MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP-PINQ CREAM We specially recommend our Talife 'Ircam at 15c for Half Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 57 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phons 64. I'.srtage, Waiehoustnn, nd Distributing. Team or Motor Service.. Coal. Band and Gravel W SpecUtli In Piano aetf Furnltuea Kovlna, Thero is one main aclvnn Inge in you over getting il away from home. If I lie walcli doesn't romp tip lo your expectations, why, you always know where In come In have il made right or exchanged. Our eninRiiilrc is binding: ii means wiini il says. Watrtf prices are low here as elsewhere far equal value. Jofin Bulger Lid. Jewellers SPECIAL MEN'S SILK AND WOOL HOSE Regular values 1 .25 ami -M.SO for 95c ACME 'Importers Third Avenue Sausages! Pure J'ork Sausage, per lb. 30c Hecf ami I'ork Sausage, per lb 25c Tomato Sausage, per lb. 25c Fresh Home-made Head Cheese, per lb 25c Heef Dripping, per lb.. . 10c Sealy 5 Doodson Sixth Street Phone 455. We deliver Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 0, X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Saturdays 9 to 12 nocn McManus I LsHLH PAGE FOUR Tiiir,.V. ! BRINGING UP FATHER By George When sELU-IT3 al O'CLOCK V j J. rA.THE.S5 -FOPt- UBHUj 9$ MACUVE ) i DOrs'T HR you buy LONC-VAUK-' c n rfUs?' DONTT-MAoKC t0' Of C tOME. V-y MET. x . a watch from FIGHTING ORDER WORLD COURT, Political Battle Being Waged to Decide If Peace Shall be Supported' WASHINGTON1. Mar.h IT. The fight out the entry, wii. certain reser.alions, of t.hel rniled Slates iirto I lie world ourt bus already slanted m I lie Middle West where opponents or he court are mil to defeat sena- ors seeking re-election at this year's congressional elect iors who voted in favor of United! Stales adherence to Hie court ir. ' Hie senate. Harely recovered from the turmoil ,of the special senatorial election of lat Fall, Wisconsin is wheeling out its well-oiled iiolitical machinery preparatory to another four months of campaigning. Senator Itorah, Re publican, f Idaho, the leailer of. Hie 'irreewneHble.i" i Hie world1 court plan, was one of the fir! in the fi if III in this stale, and intend making another attack on the court when he visits Wis consin in April. Senator James A. Heed, Democrat, of Missouri, has also been on the" hustings Urging defeat' of Iho&c vtio votd in favor of the world court, especially Senator William AV. Mr-Kinley. Republican, of lllinoir who is seeking rennminalion enator McKinley's opponent foi the nomination is Col. J'ranfc I., Smith. Senator George Wharton Pep-4 per, of Pennsylvania, and Her bert Hoover, secretary of com merce, are going to reply lo attacks made on Hie world court by Senalm Itorah and Heed, and incidentally lo aid Senator Mc-Kinlcy in his fight for Administration Leader The terms of Senator Lenrool, Republican, or Wisconsin, aiw Senator McKiuley wjll expire next yeir and to succeed themselves ihey must he candidates al this years primaries, ir xuccessftil then they must run at the rw- ar elections. Senator I.enro.' was the administration leader of the world court fight. The situation in Wisconsin in the view, of political observers does not favor Lenrool. The. coming addresses of Pon- dtor" Horalr, Ir, lie aimed ternationat policies and the home policies of Senator Lenrool. Then for four months Wisconsin vvtll disport itself in a factional parly scrap, the La Folletle and con trolling wing of the Republican parly opposing Hie administration branch. Big Three Arrayed against Hie primary candidacy of Mr. Lenrool will be Her Heart Palpitated She Had Fainting Spells Mr. 3. Wili03( Port George, N.S, writei: "I Buffered from paipiUtion of the heart and faintinj spells, and, at timea, I could not be left alone I wki o eervoua. ily trouble wai caused from prer-work and worry, harioc been left alone with a large family. I had tried everrthioe, without any relief, but I know, o-day, that I j would liave been a nervous wreck but for your wonderful These Pills are for tale it all dress fists and dealers; put up only by The T. MUburn Co., LlmlUd, TuroaU, Pat ,,'TIB,ll"T"l1 ristie wild with Mrs. Mrs. Massie Massie n- n- I T - r . " " ' ' ' " mm sHHIIIH Bsiiiiiiiiim. mmm. ue in liiimM iiome nnnttiin cooking deparlmei't lma rt tit a at I I II Md In Vncoutr, B.C. Davdorad mt WorVT. FtnmM Sciorrtlfic iMtitui. WW not Flc kills m furs, moths ml SaiajcsjurR H Your Grocer or Druggist the "Ilig Three." The Wisronxin pligaiv-liy consists of Senator La Folletle. or "Young Jtoh." -4iover- nor John J. Btaine and Herma:i Lt Kkern, attorney general of Hie state. Hie l.n Kolletto'' forces have held a grudge axmnst Sen ator Lenrool for mure than :i deeade. He was once counted li the cliier or the La Folletle 'rite. Wiseonsirt Soeialists, vh. llave a eourMtng Tiding slrenerlh. will manage a always lo foiri'i into the fight. The voting power nT the Male IieHtorralie JMtrti lias ajipniaeneo zero Kiln I. Governor lllaine is the likely mid probatile enndklate U nppoe MMiator I-iirfwit. The "JHg Three" hae jalclied iij. then internal diderences. I-or arlim' a split was probably. Las! fall Yfung Jlob" liy virtue of bcin:. lie son of his father, rJie late Senator La Folletle, was elieletl' United States Senator. Gover nor Maine wanted Hi post bn.' ilee.tded to wait until I9A to lead the fight against Senator Ler-rnot. And Attorney General Ekern, a' veteran of many a political "battle, will In Hie randidati for Governor. ST. PATRICK'S DAY CELEBRATED WITH DME LAST NIGHT it is accepted, wild om' 15 eounlea attended. M at the national and in-T,,iinr' W1,M rt-'W inune Hoslnji trail hy the S-ns of Ireland lo eelebrale SI. Patrick's Day. .Music was ftirnisheil b Arrliurs oreheslra with Mi Irene Morrison relieving at lln-Hiano during Hie- HUpjier hour. Pal Doherly was master of cerr-monies und V. D, YaiHte and James Parks presided at the door. The nniiiirtii-e in charge consisted of JoeE Campbell, rtiuirinam Meucer, James A'i pleasant and profitable afternoon was spent hy many at a tea and mile of home eookinz arranged by the Presbyterian Church 4adie aid yesterday in honor of St. Patrick. The hall was dirnrated with very dainty smalPpolH of shamrock wrapped! willu Irish streen Mrs. D. G. Stewart, who had charge of Hie event, was assisted by Mrs. Vance. 'Mrs. s. K. Campbell, Mrs. McLaughlin, Mrs. asiui rtio well laden urole ol ivas m eh a dtp or Mrs. Wilso:; Mrrv.iy witii Mrs. .1. ii. St ecu as- S'SI I'lg. BAPTIST LADIES HOLD ST. PATRICK'S DAY TEA AND' SALE OF COOKING ! "s w III' i ii 'id sale s lieid ye.-! i Indie ol i niri'ii ill tliei'- j. -iiin f MiMiti: : T ii' whole affaii' 1 Mrs Lark i n, ,n i ri.-r of lailii ! home i'Hik-nla alteriuNiii the lUpJist .iiI'M-s and thtt wa netted, was in rhanie a-shtte.l by a all of tvhnilt . rt! 1 1 1 1 . n t ! to making the event a -v - ss. 'Jlie di '"l alioiiH were -V iji-eity daffotliU and sham-and Irish emldeinn In-ill ,;si'rt with arliHtn- effect hy tne - ill- nf the chiireh on lite tables. Tin' home conking was in rtiangc id Mrs. J. Iltbbard and Mr. 11. Morgan. The lea rmmt Was presialm over hy Mr. J. S. McDonald aswiskHl hy Mr. Iiuur. Mrs. J. Lindsay and Mrs. Grim-wood. Mrs. J. Tliiirlier was cashier. SPORT CHAT Local basket hall fans have in tre one of I he ran treat of thi season in the Mrie lo In played this week-end between (lie Mil pie Leafs of PHnce llupcr and I he Mine of Anyox for the ladle' baskethall championship of Northern J.:. The visiting pirls will arrive here from' thr north hi the Prince lluperl morrow morning iml gaine witii be played Friday and Saturday eveiHiigs. ItrHiriHiig tmrkli aboani trie Ordena Sunday night. Ihe msiiors will le aieomianiei by theJoil t wiiii for a return eerie' in the smeller town next week; If the H. Andrew's wins- Ion ihlV llil cgue gainen from the Kttlgliis of PyUi- uis, il W1I be in u fair way U capture llie hchim's- honors. In any case, if H t wii, JCie be' runiiers-up. lilks and jMone, ran do will lie to liii iht Seols provided the nl,te Jofet their final game, next.' wk fend th runners-up ilH-inisdics! ,wtiu at remaining gaiuesi: Tlie "ctiariees-l ..... -Ji.!.-.!.... r-.l:') i..; i. I ti me nmnwHi nir-gn M3 ea son's winners are thus better than lwo-to-one. Qtfler game scheduled for tonigtil are Syn of Canada vs. Moose; (Klilfellowf vs. FJks-; Jiyal Dninge Lodjre vs War YHerans Slewart Iimitii fan are early laying their plans lift the season's aetivilie. (I is lite intention to build a new hoard court ..i it... ....!...-.. .....uti.l. ParKs. HPiriielU Thomas Inr-' , iUvn,nt alTair wms m progms- rrom o ao,, tt.,M,.(( ;. ,D ami ri"irr-.niii-niH ("( .,... , . , ... . ..Jt..i served al inidnigli! . The Hoy Hand will iienefil lo flic (-Ti-nt ofl :i5 as a r'suli of Hie all air. TEA. AND SALE OF HOME COOKING YESTERDAY IN is antierpaiiiii' an fncrcasoJ memiiership roll this year, re nejilly elected 1112(1 officers a follows: President, II. D; Roch-rirl; vice-preident, S. G. Lawrence; secretary treasurer. R. T. Gni'.liy; executive, Mrs. II. P. presbherian CHURCHi;;1;r:;,,wM Mrs w Wi Ilia tii Jancowski 1 1 son. PRINCE RUPEfTT TIDES - 4 Thurtday. March 18 High I : IG a.m. 2I.I ft, 10:37 i;m. IK.d " Low I0-.M ajn. 4.1 :'2:17 ji.rn. .H'" FrWay, March. 19 High 1:50 a.m. I&.B f fT:5fj p.m. 1C.9 " IJ. 11:33 a.m. S.4 " ' 2u33 p.m. 8.0 " V anted For Sale' For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c WANTKB WAN'JTD. (ne reliable man ir. every town, merchant preferred, to take orrlerx fr bet custom-made clolbe in Canada. II hi b e h t GfHniHkwin. Rex Tuiloring Co., Ltl., To ronto. 2. t: Ai I LI i. ttmweUMil jrirl for ireueral housework, or sehotd-girl to rare Tor chUdren aler-tKHtns and eeniti. Phone 406. U FOR SALE FOR SALK.- -I2 h.. Kairan)w t cylinder. 4 eyrie, Imslt-iii re-wre aear. Atwater-Kunt jm; lion, mhtult. Priee 6?a.Hl. C b.p. Vivian, I cyiliMer, eyrie reverse ear. Atwater-Kent iirnition. xuaranbwd rebuilt. Priee f 'JUM.ihi. B bp. Palmer, I cytm)er. cyrle, lale model. .Iim' rewrsa jear. u-ed very little, PrirJ tine rSiarnrte out-ioarH motor, rebuilt, 5;Ofl. On Kvinrude in-baard ' moUr, fflt.lin. G b p. Fairbank, J cycle, Sfid.OO. fi b.p. KaHeiilwrir. eyliHilee, 2 eyrie, air larter. direet re. verwible with clutch. PHee .16 fMt cabin rnir, elec-trie liaiit. toilet, romny. cabin and pilot bouse, powered with 15 h.p. liCHvy oil enscine: useiil very little. RverytliiiiK in oot condition. A real snap fo' lisnn.ofi. Pure seiner, 17 by 104, SO h.p. heavy duty Union S ejrlin-der I ryele engine, witii ptirsi seine witieh and turntable. For sale or charter. Fieh carrier. 5 x II, 34-10 Clay cna-ine, eed 7 knot, catweity 9 lo 1 0,(M0 unmpY 1'or charter. Salmon I roller. .10 x A, 7 H h.p. heavy duty engine. IK month old. well built ami equipped. Will lie in Prince Rupert. March Pi iee MSOu. Apply NORTHERN KXCHANGI-. Seeond Avenue. ' i jpHINUIIlLLA ItnbMls fur . wil". geviiriw HW1 petiwreed aloes. Also 4aiHlail young floek from MO.on a pair narowtinx lo ag. Nirt Iioosdale Ilnt-bilry, Queens and Lonsdale. Nnrtli Yiincouver. FOR SALE Gaaboat. 20 feet overall. 5 h.p.. Palmer engine, in good condition; nuitalile for trolling. Priee 800. Phil-pott, Bvllt & Co., Limileil. . tf IIOTHL and General Store for reiit- or for sale. Full part ion-lars on apnlinalion to Jnhnon and LeDuke, owner, Kmlako. nr.. 7. FURNITUE' AND RANGES FAWGETT. Premier ami Ftnlar RatigeM a I war In atoel. Rest-more bed, eontlnuoiis ? ineh posts, rrom ftO.OO up; any finish denired. Dinina rnnm suiles; living room chairs and lounges. A good assortment of patterns Dominion Linoleums from 7ftc per yard. Linoleum rugsv I'JSO patterns, all ires. Wiijker chairs 7.50-up. He.1 linen. , Table linens and towels. A. Mackenzie, Furiii-lure. Phone 77S. LOST. T.OST at Jail Lake on Sunday, red sweater with M in front. ' r- . . . ... t ..... . . DRY WOOD. Split to any length in hlnebs. per load $6.00. . HALT 11HRU1NG. A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove. Phone Itlack art I TO RENT ROOM for Rent in private home. Up-to-date furnishings; water front view. Phone Hlue JfiC. 330 Fourth Avenue Bast. t' FOR RENT. Modern four roomed flat with Monarch range, Clapp Itlook. Weslenhaer Ilros. tf FOR HK.NT. PianHs, player pianos, pbonograplis and sew-In? machines. Waller Music Store. : TOR MF.NT, Tallor-shof; Ivvo bu-MBess room below. 1wm tlvine eoms alwve. Weslen-taer Ilros. t FOR HUNT. Five roomed bou.-. with bath. Seventh Avenu Weal. Phone Jllack 7l. f,n FPRNISHED Housekeeping Room to rent by the day. week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RKNr.- Furnished hoiise-eeping suite. M usual lem Apartments. Phone 18. M FOR RENT. Room with or with out board; near elevator Ptmne Red IS? VOW HKNT. -Four hot water heaUd. & Mallei. room suite. Apply Sraiti ROOM for Rent in private Imme. Mar dry lok. Phone lied Sit, f.C IODERN FLAT for Rent. Apply Mai Heilbnuier f PALMER HOI'SF.. suites for rent. AUCTIONEER, Furniaheit If BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD AND ROOM. 425 Thir.1 Avenue. Phone Red .1.1(1. HOARIi The Second Avenue PIGEONS Inlander. 830 li,nn Ii? RACING Homers, hred rrom some or the liet bliMid in the world Plrainn. Giltn, Darker. Itei Ami; also Canieaux Pygmy Pouters, Tumbler and Squab Hreclerii. Block bird and Iraineil birds. From 5.00 to 1 5.00 per pair. Jack flanks, 1153 Hastings Street, East, Vanoouver, ll.C. PRIVATE SALE. Cash or terms. For immediate sale, the furnishing of his rive room suite have been placed In my hands hy J. C. Anderson, Summit Apartments. G. F. Urine. gfiP Second K'reel-. Phone 771. TRAPPERSl I NEED 10.000 MINK SKINB. lle.d prices paid. Ren me befdro you sell your fura. ir ils. rur I'li buy I hem, W. GOLDBLOOM, Second Ave. The HoneKl Fur Man. GOOD' EATS CAFE, Third Avenue Opposite Hemon's Studio. I inner pieaie return lo Mis' nip .MLALS. (iOOD CAKIX pel.- Tn-niavne. f.oi Cnrree or Ten Served. ,U:AI- ,,0MB COOKKIV MEALS Advertise Ariveeii.. m in ih- the Daily u i Newe. w I Mre ingcr, Proprietress. Article Lost und Founr'.&c AUTOMOBILES j See the Nsw Improved 4,-1 CHEVROLET5 loiiniir. prtee K. i I: Rupert RoaiMoe, priee, h u i; IUueH fK - Coup, nriee Ff.t i- Hfi Foaeh. price F h H. p. pfrt .. t, fadan. prire F.B. I' perl Ijufdati Sedan, pru-. Prinee MowH f Commercial i'.luiiis. .. Prinee RujHtfl s I -I tan Cbals. .i . Prinee Rupart f : Call In and gel parin n ... Q.M.A.C. Easy Payment Plan. A few bargain In Si-Cars KAIEN OARAQE Dealer in all Gen- " Product- I'diti;. M lltl, llu.lnnil. Ilti'j,n, Iiac and i ln roi.'' WRLllKINi. Si (I V'li V NI'.HT NEW It K l I V -I PHH'.ES A l M W I .VKW TIMF IMMI Ih-luered pricr .il I' Jelf trir and lv. HMIiho . I ouring liUe SK 'I Udor Sedan Forilor Sedan ... IfiOounereial Cliu.-te 5 truck Cbai' Guaranteed Uaed Cart al SfMtMNUy low i IIKMONSTRATIiiXS "ii m lemMtno at ai y ' 8. E. PARKER, LTD. tlO 8emd m TAXI Phone 67 Tail (Call George. Paul " Six- and eeven-paisen' h bakers ol yur dlsposa for BOc Service ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block .cross Irom Kmpr- - DANCINQ. MRS. II. ii. GREW - i' Carnival Dancing and Song WEsTllnl.MF. Till M tll V Mrs. .1. A llminii ' duce a nuoil al ibi- HllV office ilpeilN ) lll M PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE' Back to the old stand. :: Third Vs ' All Hie taie-' SHEET Mt SH Columbia New Process RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. ROTH WELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Haggage and Express S-lnndiLitlle' New Rlatirt, Plio"' .1S2. Res. Pbntie Orec FURNITURE. ?6. New and Recondlmnd F;1'"" lure Rlore. We hay. a"'' 11 chnnge New and Si'--otidli',a Goods. GEO, PAPADOPULOS 83P' Third Ave. Ph ,nr - CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 1 77 Baggage, Furniture you want anything sent fr or delivered, phone us. P.O. Box ABA.