PAGRTWC Tkfi DAILY NRW9 Areal whole wheat cracker TRISCUIT made the same as Shredded Wheat Biscuit Pressed into a wafer. Crisp, Delicious The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per monlh $1.00 By mail to all parts of (he British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $?.( Transient Display Advertising. ... $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient .Advertising on Front Page . $2.S0 per inch Local Readers, per insertion ......25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 1 5c per agate line Contract Rajes on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Cow Bay Question And The Aldermen. 98 86 Sal unlay. January .10, 1 020. AlUernian Stephens is such a capable official and doe so much guuu work lor the city, that it is with diffidence we take issue with him in connection with this Cow Bay question. However, it. seems necessary to deal briefly with bis .letter of yesterday. It is admitted that the Cow Bay question ha been before the city for the past fourteen years and it is likely to lie anolbei fourteen if the matter is dealt with in Ihe terms of the firs! resolution offered by Mr. Stephens at the last council meeting. If Prince Rupert is not interested in carrying on negotiation there is no reason why any other place should wili to worry over it. ' ' v .'" i . - , - . Tbe- frsliernien.havefjbeeiuasking for-4mpnrved facilities. It isthe duty of the Dominion government to provide this, biil lite land ran only be secured by coming lo terms with the provincial government. The terms of the provincial .government are Ihe settlement of Ihe riparian rights in Cow Bay so Hint the railway and industrial sites question may be settled. So it moves in circles and there it is likely lo move unless the city enmes off its high horse and takes a little interest in Ihe matter. The fishermen are the Mifferers from the neglect. Nobody else worries. Question Of Reporting Long Drawn Out Meetings. " Mr. Stephens accuse the Daily News of failing to report Ihe meeting or the council correctly. The difficulty was that the discussion qontinued ifi: an informal way for well over an hopr and the report had to be boiled down lo a column -and a hair. ... ; It is not Ihe custom of Ihe local newspapers to emphasizo anything that will lend to injure Ihe city, hence the reference lo local fiuance.s was left out. Asjhe proposal of the mayor for Ibe city to build the waterfront improvements was not considered serimlsly by anyone except himself apparently. It wa not necessary in the argument. .Mr. Stephens might have continued to recount things that were said Tor another column or two and still at Ibe end of each paragraph have added, "Did von report that?" We did not. It n lot or Ihe things said at council meetings were reported the alermen and the mavor would often appear very foolish. The reporter neres-arily has to ue a great. deal of discretion. 'e are with Alderman Stephens in all well-considered efforts lo improve the city. Ve have backed him often and he Must learn to lake a lilt lo criticism as well t tlllTIA to back him again a great nianyiJImetf during Ijie coming year for he is the most forceful factor in the counoil and has a greal" opportunity to do userul work. Proposal To Let Work By Contract. Some criticiMii has beenjevelled at the provincial govern-meht in connection with the construction of the road tn Calloway Rnptds. Already the province,' has spent more on their part of be road than the city ha on theirs, and the rol of completing it is likely to be heavy. The result is that the government has been .recommended to let the. work by contract. II is claimed that belter results could be. secured in lhal wnv. The heaviest part of the rock work and filling is now completed and the rest or the construction is much belter. As soon as tbe money can be appropriated, it is understood Ihe work will recommence in the spring, but whether !N before or bv conlracl is not vet known. The best possible results, people here are asking, and whichever pl.-tii will give that., is the one the government should ROCHESTER IS NEWCHAIRMAN School Board Had Us First Meeting of Year Yesterday Afternoon 11. H. Ilochester was elected chairman "f Hie school board for new hoard which wti held yw lerday alteruoou in the oily council chamber. WHEN the Christmas decorations are down that's the time to restore the beauty of your walls with lovely Alabastine tints. Easily and Inexpensively applied. Insist on genuine Alabastine the only satisfactory interior wall finish. The AlabMtlne Co. Pri, Limited, Paris, Ontario to CHURCH'S be in by Monday evening. The playshed at Borden Street In The Letter Box i .Mr. HueiPi-ter' nomination I was moved by Trustee S. D. Johnstone who referred to the ability that had ben deiuouslrat-cd by Mr. Hocliester a a Iriisluc last year particularly in connection with the repairing of tin; Booth School for which he had hoi been piven full credit. The nomination was seconded by Trustee W. O. Full on who moved that the selection bo unanimous. The question was put by Secretary J. L. r.hrislie and carried with applause, Mr. llnchesler thereupon Inking the chair. Mr. Hoe hauler expressed ap preciation for ttie honor that had been conferred upon and stated that he hoped the efforts of the hoanl tltirisg the year would b profitable ami JmrmeQiou. Il urn! ihe members to'speak their minds freely at nil tUnt but do briefly, avoiding haranguinc and useless discussions. Mr. Hochesler also welcomed the two new members of the board O, A. Bryant and Thomas MrMekiu. Mr. Bryant ai tithe work would h new lo hint but be intended lo do bis best. Tlie trustees decided to pay a visit of inspection to all the schools on Tuesday morning ireparalory i drafting the esti mates at the first meeting on Tuesday. The board decided to call for tenders for a carload of'coal for the Borden Street School, hids to school was briefly mentioned and will be further pone into when the board visits that school. There is a question as lo what sdyle of roof will be put on. regular pitch roof is provided for in the (dans but, so as not to ob struct tne view or houses on Bortlen Street, it has been sup posted that there be a flat slop-inc roof instead. PROTECTIONIST PROPAGANDA Anyox, B.'.., Jan. 2H-J fililor. Daily New. I enclose an answer to the pro-lectkmi&l propaganda "the lan-adian tariff should be raised to the level of that of the United Slates," which was lhe cause o' slampeclinp the hallol-winhler into the ranks of the protectionists, and which will be made use of a pa hi unless bc farce is exposed. It is nlioul time that protection under preent conditions, which is the greatest swindle ol the ape, should he exposed. A little study will show that a tariff whether applied to imported tea, wheat, shoes or anything else i a tax anil a tax alone, and protective in character and that there is no such a tuinp a a protective, tariff. That free trade flourishes under a hipb lax on import (tariff . as vviliie the case of automobile, with a :J5 tier cent ad valorem duly and nothing lo hinder the entrance of foreign made cars, when the users pay the full tax which tficy do in siirh 'eases. Protection of the market is possible only by undorsollinp the imported articles, which It not heinp done, and which leaven the tariff as an enforced subsidy only. D. J. KULL1VAX. 'The article will be published nest week. Kd. Alabastine LIBERALS ARE ALL CONFIDENT Expressions of Opinion Given by Several Members at Meeting Last Night Al he annual meeting of the Prince JlBpcrl Liberal Assoom- 12C al the mil ml myelins of UipJii,,,, hubl in the Metropnle Mat! last ntphL there wa a general note of 4jlunism over the su -ecs oflllui par'v in ttiejnisl and the pro pe4 u i In future. The new preMdwi:. W. J. Urenr, spoke of Ihe hftud'Hine majority I lie hud piwvi ,41m' Minns member, teed Hpial I h" past election and ttlflpcnuhited the member mi their cfiud work ill a JStasi which liiey al! had al heart, ihe iriiuiiph of deinocriil ic government. L. NV. Patniiire. ne of the new viee-presideuls and a past president ot ,'ie association, hhiiI thn iiinioo wa how prevalent tint' then would lie no elect ion for some time to coin. H thouptit the Progressive intended ki upporl the I literals mid help I hem tu carry on for awhile at auyrak. While he deplored Ifyri mail, majoriiy with a smalt proup enl.ndliiift, another eler- linn tiiisrhlviiinke n ehimpe and he di ml think ite Premie vvaabl bf utitieil tu askinp t imotl!lecion iusl w. Tim voire ot 1th people had been Snard dfui they had demandeii CHILDREN'S BALL PRETTY AFFAIR One Hundred Boys and Qtrls Attended Event In I.O.D.E. Hall Last Evening Some 1(10 boy and girls attended Ihe annual children's ball of (Jtieen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order Dauphter of the I'.iitnire, which was held last e.-niug in Ihe hall on Fifth Avenue. J'rom 7 until 12 o'clock the youngster? enjoyed dancing to ti eslrain of music furnished by Mrs. 11. P. Ponder and It. Ar thur Jr. Willi many daintily Jdiesed tilth; girls on the floor, ,a very pretty scene was presenl-ied. Feature, of the evening were two solo'dances Ihe Sword Dance by little -Miss Elizabeth McLeod .and tbe Nodding Tulip Dance by Mis Hilda Wilson Murray. At 10 o'clock, dainty refreshment were served t the deliphl of nil. The committee In rharpe of the event consisted or Mrs, nob-eri Dinner convener . Mrs 8. Darton Mrs W. U. Wilson Mur- ray. Mr. MALKINS BEST isthefitvorite blend of thousands IIi'ums iiml Mr. J. mui pfcwrnroenL lie lhm.piilj(! SW,M A r It would ton a pood Ihinp if they ,Hr 1(f ..n,,, Hn(1 yv. H eoubl eaf on for a year or lvv .iU ,,M, Mm.ri!V ,,,, ,.,.. tMWj, lbn, when (hssimtion to.m., ,,.,. pr(,,j(j,.d ai the door. !huA, at felt confident they; , . . . would h returned noe more. iinril Plinr Hilt mi irrc Country Making Progress ! LULHL iSHUL IMrtH lUAM Mr. Patinore made re'erem e to! Ihe fart thai under the Mackenrb'j King administration the count ri . I.... .....I. was niHKinp prnre. .n nil lrl"" verse trade Imluure. had been Uahour Bros turned into a favorable IihIiiuco.I 'earn lhal In Mr. Mciphcn had nice remarked I course of study in the Ameri-I i ' 1 1 . r f. i . i : rt,. i I that Ihe country wouhl . . not SPECIAL STUDY OF FEET; jf, rn nrniHil 01 -l ill l lH-UH- unlil the balance wa i'""-"- '' eoure is .no in Canada' favor I. t tie niflfli tr ! b" to rt' w,,h - ienlific of :nn nnn ono mnr it i-ni "fiau d the Sum .1. ill. Mir. nl I. til will he triad !' ha just completed! Chi that hft elitutnatiou oil iunisl luie trouble can be trarad I nearly tlMi I now and h prophce-i f,K" "d I" trouble throtipul led that under the present ad-l,", apMiirauon or Hp.nanee in-iniiiilraie thai figure w,,ldivente, h Dr. Win. M. Seholl, Ihe toon he rmlie.1. The peopbt'" known authority on Hie feet. throughout the country would! Al rdmp l. Mr. Jabour. man feel the po.d elTwrt jf it. j people have pone along for year The speaker said he thouphf "'"Vrinp untold ditiv with the cry of higher tariff wn only :, fallen nrrhe. wnk ankle,, catch cry for jiurpo-e of elec-' eraiii!J !, eorn. enlloues lion, because llanard recordeiil"1"' 1onhn. rtc. nol knuwinp a speech of Mr. Merpben- only . :'elief was n vmry iiiiile matter, far haik a III:' I in vvhch he anjj W 'bat he i iirepured to Canada can never have a hfRbr1' ans"' who ha foot tariff policy." The reason 'given ; lrnble that thin i n. By elirn-were that the country wn oj'lm,m,: trouble, he tiversified. While the east want-,a," dertare, neat, stylish hoei ed hipb tariff the west would uolirn" w,, w,l I'e' ochii- stand fur it. Free and Untrammelled Mr. Meiphen olo said at that time lhal Canada heinp a pro- ilucinp country, should be free lo irade. mil niiiiinelled by hipb tarilTs. Mr. Meighen had nor really cbanpod hi mind but jus! chanued hi tune. I. J. Sleen poke of the need fort. Throtiph thi special training Mr, .labour ha ibmnnrel I ha iliriMdly to foot trouble. In the I majority of ce of w here shoes j hnvik down and wintr nut sooner than they houbl, it is not Ihe fault of the Ahoe, hut to vvenk and broken down arelie. weak of keepinp tbe orania! ion conl.",,kl"4 '"' abnormal foot pad and Hie member ,iotcit1,'f,d'''in. When Ihe fool trou-.... political nubj.t-1.' ' iM ,s w"cc.ied throuph the use Dake Thoiioii tlw'tlgbt the al- '" l"" r ' P- lowii.L- of Pmniier Kittc lo L- I'llanee, hoes will pive much elected by acelainatinn .liealrrP"l,p a'tactory service that iarliaiiieiil would nol po to Ihe country just now, lie apreed it wa? ; w ise lo( ke'n juried on political i fairs. Oilier speakers were Jack Lindsay. J. Johnstone, Jack Judpe and Paddy Sullivan. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrs. Lee and boy, Stewart; O. C. l-'oole, . Prince Charle; A. I'ik, Prinee (ieorpe; W. I.ninj, Victoria. J. L. Christie reliirnod to Ihe city yesterday after a busmen I rip iilonp I tie line of the Canadian National Iluilvvuy as far Fast as liiseome. Her Face Was Covered With Large, Red Pimples Mim Grrta CarlMe, 23 Leimard Bt., Brantford, Out., write: "A iiliort while ro my face wai completely covered with large red pimple, aiid it i-nii;d that it wan aliuont iniMiMilil for me to get rid of them, m nothini; I took ni'i-nird to (lo me any pikmI. One day I noticed an adrcrtiscmcot ef and I will never rt-pret the dar I ' iKiupht it, as, now, wy face ii ntlrfllT cleared up of blotchea and pimiilci of every kind." For the ioat 47 yrari fi.D.B. haa bneo piit up only by The T. Uilbura Ou., LbulUO, Ttiruuto, Out I. ' t . 'fir . tfe , 4s 'Pr.. r' ' VI-, fio. UW, 't. "e, Ml . - - a... a. f . n " ".i'7 ? r-.r BONDS We Oh. r Guaranteed hirst Mortgage 10-Year Bonds Of The International Electric Co. Paying 10 per cent per annum Tlii Com pan v i snpphmg Light and Power and Ditricl i well ni. Mi.ig. it .uid .-1 f i. t-il . YOUR INVESTMENT IN THIS IS AMPLY PROTECTBl tlonipiii'c this" inlerrl on mir numev wiMi ib;J ymi arc getting now Are you getting 10 per cent on your invested money? If not, here is your opportunity Write, or rail and see ii of tin bond, which enure- ot once for Ibe Safety with Profit H. W. M. ROLSTON & CO. General Broker Stewart, B.C. II. Wf M. Ilnlslou, of HoNlon nud Knie 1 of .Slewnrl. IU1, will be al the Prinee lluperl II the weok commencing February ?. 1 and Auox. WE SELL ONLY ONE COAL The Best! NANAIMO-WELLINGTON (Deep Seam) bn good wherever used. Our double screened tuial e; nial .!"e heat nud Is most economical. Our Nniinimo-W ellington Nul Coal i the be t K I"" Ilnuge fuel obtamnMe. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phonet 110 and 117 ICANADIAIvT Vcinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert ftf KETCHIKAN. WKANGEtl, JUNEAU. SXACWAY .Dm-Ut 28, J-'f 9 f VANCOUVER, TinOHIA W SEATIU bctWr IS, Ut 5.3. PltlNCUS IUTMCE f auUdaU, lwniaN Bav, Km! Bdla Ball, Ooaan ralto, Bemu, Campbtll atvtr, and Vanoountr aitry taturday 11 .m. rnc for all tMmihlp Llnai. uir in far mat Ion Irsn" IrV. O. ORCHARD Oanaral Agtnt. Oarnar ef 4th Btraal and Ird Avanua, Print HuBtrt, .0 I