. PAOE SIX THE DAILY NEWS AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING lieginnitig at 9 o'clock Floor i the Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 25c Gentlemen 50c The Hall is now equipped to take care of Dances, , Concerts and Meetings of any kmd. The building is 50x100 feel, maple floor, newly plastered. Clear title to property. IT'S FOR SALE Phona Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM Pure )rugs PROMPT SERVICE RIGHT PRICES fou will always find the highest quality at this store logelher with prompt, efficient and courteous service PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Carefully and Accurately We fill prescriptions just as your physician wants them filled. LET US SERVE YOU Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94., We deliver. PRESERVING SEASON Preserving Peaches, per crate . $1.45 Holhou!e Tomatoes, per ib 15c Per basket 60c Field Tomatoes, per lb. 10c Per banket 45o Cucumbers, 3 for 25c Celery 15c and 20c Gravcnstein Apples, 3 lbs. for 25c Plums, per basket .... 50o Watermelon, per lb 7c "Grapes, per lb 25c Mussallem Grocery 417 Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 423 5th Avenue East GEORGE RORIE Chartered Accountant and Auditor Ueeeiver, Liquidator, Trustee, &c Phone 337 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PRINCE RUPERT SHERIFFS SALE In the owuty ;urt 'if Prince Knix-rt, nnHirii i i-nwe iuiimti. jtmea Sheddim, I'lalutirr. Jonepli Held, Defendant. By rlrtuo ot t wan tut if t mum, In ihln si lion, ami to nil- dln-iti d, I hve nelzed tat: W. J. BOWSER DISCUSSES THE ELECTION ISSUES IN SKAT ING RINK. (continued from page ono) ; tonight to show that such not the case." King administration. .Never be-fore in the history of Canada had it been necessary for pri vate people to spend $20,000 lo force a government to do lis duly and Mr. Howser expressed the hope that it would- never happen, again. The speaker that he would not raise his voice against one of his ministers who was not doing his duty because of the Jear of the effect in Que bec province. Whn Mackenzie King would do nothing, the Mer chants' Protective Association placed the Information in th hands of Hon. 11. It. Stevens whe brought the mailer up in Ihe House and was responsible for he formation of the invesliga ion committee. ' Irregularles Mr. Howser referred lo man nstances of irregularities that had been brought before th" committee in sworn evidence. He iled the Halifax liquor ware house scandals where boats hn. loaded liquor for foreign destin lions only to return ft to Noj Scoiia illegally. Hoals cleared from Halifax for Peru, a fou-months' trip, and returned in four days. According to clear ancc and entry papers, threo rips couid be made to tin Hahamas in five days. Hoat- leared with cargoes of liqub. for St. Pierre and Miquelon Islands where there was liquor It burn. The situation became so bad that the clergy of Nova Sco- la got logeidei and orouerh matters io the attention of Mackenzie King but they did not en receive a reply. Millions or dollars were being iost to th-' government coffers through smuggling. A lioat belonging to William Duff, a government member, had been caught laden with, liquor within the three mile mil but the vessel, though seiz ed by a government cruiser and fined, was released and the fine ordered remrtled. The Mounted 'olice had been taken away from the Quebec border because thev were interfering with smuggling and placed under the orders of Inspector Hisaillon at Montreal who was involved in smugglinsr and bootlegging. Mr. Howser tiiSn referred to the scandals in which Hisaillon was involved and charged Hon. Jacques Hureau with connivance therein. The minister, inspectors and even the civil service commissioners weri recipients of pesents of liquor. In connection with the smug gling of priso.i made eoods from Inited stales into Canada, Mr Howser -stated that three firms alone l.ad bought 8250,000 worth of such goods !n a year al the expense of Canadian fac tories which were compelled io close down. Life In Senate The minister who had been charged with Jereliction of duty. Mr. jJow-.er said, had been sen tenced to life in the Senate at a salary of $1,000 per year. That Mas the way Mackenzie King went about, cleaning out tho Senate which, he had talked so much about. In order to be able to look their constituents in the face. Mr. How ser declared that the Progressives lwd been compelled to withdraw from the support of the Liberals, so vile were the disclosures in the private reports of the cus- f 0m-i.r.iant the foiiow-i wms (commitlee to which the ONE FORD CAR All r which iisll c,rr,-r for le it Tublir. Auction for ninli on Wednesday. Hi Isl rtj or Seiiti-iulwr. Hit. t J.JO u'rkH'k In the flvmuiin. it thv nrn rr Joterli Ilrowti. njiKmlte U. c. I'Dderukrrs, 11 AT ID it I'liiiip ItuiH-rl Anr. il. 1I6. 8. A. MIAKUSON. !5 Sticrrirr of the Count); ui i -mice ituperi. TIMBER SALE X8109. Tlwrc wilt te offered for ! it I'uhllc Auniott, ii noon on the (3rd day or Auit 10 lii learn will be allowed fur re. ttwval f Utnber. Provided Jiial any one unable to attend the. aurtluii Jn feman may aubinlt a. aealed tender tu he vpeued at Hie hour of auction and ireatrd as n bid. Fnrtlier partlailarsfof the Chief J'orev ter. V'lrtorlar 8. C, or PIMrlrt Foreter. rrln(e Kuinri, D. C. members had access but which J was. Mr. Howser then plunged into, the whole question of the cus-j loms probe tracing events lead-; itlt. lit, t i Ilia Inviiadivo I tjiti r.nml the time complaints had been made by tl.3 Merchants Protective Association as to smuggling Until IliP l-pnnrl nt llin nirlin. were not published. And the Li-1 berals now came back and asked for support after being guilty of vileness o disgusting that even the Progressive and Labor members could no longe support the government. Mr. Howser appealed lo Ihe women by slatlmg that it was his hope that tl'ey would tend liy . their -votes to elevate public life by refusing to countenance immorality or wrong do ing. Mr. fc?lork knew what wn in uk, ur. iio, in in jne in: omte unite ul or me lur uisinci uiiinci' . ... roretr, 1'rime nuiert. a. the Ucem-e. those c., ' private reports. Mr Howser XS10V. to rut S.mJtf.oOo ft or Spruce." , . . '.'"vvstr . , , , , , ItIiilr-lr .... .... Sallt. Till 1lf UlUlll.lil liHl-n fit miA A'Am .n Lif.i.fH .n 14 Ti ti ti M " . - n . , . ... . .1 niu.u VW ' ... . u ..... . i . . . v I.V, . 1 I ljitfri lnll flilAli rtiu.lnlla l.l.tiH. 1- it. ... " -V.v" . . .n i!Linrv liia nnrt ul 1 1 n ni I u l.ttn ... - - - . - - p. . - - . uin'ui.ji iir. iiilv his confidence and telling them what was Jn those reports, if the contenls of those reports were o unspeakable that they could not be told, then -It was H WEST 27ih AVE-SHAUCHNESSY HEIGHTS. VANCOUVER, B.C. Jin Jnglkan, alJatlial and Day School for QirU Provides k thorough education with cartful moral and physical instruction. Fir grade to junior nd senior Matriculation. Art. Music. Physical Education with indoor and outdoor sports. All th Mistresses hoU degrees from ifie best English and Canadian Universities. For prospectus apply to The Mother Superior mentao- committee appointed -by) Ume llial ,he women expressed the government had resulted inUlcir disai),)rovai Uy voting for Speaking of Mackenzie King's request for dissolution, Mr. Howser likened it toJ asking 'Unit the Jury be dismissed before it had rendered its verdict. Mr. King had no right to ask for dissolution or to have it granted. Then when claimed that Mackenzie King.-11- Mcl"en "a" " 10 el knew of ii,p r:.r.lifv .n.i ' vii. Ihe business of the session coin- ness in the customs service-bui Mr. Howser. Old Age Pensions Regarding Ihe Old Aae Pen- Liberals knew- H would be turned i CASH & CARRY GROCERY ?IXTH STREET MONDAY OUR ITALIAN PRUNES Will Arrive Monday Per box $1.00 A limited number for sale. You can buy Fresh Milk and Whipping Cream from us. It stands for reason we can sell for less our business is Cash and Carry. leader spoke of iiic Progressives us outcasts of Parliament and promised If not returned stronger Uum berorc he would resign. For a man in private life to break his word was bad enough but what were they to say of a man who' did it in public? Such a man had I to be watched carefully, lie asked ' if lie thought after the record of , the last ten months the Govern ment Should go back. The voice of the people, ho believed, was ifor clean government. King broke his promise, placed himself in the hands of the Progressive out by tta Senate and sent it up I"y. a party mai sioou lor iree Iradc (applause from the rear for that very purpose. Mr. How- scr pointed out that Liberal mem- seals). Free trade, was not the hers of the Senate from Quebec King policy. Mr. King believed had deliberately absented them-."1 safeguarding wo iihJusines. selves so the bill would be de-j k was really the prime mm-featved. The whole thing, Mr. ter of Canada lor the vast ten Howser charged, was a canvou-j immlhs. The fiscal policy of the Huge as far as the Liberals werej,:,,"'i,rv"v'' wa e of protec-concerned. Mr. Meighen, on the,,io industries by , moderate, other ham!, declared that ho fav- tariff. Were they going to allow ored old age pensions, but he ue chaotic condition, of Ihe plete.l by sending the Liberal wauled a workable act. Mr. Jjr0UI system io continue? me government s own bills up for Meighen had given Ihe underlak- "UI" of .Ihe party system had lloyal Assent, Mr. Mackenzie King ing that he would call a confer- cmu' ai,d ,llc power was to be had blocked this being done by ence of the provinces on this."1' 1,10 iwup'e. moving adjournment. Mr. How- matter and, if no agreement could! P'8" Traps ser nointed to such a narallel in be reached, the federal irovern-l Mr- ,,ra,I" then-took up the the Hrilish Columbia legislature menl would lake care of the mat- maUi'r of fish traps and tlenied when Col. Prior's government had ler itselr. , lbat bf I'0'1 ,,',, 1,ack aMything been dismissed aipf Sir IUchard) Short and lnlerestlnB i"' m,u Kal,! wr Uu'r MeHrtie called upon to lake over Al Ihls point. Mr. Howser re-' 'I a,,l h wanle.l the Daily News the reins of government. II was marked that he had spoken longer lo ,,,i,k' a "Pccial mile of this.1 a case of where Col. Prior had than he had intended. As Am- ,,e v3"1"' that Fre.l, seen his duly, bill. where Macken- bassador Harvey had said,, the s,ork wa 110 I"wr a friend at zie King haiCf'ailed to see his res- ideal -pc,ech was like the ladles' ,"p IroIIen. He went back to ponsibilify. ! skirl just long enoush to cover November 5. 1931, when the Ca-, Then regarding dissolution. Mr.' the subject and Just short enough Mdian Fishing (kimpany made its Howser said that lnsl lis the 191fi lo be interestine. He ( Mr. How- f"1 apldiealioil for traps at narliament had been dissolved sol ser. regrelled that his speech W'iicm Island. On December I of !iad parliament been dissolved in mtgni not have heen short toil. When Sir Wilfrid Latirier'enough. . Ihat licenses would be grante.1 al was premier. A cri-ds arose on. Concluding. Mr. Howser askedt " "'" ,Mttn,, a" iwgiisii a Ihe quesdion of reciprocity while if there was to be another stale- vn",,r as"i ror al Pierre is- Sir Wilfrid I.aurier va In Kiir'mnl In- r.arliamonl r If ll.r '' ns also granted, land. He cabled to Ottawa be- was to I.e a imn. h! unvJ ln -Ma- l,2j ucallons for the tween Friday and Monday and ernmenLthat would be able lo i"p were nwde and construction asked for dissolution which was carry on Ihe country's business. '9"""wl' " J"p i nranted in spite of the fact that As an indication that Mr. Meighen e"!"' tHf Mf 5 0aeh va 'w,lt members had risen on Friday was poing to win. Mr. Htnvser re- I,,r ,vm ,rnv m" m June ,J with the understamlinir lltat Ihe ferred In II.h niinil,.r nt p.iI Hi a,,'r 11 P'"'. Iiliil oeen niade, II House would sit again on Monday. Conservative had gained in the wa derided that the trap license - ..... 'Jiill.l tint 1. am mm,. I m.I "IT dissolution was proper in the 1925 election and Ihe number the "r case of Laurier was it not also Progressives and Liberals had Mr- ,,ra,' t'u'n r,',,, N"" ,wo in the rase of Meiglicn?" asked lost. The Conservathc nartv hail '?ni wincii were recenuy risen from, the position of third " lt' rum pje i . in strenglh to first and it was ,1,e 1a,," -NeWs ,n w,cl' Mr s,Mrk! stiU gaining. The party needed "fr"1 ,,,a, a ihv Pmpany had, sions which it was claimed the only six seals for a majority and wp" promise uie licenses ia!( Tory Senate killed. Mr. Howser. ten for a working majority. The par ,,c wouW 'not opioe their, said Ihatlhe Conservatives In the decreased majorities of the Lib- bf,nt 'or that year onlyj House knew the bill as constituted erals in Quebec Indicated that the a4 Ion a Uie nitany was notl-j could not be effective, but they pendulum was swinging even In fied that from that lime on there, had allowed it In tins n lh:il It that nrnvinee Inuar.l (he I'jinwr. Would be no traps. eouJd not be said they opposed valives. Mf- 1,,'r a'l '.at Fre.l old age pensions. The provinces! Looking to Melghen tork. when asking for the vole( were called upon to share in tho Canada jn 1923. Mr. Howser 01 " HI),P a" ,,Pn,,H n,7" payment of the pensions without; said, showed that it did not want ,r"-r Ul u,c ' '" havlne twen en,n1le.i as the '. Mackenzie Kiita anr lonser. IIU Ctme! ansl it liatt bon dons? writli- r-oirservalives fell they should be.' unsportsmanlike conduct and the ,ul ''Is consent or the ronenl of: Quebec, where the church lookicustoms revelations had not im-!" "istrr?.. m ian nr of its his since then.'DM,n w empua- e ami nan sam fidre ior and aged, would proved position not consent to it and the allor-'The. ireople were looking toward" r ney general of Hrilish Columbia on two occasions had written that this province did not concur with Ihe province contributing: a share. Mr. Howser charged that the bill Meighen in their desire for lej!.w,,fw,M mter: ,,e claimed that constitutional discussion ami more prosperity. Stability in the tariff was needed and more population, as the great Dominion was had only been introduced to paci-rich in great resources given her fy J. S. Woodsworth, the Winnl-'by nature. peg Labor member, and that the! "Above all,"- Mr. Howser con eluded, "there is needed a government wllh a working majority ami. if the people of Prince llu- pert do their share toward that Stork was plivirw u double nine to either side. Owing ti the ehangn of government he had Wen able lo gel the telegrams from the files at Ottawa. It was time they called a halt and part polities was buried. Mr. Hrady then excused the act of the Meighen Oovemmenl in granting the license by slat in j (hat he did not know Ihe rondi- end. they will support Hrady andj10"-, A n as the matter had send him to Ottawa like all the!,H-" u'r" ' 'l ",c other constituencies which are helping to elect Meighen and bring prosperity lo Canada In the next ten years." Brady Speaks Mr. Hrady, who Is evidently beginning to feel the strain or the campaign, asked his audience to distinguish between the sham and the real m this campaign. When petty polities blinded people those who stood between in such mailer were not the ones who sought the well -being of the country. He believed in Ihe old motto: "Trust censes had been cancelled. lie was not speaking half truth, hul dealing with farts. Mr. Hrady closed by saylns he would answer Ihe queslinnairre of the Labor Parly and the Native Sons and when he did so he believed both would be satisfied. He hail no axe to riud. He was out to work for the people and not for himself. NOTICE SI. Ilegis Cafe for sale as a going concern. Offers will bo the peop,e." What he wanted j(.r Void. thai dale assets will be rxesn nauan i-runes, lug poxes na wneuter me a.ioerai par- A ,0(. opportunity Wif exneri $1.25 'X was jutiryinff itself. I hal Vnc..,l restauranteur Apply I. Crab Apples, for jelly, per lb. 5c was the issue for all. Were tho; av Fuller, Custodian 10 Highest quality Preserving Pea-' people satisfied that Mackenzie . : r dies, per crate S1.55,lvtng and the Liberals were doing Cooking Apples, cood slock, lb. 5ci ,,,''r best and had done their QROCEHY PRICES Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, per tin 15o 3 tins Helmonle Itipe Olives 50c I'mpress Strawberry Jam, I lb. tin 75c Alymer Strawberry Jam, 4 lb. tin 70c Rogers Syruji, 2 Ib. thi ..... 20o ftogers Syrup, 5 lb. tin . ...,45o Oranulaled Sugar, 5 lbs. for 35o Sunkist Oranges," zjQ 'fe-ular 50c value, ijloz'. for , . 75o Don't overlook our Pickie prfces. Wonder ful value, 3 hot. for $1.25 Creamery Hutter, bricks .... 40o Fresh Fggs. 3 doz. for .... $1.00 Seedless Maislns, per lb, ... 15o sterling Calsuji. a few bottles left at 3 for , , S0o Fruit and Vegetables at Lowest Princes. best for the jeople of Cnnadnf Mr. Hrady then showed a reat interest in the 'Daily News and from time to time referred to 'hat paper and its editor. He said her A M A ni A M crnriir ,- how how luipo impos- r41"!!: CIWIVC warned him lo show sible it would be for the Liberals to go back, Heferrtna lo the cusloms scan- daJ, "Mr. Hrady quoted from Mac kenzie htns,'. He urged that those who were Independent voters 'and not party ollOwc'M should place In power a government best ublc to give -clean, administration. He claimed that King failed as a statesman, legislator and leader. At the last 'election everything was in favor (Of Mackenzie King, but he had lost ground. Now when evei-yihlntf was against hlni he was bound lo lose out more. In the lust campaign the Liberal FROM MONTRflL TO PLYKOUTH-CMlRBOUSa-lONDON. Ausonla seiil. 3 Uiiiiii k-i in' 1 TO LIVCRROOL I Aiiraiila seti. i. urt v ,s TO BELFAST AND OlASOOW Atheiila sepl. S I rlllm . ,tt V' l FROm MtW VOR TO QUIENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL S'lnarla .. sept. 4 carmthia . spt. i TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON Vaiireunla senl, Sept t. Oft. to Aituitanla Sept, Oct x,iv 17 Hen-iig-arla it. ilrt. . W 1 TO LONDONDERRY AND OLASOOW California . . seni. 4 1 ainerimia sent 1 1 RLVMOUTH-HAVRE.LONDON THenla .. Sept. It canmia s,.,,, TO PLVMOUTH-CHCRBOURO-HAMBURQ Andanla sent, t, nri, 7 " t FROM BOSTON TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Call ihU .'V. .. '-"ma .. Sept. It at Plymouth. KaMnnimrt. Money order, rirafla and travellera' rheqnes at lowent ritea. fun Infnrinatlon frr,m InealArent. or itmnf-anrl Off? ! s". $Vis.1, W" Vlnew"w' W Saturday Augur' g Your Eyes Hold No Secrets txpm our methods of Examination for Defects Annllrfltlori of Scientific nrlnnlnl,.. u.:n. .L strumenti perfected "fop their use by men who have lifelong $tudy of the needs of Optometry Is what 1X uch perfect reiulU for your eyes when you vui ",l . tlcal parlor. 0ur P- If In doubt concerning your glasses consult 1 win. Wllh optician. We mako no charge for advice and do not urn to accept It, but we cordially invite you to m,v. ,0" want known to ill. ' lur Max Heilbroner 527-529 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Saturday, 7 and 9 Saturday Matinee 3 p.m. "Ypres" WIPKHS The story of the immortal salient. Prod i . passed ami itpproved Iy II. M. Arm timni dons motion pirlure ievat for Ihe first i ret-onl of Ihe Canadian tmliiigtMil at Ihe t Wtirhl War. An epic in C-mada's liislor -i ? soiim ham) their breasts lo the pttemy Im , tlepirting feats of rtillerlive and iiitlivxl . & will live fur ?vr in the minds of nil opli . , ed ilowii Ihe higways of Frame with a ami u prayer in their hearts, and the Will lie indelibly inscribed n the rft-ndl ! t (iholnvclL Hill 00, Mtfsiues llidge. Pais. Is. lo 'conjure with; HS Majesly'n viil lo fariMius Glulh Hall atid many Mttte m i shown faithfully to the miiiulet detail person In the liomitnon hoiihl set'. :0: Scenes along the Skeena River, ehowlng vleie(tk Canadian National Railway, Htzelton, Nesr Hazelton, Kltwanga, Etc Comedyj "PLAIN CLOTHES" PATHE flEVIEW The 11KXALL STOIlti 3rd Avenue and Gth Street 75c w! French : Ivory at Cost In order lo make room for new goods we our entire slock of Frciuh Ivory at cos H dow for bargains. Frames Mlrrorm Clocks ' Jewel Boies Trays Puff Boies Powder Boies Hair Receivers Perfume Bottle Button Hook Shoe Horns Manicure Pieces Vases Calendars Cream Jars Napkin Rings Ormes Ltd. IHilVL'L'll lilll jld.s'-1 Dhnnm 82 and S Hiohnsyatviafkri o Xlintl 1 wiici men Duupp: FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTINQ AND TROLLING OEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, QROCER Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cufiningham& Co. Ltd. 8econd Avenue and McBrlde St.