Dependable The greatest thing about a Ford it the way it keeps going,cven un Jer the worst conditions. The depend ability of Champion Spark Plug which have been standard Ford equip mcnt for 14 year it an Integral part of Ford de pen dabih'ty. Jerte for OA rKIHHM IT r da lata Each CHAMPI ON Dtpindablt or Eftry Enfinr A Canadianmade Product Windaor. Ontario BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, i scm 'liken ocr from in rgi Kerr by J. Preece sie w h s, aly and Doodson Fresh Meats rrlilng Twice Wookly from ths Oulkley Valley Phone 178 SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce " ad $6.50 lf toad 3.50 I'c ,ai K 60 Bum Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone SSO Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 576 DENTIST TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 519, Green 238, Black 735. Night. Phonea 6S7,. 639, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15o for Half I'int. Quality and Service Special loe Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 ! Impnivrnienta. lialed I lil a o WATERFRONT WHIFFS New boats will be built for halibut fleetsalmon fishing improves considerably fishermen's contest at Ketchikan Uetweeti imw mid tin- opening oT the .ll27 halibut tolling seaum it i expected thai several new schooner will be added lit (lie Caiiudiun flee I iinor.-iliiiir mil -.f II. ia 'ri.; ...:ii .... I, - ... .J,..-- jnjll, , HIT Will, IIU luuiiul. be one of the effecu if ! nffttiti f mi iniiiiii fill a- a Okni - - - - - .r- a aj . v. it urui I which is proving profitable and encujiniging lo. nil the boats engaged in fishing. Kven sotmt Amlfrican fishermen are said to lie talking of building boal here "Slid operating them under Canadian registry. One liK-al boatbuilder reported this week' that he had been Tpprnarhed liy no less than seven tiersoils who eontemnlnloH union urn nullum 1)01X1. 111) mi next rive year it it predicted that the present Canadian halibut fleet may be tripled in slue. Thin will mean a rrcat deal of-boatbuilding activity her ami inly see even srealcr work alone this line undertaken than In the past nine month during which time, aeinriRir to e.llmal- thai have been made, boatbuilding to a pair. Salmon Flatting Improves There has been a great im provemciit during Ihe isi weeki feel in salmon fihinu on the Skeenat pointed I at day nr June. II. Mr.n. Ah. tttft. IIIASIIt. Savnt. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS lilr canyon No t Mineral Claim, situ-aln in the Allin Mtnlnr lilrlalnn nr Caa-alar IiiMrtrt, Where Ualril: On Vul canle Crerk 'Vnlran creeJtj, aiUolninii and niilhur.t or tut Canyon Mo. t Ki lenstem Mineral :ialni (Ut II7III. TAkK NOTirr: thai I, Kllen Mollny, Free Miner- Cerliriral o, 707SV. Intend. Hly dav rniin the data liemr, tn applr In I lie Mlnlnr llernnler rur a Ortirirat nr iMipnivenienis, rr ths ur Mie nr iititalninit i t:ron Orant ot Hie alnive rlalni. Ami ruriher taks nrtlre that artinn. under sertlun 37, must tie rnmmrnred liernre the ttaue or aurti Crrlirkate ir Unprufruientt. , lialrd llila lit day nr lune. A n. tOtt. II. MC.N. IHiSKII. Aaent. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFtCATB "oF IMPROVEMENTS Hlr 'a n vi m Mineral Claim, annate In the Atlln Mliilna; Itlrlslnn r Caaalar Hla-irlrt. Where luraied- Near Crater Creek and ad lul ulna and nnrtheat nr the lilt r.a n vim titenaion Mineral Claim Lul "TAKE NOTICE that I. Jfihn Mollny, Free Mlner'a CertlfHUt No, 707. Ill; tvnd, amy dava fwin lh data liereur, in Ipply to t" Mlnlnr Kenwder ror Cert'.rii'ale or linpmveineLla, rnr Hie pur-tHiM nr nlilnlniiia- a Crown Oranl nf the ilxive claus. . And rurther take nntlr that artinn. muter serf Ion S7, must , lie runmienred lietore. ttie laaua ol. uU frrtUlrale of liiipriivi'iiienli. baled thlt tit day. of lune, AD. tt. n. ,ua. .Xrtnt. this week. On 'tha whole, the catch of spring ha been dlsnp pointing this season ahdjs away below7 n crape. , ; , Indication are, however, for a the coming winter may quite pos- ;m,(i run of and every operating rannerj' on the river is now running full blast. The fish-ermeu themselves will do well, as 52 !4e for Imlependent boats and Ilie fii iirtiiknv iuiuiu flit gnLii-. kihiiiiiui; in mrt ?! mi, vim waf are hfcdi prices done Inside a.w Hay. - I The pjriks mn r I just start- linir iflhfiw mill a ftt The neweie boat and packer, hHng eatigtit. It will be at least ui.iii BJ m. nnan lor J. i lew ,wc however, before the! won launched last Katnrday nighl ,,f t,r. variolic starts toi and early next week will brrm.any extent in the r'r. allhoiwh1 plee, and ready for eiwin in..troler are now ratchlng cohoe. Mallallon. Hie veel. which in in mi number outside. being named the "Northern Kx- rhane.- hn- already been ehar-l The fine new American yacht ith, I,, (be H. C. Parkers and' ro.v ).ut,jjiK i,. nr p.i nini, : will be operated out of that eom- l-any' new SkMeKate Inlet cannery durinic I be comirw season. - The forestry boat Hed Ce)ar In port rrom the Queen Char- of Taeoma, who has visited here before on lIs former yacht. Hose-1 mary II, tied up overnight on; Thursday at the floats or the1 I'rtne Hupert Jtowing A Yacht' Ctub. On a six weeks" cruise i.itie islands iorinx the past wiileh will lake them a rar north week for engine and electrieal re-1 as the volcanic Kodiak Island.1 I there were on board the Argosy a oartv or eleven, inrtudinir. liesble Mill the Oiver. or Kelpie fame.jjir. and Mrs. Itleh. Or. Charles has been bty Ibis weet piviic. taker. celebrcuNl American lec- Htn Taylor's palatial mwjtoat itejtorer. and two other. medical men annual cleaning and tainting. 'ami their ladies. The vessel le Friday morninjc for Ketchikan American sumner, oS.OOO NAVKUBIC WATERS CRQTCCTtOB ACT R.S.C. CHAPTCft IIS. Srmrfrllle. Canliery LAND ACT. Unit ted liereby toes null re mat it baa, nndrr .See. tkin 7 f toe said art. deposited with Ihe Mmi-ii-r ur l-uwir wotk at oiua. ana In Ihe ..rri -e ot the Mortrt HeriMrar of Ihe I .and Itrautry OUtnrt n( trim- rtu-ieri, at I'rtiK-e Rupert. U. C, a aVu-rlptloli vf ihe ule aiul tlw daji or a barr or pier pmpnutl o Iw built In FerniMin Hay, ila-Mll laleL Ouern Cbarlotle lUud. JJrl-Iii.ii UuluibbU. in Iwai ot bkMk A of lot tiTI, uuren charlotle laiaada. Ami take nwtira tbsl alter the rtpirathin r "lie month rrtsii Um date of the nrsl publiratlmr of Ibis iu.Ur s.suertilk Can-nrr KHiipauy Llinlled. wUI uuOer Serlion 7 or the said Art. apl'lT tu ttie Minltrr of publir VVmka at bin nrrtre In the my or Ottawa, tor approval ot tbe raid alt and plans aud tor leava to ronalrurt Ihe aaU wharf or pur. haled at I'rbire Imiiert. B. C. this 7th day ot July. tr. SOUKUVtl.l t CANNKItT COMPANY I.IMITHi. LAND ACT. Notice ot IntaatUM la Ap4 U Laaaa Lanu In Land Hernrdmr Dotrlrt nt Crine Ituprri. auil situate at head or Skaat lu-let, Marenby Byiatul. (juern Uiarbitta (Iroup. TAkK NOTICC that TU Canadian Flab-laa- Ciuiinaiir. I.lmlled. or Vanroutvr. on- i-tipation Salmon camwra, Intenda to artdy rnr a irae w iua ivuowuif wHTiiiru land omimenrlnr at poat punted at brad of Skaat Inlet, II rbalna uurib of uu-liained .Creek: thrnee et to rhalni thi'iir Miuth u tiiamat tbenr eat to i-liaina. lm-r or Was, tu abore IIDj luoncr m.riiierlv rollonlnf ahore line tu. r.o.C . and rnntalnlnc 4R aere. more ne leas,' TUB CANADIAN flSIIINO COMP.VNt. l.lMITt.l, A pp 1 1 rain. Per Wlllum Altred ttower Dated tlih Aprtt. tats Notlaa ot InianlUxt u Baaly U Laaaa Land In prince mipert l.auq rreoraint ota trlrt ot Cos.t Uanire I, aud altaale. Qit North Harhael t.Und. TAkK NoTICt; that Alfreit SwaonoH, ot I'rlnre niieri, orrupaiion Mariner, in trnda to apply ror a lra. nt tb rullow Inr dearrlbed landat Coninienrlim ai a til planted at the smith end or North lUi liarl llan1; thenre around tho Islaiitt at hlb ws'rr surk, and ronlalmnr 10 arrea, more or irae. AITMtn 8WANSO.N. . AppllCttJt Data! April 17, Hit. THB DAILY ITHW3 PAOM FIVl' Itiver. Ihe a vera tec Jumped Irem by two 50 h.p. v eslern-v rht. moo- Uclseiatid. ;o.000: Kureka. 8 sorkete lo the Ixiat to 5a ami, K nines and, acting as engineer ! ,o(M. nemrdniK lo htte reorls, the H'e trip. i V. II. Wrijrht, the (tnadran Spencer, 12,-run was till further improving. Wright in Ihe Western-Wright, ooi); It. W, l.tKM); Liringslone. The spring fishinit picked up to- The vessel performed splendidly 8,000; Marguerite, 1.4100; Point want Ihe eixl of last week, but is on this, her first lonn voyatie, and May, 710(1; Itoe pit, t&,00ii; rt'iMirieU to bae fallen off again "" lfP P Oie coast was made in Volunteer, fi,0)o; Mab, WATER M0TICC Uh h4 Btr Tlt XnTtifc out i. M Hatfrwr. Ikm u.ii.. i. ina. M i., itt for ll-VWr u. us. u0 um- In c t. w, and to mm aivBw earn k V8BaskrB ea mm pppv PLJBMuBV'HBMBir& m ew M il"DEMERS1 H; , , , ,- ' jM ''continuing the Great Complete Stock Sale IbIbIbH bIbIbIbC Jl Another big lot of I Ladies' Dresses I sB values to $25.00; sale price .K JB Large lot of 1 Blouses and Waists I values to $14.00; out they go at BBBBB BBBBBr pounds; Wizard, (iti. AiKrusta, tne visitors a scrape and bow tha 10,000; Senator. 3-','ioo; Valorous, would have put old iloau ntum-2.00(1: Wabash. 3.50: Itadio. 30.- niell liiiiiself to Ahanie. Ibe Argosy, which was built 000; Attu. 35,o0o; Venus, 38,000; ( . and launched just last winter, is Italy, 32.004): Lenvr. lii.OOO; 4?lier-' The Prince IluperLltoat'lIoufte long and elegantly ap-. man, t;,U00: Yellowstone, lt'.OUttt powerboat Myfanwy Uias been Ihe vessel Is projlled Fglc, 58,000; Katern Point, i,-jchartereU for the- season by the easy slases. the vessel havine left It inc leader. I0.O00; S. A Taeoma last Saturday, calling at Morris ., 7,'uh; jair of Jacks, Nanalmo and Alert Jtay cn route, i&.ooo; Urant, 8.000; Alii. 11.- Halibut Arrivals I ... a. I . m . ... I ..w ...1 (000; Knc Hoy. 9.000; E. Ltpsett, 1 i 15,000; ' Scrub, 11,004); Joe Maker, jui) ir. bici r.. watb nwiii Halibut arrivals lor the oast 12.000; Mutrneag. 10,000: Ite- J Aiuii i week. i i in -i .tr- (tiru 1 if i thr r.. i.f a I ll l-alMCtlt il tlM,l.r!E2 IT1.- "Iran boats liuide,! 511.500 nounds ma. 10.500; Dolyhin 12.000; N i"1 IWI I . in ! l.u Ihr Uk. tlw (lrr lll ttr ii- ri-4u ttw Dlcrara (I i t.mi ilmui . ihI U-l., Ih pridoMPd ilaui sUmiI i Inilr. ..f rkl low or 41b irf Jul) Mm- rrai unit. simI lll Ij ums tut iurr luf , HHblnit imtpu Ul Ih mwrt, lrcrllml 'a stlvrr-lraii Minn tad IOirinr ru '.I Mtuaral CUium. I'fci. n-itlrr Mlnl nn tlw niuot in tlw IftIA T r Jttnv. Itf. A -.'V .1 this tnilrr anl an apHathm (iitiMiam llicrrio arnt t.i tbe "Walrr Art, i vi i iii b niii in uh- vrrk-e r mh totalling 701.000 iKtundsUeille. l2.o: Helen, 1S.000; Ter- euto,f,1i!w'o ukr" ,,,,!,",r ln xol"e than rorjnan, 8,000; Caj-geon, 1,500; i"''rtoV several weeks previous. Ameri-Uvn, M.oftO: Margalice, 1,500; Sel- VValr' ltr"iwtlr at Atlia. "lotlii l"!Plas fish nml uveraainir 17c and " " 011,1 "vrraging ut ana th ani"u may t nit soli Hie hW.""' 'Water llerunl.-r r nitx thr nHtnlHr Of for all. 4 Walrr llirtils. 1-arlUiiM-nt Huilvllnt.., . , , ,. Ik ! i ntM itsrir drs rirrl Itoats landing tnelr catches (nr.t ..-irin.' .ir tun ih.Imt in a fciral .lurinv fhc week nti-M I IMMnwr lh fill iJ Iha flr.1 l"u"" tini .if ttii mitir I Jnir t. tits. idny mclusne were as follows: t. in. 1 1 .r ii, ppiirani MinrnaL ACT. ccirriricATC oe tnenovcMCNTf Hark Smith Mineral num. flinate In tne Allin Vlninr Mt isinn or Cannnr rtu-tin t Wnrrr kM-alrd; on Craier Creek, !a trltiularr f tourih nr July i:reek, adjiwmnr llx' aarrv oen Mineral Claim in il. Mititlierly side. . TAkE MiTK.l: Out I. Trier Oibrln. Free Miner' Orlirieale Ho. Jimlo, In t. lid. ainv day msit Umi due iMreor. ; In apply ti the Mminr llerorder tor a i erutli ile ir linpri(rnient, rr the pnr le r bbtalninc a CMn Orint ol t tie above rial in. Amt ruriher takit Botira that action, uniW wrllin 17, niuil be roimiieiin-d lire lb Uue or aura Crrtirlrate 4 and tnadians, 219.500 pounds. A 3,500 This brings the. total for the sea-son lo date to 13,332.100 pounds, V.552,200 pounds from American Saturday to Fri- The halibut boat Iris, formerly owned by A. ). Franks and now vessels and 3,780,200 pound the property of Wen, ieir, after from Canadian. Prices were at bavin? undergone a thorough 'a high level hiish as ! nil week, going as, overhaul for American first, Hon of a mi'l new , uiling . the Jnst 16 h.p. liufpri aaBaataaaaaaaaaaaaaT 9Ll talla- rpnse engine, left un Mnuday for the halibut Iwiik- with Jack Candow al the whei l and Jimmie MeLeod in change of the mechanical end. The former Ameran halibut schooner FiUr liasibeen con-verjeil to '"nadiln Hregfsljry and is now; beiag oiraJeIl,!bT Capt. tiJm niii.n muter il'nii- lifnew Morris II. name, His Winning Ways Doc Clapperlon. whose winning ways capture everyone with whom he conies in contact, is making a (bigger hit than cverHvllli the tour ists this year, hoc won the applause of the strangers from the south as the Princess Charlotte was docking last Monday morning throtaxh his antic In jugglm? the spring line as it was cast to him. The airile manner in which Doc dodved around must have maile the tourists ttilnR they were watching a He Cow trying to es cape a lasso at the Calgary Stam pede Doc furl Iter demonstrated his hlstrii nic powers by giving .. i - i ifetvou Itomiuion Fisheries for patrol work. Frank Warren, who is In charge of Ihe boat, came in witlT a capture on Tliursday afternoon. The power cruiser Mac and 4,500; 'Mac, carrying a party of Vancou-3,500; iter travelling me.i. was in port durins the week, returning south this week-end after making a trip up the Xass Itiver. The Pride of the West, another com mercial boat, is expected any! lime now from Vancouver. flood progress is being made by Mitchell & Currie on the construction of the new fish houe at the west end of the government wharf for the Ilaeon Fisheries and, wi- liiii two weeks' time, the. prem- es should be pretty well ready or occupation. Then work will jp startcrl on the biological sta- ion which will adjoin il. r The powerboat Leila R-. under he dual skippersbip of Capt. swauson and Alex Saint, went to Slewart and Anyox Wednesday uighl having as passengers 1. Philip, deputy minister of public works, and 4i. C. Mackay, district engineer. The vessel is expected back today. Fishermen's Contest 'American halibut rishermen. well known locally, participated in the gear setting and lifting contest in connection with the In dependence Day celebration at .vctchikan last Monday. The winters of the contest, which' was onp ot the most interesting and unique ever staged in the north, were Charles lilomquist and:hd- aard'Swanson. of the schooner llesolutc. 'Four dories, two front i he Xeptune, one from the Jteso- lute'aiid'thfl fourth from" the Anno 1 look part. ' -"X. After nil were ready, Ihe signal was given aud the men who manned the dories commenced selling their gear, taking a course for Pennock Island. As soon as a dory compleled sellliy iU gear, II red back to the starting point, uiiiiediiitely off Ihe waterfront. tiJtxkluicirfd kiickliKri tur Urn Then the fun slurletl. K. Wug-ilen and V. Uugile.n, of the Anna J,, were the first tl get their gear set and lo ctmunenee haul-' inn; It in. IVig fish had taken, the halt on each hook and the fishermen bad In break them loose from the book. While in mid-channel, the gear used,, by the Itugdens parted, at a. time when they had a big lead on the other fishermen. Gamely, the Dugdens Loggers! Loggers! We have the bnly complett. slock, of f' h Gilchrist Jacks and p;trts in the North. We handle Logging Cable, Axes, I'eavies, Saws, and general Camp Equipment. It will pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue ANGER, the Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop m Prince Hupert as low as $50.00 I. ANGER Cutter 223 Sixth Street Prince Rupert. B. C. WICHMANN OIL ENGINES Wa Supply. WICHMANN In Sliaa troaa 7 to 20 M.P. To aaaura aarlf dallfsri orasr icur VMCMMANN now. Distributor-, fur B. C. ': ENGINEERING CORPORATION LTD. Marine :DnrUi"'n: -Hit 0 TtLUFSE.V 0RANVU.LC ISLAND VANCOUVER. B. 0. raced back to Pennock. Island and! picked up the other end of their, gear1 and continued the race. Al though they finished rourlh Uiey Were not so far behind the others and won much applause from the thousands who lined the docks, because of their gameness in trying to overcome so bkg a handicap. Alex Wnhom and Anton Hagc of the Neptune wer second and Henry Slarheim and Hasmus Abe-stad were third. Many Ketchikan people, to whom the contest was a novelty, followed the conlestants in small tioats. When Ihe gear became snarled or the fisherman had dif ficulty' In Belting rislfoff their hooks .they would frequently arlve eit to their, feelings. One pa'tr uHttlinH'mefc wtip-ikan jvjsi ex pe'i4elijtl,tfi)e parfiffllarly tough luck, became quite vociferous and tlien tnokinir nbnnt discovered a boat in which many women werej witnessing the contesi. Apologizing for their language otto of the fishermen said, "II Is our life And our language. This is no place for. women. Take them away." The contest was in reality a part of the daily lives of the men. (continued on page six) This Parke-Davis Soap does three things: GERMICIDAL SOAP, rnada kr Paike. Dona & Co, deanaaa th akin, killa diaeaae fertna, and doatroya tKa odor of perapirattoa. A putt, nauttal aoap corobinod wid. Mdido ol BKicury. That' what it la. TKo aoop deanaea. Tlo iodido of metcury kills tkoao lorma that caaao Uood-poUoiung, diiaoaa. and tho dot "of peraplraiJoav J. -L ' j Uaad fori ,t-4'-2. M ath DsaJnaff BJafwaraa HeaUao WiMaV Betr Oiera BuWa hab SUoEnptbMO BWaJ9aVf''C tTf Pries 25 caxtta a cako. ORMES, LTD.