.IrJ Tills DAILrJWa TJiui-wim, March 18. hi.-, 3T FINE CONCERT instead of a hast u ! LAST EVENING St. Patrick's Day Observed With ' t;i!t; meal iZF-i 1 ; Entertainment Under tlon of Charles P. Take a cup BOVRIL NOURISHING AND SUSTAINING The Daily News PK1NCE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITION and tired feel-ines, FATIGUE as well as pains and aches are the result of the accumulation of poisons in the system. The liver action is torpid, the overworked kidneys have broken down, the bowels are sluggish- -consequently you are sullering. E Thursday, March IS. HJ26. Good Thing To Have Another Mill Here. 1 The Big Bay Lumber Co. proposes to build a mill on the site ol the recently humeri Prince Rupert Spruce .Mills, provide they get proper consideration from the cily. A deal for tiie site and timber limits has been arranged, subject io confirmation and the probability i that-Prince Rupert will treat the' company well and that very soon the work of construction will commence. 11 is. something devoytly to be desired. While the prfipoed new mill is not as large as the one recently burned U" would be much better tn have a smaller mill working regularly than a large one operated only intermittently. The (icorgelown mill has a good record for operation and if the owners ran' dnns well-here, it will be worth a lot to the city. II. R. McMillan, who is associated witli George McAfee in the iroiioal -to build-here, is an exporter and is in a no-ilion Ui find a market for the mill prod net. He is an all roiuul timber man and Mr. McAfee is an all round lumber man so the conibin ation is a good one. : Dunning Went In, By Acclamation. Hon. Charles Dunning wa elected by aeclamalion in Re- gma and he js now establi-hed as minister of 'railways and eanal without anyvdmibl. This is one more step toward making the Mackenzie Kiug (loveriiniehl stSlileand-.n)ore or less permanent. One ifiore minister is ly lie elected in 'Ontario and then the pro- Dummy is iiif.wiiiK oi ginerumeiii wju go on anoui as usual except (hat attacks on Hie cabinet will. be more virulent and the watchfulness of the opposition premier than usual. That may not be a bad thing, although it will entail .a lot of work for the ministers and members of parliament. We hope Mr. Dunning wilr fijid ah apnortiinity to visit Prince Rupert after the session, so that we 'may see whal sorl of a person it is who can makeor mar us. 4 I Expected Boom . . Portland Canal. A Spokane jiaper says there will be a mining boom -in Ibe Portland Canal district this year. He may lie right and if he i it will not hurt us. The mimjs (here arecerlainly doing well and if the forecasts of Hie mining men are correct and four shipping mines are established this year we shall be likely lo hear belter Ihings for Stewart and the district which surrounds it. II is only a few years ago. whejiSlewart wa deserted and the few houses there were empty.- Now the place is daily be coming more prosperous. There, has been a gradual develop- mem anu inai is wiint the people there want, have Hie goods and they want In be given a They know they chance to rieiver them. Small Activities Make Neighborhood. AVItJi'iiut prelending Io e'enff at the big thing or at the big prospects ahead, we must remember it Is the-small activities that make a district. Yesterday we tolrl of a new saw mill about to start cutting lumber, al Onna River; It is beginning in n small way hutthe men who are operating il are enthusiastic and ha hi working aitd will probably succeed: Every such small .-industry means nint h to Prime Rm.eH. We want more of them. Drive Out the Poisons and you Conquer Fatigue Mlsi Katie Wilcox, No. 3, Wiarton, Ont. writes: "My stomach troubled me and I had frequent headache I felt tired all the time and could hardly do my work. I was in this condition for a year. Then I was told about Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver pills, took several boxes of them and they did me a wonderful lot of good." Rid the poisons from the system by using Dr. Chase's kidney-Liver Pills and you conquer thesa discomforts. Digestive troubles disappear when these vital organs are aroused to action. Headaches and biliousness are overcome. You feel well and nappy. Dr.ChasesKidneyLiverPms 35 eta. a box, all dealers or The Dr, A, Chase Medicine Co, Limited Toronto 2, Canada ' Dlrec-. I Balagno The uninial St. Patrick's Day iitmeer! lie hi last itijrjtl in lit West holme Theatre under Hie direction of Charles 1. Halagno ( Was fully appreciated by a larpe audicni-e. Tli lire were majjy' splc.ml.it Mnvil, instrumental and !rpMclmrau numliers and .prb-b.ihly the most pleasing feature' of !hi' entertainment was the arrangement of Hie program in such a manner that youUiful.per- irormcrs coniritiuieit almost en-jtirely to the firsf ertinn. tNuin- bers by boys and pirls. though they may lint 'always be of such n finished character a those presented by adult arljsls are al ways appreciated. Boys and Girls The opening number was a selection "ouihJs J mm Ireland' by Hie Wesiholme- Oivhes Ira af ter which there were Kvo clmral items, "U Canada and "A Little Mil of Heaven" by Hi- girl of the Annunciation . Church Junior. Choir with Mr. Halagno acting a conductor. Thts was foIloUel by a dumb-bell drill nut on by a group of ten boy. Miss Limtea Hanson mado, her initial ap pearance on Hie :0ncrt statse singing "Litlbj Town in, 0M. bounty IKiwu,'4 gtvifvf.a pleasing hillaby song as" as ettfiiMv-Aetioa songs 'There s No! bin? Too Good for the I si h," and -Tit Seventeenth, of Mareh,. $L Pat-rick's Day," by a lirmip of lea boys costumed in Irish' garb proved tuneful anil amusing. Little Mis ttlizabetb McLeod. in a very preiiy eo-iume, pave as aJ wcal solo. "Irelan Must He) Heavrui." and ller danetng of the Irish Jig proveil to be ojie of Hie ntost pleading hits of the program. The little girl was gien must enthusiastic applause and her -dancing whs indent well performed. An action sopg and dance "f! rand ma Told Mb AU About R'Miy a gronp f len girl was lit very prUy number, the early' Victorfah age costumes presenting dainty pieture Ijj .aeeu. .ii rs. J. j.-,itukloon sang Killarucy" In her usual good vnic anil was given an encore The rlosfnir tiumher of the firt voeal solos fiy Miss Atlne Ad-aat who apjafed Io good ad vantage and eliciteil muefa ap- plause. Miss Ailvant ha a very peasiiijr voice ind manaef. Her sohss were .iiacuma ' ami Maria," William Halagno asit-irvg with a violin oblfgato for th" latlef.' Adult. Section . The second part of . the pro gram opened with choral itoni- hers "Ireland. I Love Yoti" and Ttie'Minslrel Hoy" by tbe Junior Choir of Anpunciation Church in full strength. Miss Catherine, Jones was niueli appreciate! in her vocal solos, "Come Hank to Hrin" and "When Irish Eyes' are 'mijing," ami Mrs. F. I. Kenny Kav'e piano solos in her usual' finished mauner. J, SjitMMirin farig "I'll Take You Home Aaluj' Kathleen," and responded ,to ffn encore with "Mother Maeliree.' The 4Ierry Widow Waltz, givett as an exhibition dance by Mis, Laura and Howard Frizzell. was well iexeruled and received wijh pleasure by tbe audience. Mrs.; J. H. MrLeod satig sweelly, "The Kerry. Dance," and responded to: an enrore with "My WiW Irish Hose." Miss Adene Ailvant ap-peared again -wttlj the solo -Jiv Hie Waters of MInnetonka." and. in an encore, . Introduced some pleasing coloratura effects. The etnsin number of Hie program was an effectixe recitation by) Itev. Dr. Charles J. Ciroeron of, the speech "Irish Aliens and English Victories" which was de-j livered in th' HriljVfj House of Cornmnits .following tin Hattre of Waterloo by the young Irish pa triot and orator, Hfchard Lalor Hliiel, and which has come to he rcganled as xitip of Uie most brilliant hursts'nf oratnr, in the English language. Miss Hlanche Curtin asiswl as piano accompanist for some of the numbers on the program. Leo r.ouloli directed the hoys' drill and tin young performers, both boys and jrirl. were coached by the Sisters of 81. Josephs. TELEPATHY. "f can understand how" Ihev find new planets, but J ran t underhand iiow they gel to know the i- names'" sl. V THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: "IVK us this day our dally bread and a liltle Jam a"nd. now aad Uien a beefsloak," prayoil the modern yomitr person when laying his morning .patulous before thii Almighty. VK do not mind a mining boom at Htewar! hh Jong as there is pomeHiing mini.' than rioio Hi ere. fV)'K your old mati," declared the father when (lie son remarked Hint he was -toney broke. TIMES may lie good' I his year, but still people wj te fonlisb enough to make love in the spring and gH married in June just alioul as 1 1 1 1 a I . Lhe U rdriddd mklLVUm)' 'I'.M stuffs liis holey socks into II. w billoiu drawer of the hope chest ami then goes out and iMlppiis ' liie wedding. ! WILLIH KVHUh sayshe w1s.h. ins Aioiiiarn was siiiau enouru ,m be could fill It at a parly without the older people saying lie had manners. NOW that the Seventeenth has been duly celebrated, lei us jtet baek Io business once more. IT was several year ago-when some wise" nersfhr remarked th.it ta sucker w-a born every nijnule. Hirths are more freipient now. THIS is the season of the yenr when girls become love sii-k ami boys become girl sick and Hirts are made. Docs marriage interfere with ia career' asks a foolish lailv A BAtllfcXOH . a man wlu jjournalut. No, Hannah, lis the I'i rljinmai ie thai bother. A medium-sized, medium-priced instrument -embodying the new Orthophonic Victor principle t which is astonishing the entire world With the birth of the Orthophonic Victor, began a new era in home music. Music that is "such stuff as dreams are made of'. dreams now come intensely true. The realization of such dreams, we felt, should not come only to those who could afford the Crederua Model, the first and finest of the Orthophonic Victors. So we made the Granada, a less expensive Orthophonic Victor containing the remarkable acoustic principle without which no music lover should now be content. The new - i ,! i !':, ? tt-.H1 ,i W ' Victor Talking Machine Company Orthom "True inM Sound The Granada is in the popular console des'en. of Spanish derivation, -the rich w ood finuhed either in two-tone mahogany or in walnut blended. 1 1 is large enough to be impressive. et conservative in its space requirements. Like the Crtdcnra It is astonishinr all who go to hear it, giving a foretaste of the new delights in music winch are now possible at home. The price is S2U0. Ask to hear the Grenada at any "His Matter's Voice" Dealer. Production is still behind lie-msnd. If your dealer can not supply you now, there is only one way to be sure of getting an Orthcphonic Victor won. Reserve it. onic Victor and ttfier tffectJ LITTLH girly flirting gaily L'sintr, -our bewltehiiig eye,. .Now you turn them on another Kaaer for a fine male prixe. Hack in Kdn Adam flir(c(i Win, our earliest mother live. HoMi were punished nlsbehavln And from Kden had to leavix l'LKAS arc ill-mannered creal-pres. 'ihe- do not wail Io he umleil liul Just move in. A THOUQHTFUL BANDIT Jones. relnpniiTt. iiiinm i..i , .-.....r iimiiii: luin iii,j( III tilt. Wna lllf nn II. I..... I I... - I . .... IIT-IIIJ H '"mi', men relieved or Ills wulcli am chain ami nil hi, money. As he got nn iiif t hack one of his own dollar notes. oere s one rnr you," he said. I "My pal's down Hie road, and if h meets you and you ain't gof! any money he might hurt you. i of. Canada, Llmlicd .'In ' I roan F. Nolle f kppUtH0m tor Ctrllfl Imprsttmttilf "ItKC Mlnrl Clllm Sitmlr in lhe Ptiinf Hurl J tmuiiHi i.r tli skiut lii.ul't. W'i kH-iiMt: Nr tlw brad i.f nrunKa Uia, Unrnl tMiiiirri smo Halm. ML Imr i,r iM.ldrr n I re MltHir'a . '-'' " ssojr.. Ti: MITICK taal I, swan Haltn. f Mlnrr a irlihilr .u. luli . '' '?: IIm rnil if nur tiaja fn.in tt "' hrmif. In ailjr In Ibr MHHnr H tut a irtiriralr nf liriiririlwiti ' ' 'J nir)H.r .r i.hlalnint a rri 0,,,nJ,,,i llir almir rjaliu, furilirr takr J""J llial arlliHi. umlrf mkIIiki ' J "J "Mineral Arl." mul ir eiiinirn fore llir lumianrf of mrh rtifir,' iiiiir.it ruiriiia, iiaird ihla flrt Uy of n-bmarji, " N O T I O C. IX Tlir. VvrTMi iTan aH'l"-!'"" ''5 llir Iwur ol a lmllMial Crrllflial' i lltu rr l.i ibirty fivs ii . . twriilr.W4i (!. Srrllnn l , or I'riiirr iiiiiwh. tn tlir rmiire nr Irb loMimliK. (Map tr.lt. . , ,i Sill.farliTr ITimf f 0 ! Rurtirirair uf Tlllr ruvrrinir 11 ' laml liavlnv brrn irHliirrit I" ! ' ' niv InloiiOnii. tit. . arr llir ril r? Hint r mm iminlh rn.m Ihr fiet r"n,f aOiiii lirr.M,r. a pnilinlil Certiriraie Tltlr In ilio aUitr laml In lb", IMiTrll F.OIITOS, llir nriUHal C'rii" rats .f Title l lUlril lli :ili bor, IHtT. anit l liumlwirrd T4I. rt. land ll.-al.iry Offiiw, rrlnrs' BnPrn' H.C . Manh Sill, lf. II. r MarLCOrv, ,rtrj , R.jwirr of Hi'"-