been ap pointed by tlie city council as suwrmradj-nt , of the' "local power plant Ai D. Hirrell of eboTee. Anions the appJicanU was Alex Nah, former stipcriii-Ici.dent, vviio- rescued a month ago. lb- wanted ?-5 a month more salary, ONTARIO SUFFERS BIG THUNDERSTORM Buildings Blown Down and Wire Service Interfered With. No Casualties Reported. LONDON. OnU July tO. -West ern Ontario was visited last night with severe electric storms, ac companied by heavy rain and a strong wind. Hams were unearthed, buildiUKs were blown down and wire service is crippled in many sections. Near Waterfowl the storm reached cyclonic proportions. .o casualties are reporter,!- WONDERFUL SCORING IN THIRD TEST MATCH AUSTRALIAN CRICKET LEEDS, Eng.. July 10. Australia scored 331 runs for three wickets in the first inning of the third test match with England today. McCartney and Woodful, of Vush-alia. mado 150 and M8 respectively. ON FOUL IN FOURTH NEW YOIIK. July to. Pete LaUo. of Scrauton, was offered he world's welterweight chain- iiionsliip when he was declared victor on a foul over Georgie Le-vine. of New York, in the fourth if a fifteen round match. "BILLY" McINNES IS BACK IN VANCOUVER VANCfjUVKlt Jyly iOtW,)' II. Mclnnes, foi'nier 'cou'hfy judge here and at one lime Governor of Ihe Yukon, who has been Ii Ottawa for the past five years raclicing as Parliamentary tgenl, has returned to.. Vancouver o resimle Jl law practice. The chic employees firs! an ot picnic wilj lk place lo- uoistfjw. ! havraUans- Lake. Large Upstair Dining U all. with newly laid dancing floor for hire. New SODA FOUNTAIN, The latent and best for the least. Phone 457. PRICK FIVR CENTS. SMITHERS MAN LOST HIS LIFE A. McNaught Fell From Bridge Over Bulkley River and Was Drowned Yesterday. SMITH KIIS, July 10. Andrew McNaught. a member of the crew of men repTankins? the bridge over .he Kulkley Iliver close to town ot his life yesterday when he .'ell backwards into the river and ras drowned. He tried his best to reaeli shWe but his heavy clothing" hampered his movements and, be gave up before help could reach him. ' -te:rrchwasadrirthS raHlier down stream but the current is strong and doubt is expressed if it will be found for some time. Mr. McNaught was a member of the Native Sons of Canada ami aNo an -Oddfellow. He hid lived in the district for many years, but his relatives' are unknown here and are believed not lo live iti Canada. The scene of yesterday's accident was the same as whero-Thos. Duntop, district road engineer, lost bis life by drowning two years ayo. FIRST GUN IN POLITICAL WAR Hon. W. R. Motherwell Reviews Government's Action and Stevens Customs Charges. WINNIPEti, July 10. Hon. W. It. Motherwell, minister of agri culture tn the late Liberal "'Gov ernment, fired the first gun In the federal election campaign in Manitoba in an address before the Liberal executive and oilier prominent Liberals yesterday. He devoted his address lo.an exten sive review of the action of the King Goveiliment in (Connection with the customs irregularities and charged that II. It. Stevens, whose action in the House preci pitated the customs probe, secur ed tio per cent of his information from the King Government spe cial investigator and that Stevens had In some manner secured access o the Duncan, report before that report reached the ministcd of customs. HUDSON BAY LINE IS NOT A FACTOR IN THE ELECTION O TTAWA, July lO.-The likeli-luiod of t ut Hudson Hay line being used as a factor In -the pro-sent campaign Is se aside by the statement that both sides pledged themselves to Its" construction. Duriuft the last election Hon. Arthur Metghen promised Mo set aside tlftee million dollars in the estimates to carry on .the work and that was cxaclljr'Jhe, sum oted - jy the House nt lhe last sejstbn, , .... ., .. ,