V Hi PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Rutin The Sign of Competency That certificate you see In the Optometrist's office is a sign of competency. The Province lias Riven it as evidence that the owner has passed a rigid examination, showing his ability In care for your most precious possession eyesight. The owner oT that certificate is known as a "registered Optometrist." We are registered Optometrists. John Bulger Lid. Jewellers .1.- . .,. A few SILK Sweaters at remarkably cheap prices for a few days only. Mrs. W.I. Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Ilox - - 989 I'hone (ireen 389 TWICE WEEKLY He have arriving FRESH KILLED HEEF, VF.AL and 1'OIIK. We also carry a full line of Fresh, Smoked, and .Salted Fish. Sealy 8 Doodson The Home of Bulkley Valley Produce. Ilranch from Smitfiers. Sixth Street. Phone 455. Wood! Wood! Now is your ehanee Dry Cedar Full load . . ... $6.50 Half Load . . .. $3.50 Large saika . . . 50o HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night op Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, oal, Band and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Bovine. Fur Coatsf& Jacquettes An Exquisite Block of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. BRINGING UP I NUW CoOmt an'cjt the. VTORX HE. TOl O 1926 r Int l Fcanmc CrMl briui rif ku BURNS CELEBRATION HELD AT TERRACE! Banquet and Dance Given by St. Andrew's Society at Interior j Centre TERRACE, Jan. an. The ban-! pipt and dance held in O.W.V.A. ll.ilHn commemoration of the .'oi'lhday of Scotland's immortal ,niel. Robert Hums, was one of I tie most successful affairs of its kind in the history of Terrace. bout HO persons partook of I lie sumptuous banquet arranged for by Hip SI. Andrew's commit-! iep convened tty .Mrs. McDonald, .nucu rruu is uue ine rnmmii- lee for the exceptionally wclll. iiuiiiiM-u -jiieiiu wmcn was mor- ousiii) cnicn m us unest ue-,priMW, !,,,,., ximrwlay to mak tail. Thomas Young recited lhc!,,n vleried vi.i address to the Haggis. - t W. Anderson, president of. the1 SI. Andrew's Society, proposed , ... ,.,m . u.r nu.g. .His was tdlowed iy an address "The Im- mortal MenionV by J. Hepburn, Two Scotch songs were then en-1 joyed. "There was a Ia'l was born in Kyle," by T. Younc. and "Ttie Star of llobbie liurns" by J. Swann. 'l'he toast t0 i'.unada was given by F. T. Kenney un,J resjioBded lo by J. Morse Hat!. Honnie Scotland was toasted in a very eloquent manner by li'U'l 'I'Ul'urr'l.i' ,Tcsionse, Jas. Ilirhniond. Oeo. K. Keith tfien sang "The Wives of SI. Ives," which was much enjoyed. This was followed by a toast hi Kindred Societies by L. II. Kenney and responded to by J. K. Frost. The tables were then cleared ind a three pire' orchestra dis pensed music for dancinig. The dance were interspersed with Scotch soncs. dances and recitations and it was late when the a! tiering broke up. PREMIER MINES CLUB ELECTION Officers For Year Chosen; Mem bership of Organization Numbers Two Hundred 1'KH.MIKK, Jan. :i. The an nual meeting of the Premier .Mine Community Club was held in I lie Community Hall last Monday evening and Hie following officers wen- elected for JJie: 5 ear: f if,-".. W. J. Asselstine, president. Dr. J. A. CarMin, firr vicetaprpsl-! dent. S. F. Mardonnld, second vice-president. S. II. Alton, secret arj'-l reas-urer. A. 0. (Viggan, chairman sports committee. Sam Hell, chairman library commiltee. I. L. Coulter, e.hairman cnler-tainmenl cominitlee. Oordon Smith, chairman hall committee. 'I'he new gymnasium has now been completed and indoor bas ketball is being plajeri for the first lime in the history of the 'amp. The club has a membership of over two hundred and it is proposed (o inslall a moving picture machine in the hall in the near future. SMITHERS C. L. Dininck, local provincial district engineer returned to i own Thursday morning from Victoria, where he has been at lending a convention of It. n. Hnnd Superintendents and en- gineers, .1. L. Davidson of Houston came lo town on Tuesday to re ceive medical attention for n eu? on his hand that gave promise of turning lo blood-poison, but FATHER PoUNO YOU N 1 rlHQ THE f AH! t'rCLAO i TCI-1 rt. - O tKC,CE. Sewvicaj Inc I ALWAYS , , A FAVOURITE a CHASE k SAN BORN MONTREAL wliioh was soon put right. Mrs. II. Welch entertained a number of iadie at tea on We.l- nesday Mffdrnoan. .e.l Tujlor for several years pi.ienl of Smil tiers left for ' vlrs. s. II II,., km t,sis. o ., ,,.,. ,lf ,a(,J(.H ,,,,, ,M ,,,. ,, Tu(),ay !lwle,.mM)n. , : rnitcurn nir Tnrr it LTyUjuLU DI ItxLL Al TERRACE AND NOW IN IIAZELTON HOSPITAL TKimACE, Jan. .in. on Wednesday morning while helping J. Sjoslrand to clear land on his ranch across the river Chris Larsen had the misfortune to meet with a ery painful accident while felling a tree, which sprang hack, cnishimsr him badly. Fortunately !r. Large was in town at Hie time and rendered first aid. lie was taken to the llazell on Hospital on Wednesday night hut so far no word has oecn received as to the extent nf his injuries. TERRACE NOTES r Peter McDonald and W. Pan-son relumed on. Wednesday nighl from Vancouver where they have spent Hie last few weeks on a combined business and holiday trip. C. McKinnon, Indian school teacher al Vanardol was a Terrace visHor on Wednesday. Oeo. Keep. Sniithers, spent ev era! days in town tliis week on n trip of inspection to the local schools. " v. 'MwiwqrB JIwioXr " jirrlvwl n I Own on WVdnesday 'inoriilnsr from llesltKr, Saly, .;lo. spend a snort nniiiiay at Hie tiome or his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ItriKiks, Park Ave. W. Crtiikflhanfc of I he fi.X.Il eJly ticket ntTiee leaves on this evening's train for a holiday trip which wilt lake in such cities a New York, Washington. Tnronlo and Montreal and back by way of Vancouver. Advertise in the Daily News. Keep the Skin Clear By the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment Dr. Chase's Ointment Is so delightfully soothing and healing and so certainly effective in keeping the skin ott, smooth and clear that it only has to be tried to tie appreciated. Vou msy know of its value as a relief from eczema, salt rheum and other serious skin diseases. Dut have you realized that as a means of clearing and beautifying the skin it has no equal and no rival. Pimples, blackheads, roughness and redness of the skin. Irritations and eruptions yiejd readily when this soothing, healing ointment is applied fre-ouently. Men use Dr. Chase's Ointment after shsving to relieve the irritation of the tender skin. In scores of ways it is useful in every home and soon becomes a household nwixuity. THE 7KN tO I KIN . MUCH COLDER IN THE YUKON HepoMs received this morning .v Douiiiiioii 4iovernmcnl Tele :raphs Iron) the Yukon shows li.il the average temperature for ihe territory this morning whs 'ero and that at i;ivun there was a norlli wind bkiwing with Hie thermometer -landing at 9 degree- below. The coldest place was Nahlm where SO below was regis! pred. Along Ihe lint of (be CN.lt. snow has been falling. tlipee iitehes l.emg report 1 at Hums Lake andean inch at Smitaers. Kollowing is Ihe report: Terrace: Cloudy, calm; temp. 3C. Anyox: Cloudy, calm, letup. Ss. Stewart: oudy, calm, teuip. .10. Hazellun: Cloudy, calm, temp 28. Tcl(graph Cxfk: Cloudy, calm temp. 18. Smilhers: One inch ww snow; cloudy, ralm, temp. Hums Lake: Three inches nw snow, eloiwly, calm, temp. 2. Natilin: "IVnp. Jti Mow zero. White llorsv: lUoudy, calm; len.p.'H. Dawson: North wind, temp. below. WAR VETERANS JFORFEIT GAMES The J real War Veterans will forfeit Hie ii-ee panics in the seroittl division billiard league UMjrnameiit of Thursday nigh against the Orotio it is anuoiiiic ed by J. F. llutchinon, preidei. of Ihe league. This will leave Ihe result of the tournament 7U lo 295 in favor of Ihe (irotlo and Ihe league standing as fotfnws. fiames Pis. Aver. p. H. n. p. an :o.t Cold Slorage, 5 3371 C76 (irotlo fi 072 o. w. v. a r. 3tK3 rKt p. it. Fih ci. .. r 2mo:. sol LADIES' WHIST flahies in the I-adirs' Section of ihe Frnlernal Wlii-I League last night resulted as follows: Moom ' Lddiiff, A; Pythian Slsl ters.l. ' ; , i- iMuglderji of F.nglatd 5; irange i.aines. . j The le'i'iilto islinniling lo 'dale: W. L. Pt Orange Ladies ... 5 3 Pythian Sisters ... I 4 Moose Ladies .... 4 U. of I: 3 5 .1 RIFLE RANGES . The following scores wer? made at Ihe miniature faiwe Inst night; It. Davidson 9fi It. WHson , 92 M...M. Lamb 92 , Jl. Floyd 91 a, V. Wilkinson 90 F. Itussell H8 . Davis 87 Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert January 30, 1916. Prince Iluperl carried, n(T Ihe honors In 1he third game of the hockey scries with Hanellon yes- lerday afternoon, the score being a lo J, Jf conditions are favor able, typ prlnre Iluperl f cam will go fii Jlaellon next week for a el urn series. !' fi. Dawson is just back from a business trip lo Alaska. Ho re ports 1 hill there is H below zero weather at June.au and that, rr I TOUO HER THKT ! ! For Wanted Sale DAILY For Ret t By George McM I eA,NQueT I rs. r 1 NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. r 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c tVAKTKB WANTED. One reliable man in every town, merchants preferred, to lake orders for best custom-made clothes in Canada. Highest commissions, flex Tailoring Co., Ltd-Toronto. WA.VTKD. Plain drenxmakin and swing; mwodHhn. re imiring. knitliny. elr. Phone Oreen "Ol. OIIIL WANTKD. Apply Ir- lander. MONEY WANTED. I8.ono.mi wanted on fieri mort gage, interest H per rent. For further parlicularit. caU at Walker' Music Store. M FOR SALE SNAP. Foe. nale, Sal Cove Pool Hoomi and building, ineludinc fntir potil Um. cigar stand, fixture, four rooms in rear besides a cabin, pply to Mri-. llayakawa. wner. at prtmiius. 1110 HAHUAIN. Three view litis SMlioo five, on Taylor 8lree'. recently pated; average site 33 by lH). First here gets all three lots for 5M.00 cash Westenhaver Hros. if FOfl SALK. New "and ueil machinery. Imiu:. and ermines, piston rings and piowllcrs Northern Kxchaiige. ;i KeMin.d Avenue. Phone 2 1. -f FOH SALK. ias launch "Nancy" (n first elase condition: site 28' foot by 8. II ray engine 10-tS. 1. llorie, Plome 381. FOH SALK. Forty horse power stationary steam engine, nearlv new. Apply P.O. Ilox Jill, Prince Iluperl, ll.C. ti OOOD PIANO for Kale. flfx. cash. Applr 416 Oreen Klrnei Phone lllack .'tOfi. fft TO RENT IIOOMS Ut HKNT- team haul ed, hot and cold water. tf! Second Avenue, half block In-low Toleoi Pole. Phone J67. FOfl IlIvNT. Medern four rwonu 1 flat wftli Monarch range. Clapp lWk. Weslenhaver Hnts. tf FOR IIF.NT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs ami sew Ing machines. Walker' Music Store. tl FOH HEN T.- Tailor-shop; Iwo busipcAs rooms txlow, Jwj living rooms above. Westen haver Hros. u FOR IlILVP. Two room furnish- ed apartments by Ihe day, week. or mown. Phone lied r07. tf FOH ItENT. Furnished house. newly decorated. .1. W. Mr- Kinley. if FOH HUNT. -Furnished soil Mussallem Apartments. Phon1 'If HOOM for rent in private home. t'lione urcen 4S0. 25 MODERN FLA'' for Ilcnt.Applv Max llellhroner ( FOUND FOUND, Pair men's brown lined tjloves. Apply Dally TVews of fire. if while ho was there, there was n Oil mile gale. The Harlendets Fninn of Ihn city gave a imn time ball a' which Hie sum of :'V0r wa realized for the Red Cross Fund, BUT J CAISOOCT J DRY WOOD. i j Rplil lo any length In : bloeka, per load $6.00. . SALT IIKIlMVn. A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove. Phone I Hark il CARS FOR SALE. I 1922 Oldsmoliile L i pas ti per touring . IBOfl OO I 1020 Nash 0 passenger louring 4 tHJO.O 1 1921 OverlaHd Setlan . $70(1.00 I 1910 Ilea sevn pssseiKter louring S700.00 I I9SS Font Coupe, balloon Urea ear like new f MO.po I 1922 Furd Tudor sedan. II15JHI I I92S Ford Coupe fS&O.Ml I 1921 Ford one tun truck, panel body 376.Ufl I Font light deltvery ehassis. rebulll l7a.OO Ail ears guaranlred in srocd riMsnhanieal condition. Ilav erms ean be arranKtsl. KAIEN GARAGE . t Ford and Chevrolet Service Station. Agent for McLaughlin Oakland. Oldsmobile and Chevrolet ears. Ren. (i.M.C. and Federal Trucks. WRKCKINO SKHVICK HAY AND MOHT. FURNITURE AND RANGES KUHNITUIti: and Ilanges bought. old and exchanged. New furniture and ranges exchanged for your old ones. Ibvlro.uo living room imI dining room furniture always in slock. A: ways watch my window. v changed daily. A. Mackenxie. BOAT BUILDING I O all now wishing In st .r building a Ik. a I ; miHlels and plans furnished; moulds got out and set up. and everylhinir straightened out: ail necessary advice and assistance given. Service exceptionally reasonable. AiMreaa Hox 2H. Imily ' News'uffiee. is BOARD HOARD The Inlander. 830 feond Avnue t,nns ii TAXI Phone C7 Taxi (Call Oeorge, Paul or (lusl) Six- and seven-passenger Slude bakers at yur disposal an.vlini for 50c Service ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Empress Hotel FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furniture Store. We liny. Sell arid Ex change New and Secondhand foods. GEO. PAPADOPULOS "T Third Ave "tene rte OAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. i o Mot oq PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. 303 Third Avenue ole agents for Columbia Records We repair I'honographs. Illcycles. Huggie, Racquels and Musical In. strurncnls of all kinds. if . i AUCTlOxm PMO.MIM wii Jii-' .. alt ... liol.l -ion i-yard livei.v the c dailx lion. ' Ph.. WESTHOLf I vti Ser 1 Ir, I n.:. Steam II Honin ' ROTHWELL'S TRitl Coal - VVta; Furnlts Ural Ha-. rl 9UMtf.LH!', Sit. It- TRAPPCM t M Kli l - w p' re-Hit funr bt f llie W. COLDC.COI Tl., H MAIL SCM out:ih 'r IS 11 V-Man4r. i. I V"tt- Tii MtSf V'jrtat tniraif SslimU it r..r.ii . t. Ts Aei, Alk rr- t'-: - WsaexiM. T Snrsi, Port S r Points Ttmrsda) Ts AI..U eclnl- it. II. f To Qn CMrlo I- - - ' isa. . rt rrm ts cit Mamlsys. W- sl . . frsm Vneuir Sa4ri We4nvit TliaNSlsi Jsn. s. ft from Anfi, Allct AriR r." TtMMliri . IYM) . ( rrom Anjti, Port i'-nt Riitf PeiMt- Simrtl) Frsm Aloki Point- Jn A. in STEAMSHIP EOVffl f or VineouMP TiieiKla Krtrtsy t. i Ssitintir M 1 rrini - - Jan. t ' from V '--SniKtiy Vedli-(l5 ' Thursday - RatiirriBi' . . I For Port Slmpton and "Ml 1 TllllfIH tf j, From Port Slmpton snS Hlnrd)f- i; ' For Alaiko Jsn .11 Prill- Jill, ts . I'i From Alili V JIL 14- Pl'W Jan. tt . en" Vl " , For Sttwirt, Anoi Sunday cu'' From SI owart, Anoi Tueaday Frldayt at li in. r. For Anroi Ttiorndays r From Aniroi Sitordayi- -ii, batata