ft PAGE TWC Four HO mm All packed in Black, Green and Mixed. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PUI.LEN, Manaffing Edjtor. Transient Display Advertising $ 1.40 per inch perfinsertioii Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion... 25c per line vuameu nuverusinp, per insertion.. 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion .15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Si i Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAJLT EDITIO" Saturday, Ausr. 2H, liiJO. Learning Trickery of Politicians. The peoio.iS arguments proented by J. (I Brady, (Vjier-yat.ve candKlale, at the public meeting in the auditorium last night indicate (hat he. is rapidly throwing off the mantle-or the school Jeaeher and adopting the role or the clever politician, the man,wdiom he professes to abhor. The wav he juggled lhe fishjnu. question was really clever, lie et Jut to show that J,"'V, l"a'F a two face game with the fisher- Voa will like ths bran in SHREDDED WHEAT without irritating the intestine e nicji and that Mr. MeigheuV Government, when it granted tin licenses was simply a common ignoramus and had not done i t . . V . ,J w,m n,ai,ce nf,"-ctlioughl. He forgot lo mention that filing continued to the end of the season, for a full week filter the Meighen meeting here. .Mr. Brady, Ihough lied to the tail or the Conservative parti-makes a great play of hi- independence or par! v. Whv then' did he offer himself as n Conservative and. why is he backed J.v 4 ?r'8.e,P .U,e niu,t ra,,id of U,e old Par,-V iiiachiiie gang? Mr. Hrady poes as "the friend of the workingmaii." I.nt.he is in Hie wrong company lo get away with any Mich dopc. As we said before, Mr. Brady is in a aiir way to become a clever politician and one term at Ottawa would complete lhe work, but happily he is nut likely to be there, at auv rate not on Ihjs occasion, because the fishermen and workiiigmeiu to -.u"1.. . .srnuolh appeals, arc loo wise to be caught wilh that kind-oftbait. TJrey.liav fished lon them..elve. eaucauon is Very Important Matter. - The education of the young people is one of the niot important affairs of the city. Just now there are evern) new teachers coming in, particularly in the High School, and it is up lo the parents and others to give them every iKi-sible support. It is also up to the trustees to jiay Ihem what Ihev are wvrth Nothing is as imiiortant !o the city is to have the vofmg men and women given the right kind or Mart In the chools.' Value or Radio to the iCountry. . J The radio is particularly valuable Ui -those people who live a long way from cities and towns , and who are therefore much isolated during lhe winter months. Recently questions were aked froni women in regard to it and here is some of the information gathered from them; . Te deprive the benefit or the hints oh household economic, health, beauty, and all the olher topics that appeal to the fair sex, radio clubs have been forpied by women living away from the eitie. Radio tea parties are the rule. The old-fashioned country woman is fast disappearing. She no longer specializes on "neighborhood gossip nor the prices of chickens, butter and eggs but can discuss the lalesl fashions, piny bridge, and narrate all that is going on in the field if politics or about music and drama, not to mention LasebalL football .and prize fights; and she findj Jhe French les.Miti very inleresliiig too! Parliament Decision. i ... is Being Flouted. ; - The Lit Parlianient was asked li) iMry Mejghen for euough iiiuurj.ui rjiuuic u w carrj qn. me request was. refused, Vhr liahienl declaring that his Government was not Jeirallv constl tutej. Then Mr. Meighen annealed to the Governor and ml a dilution, something that was refused to Mackenzie King, and Howrlbe Governor is signing warrants to the extent of a million d(llArs..a hy to enable the afrairii of Jhe country to Jje carried oil. .TJie money belongs to the people and is paid by them inl uta.es, j.ui iney nave no say in me spending f it. The Governor ua Jieignen are Oomg that between them. Ho far they have got through close to sixly million dollars and it is increasinz ever aay. h the lime the ejeelions are over and Parliament can ie caiiea it w!Il Je close lo one hundred millions, and per-bap more. This is an immense mm. Vet tht people who nay nave tithing to say about how it is spenL That is the Meiien Illf 1I1UU. -A citle. Stork- aay a: Klcclion day will soon be here,! Iliank I ho icnvers. Women are always wurryinu aliout what lo put on and men worry about what tlrcy can Stealing i vvjcVcd except it 1m lo Meal to-second. What makes c era rwt I e smoking expensive it the large numbnri af cigarette, Hiuokers wito never reeni to buy any. Y Tlie mo I diiiboioMii?' thirig i in go to a niovie show that t advertisnl a? hein; wicked and find It if jusl a little lame Uiau the average. Jake a if lie wa a Lihera le'd liatft iiiiuelf and if he wer a Conserwtive he'd commit .ui- All the same is the boy. i4 Al;Hlt. DAILY NKWS Grades Sold for Economical Transportation At Afffil If m kjh cm ma . h :tf C :v TBI CROM a movrmcnt almost imperceptible through rosy, quick acceleration o a ihnlling tUspliy of fpced all with unbelievable ease and smoothness Chevrolet sails terenety over the hardest hill. To the resist leu power and upreme economy of the Chevrolet engine hat been added a smoothness a freedom from vibration unexpected and hitherto unknown in a four cylinder car. Never before vai even Chevrolet capable of estab fishing such performance with such evident cat and smoothness. Compare the smooth Chevrolet not alone with can in ill price class but with can more expensive, more costly of upkeep, more difficult to handle. THE MAN IN THE MOON lie tliiok The trouble with Jake hales to lose hU vole. i lie The only iiiing that vorrie mp about this election is that J (tiusidembb' exeileiiient irsi losilly Uiittugh the re-Mrted 'diev.Ty of 6old fwar-sng quartz at Weteotne lUrhor au 'iMaier l1ani. Hie more conservative boiler is, bnwtner, that ue showing is small aod that il oflll require cnMeralrle .nwnt.v o prwe ft up. There are' sixty ind t wurM n the. projeriy ;ttil rtHitraUlei developmeiit- work , vrfth lhre. diamond drill- on the mine has ueeu coiiqdeli d .stal It. It. Mc- Giaiiis, niaaager of live l)tll Varden niMies wfeo In town today on the ntaair Olielobin en route to Alice Ann. The American Italibut -ebooiic laska. '.ai.t. Nets Hansen, jfr ixeii from lhe halilMit bank -teritay with a capacity load a' in.ooo poumis. The vessel will -eturn lo Mi banks UmitrbL TEaRRACE C. If. Findlay and Utile on of ran't pet a dollar of G.iiservativ f!n.r 'ul"-r rmurnM borne r! nioney. iiv any. They Jut aren't offef- Urady will win On election dayi So Coi'iM-rvalive I'eopte here iay; But when they are asked To ppt up a ilollar They at once get Hot. under the collar. Kay money h the kind moiitf W ii do not gpt. aw nfjDie'iiai'y mot'ey And I Ihouirt I'd like a lot. Hut when 1 reached rny hand out! J lie scheme went all to pot. Jd hap some easy money I d take it ir J durst, One time I thought I had me And then the bubble hurst. rruil gpt canned In uinmer, hut there'tt danger of any too ripe employee heinw canned at any time. aiosi or our nieces compa an a result of someone ele'f fail-ure. Vhpn fishermen succeed it U because of Hie foolish action or some poor tl. fchewlnif tobacco i belter than smoking hecaue no lady taies a cnew. BIRTH RATE DROPS. BUKN. AI1U3.S. Autr. W Th birth rate in Argenlua- with 0- o0O,000 inlydiltants in an are of 1,100,000 (.qnare mi!e ia lowly decreaslner hut on the olher hand Hie mortality rate U steadily iminlnlisiiff. Xhouph falling, "the hjrtji rate l considerably in excexa of, tnuny countrle and in iiurop only J'oland jrive hlBher percent aj:e. The birth rate durinu the 1920-24 period is given m 3.3 per cent. Ten Years Ago 'in Prince Rupert August 28, 1916 tVednesday tir a abort May h' l-rraee lokuig after business ln-W"jt n'ui vislliug w-illi hs jrothrr-in-Uw, Donald Jiruce. Mrs. C. A. 3isey returned to ter himie in l.akelse on Velne-lay after tiavfng sjient nevcraf Weeks in tin- llnzelton llnplte reeetvins r'almeiit for Injurie. recejved some time aao when Ir ws .iiiaeKtuj iiy a eovw 4-f r - Mls l)acal,-tanld Mlt Mars werrt toflerrpiqn lea hnleseg pa-: Mr. I. Y. Murphy and of Prince Fluperi n.r holidaying at it..- Terrace Hotel. A. OofMlPtiough, SnfHheM, wa a buMness visitor dulns lb' week.- ' . , , "TW"-" , laek Sirrke Jr. returned oi Thursday from a sJiori v1Mt wit!i !', H. tVll. In.llazcjtpp.ple wa acenmpanie.l ihhme by little Jimmy WaUli. T. It. r.amphcll of Kjlwanpra was -in town on Thursday. T. 1). Mulholland of the Pro- When The Children Are Troubled With SiMer CtNiIiiits GIVE THCM And ywi vul be airrwadjly i nmrlard to find out how quickly thiy w ill la-com relieved of tkir truublpa. Tliia rrfparation Lm been on tLa market lor the trt eithty year. Put up crJy by tlie T. klilburn Co., LiauUd. Torooto, Oat. Sitiootftu 1; ii ciat ForeMry Service. ha-1 distrit this w&. Chevrolet welcome any test or comparison you " to rxulc. The Smoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet history i telling at the Lowest Price foe which Chevrolet tuu ever been sol J in Canada. Ask about GMAC Plan of Deferred Payment! Roadster $640 Coupe ?810 Sedan. $920 Sport 44 715 Coach 810 Landau Sedan 970 Touting 640 Commercial Quassia 495 Sport 715 Utility Eapre. H 730 All Price! at Factory Tae Extra cits For Demonstration, phone or call Dave Ross KAIEN GARAGE Vle-'ecks ret u rued to their hoiiit in I'rlnce Hupert on Vlnedy ' Mr ami Mrs. It hard I toll wIm vtio have sMm IU innmer va- at the t.It. station for the pat. vitkMi hm in the httiite of ilr.'ctHiple of yHii, l-H fw tt. nd Mr. J. II. i1rmnpn re. , prairie thin week, wrierr turned to l'rliww ItupTt o!ifH liollilay for a time he for t htirwlay. Mr. JohR Mellae nfialnjraln plarortlng up In a ne dausbter who have bea their viirU for (Mme Hmr o t-urned nime. .Mr . II. Wati relumed t Vnwshurr on Vednpsflay. 'llie riicmbers f Mountain View HtfwMra I4lse enUtiiainwt u a -m1 eM-nlnu in their Hub nns on NVelnday in honor ol Mi H'HIia Powler of Arm-ironn. iiiiil fi-Mnrly a memo-if Hie Trrrace Public Solioo' iaff. In Hie early pari of 1b- piiinp hiiIki.- and eard wer miJ-h1 and after refrehHieiil jrere fervel. all joined in da. iwfi- whrch was kept ii until an iriy rrour. The regular si-ioi-mntithr 'eetinp .if Hie Irriei lleaptia oarl hld in tf hosiiiia, ii Velneslay eoninz. ftoutiio-ine- wa eon ductal and t Her read from lr. McKie of .tonewaii, Man., who ha ha! Sis location under c(mlderatio i or smile lime. Mating that h ad deehleil attuint neltlins ere. Letter were also read eom two other prospective doe-r makirur inquirie n fn Tnnls. etc., which (lie swretarv Va inxlnieterl arrwer SMITHERS There; was horn in SniitliPi ii Aii-tust 21 a sou to Mr. and Irs. Oscar ftobhiii. Mi ami Mr. W. ?. Aitkn qwuil a enuiile of ilaya m hi wek on their way home "rum HhzMIoii to the Hudson Hay irl at Fori lliihine whec Mr. Ailken is the minaifer, Jas. A. .Maclimald of the of fin-laff of the llanon Tie and 3'iinher Cm, went to llannal on Wednesday rnoninv io relieve 1'ele ()lou who la going on his vacation. In the nhcnre of Hip opn! members of the provincuil pollc.- wjio are tm duly in other pari., of tlie district, Coo. R. Rprvici-or Terrace la in charge at th local haatlle this week. Dr It. C. Hamrord, dpnfist, of I'ndakn, who has Len makins pcrioiliral trips thrnuwli Ihn tricl this summer arrived lo town thjn week and baa an-nounred his Intention of localinji here permanently. lrneJ Jiawson who aa been lo Vancouver on a lutrip (rfp in lhe JjilcrealK of Ti.nm. t jriawson, confeclionprs. retnrna.l in lown n Tuesday by Rt)to via j ne carbon nisuivay, and ports navlnv made (he Irip in five dan. re- rpliirn Mr. KkaMnbol and children who have been vlallinjr with Mr Ci. Tyrha In town and a f,akf aKIblyn for the pal couple of stand. Mr. Win. Tborne wa Uie vie. lime of a painful atwident on Monday mbrning when her tin-8er weie enualil In llio electrie artuker mih! erely otiissed fae-fote tlie iiHttthrne couUf bq The eommlKeca In chart: p of WHO'S F fefUlfhilr. 1 eulertaimm i -their mo .-pii fay. Sofllei r' it a)mv hoi. . ai Mrs. I. (l. Munro. ami family nae rmmlurte Hie nxtauntnti a en.Hu topi. Ian , lta-t : , nl ini e i rJ. w ule if.-.l m.'l Srd llH il l., W.I:. iH Id'O'l' III if If ID II' mr. .ii- are xi""-'-el. S.rAiwn 'Ha IsetiNt it rf ive li-a ir aJrd nf. OR SCOTL no Choose the Clyde-built ship. with the black and white funnels, manned by Scotsmen Lctitia, Athcnia, Saturnia. Kt&uUr SatltnJli. Cib n t -a SHa CkTturnkifl JO J n. at SS5cnJSSZ5a Rwnd S 3 onJS15a J ANCHOR-DONALDSON Th nontUT Hr.rono co. lu tokostq r r.if urt m mi STEAMSHIP AC EST Misri.ni. rt.,.. ...u. ....... . i. . ' - II. SO aoi. for princ( oroaar idmimta.. lafimmieca. all Canaita, 1,'nrtnl 8UI-i. Aftntf all Oct an SUamtMp Llaaa. t' Can.disii XiOoad riprru fur Moofy orlr. fornaa rj also for your ikii ihiptinL Cltr Tklal Office &2S TKIr ,ia PrliK auptrt. Pa 4 13 a- Tlr u J r re. Kt an S -J The Cunard Steamihlp Co. Limited, 6KT; Hactlngt SU Vancouver, or any STEAMSHIP A6tn Steamship and Train Service Birnofi from priwcc auriar f VAtcovvm. imctoi. sornl Mrb MONDAY aiMt THURSDAY 4 00 p.m., SATURDAY, M ." ror antox and itcwaut Monday, raioAr, 4 .00 .v Tor ALAaM WIDKfiOAY, 4 00 pjn. Frir SCIDKOATB isirr iniiru mum rMaRLOTTI lltA Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kttahlken, Wrangall, 4unm tni osr At ' To Vnt,r, Vkurla an4 taattla f Mtl , 7, 11 Hi 1' PRINCEtS BEATRICE. Oamakall Rlvar, aa4 Vanaaatap tts'r aluraaf 11 a.m. for ulaaala, Caat aalla na, Ocaan rails, Namu, aaaacp for oil jlaameMp Una. W '" rull lfo", a. oncMAna asntr.l Aaaat. eamaa af aot eut 4 Ira Aitaua, Prince Ruen. I UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED Ralllnaa tmm rplnra HUBflfl. - m a vanoouven, yioroniA. i.aaa o.r. ip i ' VAMOOUWUI, VWTMIA, 4ln Baf, a aa.oa 1. .far eotrr -aiMpaaai ..a si... ai... ........ Thurtdar P"1 r ttt roi oiMeaoN. anyok. alioi ahm, oTiwAaT, . 1U 2nd A.anua. R. M. IMITH, Agent a