J' lit PAGE FODB b'HU. Ja. 'TWO PROVINCES BRJNdlNG UP FATHER By George McManu4 - FOR 21 YEARS P Vo KNOW ' I I f I ' NNMAT OOX-Ool ft KNOW WHAr (5 il l' - ' VE6-I HADT BEUEVE J W Z !C DAUTSrA' MBANB-Y- VOO ARB So(N4 f BY (SOLLY- BoQOEO TO-OAV, ' EL i HERZ.r' nmH NV?A Y 111 LEAVE IT i -should HAVE QoBBEO-Vell; 4T a Saskatchewan and Alberta Were r 0OTOONTBE ill HER MAO IT Dome Formed Into Provinces on ' . . , . 1 k.wr- VJ .- 1 1 aunt, i miim c. viiTix ft -a in ill ii i i i x' i t i - it-.- i.i i t J u n September 1, 1905 r j . V -The two Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan attain stheir majority In regard lo ngu . f,on .September: jj si .next. They vill then he twenty-one. years old jas provinces of the Dominion. J'rior to that .late the area They noV enihrare had the statu of ' jerr'itories admiiiilcre..t ilarigey by the Canadian federal government. The; uccasion of the two inuwiHcs reacuing ineir majority provides an- interesting retro. Sped. In 1903 the combined population of Alherfa and Sa- ikalchewan was tno.000 in round figure. II is now 1,500,000. TUe .value of an annual agriculluta'. production has increased iit twenty-one years from abnu? tNO.OOO.flOO 16 $783,000,000. Big Increases . . k II 1 v;. .liuf na wneai . area is. now nearly thirty times that1 of wenty-one yqar ago. The production of grains is nearly fifl,-4jmes as great as In l!0t. - The ' average y (eld of wheat in twenly- vmii: jr,ir.,nas Deen over eighteen '-,Dpsiiei.lf the acre. Less 1h'ar i 1,000,000 of the C0.00.OOO acres , Suitable Jar farming are sown to item crop. In this period Alberta has developed a dairy industry with products totalling in value nrore than $20,000,000 annually. r'V'y-one -years aso Saskat chewan produced 2C.000.000 - -y u. ' i -M.IMIir.l'IMI) , ' tSjuty ii.' This adyertircment is not pulllBheil or displayed by the Liquor Control Uourd cr by tiio ' Gbvchunfent of British ColumMa. t'elee " ' r s-v,c I I ' I I ; I I Cml B.U & ""JJS ' ( ' Wheat irrowinsr area in North nierlca. if not in the world. VhQe wheat is stfll the main crop, mixeii fanning- has mad. apm progress in all narls of Saskatchewan. Butter Production Twenty-one years acn hutle was imported by the carload in. 10 me province. Last year the creamery- flutter produerion amounted to fifteen million, eiplif hundred and. fiflv thnnsan.l i pounds. There slill remains 58.- Iimici.ih'u acres m aftalrhewa!i ;uabJe.ifiTc projitable fafmin?. ine.e iwo younftesi of theAniw? CANADIAN BOOM (GOT GOAT OF LIKE FLORIDA Same System Adopted by Sams People at In Southern States With Success T.O.NDOX, Aup. 27. With the siichienuess of war and Mie nun.: lualily ofa parade, n land boom f xreat vsiirnifleance fur Mie whole of Vitern Ontario has levelopeij tit IVlee Point. l'r sisters that form the Inderal lonths past, persistent messiye Lnion or the Dominion of Can-'f.-vn aua nave reason m he nrond nf i uuiAM rniA.;,. the robust stale of their-pro-lPnmi!r of n Imnm -.in,,,, n,. sress in twenty-one rears . Ii i f; r i n.,.. .,!..,.... r tjiau iiir i i-iiiii. lit :iniiviiuw I bushels of wh.if. i n.i i., , .. . . . V cdiiiiaiwi ami reanors in Je- mM was r2iZ,2: school i leacliinj; staff nufra!" voland, the upi iian refurwd nuiiytu III loir.ill.ipsp r4ll'ine Ol of I Hie he Florida boom, and " ' els. t more . ban . half of Ihfe . tolal! H,e city yesier.Uy after spend- . he v",U known i.nmucuon or me uomtn- mg the past few woeks at Vic ion. II is now the princiDal Why Home-brewed Beer Can Be Bad Fl YoiifH ealtk BREWING beer at home, a habit that has become widespread in the United .States since prohibition deprived the people of the right to purchase pure and healthful beer legally and openly, presents difficulties and dangers of which those who engage in it are rarely aware. beer can be actually dangerous HOME-BREWED to those who drink it, for the home brewer works by rule of thumb, perforce and usually has no acquaintance with or control over the complex physical and chemical reactions that take place in the brewing of beer. Pure beer can only be made in a modern brewery by scientifically trained brewmasters who have at their disposal the most modern equipment and who are bound by the most exacting standards. THE same materials nhieh, in a modern brewery, are made into pure, healthful betr, can , become, in the hands of a home brewer, a raw, incompletely fer-mented,- indigestible and harmful mixture unfit for consumption. Hut where an ettablixhed brewery use only the highest grade of material malt and hops tested for purity, the home brewer it forced to purchase in stores imported syrup concoctions f -inferior malt and lowrrade hop extracts frequently blended with synthetic essences. The product of such mixtures is always harmful to the stomach and ihfcestive system and dangerous to drir.k for any length of time. THE home brewer Is hampered not only by lack of knowledre of the science of brewing, but home equipment does not Include the elaborate plant necessary for nrolonzed sterilization and filtering; to awure a pure, healthful beer free from baeterial infection. In beer that is the product of a perfectly equipped brewery all fermentation Is complete; in home-brewed beer fermentation continues, and continues after It is consumed. It Is really an explosive mixture, whether In your stomach or n the bottle, as shown by the way in which bottles explode and tops are blown off. T nt ? thrr fceol la th trs snppUM br th. throurh Uc.niod prtmli or thronrh aonnmni iiZ f2,r natlon of the ttomacb towart aldter Uitl0B. Bont-lnnt twars also oHlr eonUln rnattr o brw4, sto4 aal agM bri art fraa. P"PW7 A5,h'"lVl V,B "A111 O"- kom.-braw.l baar, 'm hl hsPPlly. th. p.opla of Brltiah Colnm-oU ara Jls'JZl l"7.'? t Srt""-- o' obtaliilr p"co4 b!J? J?,.? Am1-au't,a rawartas of Brttliti dofumbl. "i It of ?-t,t JPP wlta.arsry faculty for tki brawlnj paw baar, parferu nTC, w.U trd a4 bauthrii , M - .... W VUitor$ jure cordially wcUomed at the plarttt of the tntmberi of tke Amalgamated lihw trxen ef Urituh Columbia; Vancouver lireio-tru-t, Uuuttdt Rainier Brewing Co. of 9"u-.da; J.',tntilid; Wftmt'iutcr Brewery, LtMied; Silver Spring iSrekery, Limited; and the V iclorw I'hoenii Brewing Co. Limited. attraction Weslern Ontarm for summer re- sort puriKise have prrvi.led rea- soname ?rounl for those re ports. Now. with the certainly of fate, the boom Ii.th eom. nn.l land values whirli on tlio waste frontnjte'Yif I'elee Point were twi weeks apo only f 100 or 200 per acre tave reaped lo the spectac ular heiptit of over ?3,t00 pe? ai'fe. Enn',neered by Experts The boom was engineered bv Florida experts in accordance with latest Florida method a:d : he priiciples of mob psychology. says the London tree Press. Re jtorts front Pelee Point indicate (hat over l,500,000 was taken in hy the promoters in two davs. July 31 and August I. Tin steamer, City of Toledo mad !wo trips with a multitude of 'iin-hasers from Detroit who, on arriving at the peninsula, staged an old-time homestead rush. Priority holders who had paid 50 for their rights of pre-emp. fion were given the first ehani' to buy the lots of their choice. Line Up and Pay The remainder lined up be, fore open-air desks or the pro-moter and paid their mone. The .event proved ri.?h in dramatic interest and is noteworthy a the first successful attempt to practice Florida methods in Ontario. The sellers are under (obligation to the new colony who j lieve purclKised the peninsula to ! expend 3H0,00U in parks, piers. I pavilions and improvements. Most of the purchasers an? residents of Detroit. The price of j'he lots is said to have ranged from S2,O00Mn 9,000 each. The ooin was. confined lo a tract o'f;'2G5 aores at the tin of e pfnitflfifa.' "Moif df II 'U wnnte land formerly owned by f'.api. Post. The remainder n orchard land, the Htle lo wjiic': was decided last February by a judgment of the Privy Council. On bolh sides the narrow neck of the peninsula Is hounded by wide sandy beaches. At the extremity of the point a long tail of sand curls out Into the blue waters of Lake F.rie. Alonir the weslern side the (rovernmenl hn PAIN frem Bladder Irritation ftn aaaa by 8ANTAL MIDY Bawira of ImlUtlona Look far the ward "MIDV Bold hy ill (inirmtK Wllaa4 fc Advertiie in the Dally Newt. H. H. STEVENS me Vaucotner Sun says: T an unknown individual nltendiiij: lasl night's Conservative meeting in the TiraniHiew Theatre niust go the distinction of havfiur tin tethered Hon. Harry Stevens' Tog geuhurg. !rofer K. Odium, chairman of the meeting, had assured his fellow " resident in Orandview that if they would write out am tjucolions they inksht wish, lo pin lo Mr. Stevens or General Clark he would undertake to have lh iiueries answered. For an hour and a half hy the clock. Mr. Stevens dcioled lii tin fiiliMded attention to the Old Age Pension plan nroioeil by hi political opponents. He raked it over, ridiculed it. rent it claue from clause, railed at it, rolled it up and wrote "N. on it. When he had finished with it elderly Conservative were trembling lest it come into effect. It hesail to take on Hie milwunl attributes of a sinister plof of the Liberal .leader, Mackenzie Kliwr. to hound the aged and enfeebled inlo pauperttm. Ills fellow poll tieians admitted that Mr. Stevens had done a sood job on it When! he had flnihed he w4fMt his perspiring brow and vn about resume nis seat wnen Odium nlaeed in hU lmti.1 u sup or blue paper received from a member of I he audience. Mr. Stevens read it and wheel. ed about, face pale, eyes blazing and hands Lretiiblinff. W ho sent this uuestion to me?" he shouted. Passion wok In every word. The audience was stunned into silence. I want to know what man in this audience sent me this?" brandishing the paper in-the air. "Will he stand up and sar so?" . man at the back of the hall ndmltle.t authorship. His note read: "What Is your altitude on idd age pensions?" In the name of Heaven, ' man Hut it wan too much. . Mr. Stevens tore the paper to pieces and walked on it. SPORT CHAT With drawing t Uieitiold- Stofacrf ;with from the league. ' W prospei i is thai there will only be Uie two Senior football learns for the Hilhulv Hun aerie which. ... j . in ts announced, will open on Monday. Due perhaps to th. fact that there was a scarcity oi talent, there does not seem to have been as much interest taken in the game 1 this year as usual. The sugjfcsjhin is offered that for the next season the Senior and Intermediate Leagues h reserved a strip 100 feet wide merged and hhe talent distributed for use as. a natural nnrk. Tim-about fti i Hint inn trfit I 1 ' f remainder or tne land is ded with shade trees and green Irees. The side approach is by means or a narrow trail ix mile in lenlh which winds past the famous nnlon beds and fruit farms through dense underbrush. Rush of Traffic The sudden rush of traffic has proved more than the shaky wooden bridges on the Irai) could bear, and engineers have, been busily making safe life; np-on inches In the1 herilnsu'la. league miht be operated inslea or Iwo more ,,r less indifferent ones, thus comminuting n greater "hare of public lirlerVst. FOUND FOUSD. -pol. of teeth. Owner may have same by calling ut Daily NVWs Office and paying for advertisement. FOUNT), Silk knitted scarf. Ap-tdy Daily ypwn Office. SUMMER RESORTS. LAKELSK LODOK. near Terrace. Visit Lakelse lithia Hot Springs, LHhla Is one of th . finest mineral waters known for rheumatism. Good fly fislllnir for rnln hnw Irmil in High Ti.lkelsA InVn nrwl rlvor Mnlnpa Low meet all trains giving through connection wilti Lodge. Telephone connected to Terrae.n. J. Druce Johnstone, manaiger. Vantedflr. 1 II If ITPlirn fV 1 OrifTITntV i tn ... pat i sbj ai m m m mm mw m mm mm mrmt -mw m m mm m. -m m mm m mm mm n m m. unj r n . aJi im m H . 1 M a Il 11 -p tounii 72c per word In advance. NoAdvertisement taken fo leu than 50c WONTED. WANTED. To Harrow 93.000. or. nri mortgage on House on two corner lots, insured fo 1.500. Apply P.O. Hox 37H. FOR SALE. 200 llltl. WAXTM). Apply Hood Hals. WANTKD To rent typewriter; Underwood or llemltigion pre-fcrrcd. Phone black 138. 502 WANTKD. Woman for Iwo tiours each morninir for llnhi housework. Phone 536. 20? WANTKD. One reliable man In every town, merchant preferred, lo take orders for be: etiMom-made clothes in Canada. Mistiest commission. Ites Talloritw Co. Ltd., T.i-ronlo (2f so; WANTKD. Smart bov to work fin Clothing and Oent's Fur nishinss store. Must speak Scandinavian lar.uage. Have very good references. Apply Ho 3S0 Daily New Office. KlMl.MTI'HK Foil SALF1 Annlv Mrs. F. Sloekwell, 17 Hay. live Cirrde. plione ltlack I So 20.1 HOUSEHOLD JTHNITFUK fof sale and houe for rent. Phon 187. jo:i KOIl SALK lrey enamelled bal wiiiage, ni-w hood. l.i.no Can be en al MrMeekin Orocery. FOIt SALF! Qiolwi wnlerfron: properly 03i225. Tvi roomel rurnisiieu house In good cindi Hon. Centrally located. Prle A3.000 cash. Write owner, Hox 75. Pelemhurg. ,.ka. FOB RALF.. Ilancli in Naai Val- ley. very reasonable; or may trade for good gasboal or livestock. J. T. Sauer, Alice Arm. H.O. FOR SAI.K Hud nn rnnlne i. first class condition; line for pleasure boat. Snap. lAppp- liox ;iih. uauy News' flffi ce. FOIt SALE. Hole! "Ma.s.n a good bargain. JU Jicalth caui for selling. Apply William Hi'dson, Masselt. H,C. TKN'T FOn SALE. New M.U year and used only" one weeK Price g;0. Pullen, Dally Xexvs 15.00 PEH MONTH huv. splendid view lot on Oraha weruc. walkers Music .si a m ore FOR SALIv- I .arse mn.lnm imn,. splendidly localeil. Apply d P. Tinker. High .TO RENT THUKE-ltOOMED House for rem lurnistied. Apply ) Summll Ave. 222 FOR RENT, -Lars en building ai in hum Avenuo East; six room modern flat wild bathroom and workshop premise's on itreel Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer, 130 Second Avenue FOR RENT. N'ewlv decr.-Ai..i house. Iwo bedrooms. f20 ' 00 Apply 215 Fourth Ave. E. MODERN HOUSE for renlVlve rooms and halh. Mnnro liros PRINCE RUPERT TIDES w -sr w v Saturday, Auflust 28 LSI a.m. lo. j 17.00 ,m, 20.2 W'rt a.m. 5.0 23.32 p.m. s.i Sunday, August 29 'SI ,a.m. 17.7 '8.01 p.m. top ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. 4k ''J AGENTS WANTED. WAXTI.D. A Man for an Un usual Agency. Darwin Limited established ID years operating a chain of Ladle' Iteady-fo-Wear Shops in MonU real and Ottawa, are now ex tending (heir operations so as to reach every part of Canada. This opens a golden opportunity for reliable tnn ami women to handle our exauive line of f.di' Iteadr-to-Wear Clothes. Selling eiperfcrnce not neces-saryif you mean business w will leae.li you limv. Our Fall line is now ready. Our selling outfit Is a real 'Fashion Phow" in a neal portfolio. This won derful Outfit s Free lo relia ble representatives. Write one tell us about yourself and llie territory you want (let our amazing proportion. iteiier do ft now later may b loo late. Darwin Limited. Dept. 35. ihn ois, Montreal. QIHV. FlrsI FREE INSPECTION Why run vour i:ir when il class u-rk (tnaranleed SklllM .Mechanics S. E. PARKER, LTD, Authorized Ford Sales and Service FORD BOARD AND ROOM. i nut npcrattna properly? Il means added expense later. Oel ready for rainey ami misi At'nliier niake an naiaieni ..i to have rour tnntnr ami limU ip in Hp-top condition. by Cars Trucks Tr-rlnra FRANCOIS LAKE LODQE Heautlfully situated near Ferry Landing Altitude 2113 feet. Camplno and Fishing Trips nrranRed FIRST CLASS TAHLE with prndtre FRESH FROM Tllh FARM. Take a Trip lo the Lake Country 'his yar TAXI Je. !!.( Phone 87 Taxi (Call Oeorge. Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Passenger Slnde bakers nt your disposal any lime ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. rro from Empress Hotel. 500 MISCELLANEOUS MONTHLY EASY RELLIN'O MAOIfi OAS.- f 1.00 can equals 33 gallons gasoline. No carbon, fluaranleeil harmless. Proven merits. Your name on cans. Write quick for particulars and proof of Ibis statement. P. A. l.efehvre A Co..- Alexandria. Onl.. Canada. SinxOOlLUM I MRS' EXAMINA TI'N for Hrillsh Columhl t-ivil Service will be hold on Saturday afternoon and eventing, October 2, l2fl. For np-pllcnllon forms and further Inrorniation apply lo the nearest (loveriinient Agent or to A II. Cox, Civil Service Com-mlssbncr, Vlclorla. n.fj. HOARD, The Inl nmlnr Din -tU tv.m'. '7. it, ;8ond .Avenue. Phone 137, C4NCIIUTI0H Of Mm, SOTIM: is nrfct inei, la rau.f tsii4a ffartD wail, V CaAiiawias ai I rsiSIM, Ihri Sn rnetiMiM '.and A r ft e !nri 'ai tttftinr a rt.i Sl farih" nnir en. i fimi III laana j.fttflMlll. I'M IJl ttalS t 4M ltl:l' I WI pa J . Itiaml. il I dm nUI e USD CT, NvtUa af UltMlaa :a l$ i la (naiM i On sl Hsptii. ftwr saai tl Tar VTI' mHMT. ,nm,. Ihr foHnainr u t; WW L.:. U l lltr uitn ib Ms u( Tilar far li i SSI. eiiMt f lri. n tfi n i.H.r,',.... . irfirl' i , iftfw ar etw' Ml I bttrl aai tlm ban. otta-MMt irn'' NOrKt rtk. (OTirr thai In. -I I iiks "I rial M. . m v if c.w.t wx is si a almre i,' a iinnsn;- 1 1 el . a .1 I" rm eail n a-'trr I'o'iit rtialna: inr aai - k.ilh lmnflr rhsu 1 Walr VirH. thru mark airrlr I" K nil ennlalnlnr airlil lMMI iviy a'Pin. !Tf- t - ItfSAl 1CT U AUln n . msirtrt. . . le asHli ..' t' ' awnn iiM tawatsM im JUM mrir m nrrn un. im. 4 : a SMSISAl SCT artlfktia af 4laif fn Nw ' aaafar filftlf'f Iim rm. aNii up atrtam rnan " TSsf. MITI' r i alitr ilira f"n l lb MiMnr n. Of IffkfiMtMlltl . ill It uno act. r. r U mi ess i mi w s m X !- rail r- m ,t -a" m ica , anBiwn w rvi - .1 .. .. - j... r- -it Bur II - .a rm fl tsi IT! . . a T .1 re-' u . m i. .., .n., , . ... .ri . ill , i a r I. . . . I i . , T. I.. ltp, ,. ,"' 3 TIMBER SALE XH- Thr Mill U Utttr 'iLl ft , i . . - - inr - I. ika tt: . I- . , t'H. It ! - ins , - "Si llrmiiMa an i-c.i j iimvsl of Hi nmbr r iwj ir..,i,i.,t that un' :. it". Iim aiiriiiin in i--' . w lanrlrr In Im "I'l"". ,'i ' aii'l ItMlH "ii n'"- . Ih, -Dirt's rurlhrr turlli iUl ."T. f." -. I'li.in.ii n i Ir, , I. . -i rlnre liunrrl. P ,ll miTinntTV II A w II Day Phon" -Or..n tU, 01"! RUPERT MARP PHODUCTSiLTD; OEO. a. SUan-ii