School Opening SEPTEMBER 7, 1020, fkffga School Supplies i c jef your MipiJv T'..u uil look litem oit. A'vDidJhc ! ti 'ii get fx.if ' uli.,: nu rfrjiri rt. Hc-idcs litM you v, need i" nho' ti i-, ..miiU, niter-, i- I tiiar?s,'cxcri'is6 i - right ihi ramiut beat them uur service the hest. Specialty equipped to take care of mall orders. Goods shipped same day. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" pers 'THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD. Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & CoM Storage Co., LlA Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinist. Boilermaker, Elacktmltli, Pattern makers, Founder, Woodworker, Eic ELECTHIC AND ACETYLENE WCLDIKG. Our plant to equipped tn hoodie alt kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 33F SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK I i ! i'K Uirec ili'lm- l -mi'i" tr Faniilv Wink, vU: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH nl rt ii-on ililc pi -ii-ei. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phono 118- ni. I we V;il id" Hie rest. But and Taxi Moets all trains,, and Boat. . 1 - t: ,1.1 - ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 P.O. Box 196 Simmon's Steel Med. Springs and Ostcrmoor Mattresses ui every room. , . 62 Booms. Hot and Cold Waler, Baths and Showers. 8,em llealftd. Hlectiic Light. Cornjr of Jhird Ave and Sixth St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. Local and Personal Advertise in the Daily News. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 078. tf B.C. Undertaker Phone II. s, Smltbers U'alr. Senleiniier iv" ami 3. Crystal PlreliKtiters;, '48 to; II.OO;- Hyde Transfer. Phone 580.'' . i It Trv I on! Ii ill it Klnin lna! 813.00 iter Ion. Ho sool.--I'bil- pbll, Evitt & Co. Ltd. ' Vtr rTpythlnifKH Vler' Win at Drive and Oarice, Boston Hall, Monday, August 30. Two day of horse racing, field sanies, keen excitement and en tertainment at Smithcrs Fair, September l, 2 and 3. Ever leen to the Hulklcy Val ley t iec It at irs hest when you ake in the Miiilhcrs rair next week. Se yttur own country first! Aud meet the pioneers of the liulkley Valley at the initherj l air nexf week. Imperial nainhmv Orclies trai! playin? a relum en-frazemeut by retjuei't at the Mooch Hall tonight. Mr. Hert Walkland arrhed on yesterday afternoon's tra'ri from SniiHiers and i vidtin? witli Mm. J. V. Kilpalnck. , Dance tonight by Imperial Rainbow Orchestra In Moose Hall. Gentlemen $1.00. Ladles 50c. You are Invited. A wondrous fair Muniry. hupitirtile people. Ami a rat ilinx good lime al the Sinilher Fair next Wednesday, Thurftlay and Friday. The prineipal of the Ilisl Seliool at Kimlerley where Mis- Hut It Stewart U to teach is Mn" Jean. Kier, H.A., formerly on Uw itlaff of the licolh tehool In thi rity. J. I). Maadonatd, eliief of tlte water ritrhls ileiNtrtment of th provliicial tpovernment, i a visi tor in the city. He arrived from virlorw yetertay and will re turn otith ttiif evening. liis Pnuline l.inroln, an Australian lourl, i Mnitin? v rity in the eoure of a lour ol Uie Pacific to I Ml' Lincoln arrival yesterday from Vancouver and f rxritered at the Prinw Uueri Hotel. K. K. Iavy, engineer of the federal department of publie-work., arrived in the city yeler-day f rum Victoria. Mr. )ay ir here to lnpe.ct wharves, etc.. fii I ip1iy Ulitnd and will return untli tonight. Supplemental examinations for both Junior and Senior courses will commence next Monday morning In the King Ldward Hkgh Seliool it i nnnounred by ll. (J. Frsiser, in-pei-lor of schools, who will ' Willi all her passenger ac i-omiiioii.nion lanen up with i crowd of cannery worlers re-turninu to Vancouver from tlis -Naas and keenu Rivers, Union 'learner Calais, Cap I. A. Jolm- ione. eatte.1 liere early this afternoon on her way south. A party of thirty-five Indians In charge of Joeph Ilradley. of Port Simpson, will sail tnnitrul on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver, en route to Yakima. Wa-dilnerton, where they will he engaged in -hop picking. A simjlar parly went suutli last week to the Sardis dis trict. Constulde George Wsinah an I KMrs. Wyman left n this morn ing a train for Haxcllou whert Gon'slnhle Wyman will beebm" provincial police officer laklng She place of Oonslahle Clinc wh ha been transferred to Che malnus. nonstable O. L. Hall. who lias been relieving for week or so at Haiellon. will re turn M the f!milhers district on Uie arrival of Constable Wyman. ra.iow an: a h'eireiy "i vim l.A.M, rrmala , li(tn, ptim Dili itMtk-bl iiM, Ik ctiitimn Ulciritad li tnt ,h Uia liwm, fm ntmul M tnl. mt lu twllit acoRGi r. in r.O. tea Ml !(. s.c. Messenger Service anywhere, any lime. Phone 790. Pete Le- Clairc. Mrs. L. O. Green will sail tonight on the Prince llupert for Vancouver on a holiday visit. Mr. and Mr. K; C. FJewIn are sailing this evening on the lt:tnce; Hupert'offiYancouVert Iff C. P. nClviMlea1n al Tfie end of tnTs weel"br Logan In let on business in connection with his local sawmill. II. II. Rochester!'' thimorn-JnK for the Kcslalj River' and 'wil visit tlie Browiiftitolor a day or eo, returning, here on Monday, Jack i!ak. who arrived .Thuirs- lay from Masselt, will sail this evening on the Prince II u pert for Vancouver. Dance tonight by Imperial Rainbow Orchestra !n Moose Hall. Gentlemen $1.00. Ladles' 50c. You are Invited. Women's Auxiliary of St. An drew's Calhedral will hold their regular monthly business meet in? in the Cathedral Hall, Mon- lay, August 30, at 3 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Me"cndy, of Vah- oouver, who arrive! tlin week from Wtun Iliver. saied this afternoon on the Catala for Port Mice, Vancouver Island. Mr. and Mrs. William Milla left on this morning s tram for HazePou where they will spend a couple Of weeks on a holiday visit il V. Kvitl sail, this eveninf o". the Prince Huperl fcr Van couver on a business trip. Mr. F.vitt left on Ibis morning's train to visit at Terrace. (J.P.R. steamer Princess Heat rice arrived from Vancouver vii the Skecna River this afternoor and will sail on her return outl as soon as she Jias complete the dt.e!iarg!ng of local frelgb Mr. and Mrs. C, L. M. (iiwre; returned to Terrace on this mor ning's train. Jilr. OJxgey came ir Thursday to meet Mrs. Oijrgey who liai been receiin Ireat- nient in Uie local hospital. A. A. Macdonald, assislan4 fire marshal for the province, returns this evening lo Van iouver after having spent three fay here inspecting the situa. lion on the waterfront from e fire protection standpoint. Henry Movie of Richmond Hill. Ontario, who has been in the city. for the past ten days in the(course of a trip west for the. benefit of his health, left on this ruornine's train for Terrace where he will spend the next few day. The C.N.R. district passeivge-agent announces that the sal of excursion fare tickets ' to points in Caslrn Canada an., the United State will continue this year until September 18 in stead of until September 15, Unusual date. October 31 is" still the return limit. Thomas MoMeekin of this ci'. and Henry McCartney of Anyox who have leen visiting in the Old Country this summer, will sail from !lasgow on Septemoei 3 on their way home. Mr. Mc-Meekin wfll visit Montreal, To- ronton and Vancouver on hi way West and Mrs. McMeekin will go lo Vancouver Jo meet him in hvo weeks' time. J. llrady, Conservative candidate in Skeena riding, left on this morning's train for the interior accompanied hv Hon. V J. Howser of Victoria. They will speak tonight at Terrace, on Monday at Xew Hazellon, and Uaeltnn. and on Tuesday at Smilhers. Mr. ltrady will then be in the eaf end of the district until Harherue Day when tie will he at TelLvva. Established 1923 Office Hours: 0 a.m; to C p.m. Saturday 9 an.ito l p.m. Dr-FP Kenny DENTIST - , Exchange Blook - Phone 109 4 PAGE THREI 1 0GDENS Church Notices 15 PER PACKET St. Andrew's Cathedral Chuixii or Kn:iaiid Rector, Archdeacon O. A. Rix Sunday services at II a.m. and j.30 p.m. Holy Communion firs; Sunday of month at 11 a.m.; third Sunday of mouth al 8 a.m. Preacher tomorrow: Rev. Pro-icssor Wickenden of Saskatoon, Sask. o'clock. Presbyterian Church ' There will be no services to morrow in the Presbylenan Jhurcli or Sunday School. Christian Science Society Service every Sunday inornir.c n the Hays lllock, iZ Secomi vvenue. Subject on Sundaj. "Christ Jesus." Tcslimony meet ing on Wednesday evening at H Baptist Church Sunday Schol at 10 o'clock. Morning service at 11. Subject, 'A Triumphant Certainty." Even-tig worsaip at 7.30. Subject The Cloth on -the King's Face." A very cordial invitation to aP Lutheran Church St. Paul's English Lutheran Church, Metropole Hall, Third Avenue. Rev. Thos. 1. Rinde, pastor. Morning service wor hip at II o'clock. Sermon .heme, "The Essence of True ir'alness." Everyone cordially invited. Evening service a:ul Sunday school will begin Sunday in September. Salvation Army The Church of Uod stands for best things. Line up! We havo tirht, happy, profitable meet ings al the Army. Tonight ai M.15, Song Service. Sunday al 11 a.m., llolinsss. Junior classes at 2.30. Salvation meeting at 7.30. Public meetings Monday, Wed nesday tijid Thursday. Scouts and "Guards Tuesday and. Friday at i.30. Safeguard your child rcn by sending Ihent. Rupert East United Church Service tomorrow evening as usual. Rev. Evan Haker has returned from his vacation and will occupy the pulpit. It is par ticularly desirous that the fail work be pened with enlliuslasiti First United Church Morning service nt 11 o'clock. Scrmou topic, ''The Ulory oMho , ...i CUT PLUG - and in 2 lb. tins Save the"Poker Hajid" insert cards 1 DRINK FOWLER'S ZEM-ZEM The Delicious Grape Beverage HolUcd Under Aulhorily by the BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS - - PRINCE RUPERT Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have Ihe most complete slock of timber, dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, flooring, V joint, veneers, etc., in Northern B.C. We can supply everything in a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. Before buying inspect our stuck. 11 will pay you. Our pnees are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 Loggers! Loggers! We. have the only compleib slock of Gilchrist Jacks and parts in Ihe North. We handle Logging Cable, Axes, Peavies, Saws, and general Camp Equipment. It will pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware' Limited 710 Second Avenue Garden." Speaker, Reyj, ..Evai Haker. KVenhiig erviiip?at7!3oj Sermon topic, "Hands. " Speaker, Rev. . (1. Hircker: Male quartette by Messrs. Clapperton Davey, lloward and Wilson. Cony and bring ynur friends. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert T. H. Watey, (V. X Durie. Miss K. llrown, Mrs. A. 11. 0; Cutler, Pauliue Llucoln,, F, D. Mivttiera. and A McAulaytj( Vaij-Ouver: Wwllace ilamifiMi," -Ktl tnontou; J. U. MacDonahl, Albert TltonlpWoti, AN'.1 J. Howser, J. Macltryer, R. F. Iavy and J. P. Macdonald, Victoria; Mrs. W. A. Stirling, Calgary; Mr. and Mr. James M. Eamli and Mrs. lllml-marMi, Toronto; Emil M. Ured, Balmoral; T. F. Foley and W. J Jefferson,. Captain's Cove; Joa Web s t e r, Cass la r Ca n nef ; A I bo rt Omll and William Holmes, Prlnca Ru.l,erl;- . :