PAGE SIX LADIES' HAND-BAGS Suit Cases and Club-bags High grade Leather Hoods ;il big reductions for one week only. Sec our window display. A MODERN OPTICAL DEPARTMENT This department affords a very superior service at modern prices. Kree consultation. MAX HEILBRONER 527-529 Third Avenue For Sale Auditorium Rink and Hall The leading hull of the cily, situated on lots U and 10, block 19, sent ion 5. lluilding I 00 feel, by 100; 1(5 fool celling; 7 foot balcony all around building: newly plastered; No. .1 maple flour. Dining room and equipment and seating capacity for 100 persons. Pialio and Wurlilzer military band organ, style 125; 200 paV Richardson ballbearing skales. Thoroughly equipped throughout for both dancing and skating. Willi theatre equipment can he used as such. Also for sale, lots 8 anil 9. block 15, section C. Clear titles to property. For further information, apply to L, J. Wlarren, P.O. Box 146, Prince Rupert, B.C. WAMPOLE'S tasteless preparation of - EXTRACT"' COD LIVER The sqasonable Ionic $1.00 per bottle Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. GOSSARD Corsets Brassieres Corsettes Come in and let us fit you Wit It one of lliuse. Kxpert corset iere in H.S.Wallace Co. Ld. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S75 DENTIST LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lsaa Lantf In Queen charlotte Islanu l.atul lie tnrdinif Him Id or I'rlii'-e Itupcrl. ati I tlnatc two and uno-lialf miles cl l Ahronl Bay, skldcitate Inlci. TAkK NOTICK that B.n. Klhlnir 4 I'ark. Hilt Company. Limited, or Vancouver, B.C., occupation Salmon Canncrs, Intend I. apply rr a lease or Hie following le irrllied lands; Coiimietirinir at a pot planted at llir west end of Small May one hundred ya-d-cast or inoutti or unnamed stream; llup1 -ml li rive chains: thence east sltlt-ei. -hams: tlience nrih to i-hurr line; tlienc. rnlliiw me shore II no In point or com iiirnrrinenf, and romalnlnir seven an I three-quarter nrrw. mine .t B.C. FISHING k PACkl.Vn CO. LTH Applicant. Per M. M Enallsh LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Land. Lull In in Prince Rupert Land llcrord ni District and situate on an unnamed Mei In the Eastern entrance to udon Bay Passaire near Oundas Island. Blue Print rt.M. II. TAKE .NOTICE Hint fieorar- Cordon Bnsh-by or Prince Muperl. B.C.. Manufacturer. Intend to apply for t lease or the following described lands:-- Cntniiienrins; at a'noM situate on a partly siibmera-cd reef or rock rarilatlnz from same In practically a circle, havlni i radius or about 1,500 feet and con-'alnlny gOO acres, more or less. OEOBOE COBDO.N B USURY Title nrrh th Ql SPECIAL All Wool Flannel Shirts from $1.95 each ACME Importers Third Avenue Week End Specials Potatoes, Netted lieins. pe:-sack $3.75 Onions, 8 Jbs. Tor .... 25c Turnips, lo lbs. Tor . . 25c Old Dutch Cleanser, D tins for $1.00 Iloyal Crown Soap ,0 bar pkgo.. 5 for $1.20 Iloyal Crown Washing Powder, per pkge 25c Fels-Naplha Soap, per pkip. of 10 bars 80c Cold in Soap. rep. t for '-Tic. special 0 for 25c 25 rakes for $1.00 While Swan Soap, 21 cakes for $1.00 Lux, 9 pkges. for .... $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 Bargain Sale Lango sue Ladies' Dresses 0. 12, i. less man cost. "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 MANY ATTEND BURNS NIGHT Interesting and Enjoyablo Program put on In Presbyterian Church About three htindreil persons were present at the Prcslryleriau I'.iniicli last night to fully enjoy a concert of Scottish character. with sni'ciiil reference In ltiilii't't ' Hums, which was held in aiil of the church funds, the sum or about $00 being realized. The feature of the evening was the eloquent address hy llev. lie. Charles .1. Cameron on I he life of Hums. Contributing to Hie program were also Principal J. C. Brady, who recited "ColU-r's Saturday .'ilit,'' Mrs. F. P. Kenny, piano soloist, and Mrs. J. I'. .McMillan. Mrs. I). I. Me'l'avisii ol Victoria, Mrs. C. K. Cullin, Mrs William Millar. Mrs. 11. A. liar-low, Mrs. II. C. Frascr, .Mrs. Jar-vis Mel. end and A. (Jiapperlon, vocal soloists. Mrs. Harlow and Mrs. Feasor were accompanists. Mrs. .1. II. Mcl.eotl was in charge of the arrangements for the program and Thomas McCly-mont aeteil as chairman. GREER HEAD OF LIBERAL ASSN. Officers Elected at Annual General Meeting Last Night In Metropole Hall At the annual incctinp of the Prince llupert Liberal Association in Melropole Hull asl niplit. Alderman V. J. lirrer was chosen president for the coining year, lie was elertletl by acelainalion. having lieen first vice-president i I GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE SOTICE IS IIF.IIKBY GIVEN thai. on the iIU day or t'ebruarjr nest, tin- imilr -limed Intend tn ailv In ll' Liquor cult 1 tnil Board nr coiienl lo transfer nf He t t irenie Number :t So. anil i--ihmI hi i-Imvi nr prcmi-e twins iirl ur a Imlltl ma- known a Tlx- llnyal Unti l, -Iltiate al the ronn-r r 'th Street ami :trl Avrnm . In the city nf rrliff llutri. n.i... niti tin' Unit- ilrrilM-l a Inla rlurn (It and twcWf tlliKk thirty-tn i . Map niiu luiii'ilml and twrtity lhrr i . I'rln-i' UiiHTt IjimI ln-rllralloii IHtrli'l, in (In- Itpuiut of Krltluli i i.liimbla. rnnii !ati'K I'li'toln. to Janif Zapflli. ir ITIiiib . i i I -i I . iilmitlila. Hip Irannrrri'tv luti'it al ITlii.p luiiH-rl. Il. in ur January. Itifn. JAMF.S ZUtKI.I.I. pl'liinnl anil Trniuffrw, LAND ACT. Notlct of Inttntlon to Apply to Pirchil Land. In Ijnd Itpriirillna; IHMrlrt or lrlnJ ItiilM-rt, and sllualf! on Iti Smith shore r Camaln tvp. I'ltl Island, I'rovlnre of lirttlMi Celiitiilila TAKE ,OTIt:E that William Jw'h jprrrwin r rrmrc impwi, n.i:.. owuiia- lion Otinery-maii. tnttads to apply for rM rinilMii to purrlia-e the follnvliir d-ri-lticrt Ijilidil: CMiiiiiipiirinr at a pt puiumi nn iih ciirMi ilinri iwar the head ( r.aptaln I'nvr. I'llt ItanKP I. ',iiit lltrlrt. Pnivlnrr ur llrlllrh Columbia; thmire timtti lrnty rtialnn; tlH-me writ Iwrnty i ialn; tlM-itf north twenty rlialn. more ir Ipo. to hlsrli wali-r mark; tlwnre ra-t-crly a Inn i lilrli watir mark In ilnt ol -oiniiinimiirtil. and eontalnln? forty acres, ni"r or leu. WILLIAM JOSEPH JEtTEIISo. Applicant Per VV. J. Ttmtnas, Aant. LAND ACT Notlct or Inttntlon to Apply to Laas Land In the Oiirrn Charlotte Islands nistrlrt. Land nerordltif DIMrlrt of Prlnrp llnpirt. and sltust on th- rorMlKire or Yestallon Uav. Uiwll Inlfl. TAKE JtOTICE that Euarne II. Slmiwotl. or Maftl, orriipatloii rannrry manaa-rr. InK-nds to apply ror a leae or ttw rottow tnir rirrlbiri lainls: r.oniinenrliir at a pout planted on thr Mali water mark about 90 rhalns next from the nurthrat rorner of Lot 1510 theni-p north snn fwi to low water mark; llienre iiurihwwlertv too feet more or Ileus; Ihenre m ion feel to the north went corner or r:. it. Simpson s appnca lion to leaie: thence noiitheasterly fol lowlrur the Mali water mark to thn polr.t ir riiinmenceioeiit, and contalnins; Iwo acres, more or le. EUGEE II. SIMPSON. Applicant. ' Per Fred. Nash. Asmi. re .rwnh. Itl. .01 LAND ACT. Notlct of Intantlon to Apply to Laas Land. In Prince Huperi Mnd Herordina- IMS Irict of Prince Unpen, and rltuatn at Shannon Ihy, Ouccn Charlotte Island', TAKE NOTICE that Oosse-yillerd, Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., Intends lo apply for a lease or the following- described i latwl: I Commencing- at a post planted about 15 chains, more or less, went fnun north- ' e-n-t corner or Lot tMH (T.I.. SP): thence north 155 feet; thence south Idsricir. west don reet, more or' lej Ihciiri, south 4110 feet In the tilth water I mark. In a norlh-ealerly direction too ! reel, more or Icm, to the point or rom- I inenceinent, and containing: sli (A) acre. more ur less. I OOSSE-MILLKriD, LIMITED Per Wrn. O. LAND ACT. Applicant. Mitchell. rem Notice of Intantlon to Appy to Laas Land THR nAtliY NEWS last year. I'Ui- lull list ol new ni fleers filiiiys: Hun. i'lesiileiilr, - (tight V. L. .Mackenzie Kitnt and tuts stun jolm Olnei . Hon. lion. Hun. Vice-ifjrvsnlenls Hon. T. I . I'alliilhi, tlnn. A. M. Mattson, 'red Slnrk ami I-'. . Dawson. l,riileil-AV. J. lireer. lsl Viee-iiriLidenl J. J.imNa 2nd. Vice-iflpsnleiil I.. NV I'alinore. Treasurer I'olnnel Mc.Mordie. Seeietary- l. Jolinslone. llxecutive 1. Thonisim, l)r V. T. Keririii. II. V. Olassy, J. MeNnlly, Jack .ludpe, J. Hhhavn. J. Hra.lhtiry. II. 1". fsclf. and l. Kennedy. There wa a coirlesl for I he position nf second vice-president' and iilso for memhfrs of the executive, tlte scrutineers belnff V. F. flafiienm, ,. Jack Juig nml .Malcnliii Mcl.eod. After the elect ion a vole of thanks In J. McNulty who for many years Inn! nclrit a treas urer. ami lnt year was presl ilent. was parsed. The charge a?ainsl Henry of a statutory offence, will he proceeded wit It in the ciJ.v police emu! nexl Thursday. Waterfront Whiffs iconlinueij Troui patfO five) being- completed. Henry Selig' Aiiii-i ican liuliliul Mdiimiici- Oual is now on Hie McLean ways fin general overhaul and the Cana dian schooner Aiken, (Inpl. An drew llansetij was lakcih. Ui lo day. Sieve Sheen'i Kaslern Point and the Volunteer hit hooked to he taken up al I ho .Mcl.eau plant Activity .at Metlakatla There is vonsiderahle activity in l he hoal buihliiiK Hue at Met lakalla this .winter. Peter Hal dane is huildinsr a new 10 fmd xeiner, larjtcr than Ills old Victor II.. ami In siinidv I lie inollvft power for the craft h order. IlnruTl mrl alluiilA f.n Hi inulh ilmce (.fi.l 10 ll.l). VI Vlall ' ll I'll W NMlV CD Shannon Hay, Massetl Inlet, Queen Char-Li,.,. nl.r I.elilllOII is als TtLP ITin- thai I lltrr ll,,lln.,.n I .. . ; 1 . 1 1 ,. V. -Mild lill:il - ............... ...... f imiififiM .... ill:. fj4" H rrfiai ur hii.kii it iipriinaf PI ifin . j. -'v . a - ... I... - ... . I ... .... .iti-I.Ei.l. 1,. htf ftiittln I CftlnlriAiif ln l Soillliwest collier (urer. Intend to apply for a lease of tin' rollnwliiir di-Kcrlbed lands: a post sllusted at Ihe of Lot U8 (T.I. (IStl'.i ; thence east 10 chains: thence north to rhalns. more or less, to hlrh water mark; thencej southwest It chains, more or less, follow In Ihe hlrh water mark to point ur commencement, and containing- f acres, more or less. 1 II. R. FrtO'JT. Maett. B.C. Dsud October II, lii. me. It is ii -i: fiMii iioai ami liii- a lo Ii.ji. r'nliic iwn clm-ler enwiiie. The erafi, winch i mow al I'emler llarlxir. will eotne inrtlt nil lite next trip nf Ilie tin ion fffirhler Ciilkol amlwil' he inoiireil at lite Prince Itnperl Unwind V Yuclil Chili vvllieli Mr. Mien liit- .joined. Mr. Allen i 'o laki- tti ic-ileiice Willi iiiA "ainily in Hie I'linle inm-ie mi I'lflh Avemie wcl. ill w'hich coiTfiMuplales inslalliiiK a :() li I-'. V. Allen, who arrived in Hip cllv recenllv Jo Join Ihe staff of Upset I & i -uiiliiiifflo'iii, i hrin itiu Ins cnliin cruiser (iOlifcr from die -uuth in the near W CRAB Parcels 35c Guaranteed Values From 80o to $1.00 - In Each Parcel for 3So On liitplay m our Window. Our ')('. Sale was such u suc- oo" inai we arc coniinuiiig lor mother week, ailtluiR a number additional exceptional values for 65o 3 h. t'iis liars, fiesh slock . . C5c (iranulaled Sturar, 8 lb. for. . Clin at'Kc Dry Prunes, California, S lbs C5c 13 rolls Toilet Paper 05c j tins jiciuz i'oik ami Means ojo 10 lb. Navy White lleaus .. 05c Ih. I M y Oreen Peas C5e 2 dozen Fresh Pullell V.iiif.. 05c 8 llrunswiek Sitrdlnes . . .. fill's 1 (in OraiiKe Marmalade .. f5c I tins Singapore Plneapide. .'05c l-25c pkvM. ilolleil Oats ... 05c ''.III fiimliu Itiniev Ci.'ie ........ . ... . 2 hollies llcitir. Calsup 05c lb. Table Fifes or l.nn worlh for C5e :i Ih. Swifl's or lhirnn' I.ard 05fi I doen Jelly Powder, assl. 05o 5 this Campbell's 'romalnn Soup 05c large litis 'lonuilncs 05c K bars Palinolive Soap .. ,. 05c 5 tins S'liap or Klcenup Snap 05 13 bars While Swan Soap .. 05c 3 pktfs. Princes 'lakes .... 05o 2 bars Klondyke Snap .. .. 05c Our Phone 15 add our delivery service are at your command: use then). Plenly of Presl! Whlppiiiis: ('ream now. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 Saturday, January o ijj Don't Neglect Your Feet Normal Fool Hal Foot Something New Dr. Scholl's Pcdo-graph A photograph of your foot! A wonderful invention by Dr.Wm. M. Scholl, the noted foot author ity. In a moment without removing hosiery wc can make an exact impression of your feet, so clear and simple that you can see for yourself their true condition. It' a pleasure for us to remfer you thl exceptional service absolutely free. Our Foot Comfort Expert will explain to you why you have loot trouble and the best method of quickly and pcrmarv cntly eliminating 1c Come in without fail and test out this new Fedo-srsph sen-ice. i Do You Know? THAT nr feel are the miil ueil anil ah ietl p .r or our unaloniy? THAT our fee.1 nro eiiinpO'Ctl nf ..' lionet lu-hl hv liga nienls al Mieir various iirtictilalious, ami a lireakilowit ol any of your four iirclies i eausetl lay tlepla- emeu of one or iiiuie of llio o'.' Iioites? -THAT rorus, eujlouses ami enlaiKetl oiiil- .ne uo tlicases, hut tmlj symploui of an oinlerlytiir? rao-c principally, improper luie filling? Ileniove Him ., ami )ou reiiuiM Hie pain. THAT your feel nro con-lrticleil for the pmpoe j taking the weight tif (lie hoily, rairj it ami doing !o coiufoiiiilily. If llit'if are pains. iliM-omlorl- ail fatigue, Iho ffiol i not normal himI retjuiri". a mho tific applieulimi of pruclt'pedie Irt'HlnieiiL Do your feet tire? Do the soles of your feet burn? Have you weak ankles? If so, then yours Is a weak foot and requires scientific attention. Sotmol Foot Don't Guess Know the true nrr dition of yca. With Dr? &1S rcUo-craph ws t. instantly m3l',ab. lutclyfrceof chan;. without remcvtni your hose, a photo Graphic print that shows the exact, dition of ycur feet It Is alio a w-r i e... , - t in uuinz sr. .ri in i' LLw fort able If v BaiiS form c( foci t as, weak of br ik -i ; arc Iks flat fi , t . callouses, ba- r ful heels, wc s t .i , etc be sure I Foot Comfi rt ) - V,. ok Too, ,Uctn how T you suffer and how to get c..k tj luting rcllrf. Don't wait. Come in todiy t: ' , your feet redo-craphed. This Stm- is absolutely free. I have the pleasure of announcing to the public that I have Just completed a coure of study In the American Schoc of Practipedlcs, Chicago; ami have acquired u scientific kU'iwIcilKe of the llninuii Fool, ionl Willi the aid ni (.. ..i. lainetl by the n-e of the pedograph. I ain enabled lo diagnose any fool ailnteiiU. ,lo In relieve the limi ' of Ur. Scholl's Mientilii' appliances ol which yon will find a complete -tuck al tin-, -tore. YOURS FOR SCIENTIFIC SHOE- FITTING Sam Jabour of Jabour Bros., Ltd. WESTHOLME THEATRE1 Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 "The Lost World A -in'ilacular. pii.iIhm.iI p Coiiuii ltn le'. lupeiiiliin- ir. Iwji modem lover trapped with ' ion i ' A rein ilk ..: a liatiil ol - Vl- taml never trodden before li) man and forred t. Iheir lives ngnin-t lerrtfving itioii-li rv MnrveU lo jour t'jcu. You will gnp with .i-loiiihtneiil . tier. A Utile group of men mid one woman Irappi lo-l wWhl, where upe men roam, where fifleeti ebyhanU ami living reptile the sixe ..i plane, moii-ters of len million ago, still live. See Ihe captured ninii-ler taken lo London break ils shacklen and raises havoc in Hie sln-e1 rrashing Ihroiigh Hie Tower llndge. 'I'he world -piclure. Wulcli and lislen! "A cry of agony, a dread: ami Ihe brule crashed nvvay. A prehisluric inoii-1-power Hi crush mill kill, cowed by it lover's ilartng fire of civilization. Many specimens of llje family aro seen such a- the broiiloxiuru-. alio-.' raiiuo-aurns, tliplodoctis, Iriceralops. ngathaiiino-aiirits. plerodaclyl or flying dragon anil others. llriliianl rasl: Lewis S. Stone. Llovd Hoohes. Bessie Love. Wallace Beerv. Charles Welleslev. Bull Montani. Arthur Hovt. Alma Bennett. Vlrnlnla Drawn Fnlro. Mar garet McWade, and ollicrs. Admission 50c and 25c "aBBBfBjjPaallaBBBaflB LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED lo building iiel door to l-'riwell Htilcher Hhop. aero" from the Kin press Hotel We enrry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES 80CIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor