"PAGE 8IX Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phono 94. We deliver. Last Call! For those who wish lo preserve strawberries this season. Ouo shippers say the season is almost over. FRIDAY and SATURDAY 2 boxes Strawberries for 25c Per era to. 52.90 Apricots, Raspberries, Cherries and Loganberries arriving on every, boat. Hook your orders with us and be sure of (ho best at the most reasonable price. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 24 417-423 5th Avenue East i Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.O. Office. Hours 9 lo 6. X-Ray Servlc Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday R oniric? ilk' AUDITORIUM Opening Dance Q7TIIK SBASOTfc. SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 10 From 9 to 12 ' I'LOOIl IS MADK LIKH NEW-ARTHUR'S ORCHESTRA Ladies, 25o Gentlemen, 50c Iluilding Is 50x100. Maple Floor. J'lenr Title lo Property. ITS FOIl SAI.K Phono Black 449 L. J. MARRSN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM BOURJOIS French BATH SOAP Delightfully Fragrant Three Odors ROSE EAU DE COLOGNE SANTAL Per cake ....... . . . ..35c 3 cakes for $1.00 Ilox of 0 cakes .51.75 Saiuniays V to u noon George Rorie bartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, Ao. Phone 387 New Address! 243 Second Avenuo West PJlLMdi hTPEflT LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tt. CArUge, Wareboualng, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, Coal Band and Gravel We Speolatlte In Piano anal Purilturt Cevlnn. APPOINTMENTS I ARE DEFERRED Forty Applications Are Received' For Five Vacancies on Staffs of Local Schools. . The school'. hoard at Its meet ing last night opened forty an- tho spring from the staff of Seal Cove School on account of ill health and for whom Miss Cross has been relieving; and Miss Crcighlon and Miss Weathcrhead, who resigned from the Uoolh and Uorden Street staffs respectively. Miss K. M. Lauder, of Horden Street school had a letter Before the board requesting that she !jo transferred lo Hoolh School -to lake Mr. O'.Vcill's division. Mrs. Dowlhcr and Miss Wai-son or the Universal Trading Co are leaving by the Priuce George tonight for Vancouver on a busir ness trip. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT i.v the kstatkTikYiie sm:x. llm- BLII i:nMl'ANY. LIMITED. bankrupt. .NOTICE IS IIEIIEBV OIVt.N thai the Skreua Lumber Company, Limited, r lln-Villaire i,t t In tne i-roviiii-e of UritUh Columbia, i adjudircit bankrupt, and a recelvinit order inade on the sttih day ui June. tvis. and llial II. F. MacLeod, ofn-cul receiver, IT! nee liuiwrt, It. c, hat appointed me tu be rusuxrian of the eiU.e of I In- ilelil.ir until Hie creditors at Ihoir first niiTl.iiK. thill elect a trustee to in-inliilsli r the elate or the debtor. .NOTICE IS fUlTIIKIl UIVE. that tilt) firil meeting- or c.-eiiil .r in the above stale will lie held ai the 'if flee or IIh-irflcial receiver. i:urt ll.me. I'rlnre Itu-pert. B. i:.. on WihimmIj , the tllh day of July, at-1 he hour ol rour o'clock In .he afternoon. To entitle yixi to vol tbcreat proof or rour claim inii'i be lodged will me before; .he ir.eellnir I Held. . Proxies lo Im- uel at the meeting insVt1 te l'id(te1 with me prior thereto. AMI UltTiiKM TAKE .NOTICE thit It j on have any claim amut the debtor for which you are entitled lo rank, proof of Mich claim in us I be filed with me within thirty da or the dale of this notice for urn aim aner the eiplratlon of the time led by sub section S of section 37 of the !! Ai-t, I shall distribute the proceed ii me ui-ui ir s esute amour me pariie milled therein hat In rerard onlv to the laiiu of which I have then notice. DATED at I'rtniv Ititpert. 1). 4... th 7th day of July. 8i UEonuE inmiE. custodian. SAILINGS TO EUKOPE HAKR RESERVATION'S NOW FrtOM MONTREAL To Liverpool July It, Aur. 10 MontriMo July 30. Aim. t? Montcalm ii(r. . Sept 9 MiHitrlire To Cherbourg-Southampton- Antwtrp July id. Aur. IJ .Minnedona Auir. II. sepl. S. . MeliU To Btlfit-Qlagow July 15. Aur 1 Metafratna FROM QUEBEC To Llvtrpool inly 10. Sept. in M nn I royal To Cherbourg-Southampton-Hamburg July l, Aut. IS . . Kinpn or sroiland Auir. I, Sepl. I . . . Einpn-M of France To Btlfatt-Clatgow July it. Aur. 2ft Moiilnairii Appty to Ai;ntt Terywtef Of J. J. FORSrER. Geo. AfX., C.P.K. Station. Vancouver, Telephone Seymour 2S10, ' Can. Pac. Rr Traffic Agcnta. t GOOSEBERRIES for preserving 12 lbs. for $1.00 B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 674 Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave The cliarge of selling liquor against M. Oliashi of I lie Oriental Commercial Co. was continued in tho city police court this mornlnw and was adjourned until Monday afternoon. C.X.H. motorship Lillehorii, which came into port yesterday fcf engino repairs at the dry dock, Nailed al I mitriiinir. riiiiliniiiii'' Alaska pnrls and will sail at 4 o'clock Tor Alert Hay and Vatir eouyer. The following are'book-ed to go south from here on tlit Chailolle: C. C. lleighway, L. O. (ireen and C. McLean for Vancouver; . F. Dawson, Mr. and CANCELLATION OF RESERVE MITICE IS IIEIIEBV CIVE that tbe re-aerte en'.lnir over Lot 16U?, Caaalar t)i-tricl, la camelled. Deputy Minister of Landi. U. H. AADE.t, Landi Departnienl, Victoria, B. C, tilth June. jft. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Lane) n iTiuce nuperi i.ano itrn.niiiiu un trlct of lunae i. Coat Land Dl.trltt, aixl tuuate on rai-ere inland TAkE MiTHL that J. B. Krancl. of :'uiiiika. Alberta, occupation .Mlnltter. in- li ml to apply for a lea of llie1 followniK oeMTioeo wiiui : - Ciiiiiiiieurinjr at a txxl planted at the urlh We.l end of I'auMfe lulaud. near Coat Trlanirulatlon Sta. I tit; thence around the Island at blah water mark and containing- muti acre, mure or lean. JOSEPH UUITLA.Mi HtClS. June llh, ttit. Applicant. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." Notice of Application foe Bear Llcenea. Nntlc l hfrhv ffitn lhat t.n th eaili to aipiy mi tne Liquor control Hoard tor a licrnae In renpeel of premlne tienir part of llie butldiur known ae Ocean Kalla Hotel, annate on Front Street. Town of Ocean lall ntxin I lie lands dearribed Uil Nn. 31, lunte 3, Coast District, Map Mo. R.X. It. Land nerlstratloii lilnlriri. in the province or Drliish Columbia, tor the aale of lieer by the irlasi, or by the iien bottle for coiuumptlno on the pre-mie.. bated tin 7th day of June, l. I'ACIIIC MILLS LIMITED. Pr r I. Harlier, Traire LAND ACT. ! Notice of Intention Land. to Apple to In I'rlm-e Itupert Laud lleeordlnir tuMrlrt nr Prince lluwrt and alluaie at Ferir'Jon Ilav. Manrel Inlet, (iraham Island. O. C. I TAkE MITICE lhat Frauds Mlllerd. of Prince lluperl. II. r... occupation cannery man. Intends. t:i apply for permission lo Kiirrhasc the fulluwlnr descrllied landa r.iiniuienrliii; at post planted al tlw X. W corner of Lot IS7I. Oueen Charlotte Island- Ml-trlct. thence smith (0 chains; i Mience wet n chains: thene- north to illirh Water Mark; thence easterly alone; : turn W ater Mark to point or commencement, and contalnlnr HO arret, more fil te. i FHAMCI9 MILUnn. j Applicant. naied June ntn. txn TO PLVMOUTH-CHCRBOURO-LONDON. lii-v! Anlolila lolv la Ascania .. July 30 TO UVCRPOOL Aurania Inly Anr. 17. Seot, ft TO BELFAST AND QLASQOVV Atheiila AUS". FROM NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL l.sruils ... jnlv tl Kranconla. . .July 31 TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON Maiirrtanla . July , auk. I . Sept. 8 iiilHtiU Auir 4, l, ScpL IS. Oct. A llcreiiicarla ... Ana. II. Sepl. I, Scot, is TO LONDONDERRY AND OLASOOW Cameron THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, July 10, 1026, COryJlnAJtJi ufdk, ntX cLt4j fe vucLtci plications for five vacancies' on; LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. II. K. Tremavne. Mrs. K 'Seatlle A. Wakefield and Mrs. V. II. Tobey . left on this morning's train to spend the week-end at Terrace. s . . ' ' ' ' With -a View lo locating in the south, J. (!. Yiereck sailed this mornm?jon the JJalala for Van-couverr Mrs. Vieriek,. and family will probably go soith later. Mrs. K. N. Uuvet. Miss Guvel and I.Mrs. K. OuveL.for Victoria; M. the staffs of the various schools' ilngraham and V. Tobey for and, after spending a couple of hours jn going through tlieni, deferred the making of definite appointments until a special meeting that will be called in the near future. The meeting received the resignations of Henry O'Neill from J he starf of Hooth School and or Miss tea trice. Uurke from the lligh School staff. These aro in addition lo the resignations of, Miss Larsen, who resigned during' Ucorgo Dibb, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Dibb, Graham Ave. will .sail on the Prince Charles Monday aHernoon lo. spend the holidays at Sandspit. C. McLean and L. O. Orcen, who have been lnpt;cllng the local shipping situation on be-hair of the Empire Shipping Oct. which will handlo. grain ship ments through the port this Tali, holiday period, returned Princess noon. M. lugraham and W. Tobey, who arrived from' Juneau on Wednesday and were held as witnesses in the cases .uigriinst Iho Charlotte this aflemooo. CP.lt. steamer Princess llcal- Mooso r,ce aI'1- "n. ,ray, arnvcil at this mornimg from the south return lo Vancouver, calling at Inverness and Port Mward en- route. There were cIkIiI round- triipcrs on the Princess Heat-rice, four from San Francisco. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. Johnstone, arrived al 9 o'clock this morning from Ihc Skeetri and' .N'aas Ilivers and sailed at 10 o'clock for Vancouver and way. ports. Passengers leaving herSj for Vancouver on the Catala included 11. "(J. McKcnzie, J. i. Vierick, Mr. and Mrs. Iloherl W. Fcolt, J. 11. Ileyiiolds and Joh.i; Forsyth. Murdoch, "The Man Who Knows," was haled Into police court this mOniftfK to answer to a charge of drivihr tu the com mon danger in Connection wit't his blindfolded stunt List nipht. rhe ease, in which both Mayor N'ewlon and Inspector Spillerar- witnesses, was adjourned unli! Monday. l li compiniiil wti made hy the mayor. llev. (teorjtc (!. Hacker, pastor of the First United Church, relumed lo llie city on this afternoon's train. He has Itccit ava for two months and; during hi.' ahsence, attended the l!iilili Columbia conference in Vancouver and the general -conferencj in Montreal. Mr. Hacker will resume lit pulpit of Ills cnup-h tomorrow, preaching al both serviccsi Owin 1,0 small atlendanco al the nice tins last niglit, the election of olllceis fOr SI. Andrew -Society has been; deferred until August. The foliowinK cmnmit-lee has been appointed 10 tak charge of the society's annuai picnic whicli will'be held Aiuilst I. (K'orge Abbott, Ijhalrinaii, Howard Sleen, Mobert Stuart. J. Ilnddon, (Seorpe lraer und .1 Finlayson. Ilev. Dr. Charles J. Cameron addressed the meeting last niglit. ORANGE PICNIC. I With a large crowd in attend-1 'ance, the Orange Lodge picnic U I taking place today al Digby Is-' land. Starling at nine o'clock. J the picnickers have been leaving! throughout the day for llie is-! i land. The picnic commemorates rANADTAISJ sFRVirFi,,,,; anniversary iversary of of tho tho Haiti Hattle from Montreal Ihiyne wliich falls on Monday nut in t.Aiuu tun I lufesiuil ' . . ' Lemhi ivmla . , . Jnlv July ti ti liamarla Samaria ... All. 8 ' UlU COIIleHl. . :all at J'lyiiuiilli, Kastlioiind, Ak for. Tourist 3rd Klaie Mlerature. and acr Ill of Special Tours Money order, drafla and travellers' cheques al lowest rales. Full Information from local Aaenii or i:iiinny,s orricea, l llaiiinrv'' W: Vancouver, B.C-, ruone, 'aey. lTl. Waterfront VVhiffs II, H. Ileuson tif Jilioliwniplilj fame , visited Wooilwnrlli Jiitkc on angling ln'iil nt the end of last week and 'pulled Iwiyily or mi nlre nnes out, of , MiiV water, Mrs. Ueuon acuoinpanied him M on tho trip. A Fast Story Other navigators of Iho Skeena river and surrounding waters will, it is understood, , lodgo a protest with Ottawa against the Jtbu'se or the sail chuck by Skipper Dave Stuart, owner of the brave ship Tseekwu. Skipper Dave has beeuy tearing nrounJ the waters in such u reckless manner that olhef sailors arc in terror for both their personal safely and the saTely of their boats. For instance. oer Hie skipper Sluarl to Vancouver on mo muuno.i iim Im.i.i. ,.in. .. i.-n Charlotte this afler-'ii;ini a,s,.inliiv i.r friHii.u r n.J family incliiilins Howard Sleiut (Jeo. Abbott, Tom llealtie, Mr I Anderson and Chas. Stuarl ifirsl mate) with the Idea of going to Khatami to see if they could see ;i fish. Hmviii'r h imitilii. stf 0 o'clock thi "re." "r eierans .vssoriailonithe fish had died of old ng her voyagr11'"1'" c overnment .Liquor U10l, arriva ,,ul lhal s ,mt to the Queen Charlotle Islands. J-'. continued their journey lM , it, jcauie, leaving on llie rrtncesj Mrs. II. A. McLean, wife of City Engineer 'MnI.eari, and son Arrived this morning on the Princess Iteatrice from .law, Saskatchewan. T h e I r daughter is remaining in Vancouver to take a course at tho University of Llriti.sk Columbia CP. 11. steamer Princess Charlotte, Capt. C. C. Sainley, arrived al 2:30 this afternoon from age the story. The coastal cruiser left purl on the Wednesday night prior to Dominion 'Day and all went well until oiT Kltson Island w hen vum'c unreless fisheruidii left his net wandering around, which fin.illv fniinil .i ei.. I im. and sailed at It o'clock on hcr,pur, in .,v,.v propeller. All ereon was at (he wheel at tho t inns and did not have to use Mm engine room lelrapli, (he net acting us a orl .of uiiloinain: hrake. The skipper was down liokiw tangled up with t lie yad-?its hut immediaMy liatened i, the bridye to ui'trtnm the trou ble. Upon examinatioit uf ih propeller ft was found lo be wedged with net and cork an ) then the hunt, for a corkscrew I bcKuii. No, sir, not ti blameiL liassenaer had a corkscrew wiCi which to pull the corks from V.i - wheel. hat do you think of tJiut? Luckily a Jap fisherman chanced along and he obliged ww'h one of the antiques and tin eorks were ptilleil. Away sprang the boat, like a duck after her young, and would have dashesi beyond Khatada hut for the fact lhat a sandbar insisted upon getting in front of (lie boat and resisted all attempts'of Have'.? tu tret past II. Hut after a hurried rruise of 22 hours, t It.-'IVeckwu finally did the dUtan.-e of IT miles and the party arrived at the lake, lired but happy. Thev caught 1:0 fish, not one hull head, which was some hound mr to l DENVKft ,. . ,. ..$ll.9$ f V OMAHA 124.JS Si KANSAS CITY ... 119.5$ I 1 DBSUOINS3...., WM I I I ST, LOUIS, 131.60 I I I CHICAGO ... IJJ0 I . DETROIT 157.91 Mi CINCINNATI IS. 40 A J-t CLEVELAND. 160 AO L gfM TORONTO 166.05 V M ATLANTA 169.65 51 1 13 flTTSBURO 171.00 fil IB WASHINQTON... I91.S6 CM J lH PHILADELPHIA. 197.11 ill Va NI YORK 199.70 Si 5 BOSTON ...... 10J.76 If i M m 7W rIneffectto S)tnlctl5 rlturnlimil October 31092t3 THE EAST INVITES YOU and the Union Pacific makes your of i Jouraev economic.! by tow round-nip . AV Ut VtS SeBlVs '- aaiaa iiiiLTWI IVaKtll, EVIIIIsl in the East, Middle Weat and South. IIBEHAL STOPOVER PK1VILXOIS enable you to visit the big eaitern cities or America's greateat wonder lands Zleti National Park " YdlawsteMM Natlenal Park Racky Maun tain Natletaal Park , . , , , , ., 'all reached via the scenic and hletotlc 'continued from page live) t Union Pacific. DeLuxetrslns. SuDcrlor -oma. Jim ti TrsiisvWsnu July il Caplain Jack Kniitsen of Iho Tteso-! service. Descriptive booklet on request T...c.,,r.tTraiMT.r,""w jrlplain lloNvartljMske of tho! vvf aVWV H II M KI1H 1 1111 III IIII- .VIlllll .1.. Willi. Lllll J11IILKM " ' PACIFIC VACATION ROUTE ram iNrosMATioM and aiiiavi. Tiwra kjiu on on waits UNION STATION, SEATTLE, 1405 Fourth Ave. QUALITY OR PRICE Prlco alono moans nothing. Quality, service and price determine value. You select from' our large and well at. sorted stock tho article you like, not what someone else wants to sell you. You sco by comparison of brands and prices which article and price appoals to you. The prlco you will soon forget If the article you buy proves satisfactory. Every price Is plainly shown on each article. Marked to compete with the keenest competition In Canada. Chopping In our storo Is a real pleasure. Courteous, strident service, and value for your money at all times Is our motto. Come In and look around, and.donTt fall to visit our basement store. Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue Tho Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE ' Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 The Uproarious Comedy Knockout The Cohens and Kellys An adaptation of Annul Hoffman' great -luge HUri-e. "Two lllofk.4 Away." Ilidja ever hear it lury about an Irishman and n Jew? Weil, here one and il' e peat It, H' all nlmiit a iinlilltx..ivt'r a million dollar egm . It will keep you giggling fur a week. A remarkaldx inn iv rliiiructerizulion of two great neighbor and their roinn ai quarrel. IV n malrlile, priceless i-omedy, for when Hie langle lieromes liopele, you will find yiiurelf lirlpleo willi laugliler I ts a nire picture: cxeryhmly in tlie ru racing In ec who ran provide the nio-t laugh. All -' vr cost. . Charles Murray, Qeorgo Sidney, Jason Robards, Nat Carr, Vera Gordon, Kate Price, Olive Hasbrouck and many others. Comedyt "ARE HUSBANDS HUMAN?" and "THE MILKY WAY" PATHE REVIEW 50c and 25 SOFT FINISH All flat jiicccs washed, ironed ami neatly folded. Wearing apparel practically ready In wear, only re ipnres a little retouching with hand iron. Try This Service Minimum Chargo, $1.20. 7o per lb. plus 1o per piece. Your bundle relumed witlim three day. PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phone 118 Fishermen s Supplies FI3H LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL A,D RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBrlde 8t,