ilk 'JO -cmia rujL dr. imnnmon" 15flsty gocod and Delicious Qhocohic Qae t BAKER'S Cocoa Chocolate Delightful foods and beverages of high i quality, pure and healthful. J I I ADLIMlED 1710 DORCHESTER, MAfcS. CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL Booklet of Clioicc Recipes sent free. ICC JLjCddUIld; DIES. Learn to make thevlatest vet in home decorations Crystaiine 2n A&Q. We will show you how absolutely without charge i i i7 i i i MfclnfmmJJrt pongoleum ! Specials t REMEMBER F.u" It Ongolcnm ""K suld ,'"''-.III' luild Sim I " gu.ii iiiiltt 4tt i-lat i n or your nuMiey .0 "x: iv !.'!l $ 7.90 Uxlu'ii 513.75 9.70 IMS 15.75 11.70 xi:. (l 17.55 it xir. $10.60 ARRIE'S Home Furnishings OlU' uur tMI l;til fv- III I u htgiiuv rnuiiv I unBi 423 539 UGBOATS Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phone 687 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 The Savage Washer and Dryer Al (lie Inst yuHtOi- Kxtnlirtiou ropdut-ed lis sun-e-s (if Mm1 previous i'f, by ngnm winning Hi"' lidd Medal wi,h ,is" tlnrlioii over nil oilier makers of Aincri-hiii mill Lianmliiui Washers. Cash pi'lee $185.00 Also miUI cm easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. Cameron's Dance Urchoslra. l'hone 177. If Lart-'e mi IV for .sale.. chenn .uu jioiwMoiinr. . : i: Gurries Taxi and Mosscncer l'hone SCO night or day. IT Whil add Drulpc dance by Municipal CfraOter I.ll.D.K. Hull. on 'J'ufnday, "FJruary 2, al 8.1.' Admission 50c. New shipment of Ladies' Shoes in (he famous English "Cable " tnuke. with DrUPrd Sole. M - Arthur's Hhte Store. tr I'atil Alva.nlT, who is spending I several days in the eily on buai-! ness, will return urVnnewuvcr oni I lie Cardena Tuesday night next. Circulars, notices, balance sheets, lists, etc. mimeographed. I'rumpl service. Call Minn Johnstone, 2iV Second Avenue West. I'lmne 887. tf Miss Fannie Xolile. after hav inif sneiil u holiday with her family al lrl I'.lnfrlnn, w'us e passenger niif throuirh to Vancouver on I lif Catala this I'. A. Hole from the l'rineen! Mary in aeling a-; purser aboard the Prince llea'riee Ihis trip i;. puiee of Art ti ir tirave who lus uiue li'iiitorarily to the l'rin-Ena. Mr. and Mi. Jobu K. Davey ii;nj fainiiy. wim have been -i'iidmK a holiday in Vancouver ami Ytclnrlu. reiumwl lo the city tin the Pritll-e Jlealrioe this iiiiiruiufi. Ki i ten Kal iytuuaiuiii Chure.i openitiv Huiiday nislu at 7.30. liraud cniirerl .Monday cvcniuK at H iiYluck. 'iyinuasiuui teinnu TtK'Hday and Wednesday even-intts at 7.3U. Mr. and Mr. M. A. Myron of flaxelUiit, who nave Ih'cii ieiid- mit llifir honeymoon in the cily, (! hride liaviiw forniHly iM'n .Miii Iiick M. Smith, will ri'lurit lo the iiilermr uli Mioidny ni(hl. I.oyal of Mooho are tioNnrig a eoiitltlimcntary dinner ,Uil Miioker on Monday, Keliruary I. lor Mocmc infiibers and invited auenln. All CUel will please lring liicir inviluliou eardx. Mies liraee Crale, who w-ni lo Nortb Portal. Norlli DAota. ho- ampanyinir the remains of her mother, the late Mm. Ueorjt.' i.rate. returned iinuie on the I'lnu'es lleatrire Ibis inoriiinj;. Mr. Charlea Kdwards also returned. I..P.H. steamer Prineetm Beatrice, Capt. T. Clsffe, arrived from tin outb at 3 o'clock I li i niorn-iiili and xailed at noon on her return to Vancouver and wayport. The vefc! utilor.ded liquor al lh C.X.H. wharf and 100 lore o1 cemcnl at the Albert & MuQaf- fery dock. Arehdeucoii G. A, Hix leaves oi this eveiitnu's train for Porl K- in:lon on parochial dutic.v Ne.! week he will visit lltuelton and oilier interior points and iiortly t hereafter will proceed lo I'.ii!iM'n Canada on liusine in eouiieclion with Hie rtii-iii).- of uioiiev for Uie diocesan fund. W. K. W alker, iiianiuter of Ar-ramlnle cannery, vn u pason-n-v jM.injj -outli ulioard the ChIhIii tlii morniiiK ufter liavii.a 1 t hie past week at the plant iinukituj.' ready for I lie approach ing canniiiK eaon. Mr. W'nl- ke. will be hark north in about i two mould' time to remain fu' the Miinnier. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' i'.N 11 Fmpl.ive seeond a'iniial-lnill in Aiulitoi'iuiu Friday. Fen-1 'mi rv r.' Children's Colds At trtaltd tatiMllr. CkMk Ihtffl oyrnlKht wtthout "do.lni" br (ybblni Vich vr throat and chol at badiima. VapoRub MR. JOLIGQEUR TELLS HISEXPERIENOE Strongly Recommends'Tniil-a-liyes" For Kidney Trouble MR. JOUCOCUR For years. Sir. Jolicoeur suffered with kidney trouble, headaches, backache, and the heavy, miserable feeling which usually accompanies any weaknctsu or irritation in the kidneys. He tried "Fruit-a-tives" and, in teJIins the result, his letter says, "After havinjr followed the "I'mit-a-livea" treatment, I havo pained thirty -three pounds and I have ln-en well cter since. I am pleased lo recommend Truit-a-tive" to all those who auffer from Kidney I)i-Beate. J M. Jolicoeur, 318 2nd Ave, Quebec. Truit-a-live la one of the wonder discoveries of modern medicine. Made from fresh, ripe oranges, apples, figs and prunes, it acta directly on the kidneys aa well as oa the liver, bowels and skin. It can be depended upon to relieve kidney trouble and pa'm in the back. Sold everywhere, 25c and 50c a box. Mimeographing circulars, etc. Mi Johnstone. Phouc 387. tf Two car's at your service dheddon Taxi. Pliaue 134. tf Scandinavian dance tonlfiht In Metropole Hatl from 8 to 12. Llndseth'a orchestra. Albeit Furrow, ataamiioal in spector, returned to Vaucouvcr on the Uuiulu this luurumg. Mi s. Joe Bent sailed Hi inoriuiiK by the CataJa lor Van-nouvi'i' on a spring buying trip. !liu.lla V Jjil drie swid drtiii-t Mehupide Hall, l'ii!u;yy K, ill 8.. 'III. (ttMllleiUeil 7f)C Indies Rlii-.' HcfrcabmeiitH. Open for nut)ine! Arlliur' Cinai islire, ttixlb btretH. Uood Taxi Service. Arthurs Dance On-he.-itra. Lal't music. Phone 78. 25 a. A. McNicholl, C.X.Ifc jje-nera' pucinr aire i it, and J. M. Horn. i.eneial freight agent, left Van couver thin week for Montreal to aUend a cmnpany eunfmenee i. A. Dryaut will leave the city next Friday for Cedar Hapids. Iowa, where he will viit with hi-paretilM. He also expects Lo visit Chirajru and will be away ubont Ka month. J. W. King, CN R. port steward, alter eomiim north from Vanrouver to outfit the steamer I'rinei: Cliartes for crvi, sailed on his return south aboard Uia' vessel lb,is afternoon. The court of revision on Hie municipal asenienl roll will open it seions on .Monday inornina, February k, m the rily council I'hanilier. The court will consj ui' Mayor Newton. Aid Jos. (ireer. Aid. (i. 11. CaVey. Aid. Mcur Larseu niid Aid. W. J. Oreer. Launch Paebeua, havinK on board Acliliu Inspector William tSpiller, Chief Const able ' A. Mc-i Neill and other prov inciul officers, who went lo Luckeporl and, Logan Inlet to iiivcliga.te -re ports of disorders there, is dm back at Ibe Prince Uupcrt Hoal IJUe this afi. :-noin. TWO HOCKEY GAMES PLAYED YESTERDAY Saskatoon Coat Edmonton and ' Calgary Tied With Victoria VIC.I'UlllA, Jan. 3d. two hnrkev jrnme in the WcjUeru l.enuue wero' played last uinht. one here and the other tit The game here tujtuinst tilbury ended in, a tie, euch leant' net ling two gou'- t lalmonton ' the visiting Saskatoon,1 t lour coals, while Hie home ' in ili.l iu'1 seoi'u. ' Church Notices Rupert East Gymnasium-Church Hev. Kvan I laker. pastor Opening erii:e (Sunday ntht a" 7.0. Speaker, Hev. (icoryo O Hacker. Topic: "Heal Life as Jews aw it." boloixl. Mrs. J. J McMillan, ami A. Clapperton. (irand concert -on Monday eveu-uiK at 8 o'clock. Tuesday even-a' 7. JO. (iyinuasium opening foi men and hoys only. Wednesday 'ven inn ul 7.30, (iymiiasium opeiiiiiK for women and K'rls only. Come and - help the new community work. United Church ' The Cliureh oT Beryiee, Hev. (I. (i. Hacker, pator. Mis Isubcl Haddock, deauones. Huiulay services nl 1 1 .a.m. I'reaohe-, Hev. livan Baker, huiulay .Seliool a i.30. Kveiiiug sen'ice al 7.30. Preaclicr. I. H. I.incy. Senium Uipic: "Victorious FaifTiV Baptist Church Morning Ki-rvice at II o'clock. Subject: "The Primacy of the Atonement." A particularly in-!erelinr wnlijtx't (o he Ibouhl- ful person of today, Sumlay; School at 1 2.15, Hveninc; worship at 7 .0. (Subject: "The Mental condition of the Man who did it." A Mcarcliin? niensase. keenly alive to the newls of the iiiomeut. Special .sinsriiur by the choir. A real wehjome for all. Presbyterian Church "Mornine: ervice at 11 o'clock.' Hulijert : "Only an as." Sunday, School and Bible ela at I '-'.30. Fveiiiiifj service at 7.3d. Subject: "Aaved Soul but a lOst Life, ' Preacuer, Hev. Cuas. J. Cameron Hii.D. Christian Sc'ence Society Service every Sunday inornin at II o'clock, al -15 Second Ave. Subject on Sumlay, "Love." Weekuiirlil meeting ou Wednes day eveninjt at 8 o'clock. Testi mony. Lutheran Church St. Paul's Kiu.'lih Lutheran Church, Mrtnpole Hall. Third Avenue. Hev. P. K. Bailer. H.D.. imator. lb ere will be no morn- iiu erviee on Sunday. Sunday KCUOOl at 12.15. lAenlll ervice at Aulliem by the choir. Salvation Army Slaff Caplain W. Carrutber will have charge of the services un Sunday. Col. Umtre Pliillii and native Lnvoy will also luke part. Tbe.-e iiieelins al II a.m. and 7.30 p.m. will be full of in-teio! and will hlex you. Saturday at 8.1a p.m. Praise, public meetiupn Monday and Thursday. Bible elas every WedncMlay a' 8 p.m. Sunday School ul -.30. Send I he citildreu. You w ill feel al home in the Army. Make ui effort lo come. ALABAMA MINERS LOSE LIVES IN EXPLOSION i Twenty-six Escaped Out of 53 Who Were In the Mine at Time HIHMLMUIAM, Ala., Jan. 30. Tvenly-eveu miner, eleven or whom were white and sixteen negroes were killed in an explosion ut a mine here owned by the Premier Coal Company Fifty-three men were in the mine at the time. 2ii escaping uuliurl. His Heavenly Reward ion's Herald "Hut." protested the new ur-; rival, us St. Peter handed him a' golden trumpet. "1 can't play, this instrument: I never prao-i lined while on earth." I "Of course you diduT,". chuckled the old saint. "Thai's" why you nre here.' ' I NOTICE. Having taken over Ibe business known us Ihc (ieneral News, o:i Sixth Street, all persons having nccounls uvrninsl the said hus;-ness will please render same L me not later than Feb. 10. IP-C. ItiiHKUT VIlTillR. Subscribe lo He Daily News. CtTicnt thraut houtthntir kn th el lh uw, thus nuiking binding inthkrf imDOMibU. Crtcnt Grind ."CrtiMat Cnaai" IINONDS CANADA SAW CO. UHVtlh Uact laatk Inn CiL fla.22 AMLE BDKGA0W Another Fox Trot Hit on Victor Record No. 19860 Double-sided ttmat Price 75c. Flayed by Roger Wolfe Kahn and his . Hotel Biltmore Orchestra Hear also Nos. 19840 and 19859 at any "His Master's Voice'' Dealer Victor Talking Machine Co. of Canada, Limited DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lti Prince Rupert, B.C. prench Ivory 20 per cent reduction on All Ivory Goods for One Week Only HOWARD PENS regular :s.:0 ami S4.:0. Ou sale this week ut $2.25 and $2.75 Ormes Limited The Hexull Store I'ioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 Store open 8 a.m. la 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 to 2. and 7 to 9 p.m. Loggers! Loggers! "SSSBMSSSSSSBiWSaSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSfBSJSai ssssssssssssssssssisssss.WBSaaaaBaBBBa We have Hie only complete stock of Gilchrist Jacks and purls in the North. We handle Logging Uulile, AxS, , Peuvies, Saws, and general Gamp Kipiipnient. 11 will pay yoii'to ee us when ouh'itliiig. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue